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The lady Editor Trill *• pleased to receive for publication In the "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news. Such items iionld be fully authenticated, and engagement notices must bear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invitod on any natters affecting, or of interest to, women. Mrs John Gugg (Longbeach) is staying at the Clarendon Hotel. Mr and' Mrs Robert Taylor (Glasgow, Scotland) are guests at the United Service Hotel. Mr John Sims, sen., has returned after a visit to Auckland to attend his granddaughter's wedding. The engagement is announced of Miss McDonald, of The Lodge, Hanmer Springs, daughter of Mr and Mrs McDonald (who are well known as late managers of the Hermitage, Mount Cook, and the Government Sanatorium ai Hanmer Springs), to Mr Jas. Manson, son of Mr David Mansou. of Kirwee, late manager of Craigieburn and St. Helens Stations. Mrs Middleton, accompanied by Misses Norma and Doris Middleton, leaves to-night for Sydney, on a two months' holiday. The Girls' Friendly Society's concert, which had to be postponed last week owing to the stormy weather, will take place this evening in the Parish Hall, Phillipstown. Mrs Enid Frye and Miss Grand have arranged a splendid programme. The proceeds are in aid of the G.F.S. funds. The monthly concert arranged by Mrs Ben Saville was given at the Christchurch Hospital on Friday afternoon —a "programme of violin solos, songs, and recitations was given in Chalmers No. 2 ward and the corridor. The performers were Miss Paula Scherek, Mrs J. Rodgers, Mrs Saville, Miss Alma Fletcher, and Miss Pauline Rodgers. The various items were heartily applauded by the patients. One of the most expensive dresses of modem \times was that worn some time ago by Mrs Clara Baldwin Stocker at the Grand Opera House, Los Angeles, California. According to an American correspondent, Mrs Stocker, who inherited £3,000,000 from her father, "Lucky Baldwin," won for herself, the title of the ."Diamond Queen" by appearing gowned in a gorgeous decollete dress' decorated with gems valued at £72,700. The gown was made of flashing, goldi net over golden satin, and was slit up one side to rerreal diamond-studded* stockings. With her diamond-buckled shoes and her sparkling diamond crown Mrs Stockley seemed to hare stepped from a fairy book.

A very enjoyable concert arranged by Mrs J. C. Holmes and Mrs McLaren ! (Connie Aslin) was given at Rannerj dale House tfft- Saturday evening. Songs I were contributed by Mrs McLaren, Mrs Meredith; instrumental trios by Misses Eileen Carter (piano), Charlotte Carter ('celto), and Joan Carter (violin): banjo and mandolin items by Miss Hiscock and Mr Woodward. Mrs Ivy King acted as accompaniste. A Guccessful entertainment in the form of a euchre party and dance was given by the Scottish Society's Pipe Band on Thursday night. The first part of the evening was devoted to the playing of progressive euchre, the tables being under the capable direction of Mr Geo. Buist and Mr McLean. The gentleman's prize, a shaving cabinet presented by Pipe-Major Patterson, was won by Mr It. Hack, Mrs A. Pearn securing the ladies' prize, a handbag. Boobv prizes were awarded to Mr W. Linton and Mrs Larkin. Supper was served by the ladies' committee of tne Scottish Society. Dancing was kept up till a late hour. Mrs T. R. Lcithead, who is leaving for England this week, was last evening the recipient of a leather writingcase from the members of the Kaiapoi R.S.A., in recognition of her valuable assistance in organising the annual dances. The president, Mr S. J. Richard. the presentation. At a social •gathering at the close of the annual meeting of the Kaiapoi Beautifying Association last evening Mrs Ixnthead was also presented with a monogrammed fountain pen, in appreciation of her work as assistant secretary. The president, Mr J. H. Blackwell, expressed the regret that members felt at her retirement. An extremely jolly litt'e dance promoted by the Sot ton Tennis Club took place in the Rink Hall on Friday last. Although there was not a largo attendance a most c-njoy.iblc time was spent, the Hoar being in spicnd.d condition, while tli" music supplied by Hunnil e l's Jazz Orchestra was excellent. A dainty supper provided by the ladies was handed round. Mr J. Quick acted as M.C. Amongst those- present wero-: Mesdames J. Boyre, C arke, Topp, Misses King, Wilcox, E. Boyce, L. Haining. I. Haining, Scott, Dnlzell, A. Dalzdl, James (Leithfield), Quick, E. Quick, Tisch, Marsh (Amber.ey), Messrs J. Boyce, E. Wilson, S. Pain, Craig (Ambericv), Sloanc, Scott, Quick (2), Worsfold, Dalzell ',3), Bain, E. C iopp, and Buriiey. The New Brighton Bachelors' Jaza Club held another very successful funo tion in Joyland Theatre on Saturday evening, x A good jUoor, plenty of partners, and the delightful music of Miss lilleyshort's jazz orchestra made the dance a great success. The hall wa.