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SUMNER-REDCLIFFS. The fourth Annual Show of the SnnmerRedcliffs Horticultural Society was held in the Town Hall yesterday afternoon, when nearly eight hundred exhibits were staged. There was a very fine display of roses, pelargoniums, daisies, geraniums, and flowering shrubs, while tlft decorative exhibits and display of Stocks were of outstanding merit. The vegetables shown formed a good class, while the special classes for senior and junior children were well Patronised, aud produced some surprising res , u J' s - The Sumner Queen Rose Competition drev only a small entry;-the cup prescnted by .Mr C, M. Roswell being won for the first time by Mr T. E. Whitfield. The cup presented br Mr \V. G. Black, to the competitor winning most points in the local ania'enr class for cut flowers was won also, for the first time by Mr T. E. AVlutfie d, with thirteen firsts and three seconds; Mrs V E. Hamil ton being runner-up. The Holmes Cup, for eighteen distinct varieties of roses, was won bv Mr J. D. Kdmonds, of Redcliffs. In asking the Mayor to open the Show, the president of the Society, Mr _A. O. Wilson, expressed his pleasure nt seeing bo many present* and commended the residents for their interest in the display, and in preparing the exhibits. Gardening not only was a profitable occupation, but it was also a healthy hobby, and redounded to the credit of the community. The Hon. J. Barr. referred to the presence of the president, who now lived at Cashmere. He had taken ta great interest in the launching of the Society, and thev wished he would be president for^ many veors. Starting with two hundred and fifty exhibits four years ago, the Society had continued to flourish, and but for the rain spoiling vegetables and roses, would have, this year, constituted a record. The general quality of the exhibits was, on tho whole, superior to that of last year. The Society was out to encourage amateur gardeners, and he urged those who had not exhibited before to enter the special class next year. Ho wanted to see the exhibitors prove that the hall was too small. He congratulated those who had worked so hard to produce such beautiful exhibits, and asked those present to accord their appreciation of the work done by the officers of the Society, particularly the secretary, Mr C. M. Roswell, and also that done by the judges, by a hearty round of applause. The' following is the prize-list:— Vegetables, Fruit, and Produce.

Six potatoes, one variety, other than kidney: H. Nettleton 1, Mrs W. Jamieson 2, Mrs B. McKenzie v li c. Sis potatoes, kidney: Mrs Win. Jamieson 1. Twelve pods peas: Mrs J. W. Hines 1, G. H. J. Hines 2. Twolve pods peas, marrowfat variety: Mrs Biker 1,-Mrs W. Jamieson 2. Three lettuce: Mrs W. S. Mitchell 1, Mrs D. Coleman 2, Mrs J. W. Hines h c. One cabbage: F.' Lindroos 1, T. E. Whitfield 2. One cauliflower: H. C. Mugford 1, T. E. Whitfield 2., Six carrots: G. H. J. Hines 1 and 2. 4 Twelve radishes: G. H. J. Hines 1 and ' 2. One bunch asparagus: Mrs C. M. Brown 1, Mrs NicholBon 2. Collection vegetables, six varieties: Mrs W. S. Mitchell 1, G. H. J. Hines 2.

Six tomatoes: H. Nettleton 1 Bnd 2, G. H. J. Hines h c. One dish strawberries (12 fruit) : G. H. J. Hines 1, G. Hines 2, G. H. J. Hines. h c. . One plate gooseberries: J. D. Edmonds 1, Rev. E. C. W. Powell 2, W, V. Siddall- he.- . One dozen hens' eggs (white) : Mrs D. Coleman 1. One dozen hens' eggs (tinted) : Mrs D. Coleman 1, Mrs E. L. H.Brown 2. Mrs E. Mugford h c. One dozen duck ■ eggs: Mrs D. Coleman 1, Mrs E. L. H. Brown he. New Exhibitors (local). Six roses, distinct varieties: P. G. Keig I, Mrs E. M. Brown 2. Pour vases sweet peas: E. E.- Hines 1, Miss Beaven 2. Three vases daisies: Mrs N. P. Longuet 1, E. M. Parry 2. Pot : Plants. One plant, suitable for drawing-room: Mrs 0. Benjamin 1, Mrs D. Mogridge 2. One plant, in-flower: J. D. Edmonds 1 and 2. One cactus, in flower: Miss Adley I,' Mrs J. Illingworth 2. One/fern: Mrs W. J. Langdale 1, Miss M. Deacon 2. Tree ferns: J. • Wheeler 1 ■ and 2. One aspara-

gus fern: Mrs 1., Wilson 1, Miss E. Gebbie 2. One aspidastra: Mrs B. Atyeo 1, Mrs D. Mogridge 2.

