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JKJKTH . A Bell ... L Llb tfeii*.'- ***% - - r oJ. Pan* - "* T "V r J fij.A.Lee - L * h tfS*-* J. ««• J*? & *N. Bartram ... Lab ■•■ 5 feE- J|T. , H Poland ... Lib.-Lab Willie Hemes It A. Young ' ••• R ST ■ ... Lib F.Sockly - R r . »ir g. Williams R Bolleston R frtT, p. Ijraar gSawa.; •■; Lab % McKay Lib-Lab, WG, B. Sykes R D. McLeod ... R vL'B, JlMte" «■ Lib-Lab, fjp& G. Smith ... Ind, jjQ JUvktn - R jßCorrigan. Lib, Gjff. A. Veitch ... Ind, aTj.y lanjstone ... Lab. pflcu/D. H. Guthrie ... R. y-jf.-ft Glenn ... --- R. A. Naah R. py, H.. Field ... RAV L. Monteith. Lab. M'BW^® ; McKeeil ***>- Sab.—R. A- Wright R. pI.JL Wford ... ... Lib. LaSorih—*®r'John Luk® R. Central—*P. Fraser Lab. SOUTH JSLAND. §J%! Atmore- . ... Lib. Hndwa ... ... R. Holland ... ... Lab. |jj4.o'Brien • Lab< ja-ff.J. Girling ... ••• R|qL»Q. W. JFol-bes ... Lib. 'Bnddo Lib. ftartE North—*L. M. Isitt Lib. i, T. a Armstrong ... Lab. £: gfiitli-*Pi. ■ J. Howard Lab. |rtoi»— *6. "Witty ... ... Lib. F-fijS-'SaWvan" ... • ...■ Lab. McOombi ... Lab. B. Heatom Rhodes R. .W. Nosworthy R. |fc|t"J,-:Bollestoa ... R. pe-!r. i :D. , ißnmett.... .... R. BiWufner R. n-*Son. E. P. Lw R. fe6ontb— Sjdey ... Lib. in North—'J. Lab. im West—'Hon. ,F. Downie Statham , A..Hanan Lib. MEMBERS. A. T. Ngata L. Pomare R. last Parliament. R|: MEMBERS the new mem- i East, wsb bora in Said was edu- i When twelve work in the at sixteen he took bushmaii; and he, went to BSgpkJicahie a gold-miner, 'for about BlSajL Vpf;-some:, years he Waihi Miners' -the largest orin. the Dominion ,to 1919 he Hwßlfo'tWt Waihi, Borough of the Federation of, |EmMMOB| and he iffaji th b New Zetland ® e unsueceßSBeat at ' The fol'Construction of the South Workers': for five years. Borough jand'ivras emanl as of the holda° ye He He was i the New of thd controlled

