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The Lady Editor will plewd I to twelve for publication In thj "Women's Comer" items of social or personal news Such item* Bio old be fully authenticated, and engagement notices must owr * signatures of both parties* Correspondence is invited oa matters affecting, ox of interest to, women. Miss McCrae (Palmerston North) is visiting Mrs Leslie Macfarlane (Menvale)' j -»r Mr and Mrs Hugh R«eves and Mr L. G. D l . Acland are staying at JJr. Fenwick's" house (Gloucester street), for the Race Week. Mr and Mrs O'Rorke are at the United Service Hotel. Mr and Mrs E. Cucksey (Auckland) are staving with Mrs Da,vid Crozier (Fendalton). W.E.A. students tvUI he glad to learn that Mrs Manning, wife of the i secretary, Mr George Manning, is recovering frojn her recent illness. Mrs H. P. Herbert was re-elected yesterday to a position of representative on the Christchurch If c' 1 " nical College Board of Governors. Only one nomination h,ad been received tor the vacancy. Mr and Mrs M. IT. 0 'Rorke (Lake Coleridge), Mr and Mrs Andrew Wilson (Invercargill) are guests at the United Service Hotel. Mrs Stibling, who is at present in Sydney, is studying the latest developments in her work connected Vitl. orthopa-die and medical science. Mr and Mrs S. G. Raymond leave tonlay for Dunedin. Miss Raymond leaves Christchurch to-day to join Professor Algie's party for the winter sports at the Hermitage, Mount Cook. The guests at the Roval Hotel include Mrs H. McNaughton and 'Miss G. Armitage {Auckland). Mr and Mrs H. G. Martin (Culverden), Miss K. Madden and Miss B. Brennan (Wellington). Among the guests at the Clarendon Hotel, are Miss Hislop (Geraldine), Mrs H. Tripp and Miss Tripp (Timaru). Miss Myra Pinckney (Timaru), Mr and Mrs E. B. Johnson (Waikari), Miss G. Web--1 ~ter (Dnneclin), and Miss Laidlaw (Dunedin). Guests at Warner's Hotel include Mr and Mrs G. L. Rutherford (Connemara, Parnassus), Mr and Mrs Erik Rutherford (Parnassus), Mrs and Miss Rutherford (Mendip Hills), Mrs W. Macfarlane .and' Miss Macfarlane (Culverden), Mr and Mrs Leslie Macfarlane (Culverden), Mr and Mrs Sholto Douglas (Ethelton), Mr and Mrs E. B. Newton (Ashburton), Mr and Mrs B. L. Blunden (Waikari), Mr and Mrs M. Bethell (Pahau Pastures, Culverden), Mr and Mrs J. Brown (Dunedin), Mr. and Mrs G. 0. Rutherford (Loehiel, Culverden).

Preparations are weir forward for the Lewisham Bazaar to be held in the Caledonian Hall on Thursday and Friday nights. Beside the drawing of the art' union for the. £3OO nugget, the art union for a Doulton vase valued at £75 will be drawn on Friday night.

