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LEITHFIELD. The Amberley Branch of the 1 131- " mers' Union met at Leithfield on Monday evening, when the president, -^ r E. A. Payne, occupied the chair. An apology for the unavoidable absence of the secretary, Mr F. Coleman, as received, and the vice-president, Mr R. E. Wornall, attended to the secretarial duties pro tem. The president proposed, and the vice-president seconded, "That this meeting express its sympathy with Mr Coleman in his present indisposition and appreciation of his great service to the Union." ; motion was carried unanimously. Tho president and vice-president gave n very interesting nnd comprehensive report of the provincial conference and ;d.-o of Mr Poison's address at Rangiora. Mr Croft nropnsed a very hearty vote of thanks to Messrs Payne and W ornall for their able reports, which carried. It was decided that meetings be held every second Monthly in the month alternately at Amberley, Balcairn and Leithfield, the next meeting to take place at Balcairn on July 14th, at 7.30 p.m. AKAROA. The snooker tournament reached its final stages on Saturday' evening. L. Harrington proved the winner, with D. McLennan and J. Munro running close in second and third places. Trophies were given by three of the older billiard enthusiasts. The weather has cleared once more, yesterday being a day of bright sunshine, with the waters of the harbour once more like unto the proverbial millpond. During the storm over the week-end Mr Harry Keefe, of tho Kaik, had the'misfortune to lose his o» launch. It was torn- by the force or wind ;md wave from the slip whereon, it had been undergoing an overhaul and dashed on to the rocks across the Bay. , •• At the last meeting of the executive of the Banks. Peninsula Riflo Association it was decided that the shield matches commence to-morrow both for seniors and juniors. It was reported that owing to the continued tfet weather, the repairs to butts and targets had not yet'been' completed, but everything would be' in readiness for the opening day. It w?.> resolved, on Mr J. Duxbury's motion, to add a rule to the effect that the two scores dropping down from seniors must count in the junior scores for the shield competition, but that any junior men shooting in a senior team must shoot on the same day at the juniors for their scores to be included in that competition. OKAIN'S BAY. The match between Okain's Bay and Akaroa, on the recreation ground on Saturday, resulted in a win for the for,mer by 11 points to nil. Tries were scored by Beg. Hartley (2) and J. Haines, C. Hartley converting one. Mr V. Craw was referee. After the match the visitors were entertained to tea by tho ladies. A meeting of ladies was held at the residence of Mrs W. Robinson to arrange, in conjunction with tho School ■ Committee, a. children's fancy dress carnival. It was decided to hold the carnival on July 25th, and to have dancing classes for the children previous to the event. Novelty dances and special decorations were decided upon; also that there be no charge for admission for children. Each child is to receivo a gift. The bridge at. Mr J. B. Ware's corner is practically completed, and a very dangerous spot lias been eliminated. A start is to be made on tho sheathing of the road opposite the schoolhouse. The river has washed- away tho bank to such an ■ extent that portions of the road have fallen in. CHORLTON-LITTLE AKALOA. Tho residents of this district are foot-' ball enthusiasts down to tho tiniest child, so it was not surprising that they were out in full force to see the sov'en-a-side Springvalo Cups Competition. There wero fifteen teams entered, and some of tho matches wore very interesting from the spectators' point of viow, especially the finals for tho senior and junior cups. The previous I holders, Little Alcaloa, were able to retain tho senior cup, and the United 1 Bays won the junior. The local ladies provided lunch and afternoon tea. At the' conclusion of the competition Mr W. Jacobson presented the cups to the captains of tho winning teams, and thanked the Little Akaloa ladies for their hospitality. Cheers were, given for tho donors of the cups—Mr J. 0. Coop (senior) and Mr F. Coop (junior). In tho evening the Little Akaloa footballers gave a ball in the Chorltou Hall, which Was well crowded. Quite a number of visitors from other bays attended, and a merry evening was spent in dancing. Miss Thompson (Cashmere Hills) is staying with Mrs L. Waghorn (Greendale). Miss Hunter left on Tuesday for a three months' holiday in Samoa, where she will be the guest of Mrs Harvey. Iler mother, Mrs F. Hunter, accompanied her as far as Auckland. Mrs C. V. Gilbert has gone for a three weeks' holiday. Mr and Mrs E. W. Scott have been staying with Mrs Shuttleworth for a few days prior to leaving for their home at Kapuni, Taranaki. LITTLE RIVER. A social was given by Mr and Mrs M. Barclay, on Thursday evening, as a send-off to Mr D. Baird, who has been in the post office here for some years, and has received notice of his transfer to Kaiapoi. Games of all sorts were played and a pleasant evening was spent. During the evening a presentation of a gold pendant from the members of the .Little Eiver Band tvaa made. The pendant was inscribed: "To Bandsman Dave Baird, from the Little River Band. 13-6-1924." This was to have been given at a band concert on Friday night, but had to be presented earlier, owing to Mr Baird having to leave earlier than .was expected. A surprise party, organised by some of the ladies of the district, was held at Mr Stanley Birdling's residence on Saturday night. Mr and Mrs Birdling have just returned from their honeymoon 'and settled down in their new home. A musical programme was gone through, and the evening was enlivened with games of many kinds, some of j them entirely new to the district. Be- j fore the party broke up Mr H. Lewth- j waitc, in a neat little speech, wished • the newly-married couple long life and ■ happiness. Mrs Birdling will be a decided acquisition to the district from a | musical point of view, as she is the possessor of a very fine voice, having won practically everything at the Competitions last year, LEESTON. At a meeting of the committee of the EHesmere branch of the New Zealand Farmers' Union, the question or improvement in telephone hours at the Lees ton exchange was discussed It was decided to write to the Chief Postmaster and District Telegraph Engineer requesting that the service be extended from 7 a.m. till midnight, with two hours on Sundays and holidays It was agreed to ask Mr F. E. Ward. Department of Agriculture, to "•ire a. lecture at the next meetine.

