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JOTTINGS FOR FARMERS. Pro% incial Conference of the North Canterbury District of the New Zealand Farmers' Union, was held last week, Mr J. D. Hall, the retiring president, in the course of his address saidSo far as meat values are concerned.. farmers should remember that they can only got true values on a parity of English prices so long as there is healthy, keen competition here in New Zealand; we know-the benefits eft big organisations with foreign capital in stimu.ating competition at the present tune, but we should not forget ,our own companies. I euggest that the branches should make a point of placing botore their members the necessity oi giving our companies their business so iar as freezing is concerned. There io no doubt that farmers, over a series of years, will- do better if they give the Canterbury-owned companies their support and place them in a strong position, than if they turn away to outside bujeis for the sake of an additional id a lb."

I AMBERLEY. j| From the attendance of the pubis he at the Amberley Domain on Satur--3 on 6. can assume that so l' lr as e r€S 'dents in country dis--11 icts nrc concerned their interest in I L , h « national ganie of Rugby is not on tha wane. From the players' point of ft y, le T' cau , bo em pbatically stated 4 that the game between the Oxford and | Amberley teams on Saturday afterdj noon was equal to the pre-war stand--3 ard of Rugby. TK~e Oxford team is in In leading position for the North Canterbury Rugby Union's competition, and had not suffered a defeat this season until they met a strong Amberley team on Saturday. The play was fast and fairly open.' and can be briefly described as a hard, clean game. J lie appreciation of the onlookers was evidenced by th 0 fact that the collection taken on thr> ground in aid of the local club s funds constituted a I i' ecor / , r , he game ended in a win | for Amberley by 8 points Ctries scored »y liurnie and Marsh, one of which was converted by Bain) to 3 points, a try. Mr C. Fitzpatrick was referee'. A ringer competition was held on the local links during the week-end, and some good cards were handed in. It was noted that amongst the cards handed m, no fewer than three players had each rung a hole in two. An unfortunate accident happened - tha J} lirifc on Saturday, when the Whip, Mr B, J3atfc t received a nasty spill through his horse falling heavily and rendering him unconscious. Ho was attended io by Dr. Will, and is uow making a rapid recovery. A very successful hare drive was held at Messrs McLean Bros.' property, "Mountain Meadows." «n Juno 3rd, when an excellent bag of 226 hares and 120 rabbits resulted. A Sumptuous luncheon was provided Tor the shooters by Mrs McLean, and Mr R. Hun- • t'-er, on behalf of the sportsmen, thanked Mr McLean and family for the manner in which they had entertainI ed the visitors.

CUST. A meeting of the executive committee of the Cust Sports Club was held iu the Library. Those present wero: Messrs B. Croft (president), F. Early (treasurer), G. Fergus " (secretary), E. Henderson, G. Cowens, W. Burgess, and R. Kennedy. The balance-sheet, which showed a credit balance of about £l7O, was read and adopted. Mr Early proposed that the sum of £n be granted to the Domain Board, and that a case of petrol bo given to Mr \V. Burgess, he having given his Car for attending the delegates' meeting. This was carried unanimously. It was decided that the sum-of £l5O be deposited in the Savings Bank, and that Mr B. Croft be appointed trustee. . It was decided to grant an honorarium of £5 to the secretary, Mr G. Fergus. Mr R. Gardiner was appointed auditor. The annual meeting was iixed for October 24thi 1924.

On Saturday evening a number of the .members of the Oust Men 'a Club met in the club room to bid farewell to Mr J. Forbes, who is leaving the district. The president, Mr W. E. Cooper, was in the chair, and referred to the regret felt by all present at losing one of their' most active members. He presented, the guest with a case of pipes and a . silver cigarette case. -Messrs R. Gardiner,, G .Wayland, G. Cowens, G. Crysell, .S. Wood, and T. Lock . 41so spoke. Mr Forbes suitably responded. A delightful evening was spent in the Institute Hall last week at a dance given by the Hall .Committee. The weather conditions were very bad, but quite a large number attended, fojik? coming from Christchurch. The floor was at its best, and the music supplied by the Cust Jazz Band was all that could be desired. Supper was provided and greatly appreciated. A very enjoyable evening was spent by Hhe many friends of Mr and Mrs J. Robertson on the occasion of their daughter's birthday. Music, songs, games and dancing were the order of the evening. A delightful change from tho cold southerly weather experienced throughout the week in this district occurred on Saturday. Tho Wind Went round to the nor'-west on Saturday morning, and beautiful sunshine made tho conditions' 011 Saturday and Sunday like those of midsummer.

