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m demand. -:»• C . .; a ~ the hcavv £io\* a- -■■•' \V ■".- 3-iri c: vMt'.Taa;., ana -•> -•• '» **•' 1 r»»«t quite anead c, W t s*' t: „._.. 0 ; tho companies a/t'i.ureii K TbitW, « «P«"*<- d - f rov " d on . ly p d ibc bit," yarding Irou-hv Kf'v «b S tanoa!:y. bein S irebs U; , vwirda tbo end 01 the sa-c. El.*" met wi'ji a U-sa active marcoiapetin.* with much acW X fr'% inferior elates <-■: '"-|- to ": «"->'? r. 'o'd sitisiactomy m ;ac-- 01 W aithough backward lMn,>s r.,\ ( - »tct:ons met -wU. „tnc i j STORE SHEEP.

< MS e yardin», about t* > If 0 { ' whicli compr-fied iann.s tJiu roi,kel wa3 , u' c ;V lc "■ -fco-j'h there was good biddim; *f "hUvcr, prices were not so food ; io-5 »«li l or 'i o ra - p0 la - mbs not last long, and values '.£-■» to Preceding ..a.e'*, rate-J. "f: MJtDtltr *> turn out was lower t'.' tiu -fialo. A f**w ewca sold at I in: Liter. A line of Otago ha.f-■■-.'-aijthewes made 35s -id, and lines Ij .oiuiz crossbred ewes 31s to 345. Wrii • 'pir** o *-- 1 demand for all ewes Kanr atwiber lamb. The few wethers E| iM met with bright oompeution, Kftt odd Wa vendors asked extrava-

hailbr«l ewes 35s 4d. |td (.-tiling-mouthed halmred ewes

Lacnth«d eves 19s to 23s Id. „ til -wd eight-toothed cros&bred \ktji to 31s "d. Ltai-td crossbred ewes 29s 7d to Sis. ££ 10» 7d to 17s. S'-arwd five-year-old Romney cross

g fctiJ." jil and cignt-toothed halfbred £« four, six ana eight>tootbea rs, ii to 25fl 9d. gy-Atil thrce-quartorbred wcthera 22s k'SWd.. „, UyW ewes 21s to 23s od. •£„, tio-tootlied wethers 19s 6d to

yVnrd Pipe lambs. 223 9d to 255. Sw rapo lamba 20s 6d to 22s 3d. Corriedalo wether lambs

