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BEEP AGAIN EASIER. (BY OUE COMItEECIAL EDITOE.) Although tue shortening of feed due to the continued dry weather is causing heavy of some classes of stock, farmers at Addington yesterday were in better vein, for rain appeared tc be in the offing. The feed position was primarily responsible for another overflow yarding of cattle. Farmers with lambs and sheep to fatten are no; disposed to encroach on their feed supplies by carrying cattle, particularly cows, and consequently an army of cull dairies came forward. Naturally the market again cased, not to a great extent for good medium weight steers and prime heifers, but considerably so for heavy cattle and old cows. Within the past. six weeks values have receded from 4'Js Cd to about 30s for average bee;. Probably if the weather breaks cattle will not be rushed in at such a rate. The satisfactory feature of the sale was the keen lamb demand. In some cases good lambs made ICd a lb, and the bulk from that figure to 9Jd, seconds proportionately less. The works open on Monday, and it is reported that sales have been made on the hooks that justify an overall price of up to 9}d next sale for best lamb. An improvement was also recorded in mutton vahies. St-ire slieop were naturallv a shade easier, as the weather conditions are ;i matter of concern. The class, moreover, was rather inferior. There were poor quality vardings in both the dairv and titore cattle sections, and a lifeless sale. STOKE SHEEP. In the store slieep division there was a good entry, including a number of pens from the Kaikoura d-sf.rict. For the most part the sheep were two-tooths, and though there were a lew good lines most of the offering were from interior to cull. Only a few odd lots of wethers with any condition were' yarded, and they sold fairly well thoujli "there was not the briskness in the competition that has characterised the sales in the past few weeks. Buyers naturally were influenced in their operations by the weather, and there was a much more cautious note struck by "hem with the result that some of the two-tooth wethers were lower in price by 2a to 2s Gd a head, and the adult wethers were at least 2s cheaper. Although odd lots -were passed there was a noticeable anxiety on the part of vendors to quit, and in many cases reserves were readjusted to allow of sales to be made. Values were: Gocd two-tooth wethers, 21s to 22s 3d. Ordinary two-tooth wethers, 18s 9d to 20s sd. Cull two-tooth wethers, 13s lid to 14a lid. Ordinary two and four-tooth wethers, 18s Cd ta 20s Id. Aged merino wethers, 16s 9d. onvard four and six-tooth wethers, 23s to .Four, six, and eight-tooth wethers, 22s 2d to 21s 4d. Aged woolly ewes and lambs, 22s 2d to 24s 4d. The following were the sales: Wethers—l2o two and four-tooth at ISs 6d--1/6 two-tooth halfbred at 19s 7d; 346 two14s lid ;■ 145 four and six-tooth at e 9 ; 148 two-tooth at ISs. 9d; 150 four and six-tooth at 23s 2d; 31 Down cross twoJ° 2 ? 3 ld; 121 cull at if lid; /7 two-tooth at 21s; 83 two-tooth j •' two-tooth at 19s; 101 four aix and eight-tooth at 22s Gd; 119 woolly' two' tooth at 26s 6d; 49 woolly two-tooth at 23s 9d; 06 four-tooth at 23s 9d; 75 woolly twotooth at 22s 8d; 48 four and six-tooth at 24 a Vi. a ™ an , 4 - tooth 20s' Id; 56 twooth at 22s 3d: 120 aged merino at 16s 9d 3d Ml ' W °° lly and 3S lamba 18s 3d (all counted).

