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! PAT LAMBS WEAKER. GOOD STORE SHEEP SALE. ISY ous, co:ime?.cul editos.} ; Srcuiler yardings were tha rula at tie weekly metropolitan "market on Tuesday. Tr.cre was no; much change in vr'.um exfor loci, which. .flopped substantia-Hy • on ;ao preceding week's rates. The pen- ; nmgs :;i this section have been exception- ; any heavy of late-, and the market i 3 scarcely ails to absorb iheiit. Fat lambs were . aooul a lnrtaiug per ib cheaper, only r lev; exporters operating, but both fat and store sheep scld at, \:p to recent pricw, notaa.y !jr fa; wethers and store wethers. | STORE SHEEP. : _ i::eve v.'is c. vety sma!! oi a Lout i tour main races with the usual mißceliaii- : coas assortment 011 the bricks. For once wethers were :r. the .majority arid thsy itteluded eotne back country v/ethcra which, i iuirly lino in ilia woo!, were very ; ' :ar d looking. They also included a, fu'.c proportion cf iot:r-year-o!d sheep inc'i.itd i.» go in the There were odd lots of | ewoi oi a- rather good cia33 forward. Lambs j made a small entry. There was a faitiy ; consistent demand throughout the sale with priei.s rather brighter than the previous week for both wethevs and evre.s, although ! ewes "were inclined ;o "be irregular. Lambs ; showed no alteration from last wee!;, and , there were practically 110 passings, i "Values were as follows: ; Fairly good two-tooth ewes to 325. Small two-tooth ewes, 27s to 28s 3d. : Cull halfbred two-tooth e'.ves, 25s Gd. ; Ordinary sound-mouthed ewes, 22s to Cfis | ca. j Good, failing-momhed ewes, 20s to 225. j Failing-mouthed ewes, ICa Gd to 19a. j Aged ewes, 10s to ISa Cd. ; Two, four, six, und eight-tooth wethers, 23s to 245. j Backward and small four, sis and cightj tooth wethers, 37s to 203 Cd. Two-tooth v.ethers, 21s to 22s lid. Forward lambs, to 22s 3d. j Tliree-quarterbred ewe lambs, 223 Id to ; 225. Small and inferior lambs, 12s 2d to lCs. Cull lambs, 10s. The following wore the piincipal sales: Ewes—ls aged at lis sd, 68 two-tooth halfbred at 275, 120 f.m. at 12s, G1 s.m. at 21s 9d, G2 two-tooth at 323, €9 small twotooth halfbred at 26s Ed, Go six and eighttooth at 15s, 118 cull two-tootli halfbred at 25s Cd, 78 B.m. halfbred at lis, 25 age.l at 103, 3Ga four-year-old halfbred at 24s 9J, 80 two-tooth at 28s 3d, 80 two-tooth at 27 s fld/ 25 four, six and eight-tooth nt 15s 3d, 5S four, six and eight-tooth, at 20s Cd, 131 four, six and eight-tooth at 22a (id, 118 s. ar.d ut 225. Wethers—lo3 two and iour-tcoth et 22a 6d, 42 two-tooth at 22s lid, 63 two and four-tooth at 17s Ed, 07 two, four and sixtooth at 223 -id, 113 si:: and eight-tooth .at 223 3d, 2SS two, four sis and eight-tooth lit 21s, 178 two, four, six und. eight-tooth at 2Cb, 153 four, six and eight-tooth at 22s Gd, 163 four, six and eight-tooth at 17s, 61 four, sis olid eight-tooth at 21a 4d, 35 six and eight-tooth at 23s 6d, 455 four, six an:! eight-tooth halfbred at 21s, 81 four, Eix and eight-tooth at 20a lOd, ITS two and four-tooth at 21s 7d. Lambs—29 at 13s 9d, 33 at 14s lid, GO m.s. at 14s 7d, 89 three-quarterbred ewes at 223 Id, 39 at 16s, 77 halfbred wethers at 14s £d, 59 forward at 22s 3d, 140 ewes at 235. FAT LAMBS. A email yarding of 1020 head, compared \fith 3900 last week. The shrinkage wa3 dua to increased numbers of lambs going into the works direct. Quality was varied, there being a few drafts of really prime lambs with a, larger proportion. of medium and light sorts. The -market was weaker than last week by a shilling per head, values being from 9d to 9id per lb. Competition was confined to the