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AMBERLEY. Tho first card match of the second round was held on Saturday evening for Dr. T. Thompson's Challenge Cup, when the Amberley Oddfellows' B tfcam defeated the Druids by C4O points to The Canadian foursome played on «W local links on Saturday, was won by Mrs C W.f Browne and Mrs J. Boycc. T he sealed hole handicap was won by S. Frew. „/ U f'V ece . nt , moctin S of th ° «>mmittoo of the- Amberley Football Club,' it l>.\ holding a dancs on Thursday evenLEITHFIELD. T J/lffi W cr I y mcot j«g of the Loyal I.c thheld Lodge of Oddfellows held on Saturday evening and presided-over by * i ; "r, 0, G< He '«Jcrson ( was woll ?!rv Cd n The Ashle V Distr »ct Officers, «,«' f< i <■ ,L A< Ivoi 7' and DSan. < J. Jennings, and visitors from I,L ,i { "."? ,ora {*dge, wero present, fI ,T n A ade for tho al >sence of l D i D f G ' I' Bro - Oldman. Officers btallcd by the District GM. as fol-lows:-N.o. Bro. G. May; V.G., Bro. IV i %; J '- & -- »«». W. Ditfort, and Warden. Bro. A. Fleming Bro O. Henderson took the I.P.X.G. chair, and the minor ofheers appointed were- Supporters to N\G M Bios. D. I'ahmer and I. I infold ■ .supporters to V.G.. Bros. U. Russell and A. Dalzell, and GuardWi'4- ~J M v J. Fitapntriek. Addressing !.'ratulate:cr"wt*''><r> District Officers confinancial position of "the P7L.the strong being another, substantial surpl...t-heie dispose of after tho members 50 veatO cf age and upwards, having fot some years past boon relieved from payment of their contributions to the sick and funeral fund. The District Secretary also gave a resume of the principal juntters dealt with at the Nelson V>fcC. P.b.G.M. M. Barrell respond, ed'to' dTS!&«E&!23& on l«hnU of tho visitors " from"Kangior> leaving for home the visitors'Wp-« tei'tamed at supper. '■■** OXFORD, v On or about the shortest day there is a nor'-wester. This has been noted tfr.cpi the earliest records in Canterwl£' °H#!. i! U"<!ar is no exception. On Wednesday "a'wind blew with almost liurrieano force, reminding one of notable gales. On Friday night a southI west wind brought rain and snow on the foothills, and on Saturday, tho 21st ! (shortest day) the wind was nor'-west | again. On tho whole the weather has been suitable for farm activities, and though there have been some wet nights they have been followed by bright days, enabling farm work to be carried on. The nor'-west gale on Wednesday was accompanied with very heavy rains in the hills, which brought tho Ashley down in flood. Mr "0. F. Hall had an experience as a result, of this which he will remember. He set out in his motorlorry, well loaded with posts, wire, and other fencing material, for tho head of Lees Valley. He had been thero a few days previously. When he got to the Ashley at the entrance to the valley the tiver was clear and fordable, but by the time he got half-way across it camo' down in a terrific surge,'impeding tho lorry and stopping the on; i gine. Of course there was then no furj ther progress. In a short time the water was over the steering wheel. Mr Hall managed to anchor tho vehicle by a wire the bank, and'there ft remains, all attempts made to Saturday night to remove it being fruitless. A misadventure' such as this, emphasises the need for the rivers in valley to bo bridged, and for -tho. telephone to. bo extended through the valley without delay.