HALKETT. The present state of the Halkett road gives rise to many uncomplimentary remarks. Never in the best of condition during the summer, it is now wearing badly with the rain and frost. In places there are jagged-edged potholes six to eight inches deep, while the culvert approaches are also bad. The time cannot be far distant when the road will either have to be re-metalled, or else avoided by traffic altogether. At a meeting of the Halkett bachelors held at Mr B. Hayes' on Saturday evening, it was decided to hold the annual ball on Friday, July lltli, in the school. Arrangements were made for catering and music. This year's function promises to be oven more successl ful than last year's. The bachelor residence of Messrs V. and L. Davis was uncermoniously invaded by a surprise party last week. The surprisers promptly "arranged a programme for the evening. Euchre and other card games were played till supper, after which some amnsinggamos wero put on, and altogether a very enjoyable evening was spent. Among those prpcpnt wero Mr and M''s Turner, Mr and Mrs G. Davis. Mr and Mrs Tt. i Roper, Mr nnd Mrs Hayes, Mrs I\elham .Mr "Watson, Misses Turner C3l, Thomas. Riekerhy /<2). Thompson (2), Messrs V. and L. Turner, Dudley, Davis, R. Henderson and Bulnois. Mr ,T. Forbes. who recently arrived from Scotland. has '■>e ,a i string with his brntliT-in-law, Mr E. Ford. Mr G. Wallace, whn has "been staying with Mrs Turner, left for the north on Sunday. progress mating of the Cmirten-n-v-Paparua Ploughing Match Association wps held at the school on Monday E. F"«-!rr had lent a suitable naddock nnd arrnT»pments were in band for fetching ploughs from AvVshurv station. The ennvnss for funds was proceeding satisfactorily. A committee was set up to arranfe for a socm' pnd presentation of prices in +W sdir.ol the snme evening;, and mnrsTin's were ai)"iinted for I lie n'oijrrhi'xr, hsrn /,c "'. and farmers' dog trial snetions. The n®xt mating is to be held on Monday, June 30th] A miTilfp pifip+ijKT of all Toeidpn+q of the HnlWt di'ct.nVf, f R P aiip,i f,>T xr«r,rVv to consider of a rrwind in fh« A 1 1 1 r-n T«pp*t mnkiif tVp pr"lin->innrv pronin'"s have wet- witb rof!«KWnl)le it it to hA honpd t.'>"t rn°pti>i" wi'l b< a "bier ope. anH n-iH the proposal through to definite action. BROOKSIDE. 'A euchre party and dance was held in the Brookside school recently in aid of the Library Funds. Euchre prTzes were awarded to Misses Roscoe and Army Hall, and Messrs A. Stapleton and K. Hall. The Library Committee intend to hold further euchre tournaments, and to give a special prize to the player with the highest aggregate marks for the season. ■ i TAUMUTU. Last Sunday a heavy sea was running on the Ninety Mile Beach, and at about midday the wooden break- • water on the culvert at the lake outlet was smashed down by the tremendous force of the water. The damage done to the culvert is extensive. It will require filling up with shingle and sand, which will have to be shovelled out to make a channel before the lake can be let out. SHEFFIELD. At a meeting of the Malvern A. and P. Association the secretary presented a balance-sheet which showed that when all- subscriptions and donations were received there would be si' small, credit ibalance after paying all prize moneys ' and . other, expanses. It wa.i decided itp pay all priae moneys at cnce. .A i subcommittee' was appointed to_ ■arrange for a concert and presentations of trophies won at the recent show, also for a, dance, tho date , being fixed for Thursday, June 26tli. DARFIELD. The veather for the season, of the year has up to the present been exiremeiy miid. The soil has had a splenaid soaring making it in good couOiuon for early crops. Up to tne present the Irosta have not ait'eeted the green grass, and as rape and turnips are plentiful an abundance of winter feed is assured. - The Onristchurch Hunt Club intend holding their annual ball on July 4th. As this function is tendered by the members of the club to the farmers of the districts on. whose property the hunts are held, the occasion is looked forward to eagerly, as it is one of the best dances held here' during the season. On Monday evening the Social and Debating Society held a social evening. A number of games were played and all the members joined in a most enjoyable community sing. The following, contributed items: Mrs W. P. Nolan (song), Mrs Stott (recitation), Misses Nolan (piano duet, Miss Nolan (piano solo), Mr R. G. Rcbinson (song), Mr Cook (song), Mrs Westwocd, sen. (song) Messrs L. and H. Westwood (vocal duet). Mr H. Westwood (recitation), and Mr Holland (recitation). A- very interesting paper was read by Mr It. G. Robinson, entitled, "Spasms of Progress." Supper was served by the ladies. It Was decided to hold a debate on Monday evening, the subject being "Should a Canal be Constructed to Make Christchurch a Port?" Messrs A. Holland and L. Magee were chosen as leaders. Mr 0. B. P. railway clerk, is enjoying his annual holidays, and is being relieved by Mr Watson. Mr P. Morrison, of Racecourse Hill, left cn an extended visit to the Old Country last week. He is accompanied bv Miss Morrison. Mr Morrison arrived in New Zealand in the early days, and settled down at his present residence, where he has farmed with great success. During his visit Home hp intends seeintr the Exhibition and friends in Ireland. The Plunket Nursing Home is now under construction. Mr T: G. Warren, recently of the local railway staff, is at present enpoyintr his annual here.- He is now on the relief staff of the Auckland section. . „ , The Rev. Father F. J. B. Seward, late of Kumara, has arrived and taken over this .parish. His congregation has j presented him with a sedan Chevrolet j car. , Mr J. J. Corkill, late of Millerton, : Westport, has been appointed to the j new position as assistant linesman to j the local office. This appoinEment has ; been found necessary owing to the in- j creasing number of subscribers joining j up at offices controlled by the local postmaster. The bachelors are holding their annual "ball on Friday evening, and the energetic secretaries and the committee arc busy preparing for this popular event. ! RAKAIA. On their return journev from the Methven races last Saturday, the members of the EHesmere Pipe Band' paid a surprise visit to Mr James Lochhead's residence, near Rakaia. Mr R. J. McConnell formally introduced the Band, who then nlayed a number of selections on the lawn, which were highly appreciated. Tea and refreshments were served to the party, and' before their departure,- Mr J. P. McEvedy. on behalf of the car-drivers, and Drum-Major Watson, on behalf of the players, thanked Mr and Mrs t -ofihuead for- their bntnitaiity, I

