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annual meeting.


The 3Sth annual meeting of the Canterbury and West Coast Centre of the St John Ambulance Association was held last night in the Navy League Hall. There was a good attendance, over which the Mayor (Mr J. A. Flesher. presided. Apologies were made for the absence of his Graee Archbishop Julius, Colonel the Hon. Sir R. Heaton Rhodes, and Mr C. J. Ronaldson. Annual Beport. The annual report stated that his JfccoeUency, the Governor-General of tjie Dominion, as the president of N.Z. Centres, had shown his interest on various occasions in the work of the 'Association and the Brigade. Twentyfive classes of instruction in first aid to the injured and in home nursing and hygiene were formed during the year, and the number of persons who attended courses of not less than five lectures, including members of the St. John Ambulanoe Brigade, who attended corps lectures was 471, against 836 in 192H1922, 29/ 'being entitled to certi-

ficates, against 605 in the previous year. Of these 42 qualified for the and 97 for the label, comSsred with 37 and SM respectively in ie previous year. Classes were smaller and fewer in number, and the proportion presenting themselves for examination was disappointing. It was hoped there would be an improvement in the following year. The committee recorded their thanks to members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade for assisting in forming classes, and for acting as demonstrators, also to Boy Scouts who acted as models for classes. The two motor ambulanoes had had a busy year. Hie cases transported numbered 1102, and the mileage run being as follows: —Hudson 7111. and Studebaker 1595. Garage expenses, petrol, oil and driving cost £377 5s 4d. Insurance, washing, collecting, and sundry charges cost £B9 6s 9a. Tyre renewals, engine and other , repairs cost £313 6s 3d. The continual comparatively heavy cost of the service l:ad received considerable attention from the committee, which finally resolved, reluctantly, to Blightly increase the fees charged for the use. of an ambulance. The committee also resolved that no ambulance belonging to the Association be sent to any place beyond a radius of 7h miles, and within i radius of 20 miles from Cathedral square, Christchureh, unless the cost jf the,-service -was guaranteed by some \rcll-k'Bf)wn porsDii. In' -exoeptibri&l' tases,^-he^:epe'£^n^. ; jWsfe: made, ' an ambulance might Be sent .to' i place beyond a radius of 20 miles. Thej Association's ambulanoes were not tele used for infectious cases, which trero conveyed solely . in Christchureh flaipital Board ambulances. Persons iiT»necessitous circumstances may obtain,an ambulance at a reduced rliaree, and in' some eases free, on production of a certificate from a medial ij-Jraotitioner or clergyman. No charge > hud been made in 46 necessitous cases. ••'The. committee, also .desired manufacturers and other large employers of la(Tboor, Friendly- -Societies and such like bodies to know that for every £1 subscribed to the funds of the Centre, t&ee tickets, available in cases of accir deiit or sudden illness for twelve months, each representing a five-mile run out and back to tlie Ambulance <• Dajiot, Christchureh (Rink Taxis Ltd), would be issued. It should also ba. noted that the Telephone Department will effect a prompt connexion inihe event of No. 878 being engaged if the nature of the call is stated. There werip 45 public depots containing material for use in accident cases main, tained by the Association in tho city and suburbs, and upkeep of these entailed expense. Tlie annual appeal resulted in a total sum of £632 12s being realised. ; Appended to the annual report were thfii report from the Ashburton, Greymouth, Hokitika, Timaru, Waimate, and Westport subcentres. The balance-sheet showed an excess of .expenditure over receipts of £lll Hie main items of expenditure J.wero: —Rent of rooms, £l7l 2s 6d j '/ambulance transport and- expenses ana finsurance, £466 lis Id: ambulance repairs and renewals, £343 6s 3d; salaries, £175: annual appeal expenses, £llO 4s sd. Main items of revenue vere class fees, £9B 6s; ambulance transport fees (less outstanding), £4BO •1m;-annual appeal. £632 12s; grants " (from City Council, Hospital Board', and New Zealand Government), £360 Ua;

