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— i —▼ SHEFFIELD. The enthusiastic endeavours of the committee 91" the Sheffield Horticultural B °" diety to'make their annual Show a success were well rewarded. The number of entries greatly exceeded those of the previous year. Ihe Show proved to be very popular •» , every way, and the attendance would have been even" greater than it wan if the harvest had not been'delayed by the unseasonable- weather. The exhibits, on the whole, were of a, very high standard, especially the cut flowers and the vegetables. Afternoon tea was served by the lady members of the Society, and the taking's at this and the door were very satisfactory. Mucn credit is due to Mrs C. Withers and Miss D. McMeekan, who worked very strenuously as joint secretaries. The judges were: Flowers and decorations, Mr Erasmussen; fruit and vegetables, Mr and Mts Blaxeway; needlework, Mrs Pope; painting, Mis 3 E. Morrison; amateur photography, Mr B. S. Robinson; children's section, Mrs Hervey; produce, Mesdames Syme and Held. The following is the prize list: POT PLANTS. Geranium (single Scarlet) (1): . Mrs W. Wat-son 3. Geranium, (any variety) (2): Mrs W. Watson 2 and 3. Foliage Plant (3): Mies Bates 1. Mrs Atkinson 2. Maidenhair Fern (1): Mrs W. Watson 1. Fern (any variety) (8): Mrs W. Watson 1 and 2. CUT FLOWERS. Twelve varieties (1): Mrs W. Deans -■ Kins varieties (2): Miss F. C. Mulhblland 1. Sis varieties (2): Miss F. C. Mulholland 1, Mrs W. Deans Q. Roses—Three varieties (4): Mrs F. Higgs 1, Miss G. Townshend 2. Miss Mulholland 3. Roses, two varieties (4): Mra W. Deans 1, Mrs F. Higgs 2. Roses, one'variesy (4):' Miss G. Townshena 1, Miss Bulraer 2, Miss P. Wright 3. Sweat Peas, six varieties (2) .v.Miss F. Mulholland 1, Mr F. Jones 2. Sweet Peas, three Varieties (3): Mr F. Jones 1, Mifs 'Mulholland 2. Bowl of Sweet Feaß (2): Miss Cogan 1, F. Jones 2. 'Gladioli, six varieties (2): Miss Jenkins 1. Dahiias, show, six blooms Kl): Miss Mulholland- 1. Dahlias, peony, six blooms (1): F. Jones 2. Dahlias, single, six blooms (3): Mrs F. Higgs 1 and 2, F. Jones 3. Collection of Xemesia (6): . Mrs J. Henry 1, Miss Cogan 2, F. Jones} 3. Petunia, ainglo (3): J. Jones 1, Miss | Mulholbjnd 2,- Verbenas (5); F. Jones 1 and 2, Mr R. G. Robinson 3. French Mangold (3): F. Jones 1, and 2, W. Watson | 3. African Marigold (5); Miss Mulholland | 1, Mias G. Townshend 2 and 3. Salniglcssis (5 : F. Jones 1 and 3, Miss Mulholland 2. Phlox Drummondi (o): Miss Mulholland 1. F. Jones 2 and 3. Perennial (2): Miss Mulholland 1. Asters, double (5): F. Jones 1 and 3, Mrs F. Higgs 2. Asters, single (5): F. Jones 1 and 2, Mrs A. Hawkins 8. Galhardia (2): F. Jones 1, Mrs W. Watson 2. Dianthus (3): F.' Jones 1' and 2, Mrs W. Deans 3. Stock (3): Miss F. Mulholland A, Mrs W. Deans 2. Geraniums (2): Miss Cogan, 1, Mrs W. Deans 2. Penatemons (2): Miss Mulholland 1, M; 3B Jenkins 2. Antirrhinums (6): Miss Mulholland 1 and 3, _F. Jones 2. Panzies. (2): F. Jones 1; E. G. Robinson 2. Scabious (3): Miss Mulholland 1, F. Jones % and 8. Hydrangea (4): Misa Mulholland 1, Miss Cogan 2, Miss Jenkins*B.