-> decorated with the club's colours, gold and black streamers, while at frequent intervals baskets of greenery were suspended. About fifty couples sat down to a dainty supper, the room being decorated to tone with the dance hali. Amongst those present were: — Mesdames Maxey, Tilleyshort, A. Nicholls, R. Winter, Misses Fry, E. Meaclem, J. Stinear, M. Meaclem, Maxey, J. Moore, Welsh, M. Moore, Rosea, Clark, G. Bargrove, I. Tilleyshort, E. Winter, M. Ayrey, Brookes, Henderson, Watkins. G. Parry, West, McColl, A. Collins, S. Williams. V. Collins, Hagan, G. Collins, Wilkins, Gordon, Wright, Andrews, Thomson, Slater, Campbell, Cook, Jenkins, Aldridge, Johnston, Messrs A. Chandler, W. Simpson, Rodgers, Tilleyshort, Clemens, Wright, Cook, Jackson, Clark- | son, R. Winter, A. Ayrey C. Gordon, S. Bargrove, Maxey, T. Welsh, Earl, I S. Gordon. Moore, E. Lord, F: Hunt, 11 Jack, J. Garriock, E. Harvey, J. Hitchcns, W. Lester, J. Cadenneadi, C. Boucher, A. Debenham, J. West. A. Nicholls. G. Aldridge.. F. Parry, Hales. A special late tram conveyed a large number of visitors back to the city at midnight. AH was excitement at a bridge party in Christchurch recently when a~ wellknown lady arrived-wearing a real seal coat of magnificent cut and design, obtained direct from London by Madame Menere, The Fashion Furrier, corner of Colombo and Cashel streets (upstairs). The price was below wholesale. 6 Miss E. Gieseking, Toilet Specialist, has commenced business at Room Z, Arcade. Cashel street. . Shampooing, Manicuring, Scalp Massage, and treatment for dandruff, etc. Consultation free. For appointments ringi. 'Phono 4424. 6 Patricia, the House for Nobby Knitted Goods. Customers should order early from our new stocks of silk and wool. High-class dressmaking ana miUirery. Corner Victoria and Montreal sireets. 'irnone 4491. LBS!7iMi By Special Appointment to His Excellency the Governor-General. CLAUDE RING, Portrait Photographer, Stewart Dawson's Buildings. Take elevator. 'Phone 3053. 6 Man may live without meat; he may live without bread; he may live without eggs. But if he is deprived of Milk, his most vaulable article of diet has been taken away from him. Ordinary cow's milk, hpwever, is too indigestible for very young children and requires to be humanised with Junket made from Bettle's Rennet. —tf ROSEMARY JAZZ CLUB. Ever increasing in popularity, the dance held by the Rosemary Jazz Club in the Art Gallery was again well attended on Thursday evening. Dancing took place in both the Permanent and Picture Galleries. The decorations, which were designed to give every pleasure to members and guests were carried out in gold and lavender. The lights were subdued with streamers of gold paper and reflected a warming glow on the dancing floor. Baskets of foliage hung from the ceiling while the centre was completely concealed from view with a huge centre piece of lavender and gold streamers. Delghtful music was supplied by 'Mr Fergus Large's banjo band. The duties of M.O. are carried out by Mr A. Fairbrass assisted by Mr A. Bonncy. Anions the many present were: Mrs Louis Bloy, emerald jersey silk; Mrs E. Poison, black crepe de dun© with corsage and panels embroidered m copper beads; Mrs Walter Heisdon, black taffeta with trimmings and ornaments of black jet: Mrs It. Whitehead, black satin with sleeves and smart cape effect of heavy bla-k lace; Mrs A. Thompson, saxe b.ue georgette oyer satin, beaded in silver.; > E<uia Cameron, pretty frock of vieux rose satin with overdress of lace; 3iiss Dolly Townsend, kingfisher blue and odd shot taffeta finished at waist with sway of fruit; Miss Valeria Anderson, pretty fril.ed fro k of .shell pink.not with touches of gold; Miss Nancy Madden, black satin frock with lace overdress; Miss Beryl Stone, effective froeof amethyst satin with corsage of velvet? and side panels of net; Miss C Madden, pretty frock of back satin with lace overdress finished with touches of scarlet; Mies Daisy McEwan, becoming gown of sage green velvet with cortage of green and silver tissue, Miss Phyllis Dawson, black crepe de chine with sleeves and trimmings ot oriental silk; Miss G. Welsh, forest green satin with bertha of gold lace, Miss Myrtle Bloy, pretty frock of ivory georgette the waist being defined with girdle of French flowers; Miss L. Nottingham, striking gown of lemon georgette and satin effectively finished with gold flowers; Miss L. Palmer-Smith, exquisite gown of flame satin, with gleevea and trimminas of silver lace;