companies. The Home quotations chiving the week have been discouraging and the lack of competition was not unexpected. Best price was from 32s Gd to 35s 3d, for ft small lot of 13 from Jag. ]?a.ton (Domett), the "beat draft_ of any size being 151 sold on behalf of a client at 31s Gd. Values were: Extra prime lambs, 31s Gd to 35a 3d. Primo lambs, 28a to 31s. Medium lambs, 25s to 27s 9d. Light lambs, 20s to 24s 6d. The following were the principal sales:— On account of Jas. Paton (Domett), 13 at 32s Gd to 35s 3d; G. Chambers junr. (MothVen), 16 at 303 to 32s lOd; client, 151 at 31s Gd; Geo. Derrett (Hororata), 29 at 29s to 30s 4d; C. Eudd (Grecndale), 11 at 295; M. S. Kin-gabury (Kyle), 81 at 28s to 29a; T. A. Stephens (Irwell), 58 at 27s 4d to 2Ss 9d; E. F. J. Grigg (Waikari), 59 at to 28s Cd; Cashmere estate, 51' at 28s 2d- T. C. Irwin (Raiaia), 125 at 26s Id to 28s 3d; Geo. Bolt (Cust), 18 at 25s Gd to 27s lOd; "W. Bridßon (Woodgrove), 32 at 23s to 273 Id"; Mason Bros. (Oknin's Bay). 73 at ISs to 275; Tizzard Bros. (Hororata), 15 at 26* sd: L. R. Kin? (Waipara), 30 at 2Gs* E. Avrton (Cheviot), 41 at 2ts to 24s Gd-' O. "Waghorn (Wajniii). 120 at 18s Gel to ',23s'fid; .T. Leslie (Islington), 45 at 21s 7d to 2.35; S. Peorso (Rolleston), 14 at 20s; client, 51 at 19s lOd. FAT SHEEP. A small yarding- of eight lightly fined races. Good Bheep were somewhat better represented than usual. .The competition was brighter from the outset for all good | sheep, there being a slight improvement over the earlier stages for both good wethers and owes, compared with last week. The market scarcely held up, however, in the final part. Light ewes practically maintained last week's rates, though some inferior pens made very low figures. _ Values were from 5Jd to 6d for wethers, in cases of very good sheep a shade, over, whilst export ewe values weTO from 4d- to 4Jd. Top price for wethers was secured by Messrs J. and P. Clinton (Dnrfield), 60 making from 32s to 3Gs Gd, a pen of 6even at the top price Best ewe price was 35s for a very prime pen of eight from Mr D. Gillandera (D airfield). Values were:— Extra prune wethers 33fl to 36s Gd. Prim© wethers 293 Gd to 32s Gd. Medium wethers 27b 3d to 29s 3d. Light wethers 24s Cd to 275. Extra prime ewes 30s to 355. Prime ewes 25s Gd to 28s Gd. ' Medium ewes 22s to 24s 6d. Light ewes 17s 6d to 2fs Id. Old ewes 14s 6d to 17s. The following- wero the principal eaJes: Wethers —On acoount of J. ana P. Clinioii (Darfieid), GO at 32s to 3Gb 6d; A. J. Ji.cAay (jletiiven), GO at 32s to 36s Gd; A. J. McLean (Amberley), GO at 29s lid to 34b Id; H. McClelland 66 at 31s to 3-ls Id; Lyndon Estato (Waiau), 122 at 27s 5d to 33s 7d; E. F. J. Grigg (Waikan), 6 at 32s 3d; M. Bethell (Pahau Pastures), 78 at 30s to 325; li. Gillandera (Darbeld), 17 at 31s 9d; Dalglcsh Bros. Le Bon b Bay), 09 at 27s 4d to 32s 3d; Jas. Cameron (Scarfrill), 64 at 30s 3d; J. C. Hay (Pigeon Bay), 120 ab 273 to 30a Id; Estftta C. Kikul (Greendale;, 57 at 28b Id to 29s lM; U. Ij. Henderson (Spotswood), 21 at 28s id. Estate J. Pow (Fernihurst), To at 2oS 4d to 28b 7d; Thos. l-earse (Rolleston), U at r,«, (A. 1,. V,'. Prebble. (Mt. Somers), a2 at "3s Id to 27s 9d; O. Waghora ainui), 35 at 21s Cd to 26sF. Greenwo<xl (Sou hbridge), 23 at 13s; J. S. Inwcod (bouthi D. Gillandera (Darfieid), G5 at 28s 10<1 to 355; c.ientj 40 at 23s 8d to 33s Gd; T. A. Stephens Irwelf), H it 29s 9d: A. J- Keith (Ashburtoii), CO at 23s 3d to M. Beia"U (Tahau Pastures), at 21s lOd to 27s 9d - H. Vallanco (Methvcn), 64 at 22s la In 27s* C. B. Price (Poranui), 94 at 20b to "63 °d'- A. "VVotherspoon (Oiford), 