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IN'VEIICiARiGILJj, August 13

On Itugby Park, this afternoon, before an attendance of t*tw*en three and four thousand pcoplo; the Canterbury touring team met csouthland end Tvcro defeated in a fair gamo by IS points to I*2. Tho ground was in. excellent, order and the weather was fine. There vas a wind bloving froia the -east, which became stronger towards half-time.

Southland kicked off against the arid for the first halt" of the opening spell the game ranged between tho twenty-fives, the visitors having the. advajn'cago till Murray mkkicking, sent the ball to Cleland in the Canterbury twority-frve. Cleland goalcd.

Southland ... 4 Canterbury ... ... 0 From halfway loose x>lay ensued. "Elvy secured and ran down tho lino to K»re in the corner, the Southland backs not seeming to realise tho danger. Carleton's kick failed. Southland ... ... 4 Canterbury .• • ... 3

Five minutes later Baird scored for the visitors, Carlcton again failing with the &ual.

Canterbury ... 6 Southland ... . 4 As half-timo approached play went to the Canterbury twenty-five, wtioro an exciting scramble ended in Oughton scoring. The spell ended soon after with the score:— Southland ... . . 7 Canterbury ... . . C

The second half opened •with l>oth sides making efforts to £<R ahead. The play was much brighter, though matters wore very even. Halfway through, <;.s a. result of wild kicking. Dennehy got possession in the corner and scored. Carleton failed with the kick.

Canterbury ... 0 Southland ... ... 7 Five minutes later, from a- passing rush from a scrum, Brown crossed fit the corner flag, putting Southland in tho lead. Southland ... ... 30 Canterbury ... ... 9 Play was hardly going again before a further passing bout saw Archer cross tho Canterbury lino. Agnew again was unsuccessful with the kick. Southland ... ... 13 Canterbury ... ... 9 From a scrum in front of the homeposts five minutes before timo tho ball went- to Thompson, who scored in tho corner. Dennehy failed with the kick. Southland ... ... 13 Canterbury ... ... 12 Excitement now was at rover heat, and, amid tumultuous applause, Bell got over from a five yards scrum and Agnew goaled, making the final scores:—■

Southland ... ... 18 Canterbury ... ... 12 Tho teams wevo evenly matched, though in back play both were weak and The passing -was poor. Tho forward play was fairly' bright at times. Mr Stott was referee.

NOTES ON THE GAME. (spboiai, to "TBB paxes.") INVEBCABGILL, August 13. The game was confined mostly to the forwards, the backs on both sides being below interproviheial standard. The Canterbury live-eighths, Maxwell and Carleton, were too slow, and' cramped the three-quarter line, which, when given the opportunity, worked well, Ford being the brains of the back attack. Harris was the best hack on tho ground, and played a safe game throughout.

The Canterbury forwards held the upper hand in the first spell, and "were unlucky in not adding another score before half-time sounded. Turpin was always in the picture, but he wa3 ably supported by Donnelly, Ward, and Partridge. Southland opened the Bcoring with a sensational pot hy Olejand, who got possession through a Southland .back mis-kicking. This was after twenty minutes' play, and the first time Southland crossed the half-way line. Canterbury attacked strongly, and Elvey was presented with a try, the Southland backs waiting for the toueh flag, which never went up. The visitors kept hammering away at the defence 'without success until Dennehy opened the way to score, Baird going across near the corner iiag. Carleton again missed a long kick. Within a few minutes Southland added another score, a forward rush carrying play to the line, whsre Oughton dived across.