The Sydenham Company of Girl Guides held a very successful social . on Wednesday evening at St. iSavkmr's Hall. T.n spite-of the very wet weather there were present St. Luke's : No. 1, Cashmere, Sfc. Luke's No. 2, and Fendalton companies. After the inspection by the Commissioner, the j Hon. Mrs Tahu Rhodes, the enrolment ceremony took place. 1 Dancing and games, for which Mr A._ Barnes was M.C., were thoroughjy enjoyed: by the many present. Musical and elocutionary' "items were given by the Sydenham Company. j r A. combined service of the girls of the Sydenham Club and a number of the Y.M.C.A. boys was held in the cluß room, Sydenham, on Sunday afternoon. The service was made bright by the singing of well-known hymns and a number of gramophone selections. Mr T. Haslett gave a 6hort address to the boys and girls, a,nd it was decided ' to. continue these, gatherings on Sunday afternoons. The club entertained the Y.M.C.A. boys at tea. The many friends of Sister Agnes M. Paterson, of Johannesburg, late N.Z. A.N.S. and King George Hospital, Rotorua, will be glad to hear of her marriage on June 18th, at the English Church, Vereeniging, Transvaal, to Captain Arthur E. Olarke, M.C., late R.F.A.. Meyerton, Transvaal, third son of William James 'Clarke, Bruton, Somerset, England. Mrs Clarke is the third daughter of Mr James Paterson. The Mains, Waikaka, New Zealand. On Friday evening % surprise party organised bv Captain Bradley, motored out to Burnham, where they were welcomed by Captain and Mrs White at' the military hall, which was decorated -with evergreens and flags. An enjoyable time was spent in dancing, which was kept up till a late hour, spirited musio being played by Mr E., Shadbolt. The singing of "Auld Lang Syne" and "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows," and three hearty cheers for the host and hostess, brought a pleasant evening to a close. Amongst those present were: Mesdames Nicholls, who wore peacoek blue with side panel of gold brocade; White, radium lace over apricot satin; Bradley, black satin with cerise ornament; Higgins, radium laoe over salmon marocain; Schmidt, black charmeuse with accordion pleated side panel; Buttle, embroidered nile green crepe de chine; Hurdley, almond green marocain with paisley trimming; Missfcs M. White, lemon taffeta trimmed with gold lace; N. Wittie, black panne velvet; T. Bradlev, blue taffeta; C. Shaw, rose marocain; I. Withers, flame satin; C. Muleock. cream taffeta; A. Mulcock i blue taffeta; Major Nicholls, Capt.' White. Capt. Bradley, Capt. Murphy, Messrs M. L. Higgins. F. D. Schmidt, Munrn. Smith, H. But+le, A. L. Hurdley. Wittio. D. Lill. W. Mulcock, J Bradley, W. E. Shadbolt, and K. Gibbon. DRESSES AT THE RACES. Among those present at the . races was a well-known Christchurch lady wearing a handsome full length flanK Musquash coat obtainable by her for only 22 guineas from Madame Menere, corner -Cashel and Colombo streets, (upstairs). " Another well-known lady was wearing a full length Electric Seal Coat with real Beaver collar bought bv her from Madame Menere for 4o guineas. M 6512 Pannell's Stocktaking Bargains.— Boys' Black, also Brown School Boots, 7 to 8, 9s 6d; 9 to 10, 10s 6d; 11 to 13, lis 6d; 1 to 2, 12s 6d. Girls' Strong Patent 1-Bar and Lace Shoes, 7 to 9, 7s 9d; 10 to 13, 9s 9d. Great Value. H. Paiyiell and Co., 105 Manchester street. 'Phone (&4. P6548-6318

A very delightful little tea party was given by Miss Kathleen Wilson ait Ballantyne's yesterday morning in honour of her guest, Miss Ursula Gorton, of Feilding. Those present were Misses Ursula Gorton, Fanny Middleton, Dorotliy Quill, Alice Spencer-Bower, Joyce Seth-cSmith. Joy Andrews and her visitor (Miss Mcßae), Margaret Ormerod, Mary Whitton, Helen Heywood, Betty Beadel, and Doreen Kiver.

One of the most enjoyable fixtures of National Week is the annual football match between teams representing Town and Country Old Bovs of Christ's College, this year's match being arranged to take place to-morrow afternoon on the College ground. A jolly little party was given recently by Mrs R. Martin at her residence to celebrate the twenty-first birthday of Miss Nancy Crawford. The table Was daintilv Taid for supper, during wnich Miss (?. Martin presented Miss Crawford with a birthday cake. The Red and Black Association's annual ball to-morrow night promises to be one of the big social functions of Race Week. Special arrangements have been made for decorations at the Winter Gardens, and an augmented orchestra under Mr A. Reid will supply the music. A number of tickets have been reserved for visitors to the city. Tiie Bali Committee comprises Messrs J. YiT. Dalton, J. A. Fyfe, E. J. Jackson, A. K. Johnston, F. J. Stewart, W. J. Milns 1 , M. F. Pengelly, and R. P. Jones, secretary. On fciiturday afternoon an enjoyable children's fancy dress fair was held in the Methodist schoolroom, Selwyn street, in aid of the Union Church Tennis Club Funds. Quite a number of children and parents attended, and the gathering was most successful. During the afternoon items were given by Esme Evans, Gladys Squire, and Joan Thomas. Mrs Napier, one of the judges, announced the results as follows:—Girls: Best fancy dress, Gladys Squire (Early Victorian Lady); most original, Joan Yardley (Work Basket);, special, Vera Hollies (Lawn Tennis); highly commenced, Jfancy Cade (Daffodil), Jean Hamilton (Sunbeam), Joan I Thomas (Little Miss Muffet), Winnie Clark (Folly),_ Hilarie Cade (Prince Conway), Marjorie Hore (Dutch), Margaret Ba'dwin (Squaw); cheapest dress, Polly Markham (Tai Tapu Butter). Boys: Fancy dress, Allan Wilson (Drummer Boy), and Yarian Wilson (Beefeater), equal, first; most original, Mervyn Squire (Chef). A special prize for the youngest, child was awarded to a tiny Cupid. In addition to th-3 above awards, every child present .received a toy balloon. A very pleasant evening was spent by all those who attended l at the late night dance held on Saturday by the Christchurch Garrison N.C.O.'s Club in the club-rooms. Nuttall's Orchestra supplied music of the usual high, standard. Among those present were: Mr and Mrs H/H. Wilson, Mr and Mrs A. Clemens, the Misses J. Lester, M. 'Angus, F. Rouse, F. Dini, D. Shier, D. McNae, L. Brown, W. Crawford, E. Huston, T. iSharman, R.. White D. Coplestone, E. Newnham, E. Patterson, K. Dixon, V. Rogers, M. Aurisch, L. Robinson, D. Henderson, A. Brown. E. Moore, D. Bamett, E. Hoyes, P.' Thornton, D. Tucker L. Chappie, Messrs C. Poulton, R. _ Bennetts. A. Williamson, M. Dini, C. O'Callahan, F. Hill, H. Wicks, J. Fleming, and A. Naish (Geraldme), J. Millner,' H. Poulton. E. Conlestone, T. Barnes, R. Still, H. Hall, R. M<> Clenrv. W. Bradshaw, A. Mitchell, W. Smithson, R. Masters, A. Gillespie, S. Minards, H. Woolf, C. J. Bicrg,. E .Hiram, R. Jones, J. Smith, and T. Atmore. Mr M. J. Dim acted as M.C.

