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❖ ;. H OT" TAT sheep sale. IJEEF EASIER. f-rcccpt in fat ' . v r. ■i *. Tins v.".13 . . :;.i r.-.opp ac-c'.ion, " ; -rdiiifit wp*k •;c:cncy for A- ii result, the : \-vhc-ro pass- '' ' .. .. . c-... rr.:.'ie up ba *' . ■». ;<-t ::'.ad. Beoi t .. r ■.•■•'. m ui;d good ; rVh-.- day v/a-i S'JOKK SHKKI'. „ . L y-.::.' entry o: ■' V : <-•' v.-h;ch tho re •: c:-'..'-sorrd r-.vos. to bo a ■: i '-verythin^' y;;m '' ... . ■ •-!, Bt;'l a. go-.-d . 21b 9d. 'i • ; '•j.'ijets, IKs &l ■ : ' iii t" 263. V- ■ - ] : '■! ' '■• p JtojrfMs, '27s. his :>d. i Vl':.. {(. 22s 9d. . * s -v /. : • c-r ho^c-ts, 20.s to v-. ; •«•••. f' 'it and sis-looth •. v., end. six-tooth wethers, / t"- -ir-f -/. h ha'fbred wethors, 27s . r u::0 cijht-toTith. wethers, T.. '» •■■■•■ nt:.« principal sales:— nvr'i ;n iim'j ai 18s, IS4 at -1* f-.l -' 3 Od. -•;! i .'ir, fc:.'.' ur.'i half- , ; t" tv.ri aii'l fonr-tootli cross.J >■ j.-s, >. !■*•>>, fcur and nix-tooth Jialft: »- ''' ur cn: ' Six-ioolli halfbred • * - ti '2.' 'and .'our-tooth hallbred .- 5 <y_ c- :o'jr, i« l:':d eight-tooth half--1 /.• i> : > (our ur:(l fiix-tooth hall■J f. 'J-Ji To, 1'i 1 - f'-'.'r, «ix and eight"i a'- ••"'> f'- n(,'ed merino at ~ .) v.: 'jtj'l f-)ur-toot!i halfbred at | j > ns&Y: t'.vo-to'.tli haifbred Rt '24s, j : a!.<i -i-I'h three-quarterbredi at i 'wi !our and s i-to.>tii haifbred at ' 7 C-' -i' two ari'l Bix-toot.h haifbred , '' 2'? 3d. 1 iiiijl.r-d -.Vfthers at 193 7d, 32 i Si v.'.-ilif vs nt 22# 9d, 38 rn.9. j l- 'r "'j. !"-! lialfbrc-d wi-lhors at 24s 3d, 25 1 v,r' at 203, 32 ewes nt 2-i», <•**» 6! K', <9 smail ewen at 21s 2d, i; f.::'. hi.'.lhrid m.s. a f 20s Sd, 80 three- ; i wf.iiers at 22s .'d, U4 crossbred i n, 17 V.vthcrc at 21s C<l, ?0 cress- j j --c» r;..' i.'. 2 r .-i, U'j crossbred wethers at ; [s i' '.i.r.-<-'[i.i?.!"terbred wetliern at 235, , 12 a: Ji>s, "'i e-.vcH at 2Cs, 38 ewes , li' .'i'.'i. 25 --ctiierH at 20s ]od, 53 haifbred : _»7«, 27 ha'flircil at 21s, 36 i [;. e-t", at Jjs o'i, 54 wethers at 22s , rci -ielhr rs at '2ls 4d, 145 | I r -.vf s !i*. .'Js Cd, 131 ewes at 28s j re-.Kvis at 23j. |

FAT LAMBS. < . . is a small yarding of 321 head. The <■ .■:.::iei:t to come through the tun- . -f.,. Coast comprised a couple of • it-.:. K. A. Harcourt (Koiterang:). «f the top pens in comparion Umbs that have had to "trek" • l'u.-s in the past, gives soino indi- ■. . ■: the tunnel will mean to • i::r.-UThe few lots forward sold • . t t!|. to lecmt values. •• sales were made: : ur.t of li. A. Harcourt (Kjiterangi, • r SS.JI, 90 at 29s to 31a 9d; D. T. i"- (Dur.aanael;, 62 a I 25a 9d to 31s; '. . .*. .Stephens Unveil). 15 at 25s 9d to 30s >,■: A. iiedford (Cour'eiiav), 30 at 23s J.-s I'd: Jos. Hart (Kirwee), 7 at 27s ! (Jou.'il JfMhcrha.ii), SO at 26s £d; l': : '.'D's estate Melton), -1 at 2oa 9d; 5 i. I's:Ut .Greenpark), 36 at 255. FAT SHEEP. :r.'.r sr:a!! yarding of eight races, but i ;r.uch larger proportion of wethers ■. ' 6o:nt» pales. Quality was scarcely u i ...i as list week. South Canterbury />, .) we;! Jinished quality were entered i!a rrjn:l*T6, and thise comprised eonio i ! ;L? pricimt mutton in the yards. The '*.!