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Oa Friday, afternoon th« committee and tho/pawnta of the Hororata School foregathered; the' occasion being the Presentation of the Malvern Sub-Union Football Banner to the school. Dating the afternoon the children gave displays, of organised games. Mr H. 1 Boy-re} 'president of the Malvern SubViiuori, .made the presentation, and in an . appropriate speech congratulated the scuoql and stair upon their success and expressed hopes of further success during the next season. The headmaster suitably responded. Afternoon tea 1 was dispensed by the ladies in the sqhoolrnom,- alter which the children were given tea and . lolly and nut scrambles in the grounds. During the afternoon Mr IJarrett, chairman of thecommittee, took the opportunity of announcing the winners of the cake-guess-ing "cpmpetitjon. Masters Percy Derrett and Alan Oliver were the successful competitors with correct guesses of 520. The amount realised for the bath .fund was £3 3s; Sd. '"A very succe.isiul concert, organised by Mr 0. Moriand, in aid of the Hororata Cricket Club's, funds, .took place on Friday night. All the items were much appreciated by the audience. Those pnrtbipating in the programme were Mesdames J. Oliver, pollard, Span ce (songs), Messrs J. >L. Menkes, ltklgeon, S en-e, Felton (songs), Miss Nelson.and SeJWTn Parker- (pianoforte duets), Mrs Pollvd and Mr- Fevei, Mjso and Mr Mcnzies, Mrs and Miss ,Pallard-(vo'Mil du ts), Mr E royd (monnlorrues), Master B. Good!and (recitations), Mivs Turton .(dancing). The accompanists wero Mesdames. Ridgeon, Pollard, unci Misers..'Nelson:and Bates. Mr v Morl.ind thanked 'the audience for ; their support and the performers for their splendid concert,' asking the audience to endorse, his remarks By acclamation. It ia gratifying to know that the, proceeds-will wipe out the last season's defbit, and enable the club to ■onen the season with every anticipation of showing a favourable:balance this .year, ...".,... ; : ; v WEEDONS. '.'!...,.'". The Wesley Guild held, their last social of toe season•on'lhureda'y evening. There was., a: good attendance. Songs, solos, recitations, speeches and games were given. The Rev. Mr Parker and the Guild ladies were g.ven a vote of thanks for '•' the work* they haa done. Mr Parker, in responding, m;ido a few, remarks.,on the good work the Guild was doing. Supper was .handed round by the Guild ladies. > LEITHFIELD. , The fortnightly, dance,' held under the auspices' of the local school committee, was well attended, when dancing to the splendid .musie supplied by Miss /Hibbard was greatly enjoyed. Extras were played by Miss P. May. „ The .interesting and instructive lectures on "First Aid to the Injured," which have been, given during the winter, months . in / conjunction with the weekly Bible Class, are over for this session. The /members are <now revising in preparation for the examination which >a' to be conducted . early in October-. ..-«.'■" ■■; ■

