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AUCTIONS. ] BL MATSON AND CO. j YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUE SUCCESS. _ JEEEE Service is ali one baa f* •ell, it» * quality roust be enporior if tha patron ft siness is to be retained. That is our posiiion. We must rely on live stocK shippers for oar living—not alone on initial business but on continuous patronage. Publicity draws trade bui perfo-rmanco holds it. To this end we maintain a highgrade organisation, competency of help, efficiency and experience o£ salesmen, accuracy of accountancy, promptness of reWe solicit vour business. H. MATSON and CO. HOKSJ BALES. TATTEBSALL'S. TATTEBSALL'S. TATTEBSALL'S. TATTEBSALL'S. OWING to the frantic bulldog rush by Returned Soldiers and Boom Maniacs to acquire all classes of horses, aided by extensive credit, the farming community and dealers took advantage of the _ enormous urices offering in their own particular districts, vriib a result tha* hitherto almost .inlieard of HOUSE SALES sprang up in the night. ALAS! The crash came too suddenly, buying power departed from th« ringside like a flash. As before the Wrj, these saTes hare sunk into almost oblivion, aeverthelese, dealers still wait there in vain to catch the unwary, and farmers mindful of .-uccessful sales in the past occasionally offer •heir horseo ia these sales hoping perhaps ■•hey might gat evray with it. The farming community and public generally, judging by recent successful sales in TATTEBSALL'S HORSE BAZAAB, are realising- that by ;-on=ismiiig horses to WATSON'S, CHEISTL'HUBCH, they have still a reliable, consistent markti to depend ou. The fact that TATTEBSALL'S is the eld-i-st Horse Repository in Canterbury, in spite -if alhkinda of opposition, is unquestionable evidence of efficiency, and reflects great credit .;:i IT. MATSON end CO., tha Proprietors, iligh-class mansJTenit-nt and old and established principles which protect both BUYER AND SELLER from the pit-fails of ifco Horse Trade has built up in TATTEBSALL'S a Ysry, very valuable asset to the farming community and public generally. Therefore, ,'f you are either & BUYER or SELLER, do aot hawk your horses or attend every ealo in CANTERBURY, CENTRALISE at TATTEBSALL'S, *nd you will he assured of MARKET VALUE for your consignment, and business-like methods for handling ;aine. H. MATSON and CO. •jpQ-DAY there aTe numerous holder? of J- money who are at a loss as to what to do with their capital. In the great majority of cases the money is customarily invested on the Stock Exchange, or lent to Banks, Public Bodies, and Commercial Fjpna on diorWated loans. A few months ago snch methods of handling' capital would not have been considered by the Owners thereof, but to-day they seem Ut he money sick, and are driven to the above expedients. H. MATSO-N" and CO. desire to adiipo snch holders of money that to-day there are all the fair plains of Canterbury awaiting their confidence. There are hundreds of Farmers whpfje ifortgagas have to bo. renewed, and who are prepared to borrow at varying from three to seven years, interest payable half yearly. What other Investment is so safe? The; land will bo here when the present generation is desfl and gone, and past prosperity of the - Dominion ha 3 teen. built on agrarian production, and assuredly euch also wilj bis the case in the future. ' TVe have » person*! and direct knowledge of the various districts and veins, of land in Canterbury, and we offer our services and advice to holders of capital who are prepared 'to ,'imeest their money upon First Sfprtgagp ■upon reliable and good security. To those holders of Freehold who are desirous of adjusting their Mortgages we also 6£er ■ oju? services, "and" will do our best to, mast ikei* rwuirementa, providing thfit <«r «,KB value of the land'is compatible with the margin peceseary an(j customary in such investmenU, and subjept' of coureo to the apyrovjiJ of the