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! ( AiMEKBLRY UNION. •"fi i.^a! roj.-ort ..f tho Canterbury Si.V.V. ' ' \»*ry number of • • t fn- ti;c various compel!- . ' urs'ier ihc I iimn's control, it "ivas o\i- ; l J "' ' "iiHif"nf.;niont that tho " !, ' n '• - ,I:- " M vorv om\ It v,- :> !ily ia '* to report that tho J ll J'C tho most in <>r 111 rr pa me in C:ir J ,J '' IJ : ' :f <J♦:r* fho c;»rly of the v 'f!. m'.' V " ; *' v ''-'"I fl»c public a?»kc , "i:t n?;ii;irrj i-icrii{ (hronghcnit. Tho '^" i ■' ' "''inif- aifnJti t" i^Jcn^etJ '! ' 7'' ,H ' r " ~v: I'MMi.- fc'ippyrt, ac'MircJt"l 'Y ,~ ' • v|,;Js '" n - on one orca.«i<'ri •:» ina;«-li 'lrow an ;ittpnf!a:M'c of O'.rr 1 ; ,v '" rs - all previous roI t ''mmin-c azraln wishes to im-

: • r!r C of foster- • . ;i'ml < *nur:irritiir th#»ir junior playr-rs, tu '•"?n nni.-t. >»*» l<ioK*ed fcrt upiiohi in (lie 1 " r'i i • ( >; jj* of Canterbury and New /; on rl?f: nf pJnr. Tlio fnjurofl Pnnd wjis, inrreasod by £56 5s Ad <:f fj u . nu<»«"h art born Touring ! ' ,n v Touring Teitin. The L - . i - 'i'iri n it the year amounted to 7-7, *'"• a '-rclif haliinrf of £7l i Tnwi, net receipt-, during the t n .1 1S i) U Kig. J ii'- rt'imrt .state< that a nnlc'.\ ortliy fen"i 'in- <lub eompetitions> -was the fine y jim.ii i 4 "i r- jm11, 11 n 1>• in the senior in-' 1 -' 1 -; b'H in Ihc* junior, thn trainf.i' ilji n> in }j,,. >:ffrth Park" no doubt to do with this. The

" ' "i "'inns in rompetihiml.t t!u- { ninri's ecjitrol amounted ' " 1' 1. made up a: 5 f/»l|nuv ; Teams. (hi » i'iuiipel itiojj.c. , . . . £f> '"hdary s.-hool.s . . ;iR I'rihK'ry srho-jlr* , . . ! 47 In-- pr.-iiiiiT honours a-a in went to Maris>t n, /j and the eluh must I'f rniiiphmented on t)ie ronsifiteney of their tj'un in tfu» senior rompotition for jilt' J l ' "' 1 •' ll Ji ><■ i• uI i ve year. Merivale closc- <> j*'ljllv. <* * / the. v inning team, being onlv . h;:lf :i point, behind. : A1« , .- I .*.r.v fi. .Mc(,'leary, F\ McCarthy, M. li. iind Ij. Petersen represented the ,M Ihe -North v. South Island match., • and M(-srs I/. Petersen, V. McCarthy, W. lord, and K. K. Masters in the Test m;inl u ,. against the New South Wales j Tin; receipts !nnountcd to £6112 Os 2d, ami j i'.\|ii'iiiliturn l» .' ('JI Is 6(1 Ics:,. Assets are I s"i do\\ n at. ,M f)ii.> 14s .1 Od, and the ground j nil, I aoiu'.int at 5 S id. MKRIVALE CLUB. ANNUAL MEETING.

the annual meeting of the Merivaie i'ootj ball Citil> was held last evening:, Mr F. T. hvnun, president of the club, presiding over > a large attendance. 1 'I h<! cliuirman, in moving the adoption of ;!l";u annua. report and bu:nncc-shcet (which ■ have already been published), Baid that aij though the pact year had. not been a parI ticumrly successful ouo for tho club, it had to be agreed that tho teams had playol a. prominent pu.t m J'uyby in Ghristiiauich. J he senior team should nave won the ciiampiiyiietup, and it liad to be admitted tnat in.:y hii<i .hard luck in losiut;. Alter b.aliny Aiui'jst.s in the Jjrst round, tho tc:im had fiiicliened ofi for some reason, and in tho first round were afterwards beaten by Canterbury College and woro able to draw only with. Old Boys. Thus it could bo Baid tnat the team loat tho ohampionafjjp m trio first round. The club could bo very proud of the memorable battle with Marista on ground conditions that were extraordinarily baa. 'Too crowd that witnessed that match was easily a record far club football in Christchurch and testified to the public interest in the game. Tho president also congratulated the committee and tho senior team in stepping forward to fill tho breach and support the Rugby Union in tho much discuss.d matoh.