RANGIORA. The ■ Queen Carnival, which is being organised to raise funds to assist the Band to wipe off its liabilities, is causing a good deal of interest. Yesterday afternoon the Ladies' Committees met in the Borough Council Chambers and discussed details in' connexion with the crawnine ceremony. The Mayoress (Mrs W. A. Rowse) presided. Quite a number of suggestions were brought forward, and will be submitted to a general meeting or the committees which is to bo liefd in the Band Room on Thursday night. At the quarterly summoned meeting of* Court Loburn, >'o. 7759, A.0.F., J3ro. IT. Ashby, presided over a good attendance of members). Officars for the' ensuing term were installed as follows :-C.R., Bro. L Comvns; SCR., Bro. J. A. Guest; S.W., Bro. H Coey; P.W., Bro. G: J. Richards; SB. Bro. J. ' RoM J J - B v Bro.. A. TDuffiell. A vote'of thanks jvas passed to the" brethren who filled tho offices during the past half-year. The retiring C R "Bro. H. .Ashby, presented with'a. P.C.R. certificate and neck ribbon and his name placed on the respect board Arrangements were made to hold a debate aftcr transacting- the business at the next meeting _ \t theJnonthly meeting or theßangiora branch of the W.O.T.U. there was 1 lanr attendance. Mrs Thwaites occupied the chair. An appeal was made for more subscribers to tho. ''white Pibbon " and a collection in aid of tho Maori fund was taken up. After the transaction of other routine Commandant >ewton, of the Salvation Army Mission in China, gave an interestin"- an d informative address on her work in the mission field. On the motion of Mrs Lano, a hearty vote of ♦imnks was accorded the speaker. -A Son of svnrpathv with Mrs W. 11. Howes in her illness was passed.

BARBHILL. it the Barrhill schoolroom on Satur--1 niflit ft progressive euchre tournat was held. The attendance was meI j an j a pleasant evening was spent, v the ladies' prize three ladies tied, u° r R Brawlcy winning in the playis-' S The "-entleinen's prize was won by ?r T? Gemmell, sen. The consolation prizes wTnt to Miss Burns and Mr G. Kaan. ____

ASHLEY BANK. n Saturdav afternoon Mrs C. Vette, • 'Alprivale " Ashley Bank, entertained timber'of young people at her resi- »/ B !?tbe occasion being the birthS her little daughter' Dorothy. Y?y" followed' by musical and eloitems, occupied the interest c ? the Sappy children till tea-time, 0 1 tli« centre of attraction was a Wl -K- X and beautifully decorated fcirth- ? i 8 ike Amongst those present were: Masses Buby AVbitliam, Jean CriglingJ Vita. Beattie, Flossie Morgan. Noel &Son, Marjory Whitham Irene Dorothv Vette, Gwen Ludeman, ■ -J Kdith Lundr. and Masters Jack ■t day by motor on an extended holiday

G LEXMARK. ' .* ,Kfc monthly meeting of Glen- ' l hrinoh of the Mothers' Union, n u 3r Vlkious Exercises in Schools Bill, o he hSrc°d«ced by L M. Isitt, M.P., f session, was explained, and a Solution supporting it was passed r0 imn-islv. A copy of the resolution h3 f requesting his support when the S iTitttrodSced in the HmiEe

OHOKA. At a nicotine of the Ohoka residents a very satisfactory report or th .® financial -workings of tho Ohoka Hall was presented by tha outgoing committee, special reference being, made to tho improvements effected to the hall itself during the year and ™ e Additional electric lights installed.. Tho action cf the Ohoka Domain Board in improving tho entrance to the narking place and the fencinp otr of a special paddock for horses as favourably commented on. Mr " » *'; Orchard was appointed secretary anc .Messrs C. It. Cooke (chairman). "•.^ , Knight, T. Brown, G. Ward. "• Dalzell S. G. Dunlop, and T. It am say were elected as a committee. At si-meeting of tho Ohoka and Evreton Sports Club a voiy favourable report was presented showing the club to have a credit balance of ~w with further subscriptions to come m. It was decided to hold the annua meeting on .Saturday, July sth, and to wind ui> the evening with a smoke concert. Musical talent of hieh order has been arranged for by Eangiora well-wishers of the club and a tun attendance in hoped for. Play continues on tho tennis courts when weather permits, and a very noticeable improvement is apparent among the ladies, many of whomcom--menced the season as beginners. TV hen tho present demand for labour ,l>os ceased it is intended to commence tho second court so as to have the two courts ready for play at the commencement of next season.

