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i ■ 10 hell this l e««> chsml,or ; und the County Coua"•I • . „ commencea to * *-•» i :-- si tie * h « l ' " d ? T . n jmal SUI V' J '" M "*" ns of the Advance As,- ■»• cf . : In executive onl u-~ • S .to favourably t<" :i3, Bn'init Square AVrst. K IJong U' e "sorvo ...<v * PjlSe bridge and Kcrmode £* 3 & r foftho A d vancc As h - executive on Tuc;- * secretary was instructed * Bailway Department i** > «fo bo crcctccl from J Inform at the m # !tJ i This, 't wos • staLrfl .- 8 C ir!v people the climb up overhead brid^ ; , * ;,fof walk on the v.-est side ? Ei l bctwee n St >¥ *. r station. was suggested 'V ' Ashburton Association. AfH members had suggestS- **£»«»» of keeping pcd T ( a.i<lo(tthogra S3 . -Mr *. If r McEJrca said <lic keeping of- •, jf ft,« grass wa3 IJU t main L fi 1 iivvcnnvhcr? you go." con- ? Sth speaker, "there arc notices r ?the irtass-' Jn c!Vpr y Uttlu i wrzicr of tlx; world tho % KSSjdto'kco P offthcgra ßß . k£ t '«• much of th!lt s SeKCulivo of thi Advance Ash- * £Wiation met on iucsday * St wh® there were present:— u £i McDonald (in the chair). Hi Klrf E H> Orr, il. I J . Barker, A. 5 p. L. Porter, H. li. C. MeS £1 'M Clark, and 1\ A. Silcock. * decided to make enquiries re- » rfjf tie procedure for affiliation us * Ml body, for meetings upon £f £ p 4y of each year. A vote of Sjjtioa to the Ashburton Athletic L : U>, jtj valuable wnk in connexion 4 j»u» recent gala *vas passed. It t {filter! to procuro nix more seats iStEwt street reserves. An ac- * |t tsiounting to 10s was passed for I |jtalk of deciding upon the policy ills Advance Ashburton Association j Aitd to lie Eas; streot reserves J Sj jaeh an amount of time at Ey right's meeting of the execuK |^||' «ry littlo time was to spare •I jj|j eosideration of the othor sug- : pu, Tho chairman (Mr A. A.. > Staid) «?id they would have i BikftOTer to another meeting. He ■ Wten over, and various light sug- * 0n ucl advice wore 1 forthcoming. commeceed: —A drivu HilljrlTdr from the traffic bridge ||waber: "Carried!") —a recrea||Misd for the eastern side of the -foW fonntnina at suitablo points ("Shift Chertsey! ") — attaandation houßii for taxi-men—-:si^frand a membr-r's Temark that Silm h&d nothing at all against P«|'«<Jpt that the public woro IJtlowed access)—a Chamber of jMn^jFoc,wha public, meeting sißpWjbiy bo called, a Burgesses' arc that a1,,)-Has ~) -Has a p«al of bolls. llMowuwiad the table conference f 'he totmty clergymen was *J y«t«d4jr at fte Rakaia vicarngc, w idea of tliff gatherings, the first *Meh was i«ld two months ago, is s fe»!ia| of greater unity PUf tiemimstt'rs, ind to throw light (• points of Boripture and othor Sq.tiWe Fence. , fflMTll of tho wooden fence square West hns been jfjftted it'different times by the AdAssociation. It has H'ijwW that the fence is old and * a tliat a concrete one ■W4 w aioro suitable and pleasing ' M Tuesday night's meot®tts exeoutivQ the subject. was if L ?yyi (Mr A. A-. McDonald) . Br™ """Hg Isrrittea again to the Tliat lia( i re " BE it. * project were taken in KIA- Asanciatlon would have to Pfol of i'no proposed new 8C...? 8 yooncil hud voted ag/iinst th« hght gf the lamps pro■j„r. y 8 Jt remained t.o toatin'ued the chairman, should do in the *«Jtnor an or'i.v.ncutyl fouco . J« Mastnicted or the squaro i speaker) jM favour of aii ornaisste, as nionoy spent upor would bo better laying out new rc*i*^lMpoUl<l entUi! CXtra CX " b 55 Gabiteß submitted a draft |j» *. ®'? 6t ®te fence round the M ♦%_ simili'r to the coping fe» IkL ? slchurfh Cathedral. w ° B bein g USQ d, the inehes high) cou ld bo used !*«eommodation. .' • MflElrea said there s feitTht It ,° about drab con--1 , no ' v «y warm to sit ft. W j°^ en uce wero remov(ki ® 6^| ea the lawn nicely feto, ii result in more good fyyw w oUld , &ncretc .* orte !f >n( ' v ed that the W of the orection of Hkt fi,A ßt ' e r ? Baring squaro «i« motion did not find a °" tain estimates 'f hiUi * * S^ OI>C an< i eoncrete w ®«glits of 12 and 16 inches. Ai »«c9 Ashburton. futuie P° lic y of the SUt tk mon A «"eiation was oat! m , eetl,lg of the exocu " m Sht. 6£ u ( i A L " McDonald) SSt ? W ' Kerr l*ad been Si ~,? 8 ? 86 Bervicea of a SJfrlt of the East street 81^(fane an orou 8h Council 's ' jj.." 1 . 0 the work, and ■ T? d n take 1 n thc rcst Tt, ee 1la( i dene a ■PWiU ®wcutivc would a P°iiey in regard AsS Elrea said 1,0 hc!iov ' ! MCTttli.r s y»tion was followin-j The rough KL^ l as !U .°" e b y the local .v h? ! 1 "ot moAcd in the j'° n s . funet io:i should lEH»i}tL w lr ® of beautifvBW'4 estab'is'nei] tSi£ x? laore ln the n:l " 'ttndscHpo ■&WW Wori: - He believed Bo'.iUtih. e sUtitry between '.lie BCSKh* for thfi ■ft a C ° r(i ? r ' v '° ;l !d iiko perm u.n on ti s" -° ut - r - tletai!. that if a innji v. 81," jp,. should noL