with tho Otago University. Hs was sure it was a very spc-rtsmiinliko action. (Loud applause.) The team had played very well in that gamo for tho fiirst spoil, considering that they were not quite in condition. The third grade team also had played very wall and the physique of the players in the team had especially favourably impressed him. The club had been 41 years in existence and had a great tradition. It had turned out a number of fine players, and men who had also made their inai.-k jn after years iu private life. Ho was plensed to sec so many young faces at the meeting, which promised woll for the future of tha club. Ho advised them to stick to training, to pull together, and sink individual effort. Men played games to beat the other man aa well aa for physical benefit. In his opinion, no gams was worth while -which did not provide contests of tfia opposition by lair means', and into which the real combative spirit entered. .Mr P. W. Hcrvey, in seconding the adoption of the report, drew attention, to the fourth grndo team which, though winning only ono match in twelve, kept on playing to tho end of the season.

The report and balance-sheet was adopted \ unanimoxiflly. Tho following medals -were presented by tho president for the most improved p!ay«r in tho various girades:—Third grado B, H. E. Shearman (medal presented by Mr A. Tucker), 4th, G. Rhodes (presented by Mr E. W. Hasell), sth giad'3, V. Craig (presented by Mr T. H. Walker), and Hth erade, Z. Haririiton (presented by Mr F. Thornton).

The following officers were elected:—President, Mr F. T. Evans; viceipreeidents, Messrs F. H. Anslcy, M. F. Barnott, J. K. Blaokie, E. Boulton, J. Cow, C. Duggan, A. Dey, J. R. Franks, A. H. Forbes, A. Gapes, AV. G. G'arrard, G. Humphreys, F. D. Kes(even, F. Kibblewhite, T. AV. Lewis, H. Lowry, P. Menzies, R. E. McDougall, M. E. McConnell, F. B. Patterson, N. Pilkington, Taliu Rhodes, A. Rose, A. Sisson, S. i. Thomson, T. H. "Walker, and J. P- Goldi : club captain, Mr R. Evans; honorary jtary and treasurer, Mr A. Duggan; committee, Messrs J. A. Forsythe, N. Carnegie, J. Donaldson, R. Hardie, G. Penbcrthy, and <T. Huphes; delegates to the Canterbury Rugby Union. Messrs W. Maxwell, C. Duggan, AY. B. Fuller, a.nd E. AV. Haeell; honorary auditors, Messrs T. F. Chambers aud P. iMenzies; and delegate to Sports Protection Association, Mi;- W. G. Duggan. . Twenty-five applications were received »or membership of tho club. It .was agreed to open iho season cn 2Qnd it TY Maxwell suggested that it be a recommendation to tho committes that it arrange for teams to bo picked on. one night, early in the week, so that selectors of tho junior grades could have every chance to select their teams. There was some discussion of the practice of playing under 20 players in tho open grades, thus keeping older players out of agreed fo ask the commilteo to cpn--31 It r was° a™ csd'to recommend fo the committee tho "advisability ot holding a emoke concert at the end of tbo season. TV Maxwell said that tho members of 1 tho club could not adcquatoiypayMrDug- «„ for the secretariat work .ho did for the ("üb. Tlio speaker moved that the honorarium of the secretary he increased from 10 guineas to 15 guineas a* a token motion witch was carried unanimously*



