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The conference of the New Zealand Workers' Union, held .last ..week «*? Wellington, amongst other matters decided to make application for new awards in the mustering;, packing, and j drafting sections, and also in the j | threshing mill sections, throughout the | Dominion. Mr J. Townsend was electi ed president, and Mr Arthur Conk rc- | plaoas Mr Grayndler, resigned, in the ! position of secretary. J ! ' ~ i i KAIKOURA. ! A very enjoyable dance, organised iby Mr Bert Idle took plaoe in the j Lyati.i Dow,ns Hchool. Mr ■ Gregory made an efficient M.C.. Ito music was played by Mr A. %■<*£& bell, of the Reserve, hxtias we played by Miss Gregory, Mr Gregory, Mr George Alvcs and Mr J. X.,Uiapman. OXFORD. \t an afternoon tea held in the Coronation Hall on June 12th, bv the Oxford Hosnital Ladies' Committee, the sum of £ll 17s Gd was raised. LEITHFIELD. After a lanse of several weeks', tne fortnightly dances held under the auir picea of the school and swimming club, committees- were recommenced on Saturday evening, when an enjoyaw time w«s snent. The duties of m.u were carried out by MrJX W. Palmer, while Mrs Trail supj>lieu the ml £' c .;,. The annual meeting of the Public Library Trill bo held to-morrow evening, when a full attendance of subscribed is desired.. ~ , • v, Tlie spring tides wero unusually high during the week-end, those on Sunday being verv. noticeable. For a distance of two mil«s inland the jspi-ay from the breakers could bo seen.. The roar or the could be heard fron?. greater distance. Although the wavev flowed up the beach speedily and undertow wjs remarkably strong, >"> damage was done beyond the depositing of branches on, and the washing away pf a few loads of sand from, the new embankment winch leads to tne doniain enclosure. ..„ Seasonable winter weather prevails.. On Friday and Saturday rain tell, and yesterday morning there was a hard frost, followed by, bright sunshine. RANGIORA. The firost yesterday morning was the hardest so far tlm season. Jne day was fine, but a very cold wind from tlie east blew all day,..making it father uncomfortable for .■ those whose business took them out of doors.. The billiards section of xhe 'Rajjpora Bowling, Tennis, and Croquet Club has arranged a billiards and snooker tournament, prizes for which haye been given by members of: ; the .club. The entries close on Saturday night, 10 being received for the former and eighteen for the latter. The Rev. A. J. Seanier and his talented narty of Maori singers _ and orators, who are visiting the district on behalf of the Methodist Church Home Missions, occupied the pulpit in several of the Methodist Churches on Sunday. At Ri'.ngiora on Sunday mornins; Mr Seamer conducted tlie service. The sermon was preached by Te Alio o Te Ringi in the Maori language, Mr Seamer interpreting. Mrs. RuiM Ruamoetahuna, and Miss Rdngo Kahui also assisted by singing hymns in the Maori language. In the afternoon the partv conducted' the services at,Southbrook, and at Waikukii in the evening. The services were all well-attended, and the ipffertpries, which are in aid of the Home Mission, iSinds, were, very' good.' -Mr Erucra Te- : Tuhi and-Missp Ara Winiata, two other, members of, the paftyrvisited Amberley. arid, '.con-,, •ducted the services' there, visiting Sefton in the afternoon. The wliole party visited Woddend On Saturday night, and were well received. La^t-night the patty visited Rangiora, where a big Home Missionary rally was held in the Methodist Church. The Maoris, besides stressing the great work of the missions amongst their race, gave an interesting programme of music, etc. Yesterday morning a horse attacked to a spring cart belonging to Mr H. Burgin, ,took fright at the rattle, of .the gates iri the cart, and £olte& ud Peroival street. After going some distance the driver pulled the horse rip and returned for some parcels which had dropped. While piekinc up a parcel the horse -again took fright and' bolted. .When opposite the Masonic Hall the cart struck the kerbing and capsized, down the horse and scattering the load on to the street. Beyond tlie "smashing of two or three gates, practically no damage-was do&e. OHOKA. At the annual meeting of the. parishioners of St. Albans Anglican Olvurch, the Rev. E. Webb made reference to the successful result of the Hickson. Mission and of the financial results of the bazaar held in connexion with .tlie conimemoration of the Eyreton Jubilee. He spoke strongly about the poor attendance at the Sunday services in Ohoka, and referred to the rumour, based on chance remarks of his, that he and his family might shortly be leaving for England. He stated that there was no chance of this m the near future whatever might happen eventually. Speaking of the. lack of a Sunday school, ho said that owing to the