KIRWEE. Tho members of the Courtonay Social Club held their evening's amusement in the Courtcnay Library last week. There was a large number present. The prizes for the progressive euchre match were won by Airs Gildwell (first) and Mra McLennan (second), and in the gentlemen's sec-Itop*f--Y3J;.' J v..T > age (first) and Mr A. The- lota! miuiai-ii-ie .. in fidl.'swiap, i;iri very cnthusi<iAfcif. 'The U'wA"?^"* I '* *ro coming i:i> to a h ; r' v sUnuarci, ana y t>. ladk •• !!•'." to be ML£i'>'r nnc' ih'- v- ■■■"'-■ i,;'iVjhoi irii.; othe- elm?*. heai r.or.i »-nv chib \\l)' bo v'*s*' '• t-> a .iiof'ch. I' : '-' : t week two '-<utki.'2.© with die fiiir? seo.-iv &; '■" ' •>.^ ; Mrs V. 1.-. McK ; « w-.--. i:: -uies-

weellly champioro'iip • ■•«" J " Meokan the gentlemen's. The best scores off the rifle were Mrs D. J. Smith 35 A.. Hart 34, W. Oakley, jun., 34. T. Sullivan 33, B. T. Stnnley 33. P. McNae 33, R, Bedford 33, A. J. -Hulston 33, W. Oakley 33, C. Johnston 32. C. Smith 32, A. Li. Stewart 32, B. Hart 31, D. J. Smith 31, B. Bower 31 V. Davis 31, R, McMeekan 30, F. L. McKie 30, Mrs F. L. MoKie 30, P. Roper 30, Mrs B. Stanley SO, and IX Kolly 30. ou_ Monday and Tuesday of lasts weok the hardest frosts of the season were experienced. Oil Wednesday and Thursday thet-o' were strong northwest winds, ■while the latter part-of the week was cold and showery, 32 points of rain falling on Friday njght. A fair amount of land is ready for drilling, but the showery wrather is causing delay. Potato-digging is not yet finished. The crops are only medium. Owing to the high price, of chaff, a fr<Jr amount has been sent away, but thero is not a. great deal available in the district for'sale, mid in some cases farmers will have to buy ohaff for their own use.

GREENPARK. "Surprise Parties" are the order of the day just now in Greenpark. On Friday evening a party of residents numbering about twenty-five' visited tho home of Mr and Mrs J. Stalker, where a„ most enjoyablovtime 'was speat. Each'visitor took. a • parcel suitable for -the produce 6tall of which Mrs Stalker will hare charge at St. Mark's Barrow Fair. Cards, games and music pecupied the eiveriing, which went all too-quickly those present. Two interesting competitions were won by Mrs Bartley and Mrs Williamson respectively, These prizes (boxes of chocolates) were later handed on by the winners to Mrs W. Kimber for her sweets stall. After a most enjoyable supper, provided by the visitors, Mr E. Yarr made a presentation of a 51b tin of tea to Mrs Stalker for a competition for her stall. Mr and Mrs Stalker suitably replied, thanking their friends, for the generous contributions, and forthe pleasant evening. "For They are Jolly Good Fellows," and "Auld Lang Syne" brought the evening to a close. Amongst those present were:—Mesdame's Stalker, Yarr, Pearson, Fleete, Williamson, Carr. Legg, Dennehv, Kimber, Bartley, Misses Yarr (2), Dawkins, Stalker. Dutton. Messrs Stalker (2), Yarr, .Pearson, Fleete, Carr, Kimber, Dennehv, Carter 'and Dutton.

DARFIELP. The. members of tho Malvern Electric Power Board are very sanguine that the reticulation of their district will shortly be an accomplished fact. When the requisite number of consumers has been definitely ascertained, tho . construction work will be put in hand and carried out immediately. With favourable circumstances the people should be enjoying the benefits of electric light before Christmas. A number of farmers around the district, Realising" the advantages of the introduction of the power in their midst, have - a , project for erecting a flour-mill at Darfield. Seeing that this is the centre of the wheat-growing country of Canterbury, tho benefits that would accrue to farmers and the district as a whole ave obvious. A loeel flourmill should have good prospects of supplying the requirements of the West Coast.