60 at ' ~'->i Ud' to 26s 9d; J. A. Powell (Waihaorunga), 51 at 23s to 26s sd; clirnt, 120 at i "0" 3d to 26s -id; Alex. McPhail (Le Hons ' Bav), 57 at 18a Gd to 26s 2d; J. Lowry (Methvcn), 5G at 21s 5d to 25s lid; H. H. iladier (Amlierley), 133 at 17s 6d to 25a 9d; "W. ICeane (Sheftield), C 8 at 17s to 2os 3d; i Chamberlain's Estate (Ellesmere), 35 at 21s ' 7d to 25s 2d; F'. Fechney (Westerfield), 60 | st 23s Cd io 253 Id; it. S. Kingsbury (Kyle), 90 at 15a 6d to 255; "W. C. Bridi son (Woodgrove), 33 at 20s to 24s lOd; W. j Bennett (Winchm'ore), 60 at ISs 7d to 94s \ led; Ja3. Marshall tHinds), &7 at 18s Id j to 24s 6a; A. J. McKay (Methven), 46 at | 22s to 245: Harrison's Estate (Rakaia), 68 «t 19s to 24a: E. Chamberlain, (EUeemexe), 23 at 218 €d to 23s 6d; 3. McLocnlan (Leeston), 61 at 19s Gd to 23a 4d; H. Sharp (Waiau), 66 at 17s 2d to 23s 4<l; J. Baliagh (Southbridge), 31 at 20s 6d to 23s 2d; G«o. Chambers, junr. (Methvan), 45 at 16s lid to 223 10a; E. Goss (Tinwald), 59 at 20s lOd to 22s 7d: J. Upritchard (Domett), €'2 at 17s 7d to 22s sd; Jos. Brooks (Brookside), 36 at 32s 5d io 22s 4d: G. E. Bennett (Bennetts), 105 at 18s Id to 22a; W. A. Crmy (Ataahua), 71 at 16s lid to 225; Colin Stewart Derrett (Hororati), 31 at 16s io 21s 6d; Jas. Paton (Domett), 21 at 21s: T. Is". Baiter (Waipara), 34 at 14s lOd to 19s 4d; J. "W. | Warwici '.Hawarden':, 51 at ISs Sd to 16s 8d;

Tizcard Bros. (Hororata), 55 at 16s 9d to 18s 6d- J. Buxdon (Burnham), 73 at lis et). to 17b' 4d; J. I). Wyllie (S«fton), 61 at 16s 2d to 17a 2d; L. H. King (Waipara, 25 at 16s lOd; L. W. Prebbie^ (Mt. Somers), 24 at 16s 4d to 16s 6d; G. Bolt (Cust), 60 at 153 3d to 16a. FAT CATTLE. The yarding comprised 400 head, compared with 475 last week. There was a lot o big hut plain steers forward, and unde. the weather conditions prevailing did not eho>v their best, The penning included a considerable number of baoic sta,t:on steers. - mnrket opened hackly, and values Jiroughout were on ii lower basis than the previous wee. bv from 2'Js to 25s for uig steers, and nom 15, for lighter sorts. Passings were ,„Td SitiM lUiiiHulwg Inferior cow beef wr.s again down at bedrorl- pric&s. Tlie beat line forward was from v/ \ Kiehollfl (Belfast), a arnffc or seven steer's 'making the top price of £l3. _ Tho following graiiers w?r© representea : Ladv Campbell (Cheviot Ililis), and Messw Dalg'wish Bros. (Lo Bon's Bay), u A. NiclioUs (Belfast), Hanmer Atkinson (WoodUnkl J. 0- Coop (Little River), J. C. Hay (Pigeon Bay), C. S. Lyall (Pigeon Bay), 1. Mould (Wain-ui). G. G. Holmes (Knocklyn.l. and the Peralu Estato, Gracia's Estate (Akaroa). and St. Jamca Station (Ilanmer Springs). Values were as -under: Prime ateera, £'J 105..t0 £l3. Medium eteers. £6 15s to £3 ss. Light steers ±'4 to £G 10s. Extra prime heifers 'o £9 7s 6d. Prime heifers £5 to £o 15s. Ordinary heifers £3 10s to £4 15s. Extra prima cov.-s to £8 2s Cd. Prime cows £4 303 to £6 10s. Ordinary cows £3 Eh to £4 ss. Old cows £2 5s to £3. Principal sales were: Sara. Lady Campbell (Cheviot Hills'!, 7 steers £9 5» to iill 17s 6d; It. Milliken (Springfield), 7.steers £4 73 Cd to £6 os; Mrs M. E. McKae (Waikari), cow £8 2s 6d; Doigleiah Bros (Le Bon'E), 16 steers £9 to £11: Alex. McPhail (Lo Bon's), ulcer £8 2s Gd, 2 heifers £6 17s Gd; client, 12 steers £6 las to £3 2s 6d, cow £6 355; J. Robson (Avoneide), 4 coxs £4 30s to £4 17s Gd; J. Mitchell (Methven), 8 steers £9 7s 6d to £lO 355: R. J. Fleming (Port Levy), heifer £7 355, 3 cows £2 15s to £3 lot; Gracia'.i Estate (Akaroa), 16 ateers £8 5s to £10; W. A. (BelfasU, 7 steers £l3. heifer £9 7s 6d; Ilan- | mrr Atkinson (WoocFoank), 30 steers £9 5s to £ll, 2 heifers £8 7« tid; Mrs H. Lewthwaito (Little River), - 8 eteore at £8 ,« 6d to £9 3-2s 6d; C. S. Lyall (Pifffon Bay 15 | steers at £4 15s to £7; J. Wu»°n (Culver-