Chairman's Remarks. .The chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, congratulated members on the measure of success which had attended the wort-of the Association, and also on the interest shown in that work. The year •Wider review had not been quite so SMxfessful as the previous one, as the •figfires in the report showed. He did Ml think that there was anything that *ould, be of more service to both old and- young than taking the course of ■ lectures conducted by the Association: the' knowledge gained was invalTla!!Te, "°t only to members, but also to the Community. Anyone who had the time, opportunity and inclination could not ase them better than by attending the Associations' lectures. They could lever tell when such knowledge would pfovo useful in times of accident, of wetness and, as they knew, of epi«®roics. Referring to the change made ®%miting the distance within wnich the Association's ambulances would attend " accident cases, Mr Flesher said that "is condition had to be laid dtfwn beMuse several cases had occurred which -sad involved considerable expense to ■ Association—cases which might "Svo been dealt with in a different jMnner and at very much less expense, "was well known that in necessitous J 3s ®, when people were unable to pay J l * ambulance transport, they were r©- °^ an y expense, and forty-six cases been so dealt with during the past v a . r - The annual appeal could be fanned _to have been quite successful all the circumstances. It "f?-realised £632 12s and without that nf^ Ure Public support the activities the Association could not be carried In connexion with the recent F r angements made by the City Council of street collections, the itH o/ the Association's work had recognised and the Association had allowed to make its appeal to the POOlic' generally. The finances, of the tin!?? 4 n were in a healthy condiaKu't Th® committee had not been -Jr." 1 go further into the question or ; fPHing a garage for the Association

in which to house its ambulances; tho arrangement made with the firm who supplied that service would continue; ha thought that, upon the whole, that arrangement had been fairly satisfactory. He supposed that at some future time the Association would have its own headquarters and garage, but how far off that time might be circumstances onlv could tell.

Major A. L. Gray seconded the motion, and urged members to influence their friends to attend the Association's classes, and not to wait till the classes started, hut hand in their names as soon as possible. He also urged those who had gone through the first aid course to continue and go through the home nursing course. Referring to the work of the Brigade, he stated that there were vacancies for a considerable number of members as the demands on the Brigade in respect of public service were in excess of what the present membership could copo with. The report and balance-sheet were adopted.

Brigade's Annual Report. The annual report of the Canterbury, Nelson, Marlborough, and West Coast district of the St. John Ambulance Brigade stated that the Christchureh sub-district, consisting of six divisions, •wag in a most satisfactory condition. The two Timaru divisions were most satisfactory, and the amount of transport work done by them was most creditable. Regret was expressed that the two Ashburton divisions were not coming up to expectations: the Nursing Division met only for a few months, and tho Ambulance Division, though it continued to meet, had a low average attendance. Not suffimen men were obtained to get the Waimate Division formally accepted. Regarding the West Coast sub-distrijt, it was stated that with the exception of the Greymouth Nursing Division, ambulance work, as far as the Brigade was concerned, was at a standstill. The report records thanks to Major Gray and his staff for running the district and inter-district competitions. The work done by the members of the Brigade for the public was satisfactory, and well justified the existence of the Brigade. The balance-sheet of the Brigade showed a balance to credit of £34 16s lid. Major W. W. McKinney, in moving the adoption of the report and balancesheet, referred to his approaching resignation as acting-commissioner in charge, and asked members to give his successor, Major A. L. Gray, the same support that they had extended to him. Lieutenant-Colonel F. B. Creswell seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Election of Officers. Officers were elected as follows: — President, his Excellencey the Governor-General (subject to his Excellency's , acceptance); vicepresidents, the Mayor ,of Christchurch • (Mr J. A. Flesher), Colonial the ;Hon. Sir .R. Hcaton Rhodes, -Archbishop Julius, Bishop OBrodie, Mrs A. Er G.Rtrcrd'e'S, and'Mrs"H;:F. "Wigram; general committee (representing subscribers), Messrs J. A. Flesher, H. L. Bowker, C. J. Ronaldson, J. Worgan, Lieutenant-Colonel F. B. Creswell, Dr. F. J. Borrie, Dr. M. G. Louisson, Dr. J. R. Thomas, and the chairman of the North Canterbury Hospital Board (or his representative). A vote of. thanks to the retiring committee was accorded by acclamation.

Presentation of Certificates.