- Sohizanthus (8): F. Jones 1 and 2, MrFW. Larkspur (1): Mrs J. Henry 1. Collection Violas (2): Mrs W. Watson 2. Collection of Summer Chrysanthemums (2): F. Jones 1, Mrs Hawkins 2. Collection of outdoor grown flowers (4): Mrs A. Hawkins 1, Mrs Jenkins 2, Mra W. Deans 8. Collection of Berries from shrubs (1): ■ Misa Jenkins 1, ' DECORATIVE. Buttonhole (5): Miss Cogan 1, Mrs Higgs H, Miss Bates 3. Bowl of Roses (3): Mito Jenkins 1, Miss P. Wright. 2. Best arranged Bowl of Flowers other than Roses (5): Miss Jenkins 1, l M'iss Cogan 2, Mrs R. S. Gunn 3, Decorated Basket of Flowers (3): Miss Cogan 1, Miss Jenkins and Mrs R. S. Gunn equal J. Decorated Dining-room Table (4): Mrs W. Watson 1,, Mrs R. S.. Gunn JJ, Miss Cogan 8. Decorated Hat (2): Miss , Bates 1, Miss Cogan -2. Bowl of Nasturtiums (5): Miss Cogan 1, Mrs H. S. Gunn 2> Mies.'Jenkins 8. Shower Bouquet (2): Miss Cogan 1, Miss Jenkins 2. Original floral Design (8); Mi ß s Bates'l Mi a W. 'Watson 2. ' ■" • FRUIT. Apples, dessert, four varieties (8): Mrs K. Murray 1, Mies Bulmer .2.*. Apples, cooking four (6): Mrs W. Whyte 1, Mr ß K. Murray 2, Mias Jenkins 8. Pear des- ??. ' £ no variet y $• Mk > K- Murray h Miss Bulmer .2. Pear, cooking, one variety (3): Miss Buhner X and 2. Plums, one variety (8): Mr Bates 1. Miss Buhner 2 and ' 3. Plums, collection, three of- each variety i>' : ~2r B i tes 1 -' .Apricots, four varieties (l)i Jj? B M' P ea *a 1- Collection of Fruif (2);" ' Miss Jenkins 1, Mas K. Murray %. - VEGETABLES. ; ■,-' Potatoes—Three varieties, six of each (4): Mrs F. Jones 1 C. Sealey 2, Bates 8. White skins (6): —. Henry 1, F. Johfc 2, O. Sieilev 8. Red skins (7): F. Jones 1 Tnd 2, R. McMeekan 8. Six, onions (5): kiss Jenkins 'i- ?• '**?&. 2- Twelve eschklots (4): C. Bealey J. Three table turnips (2): F. Jones 1,.. <-; . Bate* 2. Twelve butter beans (2): ir. Jones 1, C. Sealey 2. Twelve scarlet nmMrs- (8): F. Jones 1 and 2. Twelve broad •Twelve French beans (3): —. Bates 1, C. Sealey 2. Heaviest cabbage (2): F. Jones 1, Mls"s Buhner 2. Two cabbages for table (2): F. Jones 1, —. Bates 2. Twelve pods peas |; (6): MiBS 0. Bulmer 1 and 2, F. Jones 8. Six. etalka rhubarb (6); F. Jones 1, ■ Miss Jenkins-, 2, —. Bates 8. Three lettuoe (1): F. Jones 1. Six table carrots (10): C. Sealey 1, F. Jones 2.' Field carrots (1): C. Sealey 1. Manow.