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The Lady Editor vrill be pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Corner" itom3 of social or personal news. Sucli Items should be fully authenticated, and engagement notices must tear tha signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women.

Miss Boyle, who went to Dunedin for Miss Rattray's wedding, is at present visiting relatives in W aim ate. Mrs Richard Steele is spending a holiday at Mendip Hills. Mrs Jellett (Fendalton) has been visiting Miss Dennis at "Stonyhurst." In the final of the golf match ior the Godby Cup, played at the Snirlcy links on Monday, Airs Godby and Airs Kingscote were aH square, and wiil have to play off the tie for the coveted cup next week. Mrs'W. S. Bean, who went to Wellington for her sister's wedding, has returned to Christchurch. The monthly medal golf match will be played by members of the Christchurch Ladies' Golf Club at the Shirley links this afternoon. Mrs Ernest le Cren (Timaru) is visiting her sister, Mrs Ilonald Fisher. Miss Effie Lumsden, who recently returned from a rvisit to Gisborne, left on Saturday for Invercargill. The Hon. A. M. Myers, Mrs Myers, and family left Auckland by the Niagara yesterday for England. Miss P. C. Thomas (Invercargill) and Mrs A. Stocker (Spotswood) are staying at Warner's Hotel. Mr and Mrs J. W. Hannan (Greymouth) and Mr and Mrs Robert Latter (Barry's Bay) are at the United Service Hotel. Dr. Cowan (Aknroa) is staving at the United Service Hotel. Mrs A. M. Carpenter, of Fern side, and her daughter Marjory, who is recovering from on illness, are staying at Sumner. There were many visitors yesterday at the second annual "Pound Day" held at the St. Anne's (Anglican) Home for Girls. The function was open from 10 a.m. until 5 o'clock, and morning and afternoon teas were provided. Archbishop Julius gave an address on the objects of the Honm during the afternoon, and a musical programme was provided by Miasni Paula Scherek (violiniste) and Glad) 8 Lorimer (pianiste), Mrs Rodgers, Mrs W. J. Hunter and Archdeacon Taylor. It is expected that N the proceeds will more than justify the undertaking. Amongst those present at the cricketers' plain and fancy dress ball, held at Ohoka, were Miss Freda Knight (Night), Miss Ellen Cooke (Roses), Miss Wiki Solomon (If Winter Comos), Mrs W. Sanders (Weldon's Patterns), Miss Olive Dunlop (Edmonds's Baking Powder), Mr H. Quinn (Red Indian), Mr C. Cooke, jun. (Jester), and Mr Thos. Brown (Evans's Flour). A golf match between, a team of ladies representing the Christchurch Lad es' Golf Club and'.an equal number of men from the Christchurch Golf Club will be played at the Shirley links to-morrow afternoon.

Mr and Mrs O. Fowke, on the occasion of their golden wedding, wore entertained by a. largo number of friends in the Victoria Hall, Ashburton. Amongst the members of the family present were Mr and Mrs Lamb (Spreadengle), Mr C. Fowke (Pnlmerston North), Mr and Mrs G. Fowke (Ashburton), Mr and Mrs fS. Fowke (Ashburton), Mr and Mrs M. Murphy (Rangiora), Mr and Mrs L. Fowke (A hburton), Mr H. Fowke (Dnnnevirke), eight children of the late Mrs Smith, of Christchurch, and 30 grandchildren. At the meeting of the Borough Council on Monday night a. resolution was passed congratulating Mr and Mrs Fowke on attaining their golden wedding anniversary. A new method of ensuring that husbands who disobey maintenance orders shall not escape from their responsibilities was suggested by the Auckland Ladies' Benevolent Society some time ago, this being that they should be compelled to work during a limited term of imprisonment, their wages going to the support of their wives and families. The matter was brought before Sir Francis Bell by Sir Edwin Mitchelson, and a reply from the former was read at the annualjneeting of the society. "I am afraid the proposed legislation is too drastic," states Sir Francis, "and I am not at all sure that it would have the desired effect, however, there wiil be an amendment of the Destitute Persons' Act before Parliament this session, and the ladies might instruct some member to propose an amendment tp give effect to their object, and thus obtain the general opinion of Parliament." Commenting on this letter, Sir Edwin states that apparently the Government will not undertake the job themselves, so that the only thing the Benevolent Society could do would be to- induce some member of the Lower House to introduce the matter. The society agreed to adopt this course. Invitations have been issued by Lady Seal to a reception at the Salon of Madame Menere, Fashion Furrier, corner of Cashel and Colombo streets, every dav this week, when a new shipment of Fur Coats and Bridge Wraps, which have just arrived from the leading Court furriers of London, will be on view. 5 "Trio" All. Elastic Corset Demonstration. Miss Menzies, Corset Specialist, of Manchester street, will give a Corset Demonstration to the ladies _ot Christchurch at Dixieland on Wednesday afternoon, July 18th, from 2.30 to o p.m. A trained corsetiere will be in attendance. Ladies residing in the country are cordially invited. Afternoon tea will be served in the lounge. M7llß-DVA.