&i tetber lambs 20a to 21a. |js*j h-Jfbred wether lambs 18s to

L'Jtero cross iambs 22s to 33s 7d. Sjutd ud inferior lambs 14s Gd to

bw»Bs 6d to Os 3d. bSaining ware the principal sales: hundred and fifty h. and f.m. §sjit & Bd, 206 failing-mouthed halfBiii&ld, 156 four, six and eight-tooth K»J it !9s 9d,' 53 aged at 103 7d, GO liliftrrf woolly at 10s 3d, 50 four, eix jiiii-Xsth raOfisbred at'3ls, 137 sound MjpiWJilicd at 28a Id, 61 aged nt KJJittttytoolli at .tOa, 54 two-tooth halfBil15((ii 36 sound and failing-mouthed ft; fl, 160 [our, six and eight-tooth. iiif 38 t<rcr »nd five-year-old Bomney tdiils Od, 22 aged at 15a Id, 109 V% iJ >M, 116 four, six and eightj'iS'Bi 3d, '32 8. and f.m. at 20a 9d, SSJM'tB. at 23s 3d, 252 f.m. at 7s 2d, ■Siftrill at 343, 42 a. and f jn. at »nd' oight-tooth at. 26s 2d, 6d, 237 four, eix and eightKtiafJ/SO four, six and eight-tooth KS''!t'.:!i two-toolh cresebred at 29s I»;tJ**Jil It 303 Ed, 17G a.m. at Bj|ijj4;rtl7i, oSe.'and fan.-at 20a Id, Krt.Jfriired,- 68 aged at 14s, 40 Bite.fedj« 185.3d. HjjßJKiix and 1 right-tooth at 25a K»WM 21sV 99' two-tooth three-W|p;sSi.'ia,'293"twc-i6olh at 19s, BKl&Mtix-tootb. at 22a, 133 four, ffiWlJljSttl it 223 to 22s 3d, 140 RpiSMSjjiitarhred 0 t 22a 9d to 22s it's;&%a : six-tooth halfbTed at 263 «d', '69 two-tooth halfK!' , ft ; 'H'i;U four and eix-toofch. at §§g!ii : l9j lOd, 191 at 19b, 84 three■S»!*l,Ui.:6d, 88. three-quartcrbred K;J ( *'* t;l! * 20 ° at 18s . 7d, 79 at 15s,' it 16s, 70 at 16s, 63 at 84 at 19s 3d, 48 rt j & ', M i' 128 229 Gd, 111 at ■Sb* ewo at 22s 6d to 20s ■ 9d; P« 5 Mi in ■ halfbrcd wether at ||«»i ; W mill «i 9s 3d, 150 m.s. at KwSr **> at 17s 3d - 1 59 Eim -SP--*' 8d > iOS wether at |iM..«Bfil'K.lfbrt4 wether, at 14s KSf-Wteir. I * l at 24» to 255, 67 Hg?i.W.o.«, Kfbrod at 12a 2d, 226 IK IS4 ' »*■ 233 3d, 80 Down in?'"? at Kini u ld *° Ms M - " 3 haiibted '.nw. at 10a Id, 148 ■KilY 100 « w « at 16s 6d, 135 ■lf iV 9 " M ' m feaWwcd ewer at mmixi li 23a Bd, 83 rape at 23s Wt\£a > 'J!r' K ■»»-».-»t 13a 3d, 88 *» wether at »iS 1 ? 3 , wether a * 20s 7d to IIK 1 &t 20s M *o 20s 6d, 69 IS*'* 6d, 800 wether 'at Hpr^ 24 " 63 halfbred ew 6 at «* fi^1??11 C °medale wether lii!|)l 8 S! »t 16s Sd, 61 Down m »SS%r* "• 18 * * ethe * ft* «.,.'".■ fcrmad ria. at 23s 9d.