(s): Miss Jenkins 1, Mrs Duncan 3. Pumpkin (1): F. Jones 1. Tomatoes (1): Miss. M., Banks 1. Shejled peas, half-pint (7): Miss Bulmer and Ray Towhshend equal 1, R. McMeekan 2, —. Henery 8. Beetroot, long, two roots (2): F. Jones 1. Beetroot, turnip-rooted (8): —. Henery 1, Mrs T. Duncan 2. Collection vegetables: F. Jones I, '—.' ' .Bates 2, •£,'.. Sealey 3. Callection herbs (8): NEEDLEWORK. Tray cloth, crochet work (4) : Miss Jenkins 1, Miss Buhner: 2, Mies M. Banks 8. Tray oleth/ embroidbry (*):, Miss M. Banks 1, Miss F. Sealey 2 r Miss ,D. Dalzied. 8. Applique cushion (4):. Mrs Withero 1, Misa Sealey 2, Mrs & Best 8. Cushion (6): Mis W. Watson 1, Master E. Hewitt 2, Miss D. McMeekan 8. Table centre, white (5): Miss Jenkins 1, Miss D. Daiziel 2, Mrs W. Wat--■on 8. < Table centre, coloured! (4): Miss Freeman • 1, Miss M. Banks 2, Miss D. Dalziel 8. One specimen embroidery, white (10): Miss Ccflham 1 and 2,' Miss DaJriel 3. One •peci-. men embroidery, <coloured (2) i'MissF. Sealey 1, Miss M. Banks 2. One specimen embroi-. dery orepe (1): Miss Dalziel 1. One specimen Udder woife {5): Miss M. Banks 1 and 8, Mrs Cosham 2. d'Oyley crochet (7): Mrs Jfenexy l,Miss Dalziel 2, Mibs E. Sealey 8. „d'Oyley, embroidered (4): Miss Dalziel 1, Mrs W. Watson 2, Miss M. Banks 8. Beaded blouse (2h .Miss M. Banks 1, Miss Jenkins 2. Supper cloth\(s): Mrs T. Diincan 1, Miss-Dalziel 2, Miss M. Banks 8. Tea cosy, crochet (3): Miss Jenkins 1, Mrs ffenery 2, Miss D. /McMeekan 8. Camisole, croohet (4): Miss Dalziel 1, Miss E. Sealey % Miss C. Bulmer 3. One . specimen crochet in cotton (2): Mrs Chatfield 1, Miss Jenkins 2. One pair hand-knitted sock? (2): :Mtb Band 1, Mrs T. Duncan 3. Ono pair hand-knitted socks,- fine wool (2): Mrs Band 1, Mrs T. Dunoaria One specimen knitting; (2): Mrs Hewitt 1, Mts Band 2. One pair hand-made 9uede gloves (3); Mrs Phillips~l'-and 3, Miss U. Banks 2. Child's knitted drees. (1): Mrs Band 1. Crochet hat (1): Mrs Band 1. i PAINTING. . OH painting, tinder 20 years (l>i Miss Fieemans li Weter colour landscape, under 20 years (1): Master Jones 1. Penwpainted cushion (3): Miss M. Banks 1, Mies Jenkins 2, Mrs Hewitt 3. Painted table centre (2): Miss M. Banks 1. Specimen-pen painting (2): Miss M. Banks T, Miss Jenkrna 2/ AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY. Quarter-pkto animal studv (1): Mrs J. Bfjson 1. Quarter-plate ohild study (3): Mra J. Bryson 1 and 2. CHUiDREN'a COMPETITIONS. Buttonhole, 14 years or under (S): Peggy Wright 1> Leila McMeekan 2. Decorated, vase, 14 yeaxj or under (8): Margaret Adams I and 2. Colleotion wild flowers (2): Master Jones X, Peggy'Wright 2. Plain scones (3): Pessy Wright 1, Leila. McMeekan Sl Sponge sandwich. (3): Leila McMeekan 1, Peagy Wright 2. Plasticine, under 14 years <1): Master Jones 1. Darned stocking (2): Leila McMeekan 1 and 2. Specimen white embroidery (2): Leila MoMeekan 1 and a Specimen coloared embroidery (2): ,Leila MicSfcokan 1, Marjory Willis 2. Decorated basket, under 14 years (2):''Margaiet x Adams 1, P«Sgy Wright 2. * - --, . ' PEQDUOa X; Jam, four varieties (4): Mrs W. Wtsteon 1, Mrs J. Henery 2. Jelly.three variaties (sj: Mrs J. Henery 1, Mrs W. Polo 3. Pioklee, two varieties (l): Mrs W, Watson L Sauce and chithey (1>; Mrs W. -Wataon 1. Preserved fruit (2): Mrs W. Watson 1, Mrs J. Henery 2. One dozen hen's egeg (s>: Miss Lilley 1, MrSjW. Whyte 2. One dozen t anck's eggs (4X: Miss Jenkins 1, Mra J. ! Henery 2. Six plain scones, white (2): Miss Jenkins 1, Miss Bulmer 2. Six'plaih scones, brown (2): Miss Jenkins 1, Mrs W Watson 2. One plate shortbread (4): Mrs Bulmer 1, Hiss J. Reveley 2. . Six pikelets (2.): -Ma ! Bulmer a and a : Sponge sandwich (6):' Miss I J. Beveleyl.Miss Jenkins 2. Sponge cake 1 ; (4): Miss Jenkins 1, Miss- Lilley 2. GingerJhread (8): -Miss Jenkins ; i; Mia LUley. 2. cato cato (8): Miss lilley 1, Miss Jerddna % BermaliiM bread &): Miss Jenkins,l, Mrs

W. Watson 2. Bost collection biscuits (2): Mrs W.. Watson 1 and 2. Light fruit cake (4): Misa Jenkins 1, Miss Lilley 2. Home-' i made soap (2): Mjps Jenkins 1, Mrs W. Watson 2i. Butter, lit separator (4): Miss J. Revelry 1, Mrs Hewitt 2. RAKAIA. Y The Rakaia Horticultural Sooiety held its annual Autumn Show in Mr Tucker's hall yesterday. On Wednesday morning there waa fear that rain would) spoil many of the choicest-fetpoms, fortunately the weather cleared and yesterday was an ideal day. Tha display of gladioli was ..of good quality, while the fruit was distinctly good. The vegetable olasses received very full entries. The juage in the miscellaneous section specially commended the quality of the bread shown. The spacing was commented on by the judge of the flowers as being in many coses inadequate. The total number of entries was 605, as against '486 last autumn. Mrs Holmes exhibited fine selection of cut flowers. The Society suffered a distinct loss by the death of the late Hon. C. A. 0. Hardy, who for many years entered an exhibit.. The (most successful exhibitors in the sections were: Flowers, G. S. Hardy; vegetables, H. Hurst: best oactus dahlia in the Show K.. Breach. The judges were, as follows:—Flowers and fruit, Mr A. Miliichamp; miscellaneous section, Mr Geo. Bundy. Kefreshmonts;were< provided by a committee ofc ladies, who' worked hard to make this section a, success. The proceeds axe to be devoted to the funds of the Society. The. following js the prize list,, the number of entries being given in parenthesis: ' I '.' POT PLANTS. '- Geranium (5): Mrs Halkett 1, Mrs Valm«r 2. Best plant in Flower (1): Mis F. Belvihs. Fern (4): Mrs Field 1, Dr. Sheffield 2. I Foliage Plant (6): Mia Halkett 