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CHEVIOT. Tin.' annual meeting o* tlio (Jheviot Domain Board was hold on Saturday, « hen fJio following members were present: J. Romou 1 (chairman), Mom - * .1. Gibson, S. 0. Smith. A. M«G; fieri. T. Lewis, and U. "W . Forbes, M.P. The election of a chairman Tor tho ensuing year resulted in the appointment of Mr P. Smith. .Messrs Forties and Rentoul explained in tho meeting tlio position with regard to tho sale of a plantation to .Mr .J. AYiiliains. who had left tho district. h aving the trees as they were felled. I'Jic Board decided to await a repoiT on the matter from their .solicitors before taking any action. Owing to ih<: recent destruction of the sooic:arv'.- house by lire, and the consequent Joss o7 tracings and pliuis. it was derided To write to tho I'nder-Seeretnry of The fjands Department asking for new tracing ot all reserves under the control of tho Board. The balancesheet tor the year wa.s presented and suloTHod subject to audit. 31r -1. Rontoo.i ti'fi'.ioved his resignation as a inenibi'i- of th r - Hoard owing tr. his irnpi-riding departure for Auckland. .Severnl members spoke most appreciatively of the long and strenuous service lvndored to the Board by its late chairman, and on tho motion of .Mr ,1. Gibson, seconded by Mr A. McGilfert, the following motion was passed unanimous! v: '"That this meeting of the .M; ickenzie Domain Board regrets very much having to accept, the resignation of .Mr ,). Rontonl, who has held the position of chairman for a period of fifteen years, and who, during his long term of offico has discharged his duties m a, most enthusiastic and devoted spirit The reserves and recreation grounds under his administration have been carefully looked after and have thereby considerably increased in value. This meeting desires to place oi. permanent record the high esteem and regard in which .Mr Rentoul is held iiy all the members, and extends to him tho hearty ami sincere good wishes of the Board in the new sphere ho is removing to.''

AMBERLEY. It was stilted in the Amberloy market report of Monday's stock sale, that a line of 10 lambs at 37s topped the market. This was not so, as a line of three, the property of Mr F. P. Coleman, realised 37s 7d. A meeting of the Waihi Takaroa .Domain Uoarcl vas held on Tuesday evening, when there were present: — Messrs G, K. Hoi ton (chairman), J. M South, J. 14. Chamberlain, F. P. Coleman, and \V. A. Thompson. The balancesheet, which showed a credit balance of £o 18s, was adopted. A vote of thanks was passed to the Excelsior Sunshine Players tor giving an entertainment at Amberley in aid 'of the funds. It was decided to plant about L'OO trees during the coining season, and to hold a working bee on March loth to cleiui up the enclosures, and erect the necessary additions to the buildings. Mr G. R. Holton was reelected chairman for the ensuing year.

Agriculturists and pastoralists in the Amberley and surrounding district have been experiencing some anxiety lately resulting from another dry spell, which has had a disastrous effect on feed and growth generally. When rain commenced to fall on Tuesday afternoon, it was hoped that the dry spell had broken, especially when intermittent showers were heard falling during the evening. The total rainfall was only 1" points, and yesterday being another hot sultry day will spoil whatever slight effect the rain may have had. A good heavy shower of rain is especially welcome to Amberley township residents at this time of the year, as it has its beneficial results regarding the dust nuisance caused by the thousands of sheep being driven to and from the annual ewe fair. It is understood that the Amberley Town Board intend closing the main street through the township to sheep traffic on sale day, and in consequence, drovers will have to make use of the back streets.

At a recent meeting of. the . local school committee, arrangements were made for the anutiaf picnic, which is to l>e held at the Christclmrch Gardens on March 12th. In pa:*? years it has been the ciistofn, owincr to finance, t ) the children a day's outing at the well-known picnic resorts in the district. This year, through, the energetic members of the committee canvassing for financial assistance, a. departure from the usual custom is being made and they are to be congratulated urion the success of their effort. The business people in the township have decided to closo on the day of the picnic.

BALCAIRN. A meeting of the School Committee was held on Monday evening. The headmaster reported that the roll number was 61,' arid the average for the last week 94.6 per cent. It was decided to present the sew ing and gardening prizes won last year on the '2lst itist". Afternoon tea will Ik> provided, followed by organised games by the children. In the evening a social will be heitl ,i n the school room. Owing to the vacancy caused by the departure of Mr A. I'owney. treasurer, from tho.district. it was decided to ask Mr W. iiatchelor to act as committeeman for the ensuing two months. Mr Haugood was appointed treasurer. Several minor repairs to school implements were authorised.

A meeting of the Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Committee was held recently, when Tt was resoTVed that the tender of Messrs Forbes Bros., Oust, be accepted for the construction of the memorial archway at the cemfiferv gates—tho jidea of the late .Rev. if. hast The contractors are prepared to start at once, and the cost is to be £333. On the motion of Mr A. K. Turn bull, .a hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mr J. Fitzpatrick (secretary') for what lie had done in connexion with the matter.

The long looked for rain commenced on Tuesday afternoon, and continued off and on during the night, but the weather is again hot and close, and the bright sunshine has made the ground dry- again.