HORNBY-ISLINGTON. A meeting was held in the Anglican Parish Schoolroom, Hornby, lost week, to. discuss tho holding of. ,a Queen Carnival It was decried to hold a -carnival about the end of November m aid of tho Chinch iutkls. The candidates at time of nominations mufcfc not he over twelve years of age, and must be members ol some bunda.y School in the district. A committee was formed consisting of the following ; —President, Key. Mr Rawle, Mesdames Stent, Muir, Davis, SeiS, Palmer, Allott, Misses U Horman V Horsnan, Messrs Muir, Stent, llambridge, Palmer, and Allott; aecretaries, Messrs J i:U " 1 T ,ndge and Palmer: treasurer, Sirs Muir.

greenpark. a surprise party visited the home of the Misses Yarr one evening recently, each person .taking a gift ior thf. variety stall, ot which Miss M. Yarr will be in charge at the fortheomincr harrow fair to bo held * n , m mf of St. Mark's Church. Music, Mines and dancing were t-ho oraer• oi the evening, and there was aft interesting: competition, the winner being, "Mrs Hutchinson, who generously hand--1 +i,7>,if! 7P to Miss \arr for her stall. Mr A G Jackson, on behalf of those present, presented Miss W with a roe of afternoon teaspoons for her use as a competition prize at the Barrow Fair Miss Yarr briefly responded. A .u :V v su .pper was handed l-ound, and S Binemg of "Auld Lang SVne" brought a most to a tee Among those present were Mesffes Hutchinson Pearson Yarr *nd fMvirmnaji: Misses Yari (4>, (2). Watkins. Carter Hutit m'i son and Dawkins, Messrs Poargon (9Franks. Hutchinson, Yarr, fetalker, .man (2), Watkins and Carter. _ Tn the Elfesmere SulvUnion JuniorCompetition Greenpark met Leeaton at Greenpark on Saturday, when Leeston L.reenpaif by fj to 4. For tho Sen werl acored by Free and Bowled Walls kicked a goal tor Greenpark. Mr C. Howell was referee.

HANMEE SPRINGS. Sister V. Oppenheim, who lias been in charge of the Kitchener Ward, Queen Mary Hospital, resigned, in order to visit Great Britain for the purpose of gaining further experience. On Saturday afternoon, at a tea party given in her honour at the Kiosk, she ;was presented with a handsome Mosgiel rug by. the patients of her ward. All her patifents, with the exception of these confined to bed, were present, and Sister Oppenheim was accompanied by Matron Hodges and Sister Chamberlain. Mrs W. J. Hnrdham and Mrs It. M. Isaacs acted as hostesses. Sister Oppenheim has endeared herself to all who have-come under her care, and it is felt that the' hospital has lost one of the most valued members of the staff bv her resignation. The Kainpoi Male Choir, which had given a concert at Culverdcn on featurday evening, came through to Hanmer Springs on Sunday morning. Ia the afternoon, under a beautiful sunny sky, thov gave an impromptu concert in the hospital grounds. The concert was much enjoyed by the patients, the staft, and the local residents, who were fortunate enough to be in the grounds. .The Rev. J. Lopdell exprossed to the choir the thanks of those present for the beautiful music, they had listened to Mr Goo. March, the conductor, in reply, said the members of the choir Wf-ro glad if thpy had given any enjoyment to the listeners, and ho thank' cd Mr Lopdcll for his remarks.

