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The Lady Editor will b0 pleased to receive tor publication In we "Women'i Corner" items of soda! or personal news. Such Item* should be fully authenticated, Mid engagement notices must bear WW signatures ol both parties. Correspondence is invited on anj matters affecting, ox of interest to, women.

Mr and Mrs A. L. Pratt ami Miss Cicely Pratt, who have taken -Mis J. i>. Alilitorvs liouse in Oardon r(XKI, J' endalton, arrived from tho south yesterday. Miss Svlvia Fox will be the guest of Mrs Y\ alter Macfarlane, kiuwarra, for the North Canterbury Hunt Club meeting next week. ilrs Alfred Evans, who has boon visiting fiiends in Christchurch, returns to "Wellington early next- wee.*.. Mr and Mrs Frank Pyno (Ileal ey avenue) leave to-night for Wellington en route for Sydney, i Mr and Mrs "W. G. Ives andi iMiss Elsie Ives lrnve returned from a two months' trip to Sydney, Melbourne, and the Blue Mountains. Mr and Mrs Cyril K. Whale will arrive in Cliristchurch this_ morning, after spending two months in the Fiji Island. Miss E. McNiven (Hastings) and Mr and Mrs B. Davison (Culverden) are staying at Warner's Hotel. Mr and Mrs L. McKelvie (Rangitikei) and Mr and Mrs Fowler (Wellington) are amongst those staying at the United Service Hotel. The Misses Darrel and Maurryn Jameson have returned from a fortnight's holiday in Sumner. The many friends of Miss Maurryn will be pleased to learn that she is gradually recovering from the severe riding accident which she sustained in the King Country some ten months ago. In the semi-final of the championship of the Christchnrch Ladies' Golf Club, Miss E. Cracroft Wilson beat Miss Maberley Beadel, and Miss Marjoric Dixon beat Mrs S. Lawrence. Miss Cracroft Wilson and Miss Dixon will play the final next week.

A progressive euchre party will be hqld to-night at the Oddfellows' Hall, St. Asaph street, by the Christehnreh Euchre Assembly, when ten valuable prizes will be awarded to the successful players. The nineteenth night of the series of euchre tournaments promoted by the Richmond Amateur Swimming Club was held on Saturday night in. the Druids,' Hall, Fowke street. There was a good attendance. The ladies' first prize was won by Mrs Hawker and the second prize by Mrs Larcombe. For the ladies' consolation prize Mrs BuistL and Mrs Millns were equal, Mrs Buist being successful in the play-off. The New Black and White Cabaret will open at the Grand Caf,e, Colombo street to-night. The Dixie Five Jazz Band will be in attendance. On Saturday evening a surprise party visited the home of Mr and Mrs F. Johnson, Hewitt's road. MerivaJe, where a pleasant time was spent in games, competitions and dancing. A Hawaiian Carabet dance will be held at Dixieland on Wednesday, August 20th, when ail arrangements will be complete for the entertainment of the guests. Amongst special Hawaiian effects will be an exhibition Hawaiian Hula dance. Sutherland's Jazz Band will supply the music. The following additional amounts received from the children of Canterbury and West Coast schools, in penny subscriptions, by Mrs J. C. Holmes on behalf of the Children's Fresh-Air | Home "Fresh-Air Fund" have been | lodged at "The Press" office:—Wh:irenui. £1 8s "M; Convent School, Temuka, 10s; Waftio Gorge, Is 6d; Woodstock, 4s Id; Te Moana, 6s; Timaru Main, £2; Pareora East, lis; Willowby, 6s 6d; total, £5 7s 3d. Since she started collecting in April Mrs Holmes has received £145 13s 4d from the school children.