• <.-pcnjid with a decided jump-up in " i'. notably for big ewes, and jjrices ,:.'<r.r.vr. fur a long time were realised, lie :n:;:r:>veinent at the opening of the tf.e vrid wj'ial to & 6d to 4s 6d for big 1 KM, 2s to 3s for good wethers and 2s 6d p ciasies of sheep. Tho sale* :lit termination ccarcely kept up to |i.s but the easing was not and c!i the whole it was a "hot" li,-5t wether mutton sold at 7ld Kr ,'j, ;n:ue PJd to 7Jd, medium 6d to 61d. tv., ::;.:de from CJd to C^d, jnedium trf, to sd, tho top price of M day KJ.E tocurcd 'i>y Angus McKay (Methf r -'. a of 54 making from 40s to P> fd. the fatter price for a pen of half I •;nr. lop ewe price was secured by [• ;: (Ir-.veL), a pen of seven t.-.-r -,'j yd. Tile previous best price tr for ewes was 39s 3d last week, P sen: forward by 11. G. Cross Another outstanding price was a pen of 13, sold by K. Goes (Tini were as follows: ;<rute wethers 41s to 435, a few |- *• *.: He, Cd. I Withers 37s Gd to 40s (3d. J wethera 31s Gd to 375. wtthus 3fla to 31s. -..fs ewes 3Cs to 363, a few SDecial i (» M. *»« 32s Cd to 308 Cd. is Cd to 325. <-v,s 21s Cd to 265. 7=', c ( ■; lCb 19s Cd to 21s. - .i.i.' v.tle the principal sales: ► »■ A 1 1 " ». yj lis cd; Winclnnore client, G1 • *' s; It- M. D. ilvrwn t'i'ai 'iapu), l 0^ 8; L - J1 - Campbell \llapi)y ~ • " il 15 -I<l to 4'Js Ua ;U. ClH.inl"*' 3S at 3id 6d to 42s ; t ■*,. '.H.iius.l, tiil in otis lud to ~ ' iLauriston), GO ut : W . : . J ' !'• Clinton (Uarfield), V', 3'Js Id; K. A. Grant a, j'i *®. M 3Ss 9d to a-8 lOd; Jiern ■ ttl 50 at UGs Gd to 37s 7d; 04 t0 a7B ; McLuuchlan "feriVrT "il t0 „ 3 . 7,! : A - c - Cameron *jf" "v o" " li to 369 9d; A.ex. y" , -® C» at 35s to 36s 6d; tV- '^*? Sa tl>«:nctt ,C« at 30a 3d to li' v- « C " lvwd «). W at 32a 3d Ct(BrooaitieUl), 31 i l: r, M - Rutherford i\Vaitohi Peak;), , J' (Fluxton), 45 at i p, • Gardner ;I!ak:iia), at 33s Kennedy :,Cu!ve:der.K 37 at t>ryi Anderson (Charteris fe. 1 ," J W to 33s Kid; J. Schaeflfr " . 31s :j 335 W; H. H. Mca»>. ,r~. «' 33s id; MoLachlun's t' ! at 325; Fcrnihurst Kd'v M V°-," c v SJ: c!ir::t - 45 at y at ife cd to 2Ds Id. ,»r- to ' <n<r -- of T. H. Stephens (IttnMi wi " 9s 5:1 :o n9s oss 3 ' 3 U T. G. Garrick 1. ai 3 <-" 2d to SSs Id; (lis) nt 3~3s M to 1 ° ***;"" Point). 62 at t.W'W *'* and AVamiiok - 5 &t 3Ts '- <5 : LX Blacker Gnn .t'-'v'," at 3U to 369 lid; R. 67 85 ' t ?-U 7d to 36s lid: • 'Motarau*. 65 :it 30s Od to 36s t»«T' r .® r " 4- 120 at 2Ss f ti' . O-'nlincr), 61 at «W\ « 14 '• r:?inte at S3s to 3''.s; R. A. Grant

(Fairiio), 53 at 333 Id to 35s 7d; client, 49 at ii'.'s lOd to 353 7d; Broomfield E=tato lAmbeKey), 59 at 31s Id to 35s 3d; Jaa. Cn;::pbei: iMtthvenl, GO at 3is 2d to 3=3 Id; client, 18 at 19s 4d to Sis lOd; J. I'arr '.Bennetts), 34 at 24s to 323 Gd; C. S»»wart fKifcarton). 7u at 26s 3d to 30s 11<S; Mer.ta: Ilc-spital, 66 at 2?s Sd to to: - ■J. C. »:-he« I'lemiiea), C2 at 25s Sd to 295; J :io. liai.aL-h ..Horcratr.;. 50 at 27s 6a to 7.i: client, 347 at 21s 3d to 27s ad; j l>. McLa•;;•].hir, :Um!h;l, 3s at 27s la to ! 2"? 2d: J. Hart • ii.rv.-*el, 42 at 23s 9d to •20= ;i>d : ciitr.t, 33 at 22s 6d to 25s 6rt; H. i Jt. SfcL»;m ;AmLerleyi, 23 hoggets at 2*3 6a ; t-i 26s 9d. FAT CATTLE. I An f niiiiy heavy y-.