} -n-on his coat in the Champion Pouts somiei years ago, and was for some time captain of the Blenheim Rowing CixHi At tennis Mr Girling is one of Marlborough's most prominent players, and I be ia also to be found prominently interested in half a dozen other sport's. Mr Girling is president of t;?e AlnrJborough Progress League, and id a prominent member of tho Chamber of Commerce, having been chairman for two years. His other activities include membership of tho Board of Governors . of Marlborough College, and the presi- • dency of thoTßlenheim Retailers' Association. He is a prominent member of • tho Anglican Church, and is also n dis- . tinguished Freemason.. He married in 1910 a daughter o! M'r Alexander McKenaie, an old .-.d esteemed Marl- • borough settler, and is possessed of a . family of three girls and one boy. MR P. DE LA PEREELLE. . Mr P. de Ja Perrelle, tho new mem- , ber for Awarua, was born in • 1853. After leaving school Mr Perrelle joined the stag of the <'Lake County Press,*' and at the age of 21 years purchased the paper from Mr W. J. Marsh. At that early age he was also • appointed a justice of the peace. From • the time he took over the paper he ■ closely identified himself with the pro- . gress of the Lakes district, both in re- . gard to the fostering and development of the agricultural and mining industries. Ho also took an active part in public bodies. He was a member of the Arrow . Borough Council, member of the Wakatipu Licensing Bench. Lake County representative of the Southland Hospital ■ and Charitable Aid Board, a steward of the Lake County Jockey Club, and captain of the Wakatipu Mounted RiSes. He was tho promoter of the , Lake County A. and P. Association, and was instrumental in starting the Lake County Co-operative Dairy, Factory Company. In 1912 he purchased the Becord." Very soon his activities in the interests of Winton and district were evident. He was one of the promoters of Winton A. and P. Association, from which emerged the "Winton Experimental Farm. Ho is a member of the. Southland Education Board, and for the past two years was its chairman. He is also a member of the Awarua Licensing Bench, and has continuously identified himself with the progress of Southland. In 1902 Mr Perrelle marrM a daughter of the late Mr Francis Grant, of Milton. MR L. McILVRIDE. Mr Louis Mcllvride, who has won the Napier seat for the Labour Party, is a native of Glasgow, and has been connected with industrial and political organisations of Labour from the time that he completed his apprenticeship to the engineering trade in that city. He lived in Canada for a time, and came to New Zealand in 1908. In this country he has held office in tho Amalgamated Society of Engineers and the Amalgamated Society of Eailway Servants. In 1919 he contested the Wa:ngariui seat, and in 1921 the Patea seat at the by-election. MR JOHN A. LEE. Mr John Lee (Auckland East) is making his first entry into Parliament. He was born in Ot'ago. in 1891, and was educated at the Albany street School in.Dunediu. After leaving school he had a varied career, working mbßtly on farms in Otago and Southland. In 1909 he came to the North Island, and obtained employment under., the Public Works Department. Mr Lee is now the owner of a manufacturing plant in the city. .He .volunteered for active service, and left New Zealand with the Fourteenth Reinforcements. He was awarded the D.C.M. for con-spicuous-gallantry in the Battle of , adyance ',was held up by macnihe-gun fife, he went on alone, and, capturing the position, enabled the advance to be continued. , Mr-Leo had his left forearm shot off ■ at the.sugar refinery at Mailly- Maillet on; April, 12th, 1918, and he returned to i &eV Zealand on. Peace Day, 1919. Mr Lee is tho president of the Auck-. land Labour Party, and is a member of the executive of the Auckland' Ke : turned Association. He contested "the seat at: the by-elecfcibn : when Mr Clutha Mackenzie was retunif" Mr James O'Brien (Labour), who iuo -coeds Mr T. E. Y. Seddon as M.P. for Westland, has been prominent in Coast Laboui- circles for many years, and is personally popular. He : was born at Forest Greek (V ictoria) 47'' j-ears ago. After some yieare in Queensland, no went, to /the, West. Coast, and was engaged in; qoal-boririg operations, ultimately beihg employed l ' at the State minJea;-as,engine-driver.; He has been mahager of tiie Grey River Avgtts Company .since that newspaper was purcliased' by Labour upholders. Among otiiier offices he has held is that of president of the Westland Engine-drivers' Union,' and. Runafiga. and, Inangahua (>3MOperatiive, Societies, and he is a .rhemDer of the Grcymoutli Borough Council. He served a term of.imprisonment at;Lyttelton gaol owing to his attitude towards .conscription.during the war. At the; 1919 general election he opposed Mr T. Seddon. f cr the Westland seat, but was dtefeated by a large majority.;; ~;,•■- ", . ■: . „ ■ . MR J. C. ROLLESTON. iMr j. C. Rolleston (Waitomo), is 44 years of age, and was borp in South Canterbury. He, is : a son of the late Hon. WilUarnßolleston, first Minister of Lands in the! Atkinson Government. After completing his education at Christ's College, Christchurch, he followed farming pursuits until the outbreak of war, when he enlisted in the main body as a trooper, in the Canterbury Mounted Rifles and saw considerable service in Gallipoli, where he was - severely: Wounded, and in Palestine.; On , "his return to New, 2iealand he spent some time in the office of Tripp and > Bollestbh, a Tiniaru legal firm- At J i present he is working a bush farm in the ' Rangitoto - and still has to depend on a pack horse for the conveyance of stores, etc., for a distance of. five miles from . his house to, the road. ; This is his first entry into the political arena. He is a brother of Mr F. J. Rollestoiij Mayor of Timarn, ■ the Reform candidate for that electorate. MR W. J. JORDAN. Mr W. J. Jordan (Manukau) was born iri Kent in 1579, and as. a boy of 12 entered. J "a: qoacli-building factory in London to learn coach-painting. Iri 1897 he entered the London postal service, and after a few years Avas placed in charjE^ T of his branch of the mecharii- ' cal staff; He came to New Zealand in ! 1994, nhd for a. tinie followed ngricul- j tural pwsuits in the back-blocks. Jiater he establislned-; a business at Ngaurua-. wsihia, whero :he became a. member of ( the Town Board. He volunteered for • active sendee at; the outbreak of war, j but was fejocied. Later lie succeeded | in getting, away, and 'fought in Flan- ■ ders, where 'ie was 1 dangerously wounded and rendered unfit Jror further service in* the field.ibut lie was appointed j to the educational staff of the N.Z.E.F. ( . He Ims resided at Papatoctoo since his return, from the war. He is reported to be a keen debater, and is a lceal preacher of the Methodist Church, MR F. J. BOLLESTON. \ -''. I»ir-F. J. Eblleston, who succeeds Mr ' J. Craigie for Timaru, was born in 1873, at* Linwood, Christchurch', and