The Mayoress (Mrs J. A. Flesher) then presented the certificates won during the year as follows: Janet M. Aitken, F.A.; George F. R. Aitken, F.A.; Emily F.A.; Harriett Archbold, L.; Ellen Aspinall, H.N. Margaret N. Baker, F.A.; Marjorie E. Baier; F.A.; Winifred H. Baler, L.; Edward C. Baldock, M.; Francis A. Barnett, F.A.; .Agnes Baxter, L.; Maty M. Beary, H.N.; Alice Beeby, H.N.; John Becconsa.ll, L.; Barbara M. Bell, F.A.; Florence H. Bell, F.A.; Jessie Bell, L.; Lilly Bell, L.; Nancy M. Beaven, F.A.; Edward W. Bennett, F.A.; Mary J. Betts. L.; Alice L. Bishop, L.; Eileen Blake, F.A.; Harold C. Blazey, F.A.: Florence Blenkinsopp, H.N.: Alfred Breward, F.A.: Alfred S. Bonnington, L.; Evelyn A. Boot, ti.N.; Ehona Alice Boa well, F.A.; Mrya E. Brooks, F A ■ Winifred Broomhead, M.; Doreen Brown H.N.; Elsie Brown, F.A.; Henry Brown,' F.A.; Margaret Bruce, F.A.; Anne ft. Bufsell, H.N.: Lear P. Butler, H.N.; Wallis W. G. Butler. X<. Ernest A. Cain, F.A.; Annie Caithness, FA- Harry M. Campbell, F.A.; Rewa M. Campbell F.A.; Ernest J. Chapman, F.A.j W. C. Carnie, L.; Hazel J., F.A., Winnie E. Clark. F.A.- Helen P. R. Clark, F.A.; Audrey A. E. CKrkson F.A.; William J. Clemens, L.: Mary Cloughar M., Ethel M. Cocks, L.; Eileen M. Cooke H.N., Francs L. Cooper, L.; Lil .y M. Conway, M.; Marion Cordy. L.: Minnie E. Corson, N.: Kathleen Cowan F.A.; WU iain Crawford L.; Surah Crawford, L.; Winifred M. Cullwick, H.N.: Loins A. Cuming, L., T Dew FA.; Alan hj• Dewar, r.A., l am x FA.; Roberta E.' Donn, L.; 'i'homasDuckbh F ti * Hilary 'Edmonds, L.; Frederick G. Edwards, F.A.T Edna J. England, L.; Marjorie Evans. F «' (i,. c Fabrin, M.; Mavis Falconer, P A Flora Forb£' L.;' Joyce I. Francis, F A ' Sybil G. Francis, *\A.; Dons U! Annie E. lAUsiinmons F A Annio E vJ riC R-'Galib HUda° C. K. Gale, V A'. EIsL'M Gint, F.A.; Hessey E. ? j T ' • Charlotte J. Gibson, L.; John r<>& I Godwin r ey ' F ;£'' Marie'e. Gormack, ftstwi, F.A.; Leonard A. £.i „ PA Arthur L. Gray, L.; Erie: G. Gourlay F.A . F.A.; BelbrTg'e b! ' Greenf"-A-1 Irene Griffiths, M.; Emily Grose, F.A. wau Hamer, L.; c«»d. A. Htlf. F.A. i T Hodd,.,", L.; H. J. Hoddinott, L.; L. I\. Hoddinott, F.A., N. C. Hoddinott, F.A.; Thelma E. Hoist, F.A.; Lorna J. N. Holland, F.A.; Edward C. Holmes, F.A.; Nancy C. Hookham, F.A.; Vera L. Hooper, F.A.; Heien G Howie, M.; Elsie E. Hunter, F.A.; Margaret Hunter, L.; Margaret N. Hurd, F.A.; Archie J "AW°l f . F.A.; Anne F. Ironside, FA.; Aatlileen an. Ives, i-A. . o>eryl James, L., F.A.; Alice M. Jamieson, F.A.; il. A. Jennings,. L.; Jean M. JoimBtone it.iN.J Elsie Johnston, H.jN., Gwiudys E. Jones. F.A ; Alice Jones, L • LUy E. Jones, L.; Grace Jupp, t l T KemD F.A.; The ma it. Kent, ley, F.A.; Claude L. King, i -A., Muriel E. Kirk, F.A. . E i sie L aver , L.; A Han'V Lee F.A.; Ida Lingham, L.; Ita T lovd F A •' Edward Lockwood, L.; MarpeVt'JU F.A.; W. W. LovellMtadun, F.A.; D C Macpherson, VA • K C. Maddien, F.A., Bessie I. March F.A.; Charles .I Martin, F.A.; Elsie jZggHk-Z fc*Bß i'l Munday, F.A.; Mary Murray. M.; Ekiabeth