-dir.g o: 522 head, ; v. - ;:h *lls v.r-'k. "\\ ? I "vr-* (• v.-o]' •: afts. the propor- ; lion ri , i.,'.': '-..3 sn:a.ier than :'"r wee Th.- . of the 'penr.'.:i? oym;:r:»ed median sta'io:: iT^ ere v,e ~ e ' tw, 1;.--s r.f «.>s:th!ar.(l cattle, when the ■ ■ n:wa.- r a i .N'or'.h : Isiar.d ci't-, or thu Marar-ia ;n the mom- ' -i-g, ;irr:vt'i th<- s-. u-r.c-. llir.vever, they •' ::-'t ' The jj.ari-re: opened earlier a., re:;::'; thi>n Jtist v.xek's values, pr.rUcular-fc-r.'.r classes o: bocf, ar.d over tho .'ir.a! 5:a,:..-? scarcely iieid up to the earl:er , .'■rice.'-. fJvod steers were easier by up to . , ; '■ , i\,: r -\,:r t..y up to i"-e: 27.1 to 2'.).-,. :: it -ciVL:;n 21s "to 260, ar.d in- ' -er.or tii Cd down to I. Best price ■ Vl!s H'-.ami by J. ]{. (OkainV b»vi, , i'lT 5s i'-r a couple. J. a:.'i C. Thacker . t(j'k. hi. s iiay; sold I::r:e at trom -14 I'S 6d , i 111!: [<;■:,r.-,vli:y grazier.-; were represented: V.\ 2\l- i r.zie3 'Mer.zies Bay';. J. R. T.'ia;'i:er ,i •k..«rs iiav', . .Kcr.neay (Stony- ■, (;<<.<hv:n Bros. iPigeor. Kay). Erik Ki.' hertord 'lnverness:, O. 'J. ltutherford '■ L''k lue:,;, G. (i. ilA.jccs (Krxcklyn,', U. G. ■Mr 1 T r.a.a Che', io;;, U. (!. Vriglit (Winder--T::vrr , J. C. 11 iiaclter lO'Mam s 13ay;, A. :A. ar'Akaroa., J. l) (Waimate), 1 K. t.Stor.y Bays a::d the Leslie : }l::lb i'i:;U:ti; arid the Ciena cf Tekoa, Esv:ere as under: i Extra, prituo aieeia, i'l4 :o.= to £l7 £a. I I'rin.o otter*, £lO 15s w ,i'l3 103. j -M-'i.un. steers, to £lO jtis. : Jr.i'-iii.-r .steers, il'j 15s to i' 7 15a. | ra prime heit'ers, to £lO 7s Cd. I Primo heifers, i' 7to i' 9. I (Ordinary heifers, £'3 las to £6 15s. j Jaxtm prime cows, to i'J las. Piime cows, £G to £S 10s. I Ordinary «.■ ws, £4 5s to £5 15s. I Old coivs, £2 17a Cd to £4. | -Following were the principal sales: j G. O. Rutherford (LoehieL, 15 steers at | £9 to £l2 17s Gd ; G. G. Holmes (Knocklyn), j 12 steers at £l2 17s Gd to £l3 l'2s 6d; client, ! b steers at £8 to £D; C'. B. Thacker (Okain'3 j Pay), 3 steers nt £ls, 2 hpifers at £lO to i £lO 17s Cd ; client, 4 cows at £G to £6 17s 60 J J. Plaskett (Fernside), 9 steers at £7 17s Cd |to £l2 ss; E. Haines (Okain's Bay), 7 cows at £4 10s to £8 7s Cd; L. M. Fahey J (Little River), 5 cows at £'G 10s to £7; D. G. McDonald (Cheviot), 24 steers at £5 17s (id to £l4 17g 6d; D. G. Wright (Windermere), ! 11 steers at £9 to £lO 10s; G. Harper (Westi erficld), heifer at £8 ss, cow at £7 7a Cd; J. nna I C. Thnclcer (Okain's Bay), 9 steers at £l4 j 17s Gd to £l6 17s Gd ; Southern client, 7 cows ;at £7 to £9; Glens of Tekoa Estate, 2( i steers at £6 15s, 10 heifers at £G 10s to £9, j cow at £6 os; Jas. Whitemo.u (Ashburton), 8 ■ atoers at £9 5s to £ll ss; A. A. INarbey j (Akaroa), 16 steers at £8 2s 6d to £ll 6s' , cliont, 18 steers at £7 10s to £8 17s Cd; S. j B. Gibb (Motunau), 2 cows at £3 12s 6d, 4 j heifers at. £3 17s Gd to £5 17s 6d, steer at £5 17s 6d; M. Borcoskj (Spreydon), cow at £8 ss; W. H. McLean (Rakaia), 2 heifers at .