LEESTON. A special meeting of the Leeston Town Board was held on Monday night to discuss the question of providing, equipment and water supply for firefighting purposes. Hie general- idea was to put in sumps in certain areas, and artesian bores in the ordinarv water-races for auxiliary supply. A sum of £I6OO was. the estimated cost of the fire brigade building and engine and appliances. The totalloi the proposed loan was fixed at Tixe chairman and-the cierk were deputed to ascertain from the i Trustee whether a loan of £4OOO would. be advanced in the event of the proposal being carried. A successful children's concert was given in the Leeston Catholic Hall on; Mondav evening, the' object being to help along the. funds of the bazaar to be held next October in aid of the new school and other .buildings connected with the church. The stage decorations of drapirigs and streamers in red, white, and gold, and the costumes of the performers, were greatly admired.' The quality of the programme was a surprise to most of the audience, particularly when it is remembered that the pupils are not accustomed to giving public entertainments. The items were j as follows: Overture, Welcome Chorus; j recitation, Master Jack Aitken; action sonE, Junior Girls; recitation, Frances O'Gorman; dialogue, J. Allien, C. O'Gorman, J. McCabe; character recitation, Junior Pupils; comic recitation, Senior Boys; Highland Fling, Misses Rita and Eileen Slattery; recitation, Kathleen McCabe; class recitation, Infants ; chorus, Senior Pupils; recitation, Master 'B. McNair; dialogue, Maureen Dolan, Dennis Hurley, Frances O'Gorman; recitation, John Holley; character song, Mary Greenan; dialogue, L. O'Gorman, Ola'f Hem'mingsen, Jack Aiken;-sailor song, Junior Boys; recitation, Neville Owens; sword dance, Josephine McCabe; dialogue, O. Hemminjrsen, C. O'Gorman, K. Slatterv, V. Curran; recitation. J. McCabe. Before the singing of "God Defend New Zealand," the secretary, Mr T. F. Owens, thanked patrons "for iH', attendance. There was a dance after the concert, for which Mri R,. LamHe wa- the musician, and Mr T. Owens the iu.C. The ladies provided supper.