The Boc-kenham Nursing Division of the St! John Ambulance Brigade held a very pie sant social and dance in the Navy teague H;JI, at which a large number of brigade members and friends were present. During the evening games, competitions and dancing were indulged in. A dialogue given by members of the division caused a grent deal of amusement. Items were also contributed by Messrs Botts and R Jones. After a dainty supper had been served, Miss F. L. Cooper, district officer, owing to the unavoidable absence of Major A. L. Gray, assistant Commissioner, presented service stars to those entitled to them. A well-known Christchurch Society woman, who has just returned from England, stated yesterday that she had never come across more beautiful Furs than those Madame Menere is offering at present at her Salon, corner Cashel ana Colombo streets (upstairs). They include full-length Musquash Coats at only 22 guineas. M 6512-559.') Pannell's Stocktaking Bargains.— Boys' Black, <ilso Brown Schcol Boots, 7 to 8, 9s fid; 9 to 10, 10s fid; 11 to 13, lis 6d; 1 to 2, 12s 6d. Girls' Strong Patent 1-Bar and Lace Shoes, 7 to 9, 7s 9d: 10 to 13, 9s 9d. Great Value. H. Pannell and Co., 105 Manchester street. 'Phone, <&4. P6548-63iy "Patricia" is now booking ordorsi for the High-'JJoss Knitted Goods for which this shop ;b famous. Nowhere does one see Nobbier Knitted Costumes, Jumpers, Frocks, or Daintier Baby Things. High-Class Dressmaking and Millinery. Coruer Montreal and Victoria streets. 'Phone 2343 M " L 6273-3940

A successful social was held by the St. Albans Swimming Club in the Winton street Hall on Thursday evening Progressive euchre was played until 9.45, and dancing was continued till 12 o'clock. Mrs McKay and Mr Thoma3 won the prizes. On August 9tli the Ladies' Auxilinry of the Y.M.C.A. will be holding a sale of home-made cakes, produce, etc., from a st.uid in the vestibule of the Grand Theatre. The proceeds will go towards renovations in connexion with the hostel dormitory. Mrs J. I. Lloyds, vice-president of the Ladies' ( Auxiliary, will be in charge of tho stall, as Mrs A. S. Adams, the president, is on leave. On Wednesday evening a surprise 1 party of between forty and fifty per- , sons* organised by Mesdames Foster, ; Guffin and Coard. visited the residence J of Mr and Mrs H. Rosendale, 1 Cash el street, where they were heartily , welcomed by a surprised host and hos- • tess. The drawing-room was soon cleared and an enjoyable time spent in j dan-ing and games, interspersed with ' vocal and elocutionary items given by Miss Huia Bloomfield, Master Rona'd Foster and Messrs Griffin and Coard. ■ Dance music was supplied by Misses Eve'vn Griffin, Tyle, and Coard, and \fr W. Foster. A dainty supper was ' served and the singing of "Auld Lang Svno" followed by three heartv cheers : for the host and hostess broueht to a conclusion a most merry evening. On Saturday, Mr and Mrs A. Manley (St. Albans) gave a. delightful little p:iTty in honour of the birthday of their son, Phonnie. Dancing and g:imes were indulged in, part of the music being supplied via radio from 3AQ .The dining-room was decorated with bnlloons and greenery, and the table with violets and narcissi and a large cake lit with twenty candles. Amongst those present were:—Mr and Mrs A. Manley, Mr and Mrs George Rich, Misses Ruby Willis, Freda Allen, Ivy Willis, Mary Hullet, Birmingham, Messrs Phonnie Manley, Don and Peter Woodward, Merville Willis, Roland Hall, Len Ardley, Raymond Ryburn, Mathew and Ernie Hullet, Ronald Neal, and E. Allen.