\t the annual meeting of tho St. AnCollege Old Boys' Football Chib, the president, Mr W. McDonald prestded ovor a l'ui- attendanoo of members. TV annual report and were adouted, the portion of tho is very satisfactory. The clubs ° third m tbs third grsdo A team t'Uon bavin? won six matches, whilst U X droJ with the Present Boys' Ist XV. it a „o a n .. !1 ,i 1 Tho teams success m tI!C annual n 3 to tfao oi:c cl!ent coachhd<l f mT°V A Ford, tuid tho attendmg of Ai-1 y- „ riuite fcood. The iUI T fortunate in securing the nub had been training purposes pffl" - f a ground for matches, ana also the us rendered by the Much assistance had College authorities, balance-sheet of thanks was glatc c f affairs. aJfhoS tto expenditure incurred had been "SKo'rs ».«-% tvz&S as iollo»s.--l?i M ; Dona i d ; vjce-preaidente, president, Mr A A McPherson ; Messrs T. H. Y g McCrostac; deputycm b captain, ->*- - Crozier; committee, club, captain, <M. • Q Corsbie . Be lec. Messrs C. S. Gi j A. Carrick and and treasi"ita *""*

was left in the hands of the president, and I Mr W. A. Ford. 1 It was agreed to cuter a team iu the third j giado open competition. : The fixing cf a dato for the opening day was held over for the present, pending the Rugby Union'B decision on tho commenc-e- : inent. of competition matches. j Votes of thanks to the coach, Mr W. A. : Ford, Messrfl A. K. Anderson, J. D. Buybutt and W. A. McDonaid, and the honorary fro- ( rfttar-. Mr J. Doxiinp. passed, 1 hepe was expressed <h*l tho c\;b wouia ; !;a-.-o a successful season. j

WAIHORA CLL'B. The eighth annual rneeiiiij of iho "\Vaih:n Club was hc*!d in tho Motukarara Hall ca Baiurda", Mr A. .9. Duncan presiding- over a fa : .r attendance. Tho ocnud report, s'.a'.cd that '.no e.ub iiad passed through a trying -cason *o far as its y!jyiez itrenuth was concerned. The club, however had established a record, hitvm~ piyed -1 diii'iTi" tho ?c'J"<-n. It had made a gvoa. showily m tie c-tvon-u----si- 10-ji-Liaicnf, but was unplaced in t.ic senoi competition. In representative matches V. C. -Miller v;w> the only member of th* c'.ub selected. The report c.lso :>atd a tribute to tho generous spirit oi the or.r-otvners, the ladie#, ard the Hall Con;miltee. The balance-sheet tho wed receipts £ll J9 '-id and expenditure a'3o I 0» -'-d, leaving a irrdit balance of £3 6:. . The pifeident, in moving tho adoption oi tho report end I aiancc-slieet, puici a. tri>uic to tho wori of tlio secretary, Mr V. C. Miller, who had devoted seme time to the pport. lie n>ai hoped that til? ciub v.'ould rally and l,reduce a better record in the coaling feasor.. Th* ric tier. -.V23 seconded by Mr JRonnie and earned. T!m (s,J ! rtti'"i»rr

jhe /oiiowiijjr e.ocers ttoio closed: — "Patron, Mr J. liennie; president, .Mr A. S. Duncan; vicc-proaidents, M.'S3m J. C. G. Gebbie. F. Miller, \V. K Parkinson, AV. A. Gray, F. Corjp, K. Liddle, 'l'. Quealy, M. Thomas. I!. .J. Templeton, J. Wood*. T. Streoter. F. J. ISrown, \V. Joblin, A. J. Hodgin, J. T'ansom, K. Hodjiin, L». Harris, V. Loonies, i!. M, Morten, J. MaoKenzie. B. V/hitbaru, liT. A. .Vutl. K. . Radford, 11. Gebbie, J. Sang-'-ter, E. Paul, and H. Lock: hon. secretary and treasurer, Mr W. O. Miller: hon. auditor. Mr C. F. Bov.'ley; selection committee., Messrs L. Harris, J. Tlennic. .1. banrater, and captain; to Centre, Messrs L. Harri3 and B.* Duncan; I7i.7iis?cment commille-o. Messrs B. Dutican, W. O'Ueilly, .T. 'Miller, G. Wiieeler, T. M. "Wheeler, C. W. Gebbie, and secretary. It was decide.! to onen the sea-m -u't't « match. Msrrritd v. Single, on April ]2;h. and to s;m' a deputation lo Grf Mark alii! Taj Tapu with a view lo enlar.rinj t!i> ciub.