A very pleasant euchre party and dance was held in the Ridgley Hall, Armagh street, on Friday, by the employees of P. nnd D l . Duncan. The committee, the members of which were Messrs G. Woods, J. Weir, Macfaxlane. G. Burrows, L. Lavender, T. Mackie, [I. Colbeck, W. Lawson, C. Stonehouse, J. White, G. Morrow, and S. Underhay, spared no effort to make the evening enjoyable. Cards were played from 8 p.m. till 10 p.m., and dancing from 10 p.m. till midnight. Mrs Smith's orchestra supplied the music. A special feature of the evening was the "Luckv iSpot Waltz," which was won bv Miss M. Sinclair and Mr W. Barwick. The winners of the card tournament , were the following:—lst, ladies, Mrs Leathwiok; Ist, gentlemen. Mr Burrows; 2nd, ladies. Mrs Findlay; 2nd, gentlemen, Mr Gal.ver; 3rd, ladies, Mrs Samuels ; 3rd, gentlemen, Mr A. Shaw. There were about one hundred and fiftv people present, and all spent an enjoyable evem'nT. Mr G. Morrow ably acted as M.C. On Saturday evening a very pleasant time was spent at the weekly dance at the Art Gallery by members and friends of the Returned Soldiers'. Association. The gallery was tastefully decorated with red and white streamers, and an enjoyable programme of music was supplied by Marston's Jazramba Band. Mr E. Orchard, chairman of the dance committee, announced that next Saturday would be a long night, and the programme would be varied with plain and fancy dancing. Among those present were: Mrs J. S. Ivellv, Mr E. Orchard, Mr and Mrs A. J. Blackburn, Mr and Mrs H. Fleck, Mr and Mrs M. W. (Turn-

j mins, A. Hartigan, Mr D. Burnside, | M.C., Mesdames A. G. Wislang, G. C. Goodwin, H. Matson, Oakes, A. Higmett, M. Steele, Sycamore, E. Poulton, i Misses D. Bridpeman, S. Pearson, B. j McAllister, P. Martin, W. Fuller, L. Beare, E. Caven, W. Duncan, B. Stone, M. Norton, N. Dazzard, D. Hill, M. Weir, T. Hamilton, K. Hill, W. Kins, E Kean, M. Beine, K. Pratt, m! ' Hatchard, M. White, S. Sarginfion, lE. Donald, S. Angus', V. Caygill. E. McCann, G. Hooper, M. N. Carter, V. Kay, E. Smith, R,. May, N. Brown, . S. Munday, D. McEwan, N. Fairbrass, Messrs P. Wilson, W. E. Ford hj! Matson, J. W. Taylor, H. Neil,' D. Mclntyre, J. Muir, E. Poulton, H. H. Ballantyne, T. Anderson, H. Cardinal', L. Harris, D. A. Sinclair, Fairbrass' D. Vincent, G. Findley, R. Davies, F. Fowles, J. Wilson, T. L. Danks, P. Harris. I J" connexion with the jubilee of the I West Christchurch School, a series of functions has been arranged for the" first week in September. In order to i raise funds for the carrying out of these the" Social Committee organised i ™, brid !P d r ive at the Ridgely Hall on I Iflursauy last. Xn spits of the ment weather <i large number accepted the invitations and a very, enjoyable evening was spent. After a dainty supper had been served, the prizes were presented to the winners, Mesdames Claude Ring and Buxton, Messrs W. Brock and Murray Jackson. Among those present were Mr and Mrs C d'Auvergne, Mr and Mrs Banks Mr and Mrs W. Brock, Mr and Airs' D. Reeso, Mr and Mrs Geo. Raymond. Mr and Mrs Murray Jackson, Dr., and Mrs Denhiim, Mr and Mrs F. T. Evans Mr and Mrs W. Anderson, Mr and Mrs C. ELordie, jun., Mr and Mrs W. West, Mr and Mrs A. Hunnibell, Mr and Mrs Jones, Mr and Mrs J. Raymond, Mesdames Nutt, Holland, Wagfrtaff. Ring, Hunt, A. Charleson, S Fitch, Pryce, Foster, Buxton, Armstrong, Tribe, Hiatt, Baylov, Hindmarsh, Allen, Dr. Jessie Scott, tho Misses McGregor (2), S. Foster, Budrlen, Wills (2), Hampton, Baxter, Rennie (2,, K. Scott, W. Best, D. Wilson. M. Reese, E. Evans, M. Weston, McMillan, Fiulayson, Brock. Raymond, S<pence, Hardy, Hiatt, M. Lambie, N. Porter, Milnes, A. Burns, H. Freeman, Youngman (2), Messrs C. D. Hardie, . Mayne, Wicks, Cumming, and Ashley i Cooper. j