A well-attended social was held recently in the Opawa Methodist Schoolroom, in aid of the Spring Carnival. Games and competitions were interspersed with musical items. Members of the choir, under the leadership of Mr T. \V. West, contributed the following programme: —Violin solo, Mrs Saunders, accompanied by Miss Kelly: chorus, choir members; song, Mrg Bennett; humorous recitations, Miss A. Brown; trio, Mrs Ball, Mies P. Brown, and Mr W. Claridge; song, Mr Sail; quartette, Messrs West, Sail, Claridge, and Ball; glee, choir members. Mrs West was the accompaniste for the evening. Competitions were won by Mrs H. Cook, Mrs Sail, and Miss Best. Supper, provided by the ladies, concluded an enjoyable evening. Miss R. A. Harris, assistant teacher at Addington School, prior to her departure, on promotion, to bhirlej School, was presented by her past and present pupils with two handsome tokens of their esteem. _Mr It pClarke, headmaster, spoke in appreciation of the able and energetic manner in which Miss Harris tod worked for her young charges. Miss Harris brieflj and suitably replied. Miss. Harris was entertained by her fellow teachers at a farewell cup of tea, when the heswlmaster, on behalf of the staff, handed her a parting token of the good fellowship ,wnich had always existed between them. He said he was losing a skilful, energetic, and up-to-date teacher whose place would be hard to fill. Miss J. H. Thomson, infant mistresss, and MiKennedy also Book© appreciatively of Mis 9 Harris's good work. In reply Miss Harris expressed regret at leaving Addington iSchoo}. Her desire "for promotion was the solo rea&on. The ladies responsible for the success of the Papanui Combined Clubs' Carnival Fair now being staged at the Papanui Memorial Hall are:—St. Paul's (Papanui) Tennis Club: Plain and fancy, Mesdames F. Burrell (convener), Mawson, . Baynes, Misses French, Searell, Hodgson, F. Nicholls, Zohrab; sweets, Miss D. Hassall (convener), Mesdames Oakc's, Taylor, Misses Bolt, A. Banks, Bowbyes, F. McDonald, Gibbs; competitions, Misses L. Moore and C. Tait; tea stall, Miss E. Ward (convener), Jones, G. J. Garmson, M. Somerset, E. Burke, Mrs L. Jones. Waimairi Football Club: Mesdames G. Kerridge, E. Blair, H. Kettle, A. Pearce, Hookham, Misses M. Pearce, I. and M. Maher, G. Kerridge, D. Harris, M. Lavender, M. Kettle, L. Griffin, E. Guy, F. Bailey, K. Powell, I. Bell, E. Goodall. Papa-nui-Harewood Athletic and Cycling Club: Cakes, Mesdames W. W. Taylor, H. E. Smith; pickles and jams, Mesdames J. Langdon, P. Stirling; fancy, Mesdames Farrell, Bolt, A. Woodham, C. Blackmore; postcard, Mrs L. and Miss Claridge; bran tub, Mrs Tapper.

- What is probably a record for a long life spent in Auckland has been ended by the death at the advanced age of 86 of .Mrs Mary Cooke, who died this week at her residence, Ponsonby (telegraphs onr Auckland correspondent). Mrs Cooke had spent about 84 years in Auckland. The younger daughter of the late Mr Benjamin Gittos, she was born at Durham in 1838, and with her parents arrived at Auckland in 1840 in the sailing ship James. Her brother, the late Rev. W. Gittos, was for over 50 years a missionary in the Kaipara district, and was well-known in the Maori mission field. Mrs G. W. Mair was her sister. At the time the family arrived at Auckland, the only habitation of any description was a raupo store depot on the beach, situated on the site of the present Shortland street Post Office, the rest of the district being covered by dense ti-tree bush. Upon arrival the family' went to the Hokianga mission station, but returned to Auckland shortly afterwards. Here they made their permanent home, and since then Mrs Cooke had practically spent her life in Auckland. A very successful plain and fancy dress dance was held in the Eolle'ston Btreet Hall, Linwood, on Wednesday evening. The ladies' prizes were won as follows: —Prettiest dress, Miss Sherwood (Rainbow); most original, Miss Jones (Chinese Lantern); other prizes, Mrs Payne (Orange Smile), Miss Jackson (Ranch Girl), Miss Mortimer (French Doll), Miss Withell (Black and White Pierrette)', Miss Jordan (Gipsy), Men's prizes were won by characters representing Arab Sheik first, Indian Chief second, and Cowboy third. The following ladies were also present in costume: —Misses V. Dahlberg (Pierrette), Y. Harris (Eastern Lady), Leah Parish (Lady Artist), A. Betallick (Star), Elder (Hungarian Girl), F. Pearn (Yes, We Have No Bananas), I. •Fearon (Rambling Roses), O. Ureri (Winner Records), P. Ritchie (Queen Bee), Mrs H. Ritchie (Black and Red Pierrette), H. Love (Armarilla), Mrs Chennells (Quaker), Mrs Turner (Gipsy), Mrs Bettle (Graham, Wilson, and Smellie's Parcels). A lucky-spot dance was won by Mrs Harris and Mr F. Jack. Bettle'3 orchestra supplied the music, and Messrs M. Hartigau and Geo. Palmer acted as M.C.'s. Mesdames Clark and Jeffreys and J. Clark acted as judges of "the fancy dresses.