'lt is reported that a number of houses is to be erected in the township shortly. The local hockey team had a win on Saturday against the Hororata team by four goals to one. Tho automatic signalling system and interlocking arrangements recently brought into uso at the. railway station are working very satisfactorily. The interlocking of the yard is much appreciated by the locaU staff, as. the manipulation of the points and signals for shunting purposes is now-controlled front the locking frame situated in the station office, consequently sonic-"of the work hitherto done in the yard is now done in the office, whilst shunting operations aro being carried out. The weather at present is bitterly cold, due to a great effect to the lowlying snow on the hills. Frosts have bepn very hard lately and have impeded the progress of ploughing.

SPRINGSTON. Ta the Springston Hall on Saturday evening there was a large gathering at the weekly euchre and dance. The euchre- prizes wero won by Mrs W. Wright and Mr P. EJordan. After supper dancing was indulged "in, Mr Bob Wall, jun., supplying. the music. Opportunity was taken by the Social Committee to make a presentation to Mr E. J. S. Loehhead, who ha 3 been a member of the committee, and is now moving to Southbridge. Mr J. S. Simpson, on behalf of the committee, made. the presentation (a brief bag). Mr Loehhead suitably replied.

STAVELEY. 'There is every likelihood that the coalfields situated behind: Staveley will be reopened. These fields wero closed some time back, owing to continual fallings-in. The coal, according to local testimony, is excellent, and superior to that obtained fromJilL Snifters.

SPRINGBURN. At a meeting held, in the school to liscuss the raising ttf funds for the competitions, the following wore elected i sub-committee to work with the committee previously appointed: Mesdames Pcmpleton, Andrews, Hinton, Symes, md Messrs C. Burrows and A. Symes. [t. was decided that the chairman write x) tlio Burrows family, Christchurch, lsking them to give a concert. There .8 every probability of the wish being 'ranted, and if «o, a treat is in store tor local music-lovers, as the family las in it a famous quartette combination. It was also decided to arrange, it a later date, for a concert by locat talent, and then a children's fancy dress mil. It is to be hoped that by these tieans some addition will be made to i,he competitions funds. ■lt' is l expected, that the n©w Post: Jffioe and telephone exchange will be jponed on July Ist. Mr "W. J. Stringer,, it present telegraphist at Ashburtou,, ivill : be in charge. Telephones are _no\v doing installed as rapidly as possible. VVhpn all are connected the total will' be 80. ' BUSHSIDE. Mrs L. M. Bufton, secretary of the. Anglicau "Church Committee, has announced that the following sums were taken at the various stalls at the bazaar held, recently Work stall, £2l Is 4d; hoop-la, £l6 10s 1(0; produce, £ll 9s Id; sweets, £9 10s 3d; refreshments, £4 4s 9d; fish pond, £4 2s; fruit aalad, £2 5s 6d; fortune telling, £2 2s. After paying all expenses a sum of £6l' was left. RAKAIA. Bio. 75*. Newman presided at the fortnightly meeting of the Edith Cavell (Rebokah; Lodge, Ko. 38, 1.0.0. F. Thero was a good attendance. A letter was read from, ' fifister- Hartigan, S.D.D.G.M. (Christchurch) consenting to act as installing officer at the halfyearly installation. ' An invitation, was received from the - Ladies' Lodge (Daphne), Ashburton,• to attend tno annual ball. A letter waß read from | Bro. Garland, of Chertsey, offering to bring candidates to next meeting for initiation. After the business.had I .been disposed of the members of the brother Lodge were entertained at supper and cards. * METHVEN. John . Waldie, while, playing in a practice Association football match on Saturday, had tho misfortune to break a* small bone in his leg. Ho is progressing favourably. A young , man named George Geddes was thrown from his on Baturday at - Highbank. breaking his leg in two places. He was attended by Dr. ~\V. H. McKee, of Methven, and is doing- well . The committee of tho Methven A. and 'P. Association is gradually improving the new show grounds, and at present a number of the members aro putting up concrete gateposts at the main entrance. For*a number of years the Methven. district has been without tho services of a dentist, and this lias meant journeying to Christchurch or Ashburton when the sei-vice of one is required. An enterprising Christchurch dentist has arranged to come to Methven for a week, and ho has secured the use of the A. and P. Associate's room, from next Monday. Although this is onlj' temporary, it may lead to Methvon securing the services of a resident dentist-. ' The following further games hare been played in connexion* with the billiards "tournament at Mr M. A.: Stone's rooms: —G. Anderson (owe 10) ; 250, W. Aitken (owe CO) 125; F. S. I McDonald, ( 20) 250; W. Mahood (owe 25) 19(3; W. Nee (owe 130) 250; J>. Middletori (scr) 227; F. Brownlee (sen 250, J. Rowse (owe 145), 179: A. IXiff (rec. 80) 250. A. J. Wilson free. 20) 238; 3>." Anderson (owe 30) ' 2.30, W. Grieves (rec. 70) 236; E. G. Brown (owo 20) 250, S. Hands (owe •30 )