deartli of teacliors lie had thought it )yest to let the idea drop and concentrate on the week-day afternoon Bible. Class at tho school instead. The bal-ance-sheet, showing a local income of £33, was read and adopted. Messrs. 0. Skinner and R. Ward were nominated as vicar's *and people's churchwardens respectively, and a vestry corir sisting of Mesdames R. Ward, F. Heron, Messrs H. Archer, I..Kimber, F. Jf©ron, and G. AVard was elected. A vote of thanks .was carried to all Helpers, with special mention of the regular attendance cf Miss R. Heron as organist. It was decided to hold a, baaaar in Marsh next to augment the. church funds. ~!,-» At a meeting of the cricket club it was decided to hold the annual ball 011 the 19th inst., and a. strong committee was formed to make final arrencements. The first of a series of euchre and dance parties, under the auspices of the Hdl Committee, was held last n-eek with Mr C. R. Cooke, the chairman of tho committee, in control. In© euchre prizes- were won by Mr C. L. Dalaell and Mr R- Jackson. Tho dance, music was playeQ by Mr 0. Hunmbell. Mr G. Ward acted as M.C. Owing to the good attendance a fair profit vos made by the committee. The entertainment is to become a regular fortnightly affair. i WAIKCKU. At the weekly meeting of'the Waikuku Mutual Improvement Society, Miss Sloano occupied the chair. Miss Judson was elected vice-conyener. The Rev. Foot led in prayer. Misß Sloane read an interesting paper on "The Judgment of the Crucifixion of Chrißt," and the discussion following proved very enjoyable. Next week Mr B. McMillan will "give a paper, on "Elijah on Mt. Carmel." Maori singers and orators : are accompanying the Rev. A. S. Seamer oh his tojir throughoilt this and an opportunity will be given to-night to local people to hear the .story of the romance, tragedy,' and triumph of the Maori mission.

KAIAPOI. It is expected that the Commission to enquire into apd. report on the desirability or otherwise of alteration te the boundaries of the WaMmakaviri Harboijr District as coflsti-' tuted by the Waimakariri Harbour District and Empowering Act, 1920, will sit. in Kaiapoi about the end or *ho present month. It is understood that Mr A. D. Thomson, of Wellbgtoh, will be the Commissioner. MAIREHAU. Mr and Mrs G. Wylio, who *.«ro leaving the Mairahau district to resido at Pleasant Point, South Canterbury, were tendered a farewell sooial in the hn-li on Thursday evening. Mr L. N. Wilson presided, and spoke very highly of Mr Wylio, who' was one of the founders of the district and who has always taken a very active part in its progress. On l>ehalf of the residents he presntod Mr arid Mrs Wylio with a silver teapot suitably inscril>ed. When Mr Wylie rose to 'resp-ond he was loudly cheered and the audience sang; "For They are Jolly Good Fellow's." During tho evening a nrograhuue of musical items was given by Mesdnmea Barriball and Stallard, Misses Stallarii, Free, E. Beck. A. Yagodjinski, D. Beck, M. Edmonds, Messrs J. Sheridan, li. Moore. H. Anderson, and L. H. Wilson. After suppsr dancing was kept up till a late hour. PREBBLETON. The Queen Carnival Committee met on Friday evening, when the Rev. F. R. Rawle occupied the chair. It was arranged that each candidate should have a sub-committee appointed to work in her interest, and such committees were set up as follows:—-No. 1 Queen: Mrs Rawle and. Mips Baker; so. 2.: Mrs Cherry and Mr : li. Harris. No. 3: Miss Hayton and Mr Harthell. No. 4: Mrs L. Gaflagher. and Mr H. PrebWe. No. 5.: Mr and Mrs Downey. No. 6.: Mrs W. .Hands and ; Mr Walker. No. 7: Mrs Hay'tpn arid j Mr Yeattnan. No. 8.: Mrs' MoNaUy I ,and Mrs F.. Carpenter. It was resolved to grant the free use. of the Parish Room for all functions ttmnected with the Carnival. The' cake guessing competition in aid of the No. 4. Queen netted a considerable, sura and j was won by Mr George Goodman. I On account of the unfavourable weather 911 Saturday;' all the football j match?