"FEED THE BRUTE," fentle lady, after he's had a tiring ay at the office. But tired hubbies often have weary palates. Then oh! for a tasty winter dish to tempt the jaded appetite. Try salmon and parsley sauce, served hot. Ask your grocer for Golden Net (rich red) Cohoe salmon. Pine Tree is a cheaper reliable brand. AH grocers and stores. 2

bridge party.

Under the auspices of the "Women's Auxiliary of the Navy league, a' very enjoyable bridge party was held last night in the Nary League Hall, Worcester street. Amongst the players were Mrs H. J. Marnner, Mrs H. Wvatt, Mrs Phipps Black, Mrs J. Wvn Irwin, Mrs Raphael, Mrs Mrs A E. Smith, Miss Cresswell, Mrs Frank Marrie, His Shand, Mrs Seth Smith, Mrs Tobin, Miss Overton, Mrs D. E. Hansen, Miss Heywood, Miss Helen Heywood, Miss Hilda Freeman, Miss Ruth Jull, Mrs Charles Smith, Mrs Garbett, Mrs J. A. S. Wait, Mrs Trevor Foster, Mrs A. Young, Mrs S. Harris, Miss Sapsford, Mr and Mrs Wooller Mrs Richard Anderson, Mrs \ Wilson, Miss E. Pender, Mrs W. S Lee Miss Nellie Guthrie, Mrs Yorke 'Mrs Ma-lean, Mrs Dune, Mrs J Middletnn, Mrs W. McKinney, Mrs n Tribe. Miss Frostick, Mrs C. Green, Mr and Mrs G. Smithson, Miss Tftilliams. Mrs Summers, Miss Lee, Mrs Lorimer, Mrs D. E. Wood, Mrs >V ■ Maclean, Mrs F, B Wright Miss Youngman, Miss Luj-y Youngman, Mrs E. J. Tayler Mrs W. Oudgeon, Miss Agnes Richardson, Miss Ethel Tayler. Mrs Bloxarn, Mrs n H. KnfaK. Miss Kent, Mrs Bullock, Miss Williams, Mrs; .T S Kelk Mrs Wrarie, Mrs S^nd-* 1 !. Mrs T. Harrison Miss Macbeth Miss Munel Wood Miss Elfiie Hoiworth, M'ss Alison Jennines. Miss Wi'son, Miss Fenthorston*. Miss Enid Minty, and Miss Jean Smith.

WEDDINGS. JOHNSON —SMITH. A quiet but pretty wedding was celebrated on Tuesday at St. Peters Church, Woolston, when Miss Elsie Smith, third daughter of Mr and Mi's 1 A. Smith (Christchurch) (late of lemuka'j was married to Mr Stanley Johnson, of Orari. The Rev. W. Tanner performed the ceremony. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, wore a pretty frock of white satin marocain trimmed with pearl and silver beads and a richljrembroiderod tulle veil arranged in mob cap style with a wreath of orange blossoms. ' She carried a. beautiful shower "bouquet of freesias and violets with maidenhair fern and streamers. Miss Alice Smith, sister of the bride, attended as maid of honour. She wore an Early frock of heliotrope shot satin with short puffed sleeves, a white tulle and s : lver lace mob cap. and silver brocaded shoes. Mr Andrew Maeaulay, of Temuka, was best man. After the ceremony the guests were entertained by the bride's mother at the D.I.C. tearooms, where the usual toasts were honoured. Ln.ter in the afternoon Mr and Mrs Johnson left by motor, the bride travelling in a navy blue serge tailored costume with grey hat and shoes. Their future home will be at Orari.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18141, 2 August 1924, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18141, 2 August 1924, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18141, 2 August 1924, Page 2