£4 17s Cd, cow at £2 12s Gd; Geo. Forbes : (Cheviot), 5 steers at £8 15s to £lO 15s; 5 ; heifers at £6 os to £7 15s; E. Stud holm a j (Clarence Bridge), 2 steers at £5; South 1 Canterbury client, 10 steers at £lO 5s to 1 £11; J. Dench (Waimate), 16 6teers at £3 ; 12s Cd to £11; 4 heifers at .£4 17s Gd to £10; Southland client, 10 heifers at £7 73 Gd to £9 12s 6d; E. Lyall (South Canterbury), 6 cows at £6 2s 6d to £6 10s, 5 heifers at £6 2s Gd to £8 2s Cd; J. Griffin (Waimate), 7 steers at £8 15s to £l2 12s 6d; E. Woodall (Stony Bay), 18 steers at £8 17s 6a to £l2 103; Wm. Menzies (Menzies Bay), 20 Isteers at £9 7s 6d to £l4 12s Cd, 4 heifers at £6 17b 6d to £8 17s 6d; J. R. Thacker I (Okain's Bay), 9 steers at £l2 12s 6d to £l7 | ss; A. Kennedy (Stonyrovd), 13 steers at £8 ! 5s to £l3 ss; Leslie Hills Estate (Culverj den), 14 steers at £ll 10s to £l-1 73 Gd; Jas. A. Forrester (Hawarden), 7 steers at £9 to j£l7; Goodwin Bros. (Pigeon Bay), 1G steers at £9 17s Gd to £ll ss; Erik Rutherford (Inverness), 17 steers at £G 15s to £9; L. Fahey (Little River), 6 steers at £7 10s to £9 7s 6d, 8 heifers at £4 2s 6d to £7 2s Cd; Peninsula client, 3 steers at £8 los to £9 15s; K. Henderson (Oxford), 1 cow at £o 17s Cd; T. Preston (Preston's road), l cowl .i' 7 12s Cd; Southern client, 2 steers at £lO 7s Cd; C. Craw (Chorlton), 3 steers at £ll 2s Cd; -clients, 11 heifers at £4 to £7, 6 cows at £-1 7s Gd to £G 17s Gd; heifer at £7 15s, 2 steers at £ls 12s 6d, 5 cows at AU 15s to £7 12s 6d. VEALERS. The entry of vealcrs was a small one. and on the w"hole the quality was fair. There was a good demand, and prices again advanced. Values were: Runners, to £5 15s. Good vealers, £3 to £5 Fair vealers, £2 to £2 15s. Small calves, £1 to £1 15s. STORE CATTLE. There waß not a very large entry of 6tore cattle. The demand was fair for all good classes of stock. Values were: Good three-year-old steers, to £6. Two-year-old steers, £2 10a to £3. Yearling 6teers, £l ss. Two-year-old heifers, £2 to £2 12s 6d. Yearling heifers, £1 to £1 Bs. Cows, £1 to £1 10s. DAIRY CATTLE. There was a medium-sized entry of dairy cattle, comprising G7 head. The quality was inferior. The demand was not good, and sales were hard to make. \ allies were:— Second, third and fourth calvers, £5 10s to £8 10s; good, tip to £lO 10s. Springing heifers, £4 10s to £7 10s; good, up to £9. Aged and inferior sorts, to £2 10s. FAT PIGS. Tliere was a small entry of bacon, but an average one of pork. Bacon improved a little in price, but pork was easier. Values were: Choppers, £3 to £B. Light baconers, £3 15s to £4 ss. Heavy baconers, £1 10s to £5 ss. Average price per lb, 7d to 7-Jd. Light porkers, £2 5s to £2 l'2s 6d. Heavy porkers, £2 15s to £3 ss. Average price per lb, Sd to 9Jd. STORE PIGS. A medium entry of store pigs met with a fair demand. No large stores were offered. Values were: Weaners, 10s to 15s; extra good to 20s. Slips, 18s to 2Cs. Medium stores, 26s to 355. Sows in pig, £3 to £4 10s.

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17813, 12 July 1923, Page 11

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ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17813, 12 July 1923, Page 11

ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17813, 12 July 1923, Page 11