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H. G. WATSON WINS. •» P. O'SHEA, RETAINS CHAMPIONSHIP. The road race of 1923, was held on Saturday in beautiful weather and drew an entry of 175, 164 riders actually competing. The winner proved to be H. G. Watson, of Marshland, while Phil. O'Shea, of Ohristchurch, won the championship for the sixth time, and thus qualified to be sent across to Australia as the representative of the Dominion in the WarrnamboobMeibourne race this month. Fine weather prevailed all the way, A but as the riders neared Ohristchurch, a fairly strong nor Veaster gave them trouble. The roads Were hard and dry following,a spell of dry weather, but certain sections were in bad condition. There was a large gathering of the public in front of the Hydro Grand Hotel, Timafii, when the limit men were sent off, aihidst cheers at 9.5 p.m. Very few gave up until Ashburton was reached, the leaders arriving there about 12.15 p.m',, but from this, stage a number dropped out. H. G. Watsbn passed through Bafcaia with a bunch of other riders at 1.37 p.m. and, was at Duus'andel at 2.16 p.m. ; P. O'Shea, P. Hilly and D. Wright, the; three scratch men, passed through Ashburton at 12.4 | p.m.y and Bakaia at 2.1 p.m. At Dunsandel, o,?Shea was 2 minutes in the lead of Hill, who went through with another rider at 2<4l p.m. At the Canterbury-Park racecourse, where, the race finished, a crowd, estimated at over 3000, was present, and when the two first men—H. G.. Watson and T. P, P. McAvey--eh.tereu. the ground about 3.33 p.m. they were loudly cheered. Watspn, who was full of dasn despite his long ride, over the hard; roads, immediately drew away, front his opponent;; on the grass and, t,although the strong breeze against which* he had to ride steadied him up ito some extent, he had no difficulty in establishing a, commanding lead, Mcapparently, cbritentjing:himself to; running into second place. Watson won with a. fine sprint by abolit a quarter: of a mi1e.,... - ; " ( ' •,',,/.;/' ,•..'..,.'• : . : ,,\ Ten minutes after their- arrived on; the ground J. : Evans i appeared ' • and gaipfcd third place. IvPye sas fourth, a, good distance behind, then'leame H. ■Moffat,';.o..;,G, Lange'i,and E. J./Peajreo; in the order named, with J. TepipleWh ; and.H. w. Birch equal for the eighth .place.;.-. .'• .. '■"..{? \ -"y "■■ ')■}:'i^-'y :%-",; Watson, the winner, .whose age. is nineteen < years',.; .: a ; nlember;.of the; Marshlarid-Majrehau Clut he won a, nine .mUe club rMef;other successes to his credit, being a first and' second in'club races'.'at Ohoka. A,leal' ture of the' race. was.: the -niunber.' of. entries it ; attracted from youthful riders, '.'no' J eighteen The,;total ojf,eritfies .constituted a,record.fori the

The Pladngs. The placinga were as follows: H. g! WATSON, Marshland (Hmin) 1 ABhburton (46niin) ; J. EVANS, Fernside (tindn) .. 3 L. PYE, Temukd (SOmin) .. 4 H." MOFFAT, Islington (43min) .. 5, C. G. LANGE, Eiccarion (50mln) .. 6 E. E. PEAEOE, Islington (38min)- 7 J. TEMPLETON,,Ashburton (25min)' H. W. BIBCH, Ohriatcfiurch (31min) . equal ' .. .. .. .8 A, SUTHERLAND, Redclitfs (SOmln) 9 G. WYLIE, Mairehatf (3&nih) 10 G. J. ALLEN, Southbridge (IStoin) 11 P. O'SHEA, Chrisfchurch (scr.) .. 12 '* 0. BELL, Christehurch .(ISmin) .. * 13 , J. WELSH, Darfield (28min) .. 1-1' W. C. MACKIE, Chriatch-urjeh.(l2min) 15 D. B. FITZHEBfiEBT, Inglewood (42min) 16 E. G. PDLLEE,.Mairehau (34nun) 17 A. LEATHEM, Christehurch (12min) 18 G.H. PEGIIEY, Greenpark (36min) 10 i M.P. LEATHEM, Chrfctehurcli, detain) 20 ■ C. H. BOW-EfcS, Bieoarlba I88min) .. 21 G. 0. 'WELLMAN, fc>vefeh*m <B9mizi) .. 22 C. K. JONES, Christehurch {4Bmin) .. as C. O. TEAGtJE, Timafu (Mmih) .. 2i ■ M. F. McAVBY, 'ABhburton (46atfn) .. 20 P P. SATJNDEjtS, Chrwl«Hur4i t (B?jniii) 26 A. L. SHALDEHS, Enfield Math) .. 27 H. J. SAVAGE, OHrktclWreh (Stalin) 23 L B itOOltl''' H«atinijs (12min), .. 29 ■ T J. MOFFST, leiiigton (46inin) .. 80 W. B. A. BONIS, jt&jaxta (SBniin). ' ~32 P. H. WELCH, CbriatcWuoi (42m») 33 J. W. R. JOKER CHristthurih. (ttimin) U 3. CAIEKS, Asfhburton (IStoin) .. 85 ■ C. J. SNQWDEM, Chrirtchiireh (33mia) 'B6 f a. F.-GOODALL,Temdrt(3lraitop<Hial 36 A. PHILIP, Tamuki (46min) fequat .. tit P. KILL, N«w BrigKteri «cr) I > Sk _ .. 88 J. BfiABMAN, ChrtefcWck mM5$ .. 89 , J. G. MILLS, T«muka (Bftnin) .. 40 A. C. ENGLAND, Orarf (28min) .. 41 E. MAHftA, Chrktotrarch (SMin) .. 42 ,E. CONDON, CfirMfcihiirch «<tafo), .. 48 C. WOOriHOTTSE, ChristcWrch (Sfimin) 44 C. C, S. WILLIAMS, (4Smin) 45 W. -k. HALL (41min) «} 3. KIKNEK, Chrißfchufcli (SJmin) .. 47