McCallum, L.; Eiien McCausland, M.; Arthur O. HcConchie, F.A.; Marion L. McCrostie, F.A.; James McEwan, F.A.: Helen M. McKendrv. F.A : Lilian McMrpkin, F.A.; John McMillan, F.A.: Isabel McNab, F.A.; Frrd. K. McSherrr. M.

Marr C. Xewbigin. F.A.: May J. Newton, F.A.; Margaret C. Norman. H.N.; Kathleen A Nankivel!, F.A.; Phyllis E. Northe, F.A.; Kathleen F. J. O'Brien. F.A.; PorU M. OMrjd?? F.A.: Muriel M. Ollivier, L.; TTnMer H. (hborne. F.A. Person, lu.: Marenret H. Pearson, F.A.: Pccjlrr. "F.A.: M. P*»nnv t F.A.: Henry T. Pfi.fcin*. F.A.; M. Porter, F.A.. H.N.: Fred. R. Price, F.A.: Alio* Puddle, M.; Robert Pardee, L.: May Pvne, L. K»te Qnaripnnain, H.X.; Krvthleen V. Qnflrtermain. F.A. France* Ka«*. L.; C. Raluh. X/.: Christina T. Hrd-av. F.A".. H K.: Kmilv J. P.-Wav 11.X.• M-v-jn K. F.A.. H.N*.: 'Annie D. Beid F.A.: Robert Eeay, F.A.: Kidie Riac'i F.A . H.X.: Edith RipF.A.: Y. Fober+~?". F.A.: •R'Tord C. W. Fobbins, F.A.: Herbert J. F.A.: Rose A. B»d"<>rs, H>.: PHie M. P."dd-ck, F.A.: TJf'sv F. Rule, F.A.. HN.: Fllen F. J Re : d. 1- A*. Edward A. Savers, F.A.; Alice L. Shannon. F.A.; Mary D. Shaw, F.A.: Edith G. Siiby, F.A.; Evelyn 11. Silcock, F.A : Hma lan Sinclair, F.A.; Elizabeth Smrul, ii., Ida M. Smart, H.X.; Mary E. Smee, F.^..; My M. Smith, L.; Ernest J. Stanley, F.A.; Mataura B. M. Stewart, F.A.; John StrutheTS, F.A.; Avis E. Suckling F.A.; Alice F. Swanston, M.; Watson li. Switzer, 1 .A. Ethel Tasker, L.; Ada M. la ? per, t-A. ; Henry A. Taylor, F.A.: Sister lcresa, F.A ; Mary Thomaa. L.: Dorothy J. F - TWnc' A.; Elsie L. Thomp-.on, H.V; Alice Thorne, L.; Kathleen if. Tipping, L.; Fr ed » J " Todd, F.A.; Rhcda F. Toralinson L.: Mary Tonge, L.; Mabel J. Turner, M.; Verena Turner, L. Maryann Virtue, 1.. . ttt„iv Esther h. Wags I off, M.; Doru li. -Walker F.A.; Ngaio Walter. I'-A.; J am ",. ' Watson, L.; M. V'ivSver" beth G. Watt, F.A.: John \V. J. V\ea\er, F.A.; Adam H. H. Webster, F.A.: Leonard A. Wharton, F.A.: Margaret J. \ lc h F.A.; George H. Wilby, L j Morah D. liamson, F.A.; lan M. V>illloughl °7. Elsie H. Wilson. F.A.; Jean H. Wilson, FA - Margaret Wilson, M.: Augusta E. Wil?on, M.: Ivan R. Whell F.A.; "Wright F.A,; Annie m.

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17880, 28 September 1923, Page 9

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ST. JOHN AMBULANCE. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17880, 28 September 1923, Page 9

ST. JOHN AMBULANCE. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17880, 28 September 1923, Page 9