Many wolf cubs have recently been taken from Russia to Southampton, where they are kept at the docks of the United States lines before being taken to America as pets.. They make excellent watchdogs when|trained.

ON THE LAWN AT ADDINGTON. The weather was delightfully springlike yesterday for the opening of the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club's Meeting at Addington, but the flocking was, on the whole. sombre in hue, and serviceable in quality, lerhnps the feminine mind, remembering the darkening frowns of the weather last week, was distrustful o er smiles yesterday, and decided to be sure, rather than sorrow, in the matter of clothes. Airs J H. "Williams, wife of the president, wore a mole costume skunk stole, black panne velvet hat with small multi-coloured feather mounts in front; Mrs C. M. Olhvier, navvbraid ed costume, with pretty Oriental. \ est, black lisere straw hat wlt J ™ n " coloured ribbons; Lady "Ward, black garbircord, heavily braided brown Napoleonic hat, with bird of Paradise on upturned brim; Mrs Bernard Wood, navv coat-frock with touches of tan, navv velvet hat; Mrs Wyvern "llson, navv frock, lvolinski fur coat, black satin hat with transparent brim and feather mount; Mrs W. H. Price, jade and gold knitted costume, black panne cloche liat, with small jet ornament; Mrs J. P. Andrews, black garbircord coat-frock, musquash wrap, pretty little black cloche hat; Mrs J. Rennie, bbck marocain frock, seal coat, becoming little silver grey toque; Mrs Stronach Paterson. mole coat and skirt, mole straw hat trimmed with self-coloured satin ribbon; Mrs J. J. McGrath (Wellington). black seal coat, black satin hat with upturned brim and osprey trimming; Mrs McCabe (Wellington), mole braided coat, blue hatter's plush hat with vari-coloured ribbon rosettes; Mrs Leslie Macfarlane, navy coatfrock, fur coat, black vel our cloche hat with ribbon chou; Miss McCrae (Palmerston North), navy frock with inlet uanel of Liberty silk cinnamon cloche hat; MiVs Ursula Gorton, cornflower blue flecked costume, smart little red cloche hat with ebon of red and blue ribbon; Miss Kathleen Wi&on, cinnamon brown coat, straw hnt of the same shade, banded with ribbon : Mrs Wi'liam Ehvward, mole ] costume, small black velvet hat; Mrs J. G. Hawkins, navy costume with touches of royal "blue, ombre hat with large velvet flower; Miss Hazel Evans, navy and petunia striped frock, tissue hat in Oriental colouring; Miss Joan Johnson, beaver velour cloth costume, fur stole, brown felt hat: Mrs Josephson, smart navy costume banded with mole fur, almond green cloche hat; >Mrs 0. C, Davis, navy gabardine frock, effectively embroidered in roval blue, black velvet hat with ostrich feather; Mrs R. Livingstone, beaver knitted costume, small black hat with henna and black feather mount; Mrs W. Joynt, brown costume, wide brown hat trimmed with feathers; Mrs Henry Harris, navy coat-frock heavily braided in mastic, skunk stole, nigger-brown hat with mastic ospreys; Mrs Rotherberg, rose pink cloth frock trimmed with brown fur, black panne velvet liat with jade feather mount; Mrs C. L. Hart, grey striped costume, close-fitting toque of the same colour trimmed with quills; Mrs W. G. McDonald, .fawn knitted costume, banded with jade green, seal coat. Oriental satin hat with black ostrich plume; Miss Marks, navy frock, seal coat, mole hat with large blue wing; Mrs W. J. Huntei, navy costume banded' with mole fur, mole grey hat with embroidered motifs; Mrs J. B. Catherwood, violet braided coat-frock, violet velour hat; Mrs H. H. Wauchop, fuchsia and brown knitted costume, skunk stole, small black hat; Miss McOwen, brown corduroy velvet frock, pretty brown hat encircled with vari-coloured i dahlias; Mrs Norman Duncan, navy costume with smart touches of red, black cire hat; Mrs J. F. Buchataan, brown costume trimmed with -fur, cinnamon brown hat ; Mrs Craighead, grey costume smartly braided in navy blue, grey hat with navy chenille tracery; Mrs P. A. Ardagh, beaver knitted costume, brown hat with upturned brim; Miss Edmonds, navy coat-frock with smart bands of Egyptian embroidery, navy (jloth felt hat with varicoloured feather bandeau; Mrs E. Cucksey (Auckland), mole costume, brown hat with autumn-tinted foliage; Mrs Alfred Bunz, raspberrv knitted costume. bb>ck hat with outstanding bow; Miss Nellie Dtiffv. brown costume, mastic ombre hat with mastic satin ribbon and touches of apple green; Mrs W. Revington, powder blue costume, white fur stole, blue and mole brocade hat: Mrs J. Redpath. bronze brocaded marocain. brown satin hat with nasturtium coloured flowers; Mrs Ernest Boulton, fawn velour coat with fur collar and cuffs over a black marocain frock, black felt hnt: M"s R. V Marrow, prey tailored costume, grey Felt hat; Mrs R. Mulligan, black'sacaue coat with smnrt pleated plaid skirt, black satin cloche hat with floral posv; Mrs Mawson Stewart, navy and white patterned iacquard, navy hat lined with whit©.