The, -prevalence •:of 'whooping cough [ amovig the younger children is having a detrimental effect on the attendance in'the. infant department of ,the school. | v'Fbr several days the County Councils , ways,have been carrying shingle .to ATI in v the. pot-holes.., which \ motorists on the main roads have..heen endeavouring to dodge. The'attention which is being given to the water channels which.'sihee the flood, have/been more or less choked with debris,/is very we-come. ■'/.■''■'-.' ■ .The continued fine' weather .has ; enabledferraersHb' ; get their tillage a nd> eowitigVof "(Jeredls wellviri tend.'. The gHas^f' loo, is s'prinjptii^g''freclv,'sb'-thai thjyf'o will ; an \ abundance of green f,eed. V : v J''?\' : ' '- '. ",'■' '';.- v ' evening a concert," in aid of Bible; Class "funds,, was given in .tn.e.';LeTinftel43all~;Vefore : .>\la^e l -'and.' esthtisiastic audience. Several, of the artists 'were deservedly ' recalled,' the local "hits" and humorous, items affording much The'varied programme consisted-Aof a.sqlo, "Come to the Fair," by Mr Thompsqn; recitation, "Peach Pie," ,by Mollie, Frew; monologue in character,, f.'Jones of the Lan r cers,'- by Mr Ward Brown;' solo, "Love "the Pedlar,?', by Mre:Mc.WJiirter;. duet, VThei Singing'.Lesson,'.'bv Mrs Brpwn and Mr Thqmrjsqn; ; solo by Mr Rhodes; solo, ."Memories," by.Mr Burke,:. monologue,"Rosie's Relations*" • by.- -MissChamberlain; solo with trio chorus,; , "Any. Rags"—a character sketch. The part of, the programme consisted of choruses, : duets, trios arid solos. Several humorous sketches witlv blendirigs: in local colour, were given by. the talented A mberley Pierrot Troupe; in their charming mariner. 'The; duct; "Trot Here and There, I 'by Mr and Mrs McWhirter, was highly appreciated; The neeompaniriients were played'by Miss Rhodes and Mrs Brown. At the close of the c"6ncer£ a 'dainty supper was' handed round by the members of the Bible and First Aid Classes and tltehall'cVired for dancing, which was kept tip till the 'early hours';of the rnqrhinir: the music being supplied by : Miss> Hibbard, Mrs Fleming playing ah extra. ; Lovers of: New Zealand and its many beauties looking forward' to' the ' illustrated"lecture to be given, in aid of school funds, by Mr -Fostbn, qf : Lower"Huttj next ;Friday "..' "A : . concert,; promoted: by. Mrs '.W}l". liams.of-Dvomore. in-aid: of a .fund for a new piano, was held dn the school, on September<27th by iv party from .Ashburton. Tlie audienoe..was very appreciative and, there'.were many recalls. The programme^-'was -as follows strumental music by Mrs.and Miss Mae-Donald;-Bongs by Mrs Craighead and Mr- Craigheadj.'r aniarteties,' by the party; .songs- by Miss Gtirdiner; monologues by Miss Galbrrtith) violin solo bv MacDonald; piano solo by-Miss Hanrahah; violin .duets by Mrs MacDttnald and MisS Swap, and .duets' by Mr and'-Mrs Craigliead;' At the conclusion of.the'concert, Mr J. F.Crum thanked the party for the-pleasure they had given the audienrp: and also for their 'courtesy in' helping a deserving cause. He trusted that the new pipno_ was bought the' pa|ty would be able to pay tlie'm another v:sit; Mr P. Hahrabah then moved a hearty vote of thanks to tho party, which was carried by acclamation. Supper was served by the ladies, and a short dance followed, Mr J. F. Crum providing the mr(isic; , ;:.''i:/ ';■.•;: ■'.':-.'-. ■•";'.'",'• : ..