CULVERDEN. A i'ew days ago the district had its /irst co 3. i or snoK. The surrounding hills have been -well covered, the heaviest fall being on the Alps, ■which are now bearing a very winti"y aspect, and hard frosts aro being experienced '.viih warm sunshine during the day. A deal of traffic is how •passive; through the township on account oi" wash-outs on the Main Crust, road to Kaikoura. From reliable reports to hand the inland road is in very good condition and traffic is experiencing no difficuliv whatever. The Culverden Miniature .Rifle Club completed its first round Oi the third .-•oiapetitisn on Suurdav -j:ight, the best scores heins J. Ross 35. 'T. Hooper .'<s. A. Black 34,- W~. liolvn S3. I>. T. Dalzell 33. G. Berry 32. Chit.'jide matches are pending v.-ith Wainm and Dori-e. on Mondsv. Present: Messrs H. Palmer (chairman). T. Hof.per, A. Kingsi.itrv, r'ld L. I>:b:-l1. An apology tits rec-eived from Mr W. V. Mcekett. The chairman reported that the. Br>ard had carried out urgent repairs to the school windows. Arrangements had been complete for sinking a nc-w well and :■ fcjixl supplv cf water was assured. Die new shelter for the children's vehicles find harness had been completed. The headmistress reported a faliinc: off in the daily attendance owing to cokls and minor ailments. A number of new Icoks h:;d been purchased for the school library. It was decided to hold a fancy dress hall on •July 14th in the Amnri Hall for the purpose of raising funds. The working bee organised by th-? Culverden Domain Board should bo n> huge success rnd add to the enchantment of the Domain. Mr M. Belhell, chairman of the Amuri County Council, wii! bo one. of the party, and has offered to assist v.-ith the finances. Tho County Engineer, Mr T>. T. Dalzell, ha-s consented to supervise the bridge repairs. Mesdames J. Kennedy and J. Hoborn will provide lunch.

HORORATA. After a day or two of very mild nor'wost weather", in the earlier'part of the week, very wintry conditions wt in on Thursday night and Listed ■ intermittently over the week-end. Although there was snow on Thursday night, it wns not sufficient to cover the ground. The-ranges, however, have/i. very generous coating. Since Sunday the' days have been liright ; with very severefrosts at night. Those- with ci tart It water supply -will need- to take care of their pines from now on. ■On Friday the School Committee held .a working l>ee on the bath site, and with the aid of several willing helper and a couple of scoops was iible to almost complete the work of levelling the site. The thanks of these interested in the completion of the bath for next' season- s£re duo' to- Messrs G. Broughton and H. Oliver, whose teams and drays were lent, and' Messrs Brnee, McKenzie, Gray, Boyle, Rainsford, R. Patterson, A. Oliver, G. B rough ton ■ and IC. Murfltt,- who put in a day's hard toil with pick and shovel. On Saturday night the third euchre tournarrienfc, ...*un.under; the ftuspices :of tho Horticultural Society, was held. Notwithstandincr. the. wintry . weather there ivas a good* muster. The prizewinners were Mesdames .Milson, Thorne and G. C. I>errett and Messrs Mitson, Thorno and G. Symons. Playing at Hororata the senior team defeated I>arfield by 11 points, to nil. Foi- Hororata Hall, Harold, Richards ant!. Colli ngs Bcored,. tries, converting one. Mr ; J. referee.