FAT LAMBS. 1 A ynrdir.g of 4035, compard with 5200 j hi:-: wfek. Quality was not so mixed as \ u.Jtia!, there '<H-irr*r a showing of credit-a'-i'y .anins. Included in the entry I wre V.'est C"ast drafts, the total from across \ tlio tp.til'o re-H-hir,*: about IGOO head, a pro- : ;>rrti''.n very icr'.vnrd. The sale was a "hot" j oif-* :rcm the oi".t=ct, and another firmin-r in ; price* •v.:s rrccrded of prncticaliy a farthing* : ; or }h. Prime ports made tin to 10' d ' i!.. ovcrwei-hts to 9Jd, and seconds to Did. \ S'.ir.r :i_-h; !:.*r.!is sold a! figures below thin, ■ :..:*,: tiuy she an unimportant part of the . j*.;,-.-:-:?•. I: was noticeable that several exj ijr;r*.".'r did not operate, and one or two : other.-. --■;.-.: intriy. The hulk oi the purchr.s- ---; ir::' v; ■» - ';■;.• two of the principal companies. ; :n.-l ■■..■<T.tly the solid prices they wcr-s ; pre;.:,rtfi '.■■> r.ay ".veTe about the limits of j i"r» '■■: *.'.< Top price of the day ! -.•,:■•■, 37.- 7d for a pen of 18 from A. G. I street?.:- -'Motuk-jrara';. and a draft from -J. ! R-.-e.-e i-V-j-ithbridi-e'i sold at 36s Gd. The top I per: <:' i. ian-e draft of AVest Coast lambs I f.-.-:r. A ;•'. TJtr.ytnn and Son 3 (Kopara) sold j '['::*.: a prin.e lambs, 34s to 3Gs ; a special j " Prim', luml.s, 30s Gd to 33s 9d. Medium lambs, 27s 9d to 30s. 1 J :-.*ht !ar..:.s, 22s to 2Cs Cd. '['!:.-*; •.'.■.■.•r.** the principal sales: Or. .-..-.r.-.unt of A. J. St rector (Motukarara). ■II at '::> .-d to 37s 7d : J. Reese iSouth-V.r;'l--e;, -J! ::■ ::?,■■: od : H. Halkett fß;, 21 :-.: 32s ,-d to ..e.i Id; Dalgleish Bros. 'Lr Bon's 8.-.v). UJS at 30s Gd to 355: U. O'Deil (Takamafua), S3 at- 30s i<, :•„■-■■-,: A. Schroder (Greenpark), 13 at 34s ''-•: : "•'. S. Sin'pson (Sprin-rston), 9 at 34s .-■d: Mis-" Whit- jllwr. Hay), 8 at 3is 3d; S. Kennrdv i Fr-rnside), 91 at 31s 8d to 34s 3d: Geo. Thomas (Gr.-ennarkl, 78 at 32s lid :-"■ 31s Id; A. V. Drayton and Sons (Kot.iir.i. West C'oa.i), 314 at -7s 4d to 34s .'d; V.. 11. Sjiencer (Stewart's Gulls*). 1G at 3)s Id; 11. J. Greenwood (-Southbrid-re), iG at 29s to 34-ft Id; A. A. McPhail (Le Bon's Bin*), 63 at 30s Gd to 33s Gd; H. E. Harris (Greenpark), 72 at 27s 4d to 33s 3d; 1! McG'ieiland (Brooksidc). 15 at 33s 3d; Mrs Winter (Brookside). 35 at 31s Gd to ills Id; M. Bethell (Pahau Pastures). 7G at 2Ss 3d to 335; F. Langdalo (West Melton), 214 at 2Rs Gd to 328 Gd; W. and A. V. Smith (West Eyreton). 47 at 293 2d to 32s Id': Goodwin Bros: (Pigeon Bay), IGO at 29s lOd to 32s -Id; J. G. Beamish (Rotherham), 13 at 32s 3d: W. Hampton (Rotherham), 15 at 32s 2d; A. C. Greenwood (Southbridgo), 19 at 32s 2d; Mrs Mcintosh (Glenrov), 77 nt 29-- 4d to 325; J. Donovan (West Const), G3 at *2ss to 325; Kelly Bros. (Kir-wee), 30 nt 27s to 325: Peraki Estate, 359 nt 2f;s Id to 31s lid: W. Washbourne (Kirv.-co), 111 at 2?a Id to 31s 9d; A. J. Nicoll (Rotherham), 78 at 30s 7d to 31s 3d; client, 148 at 263 Gd to 31s Id; D. W. McLean (Little River), 215 at Ms 4d to 30s lid: J. R. Thacker (Okain's Bay). 76 at *24s 9d to 30s 8d; J. H. Graham (Balmoral), 40 at 27s 5d to 30s 8d; W. E. Parnham (Kaiapoi), 12 at 30s 7d; "West Coast client, 27 at 30s sd; client, 10 -at 30s 3d; Ivan Geb'oie (Motukarara), 34 at 27s to 3C/s Id; R. and J. Littlo (Omihi), 200 at 25s to 30s; C. F. Conway (Ethel- j ton), IGG at 2Gs 4d to 203 sd; A. Willie (Lakeside), CG at 26s to 29s 2d; West Coast client, 12 at 29s Id; G. McDonald (Mina), IG at 295; D. Kidd (West Coast), 46 at 25s Sd to 28s 7d; W. A. Douglas (Cheviot), 35 at 25s lid to 2?s 7d; Jno. McLean (Itakaia), 15 at. 28s. 7d; Ballinger and Cassidy (Woodend), 12 at 28s to 28s sd; West Co-ast client, GG at 28s -id; Jas! Smith (Burnhum), 137 at 2-ls 7d to 27s lOd; T. Macartney (Methven), 43 at 26s 9d to 27s sd; J. Gardiner (Rakaia), 14 at 275; J.** R. .Thacker (Okain's Bay), CO at 25s 2d to 2Gs lid; A. Mcintosh ' (Little Akaloa), 3-1 at 26s 4d; N. D. Campbell (Motunau), 11 ■:t 2Gs; J. R. Thacker (Okain's Bay), 45 at SGs; N. R. Wilkinson (Spotfr-ood), 139 at 25s 9d; West Coast ■ client, 16 at 25s 4d; J. R. Tltacker (Okain's Bay). 20' at 24s 9d; F. W. Hunt, 26 at 22a Id. FAT SHEEP The yarding was slightly smaller than last week and comprised 10J races. The bulk were cwA, good lines of wethers being scarce. Some South Canterbury lines were includ-jd. The market was less animated throughout and lower values ruled, wethers being easier than last week by up to -Is Gd; per head and ewes by Is Gd to 2a. The export competition was confined to a smaller circle of buyers. The lighter ewes were very, difficult to dispose of over the final part of.. the sale. Peri lb' wether mutton was costing exporters ircm 61d to 6?d, medium 6id> ewes 5d to ojd, inferiot*' 4kl to -ijd. Top price of the sale was 40s 3d, for a pen from E. Hay (Pigeon Bay). The best draft, of the'market was sold by L. Ruddock (Southbridge), 30 making -lOs' and 30 ;38s ,6d, .. "..''