Mr and Mrs David Lee, of Fitzgerald street, St. Albans, will receive univercul svmpathy in the bereavement they have suffered by the death, from pneumonia, lat& on Monday night, of their ten-year-old daughter Carol. A clever litt e singer and dancer, with an attractive stage presence and happy disposition, she had performed with great success at mativ local amateur functions and bade fair to become an acquisition t-o the musical and dancins talent of Christrlnirch. She was at «"hool so recently as Fridnv 'nst, but on Saturday developed the illness which lias carried her off to the "Teat so-row of her parents and relatives, frends and schoolmates. Ino funenl takes place to-morrow afternoon at Bromley. After a brilliant round of 82 at the Yeerongpilly golf links, Brisbane, on June 19th, Miss Green won the ladies' lwmpioaship from Miss Hood, last year's champion, with a total for the 36 holes of 168. Miss Green obtained her 82 by beautiful golf, says a Brisbane report, and throughout the final round her driving was superb, and would have been a useful lesson ior many of the long handicap men. Miss Green, who is a daughter of Mr A. P. Green, of Auckland, is a New Z?alander, who learnt her rroif on the Bairn accwen links, Dunedin. Mrs Dawson (Rangiora), who has been visiting friends in C'aristchureli, was hostess at a delightful bridge party ;iven at The Berealord. At an .litJi'val in the play delicious afternoon tea was served on tables decorated witn bowls of primulas. The players were : —Mrs Graham, Mrs Pavitt, Mrs Oxey, Mrs S. Gordon, Mrs C. L. Hart, "fiss Greseon, Mrs P. J. Hervcy, Mrs Parsons (Rangiora), Mrs H. van As-li. Mi's Orr, Miss Fuller (Ilangiora), Cooley, Miss D. Garrick, and Mrs '\> Hin.m Anderson. Mrs Dawson returned Jo Rangiora last night. For the opening day of -the winter ■•nees at Trentham, on Saturday, the veather was not at all encouraging. The wind was bitterly cold, and although there were a few fugitive rleamsi of sunshine that led one to 'mpe for bettor things, they had too -nych to contend with and soon vanished. But at least there was no rain 1 in the afternoon, which was cause for thanksgiving. Underfoot the ground was very sodden and wet. It was a r lav for furs, and some opulent looking ones were seen. Nothing short of an Arctic outfit could have entirely withstood the cold breeds that swept down from the hills. Their Fxcoll pn'■ies the Governor-General and Viscountess Jellicoe did not attend the meeting. The Hon. Lucy Jelliooe, however, was present, and was wearing a -rev tweed costume, grey furs, and grey "loth hat to match.