On Saturday afternoon the combined rvestry meeting of the parochial district of Hororata was hold in tho parish, room, Hororata. The Rev. H. N. Roberts presided over an attendance, of church officers from Glentunnel 'and Hororata districts, those present being Mesdames Davenport, Charles, I. Reynolds, Weastell, Messrs G. Hiill, S. R. Wright, R. Pickering, Jekyll, Prcstidge, Maffey, Br6\vn, E. Charles, Isherwood and Pratt. It was decided to hold 7 a fete early in December to raise funds for general church expenses and to pay any deficit on .the Stipend Fund, t A ; percentage,-,of- all moneys raised at the* fete is. to be paid to'tho St. Saviour's Orphanagei'i>Fund. Quotations for repairs to, tho vitarage aro to be called for, and it was decided to approach tiie Diocesan Trustees for a loan t-o oarry out tho work.

| , FERNSIDE. A verv successful .concert and social organised by the ladies', committee of St. Matthew's Church was held in the Fernside school on Friday. A concert party was brought out from Rangiora hy Mrs A. E. Hughes, and gave a firstclass entertainment. It consisted of Mrs Barton (accompanist), the Misses Retty Hughes (vocalist). Ailsa Fleming (raconteuse), Lena Henaren (danseuse), Winnie Gibson (dansouse\ Messrs A. E. Hughes (humourist), Woodward' (vocalist an 3 violinist), G. Mehrtens, Len A: Hughes, H. Schluter, and ,\\ Bell (variety). During the evening a guessing competition was held and won by Mr C. B. Bradley. A very enjoyable dance followed the concert, Mr F. Evnns being M.C.* and the music being supplied bv Miss Inch and Mr Dusks. Miss Marjory Mcintosh and her partner were successful in the Lucky Spot "Waltz. A delightful suppur was provided by the ladies. SPRINGSTON. On Saturday College Juniors defeated United by 13 points to nil. Mr •J. Simpson was reieroe. The senior game between the above teams was won by College by 12 points to 8. On Saturday evening a euchre party and danoe was held in the hall, there being a large gathering present. For the ladies' prize JMrs J. Simpson and .Miss Flora McKa.v tied, and in the plnv off the former won. Mr 6. Sinclair won the gentlemen's prize. After supper a diincc was held. • GLENMARK. Main North road travellers have, during the last two yearSj eyed with sorrov.- the successive disaster to Glenmark Church. During the big earthquake of two years ago, considerable damage was done to this church, and this year the great hurricane that swept North Canterbury caused a Considerable portion of the south wall to collapse, thus destroying the famous liose Window. The parishioners decided to restore the building, and this work was entrusted to J. and W. Jamieson, Ltd., of Christchureh, whose work left nothing to be desired. The whole fabric has been reinforced, and two green Inncet windows of true Gothic have been set in the wall, tastefully relieved by Oamaru stone. Many favourable comments have been made on the restoration. On Trinity Sunday a- large congregation assembled for the reopening by the Yen. Archdeacon Haggitt, assisted by the Itev. F. P. Fendall. vicar of the parish. His Grace Archbishop Julius sent a message of congratulation on the restoration of the church. Archdeacon Haggitt preached an inspiring sermon on "Itestoration." Glenmark Glnirch is noted throughout New Zealand for its splendid pip© organ, end Miss H. Fendall, the organist, played as a voluntarr jnth great effect, the "Hallelujah I'Uorus.".

(Continued at foot of aaxt column,)

RANGIORA. Miss Eva Wilson, of Bangiora, underwent a serious operation in the Brocklehurst Private Hospital yesterday. ""The fortnightly meeting of the Oddfeiiows' Lodge, held on' Monday night, was attended' by 2S members. Bro. P. Jennings, N.G., presided. The lecture master, Bro. W. C. Gardner, conferred the white degree on three members, the blue degree on one, and the scarlet degrees on five. The nomination of ofneers for th 9 ensuing six months was as follows: —N.G., Bros. E. McKenzie and A. Horrell: V.G., Bros. C. Laskey I?. A. Scott, W. Feron, and. A. Horrell; E.S., Bros. P. W. White, D. H. llobertson, W. Feron, E. C. Horsley, and J. Redout. One candidate was nominated for admission. The fortnightly card social of the Bowling, Tennis, and Croque't Club was held on Monday night. Military euchro was played", 48 taking part. The prizes, given by Mrs R. Mcintosh, were won by Mrs "Webber, Misses C. Ambroso and jft. Webber, and Mrs C. J. Wood' who represented Italy. ' A card social was held at the bandroom in aid of No. 3 Queen in the Brass Band Carnival. The prizes were won bv Mrs 0. Nelmes and Mr W. L. Murray. A guessing contest for a lady's handbag was won by Mrs R Xorrish. ASHLEY BANK. There was a good attendance at the progressive cucbro tournament held on ilonday night. The prizes, which ivero given by Mr J. Criglington, were iron by Miss Nora Downing; and Mr 11. Peach. At the conclusion of the evening's -play supper was' handed vouncL

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18102, 18 June 1924, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18102, 18 June 1924, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18102, 18 June 1924, Page 3