Values werer—- .- --.-.. Extra prime wethers; 36b to 88s; a special line tQ 40s. -, . .-. , Primo wethers, ,325. to 35a. 6d. Medium wethers, 28s' 6d to Sis Cd. - Light wethers, 25a to 28s. 'Extra, primo ewes, to 335-3 d. ''".'■ Prime ewes, 26s '9d ■ ;to 30a. Medium ewes, 23s 9d to 2Gs-3d. Light ewes, 21s Gd to 23a 6d. Old ewea, 19s to 21s. The following were tho, principal Bales:-

Wethers—On account of E. Hay (Pigeon Bay), 120 at 31s 6d to 403 3d; L. Ruddock (Southbridgc), 60 at 38s 6d to' 40a; N. Rutherford (Mendip Hills), 62 at SSa 6d; Southern client, 58 at 35s lid to 38a Id; D*. O'Connor (Cheviot), 62 at 27a to, 37s 7d; J. E. Garland (Hillsborough), 33 at 35s lOd to 37s 1 4d; H. F. Wright (Dunaondel), 44 at 31a Yd to 36a 6d; H. O'Dell (Takamatua), 50' at. 36a 6d;; J. J. Earl (Orari), 70 at'33s 9d to S6s,4d; I?. M. T>. Morten (Toi Tapu), 68 at 34s .3d to 36a Id; client. 136, at 33a 6d to 365; client, 103. at. 27s ■ Sd. to ,35s 6d; R. Irfitch (Fairiie)i 62 at 33s 6d to 35s 2d; Lvndon Estate (Waiau), 64 at 31s 3d to 35s Id; A. Willie (Lakeside), 40 at - 34a 6d; R. J. Candy (Camp Bay). 158 at ZGa' lid to 34s 4d; J. H. Graham (Balmoral), 27 at C7a Id to 33s Id; client,- 15 at 33b Id; —. Grenall (Chatham Islands), 24 at 32a 3d; Walton .and Dixon (Cheviot), 14 at 32s 3d; Dailey and Manchester (Waimate), 30 at 31s 9d to 82a; client, 78 at 276. lid to 31s Sd; client, 27 at 31a sd;" Geo. Mulcock (Sprey<UnL),.7s at 29s 3d t0.31a 2d; H. Campion (Halswoll), 10 at 30s 9d; O. W. Simes (liyndhurst), 16 at 303 3d; client, 87 at 30a 6d; Wallis Bros. (Governor's Bay), 17 at 30s 3d; W. E. Pamham (Kaiapoi), 10 at 30s Id; G. B. Cartwrignt (Temuka), 72 at 28s to 30s Id; T. Macartney (Methven), 10 two-tooth at 2Ss 9d; client, 68 at 24s 9d to 29s 3d; J. R. Dal ton (Methven), 26 at 28s 4d; client, 79 at 27a 6d to 28s; client, 35 at 27s 4d; client, 31 at 253 6d; J. R. Mitchell (Weston), 30 two-tooth at 24s 9d. Ewes—On account of P. Hunt' (Glenroy), 29 at 27s 7d to 33s 9d; M. Guild (Temuka), 59 at 25s 4d to 33s 7d; client, 133 at 25s lOd to 32s 4d; P. W. Scott - (Southbridge), 63 at 27s to 30s 8d; South Canterbury client,: 101 at 25a lOd to 3vs,6d; 'E. W. Coop (Fendalton), 58 at 27s Id to 30s 4d; R. Harrison CRakaiaK 58 at 22s 7d to 30a Id; E. Winter (Brookside), 48 at 26s 5d to 30s Id; R. MoClelland (Brookside), 28 at 26s lOd to 30s; Southern client, 78 at 29s Id to 29s 3d; J. R. Mitchell (Weston), 30 at 26s Id to 29s 3d; Dalgieish Bros. (Le Bon's