forget that the heavy work was still present and before their eyes. If they •waited for the local bodies to do th': work there would be .none done, as the Borough Council was up to its eyes in other work. The Council seemed to have the idea that tho Association wanted

'•> do as it liked, but he knew that j idea was faJse. j Mr E. Orr said the Association, had made itself more cr less responsible for j the upkeep of the East 6treet reserves, j and these should be kept in order. A , clear-cut understanding between tho Domain Board and the Association was advocated by Mr P. L. Porter. Mr A. P. Kaven said he was of thi opinion that the paymnnt of a permanent man might be shared between the •'..yn bodies, but Mr McElrea was not in favour of dual control, as his experience of such arrangements ■was rinch against it. The Association was a body which should bo able to strike out on its own, and employ men. ■ Tho chairman moved: "That a subcommittee of three approach the chairnun of the Domain Committee and ascertain what arrangements could be n.Luie regarding the cutting of the grass on the reserves and appoint no men, permanent or casual, until the subcommittee report to the executive. Mr A. P. "Raven moved an amendment that no action as proposed in the motion be taken, and that a man be employed bv the Association. The amendment was carried unanimous! v. Scottish Society. The first annual meeting of the newly re-formed A-sbburton County Scottish Society was held on Tuesday night. Chief "(J. Reicl occupied the chair. The Council's annual report stated that as a result of a public meeting called for tho purpose, it was decided to re-form the Society, which had not been active since April, 1919. From a very dubious start it was doubtful whether it would be possible to carry on, but the Society had increased to Is;i us a result of a very active canvass made by members. Tho first effort of the Society was in the nature of a graiiij Scotch concert and Miss Bessie Prascr, of Australia, was engaged at iconsiderable expensiV, Ajitists from Christchurch and Timaru were also engaged. Owing to tho boisterous weather tin's was not so well attended as it might have been, ajul tho Society suffered a slight loss, although the interest stimulated by the concert had a very benciicial effect on the members. Four inglesides and a "Burns Nicht" were held daring the year, the Orange Ilall, which was used for the purpose, being crowded each night. A concert was also held at Staveley, wherf the hall was packed and a very enjoyable evening was spent.. The Council desired to record its thanks to all those who assisted at the various functions during tho year. The balance-sheet showed a credit balance of £27 17s. Tho report and balance-sheet were adopted. Tho following officers were elected: Patron, Mr R. chief, Mr C, Reid; chieftains, Messrs W. Patterson and Sinclair; councillors, Messrs C. Storricr, J. McKay, J. Donn, G. McAlister, E. G. Craighead, M. McMillan, A. Wilkie, and J. Mclntyre; secretary, Mr E. Coker; treasurer, Mr A. Sutherland: auditor, Mr W. Patterson. An honorarium of £5 was voted to the secretary. Inquest. An inquest into the death of Mrs Jane Isabelle Morriss was held ou Tuesday before the District Coroner, Mr James Cow, J.P. Dr. G. J. S. Fislier, who conducted a post-mortem examination, described the state of health of the various organs. Tho Coroner returned a verdict in accordance vlrith the medical testimony that deceased had died from tho effectb of un epileptic fit. Cricket. No