parties lending the' money. For" safe investment and reliable " value «sxmnrnjiio%ts with— H. MATSQN. ssd CO., Oaahel street, C%fetehu*olu 'it) RETIRED. FARMERS I TQ SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS ME2TI AND TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE MOTJSV T.VTWtt A-Rnrr-i 4^-t« waiting investment:" '" MESSES H. STATSON and CO. would b© glad to interview any of lie above,, and would point out waya anil jneans for » gate and satisfactory way of placing pneb, to]. i keen • observers we note the inflated value of the daily report on ihtt Stock Exchange of the different shares,.also the high prices of all sorts of commodities. if only bap investment that will never let you down, land thai is GQQD BROAD ACRES. It i 3 like water, j£ will always «ome to its own leveL .The. laiowledge of many years of apprenticeship fa > Stock an<l Sfpttion business* 3*a3 g&uxi •us iji a petition' to know thevalues current .in th,e various' localities, and the Epssrbilitiea for safe ' iayesnient. ' jf you should' have mopej' to" invent OOI^iB a chatlpitp m it you va»t. a for yfjujsetf, the.rp is . watlunf i» fittfri yotj. "4og in' th.e to tbe 4etrimenti of ypur. fejlow There arp jvunareda pf yßung' mou, full of ginger, energy, and go, and also with '-- : —* ■>, dying to get on to the bind. the money to-day,, and, whiph will continue ypu* m touch with reliable young fa capable of goiijg pn youjr land and working it, either i>aying_ rents, joint partnership, or a participation in the earning power, •SOU HAVE. A DUTY TO YOUR ■ DOUMJRYi <..:. You hivo made your money in New Zealand, and the only thing' that will pay the debts of this country i» INCREASED PBODUCTIOK. WHt BE A LAGGARD? PUT YOUB CAPIff A|i INTO. THE DIFOF TNW ZBALAJBTD'S GOOD NAME. AN© HELP SO/ THE HANDLE. .'■'■■-' ■-:-:. " H. MATSONi and CO. ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET, APDINGTQN LIVE STOCK MARKET. H.JIC&TSON AND CO.'S ACTUAL FACTS. to realise wpu}4 * 'be well advised to entrust such to H. MATBOJt «nd CO., who give personal and direct attantjqn. The foßowi,ng figures pooak for themselves. ADDEreTON YARDS. J^ripfi—January to 3"un°j. ... -:■■- J* - J» S: . . t Djsfg^^j|fo».:' 9.9T8 46.5 1922 .. 5!5,089 98,78 ft 35,8 JS2S " ' .. 511.436 $3,161 16.4 19iU .. 59S,SSt7 93,408 16.5 Each, department is under the control of reliable, officers and competent ealeemen, and \t» whole is. supervißed by. the p-rincjpaje, wljo ltftV6 had a lifetima apprenticeship to it» irade. Payments made oromptjy. Our and our methods »re generally rocosjufted by all those connected with tha trade to leave little to be desired. Consign, H, MATSOJS! «ad CO., W-~ ■ ' ' ": Addingion. "WOOL OROWEBS & 'WOOL SELLERS. WUO-" GROWERS' & T7OOL SELLERS. v « s°«- why s<m should send your bounces to EL MATSON AND Ca:— i. Our Jfftrm is «. Private Kirm, and wa . Otti Eton held the first Wool Sale iseld ia Canterbury. :■'.•■«■ : ' S.Tffo hjf7f> givoft ©jajclaajve. «vi4«a»oa over 'a penbd of yeans of our ahility to conduct' our business and ■tha fict that w» can and do produce If you am a free agent, do 'not hesitate. %s>d your goods to MATSQN and CO., •jul start in by conaignirig your Wool to pur Principata hava eerved a good apprentioeahip m Btg buncos, and thfly ore buaineas men, aad y ara good ranges. They perd directly took after your bqfi<ind as Saleamwn h%?e ho equaja. r Store and casvenienees are the best bj" Ouristchwrchl Our aooootrq&datiqn js by fer &e heat amongst tboaa Hwng butoneea round Christclnrrch, and w« «re giving the farmer and produoar — *—- th%n gspd pervica for tihe that you have to pay a iftediocp* <JO«& mCKS, FENOING «arießtro4ca. T BEQUjsrnaa W wad 00. »fc

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18151, 14 August 1924, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LX, Issue 18151, 14 August 1924, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LX, Issue 18151, 14 August 1924, Page 16