The ntembers of the Harbour Lights Olu!) held ai delightful dance in i lie Jclliroa Hall. The hall was gaily d: corated with coloured streamers and pot plants. Largo's Banjo Orchestra supplied excellent music. Lady Denniston and Mrs J. C. Holmes acted as chaperons. Among the guests were the fficers of the Port Kembla. and Tain>a, Misses Fee, Strncbari, Cotton, Stevens.Kerr, Bradford, (2), McKay, Love, Kinvig, Munro, Mills, Dawson, Harvey, Graham, Courtney, Sberrard, Humphries, Reed, Hughes, Mahan, Collins (3), Cadenhead, Cavcn (2), Peirce, Baxter, Pearce, Andrews, Pirrie (3), Donaldson, Bates, Jnwsev, Perry, Mayer, Robertson, Gant, Frnzcr C2), Baty, Peart, Sneesby, Good, and Bcattie, Messrs Watson, Chetwin, Brown, Mncßean, McKay, Elston, Swing, Galbraith, Hardlowe, Liggins, Moody, Cl°y, Tindall (2). McGee. Sberrard, McEwen. Neil, Hnrti.crnti. Barrett, Collins, Robertson (2), 11-ihinson,. Dompsov. Ca den head (2J, Simpson, May, and "Woolcoek. Amidst coloured streamers, balloons, ,nnd t'nncy papsr butterflies of ail colours, the members of the Clmstchurcli Nursing and Ambulance Divisions of the St. Johrf Ambulance Brigade and their friends 'held the sixth of their three-we. kly dances, in the form of a fancy . drsss and ball, in the Orange Hall on Mu.iday night. Many and varied were the costumes, some of them shewing great originality on the part of the wearers. The prizes were presented hy tie Assistant Commissioner, Mr W. W. MclCinney, who also took the opportunity of presenting five-year certificates to Lady Superintendent Cordy and Ambulance Sister Betts, of JJ'Oekenham Division, and Sergeants Middleton and Gilbert, of Christchuvch Atnbulnnc© Division. During supper, the work of the committee was commented upon hy Mr "W. McKinncy, and ail present joined in tlv singing of "For J'i.oy Are Jolly Good Fellows." Supper over, the was proceeded with until midnight, when the evening closed with a streamer waltz.

The fancy dress dance held in the Scdgemere Hall was a complete success. Many of the dresses reflected great credit on the wearers. 'l'he prizes were awarded as follows: Original Miss Hunter (Black Cat) and Air Williams (Red Indian); fancy : Miss V. Brown (Sheik) and Mr Armstrong (Men's Art Needlework). The music |0l" the dance was supplied by Mrs 11. Lambie, and an excellent supper was banded round. The prizes were presented by Mr J. T. Parkin. In addition to the prize-winners the following appeared in fancy dress: —Misses ALcCrill McDonald (Jap), J. McLaughlin (Nurse), Schnelle (Egyptian), Dyce (Carnival Bells), M. Lambie (Dutch Girl), 11. McLaughlin (Italian Peasant), Chapman (Daffodil), O. Hampton (Soldier), M. Free (Gipsy Peasant), Adams (Night), Messrs D. Stretz (Ladv), N. Brown (Chow), H. Brown (Dutch Boy), J. Patterson (.Soldier). The Hornby Quadrille Assembly held their monthly long night dance in the Orange Hall, Hornby, on Friday evening. In spite of the inclemency of the weather and the prevalence of influenza and colds in and around) the district, the hall was well filled with dancers, and the congenial atmosphere inside was a marked contrast to the chilly conditions prevailing outside. Several novelty dances were introduced during the evening, and caused much merriment. The music was supplied by Miss D. Moore, whilst Mr W. Bettle contributed extras, which were greatly appreciated. Mr G. Freeman very capably carried out the duties of M.C. Amongst those present were: Mesdames Bettle, Freeman, Kenworthy, MenJe, Baker, Simpson, McGirr, Misses Gibbs, B. Bryee, L. Manhire, 11. McGarry, A. Hampton, V. Henry, T. Meale, J. Simpson, E. Hinton, Andrews, Harris, L. Freeman, Davis, L. Rennie, Lowe, Messrs G. Freeman, A. Paterson, W. Freeman, AY. Manhire, G. Paterson, Sutherland, D. Ritchie, J. Ritchie, Smith, Harrison, Harris, S. Gawler, C. Oawlcr, F. TVhitelaw, R. TVhitelaw, J. Kenworthy, S. Minards, J. Bryce, "VV. Rankin. Un Saturday evening Mrs Joseph jiaxi-er a v dance at uer ltAsiutjnce, xj.oi.muiO s roau, in iionour oi ner sous, iu.asters OiiriorU ana lUiiana Daxter. I lie reception ana aauce l'ouin were pretuiy uecurated witu OiacJi and nuiw streamers, .-unongst tnose present were: —Airs iiaxiAsr, wuo wore a mack jeitey suk hock; iVii-s G. bimpson, raisley saun; iVlra J. iJosomworUij sueil-yum venet; musses Kita acott, white satin, with overuress oi lace; i. 1 pmu satin witli biUe net drapings; uwitna tihand, white tatteta; Aiouy nannon, sneUpinii satin, with overdress of hw; iietty iloUDs, cream net; Edna Gili, pale pink ninon; Aima ivtsom, shot tatteta; tjwon xuogriuge, cream ninon; Fraucie Bolton, uiue satin; Orchard, green crepe de clime; Marie Orchard, wnite organdie; Betty buckling, green taffeta; Jean Lee, orange tatteta; and Messrs Titeo. Turner, Kerry Hobbs, Con. Hannon, Russel Whale, Hubert Francis, W. McKinuey, Graham McKinuey, Falck, Belcher, Clifford Baxter, Roland Baxter, Atkinson, G. Simpson, J. Rigby, Bosomworth, and J. Baxter.