FAT LAMBS. The yarding comprised 600 head, compared with 420 last week. Quality was again of a nice standard, the bulk of the yarding being well-grown, stocky sorts that wou.d weigh well. The works are booked to open on December 10th, but thera was no competition from exporters, it being, too lengthy a period to hold lambs over. However, butchers competed with added activity, and anotaer advance was recorded. A gooc! deal of .the best quality lambs sold at from Sid to the vicinity of. lOi a lb, with sorts and over-weights about 9Jd. These are butchers' prices and can bs accepted with eome reservation as a guide of what exporters' offeis will be, but the keen sale may be accepbed as a very satisfactory augury. Best price of the day was for a line of 16 mixed Down cross lambs which made from 38s 9d to 35s Id, the top price for a pen of eight. ■ Values wore: Extra prime lambs, 33s 6d to 35s Id. Prime lambs,. 30s 9d. to 335. Medium lambs, 283 6d to 30s 6d. Light lambs, 24s to 28a. The following were the principal sates:— On account of Howson Bros. (Sedgemere), 16 at 33s 9d to 3os Id; J. Reese (Southbridge), 54 at 30s to 34s 6d; John Brooks (Irwell), 38 at 30s to 33s 3d; J. B. Anderson (Lecston), 14 at 32s Id to 33s 2d; M. Marshall (Springbank), 23 at 31s 7d to 33s Id; James Moorhead (Southbridge), 12 at 80s 7d to 33s Id; D. T. Wrnight (Dunsandel), 30 at 29s 4d to 335; Mrs M. Dron (Waikari), 14 at 30s to 335: A. Fairbairn (Scargill), 20 at 32s Id to 335; Sanders Bros. (East Eyreton), 15 at 30s to 32s lid; George Kelly (Lyndhurst), 15 at 32s to 32s 9d; Mr 3 Stapleton (Doyleston). 27 at 2?s 7d to 32j fsd; G, McLachlan (Leeston), 13 et 31s lid to 32s 8d; W. Cooper (Southbridge), 31 at 31s 5d to 32s 7d; E-. 'W. Chatterton (Upper Eiccarton), 8 at 32s 4d to 32s Gd; James (Spring&tbn), 9 at 32s Id; L. Eaplev (Southbridge), 15 at 31s 7d to 325; Ba!linger and Cassidy (Woodend), 13 at 30s 4d to 31s lOd; Bern McEvedy (Southbridge), 23 at 2f3s 9d to 31s ?a; H. Candv and Son (Doyleston), 14 at 303 6d to 31s 6d; W. Warner (Southbridge). 35 at 29s 8d to 31s Id; Mrs Kale (Southbridge), 12 at 30s to 31s; J. Catherwood (Rangiora), 25 at 29s to 31s; John Greenwood (Southbridge), 8 at 29s lid to 30s lid; W. Bishop (Southbridge), 13 at 30s Cd; W.. Franks (Fendilton). 9 at 28s lid to 30s 4d; J. Banks (Templeton), 12 at 29s 6d to 30s 3d: H. Findlay (Sandy Knolls), -6 at 28s Cd; T. W. Barwell (Loburn),- 60 at 21s S)d to 26s 7d. FAT SHEEP. The entry comprised eight races, about tho average ot the past feA' weeks. Quality was varied, the bulk being light with a small representation of ready good sheep. The market opened brighter for all classes, West Coast butchers being one of the factors in this. Freezing buyers also operated briskly, and the improved demand represented an advance of from Is 6d to 2s per head on last week. Towards the end or tha sale the activity was scarcely maintained, particularly for ewes, but ihe m>rket was a very satisfactory one in view the fact that exporters were able to par.icipate at tho values ruling. They paid up to C£d fo>r wether mutton. Prices per lb were 7d for the choicest GJd for prime, and Gid to G£d for light and inferior. ewe made CJd, lower quality lid to 6}<i, an! rough s>d'to sfd. Top price was for a splendidly finished line so':d by U<>o -rrfis (Waikaru. G9 making 3Ss 6d to 43s Gd, 19 at the top price, 19' at 41s Gd, 19 at 41s, and 12 at 39s 6d. Values were:— . Extra prime wethers, 38s to 40s; a special line to 43s 6d. Prime wethers, 34s 37s. Medium wethers, 31s tiu to S3s 9d. Light w. tliers, 27s 6d to 31s. Extra prime ewes, 32s io 3is; a few special to 35s 9d. Prime eww, 29s 6d to 31s 9d. Medium ewes, 26s 6d t:> 'i§3. Light ewes, 2'2s £d to 2Cs.