* were postponed. j On .Saturday, evening the -Hall. Com- j mittee held 'its fortnightly ' euchre: party, there being a record attendance. Prizes 'were awarded as follows: —Ladies, Mrs Davidson 1. Mrs. Houston 2. Gentlemen,- Mr C- Hands 1,,.Mr G. Goodman 2. , I Thanks te the Queen Carnival, Prebbleton promises to be very giy and very busy, for the next few inonths. | Many arid varied are the entertain- i ments ..which are being arranged in support of the several caridßJfltes con* cerne'd. Tlie first of these take,? place on June 26th, when a social ,r;athering, in. aid fef Carmel, Smithy the No. 4 Queen;, will take place.' A child; i-e'n's fancy dress party- organised by tlie No. 2 Queen's Committee follows, and after that a big fancy dress and masquerade bill in support of the No. 5 Queen. Besides these, are many original competitions on foot, and it seems probable that 'a very largji amount of money will be raised by this means. Tlie All Saints' Social Committed will hold its euchre tournament on Saturday njght, sand along night card |iarty and dance has been ariinged by the Hall Committee for Thursday ing. . ' akaeqa. By 'noon on' Sunday the southerly g'aie had blown itself out, but ;its efie,cts were noticeable for long afterwards in the unusually heavy sija running up "the harbour.. Dunng: Saturday night, and .through the earlv hows : Of Siina'ay of Imri 'breaking oil rocTto;. - ; iJ'ay« Svas easily AfetxxA .abojfe the roar •pf" the wind-,. ".Throughout th<4 B|orni. .thi launches,• held ~tjrell to' their ings, the owners having .takeii ettra precautions .as the g^le.increased in, violence, but more thati one of the. dinghies bears traces of rudd btutetings wind and sea. ' The heavy sea h&s torn away a portion of thi&.palisading iehee around. 1 the l^aths. SPRINGBURN, The return 'football burh school v. AKord Fdfest-Bushside .obmbiried, took place on Saturday at Stavelev; arid resulted in awin f?r th«. combined taain by 24 joints to ».,*°F the winners J. Houston, scored _3l points, and Boucher three *°£ the losers ©oliri Hooper scored.s« arid Athol'Fagan three point-s rfspectiWly. Mr G.: Ogg had. contirpl of. the g|me...j After thp visiting, boys were invited to the Church, Bazaar, whero aftorrioori tea:, -was,, partaken dl; the local boys acting hosts.., ..; \ The new telegraph lines are neW'ing ■cpjnpTetion, ;Tho .memai'o. busy faste,n-. iric tl« wires to. the insul.atorß in preparation for the installation of. telephones which are espected; to be on nand this week. Tlie work has been carried on so expeditiously that the foreman now exoects'to have everything finished by the end of August. STAYELEY. ' The Anglican Clvireh Committee held its bazaar tmdier, unfavourable conditions. Sriow fell the preyi6us. day and heavy rain continued from. ,about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, until troll on into tho evening of the bazaar day. The Stavely Hall was taatefplly. decorated with coloiired streamers and j evergreens. At 2 p.m. the Rev. J. i T. Pafidison declared the baaa*r open, j Buying at every stall was brisk, arid { at the close it was found that. the. J Church Fund would benefit by about | £BO. '.';-. i SEAFIELD. | The Seafield Miniature Rifle. Club held a shoot for a s'weetipfake on Saturday evening. In tlie first shoot' off ihe scores were as follows: —Wt Hurst 31; A. Watson, 33, E. Rankin 1 31, S. Pocock 31, R. Baynes 36, J. H. Watson 31, A, Qiregory 27. 'Second shoot-off:.W. Hurst 29, A. Watson. 35, R. Jlankiii 29, R. Baynes 85, H. Watson 30. In the ilnrd'' shoot R. Baynes was. first with 3-i, A. Watson second with 31, arid H. Watsori third.' The hritty button was won by K. Baynes. and the second hbtty. button bv A. Watson. METHYEN. About-13 degrees of frogfc were registered at Methven yesterday morning, it being the hardest experienofcd this year. Sunday being Trinity Sunday, special services were held in All Saints' Church. The Rev. F. A. Tooley conducted the service,, assisted by .Mr W. C. Batbson, Jay reader. In the absence of Miss Grujrip, organist, who is indiaposed, Mrs Tooley presided ap the organ, and Miss D. Eawson at the. piano. Sdlps Appropriate to tho occasion were given by Mr T. Holl (Ashbuirton), aiid Mr Tooley. The choir gave the anthem, *'Radiant Morn." There was a largs congregation. A, meeting of the Concert Cbmmifctee <?f the Caledonian Society was held on Saturday evening to make final arrangements tor the concert ip he held on Thursday pest. The Becretary reportod 'thai orchestral,; vpea), and dancing it?ina : had. arrangeJi for, and ticket sellfni' reported' good business and a large gathering is assured.