Bay), 38 at 26s 7d - to 2Ss; R. J. Candy (Camp Bay), 6S at 23s Id to 295; S. •' Crossen (Lagmhor), 62 at -25s lOd to 28s lOd; D. Chapman (West ,Eyreton), 120 at 26s 5d to 2S3' lOd; A. Church (Kurow), 59 at 21s 7d to 28s 4d; Bollinger and Casoidy {Woodend), 49 at 24s 8d to 2Ss; J. McLean (Bakaia), 41 at 23s 4d to 27s lid; F. L. Kearney (Akaroa), 27 at 27s 9d; T. Macartney (Methven), 100 at 24b 6d to 27s 7d; J. S. Simpson (Springston), 21 at 25s id to 27s 6d; Dickie's Estate (, 134 at 23a to 27s' sd; Walton and Dixon (Cheviot), 22 at 22a Id to 27s 4d; W. Abbott (Southbridge), 65-at'24s 8d to 27s 4d; J. McEvedy (Southbridge), 110 at 21s lOd to 27a Id; J. Gardiner (Rakaia), 81 at 233 6d to 26s lOd; J. R. Dalton (Methven), 50 at 23s Id to 26s 7d; J. Ix>wry (Methven), 60 at 24s 3d to 2Ss 2a; O. W. Simes (Lyndhurst), 31 at 26s Id; W. Woshbourne (Kirwee), 19 at 265; P. Langdalo <West. Melton), 76 at 23s Id to 25s lOd; J. Boag, jun. (Brookside), 64 at 23s 7d to 25s J. Ballagh (Southbridge), 27 at 22s to 25s "id; client, 45 at 22s lOd to 253 &d; H. J. Franks (I,yndhur3t), 12 at 25s 9d; O. J. Rowe (Haiswell), 12 at 25s 9d; IT. Brown (Dunsandel), 67 at 23s 5d to 25a 4d; W. Moore (Temnka), 41 at 25s 4d; A. J. BJakelev iWaikari), 66 at 23s to 25s Id; Allen Bros.. 62 at 22s 7d to 253 Id; client, 23 at 255; F. G. Morrish (Springston), 34 at 22a to 24s Id; A. T. Lilley (Lyndhurst), 63 at 21s lOd to 245; H. J. Greenwood (Southbridge), 32 at 20s to 23a I0d; Kelly Bros. (Kirwee), 29 at 23a 3d; W. E. Paraham (Kaiapoi), 12 at 23s 2d; Geo. Thomas (Greenpark), 23 at 23s Id; A. P. Chamberlain (Burnham), 29 at 223 6d to 235; Carroll Brce. (Southbridge), 21 at 22a lid; A. Willie (Lakeside), 26 at. 22s 9d; client, 16 at 22s 9d; client, 36 at 22s 6d; H. F. Wright (Dnnsandel), 21 at 20s 6d to 21s 6d; client, 40 at 20s 4d to 21s sdj Southern client, 65 at 21a 4d. FAT CATTLE. Another very heavy yarding, comprising 525 head, oompsired with 480 last week. Apart from' a few trucks of West Coaet cattle, the entry was Canterbury gTOwn. The quality generally waa not up to tho previous week's standard, there being a larger proportion of cows of medium and inferior quality. Tho aalo waa slacker from the outset for all classes, and sales of inferior aorta were hard to make. Towarda the close of the market passings of the lower grades frequent. The entry was much ahead of weekly needs. Purchasing power waa also reduced by prrvato buying of eeverai butchers of aorfli.,