FERNSIDE. A Harvest Thanksgiving service was held on Saturday afternoon in St. Matthew's Church. The ladies had decorated the church with flowers, fruit, gran and vegetables. The Rev. W. J. jjurrad was the preacher. On Monday evening a large number assembled in the l'ernside school to hear a lecture by Mr Duxrad on the Melunesian Mission. With the aid of lantern slides, ho gave his audience a picture of life in the Isles, where he lived for some years. Ao enjoyable evening was brought to an end with mnsicai items contributed by Miss Horrell, Mr W. Sail, and Mr W. OSail.

rangiora. Under the auspices of tha Methodist Guild, the fiev. A. H. Seriven, from ->evr Guinea, gave an address on his work there extending over a period of eleven years. Mrs A. N. Scottef presided, and there was a very good attendance. During the afternoon Mrs l. •>. \ ithers sang a solo and a collection was taken up which was liberally responded to. Afternoon tea was dispensed by the Guild. At the close or his audress Mr Seriven. •was-accorded a heartr rote of thanks.

CI'ST. The annual picnic of the luet -Anglican Church was hold last in the Recreation Grounds. liio i •<> was ideal. J']very corner ot the district wa.s represented. Jhe committ-ec had organised stalls. t proceeds from which went uuvard> t h parish quota for the Board of -lesions. "JTiis v ent ure uas very siui-t. fill. The following were in charge o< Ihe stalls:---Work. Miss K. Addmrii and : IMiss petrie; product 1 . 1 Early and Mrs Searle : swb. - > Forsyth and Mrs Tailor: co cream. Mrs Ryde and Mr Tyler: bran Sunday School girls. The tea arrsr..-' - ments were in charge c.f Me#tlpine> Allison, Pawsey. Sail, and a hand °t helpers. A programme of sports wa» successfully run by members T J IO vestry for the entertainment °f 1,10 children.

On Sunday Harvest Thanic.'Civincr services were held in Si-. JanHs Church, which was ta.-telully dei-oiat-od with fruit and vegetables. l!t"\AY. .T. "Durrnd. travelling secret;! rv f,! the Roard of Mission*. was thejm richer. Before f.h« ovenmrc service. <" and Mr> T). Maindonald gave a rnuveal recite!.


On Friday evening a send-of[ a-> given to Mr .1. Goss by the residents of ('outts' Island, who met at the school. Mr Jones arranged the programme. Items were given by Miss ivy Dobhy. the Mises Blackburn (-)> -Mrs Nicholis, Miss Joyce Staif, and Mr lien Cattermolc, while Mrs A. Clarke acted its pianist. During the evening there were .several competitions, tho prize-winners being Miss Kempthonie. Mrs Bu.sby, and Mr Jjobby. Suppei vas handed round by the ladies. Mr Jones asked Mr Goss to accept front tho residents, as a parting gift, a solid leather suit-case and also a case or pipes. Mr Goss suitably responded, afteu which dancing was kept up till e'arlv morning.


At the monthly meeting of 111 e _IfO-c-s----ton School Committee, the chairman reported having interviewed the Hon. Sir 11, Heaton Rhodes, M.l\, with reference to the building of new school-house, and on Sir Heaton'S advico it was agreed to send a telegram to the Minister of Education, drawing his attention to the necessity of building a master's residence at Leeston as early <:s possible. The foundation stone of the new Leeston Convent School was blessed, and laid by the parish priest, the Itev. Father Creed, on Tuesday morning. The ceremony was simple in the extreme, only the convent scholars and the Sister's attending. Immediately after the ceremony, the bricklayers work commenced 011 the walls of the new building. Mr Gawn Cooper, who is leaving Lees ton to take up his residence at Papanui, where he has secured a small farm, was entertained at a farewell smoke concert by a number of friends. Mr A. J. Gray, chairman of the Leeston Town Board, who presided, referred to the fact that Mr Cooper had spent almost the whole of his life in tiie EHesmere district. While in Leeston he had acted as representative for an auctioneering firm, and for stock agents, and in that capacity had earned the confidence of *his clients. Mr Cooper Bad also rendered valuable service as a member of the school 'committee. Mrs Cooper and the members of the family had won the wholehearted respect of Che community, and their leaving the district was causing general regz-et. On behalf of their friends, the chairman asked Mr Cooper's acceptance of a case of pipes and tobacco poucli for himslf, and a silver teapot for Mrs Cooper. The sentiments expressed by the chairman were heartily endorsed by about twenty other 'speakers, including representatives from iSouthbridgc, KiHinchv, and Dovleston.

HINDS. There was a good attendance o_f ladies at the Vicarage, Hinds, to arrange matters in connexion with the sale or work. Mrs Hay wag in the chair. and Miss I. Cook acted as secretary' After discussion it was decided to 'lloJn, the sale in the Hinds HaJl on Saturday. March 15th, at 7 p.m., and the following stall-holders were aopointed : —Refreshments: Mesdames Hockley. Barrett, Maidens, Hay, and Hill. Miss E. Maidens. Produce: Me.sdanies Hampton and Cook, and Miss jr. Hampton. Plain sewing: Mesdames Mnsson, Biirch, and Rogers. Fancy: Misses Maidens and Paterson. Sweets, etc.: Mrs Donkin, Misses B. and I. Hampton, Burch. Bran-pie: Mrs Hill, Misses C. Hell, E. Burch, and I<\ Rickard. Competitions: Mrs Cottam and R. Williams. Canvassers have alreadv been around the district and have received substantial promises of help. In St. Luke's Church, Hinds, the vicar intends holding a service this evening, and then giving a series of addresses during Lent. METHVEN. Mr C. N. Kennedy, who is convalescing after a serious illness, is spending a holiday with Mr J. M. 3TuLean, Car librae, Methvcn.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18015, 6 March 1924, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18015, 6 March 1924, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18015, 6 March 1924, Page 3