BALL AT OHOKA. Acting on the spirit of leap year, the ladies of Ohoka got m ahead of the bachelors with their annual ball, which, thanks to the improvement in the weather at the end of last week, was a great success. Dances at Swannanoa the night previously and at Kaiapoi on the following night accounted for the absence of some familiar faces, but owing to the influx of many visitors the floor was always, crowded. The decorations in red and white, arranged by a committee of enthusiasts under the leadership of Mis, Taylor, were on a more elalx>rate and effective scale than any previously seen in •Olioka. Hunnibeil's* Jazz Band, with ail orchestra of live instruments, provided up-to-date m"usic and the uauce was efficiently coil ti oiled. by Messrs T.- Brown and A. launders as

Among the many ladies present were Mrs G. Ward, who wore blue satin with white bertile; Mrs R. Jacsson, blue velvet with gold cmbjodery; ilis T. Brown, crimson velvet; ilis P. Quinti, black do chine; Mrs Alhngton, black silk; Mrs Carter, pink tafieta; Mr 3 Brown (, heliotr-pe silk; Mra McQuillam, while satin and silver lace; Mrs Dunlop, grey silk; Mrs G. Pearce, black silk; Mrs Dalzell, blue frock; Mis Mcl-'arkne, blue georgette;' Mrs C. R. Cooke, Elack silk; Mrs Tay.or, black ciepe de chine with touches of scarlet; Miss E. King, lavendei satin; Miss E. Cooke, blue slk; Miss A. Cooke,, black with radium lace; Miss Gardner (Purau), flame taffeta, with gold tissue corsage; Mss Kennedy (Fernside), orange figured crepe de chine and cream radium lace; Miss C. Hunnibell (R'angiora), blue velvet; Miss E. Reynish, blue eatin with crimson bugle beads; Misses D. Pearce, royal blue jersey silk; R. He. on, r<yal blue satin, with silver lace berthe; O. Dunlop, brown sLk marocain; M. 'Hart, black velvet; E. Davies, flame silk with green berthe; R. Po■ v ei', p.nk satin ard silver lace; F. Knight, ivory velvet with georgette sleeves; Haioer (Carlton), blue shot, eatin arid silver lace; h. Reynish, he'iotrope silk embr idered in steel beads; E. Giles, blue brocaded satin; L. Dale, grey silk eolienne; M. O'iNeili, pink sntin marocain; E. Coates, cardinal shot taffeta; H. Pritchard. black taffeta with sequin .overdress; Miss J. Clist, pink brocaded crepe de chine and black silk; Do-ggett, grey velvet and ivory gcorgeWe; . Brooks, flame velvet; I. Brooke, b'ue velvet ;■ P. Morgan, navy satin; and Mesdamea B. Martyn, W. Martyn, A. Ward. VV. Knight, «J. Cliflt, B. Pearoe, Hart, Deborah, and Ramsay.

This is the jubilee year of polo. The first match at Hurlingham was played in 1874. The game, at first quaintly described as "hockey on horseback," was introduced in England by a retired Anglo-Indian officer.