Island cattle-. On an average the droj> on i&3£ week's rates wis from 203 to 35s per head. A ie'.v pens of good beef at the start made tip to 3 (is per lOC-lb, but the average for prime Vi'jj from 300 to 32s Gd, medium 27s to 223 €d, light 23s to 26s Gd, and rougher sorts from 2-is down to 12s 6d. Top price was for a cen of five steers sold by J. R. Thicker i.Okiin'.** Bay), at £IG 103. secured, early in the market. The following- graziers were represented: Sir Geo Clifford (Stonvhurst), and Messrs G. G. Holinea (Knocklyn), H. E. Evans I .Kaiapoi). J. R. Thacker (Okain's Bay), J. ! C Hay Bay;, J. F. Buchanan 'Kinj io'ch:, "Stor.r and McCrostie (he Bon's Bay), i F. Leonardo (Le Eon's Bay), S. Nutt (Ataa- ! hu**'' J. S Macfariane (Hawkswood), E. ! p.~ K. Bnrbury i.Sp-otswood), D. and A. Anderson (Kaifuna), and the Lyndon Estate (Waiau). Values were.—Estra prime steers ±'ls to £l6 10s. Prime iters £l2 to' £ll 15s. Medium steers.£9 5s to £ll 153. Li-'ht steers JiC to £3. Extra -jrirne heifers to £ll. Prime heifers £7 to £'J ss. Ordinary hciiers £-1 to £6 15s. Extra prime cows to £lO 7s lid. Prime cows £G 10s to £8 ss. Medium cows £4 to £6 ss. Aged cows £'2 5s to £3 las. The nrincioal sales were: G. G". Holmes (Knocklyn), 10 steers at £l3 17s Gd to £l3; Lvndon Estate (Wai-va), 8 steers at £7 '2s Od-to £lO 12s 6d, 1 heifer at £G, 7 cows at £5 3s to £3 12s Gd; Sir George Clifford (StonyhuTst), 0 steers at—£ll 7s Od to £l3: H. E. Evans (.Kaiapoi). S cows at £2 15s to £5 17s Cd; A. Hall (Poerua, W.C.), 11 steers at £ll 7s 6d to £l2 2s 6d: A. J. Sheat (Dunsandel), 3 steers at £9 10s ! to £9 17 3 Gd. 5 cows at £4 5s to £9 12s 6d; J. li. Th.-icker (Okain's Bay), 10 steers at £l3 to £lO 10s; D. Dwyer (Hawera), 2 cows at £0 5s to £G 17a Gd; Stone and McCrostie TLe Bon's fEav), 15 steers £9 to £l2 10s; "VVoodend client, 4 steers £lO 53 to £lO 12s Gd; J. R. Thacker (Okain's Bay), 11 steers £l3 to £ls; F. Leonardo (Lo Bon's Bay), 20 steers £ll to £l2, S cows £G to £7 los; ■\V. J. Skurr (Bennetts), 6 steers £8 7s Gd to £9 12s Gd; Amberiey client, 8 heifers and oows £4 17s Gd to £7; "Waikuku client, 14 cow's £4 5s to £6 17s Cu; Kaiapoi client, _4 cows £4 2s Gd to £G; Methven client, 14 steers £3 17s Gd to £lO 15s; I. McGill (Sedgmere), 5 steers £G 15s to £9 ss, 1 heifer £9 ss; Woodond client, 4 heifers £7 to £7 4s; F. Redmond (HatsweU), G cows £G to £lO 7s Gd; Orari client, G cows £4 5s to £5 17s £d; Lyndhtirst client. 3 steers £9 to £9 'lss; Ashburton client, 3 heifers tit £1 5s to £5 17s Gd, steer at £7 7s lid: 9 cows at £3 5s to £4; E. Hodgen (Motukarara), heiler at £4 l r is Gd; W. ocluittcr i,.-jpnngo-ton), 3 cows at £3 is Gd to £5 2s 6d, heifer at £4 15s; S. Kutt (Ataahtta), 7 steers at £l4 10s to £ls; Srjringston client, 5 cows at £4 to £6 ss, heifer at £6; J. S. Macfnrlane (Hawkswood), G steers at £9 to £lO 2s 6d, 2 cows at £3 to £4; E. P. Burbury (Sherwood), 6 steers at £5 2s Gd to £lO 23 6d; "W. Hampton (Rotherham), cow at £6 10s; Mrs M. J. Dron (Waikari), 2 cows at £6 to £7 15s; F. C. Lukey (Waikari), steer at £4 123 j Gel, heifer at £3 15s; l>imed~in client, 8 cows a-t £4 17s Gd to £5 2s Gd, 5 heifers a.t £4 17s Gd to £5 17s 6d; F. H. Robson (Lincoln), 3 cows at £o 5s to £5 7s Gd, heifer at £5; client, 4 cows at £3 10s to £4 12s Gd; R. Nicholls (Contts Island), 4 cows at .