Old ewes, 10s to 'l2s. . Wethers—On account oi Geore Arres (\\ aifluri), CO at 39s Cd to 43s Gd; J. H. Munrc (OniihU, 71 at 26s 9d to -lis 6d; Mrs Dron (Waikari) Hi at 31s Id to 40s lOd: J. Adrl'.ncil (West Eyretcm). 60 at 353 9d to •10s; A. Robertson (Courienay), 33 at 31 3d to 30s lid, client. 87 at 39s lOd; J. R.. Simpson (Annat), 2 at 30s; J. and P. Clinton (Dariield;, 06 at Ms 7d to SSs 7d; I Gray (Ataahua), 61 at 323 7d to 37a lOd; (5 G Wright (Omihi), 12 at S7s lOd; J. Reid \Bennelts), 70 at 32s gd to 37s 4d; A Lane (Ormhi), 60 at 323 lOd to 37s 3d; John Deans (Kurkstyle), 12 at 32s 3d to 37s- W. Marshall ;s!>rinebank), 4 at 375; Airs' Le'.vthwaite (Little Rivei), 11 at 34s 3d to 665; client, 2J at 3Cs: W. Maciarlane (Ambcrley), 11 at 34s to 35a 0.1; South jCanterbury client, 65 at 34s to 3=3 Sd; i±unt and Langdale (Sumnar), 113 at 33s 2d to 35s 7d; G(*n;e Kelly (Lyndhurst), 10 at 35s 4d;' E. Bowes (Kiccnrlon), 38 at 34s la to 35s 4d; M. Bcihc-U (Pahaa Pastures), 52 at 323 od to 35s Id; F. B. Robinson (Shirlev), 10 at 33s 4d to 35s Id; Renme'a Estate (Doyle&ton). 41 at 343 lOd to 353; G >" McLean (Glasnevin). cQ at 333 lCd to 34s Sd; Dailey and -Manchester (Waunate), 150 at 33s 2d xo 34s 2d; North Canterbury client, 125 at 32s 7d to 33s 3d; A. V. Joblm (LitHe S at 33s 9d; client, 42 at 32» to 33s 7d; L. H. Adama (Aylesburv) 15 at 33s Cd; G. Larsen (Spnngbank), •™ at 33s 3d; Howson Bros. (Sedgemere), 20 at 30s 7d to 33s 3d; W. H. Montgomery (Little River), 64 at 61s rd to 33s 2d; C Pyner (Annat), 5 at 32s 10a; client, 39 at 31s lOd to 32a 4d; J. A. Adams (Greendale). 13 at 323 3d: P. G. Fiampton (Doylear

ton), 64 at 29s to 325; T. Hall (Waipara), 35 at 27s lOd to 30s 7d: client, 19 at cOs od; It Wright (The Peaks), st> at 29a fad to 30s- F ~E Croft's Estate (Culverden,, 22 at 2Ss lid; W. H. Wilkinson (Chertsey), 24 at "7s Sd- F Greenwood (Southbridge), 32 at 235" lOd 'to 26a Id: J. Walker (Selwyn), 14 woollv at 39s "d. account of M. Bctttell (Pahau Pastures) 3 at Sss 9d; J. R. Simpson (Annat), 141 "at 243 Sd to 335; J. Boag, jun. (Brooksidel, CO at 23s Id to 32s 2d; W. iv Candv and Son (Doyleston). 19 at o2s: U. G». Wnght (Omihi). 23 maiden 29s od to 31s 6d 17 at 2Ss; J. B. Anderson (Lecston), 20 at "Sis 4d to 31s Cd;. Mrs Lewthwaito kittle River), 21 at 299 Cd to 31s 3d; b. G. Holmes (Moth-vcn). 58 at 2/s to *(*» lid; Howson Bros. (Sedgemere) ; /0 at -is Gd to 30s 9d; T. Macartney (Metnvcn), 63 at 2Ss 9d to 30s 7d; J. P. McEvcdy (Southbridge), 63 at 25s fo SOs 4d; Shepherd Bros. (Fernside), 23 at 26s 9d to oos Id: client. 43 at 25s Id to 30s ; L. A jncent (Oxford). 2-1 at 20s to 30s; C. H. Adams (Groendale), 18 at 23s 9d to 2tV? 7d: ISc-r Ui Canterbury client, 35 at 23s 9a to 29s ,d\ W. Marshall (Springbank). 19 at 29s 4a; Ronnie's Estate (Doyleston), 19 at 29s 3d; W. Stone (Glonrov). 2*5 nt 27s 7d to 295; E E Jenkins (DunsnndeD. 35 at 26s 3d to •>• D Wilson (Methvon), 69 at 27s 7d to 29s- G. W. Broughton (Wairekaj, 69 at 26s 7d to 2Ss; George Kelly (Lyndhurst), 48 at 2fi< 9d to 2Ss 9d: client. .V* at 2fis 6d to 28s 9d; client, 60 at i9s 7d to 28s 9d; John Deans (Kirkstyle), 24 at 24<? ild to 2Sa 10d; H. B. Inch (Omihi), 20 at 25s 4d to 2?s Gd: A. Fairbairn (Scargill), 40 at 2Gi Id to 27s sd: client, 26 at 27s 4d; A. J. Carroll (Southbridge), 14 at 27s 3d; E. Chamberlain (Ellesmero). 10 at 24s 7d to 27s 3d; J. H. Jones (Aruberlcy), 16 at 27s Id; C Pvner (Annat). 15 at 275; -- Roberts (Scargill), 1G at. 26s lOd; R. Wotherspooc (Oxford), 3G nt 24s to 26s 7d; W r IT. AVilkinson (Chertsey), 53 at 23s 7a to 2(is Id; H. R. Wilkinson (Chertsey), 36 at 24s id to 2Gs Id; G. McLachlan (Leeston), 23 at 26s Id: Ballincer and Cnssift> (Woodend). 