The second spell opened vigorously, both packs making it strenuous, and though play was hard it was clean. Play ranged between tho twenty-fives in a rapid manner, each side alternately holding the advantage, the forwards dominating the play and giving the backs a busy time defending. Canterbury were the first to find a weak spot, and Dennehy scored near the corner I flag. Carleton failed with tho kick. A 1 rapid transformation of the seene of action saw the home side attacking, and five minutes after Canterbury's score Brown got across for the home side. The nest try came at a similar interval, Archer scoring in a handy position. It was now Canterbury's turn, and tho Beds made a great effort to get through, carrying on to the homo lino. A long pass gave Thompson a ehanec, which was accepted, and he scored wide out Prom the kick-off the home sido went away, tho visitors showing signs of the heavy game and- tiring. A good rush ended in Beer diving across nfcar the posts, and Agnew kicking the only goal of the match. There was little between the teams, tho deciding factor being the inside backs. The Southland five-eighths occasionally ran straight when on attack, and this was the reason of two tries. Tie Canterbury five-eighths either stood to pass or ran out, jamming the tfcreeqnarter line ani giving bad passes. Tfcjs was tlie great weakness in the visiting attack, and lost a lot of opportunities. The Canterbury forwards played well until the closing stages, when the Otago game began to affect them. This, combined with the fast game, made them slower and gave the home side a chance to got the upper hand. WAffiORA CLUB. The &nmjsl match with Alcaroa ■will be clayed on Saturday next as a curtain-raiser to the Caat6rbury-Peninsula representative match. The team will stay in Akarbi overnight. Mr Frank Coop will act as manager. Tie following is the team selected:— C. MiJJ?r, T. Wheeler, L G»M»io, T. Scott, W. Joblrn, -P. M»na»n, IV Chapman, D. Wheeler, B. Lochhead, D. Wright, L. Coo?, H. Pugh. W. Thorns*, S. Childs, J. Milter, end H. UTawaas. BUSH (11) V- NELSQN (6), (puss xssomfxjzox ?szsq****-) PAHUTTJA, August IS. Bush. Union defeated NeLson by 11 points to 6.

COLLEGE HOUSE V. ROLLESTON HOUSE. The annual caich between College Hou«o and Tiollesfou House took placo yesterday afternoon, aoid resulted in a v.'iu for College Kousa ay IS points 10 !>• Tho match •tlu-oashour: wss fast and willing. Tho.forw,rds°we:e about over, any advmuijrc lyingy Vt'h thf Rolloston House pae-c. In the back play the College House division ihowed « lrr> - r ;ont.v. csoeciallv in combination, anil it viis' in la "UnU'-woii them ihe cay. The icl-lo-ivicß «h- tlvi tcr.m? : College House— _ t-pcacer p 0 ..-j 0! - Te Awarnu. S.'inw, l-.arl. .brodie. f> ward's Osmers, "Williams, Graham. Waller I'ini, Palmer. VTstson, Chapman. "iTolk-'im House— Backs. Standcj', Aeiiesoy., Eickson. Stewart, Hills. Baruk; tovwenls Edraundsorj, i'yio, Draaer. Brydcn, LeicMtT, Gourdic, Pederson, GiLnson. _ Rollo'ton House kicked off again-,;. t;io v.ind, and immediately began to attach. A 'r- lack to CoUol-o Houbo relieved the munition Passin? l>y Shaw, Fowler, and to A-a-vi pained r:round for Collego House ->nd \\- i. 0 '"" -"ides followed. Handliii',' u. tho ■ball V.-'Brodie, Karl, Shav, Fowler, and To A.;' r a'u resulted in a try lor the _,astBennett converted. Ihoeater.i l.Jiiso immediately be E »a |° attaCi '- (EollKton House) Luoke away «.n .he li.u. from about halfway and ran over to Kore at the corner The kick failed. Ha • time *arr,o with the score : College House o, Eollesfon House 3. . IJn resuming, Kolleston House afairt ».- isrVed b'it Spencer saved. 1 assitlg 0.. Barak' Mills, Greene. Dickson, and Acheaou .-,«,- <'■"■ last-named nearly over, ±' rom « in the College House tv.-cnty-hve IWer transferred to Bennett, who ocored 1 trc in the corner. He converted v,i h a |ood kick. Eolleaton House attacked aga.n but tho backs' movements lacked finish. Gmn vfckld & penalty for Kolleaton House W putted for an opening and College Hou« ruined ground. .Play evened u,j. Broare Uje *-f to W.. So passedl to Owners, who .cored ilea, I ~ w£. 3 Bennett again coavc* ted bpe..Sar back play followed, and the gamo £ c aU exciting A Kollceton Hou=e rU3 mw Dicltaoa nearly over. Greene Kided> n*naltvfor Kolleston Houac. . College House * penalty in tonir «PP°"»£ SS HoSe gJl&on HoS 9 Mr A. H. Guiney v« the match the Rolleslon House tcaut ,nd »Jmo of the Bhhopscourt. and Common Hall supporters were entertained at alutrneon .Si, ai- College House, when hukas and speeches were exchanges.