NEW ZEALAND UNION. (PRESS ASSOCIATION TEI.EGIUM.) WELLINGTON, March 5. TJio Kfw Zealand Rugby Union mcl, this evening, Mr S. S. Deans presiding. A letter frcm. the Poverty Bay Union 6tated that the R-randstand was being: proceeded with without delay, and asking for authority to get a loan from the trustees. The matter was referred to the Finance Committee.

Tho Southland Rugby Union wrote aeccpt:>ig with appreciation the New Zealand Union's offer of a loan of £3500 for the purpose of financing a new grandstand. A letter from the International Board stated that the Board would be pleased to join a conference of unions from tho Colonies, to be held in London, and expressing approval of the proposal. South Africa pointed out that the Board only suggested "joining in," and stated New Zealand should go in on a full partnership instead of as a club under the English Rugby Union. Jfc was decided to cable urging the International Board to convene a conference inviting New South Wale 3, South Africa and New Zealand to participate, and suggesting tho business fcr discussion, also suggesting that a conferencp should) b.o held during the visit of the New Zealand team to England. District unions arc to be invited to send in suggestions, and to be informed that tho matter will bu brought up at the annual meeting. The manager of tho Trojans Athletic Olub, St. John, N. 8., wrcte asking whether the New Zealanders would be passing through Canada or returning home from the Olympic Games and asking what guarantee was required to play a game there. The letter was

A cablegram from New' South Wales stated that it had bsen impossible to dplay tho departure of tho st:amer from Sydney ou July 19th upon tho conclusion of the tour of the All Black team, and suggesting a definite programme a3 follows: —July sth test; 9th, Metropolitan; 12th, test; 16th, test; depart Uliraaroa 19th. It was agreed to confirm these dates. A letter from tho French Olympic Committee invited tho New Zealand Rugby Union to join in the Rugby Olympic tournament in Paris from May iJrd to 19th. After a general eulogy of the game, the letter concluded: All French Rugby pwaits with impatience your reply, which if unhappily in the negative, would cause great shock and grief. Tho Jcttoe was received.

Letters were received from the Wanganui, Otago and Canterbury Unions, stating that tho manager of the New Zealand. team should not bo appointed prior to tho annual meeting. Auckland wroto aeking for information on the subject. It was decided to reply that the matter had not yet been co&sidered.

MAORI TEAM TO VISIT ENGLAND. (PHBSS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.) AUCKLAND, March 6. It is proposed that a Maori Rugby team shall tour Great Britain in the 1925 seasou. Tho matter will bo discussed at the annual mooting of the Maori Advisory Board, which will also arrange the date and localo of the match for To Mori Rugby Rose Bowl.



At the eleventh annual meeting of tho Sydenham Club, Mr A. McAlpine presided over an atlendanco of 70 members.

Tho annual report and balance-sheet disclosed that tihe club was in a. sound position. Though tho club had won only ono competition, the other teams in each gTado bad played consistently with many of tho younger members showing fine promise.

The election of officers resulted as follows: Patron, Mr T. Wiltshire; presidtnt, Mr F. C. Andrews; vice-presidents, Messrs E. A. Gasson, H. Silvester, L. Guy, H. Dymord, J. Pratt, H. French, AY. H. Windsor, G. McEwen, L. V. Comerfctrd, _L. G. Simpson, C. H. B. Poore, AV. King, sen., E. AY. Ayling, F. Matthews, J. R. TiTsrriman, F. Powell, R. T. Hart, AY. Seabournc, D. Buchanan. A. Harvey, Captain Dawson, T. Dawson, F. H. AVileon, E. Elsen, J. Morrow, C. Gaeson, and G. H. Bailey: club captain, Mr A. McAlpine; deputy captain, Mr G. Ewen; secretary, Mr T. Davidson; assistant secretary, Mr J*\ J. Barry; treasurer, Mr E. Tollctt; auditor, Mr C. H. B. Pcore; General Committee, Messrs G. Cleg,-, S. Clegg, P. O'Connor, J. Puddle, G. AYuiv, L. Guy, and F. Black; delegates to Canterbury centre, Messrs T. Kirton, G. Stanley and E. Jones. It was decided to open the season on the first Saturday in April. Thirty new members were elected.

A vote of thanks was accorded to the ladies' committee who had looked after tho social sklo c{ the clnb during the past season.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18015, 6 March 1924, Page 15

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FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18015, 6 March 1924, Page 15

FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18015, 6 March 1924, Page 15