14 nt 26s Id; Mrs Kalo (Southbridge), 15 at 25s 5d to 265; client. 31 at 233 Gd to 26=: 11. Wright (The Peaks), 20 at 21s; Bern McEvedv "(Southbridge), 53 at 245; F. H. Wells (Oxford), 15 at 23s Id. Woollv—J. Walker (Selwyn.., 33 at 34s 9d to 37s sd. Hoggets—On account, of A. 11. Giles (Omihi), 34 at 273 3d to 31s 6d; A. J. Carroll (Southbndgc). 19 at 29s 4d; John Deans (Kirkstyle), 17 at 2is lOd. FAT CATTLE. There was another heavy yarding, comprising 460 head. Cows of all ages and conditions flooded the market, owners sending! tneni forward under tho pressure of the teed position. A line of .North Island steers was penned. The proportion of good serviceable steer beef was small, and fortunately for vendors, of big beef there was not muen of this forward. The entry was well ahead ot butchers' necessities for the week, and the steadily declining run in vaiues was continued, though naturally at a slower rate now that the present low .stage has been reached. £1 per head represented the all round dec.ine. A few of the. best pens made up to 34s per 1001b, primo 28s 6d to 325, medium 25s to 273, light 22s to 245, and rough down to 15s per 1001b. Best individual price was £l6 for the top two of a line sent forward by F. Birdling (Birdling's Fiat). The following graziers were represented: J. C. Hay (Pigeon Bay), J. Williams (Robinson's Bay), W. A. Gray (Ataahua), D. G. Macfarlane (Hawkswood), F. G. Birdling (liirdling's Fiat), F. Kay (Duvaucheile), Peraki Estate (Little River), Leslie Hills Estate (Culverden). , Values were: ■ — Extra prime steers t'j £l6. Prime steers, £l2 to £l4 10s. Medium steers, £9 15s to £ll 15s. Light steers, £8 to £9 ss. Extra prime heifers, to £l3 7s 6d. Prime heifers, £7 10s to £8 15s. Ordinary heifers, £1 10s to £7 ss. Extra prime cows, to £lO 2s 6d. Prime cows, £6 10a to £8 ss. Ordinary cows, SA 5s to £6 ss. Old cows, £2 15s to £4. The following were the principal sales: On account of E. E. Wells (View Hill), 9 steers at £5 17s 6d to £7 12s 6d; H. Mold (Robinson's. Bay), 2 cows at £5 Ss to £G 10s; G. Gibb (Motunau), 1 cow at £8; L. B. Coe (Irwell), 2 steers at £8 to £8 7s 6d, 2 cows at £5 17s 6d to £8 10s; F. Kay (Duvaucheile), 15 steers at £9 17s 6d to £ll 10s; 5 cows at £5 5s to £5 15s;. C. S. Lyall (The Bays), 2 steers at £9 2s 6d to £lO 10s; Ralph Barnard (Kaiapoi), 2 cows at £5 12a 6d; D. Stalker (Wood'end), 3 cows at £s' 17a 6d to £6 2s 6d; client, 4 steers at £lO 123 6d to £ll 10s; 7 cows at £3 Ss to £7 15s; C. and T. Anderson (Woodgrove), 8 steers at £3O 15s to £ll 10s; S. Howie (Mina), > steers at £7 to £ll 12s Gd; 1 cow at £lO 2s Gd; client, 8 cows at £5 10s to £3 15s; F. G. Birdling (Birdling's Flat), 7 steers at £l4 to £l6; client, 4 cows at £6 to £6 17s 6d; H. E. Evans (Kaiapoi), 1 heifer at £lO 2s Gd; 5 cows at £5 2s Gd to £3; southern client, 10 heifers at £7 5s to £8 17s •Gd; southern client, 7 steers nt £ll 12s Cd to £l2; 3 heifers at £ll 2s 6d to £l3 7s Gd; client, 2 cows at £6; Slattery's Estate (Hawkins), 3 cows at £3 10s to £5 10s; J. O'Connell (Tad Tapu), 3 cows at £4 7s Gd-to £5 ss; client, 5 cows at £3 17s Gd to £5 17s 6d; J. T. Denton (Motunau), 4 cows at £6 10s to £9 7s Gd; 1 steer at £lO 53; 1 heifer, at £7 15s; F. Williams (Robinson's Bay), 10 cows at £5 to £7 17s 6d; J. Williams (Robinson's Bay), 3 cows at £4 7s €d; 1 heifer at £8 12s Gd; North Island client, 12 steers at £l2 3s to £l2 10s; 12 heifers at £8 2s 6<J to £11; L. H. Parnham (Scargill), 3 steers at £6 ss; 1 heifer at £5 2s 6d; J. C. Hay (Pigeon Bay), 15 steers at £ls to £ls 12s 6a; W. A. Gray (Ataahua), 7 steers at £ll to £IJ 17s Gd; D. G. Macfarlane (Hawkswood), b steers at £8 5s to £8 17s 6d; E. Cole (Greendale), 2 cows at £6 12s 6d to £9; Methveti client, 1 steer at £9 15s; 1 cows at £7 17s 6d; a q'.ient, 6 steers at £3 15s to £ll 7s 6d; 5 cow 3 and heifers at .