The Prize Money. The value of the prizes allotted to the race is.— First, Rudge-\vTutworth Challenge' Cup (annual competition), valued at lOQgns, gold medal and £75 cash; second, bicycle value £ls and £2O cash; third, bicycle value £ls and £lo*ash; fourth, bicycle value £ls and £5 cash; fifth, tyres value £2 12s Gd and £7 108 cash: sixth, tyres,value'£2'l2a 6d and £5 cash; seventh, £4; eighth, £3 Hk; ninth, £2 10s; tenth, £2 2s.

Special Prizes. N.Z. Jtpad Championship Blue Rib: band, an 3 £4 4s, gold medal, to rider establishing fastest time, P. O'Sbea.' Fastest time (.not winning Ist prize) cheque £25, P. O'Shea. , Second fastest time (not winning Ist prize, £5 6s, G. J. Allan. Fastest time (under 21), £4 4s, ,H. G. Watson. % ~ \ Fastest tim* .(unplaced Jjsttpen 20 and 30 ntintitft), £2, &, J. Welsh. ' Fastest time (unplaced &eT,wee» ! 30 and 40 minutes). £2 t 2s, 6. TVylie, , . Fastest time (unplaced between V4O and 50 minutes), £2 29,1). B. Fitaherbert*

Fastest time, •undet- u8 years, meaaty W". C. iMackio. /• )W**t' : Fastest time (outside Ist/ ss&} '3rd or 4th* prises), £5, J. Templeton. J Veteran's priae, rider over 35, yesstf of age, £6, G. C. Weiltaan , Special prbseV, first to-fitti ish, who has,riot previously won- a : and who receives no'othV'prbe/E. G;{ Fuller. " / " ' \ '•'•;', Special prize'for the to finish, who has /not ;-eoeived>any: other priae,- H. 0. fovelli««M) 16] years (osmin.) } 7fcims 2 hrs. ,13''nun, 45 sees. -" * l » , ,Othet Races.' ,_ -Wr The following races wer,e *un at&anv terbury Park as a ,cnfjtain*aißer 'to the] finish of the b'ig event::—-' ;•- .Vtfi Haaeldine l, f A. wioß-3. Time, Bmin affsec'f GIRLS' MILE P'C&Snor' 1;P. Diephenheln taStatfj Stain J ,- j* %'.;?-».., ' 160 YABBS, A. Bobsrts 2/J. o»L^ngnlin•B^ v 4Tml IX $-ske\ , rTweWptartejL; ' 1 ■mi&'.oxcibi} tM>s&: jj^fejfi* tikhje I. Time, 3nun. ,Thirty-*eur>tatfea.^J 220 YA>DS ; tol "Kelly, 2, J. o>Loughlin'3.J FpuVstartedv ~ f-' <". 'H%S Presentttt<m;,of gd*e*y£/»|£| In the evening tie - petitors were 1 jfresehte'a r /*thto£f prizes in Jhe Walter, president •<% Centra of. the New Zealand ]AtWe)uP Cycling Union, t, *ver^a , 4fwrge; attendance. , * ■&"ji ,, '<-i"iysV' , 3i , The chairman said, .that the -itf#ihM< produced spme'wonderful SridihgiiiliThlift winner had J.rldden ''•well 'alii the Jgsy* In f&t" the period of W Trace, tlpft be unable to last .put, which hejwas travelUng/ ( -Mt.'h*sS|aC able to increase hja speed Ua&Mftn; stage of the race. The.iihef placed men had alflo done' Wflll^inoluditigiO^; Lange; who^vetetaa/.h^yittKf, been champion of^the^Ma^TwdtOlurc; 22 year a ago. . Thai 1 \ his* stamina by beating ,MBV<ft#ay*o&is the race, although Jie deratood that ■ the*'latter been handicapped t6 /the iexteuKof* - having a mishap- on. the % roa,<L. <]ttitlfi < regard to Phil him the best rider in tta ww 1& tfra|jjs <; aid h6ped he tralia with'the" his possession. gratification at tho'-att'endatae^attOan^) terbury Park, and takings at the gate 1 amron&d^;overV' £134. • In* conclusion'/ the Timaiu Borough ' bodies of the towns tbrriogh Whiehithjat , race was run, the Brigade, the police, &e,(tate.