The children's fancy dress ball held at Clandeboye last Friday evening proved to be one of the most delightful events Clandeboye has known for a very long time. It was the children's hour, and their whole-hearted enjoyment was a joy to behold. The, interior of the hall had been transformed for the occasion into a veritable fairyland, the decorative scheme including many very original and attractive features. The colours used were pink and white, a very pleasing effect being secured with sprays of pink paper blossoms upon a background of greenery. Clusters of toy balloons hung in an arch across the front of the stage, while greenery, flowers, and two immense pink and white paper bells were suspended from the ceiling. The grand march was a spectacle not soon to be forgotten. Oyer eighty of the scholars, one or two being unavoidably absent through sickness, took part, and the varied and pleasing display of dresses called forth many expressions of admiration. For the last children's dance of the evening—an intricate maze march—one of the large : bells was lowered from the ceiling, and. to the musical tinkling of a small bell secreted in its interior, showered confetti upon the delighted children. Master Keith Sicvwright contributed a recitation, which was enthusiastically received. During an interval Mr W. H Staniland (chairman of the School Committee) said he wished to thank the headmaster (Mr W. H. Cartwright) and staff and Mrs Cartwright for organising and carrying through the function in such a highly successful manner. He wished also to thank Mr Simes and the members of his orchestra, who had volunteered and given their services free for the occasion. He wished to thank the parents for again so loyally sup porting school. The varied fancy costumes worn by the children showed the great amount of patience, originality and forethought that had gone towards their make-up. The certificates for swimming had now arrived, and he wished to take the opportunity of presenting them to the children who had qualified for them during the previous summer. After complimenting the children upon their success, Mr Staniland called upon the following children to come forward and receive their awards: Learners' Certificates (50yds) Phyllis Arscott, Constance Grant, Audrey Liddle, Kutli Sievwright, Roy Arscott, Colin Sherriff, Roland Davis, Arthur Barry, Cyril Donchue, George Coochey, Leslie Goodson, Andrew Grant, James Neville, Ernest Taylor, Jack West, James West, Robert Pemberton. Proficiency (220yds)—Eoy Arscott, Roland Davis, Colin Sherriff. Certificate of Merit (880yds)—Roy Arscott, Colin Sherriff. A bountiful supper provided by the parents of the school-children was served to all these present, tho arrangements being in the capable hands of the wives of the School Committeemen, assisted by a band ol willing helpers. After supper the adults present found the keenest enjoyment in dancing, which was continued until tho small hours of the morning. The proceeds of the evening, approximately £2B, go towards the school prize fund.

Among those present were:— Roy Arscott (Outlaw), Jack "West (Pirate), Arthur Barry iNcero), Robert t ember ton (Negro), Leslie Goodson (Clown), James West (Ked Indian Chief), Colin Sherrifi vPierrot), iNeil Hooper (Local Industry), George Coochey (Dutch .boy), Louis Pemberton (Sir Waiter Raleigh), Roland Davis (Clown), Cornelioua Nolan (The Old Man of the Village), Harry Sievwright (Maori), Cyril Donehue (Sai:or), Andrew Grant (Toreador), Leicester Stanuand (Clown), Lawrence Livesey (Admiral), Arnold Hooper (Sailor), Keith Sievwright (First Aid Patient), Ernest Taylor (Red Indian), James Neville (Cowboy), Audrey I.'ddle (Spanish Dancer), Mona. Cheater (House to Let), Ellen Hickey (Peace), Ivy Prestidsre (Golden Butterfly), Phyllis Arsoott (Britannia), Georgina Flett (Fairy), Ruth Sirvwright (Gipsy). Marjorie Stsniland (Butto ® ), Ellen Liddle (Sprite), Mary Hickey (Gipsy), Kathleen Campbell (Irish Colleen), Constance Grant (Gipsv Queen), Elsie Sheriff (Starlight), Hannah Nolan (Stars and Ftrires), Fthel Hooper (Edmond's Baking j Powder), Edna Boocock (Snowball), Bertha Coochey ,L>aisy), Aorah Hickey Lucy Campbell (Highland .Lassie), Leila Lionehue (Fairy). Emily Flett (Bluebell), Annie Kyne (Apple Blossom), Muriel Liddle (Daffodil), Eliza Nolan (Red, White, and Blue), Beverly Arscott (Fairy), Mavia Boocock (Milkmaid), Mary Campbell (Fairy), Mary Chester (Christmas Tree), Shirley Donehue Winifred Mackie (Spring), Lyla O'Connell (C andeboye Dairy Factory), Mary Pemberton (Fiiry). Effie Neville (Red Cross Nurse), Peggy Sugrue (No More Strikes!) Rose Campbell (Butterfly), Mary Kyne (Daisy), Janie Neville and Edward Neville (Bride and Bridegroom), Ivy O'Con- , nell (Starlight), Alan Arscott (Pierrot), Ronald Bisdee 'R*d Indian), Coochey pan), Hugh ■' amp tl' (Ho inson Cru oe , Sefton Hooper (Puck), W. iiam Mcilillan (Snilor), Arthur Neville (Little Boy Philip Taylor (Golliwog), Eric Barry (Cowhoy), Albert Davis (The Man in the Moon), Daniel Hickey (Rooster). Leo Nolan (Little j Bov B'ue), Charles Cooch»y (Mouse). Maurice"! Johnstone (Father Christmas), lan Reid (Brown Paper Parcel!, William Staniland (Snowman), Sidnev Grant (jester), Anne Pemberton (Red Popov), Winifred Livesey (Fsiiry), Dorothv Bisdee (Fairy). Jean M"dhurst (Curiid), Alnn Mackie (Pierrot), Clata Coochey (French Waitress). / "Patricia," ever-increasing as a popular 'shopping centre for. ladies, has a very choice jange of Knitted Frocks and Jumpers; also Smart Millinery and Dainty Baby Things. Her High-class Dressmaking Trill ever satisfy. Your early inspection (corner Montreal andVictoria streets) will be appreciated, i or ring 'phone 2343 M. L 6273