Decorative. Bowl of roses: Mrs T. E. 'Whitfield 1, Mrs, W. S. Mitchell 2. 'Basket of, rosbs: Mrs T. E. Whitfield 1, Mrs W. S. Mitchell 2. Basket of daisies: Mrs G. A. Alexander 1, Mrs W. S. Mitchell 2. Vase of carnations:n Mrs D. Mogridge 1, Mrs T. E. Whitfield 2. Vase of sweet peas: Lynda Powe 1; Mrs J. D. Edmonds 2. -Lady's spray and two gentlemen's buttonholes: Mrs D. Mogridge 1, Mrs W. S. Mitchell 2. * Cookery. One loaf home-made bread: Mrs ; R. Carew 1. Six plain scones: Mrs B. Atyeo 1, Mrs McGarry 2. Sponge sandwich: Mrs McGarry 1, Mrs S. W. Dean 2. Plain cake: Mrs N. P. Longuet 1, Mrs B. Atyeo 2. Fruit cake: Mrs B. Atyeo 1, Mrs Mulholland 2. ' Plate of shortbread: Mrs N. P. Longuet I,' Mrs 8.. Atyeo 2. Ginger cake :'' Mrs .0. Mulholland 1, Mrs N: P. Longuet 2. Plate of pastry, 6 assorted: Mrs E. E. Hines 1, -Mrs G. Hines 2. ' Children's Classes. Under 14 years—Collection of vegetables: Dorothy Alexander 1, Alan Roswell 2. Bowl of flowers: Enid Chambers 1, Mavis Fluerty 2. Basket, of vcild flowers: Jean Bnrr 1, Dorothy Alexander 2. Vasa of ornamental grasses: Dorothy Alexander Ij Mavis Fluerty 2. Threrf distinct varieties of pansies: Eunice Whitfield 1, Ariti Andrews 2, Jean Brown h c. Collection of weeds (named): Roma Bailey -1, Croyden Francis 2. Drawing from Nature (plant form): Grace Boot 1, Roma Bailey 2, Marjorie Duncan h c. Drawing from Nature (any subject):' Jack Craib 1, Marjory Tingey 2. Modelling in wax (flowers or foliage): Ariti Andrews 1, Ken Wilson 2. Painting, water-colour (flqwersi: Roma .Bailey 1, Marjorie Duncan 2. Painting, water-colour, local Bcene: Marjorie "Duncan 1, G. Willis 2. Floral design, flowers,- to be mounted on cardboard: Roie de Pass 1, Lorna Roswell 2. Needlework,, specimen of plain stitching and buttonhole: Coira Cox 1, Ethel Jephson 2, Jean Falconer vh c. Photography, three local scenic-views (mounted), age under 16 years: Lorna Roswell 1, Eunice Whitfield 2. Cooking, .six plain scones: Rita Kingsbury 1, Alfreda Martin 2. Writing: Ken Wilson 1, Neroli Smithson-2. Meccano model: Eric Carew 1, .Jack Heslop 2. Special "Classes (children under 14 years)— Drawing from Nature, flowers or foliage: Bruce Lee 1, Kathleen Richards 2. Modelling in wax (flowers or foliage) : Phyllis Smith 1, Eileen Smith 2., . Writing: Bruce Turner 1, Bruce Lee 2. Meccano or other structural toy: 'Harry Thompson 1, Hilgrove J. Go'sset 2. Cut Flowers (Open). ■