&§mPaKfc; '} Trotting Club (for the free.ttse.ot th>|s grouhd),,and \ conneiio r n' with Mr H. J. Otley/on .behalf the i<Oka*i, TwftWg, C^ttfer mfS&M » that boSy had been 6nly too;pjettiedtoassist the pfflcials by, granting, them; the free use.of the g^and.' 1 * HwWVer/! he was Afraid get it in tfief ffifctite* ftifflPufr , having taken a lease- of, the Metropolittan Trotting Cldb's ground. It .was, fortunate that the plwfc'/MKl,net'already been cot tip. , JBte.eaAendea;.hu||' congratulations to the competitowi^^inc^s', cessf ul and .otherwise. • "* ~i • J*>, '<) T - Mr D. E. Woid, a president of. the old League of Wheelmen,- exprettfed the opinion that while thd sport Jf&i trolled by officials the equal of the present officials/ lit ■• flanda ' , .. n - _ 'Vi "'' ' Mr A. S. Legh,,of the »nnlop Jf»W, : Co., Ltd., intimated that hi*, cefnpany, was giving £3O with which.*!) payjthd : expenses of O'Shea in connwdon-,with> ■ the WaTroambool-Melboura&ioidraee.* : He considered o*Shea as'ihe West road J rider the world. produced. -.- <■';''•■' " J "i', In presenting the prizes to the sue-} , eessful cotfipetitors, the Mayor, Mr;#. r A. Flesher, said that from the appearance 'of. 1 that they had sufferee*-' n# * from the race; that was due/, ' it, to the fact >that ()^ilMj%W % themselves by sound training. tSftllontt '* is .the Dominion had such, manhSodi'; there was no need to>&% Hps*M | prould not go forward, a -

.The Times.' , • v; : mIter official times were as follows.*— hre. roiiii i. decs. H. yfkiebn ...'•■(J11 ■■'l:'-',. v . P. MeAVery J. Kfrans ■ ; ..r t> '- 2r 28 ■■'«>"■.'■■■■: /34 :: ..': t. Pys, ... 6 38 21 ' H. Moffat ...6 :-.:»,■ e: a 0. K&ng© ...6 ;' : :43' S3 R E. Pearbe •'... 6 32 -"6j ;; J. Templet6n< . ..6 21-■■86V--.V H. W. Bireli ...6 27 3S:i ; l' A. Sutherland '■. .. 6 :«$.-■/! ." G. "Wylie '...-.'■6v 33 :'«>.-- G.J. Allen ... 6 ■•13 eo P. CShea ... 6 0 501-5 C. Bell ...•■■«■. 12 ■: , «t.->:' ,: - J, Welsh ;... 6 ■:".'88."62:-:; \V. Mackie ... t> 12 53 D. B. Fitzherbei* ... « 42, 64 E. G. Fuller ... 6 34 : ■&■.'.■;. A. Leatham ... 6 12 > 66. G.'H. Pegtey ... a 38 . 57 M. Leathom ;..-,.•;•;, , 6 18 56 C. H. Bbwera ...6 45 20 G. C. Wellman, ... t> 46 40 •0. E. Jones ... 6 57:

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17882, 1 October 1923, Page 13

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BIG ROAD RACE. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17882, 1 October 1923, Page 13

BIG ROAD RACE. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17882, 1 October 1923, Page 13