BALL AT MAYFIELD. v The reputation of the young people of Mayfield for hospitality was increased last week, when the bachelors and spinsters held their first annual ballSeldom has the dancing capacity of the hall been taxed so much, people being present from far and near. Hie members of the committee (especially the joint secretaries and Miss Jean Patterson) deserved th© .praise showered upon them during the evening for the excellence of their arrangements, which, were complete in every detail.. The hall was beautifully decorated with evergreens, while streamers of different shades completed a pleasing effect. During an interval Mr S. McLaughlin, on behalf of the benedicts, thanked the bachelors «and spinsters for their hospitality. Mr L. Retveley responded. Over sixty couples took part in the grand march, which was led by fhe secretaries, Miss Peggy Duff and Mr j Ei Biddick. Music for the dance was j supplied by Beckley's Band, extras being played by Mr B. Harrison. The duties of M.C.'e were carred out by Messrs T. Sewpll and R. Withell. Among:t the ma y p;esent trere Mesdames Geo. Hurdoak, Geo. Harrison, D. Duff, O. Biddick, H. Scown, G. Sandry, T., E. Burgesa, lemon fugi ft lk; Jlughes, biacx satin; -B. Gailaher. pink sai.n; G. L-imb, pussy willow electric blue silk; W. Hol.and, fawn ; frock; E. Hydee, grey, beaded in red; H. 'Lamb, black silk; J. Brown, black silk; S. McLaughlin, black velvet; S. Baxter, shot jersey siJt; D. McIlrrith, saxo blue? H. Heath, black net taffela; \V. Wh ! ting, black net; G. South,; white eatin and pearl trimming; J. -McMillan, pile pink crepe de chine; E. Eflden, lemon silk; L. Oakley, cream silk poplin; B. McKay, satin J. Ellery, trown jer3ey- silu; A. Whiting, white br-csds silk; J. Moore, dead rose r.nd grey marocain; J. Drummond, black satin with georgette; L. 'Whiting, lemon crepe de chine; G. Sewell, ipricot crcpe Romain; M. Sewell, r yal blue marocain; F.Broughan, (powdered blue crepe de chine; W. Delia*, Wads silk; Misses Peggy Duff, black crepe de eHne; Jean Patterson. French lace frock; B:ssie Corbett, -navy bine satin; Jessie Drummond, white silk: Jessie Duff, white fugi silk; Vera ErJis, nigger brown velvet; R. Lane, white voile; B. Ellery, saxe blue sat'n; M. Ellery, blue crcpe de chine; S. McSaveney, blue merve silk georgette; PPr'mmcr, navy blue crepe de chine; M. Robinson, black crepe .de chine and flora! fugi; A. "Withell, emerald green crepe de chine; E. Fleming, white net; L. Blair, black radium lac? and satin; Early, nam? georgette; A Piem : ng, b'ack crepe de ohi*#> N. and E. Goldsmith, black velvet; M. Gailaher, pink crepe de chine; V. Hol.and, mairre ducbesse eatin; B. Lane, cream fugl silk; M. Lane, saxe blue crepe de chine; C. Argyle, black fugi silk; Cora ArgyJe, blsck crep: de chire; G. Tirown, pale pinK ge">T2etto; M. Lamb, white crepe dc cmne, McElhinney crcme velvet; Anderson, salmon jersey silk; Stalker, white voile; Patterson, navy blue crcpe de chine ana georgette; Hail, powdered blue crepe de chine; T. Hydea, fu?i silk lemon; M. Harrison,- pink eatin; Smith, black crepe de chine; L. Harrison, lemon crrpe de chine, M. Pfltterssi, pale blue satin; E. £»nary» crepe de chine.