1, Mrs Field 2.' " ■ OUT FLOWERS. ,' Roses, eix varieties (1):- G. S. Hardy 2. Roses, three blooms (4): Mrs J. Lambie 1, Louie Muckle 2. Sweet Peas, six> varieties (3): W. G. 6. Hardy 1, Mrs A. Weaver-JJ. Sweet Beas, three varieties (4): W. Or. S. Hardy 1, Mrs A. Weaver 2. Sweet Peas, one .variety (2): G. S. Hardy 1. Alice Thompson 2. Dahlias, six blooms (4): G. S.' Hardy 1, R. Breach 2. ' Cactus Dahlia . (2): R/ -Bwftohil. .Cactus.Dahlia, six:varieties (2): "It; Breach 1, G. Hardy 2. Cactus Dahliay three blooms (8): R. Breach 1 and 2. Gladr ioli (1): G. Stringer 1. . Gladioli, three varieties' (2): Geo. Stringer 1, , N.Z. Bailways 2. Verbenas, six varieties (7): Mrs J. Btrainger .1, Mrs Field 2., Verbenas, three varieties'|(loJ i" Mrs Ai Weaver 1, Mrs Morrison 2. . Salpiglossis (1): Miss E. Taylor 1; I-Geraniums, six varieties (8): Dr. Sheffield 1, Louie Muckle 2, Geraniums three varieties (6):- Mrs McNamara 1, Mrs Morrison 2. French Marigolds, six varieties (2): Mrs Halkett 1, Mies E. Taylor 2. African Marlgolds, four blooms (7):'■>. Miss E.; Taylor 1 and 2.: Pansies (4): Mrs Halkett 1, Mrs J. ; Stainger-2. Phlox' Drummpndi, six varieties (4): Louie Muckle !,• Mrs Palmer 2. Phlox, three varieties (3): Mrs J. Lambie 1, Louie Muckle 2. Asters, six varieties (8):Miss Mead. V Miss A. Hardy 2. Asters, four varieties (9): Mrs J. Lambie 1, Mrs F-. Fehrns 2. Asters,, twelve varieties (9): . Mrs J. Lambie-1 Mrs F. Behrns a. Stocks (1).: Mrs Palmer 2, . Zinnias (1): Mrs Halkett 2. Scabious (1): Mrs VV... Palmer, 1. Collection Cut Flowers, twenty varieties' (4): Mrs Field' 1, Mrs Morrison 2. Collection Cut Flowers, ten varieties (8): Mrs JBV Behrns 1."*" Snapdragon, twelve varieties (8): Miss E. Taylor if Mrs W..Palmer 2, Sn*p-i dragon, six. varieties (2): Mrs A. Weaver 1, Mrs W. Palmer 2. Pentstemon (1): Mrs W. tion, vegetables (1): Mead 1.-. ': '}. ", *■•'.', DECORATIVE,- '.'■ -j Lady's Spray (6): Mrs Morrison 1, ICss A. Edgington'2. Three Decorative Vases (2): ;Misß "Br.Haslett 1, Mr A. Weaver 2. : Gent's Buttonhole (6): . Hilda Shannon 1, Norma Burgess 2. Ladies'' Bouquet ' (2): Miss" B. Haslett 1. Best Bowl Roses (2):', Mrs McNamara 1, Miss A. Edgington 2. ."..; ' '■■.;-:'■'■ FRUIT. -' Apples, collection (10): A. Haslet* 1, Miss E. Taylor 2. Apples, dess»*U(ll): A.Has-lett-1, F. Saunders 2. Apples,.cooking (12): F. McNamara 1, ;Mrs R. Shannon 2. Apricots (1): Mr G: ! Clark 2. | Plums, (10): Mrs P. Brown' 1. F. Saunders 3, Pears, dessert (4): JGss E. Taylor 1, A; Haslett -2. Pears, cooking (7): W. Palmer 1, Miss E. Taylor 1 Peaches ' (7): J. Lambie 1,, Mrs L. McDonald 2. Quinces (2): A. Haslett. 1, Mrs P. Brown 2. Neciarinea (4): Miss E. Taylor 1,.A. Haslett 2. • ■■• •.. ■ /VEGETABLES. ■''' Collection (5): Miss E. Taylor 1, Mr»~Trevella 2, Mrs. J. Stubbs vh o, Potatoes, three each of six varieties (7): H. McDougall 1, C.