Miss D. Ryder, black channelise with overdress ot lace, corsage embroidered in steel beads; Miss .uuan Hanham, pastel blue crepe de chine witlf trimmings of silver sequins and tissue; Miss D. .Mills, geranium satin with georgette A. Ligg.ns, orange satin, sleeves of georgette and trimmings of flowers; Miss Olive Greig, vieux rose silk with bertha of si ver lace; Miss B. Collins, shell pink taffeta with trimmings of silver, finished with silver flowers at waist. Miss F. Murphy, vieux rose crepe de chine; Miss N. 'McNaughton, ivory and silver brocade, with panels of silver lace and ornaments of silver; Miss C. McNaughton, cerise and eold bro aded satin with handsome overdress of cerise a.nd jet sequins: Miss Kathleen Ryan, delphinium blue satin with silver trimmings; Miss Sorensen, shell pink georgette with trimmings of gold lace; Miss Dulcie Parkin, kingfisher blue shot taffeta with sleeves of lace edged with taffeta of same shade; Mis< R. Stewart, pretty flounced frock of jazz taffeta; Miss Ngairo Caversham, Nile green satin w'th overdress of sequins; Miss 'Mriudie Bennet, peacock blue velvet with sleeves and i>an?ls of georgette; Miss P. Hales, black satin with overdress of royal blue sequins; Miss Joyce du Pont, flame georgette, with tunic of gold tissue latt'eed nt the «icles with gold rvbbon; Messrs Walter Heisdon, A. Fa'rbrass, A Bonney, Roland, Smith. L. Dolimonte, J. Wproson, E. Polron, T. Anderson, W. Clarke, A. Cotton, Gordon. It. Bullen, S. Yates, J. Forsvthe, L. T. Cole. H. F. Brown. J. Baronne, H. V. Collett, V. Desmond. C,. McNaughton. A. Graham, G. Southerwond, M. Toon. G. Cribb, A. Vizer, 1). Beaumont, J. M:mt;vue, Kellcrlian, Watson, P. Seymour, \.Vhittir.gton. C Snroson, James West, G. Hughes. Balfour. COMING-OF-AGE DANCE. St. Saviour's Hall, Sydenham, was the scene of a social and dance given by Mr and Mrs A. J. Watts, of J)7 King street, in honour of the coming of at;e of their fifth daughter, Corona, who was the recipient of many handsome presents The hall was artistically decorated with shrubbery and coloured streamers by Miss W. Watts and Mr E. Davics. Mr C. Wells was pianist, and Mr Claude Williams's orchestra kindly played selections. Mr I>. Mitchell played an extra, and Mr Savage made a competent master of ceremonies. The supper table was adorned with vases ofi white flowers, and the birthday cakfe, with its twenty-one red candles. . Mr Watts proposed the toast "Our King and Queen." and Mr G. Hartall that of "Miss Watts." Items were given as follows: —Mrs R Hoskins (song), Blisses A. Dowding and A. Ross (Highland dance and son g)- . . , , , . Games and dancing were indulged in til) one o'clock. The singing 6f "Auld Lang Syne" concluded a very enjoyable evening. Those present were:—Mesdames A. J. Watts, who wore a black' frock with sleeves and collar elaborately embroidered ; Mrs R. Hoskins, cream embroidered fngi silk; Marshall, pink beaded crepe de chine; June Watts, pink crepe de chine; Savage, white crepe de chine; Da vies, navy blue frock; C. Johnston, black frock; Williams, wine-coloured jersey silk, bead trimmings; Miss Corona Watts, dainty frock of pale blue silk tulle, with overdress of pale blue souple satin; Misses' Freda Watts, Essie McGeorge. Peggv Harrison, May Leate. Molly Matbess>n, Alice Raven, Elsio Ditfort, Ivv Slocombe, Rita Williams, Dorie Willinms, R. Jackson, Havs, Gladys Williams, Marcraret Ross, Agnes Ross. Ruth Creighton, feowena Dowdwisr. Alice Dowding, Trene Watts, and Danhne Hopkins, Messrs A. J. Watts, E. Marshall, R-"'np«. a Wil liTns. F. Fransden, Willis Gauclin, A. Bill. D. Mitchell, H. Squire, N. Harris, McCree, McCree, jun.,,James, G. Nut-all.'Kit-son, Mnrrner. H. Austin, and E. Dnvies. and Masters D. Witt's, Savage, Hoskins (2), and E Marshall.

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17811, 10 July 1923, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17811, 10 July 1923, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17811, 10 July 1923, Page 2