CHRIST'S COLLEGE OLD BOYS' MATCH. The annus! Tout. •'. Country football mutch was played by Christ s College Old 80-a at the College ground yesli-rday afternoon before a good attendance. lovro won hv 12 points (three trie* and a. peualtv goal) to 6 points (a try and a. pen.-slty goaJ). Ihu tC St^ W IBLk a«l VhiM-N. G. Bruce, I. R Harrison. G. E. Gray R. b.l homcou F. V. Robinson, 11. G. Hunter Weston, U. 'H. Grigg. M. 1\ MMfrtrbnc. L. b. Johnson, L. Coop, h.. A\. J.. HaU, C., E. B. Davison, B. N. Ihomas, and G. L. Burden. Town (Red and Black)—L. 11. Cooke, L. 0 Blunt. H. M. Clirvstali, T. T. Harrison, Y H. Eobiueon, C. J. Cocks, T. AV. Tot.uill, C. H. Miller T. F. M. Gibson, It. B. Francis, W. J. Harris, A. E. Joseph, E. J). R. Smith, Barker, R. C. Tos3will, Tjonald. The Rev. E. C. Crosse was referee. Tho match was played with the usual willingness and good spirit, and both sides hud some plavcrs of good calibre. The forwards made the pace at the start, ar.d Country drew first blood, when Hunter Weston scored after a smart run. The kick failed. Gibson next kicked a penalty goal for Town, making the score 3 —3. There was no alteration in tho ecoro when half-timo was called.

Town began to prove tneir superiority in the second half, and several times tho backs got passing rushes going. Chrystall, Cocks, a-nd Smith each scored for Town, which then led 12 —3. Jiist on timo K. Matson kicked a. fine,goal from, a penalty, and tho whistle went with the score: Town 12, Country C. MATCHES FOR SATURDAY. Following is tho draw for Saturday.— Second Grade—Merivalo v. Kaiapoi, Lancaster Park Oval, Mr J. F. Peake; Riccarfon v. Albion, Lancaster Park South, Mr L-. Guiney; Sydenham, bye; Linwood v. 'Varsity, Lancaster Park AYest, Mr K. K. Perrin; Old Boys v. Rapaki, Old Boys' North Park, Mr W. McLaehtan; Technical v. G'hristchurcli, Enscr's road, Mr S. C. Murray; Prcbb'etou, a, bye. Fourth Grade—Y.M.C.A. v. Sydenham, Sydenham Park, Mr AY. Cowlca: Old Boys v. Linwood, Linwood Park, Mr AY. j->. Fuller; Merivalo A v. Technical, Mcrivale N. Park, Mr J. Steele; Mcrivalo B v. ST. Canterbury, Polo No 1, Mr J. R. Murphy; Riccarton v. Spreydon, Spreydom, Mr M. L. Higgina. Fifth Grade—Merivalo A v. West Old Boys, Polo No. 2, Mr L. C. Hobbs; Belfast v. Karapoi, Kd.ia.poi No. 1, Mr i'J. Eudikin; Old Beys t. N. Canterbury, Ka-ngiora No. 1, Mr W. Templeion; Aranui, a bye; Y.M.C.A. v. Albion, Albion South Park, Mr A. Hooper; Linwood v. Sydenham, Opawa Park No. 2, Mr T. Bain; Meri-valo B v. Technical, Polo No. 3, Mr J. McConnaci. Sixth Grade—N. Brighton v. Christchurch, Polo No. i, M:j L. Cade; Tecirnical A v. Linwood, Polo No. 5, Mr E. H. Cress; Sydenham B v. Sydenham A. Opawa Park No. 1 Mr R. T. JDodd; Y.M.C.A. v. Merivale, Y.M.C.A. North Park, Mr A. D. Moore; Technical B, a. bye.