-W. Wendelken 2. Potatoes one variety (24) i A. Haslett 1, Mrs J. Stubbs 2. .Onions (8): H< Hurst 1, Mtb A..Weaver 2. Onions (11): G. Clark 1, H. Hurst X Heaviest Rhubarb (6): H. Hurst 1, Parsnips (14): H. Hurst 1. Miss E. Taylor 2. Carrots, long (6):' H. McDougall 1, J. Wilson 2. Carrots, short (18): E. Oakley l, Mrs J. Stubbs 2. Tumipß (2): W.IA. Smith 1. Peas (4):j Mrs F. McDonald. l, R. Oakley 2.. ' Cabbage (6): E. Oakley J. and 2. Heaviest Cabbage (1): E. Oakley. Broad Beans (4): A. Haslett 1, Miss E. Taylor 2. Runner Beans (7): 0. W; Wendelken 1, Mrs A. Weaver 2. Frenchlßeans (8): R..*<Oakley 1, Miss E. Taylor 8.? Beetroot, round (6>: C.-W. Wendelken U, A. Haslett 2. Beetroot, long.{2): R. Slfinnon 1, Cucumbers ,8): Mrs W. Shellook X&. HasletT 2. Marrows, white"Tß): Mrs A. Weaver' V". Mrs P. Brown 2. Marrows, green *(l3p W. : Palmer 1, Miss E. Taylor 2. Marrow, • heaviest v(8j: A. Haslett 1. Heaviest Pumpkin (4) t R. Shannon 1 (381b weight). Lettuce (1): Miss E. Taylor 1. Tomatoes (7): W.'A. Smith 1, W. Palmer 2. Rhubarb (8): H. Hurst 1 and 2. Field Carrots (5): G. Clark; 1, W. I. Wilson 2. Field; Turnips (5): W."S. Shannon \, Mrs W. Shellobk 2. Swedes (S):W. A. Bmith 1, W. Palmer 2. Long Bed Mangold (3): H. Hurst 1. Mrs Trevella 2. . Yellow Globe Mangoia (7): G. Clark 1, H.. Hurst 2L Heaviest Mangold (4): W. J. Wilson. MISCELLANEbuS.. Home-made Loaf (12): Mrs J. Stubbs a, Miss Oakley 2. Girdle Scones (3): Mrs Halkett 1, Mrs 0. Shannon 2. Pikelets (5): Misa E., Taylor 1, Mb W, J. Breading: 2, Mrs 0. Shannon v h o. Homemade Scones (7): Mrs A. Shannon 1, Alice Thompson 2, Miss E. Trevella V h c Sponge Sandwich (7): Mrs A;-Weaver 1 and 2. Bannocks (3): Mrs W. Palmer I,' Miss E. Tsglor 2. Collection Small Cakes (2)* Mas E. Black 1, Miss S. E, Oakley 2. Home-made Pastry (8): Mies S. E. OaMey 1, Mrs z>. j -Block 2, Miss E. Taylor T-b c. * Fruit I Cake (6): Mrs J. Johnson 1, Miss E. Taylor 2, Mrs J. McDonald v h <s. Seed Oaks (5): Mrs C. Shannon"'l, Mrs W. J. Breading 2, Mrs J. Johnson v he Sausage Rolls (4); Mrs A. Shannon L Miss E. Taylor 2, Mrs E. Black v h c. .Shortbread (4): Mrs A. Weaver 1, Mrs Halkett 2, Miss B. Tiwsllii t ho. Plum Pudding (4);' Miss E. Taylor 1, Mrs J. J. Johnson 2. Confectionery (2): Miss S. E. Oakley'" 1.-Ham (2): Mrs V?. I Shellock 1 and 2 Roll of Bacon (2); Mrs W fihelloolc 1 and 2

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17702, 2 March 1923, Page 11

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FLOWER SHOWS. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17702, 2 March 1923, Page 11

FLOWER SHOWS. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17702, 2 March 1923, Page 11