LADBROOKS. The weather during the last few days has been for fanning purposes exceptionally good. Ploughing, potato digging, and preparations for next season's crops are keeping farmers exceptionally busy. The potato market being unsatisfactory, local farmers nre not prepared to do business at the price on offer, and are pitting with a view to a rising market. The results for the last week have been for tabie sorts four tons per acre. At the present time there is a very small demand for seed sorts. It is predicted the demand will be more keen at a later date. The sample of seed this season excels any previous season s output. The demand for chaff at present is keen, several heavy sales having been effected during the last week at satisfactory prices, and being sent forward principally for shipping and the West Coast. Several early oat crops are now well above the ground, and the outlook given favourable season able conditions, appears to be all that is required. A record crop of onions (Brown Spanish) for the district has been grown on the farm of Mr E. Davison, the yield being seventeen tons per acre. • T A clearing sale on the farm of Air R. C'lephane was held on Thursday last. There was a large attendance, but tho prices realised we?e only fair, and l>elow expectations A dance was held in tho Town Hall on Saturday last in aid of the Linwood Football Club,, tho results being satisfactory. . ' Mrs W. Perrin (To Awamutu) is at present on a visit to her parents, Mr and Mrs R. Olephane, accompanied by MiS9 F. Wilkinson, from "Glen In," Timaru. ... Miss Dorothy West (Dunedin) is the guest of Mrs Cochrane. . It has been decided at a commit-, tee meeting held in the Town Hall to hold the annual bachelors' ball on Tuesday, 17th inst. The committee Of the Broadnelds school has made arrangements to hold periodical eunhre tournaments in aid Of the school and prize funds. The first tournament will take place in the schoolroom on Friday, 27th inst. Mr G. H. Butcher, who has' been indisposed, is now on the way to recovery. Mr A. Itoscoe is installing a wireless plant on his farm.

SPRINGSTON SOUTH. A "vary aqd 'wjt'oseirt-a'fiyw. gathering assembled in the Springston South Hall on Friday evening to bid farewell to Mrs Collins, an old apd highly respected resident of the district/ who is leaving to reside with iier daughter in Auckland. On behalf of those present Mr E. 11. Rowel) presented the guest of the evening with a travelling rug and a cheque as a small token of the high esteem in which elie was held in the district. Mr Howell made reference to the time when or<>r forty years ago Mrs Collins taught him and many others present at the Springston School. • Mr Bartram, Mr Geo. Pearson, and Mr S. Iveast also spoko and expressed regret at losing Mrs Ooliing,, who had always been a most hospitable and genial neighbour. Tire guest ably responded in a humorouf; rj>eeeh. The evening was spent _ in. dancing, interspersed with musical items contributed by the following:— Mesdames Mackenzie (Tai Tapu), McBean, Miss Bartram (2), Ryan and Messrs 13. J. Harris and H. Hoxkins. A very pleasant evening concluded with the sirtging of "Auld Lang Syne." On Saturday evening the euchre party was advanced another tJta<gie, there being a large number' present. The prizes were Won by Mrs J. 6. Simpson and Mr D. Itidden. A dance was held after tho supper, music being supplied I>y Mr It. Wall, juu., Mr L. Btaco playing extras.