ROWING CLUB BALL. The members of the Canterbury Bowing Club held a successful ball at the Art Gallery last night. The ballroom .wa3 decorated appropriately for tho occasion, with oars, sculling caps, and streamers of the club's colours, while suspended in mid-air was a gracefully poised outrigger. Tart of the Permanent Gallery was used as » lounge and the other half was a sup-per-room, where a sumptuous supper was senved on small tables, beautifully decorated with violets and irsesias. Th© members of the ball committee were Messrs R. J. Hobbs, T. P. Godfrey, R. A. Morgan, F. W. M. Cowr lishaw, J. M. Held, T. F. M. Gibson, E. S. Beaven, A. K. Johiison, C. H. Clemens, and J.. H. A. Moore (secretary). Spirited music was supplied by Bailey's Jazz Band. Mrs Frank Cowlishaw, who acted as hostess, wore a graceful gown of black georgette embroidered with jet beads. Mrs H. Bowker, black niarocain with smart touches of red; "Mrs C. de Pass; black radium laoo mounted on black satin with floral po§y at the waist; Mrs Marcelli Leman, royal blue beaded geofrgette; Mrs H. L. Widdowson, green add gold shot taffeta and gold lape; Mrs James Macfarlane, soft pink and silver shot satin; Mrs H. H. Wauchop, pretty frock of apple green marocain beaded in steel beads; Mrs H. E. Button, beautiful gown of jet beaded embroidered georgette with large coloured motifs and loose side panels of gold tissue and cherry georgette.. Other ladies present were Misses Joyce Seth-Smith, who wore a beautiful frbek of green and gold brocade; Rona Faville, blue satin with inset bands of mauve satin; Vesta Wickes, orchid velvet; Wilson, dainty frock of soft white taffeta, beaded" f with silver beads and finished with a quaint pink bow and streamers at the back; Ursula Gorton (Feilding) black lace mounted on crepe de chine; Joy Andrews, blue and gold shot taffeta; Nonie Enright (Westport) blue and gold brocade; Lbtiry (Hawke's Bay) primrose georgette; Betty Black, tomato georgette and gold- lace; Barbara Webb, white cire laoe; Mrs Gerald Gerard, black georgette with lace panels; Miss Nancy Wilson (Bulls) ivorv (velvet; Dorothy Quill, black panne velvet, brightened with crimion flowers; Mrs A. L, Cropp, black georembroidered wtith jet beadfc; Misses Lettice Williams (Dunedin) white georgette beaded with crystal beads; Pauline and Marie Kitto, eggshell blue brocaded crepe de chine; Freda Munns, silver pauze moniited on Imperial blue satin; Marjorie Statham, striking gown of richly patterned marocain in bold design; Louise Stewart, bronze crepe de chine beaded with crystal beads; Muriel Wallace, cherry' and gold brocade; Bessie Hobbs. black crepo de chine and laoe trimmed with bands of jet; Julia Scarvell. blue georgettg; _ Eileen Ronnie, pale blue taffeta with silver lace bertlie ■ and dseep skirt flounce; Nelma Ed- [ monds, applo green taffeta, inset bands silver tissue; R. Wynn Williams, black tulle arid satin; Peggy Robinson, rose and silver shot taffeta; Phyllis Widdowson, apple green brocaded satin; Mary Cowlishaw, beautiful frock of ivory georgette heavily beaded all over with crystal beads; Kena Robertson, black charnieuso with nasturtium flowers; Elizabeth Harris, wine coloured crepe de chine lavishly, bended ia crystal beads; Francis Acton Adams, ciel blue and gold! shot satin with gold lace borthe; Lettice Tapper, black georgette inlet With gold insertion; Joyce Gibson, blue georgette banded with velvet; Leila, Dauby, black georgette "banded with red and gold ribbon; JNell Buddo, deep apricot marocain inset with bands of paler gold; Mrs Goorge "lieid, charming frock of flnreingo marocain trimmed with tiny rosettes of ribbon; Misses Fay Gibson, pink laoe, mounted on ptemuiche blue arid trim- | med with pervanche ribbon; Nany Mitchell, rose and silver shot taffeta; Betty * Ehvorthy, pale lavender satin trijnmed with silver laic©; J. Jamieson, cyclamen pink georgette; Zoe. Gray, gold tissue and gala ln<ce; Marjorio Taifc, blue "taffeta; Mona Mcßae, deep wine coloured taffeta, with ebon of gold leaves; Audrey Cracrofo Wilson, sapphire blue ydiVet inset with silver insertion; Muriel Sp-ence, likio marocain. with cerise rosebudsPonpy Ciemehs, periwinide blue velvet; Haael. Cay gill, pink cire laice trinihled with tiny fluted frills; 'D. Richards (Aticki land), blue and silver taffeta and silver laco; Betty Rutherford, reseda green niarocain; Nellie Miles, cherry and gold brocade;, Gwen. Bowring, pink taffeta and ehou of blue ribbon; Eileen Dearsley, apple green georgette. With crystal beads. ~

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18149, 12 August 1924, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18149, 12 August 1924, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18149, 12 August 1924, Page 2