Nervous Indigestion. "Ordinary Tonics Alwaye Bad." A PhyaicianV Views on Diet. "Nervous indigestion" has become a very common complaint, said a physician lecturing at theLondbn Institute of Hygien* recently,. : - ":'■. Victims of it gain scant general sym- ' pathy, and it is often summed up as imaginary by their friends who Save never suffered from it. u , .'"'.■' '."■ The nervous system; he continued, acts :.. very much on the digestion, and brain disturbances cause in some people the'' secretion of too much gastric juice and^ixi othersthe-reverse,'. ' ~,. "..: '\'"'■■'':'^ Ordinary tonics, said the.lecturer,' ar« alwaydbad for weak digestion, and quinine, iron, arsenic, and Buch things, although they ntay bring about ft ravenous appetite (or a few days, invariably have a reaction, The Value of Special Diet. I Incalculable harm is done, continued [ the lecturer, by kindly friends urging the, [sufferer to "feed up," andvmany aCase of chronic indigestion could be traced toi\ the " feeding up " friend. .• -".'"<.:.' ! Special diet is, however, 'frequently necessary, andforthispurposethe ''therapeutical ■■' food," Sanatogen; proves very useful. I Its ; chief value lies in the fact that it directly '.■ tones and invigorates the nerves with which the stpreach and other digestive organs; are equipped, and on which their efficiency depends. At the same.time Sanatogen is i itself a food, giving the maximum of concentrated nutrimehfwith the minimum of \ bulk, and being absorbed by the weakest stomach without any strain on the diges; tive powers. Theresultis that the sufferer from nervous indigestion can greatly reduce and simplify his ordinary diet whilst actually increasing his nutrition by means ..of Sanatogen. •• ■-, •Moreover, his whole nerve-energy is increased, so that'the nerves controlling the stomach, etc., become stronger and more efficient, with the result that a radical change for the better is soon established, , A Remarkable Letter. An interesting case in point is that of the Rev. J. j. Tyndall, Chaplain'to the Fleet of the .Naval Station. Simonstown, who writes from Dublin as follows: i 'M was compelled to return home from abroad owing to a serious disorder of my digestion. For about five years 1 could scarcely digest my food at all, and the almost continual regurgitations of food made me pretty well wprn out.' After having tried many patent foods without ' avail, I at last tried Sanatogen, and with remarkable success. • Really, it is making a new man of me. The acidity has almost" ceased, and I am now able to take solid food without any unpleasant results,", Siufferers from nervous indigestion would do well to bear in mind the above warning as to the ill effects of ordinary tonics, The best plan is to take a course of Sanatogen, and at the same time'.to consult a physician whawill correct anyfundamental error in the diet or mode of life. [Note. Sanatogen of perfect pre-war cuaKty can b* obtained at all chemist*

MESSES OOLLIN & CO. PTY., LTD, P.O; Box 913, Wellington.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18107, 24 June 1924, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18107, 24 June 1924, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18107, 24 June 1924, Page 3