METHVEN. Representatives of all tlio clubs rising the Methven Domain are to me<2t the Domain Board this evening with reference to the improvement of the Domain and the rearranging of |he playing areas. It is understood that tho Board have plans prepared and tho work is to bo proceeded with immediately. ■, . A monster bazaar and salo or w oik and produce in aid of the funds of tho J lonian Catholic Church, have . been arranged for Thursday and Friday nextand will bo held in the Methven Town Hall. There will be a number of sideshows, in addition to competitions and produce stalls, and a largo quantity of gifts of produce and needlework has been received: The bazaar promises t» 'be a great success. i .The Methven Gun.Club wilh hold the third of a series of hare l drivels to--1 morro\v, stalling from Bennetts Coiner j at y a.m. These drives are proving i very popular, and a large party is ex- | pected to take part to-morrow. ' The newly-formed Golf Club is maki ing good headway and great enthusiasm is Ijping shown by members. During .'tho week-end the links were occupied continuously and some interesting frames were p\iiyod. So far no champions have beoii brought to light. but the play is already showing improvement, and the new club promises to be a big. success. On Friday afternoon tho Ivt-v. H. H. Barton, secretary of tho Foreign Missions Committee of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, paid a visit to Methven and delivei-od an addre.-« in St. John's Schoolroom to an interested audience. Mr Barton, who had recently visited India, and China in the interests of the Mission, gave a very interesting and instructive account of the work of the Church in the villages of those countries and showing the present needs and future i'prospects of the Mission. At the conclusion of the address a heartv vote of thanks was accorded the speaker. The weekly shoot of tno Methven Miniature Rifle Club waa held on !'Thursday evening. A sweepstake was. | field and the folfowing tied for first -place with scores of 35: G. H. Nieholls M (1), G. McAnulty 33 (2), J. Anderson 32 (3), R. Ruddenklau 27 j (8). The handicaps are given in parentheses. The shciot-oif has not I been completed. The hotty button was ; shot for, and the winner was J. A. "VVightman with a possible., G. H. "Kicholls being runner-up with 34. |

AKAROA. At the last meeting of the Akaroa Domain Board Mr Geo. Armstrong, the Mayof, presided over a good attendance. It was reported that a considerable amount of thinning-out had been done ainongßt the trees. It was decided to sell cut manuka at £3 per cord, and mixed woods at £2 10s per cord. . The borough gardener was •empowered to employ casual labour to clean' up the footpaths, etc., the preference to bo given to married men seeking employment. The Akaroa Football Club held a very pleasant social gathering on Friday evening last. A progressive euchre competition filled in the earlier and then dancing was indulged in until well after midnight. There was a large attendance, and the club' 3 officials are to be congratulated on the success of their first social evening this winter. Last week members of the Akaroa Golf Club competed in a Canadian foursome match. Mrs Cowan and A. F. Clements were first, with Miss Aileen LeLievre and Dr. Cowan runners-up. The match over_ a 9-hole course for a trophy presents! by the club captain was won by Dr. Cowan, who thereupon offered it at once for another competition.

Playing on their own ground on Saturday, United Bays' seniors defeated Le Bon's Bay by 15 points to 3 points. Though the latter so far has suffered defeat by a big margin in each of its matches this season, it should be noted that the team is practically comprised of ybung players who are meeting seniors for the first time. They play with plenty of dash and spirit, and should be able to give account of themselves later on. Tho Peninsula seven-a-side tournament for the "Spnngvale Cups," givsn by the president. Mr J. 0. Coop, will be played at tittle Akafoa on Thursday next.