den), 4 steers at £a os; Mrs W. PrebHa (Lyiulhurn), heifer at £7 2s Gd, L. (Motukarara), 7 eteera at £5 12s 17s Gd, cow at £3; E Saunders (Ohoka), c cows £3 5s to £4 2s Gd; J. V Chapman (Littio liiv-er), 3 cows £2 4s to _3 los W. J. Guy's estate (Ferneide), 1 steers £4 108, T. W. Edwards (Cashmere), 7 oowa £o 12a Ga to £5 17s 6d; Pire,ki Estate, 7 steers £ll to £l2 7s Gd; AV. Turner (Waikari), 1 steer ill 7s Cd, 3 small steers £3 17s Cd to' £6 ss; A and P. stock drive, 18 steers £4 17s 6d to £ll fis, 7 cows £3 103 to £6, 9 heifers £2 103 lo £O, 6 vealers £2 to £3 10a; J. O. Coop (Little River), 3 cows £6 10s, 1 steer £9 7s Cd; J. C. Hay (Pigeon Bay), 8 steers £ll 2s 'Cd to £32 2C's; H. Gardner (Purau), 4 s'.eere £t 12s 6d to £7 fis; C. W. Wood Waipara), 3 steers £1 ss; 1 £7: client, ! 5 cows £5 5s to £8 2s 6d, 2 heifers JS4 5s to i £7 32s 6d; T. Mould (Waimii), 7 steers at £3 5s to i' 7 17s Gd, 3 cotob at' £3 15s to £5 15s, heifer at £4 17s Cd; G. G. Holmes (Knocklvn), 10 siesrs at £9 to £10; St. James Station (Hanmer Springs), GG steers, at £8 7s Cd to £lO 13s. VEALERS. The entry of vealers was not a particularly largo one, and it consisted chiefly of calves unfit for butchers' purposes. Good calves sold at about last week's rates, but inferior sorts met with a very dull sale. Values were: Good runners' to £1 12s Cd. Ordinery vealers £3 10* to £1 2s Gd. Small calves os upwards. STORE CATTLE. The yarding of store rattle was not a par- - ticularly largo one. and there were practically no quotable lines o> steers or heifers forward. The bulk of the entry consisted oi cov.-s. There was littio competition and a -poor (iale Tesuited. Values were: Three-year-old steers £3 173 Gd to £4 5».!d steers £3 io £3 355. Yearling steers £1 to f'l !!•?. Two-year-old heifer* £2 "s : . r :l ;7s Gd. Yearling heifers £1 10s to !2. Fresh cows to £2. O'd cows to £1 7s Of!. Bulls £1 53 to £A ss. ! DAIRY CATTLE. There wr.3 a medium sized entry of dairy ! cattle, and generally the quality was poor. ' The demand waa good, and the prices obtained must be considered satisfactory from the vendors' point of view. Values were: ' Good second, third, and fourth calyero, 1 soricainr. £7 lo £ll. extra, pood io £l* !"»• • , Good Spring-in ?r heifers £7 to £lO 10s, extr. ' good lo £ls 10s. Aged And inferior sorts £1 to £- >»s. ! FAT PIGS. The raidin? of fat pips was smaller than ! last week's. AU round 1 rices wtra about tho |

same as those ruling at th« pretlwii ttla. Values were:— Choppers £2 108 to £5. Light baconers £3 6s to £8 IBs. Heavy baconers £4 to £4 10s. > Extra heavy baconers to £1 198. Average price per lb 6d to Light porkers £2 to £2 B>. Heavy porkers £3 10b to £3 17a 6d. Average price per lbJiH tfi 84. STORE PIGS. v A medium 'sited yarding of ntorre piw l w| forward, whiah. contained few pig* n all 'Sfill grown. The demand for. all dlMttt easier, and prices lowerth&n at til# JtVlimM sale. Values v?<?re aa follows: | Medium stores 26s to 365. [ Small ntores 16a to 24a. j Good weaners lis to 14s. Small weaneis 08 to 10s.

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17747, 26 April 1923, Page 9

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ADDINGTON STOCK MARKET. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17747, 26 April 1923, Page 9

ADDINGTON STOCK MARKET. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17747, 26 April 1923, Page 9