senior matches Trill bo played in Ashburton next week owing to the representative fixture with Malvern. The second grade competition will be continued when the most interesting fixture will be the meeting of Ashburton B, the competition leaders,"and Ashburton A, who have shown great improvement lately, at the Domain Oval. The draw for the remaining matches is:-—Tinwald B v. Tinwald A, at Tmwald; Lauriston B v. High School, at Lauriston; Lauriston A v. Highbank. The next round of senior matches will be:—Ashburton v. Tinwald, at Tinwald; and Fairfield v. Methven, at Methven. Athletics, A very interesting programme has been arranged by the 1 Asht.urton Amateur Athletic and Cycling Club for the big sports carnival to be held at the Domain on Saturday week. There are three Canterbury championship events on the programme, 75yds, 300 yds, and 600 yds, and it is oxp«cted that these will be well contested. Another important event will bo the cross-country handicap, which will bo run over a course of four miles, starting and finishing at tho Domain. The other ovents on the programme are 100 yds, 200vds, 440 yds (ladies' bracelet), 880 yds, 1 mile, each cveht being a. h.-indicap. The field events include liich jump, long jump, and pole vault. There will bo an 880 yds relay race, throwing tho cricket ball, and a, 50yds old-timors' handicap. Tho 7,>yds ladies? handicap is sure to create interest, and novelty ovants and primary school events complete a fine programme. Entries close in Ashburton to-morrow. The ABhburton athletes who travelled to Christchurch and took part at th-3 meeting at English Park last Saturday had a very successful outing. -ine team consisted of "W. S. and \ p. McClymont. K. v. Wood, H. Nieoll, W. J. Batsono, M. Farroll, and C. Campbell. Among those who gained places were B. D. Wood, who ran second in the mile, M. Farrell, who won tho high jump ana ran third in a 100 yds heat, but was unplaced in the final; G. H. Nicoll, who ran second in the 880 yds; and Batstone who secured second place in the pole vault, after jumping 3ia better tlmn did in the Canterbury championships last year, vrhen he won; and A. . McClymont, who won his heat o:f the 440vds, but could only finidh third in the final. The relay team secured second place, and, altogether the day was a success so far a 3 Ashburton was concerned. Mail Notices. Mails close to-day— For Northern Ports at 5.10 p.m., l»t« letters, 5.40 p.m.; S u aid'3.v a ri 6 p.m. Mails for Australian States and tne per Manuka, from Wellington, U a.m. December 7th, close in Ashburton at 5.15 p.m. December 6th. , Maile for UniUd Kingdom Europe and America, via Vancouver will cl<«o at Ashburton on December Bth, at 5.15 p.m., money orders at noon. Mills for Tonga, Fiji, and Samoa, *rcl. close at Ashburton on December 7t-i, at 2.15 p.m. , . Mnils for United Kingdom, also Pitcwrc Island and Crißtobal, Panama. Canal, to connect with Rimutaka irom "Wellington, 4 p.m. December 14th, will close in Ashburton at 5.15 p.m. December 13th. Mnils for United Kingdom and Europe, via Monte Video and Teneriffc, "per A raws, clcoo at Ashburton on December 11th at 3.1.5 p.m. (specially addressed correspondence on'.*).

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17939, 6 December 1923, Page 13

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ASHBURTON. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17939, 6 December 1923, Page 13

ASHBURTON. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17939, 6 December 1923, Page 13