DORIE. At the weekly shoot of the Dorie Miniature Rifle Club the priae #a» a trophy presented by Mr W. E. Judkins. The following tied with total scores of 35: H. Harrison 35.(3), S. Hyland 35 (1), E. Shanks 34 (4), H. Currey 31 (4), D. McMillan 34 (2). S. Hyland won on the fourth shGot-ofr, H. Harrison being second. Very consistent shooting was done by S. Hyland, his scores for the evening being 35, 35, 34, 34, 35. A match will bo fired on Wednesday evening against Seafield on the Dorie range. A most enjoyable concert was given in the Ardaminn Hall, Doric, by An Ashburton concert party. There was ft largo attendance, many Coming from Soafield, Pendatvcs, and Rakaia. The programme, which consisted of feoiijfs, miisi<kl monologues, instrumental items; and step-dancing, was much appreciated, nearly every item being encored. The performances of Mrs Chapman's two little girls w : ere especially pleasing. After the concert. Mr W. Hamad's proposed a vote of thanks to the party for their kindness in journeying from Aahbufton to give the concert, and also to Mrs Kingsbury, who hffs b«en untiring in her efforts to mate it a success. Mrs Kingsbury, in proposing a vote of thanks to Mr W. Page, said it would not have been possible to have had the concert without his assistance, as he had organised the party and provided cars to bring them out. from Ashburton. A dainty supper was handed round by the ladies, after which the floor was cleared for dancing. The music was supplied by McDonald a Orchestra. The proceeds of the concert, with the sale of sweets by Misses V. Kingsbury and P. Harrison, should be about £l6, Which will be hauded to the church renovation fund. RAKAIA, • The monthly meeting of the Rakaiii branch of the lMVitt,. Was h*ld in St. Andrew's schoolroom, Mrs Moirison presiding :over ance. A letter was the T» "W' M U - exoeu live stating that tflsa Veittr eacK itranch' could wn mission' foi> which to work; + P in K out the special requirement* of each mission- xho help . th^,^ Was also asked in regard to the sale of New Hebrides arrowroot and Oriental work., It was decided to defer consideration of tiles© matters until tn© annual meeting, which occurs next month. Ail invitation was reoeived frorri the - Chertse.y branch to attend its annual meeting on June 11th, several members expressed their in. tention to be present. ' A missionary letter from Mrs Bowi® was read by Mrs Oakley and Mra Morrison gave a brief account of .tho Canton. ; Village Mission. Afternoon tea Was served. The weekly meeting, of ta© ( -Rjutaifc Young People's Mutual Improvement Society was held 'in ' the Methodist' Church. Mr Alexander was in the chair, and there was a fair attendance, The. evening was devoted to a lecture by Mr E. Alexander oh "Clean Sport/' ' • • ! . At the weekly shoot' of the Kakaia Miniature Rifle i Chit) th& prize was a sweepstake. The shdot pli36 counted in tho championship aggregate and cons creative bulls competitions, Tho fpl'lowing tied with tottyl- scores of 85: CI. Todd 27—8. L. Boag 34-2, and ft. Moore 20—6. In the fftst shootoff 6. Todd 32—5,. and R, Moore 29—6 again tied, and final shoat-ofE was left until , next week. The liotty button for the week was won by, G. Cromie with 35. Seven consecutive; bulls were registered by Gv Cromie. -

MOUNT SOMRS. The Men's Cliib held a debate at its meeting list Week, :Wheii' a, fair number was present. The subject for debate was: "Which has the greater influence oii character —heredity or environment«" Tho Rev. J. T. Paddison led the aiid Mr H. tho negative, and others who took part were Mr J. Hood and Mr A. Cameron. The following were olocted to rOpresen-t tho club on the Competition Committee: ' The , Rev. Baddisoii, Messrs G. Qliing, A. Cameron, J. Hood, and T. Bull. It was agreed to elect three additional members at the crib evening next week. Mr H. Rutherford was appointed convener of a meeting to be held at Springburn for the purpose of electing representatives from that centre. Mr Cusson, Government poultry instructor, wrote agreeing to give a lecture on poultry-keeping on July 14th. The final slioot for Mr McElhinney 'a trophy was fired last'week. The bejs't scores were: E. Gifkins, 11. Gifkins, and G. Bland 33, G. Morgan 31, H. Morgttn 30. The trophy was'won by Mr E. Gifkins With a total score of 104 for three shoots, including a handicap of 7. Mr H. Gifkins scored 101, including 6 handicap. Shooting commences this, week for a trophy donated by Mr E. Nosworthy. A handsome cup had been secured by the club for annual competition, with a holder miniature cup to be held by each year's wiimer. At the June meeting of'the School Committoe, the headmaster reported' a roll of 72 and a slightly decreased attendance owing to cdlds, etc. The committee decided to purchase two tons of coal; also to erect goal posts on the school grounds for ,tho boys' football, and commence hockey for the girls.' A seven-a-side football team from the local club journeyed to ; " Timaru on the King's Birthday, but were unfortunate 'in being beaten in the first round. A ! youths' team |>iayed Springbutn , on Saturday and were beaten by A to 3. ; Bain fell -on thirteen days dUrin,g May, totalling 231 points. On several nights lately there were eight and moire degrees 6f frost registered. The weather at present is exceptionally fine and warm.. A very high nor'-wester tlew on Saturday last, but the day was warm and sunny.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18095, 10 June 1924, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18095, 10 June 1924, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18095, 10 June 1924, Page 3