£6 10s to £3 12s 6d, North Canterbury client, 8 steers at £lO ISh to £11; Geo. Peter (Sefton)., 3 cows at £7 2s 6d to £10; S. S. Barclay (Lyndhurst), 5_ cows at £5 15s to £8 10s; ■ Peraki- Estate (Little River), 6 steers at £l3 10s to £l4 153; Leslie Hills Estate (Culverden), 1* steers at £lO 5s to £ll 17s 6d; North Canterbury client, 20 steers at £9 10s to £lO 12s Gd; J. Camp-on (Prebbleton), 2 heifers at £9 12s 6d to £ll ss; North Canterbury client, 6 steers at £lO 2s Gd; J. Cunneen (Broadfie'ds), 3 heifers at £5 15s to £9 15s; J. K. Thacker (O)tain's Bay), 4 steers at £l4 13s to £ls ss; Yaldhurst client, 6 heifers at £1 to £5 10s; Cheviot client, 8 steers at' £lO to £ll 12s 6d; Miss Leggatt (Waikuku;, S cows at £7 10s to £3 7s Gd: North Canterbury client, 12 steers at £lO 2s Gd to £l2 10s; Middlcton client, 8 cows at £4 to £7 ss; Addington client. 4 cows at £4 7s Gd to £6 7s 6d; D. McClure (Fendalton), 4 cows at £5 to £5 7s 6d; Woodend client, 12 cows at £3 17s Gd to £6 7s Gd; J. K. Macfarlane (Coldstream), 5 cows at £4 to £5 17s Gd; D. Hughes (Greenpark), 6 cows at £3 10s to £4 173 Gd; G. Lintott (Kelly's road), 4 cows at £5 to £5 12s 6d; C. Early (Yaldhurst), 2 heifer 3 at £5 17s 6d.

VEALERS. There was a largo entry of vealers. The best quality sold at almost equal to last week's rates, but inferior sorts were hard to quit.- Values were: Runners, to £5 10s. Vealers, £3 15s to £4 15s. l calves, £1 10s to £3. Small calves, 10s to 255. STORE CATTLE. In trie store cattle pens tha offering was not at all heavy, and for the most part consisted of very plain cattle in small lotß. Few lines were yarded. Quotations are: Good two-year-oid Jersey cross heifers, £4 Bs. Two-j-ear-old Shorthorn heifers, £3 10s. Gocd forward cows, £2 10s to £4. Aged and inferior cows, £1 5s to £2 2a 6d. DAIRY CATTLE. In the dairy cattle pens the entry only totalled 60 head, and they were for the most part a very plain class. Bidding was very slow, and the various lota were hard to sell, even the demand for good cows and heifers being lifeless. Values were as follows: Best springers, £6 10s to £8 ss. F.x/tra. good, to £8 15s. Medium springers, £4 to £6. Inferior springers, £1 10s to £3. Plain cows in milk, £1 to £2 10s. Springing heifers, £3 10s to £4 2s 6d. Heifers just calved, £2 10s to £3 10s. FAT PIGS. A sma';l entry of bacon pigs was forward, but the porkers were in good supply, and they did not sell as well as the baconers, which improved a little on the previous week. Values were as follows: Choppers, 50s to 90s. Light baconers, 60s to 70s. Heavy baconers, 75s to 853. Extra heavy baconers, to 100s. Prices per lb, 6}d to 7d. Light porkers, 4C« to 455. Heavy porkers, 47s 6d to 53a. Prices per lb, Gd to 6Jd. STORE PIGS. A medium entry of store pigß was forward, and there was a fairly spirited demand for weaners, which improve" but other classes sold at late rab were as follows : Weaners' 17s to 265. Slips, 25s to 26a 6d. Medium, stores, 30s to 345. Large stores, to? 395.

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17939, 6 December 1923, Page 10

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ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17939, 6 December 1923, Page 10

ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17939, 6 December 1923, Page 10