LB BON'S BAT. At the monthly meeting of tho School Committee there' were present: Messrs P. Barne'tt (chairman), J. Dalglish, C. Crotty, and G. Mould, # The matter of a school library was discussed, and held over till nest meeting. The weather for the past week has been very unsettled: Frequent sou'west Equalls have' been experienced, with sprinkling of show on the hilltops. ' CH^R^EYAt a mectiflg of tho Cliertsey branch t pf -fhe'P.W/M.U. Mrs B. Croy presided. Several members of the Eakaia P.W.M.U were also present. Two new members were enrolled. A report of the work done since the Union started was read and confirmed, and' as it waa the annual meeting:, an olection of offc ■ee'fa was asked for. Mrs W. T. Anderson proposed, and Mrs A. Garland seconded, that the present officers b0 re-elected,' This was passed unanimously. Mrs Boag. of, the . Eakaia branch, gavo a very interesting address on mission ivork, and also read a report of a conference hold in Chnstchurch.' Sevoral musical items wit then given by Mrs W. T. Anderson, Mrs A. S. Morrison, Mrs John Db>g, and Mrs E. Croy,. somo of the accompaniments being played by Mrs W. Kemp. Afternoon tea was served. / A football'match: was placed in the Chertsey Domain between teams' from the Chertsev and Bokeby; schools. During the first spell the scores were: —Bokeby, 17; Chertsey, 15.. The Hooper brothers scorea five tr»a.anA. converted one for Rpkeby. For Chertsey; E. Croy and B. Doig scored tnes, 6f which one was converted by Croy. Croy also kicked a penalty .goal and. dropped a goal. .In the second spell Ohertsev failed to score, while- Bokeby >s fecore was 1,4, all scored by B. Hooper..:.. Thus Eokeby won. by 81 points to 15- Mr Andrew Doig was referee. At tM-, close of tW matcV afternoon tea Ms provided by the parents of tho local-players,, assisted by Miss'Leamy and MisS Stewart. _ W fortnightly ***** hel f »■ the hall on 'Saturday night.; and in ; bite of the threatening weather the ! attendance was good. The music was i pfovTled by Mr J. Behrns. Mr H. | Cdbk acitcd as LAGMHOR. "A The Ai-iiiiter. hag now" set in in. ear-Mdsji-i?f-the ; farm^- however, are-=well ofe-with .•iheir, : and a fair an'ibuht of crop is ftlmdJ' in flid- up. 'fliers dces ; not app?ai; : to be any shoitage> of •'win'i»r' f f€^. , so.-ta.r/ ; . and■ owing■' tbVthe wfhUr the' sheOp^;are looking ejctreinely #e wogrossiye eufchte party,retook; was' to ha% r e been held. oh June 12th,.; hfd to'be- po'stijoned owing toi tjie wet weather. ■' ...' ,v:,-- '.'.:.!,£. Searlet fever,lia« broken' out inutile district.,and the school h«e been <Jos*d for'atime.. - ■ ; '''' ""'-/"l,' _■"> : H : V The frieiida of Mr A. M. Stephjens will be wleaged to Wam.ihflt he js prpw gi-essfng" 'favour'awy after his xefcemi operatio'n at *Bakhursfc Private Hcifipiial, Ashibiirtpn.' ' . ./''.:;,-•'■■-!

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18101, 17 June 1924, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18101, 17 June 1924, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18101, 17 June 1924, Page 3