ckurch ed Tr at; , College, Christ in fl V graduated Bachelor of Art; anr( S Zealand University in 1895 ■JtaitteH°l LaWB in 1897 > 2111(1 wm the jJ as barrister ;ind cplk-icor o the bupreme Court in 1897. He follow rn, Illegal profession in Weliingtoi V> ril S- n h n? ■ TVent to 'funara. join n& ?' Tri PP in the W busi ct> . ''as over since, been carrie< Ti-ir.i% lJar ,v ne^ s ¥ p un der the style o HolMton. His h-.vs beer gT?»>w subjects for the Neu loa-i lni versity since 1906. I: he unsuccessfully contested th< t^ U Sir William HallJones. M r Rolles ton was elected'to thi 4-imaru Harbour Board in ISC7. anc became chairnuin i A 1912, and still oc cupies that position. At present he i; Major of Timaru, to which office la was elected: m April, 1921. He ha l oecn a. member of the Management Committee °f the South Canterbury atriotic War Relief Society since it: 19"0 > Qla ° president 6m« MB E. A. EAKSOM. Ransom, Libnral-Laboui member for Pahiatua, is a New Zealander, and has resided in the Pahiatua electorate for thirty-four years, He has been president of the Dannevirke Chamber of Commerce; nine years Mayor of Dannevirke, nine years ricepresident of the A. and P. Association, chairman of the Dannevirke Fire Board, a member of the High School Soard, and the Hospital Board, chairman of the Efficiency Board of Trustees during the war,. and chairman of the Hawke's Bay War Relief Association. He has represented his town in football, tennis, and bowling. ME J. 0. THOMSON. Mr J. 0. Thomson, who was elected for Wallace in the Liberal interest, was first elected to represent Wallace in 1902, and with the exception of the last three years has represented the constituency ever since. He was born at Invercargill in 1866, where he was educated. Mr Thomson served his indentures to a printer in Invercargill, and subsequently became a newspaper reporter. Ultimately he settled at and acquired the "Western tetar newspaper, which he conducted tor eleven years, selling his interest in the paper on his election to the House, i , been a »>ember of the Southland Mucation Board since 1900, and has been Mayor of Riverton, besides haying been connected with various other local bodies. At the last election he was. narrowly defeated by Mr A. Hamilton. MB J. R. COSRIGAN. Mr James Robert Corrigan, . the newly-elected member for Patea, was born in Canterbury— tiniar Ghristchurch. His parents, on coming out from the Old Country, pitched their tent among the ilax bushes in- what is now Cathedral square. Mr Corrigan's father took part in the gold rushes of those days, but, striking a "duffer,'-' lost all lY 5 ,' no B e - v > ~a nd had to take any work that offered. The new member for Patea had to earn money at an early ap, his first work being the herding or pigs at 5s a ,week when he was edffht years old. Mr Corrigan later took up farming,, and, going to Taranalci, he became ene of tho biggest dairv farmers motile province. He. ia a' prominent director of dairy companies, and has done a lot of work on local bodies. He has also taken keen interest in Kit a ME J. UNKLATEE. Mr J. Linklater, the Reform candi*.r m t? or Manawatu,. replacinff Mr E. Newman, who haa retired from politics, has lived in tho district for many years. He has served for a considerable time on local bodies, earning the reputation of being a hard worker and an efficient administrator. He is a convincing speaker and should prove a valuable addition to his party.. ' MR <j. McKAY. / Mr Gilbert McKay, Liberal-Labour i member for Hawked Bay is an old resident of the district. He stood last election against Mr H. M. Campbell (Reform) and Mr Chaoman (Labour). He has the reputation of being a 1 6hrewd local politician. I■. * |

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17632, 8 December 1922, Page 11

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MEMBERS OF THE NEW HOUSE. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17632, 8 December 1922, Page 11

MEMBERS OF THE NEW HOUSE. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17632, 8 December 1922, Page 11