HOSPITAL BALL. The annual ball, held under the aus- ! pices of the Xurses' Recreation Committee at Dixieland on Monday night, -,vas a very gay and cheery function, sreatly enjoved by the many guests. Music was supplied by Reed's Peerless Orchestra. The chaperons were Miss Muir, who was the recipient of a handsome bouquet of violets, Mrs John Guthrie. Mrs T. Mill, and Mrs Walter Fox. Miss Muir wore a handsome gown of black velvet and jet, with flowing sleeves of lace; Mrs T. Mill, gold tissue and black satin with sleeves of georgette; Mrs Walter Fox, black velvet gown heavily embossed in gold; M'sses Kni Rodgers, pile pde brocaded .=*vtin with corsaee of cream 'ace; Ethel Oonke, ros« satin, with gold flower nt waist; B. Pftre, amber georgette and velvet: M. Petre, lavender tville and T\ T irk«s. emerald satin w'th a large n:old flower; Wpit, mianicrht sntin veiled in b'ack; Seymour, mole velvet heavily pntterned in eteel; Dears-lev. -green sptin ; Jean roval blue sntin with of gold bice aud a narrow gold girdle; D. Paterson, pastel blue with berth© of amber lace; F. McKinnon, cream lace with girdle of flowers; V. Alley, apple-green sfit-'u with vnri-coloured flower srirdl" : M. Ononey, blue and silver shot tiffota; Mais ; e James, green and srold shot satin, with girdle of silveT * tissue: Mrs L. N. King shell-pink taffeta, trimmed with rucliings of the same material; Misses Zoe Gray, silver and'floral patterned taffeta; ]>. Ilicharils, black velvet and georgette with wide floral sash; Dagg, black taffeta,' with frilled skirt of tulle; Roxburgh, l>ott!e-green tulle over satin> Simpson, ,'acle green and gold patterned lace frock; Heir, blue and gold shot taffeta; B. O'Sliea, black taffeta, with corsage "f radium lace; A. Brown, sapphir©b'ue velvet beaaed in .steel; H. D. S mpson, ovster-grey satin and lac©; V. A. Simpson, black georgette over \ satin, beaded in crimson; M. Copland, pastel bl;ie satin with silver grey sash; Helen Smith, flame and silver shot taffeta -frock; Mrs H. L. Widdowson, ivory brocaded satin with panels of lace; Misses M. Williams, blue and silver shot taffeta and cream lac©; G. Roberts, black taffeta with deep b-erthe of si'ver lace; McLeod, tobaccobrown tricolstte beaded in amber; Sherwood, sage green taffeta with sleeves of cream lac©; McDonald, rose and gold shot taffeta; M. Henderson, shell-pink satin with corsage and panels of redium lace; M. V. Lucas, primrose char-meu-se with overdress of tulle; P. Pot-tino-er, blue and silver shot taffeta; Marjorie Menzies, pretty taffeta frock, Y.M.C.A. LADIES' AUXILIARY. Members of the Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary extended a welcome yesterday to their new president, Mrs A. S. Adams. Since the resignation of Mrs Chilton after twelve years' membership the position of president has been temporarily filled by Mrs James Mitchell. The first part of the proceedings took the form of the monthly business meeting, and subsequently afternoon tea was provided. Mrs Royds, vice-presi-dent, spoke on behalf of the members in expressing the pleasure which they all felt when they knew that Mrs Adams had consented to accept -the position. They desired to assure her of their united support, and they hoped to render useful service under herguidance. Mrs Adams, in reply, said she was glad to identify herself with the work of the auxiliary although she realised that as president it would be difficult to follow the precedent set by Mrs Chilton. However, she would do her best, and she felt sure that with the support promised by the members,; useful work would be done in augmenting the efforts of the Y.M.C.A. During the meeting a comprehensive programme of work was arranged, and , various matters of importance were rq-< ferred to the executive for attention' at a special meeting.

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17812, 11 July 1923, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17812, 11 July 1923, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17812, 11 July 1923, Page 2