During tho evening the opportunity was taken to prevent the prizes won nt the last euchre tournament. Mr Crnm explained that this was the last tournament for the season. Nine had been held "'towthrr and the balance in hand was £7 lis 3d. It was proposed bv Mr £: C l s nr « l an, and seconded bv Mr D B'sneU that £4 should be given to the piano fund, and the balance (minus a tw expenees) to the Bchool Committee. TTi« winner .of the ladies', prize was Miss Mm Bmhell. and the gentleman's Mr WHanrahan, jun. ■,' * . ROKEBY. -Midte gh on] y from Bokebv and Done competed m the schools wni IS^i2ff l oL faon^ t . th * ilakaia Horti " i£ET!i \. M •?* th «".F ueß bu * were £L« - 4 to P U P™- xt ffoU W have iv Msh ?g to *«> how this school would have fared had Rakaia' Main School competed. This competition is *$L o| abetter support from schools Ukaia and -surroundiDg


The members of the Presbyterian Church celebrated the first aimiverbary of tho openina; of their new church o» Friday erenJiJß by holding a soiree. Tea was served to a large gathering in the Oddfellows' Hall, and afterwards a concert was held in the Institute Hall. An excellent progrnnime of musical items and recitations was proviuea, "tho performers being Mesdamcs McLaren, H. McLcod, R. Cunningham, H. M. Chappell, Misses Nitii Mnnhire, E. Howes, and Jessie Mckenzie the Rov. F. Robertson, and Messrs 1. fliCharters, J.' Tennant, C. 3>ash, and H. Murdoch. The piano nceompamments were played most tastefully DV Miss Evelyn Howes. A recall for almost. eveiy item-, indicated the a"dienoe's warm appreciation of tho programme. . ■• ■ Special anniversary services, held yesterday afternoon, were conducted -by tho llev. W. McAra, of Sumner, assisted bv the Rev. W. H. Howes, minister of'the cluircli. There were large congregations at. both morning ana evening service's. Included in the special imisio .were the anthems, "The Lord is Living'.' (Caleb Simper) and "Praise the Lord, 0 Jcrupnlfm," s™S by the choir, with Mr J. Gibbs-Jordan at the..organ, and the,solo "Vale (.Kennedy Russell), sung by Mr Hector Murdock" In the afternoo"n there was a children's sen-ice, which was also well attended. . Solos were sung by Misses Nellie Lamb and Ngira Bt.ll. KAIAPOL A shed, the property of the Kaiapoi Park, trustees, situated in. the Park,' was totally destroyed by fire at about midnight on Satuiday. The building, which was tin old one, was used <is a dressing shed, and a portion of the Kaiapoi Cricket Club's gear was stored ! there. The club estimates its loss at between £2O ,and £3O. .The shed was not insured. DARFIELD. Last week tho Tennis Club opened their season for this year. The weather was perfect for the occasion. A large number of membtrs from neighbouring clubs were present and.' several good games were played.. The local:,club have, emisted a ,iar;a number of new members and consequently expect to. have a larger number of playing members than hitherto. Afternoon tea was provided by the lady members. The Cricket Club , also, opened their season on the same .day, although, the number of players present was. hot large. A number of new members are expected during, the year. The pupils of the Convent, who entered at. the recent Trinity, College exr animations were highly'.successful. The : candidates Were: .Florence Nolan, senior; Marjorie Turton, intermediate; Catherine Duncan, preparatory. '. , s The lambing season is now wen ..advanced and most favourable reports are heard, up to 150 per cent. _ being hot an uncommon average 'in sonic flocks. On Tuesday evening, Mr "T. G. Warren was tendered a very eiiccessful social and presentation in.the Memorial Hall. Mr Warren was clerk, at'the raihvay. station for a period of four yeats. • WJien it was reported that be had been transferred to the position of. re'i ving officer at Rangiora, the public decided to show their 1 ' of his good fliialities by giving Mr Warren a splendid send-off. Mr J. F. Nar>bey was elected' chairman of the presentation committee, which - worked hard to make Tuesday's function; successful. A' dance' formed the first part of the programme to music supplied by Mrs Percival (Whitecliffs). Baring an interval Mr Narbey presented Mr with,a travelling bag 'and .Kaiapoi 'rug suitably eiigraved, adding ..that during Mr Warren's sojourn on' jthe; staff of the local station, he'had earned the esteem and' respect' of- the public; in, general. .He