MERIVALE CLUB. Teams for Saturday:— . Juniors v. Kfiiupoi* at Lancaster Par* Oval— W. Hay, G. Maxwell, C. Yate3, Q. Johnstone, D." E. Poccck, C, S. White, W. Smith, E. Hill, S. Gcrrard, K. Lohrey, T. Thomson, L. Rountrce, J. Hetheringion, C. Sti!c3. Emergencies, Abrard, Suckling, A. Ifcsson. Fourth Grade A v. Technical, at Merivaio ground—T. Taylor, A. Lee, C. Smart, 11. McCarthy, W. Oliver, G. Howell, R. Tolchard, T. Syme, A. Ramsay, P. Hill, 11. Pellow, R. Dent, J. Treves, R. Perkins, L. Wood 3, A. Jackson, V. Craig. Fourth Grado B v. North Canterbury, at PoJo Ground No. I—G.1 —G. p. Simmonds, D. Lee, J. Burrage, W. Buchanan, K. Kearney, E. Crumpton, J. Murphy, J. Focic, J. Beagley, IT. H-oore, D. Gordon, L. Graham, W. Norgatc, C. Cole, C. Henderson.

Fifth Grade A v. West Old Boys, at Po'.o Ground No. 2—B. Farmer, J. Newton, R. FV.vcllyn, V. Ritchie, F. Dahlberg, S. Fle'-veliyn, L. Hamilton, D. Coleman, K. McLaughlan, G. Campbell, It. Hcdder, L. McGiiir.neas, T. Roilntr.oe, A. Brydon, G. Ritchie, A. Deady, F. Partridge, W. Ryder. Fifth Grade ~B v. Technical. at Polo Ground No. 3—T. McGee, Jj. Sherwood, IC. Walkie, W. Parks, M. Marriott, J. Times, E. Jackson, E. Goodmaji, A. Symonß, F. Grant, A. Woodham. J. Loekic, J. Ritchie, H. Lenauze, L. Collett, E. McCrorie, C. Clave, S. Leening. Sixth Grade v. Y.M.C.A.. at Y.M.C.A. Ground, North Park—H. Burieigh, C. Rich, G. Hutchinson, F. J?egan. S. Kims, ■T. Matbicson, H. McCarthy. S. Hendry. Y»\ Smith, H. Ttflloch, B. Welch, A. Malcolm, M. Webb, J: Isherwood, C. Wilkie, F. Dykes, A. Pcddar, L. Johnston, D. Grieves, C. Frior.

OLD BOYS' CLUB. Teams for Saturday: Juniors v. Rapaki, Old Bqyi.' groundCarl, Searell, Simes, Hobday. Graham, Bowbyes, Hadfield, Eeson, Gunn, Forsyth, Jacobs, Arnold, Rastrick, Chamberlain, O'Brien. Emergencies: ETardie, Watson, B. Johnston. • No game in Third Grade A or B. Fourth Grade v. Linwood, Liuwood Park— Bur«esa, Mappleaeck, Anderson, Fowler, Roi, Coulter, Parker, Opie, Smith, Hooper, d'Auverjne, Gant, Cumberworth, Brovm, Turgis. Fifth Grads r. Ra.ngiora (T>us leaves club 1.30) x»ill be picked from—Smith, BroHu, "Wilmott, Woolley, Trist, Armstrong,""Green, Wallis, Dawe, Cooper, Keya, MoKenzie, Cocks, Hen-wood, Prin?!e, McPhail, Wileon, Tapper, Olds. LINWOOD CLUB. The following Trill represent the fourth grade against Old Boys, et lanwood Park on Saturday—Carson, Failoon, Talbot, Sneddon, Webb," Harley, Wederall, Jonea, Taylor, Briston, McKenzie, Heatley, White,, Palmer.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18151, 14 August 1924, Page 12

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FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18151, 14 August 1924, Page 12

FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18151, 14 August 1924, Page 12