Sumner Oucen Rose Competition, 'for cup donated by M r C. M. Roswell: T. E. Whitfield 1, P. G. Keig 3, T. E. Whitfield h c. Six roses, distinct varieties: T. E. Whitfield 2.. Three roses, one variety: T. E. Whitfield 1. Three roses, pink varieties: T. E. Whitfield 2. Three roses, red varieties: T. E. Whitfield 1. Three roses, white or cream varieties: T. E. Whitfield 1. Three distinct specimen bloom carnationß (perpetual): T. E. Whitfield 1. Amateurs. ' Eighteen distinct varieties roses, named for.cup presented by Mr J. C. S. Holmes: J. D. Edmonds 1, Mrs W! S. ■ Mitchell 2. Twelve distinct varieties roses; T. E. Whitfield 1, J. D-. Edmonds 2. Six distinct varieties roses: T. E. Whitfield 1, A. A. Cheshire 2. Three distinct varieties roses, named: ®. E. Whitfield 1, P. G. Keig 2. Three roses, white varieties, named: T. E. Whitfield 1, J. D. Edmonds 2. . Three roses, red, distinct varieties, named: T. E. Whit; field 1, J. D. Edmonds 2. Three roses, pink, ■distinct varieties,. namejl: T. E. Whitfield 1. Three»sin£le roses, distinct varieties, named; T. E. Whitfield I,* J. D.' Edmonds 2. Three vases climbing polyanthus roses, distihet varieties: T. E. Whitfield 1, Misses L. and E. Wilson 2. One vase polyanthus roses, one variety: Mrs W. Keig 1, T. E. Whitfield 2. One vase yellow roses, one variety, named: T. E. Whitfield 1, P. G. Keig 2. Three .carnations, perpetual, named: T. E. Whitfield 1, J. D. Edmonds 2. Six varieties sweet peas: T. E. Whitfield 1, Mrs W.. S.. Mitchell 2, Mrs W. G, Black h c. Three varieties sweet-peas: T. E. Whitfield 1, Miss Bevan 2. One vase daisies, white: Mrs W. Bailey 1, Mrs V. E. Hamilton 2. One vase daisies, double white: Mrs Wm. Jamieson 1, Mrs Coieman 2. One vase daisies, yellow: H. Nettleton 1, Mrs V. E. Hamilton 2. I One vase daisies, stilphur: Miss Deacon 1, j Mrs B. MclCenzie 2. One vase daisies, pink: Mrs A. L. Scott 1, Mrs W. Bailey 2. One I vase daisies, any other variety: Mrs V. E. Hamilton 1, Mrs W. Bailey 2, Mrs W. S. Mitchell h e, Miss Hassall c. Six pelargoniums. distinct varieties: Mrs A. L. Scott 1, Mrs V. E. Hamilton 2, Mrs V. E. Hamilton and C. M. Roswell h c. Three pelargoniums, distinct varieties: Mrs V. E. Hamilton 1, C. M. lioswell 2, Mrs V. E.. Hamilton and Mrs W. G. Black h c. Six geraniums, zonal, distinct 'varieties: Mrs W. Bailey 1, Mrs Nicholson 2. Three geraniums, zonal, distinct varieties Mrs ,W. Bailqy 1, S. W. Denn 2. Three ivy geraniums, distinct-varie-ties: Mrs' V. K. Hamilton 1, Mrs J. Dalziel 2. Twelve distinct varieties outdoor blooms: Mrs V. E. Hamilton 1, J. D. Edmonds 2, K. M. Waghorn and Mrs W. G. Black h c. Collection of cut flowers arranged for effect: Mrs E. C. W. Powell 1, Miss L. E. Harris 2, Mrs E. C. W. Powell hc. Three varieties J flowering shrubs: Mrs W. J. Langdale, 1. One/j vase flowering shrub: Mrs W. S. Mitchell 1, Mrs J. A. Merry "2, Mrs W. Bailey h c. Three vases eric*, varieties: Mrs W. G. Black h c. One vase erica: Mrs V. E. Hamilton 1, Mrs W. G. Black 2. Six vases stocks, distinct varieties: Mrs J. H. Thomas 1, Mrs J; H. Thomas 2. One vase fito'cks: Mrs J. H. Thomas 1, Mrs V. E. Hamilton 2, S. Craw, Mrs J. H. Thomas, and Mrs \V. G. Black h c. Six vases antirrhinums, distinct colours: Mrs V. E.- Hamilton 1, E. L. .H. Brown 2, . Mrs D. Coleman h c. One vase antirrhinums: MiRS Deacon 1, Mrs V. Bailey 2, Mrs V. E. Hamilton h c. Three yases violas, distinct colours: Mrs W. G. Black 1, T. E. Whitfield 2. Six pansies, distinct varieties: Mrs W. Bailey 1, S. Craw 2, J.- D. Edmonds hc. Three vases fuchsias, distinct varieties: Mrs W. G. Black 1, Mrs Nicholson 2. ■ One vase Oriental poppies: Mrs W. Bailey 1, Mrs Jv H. Thomas 2, T. E. Whitfield h c. One vase heliotrope: E. Ij. H. Brown 1, Mrs W. J. Langdale' 2-. One vase verbena: Mrs V. E. 'Hamilton 1, T. E. Whitfield 2. .One vase gaillardias! Mrs E. M. Brown 1, Mrs W. Bailey 2, E. M. Parry h c. One vase scabiosa: Mrs W. G. Black 1, Mrs V. E. Hamilton 2. One vase phlox: J. 3>. Edmonds "1. One vase

Nemesis: Mrs Thornley 1, Mlaaes L. and E. Wilson 2, J D. Edmonds h c. One vase arum lilies: J. lUingsworth 1, —. Airs 2. Qne truss rhododendrons: J. D. Edmonds_l, -T. E. Whitfield 2. Three vases statice, varieties: Mrs W. G. Black 1. One vase statice: Mrs W. G. Black'l, Mrs 0. M. Roswoll 2. Six cut flowers of rock plants: Mrs 0. M. Roswell 1, Mrs A; L. Scott' 2. One vase lavender:. Sirs J. A. Poulton, 1,. Mrs W. Bailey 2. One vase flowers, not enumerated iin schedule: Mrs W.-Bailey .V, Mrs Wr. S. ■Mitchell 2, Mrs. N. Longuet v. h c, J. D. Edmonds he. ' '

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17625, 30 November 1922, Page 12

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FLOWER SHOW. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17625, 30 November 1922, Page 12

FLOWER SHOW. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17625, 30 November 1922, Page 12