cbmrnended'his prorript artd obliging manner. i\o trouble was' too great for him in tendering advice* and information to the public on railway matters. Ha was. sorry Mr Warren was leaving them, tut w*os glad that his transfer meant promotion to him. He wished him every success in the" future. A number of speaker testimony to the guest's sterling qualities Mr W. P Nolan, stationmaster, said he was delighted to see his first lieutenant receive such a splendid send-off by a lar«re and representative rsscmbiafc Mr .Warren was a good of floor for the and lor the public The following spoke ir complimentary terms: ■ Mr Wagee for the Football Club, Mr Wcstwood ior the Cricket Club and Mr Bradle/ for the Snorts Association. Master J. Ro"ch, speaking for the Convent Football Club thanked' Mr Warren for his trouble m coaching the bo>s He presented Mr Warren will a pendant m the shape of a cold football A dainty supper provided bv the ladies broucrht a rrost enjoyable evening to a ;close. CLARKVILLB. Last week a very eijoyable children's concert was gnen m the ljeace Hall, which was crowded by an enthusiastic audience. A ver/ effective sctne •>w«»b presented when"" the thiee fames "Lair> Content'' (I'ileeu HassaH), "Fairy Fun' (Harriet Wilson), aU'l "Fairy Goodwill" o»iliia Wilson), diested in white trimmed with upangles appeared on the stage. 'J'hey were followed bj a meny little fellow "Cheery Tommy" (liertie F:o 0 t) The thiee flower gnls, l'ranzie J{amse\, Ins V-iughan and Isabel Giles lendercd the "Flower Song, 1 ' in a veiy pleasing manner. The Archer vat repicsented by John Fiost A chaiming scene was -witnessed -nhen the "See Saw" appeared 'llns was fo»>wed b\ a song in chaiactet 6v vVillum Bfar- | low, the sea-captun who was attei wiirdsaccompauielibylistr w, dressed as sailors, who sang • we're Some ot the Crew of the All So Brave " Much amus-'inent was caused b\ '"lhe Old Woman Who Lived in a'Shoo" (Doris Holland) Roais nt laughter wei*e caused when Tommy TicKletooth (Jack Johnson), appeared, especial!} when he attempted with the down (Edie Holland; A party ot Chines* diessed in character poitrajed "The CLmamnn.' 'ihe chorus aiter'w irds 6ang "The Kazzoo Band," with musical instruments. Siltia \7ilson rendered "The Fruit Girl" m a \erp pleasing maiucr, after which three little news--Iki 6, Bertie Frost, Lvle Gnflin and Gooige Ha sail sang to s 11 their papG s quickly. "The House that Jack Built," by ten girls in character w n 3 •vociferously encored. The "Sea Captain" then- appeared with a Blackie Iby (Ken Fret) The children then sang "Joh'.ny Sehmoker," wnith was reciled The children concluded their pleasing concert with "Flag of Britain," "Rule Britannia/' and "Raise Your Voices Every One.' 1 The whole of the accompaniments were pla s ed bv Miss Frost The proceeds are in aid of a fund for the children s i games and prizes After a few remits irom Mr Frost, chairman of the school committee, supper was served. Dancing, which followed, was kept up until the early hours of the following morning. AKAROA. The Akaroa Tennis Club opened it* season on Thursday..afternoon: -in delightful weather. There was a large a*tendance. of members and "friends. My "E...;Ev:-.lfe;^:> ; \'as'--^eßi4^.;'or/^®-'club," in declaring th« courts; officially open g^j} iwishes to the members for a liuccessrui season-. Afternoon .tea was ; proviaea 'by'.'the. lady : memberSi v,i The Borough Council, t^*&#J?* Domain Board, appointed Cra.l^ 1 ®! I Parhbami' and P|ilkingtori• Ss a feub-com-mi tto - to' disenss' with the : Dpriiam ,i« a_ : nis JCiub ;the latter's application .:.fof-- a new cotirt' to meet the claims! 1 ." mer visitors forrgames. The.

I. (OontinuedL'.at footi af-B^^w****

cided to clear the Domain *»»*■£■«[ broom and other unsightly f%&°** %o improve the approaches attliesoUtnern end. j. ■ NEWLANDS. \ The school has bad several changes U teachers .during past year. Mr Galbraith was succeeded by Mr Bastion, and the teacher at present is Alias 0. Frincs, who is a recent arrival from London, where she had seven years' teaching experience. A-plam and fancy dress ball, in aid of the piano. f«nd, will 1» held next-Thursday. s , i

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17882, 1 October 1923, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17882, 1 October 1923, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17882, 1 October 1923, Page 3