£4 to £4 17s Gd; Ashbtirton client, 7 cows at £5 12s 6d to £C 10a, steer at £9; D. and A. Anderson (Kaituna), 8 steers at. £lO to £ll 7s 6d.; J. C. Hay (Pigeon Bay), 9 steers at £l2 5s to £l3 10s; M. Toohey (St. Andrews), 4 steers at £5 2s Gd to £lO, 3 heifers at £3 12s Gd to £11; clients, 2 cows nt £2 to .£4 10s, 3 heifers at £4 js to £5, 2 cows at £5 7s Gd, 3 cows at £4 to £5; P. Ford (WaiImku), 3 cows at £7 2s Gd to £7 7s 6d; client, 3 cows at £Q 10s to £3 15s;._F. L. Carney (Akaroa), 2 steers at £9 2a 6d; F. Pickering (Oxford),, heifer at £7 2a 6d; J. R. Thacker (Okain's. Bay), 10 steers at £l2 los to £ls 7s Gd, 2 heifers at £8 12s Gd to £lO 2s 6d, 2 cows <vfc £8 5s to£9; ,D. Pothig (Rangiora), 3 cows at £3 10s to £A 15s; Jno. Petrie (Rangiora), 2 cows at £G 15s; J. A. Petrie (Ashley), cow at £6 2s Gd; P. Morrison arid Sons (Darficld), 3 heifere at £3 17s 6d; J. F. Buchanaa (Kinloch), 7 steers at £l4; client, 7 cows at £4 7s Gd to £7 17a 6d. VEALERS. The, entry of vealers was n.'.very large one, and trie quality Was "very mixed. The offering was in excess of requirements, and prices were easier all round. The inferior stuff was practically., "unsaleable. 'Values were:— ■ Runners to £5 2s 6d. .Vealera £3 to £3 15s. Good oilves £1 5s to £2 15a. Small calves Bs. to* 18s. '.':* STORE CATTLE. The efitry of'atore cattle was a'large one. It. consisted mainly of cows of rather indifferent quality,-practically no decent lines of 6teera *r heiiers . beinjr forward. The demaind. waa; not'keen/ and thesaJa was » drn-g----ging one. : .Values were: Two-year-old steers £2 to £3. Eighteen months to two-year-old heifers £1 os to £1 lis. Good cows up, to £3 3s. '■ Medium cows to £2. ■ Aged and inferior cows; 10s to £1 ss. DAIRY CATTLE. The entry of dairy cattle totalled 85 head. The demand was good for anything showing quality, but the .inferior stuff was neglected. Values were:— Second and third caivers £5 to £8 10s. Heifers £5 to £8 15s, best up to £lO 10s. Inferior stuff £1 10s to £3. FAT PIGS. There was a : good yarding of fat pigs. Porkers were easier, and bacon met with an irregular sale. Choppers.£3 to £5 10s. • Light baconera £3 7s to £3 15s. ' Heavy baconera £4 to £4 12a. Extra heavy baconera to £5. Average price per lb 5Jd to 6Jd. ' Light porkers '4os to "455. • Heavy porkers 503 to 60s. . Average price per lb 7d. , . STORE PIGS. ■ There was a fairly large entry of store pigs. The demand'was slack, and towards tho- finish' sales were very difficult to make. Values * were: —"'• • "Weaners 14s to 20a, extra good to 225. ■ Small" stores 24s to 275. Medium stores 29s to 355.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 17985, 31 January 1924, Page 11

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ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LX, Issue 17985, 31 January 1924, Page 11

ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LX, Issue 17985, 31 January 1924, Page 11