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Readings by Self-recording Instruments- at •• The Press" Office, Christchurch, up to 1 a.m. on November 10th, J922.

THE WEATHER. Meteorological observations token at the Magnetic Observatory, Christchurch, at 9.*0 a.m. fundi 5 p.m.. on. November 9th: — 9.30 a.m. 5 p.m. Barometer ~ •• 29-343 20.253 Thermometer


(From observations taken at 9 ».m. yesterday.) Station. "Wind. Bar. Tier. Wth.

Wind,—C, calm; 1, light; br, brees#; fb, fresh breeze; m g, moderate gale; g, gale > w, gale of exceptional severity. "Weather.—B., blue sky, be the atmosphere clear or heavy; C, clouds, passing clouds; D, drizzling rain: P, foggyj G, gloomy, dark weather; H, hail; L, lightning; M, misty; O, overcast, the whole sky covered with thick clouds; P, passing showers; Q, squally; B, rain,, continued rain; S, snow; T, thunder; 13, ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy.

' Forecast. Present indications are for strong northwest to south-west winds, unsettled and squally weather with rain generally. The barometer ia unsteady with a temporary rising tendency.

- ' ♦ ' S THE PRESS, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 1#, 1922. THEATRE ROYAL. 1 A MUMMER'S LIFE. A LOSS TO MUSIC. [) J "THE PRESS" W 1 nS* i'THE BAT." ■- — 4 WAB PEOPAGANDA WOEK. —- —» A GREAT ENGLISH SINGER. Magnificent Readings by Self-recording Inst "The Bat" still continues to draw to the Mr "W. Mayne Lynton, the English actor who plays Aiiderson, the detective, in The at, which is at present running undet the J- C. "Williamson management at the Theatre Super-Axminster Christcburcb, up to 1 a Theatre ftoyal audienoes attracted by the mysterious and the dramatic. Thrill eucoeedB thrill in rapid succession until one is bewildered by their very number. The plot. DEATH OF SIB CHARLES Carpets Tker. Wind, S.W.; cloudy ibeatbb. SANTLEY. Barometer, 29.10 at »nr>ouno«i ofthe ft ,)-»^^ CbSpllBin 0^!S?'to-momk>W. •^SS-cs^""-'UU'of W« in S 8 8 u PP' cm^ «i. SfW« »°fL The exterior s<*nc3 *55 *"* P '!f mountains, giacicra, though the thaw and ti« Actual railroad wilderness and the X *° rk t!iat m " i,st » AIM'"" summer season £k ft* "T.ri efficiency are pitted £**KZnu, {orzn £tirnn " » elt \s? s of story. The !T5 ™ of tie exterior ecenes por- „{ Alaska furr.Hi a coraK. lb «•"• , tv; s »we-inspirir.g part CE* 1 *. J st»tt». " The Iron Trair .' is K»if 1 * «-ch'« strongest stories, and as tta Erection of B. William ES"' .-.vfnl in f-TT detail to the &*« fetch's writing. The leading by an alitor rost that &"£2htm Standing Thurston Hall, Tell, Betty Carpenter, L. .nd Bert Markov. COI ? e ' T - ., The . Id!e b* screened at all sessions 0*'< The box plans »t The ___ , JPBBN'S theatre. Body, Border and Runnen to momm wonderfully developed, .works to a dramatic conclusion in a steady progression of events of increasing intensity reheved here and there by remarks in a brilliant dialog as welcome as they are witty All the time the audience is endeavouring to place the guiit on the real criminal, but so well is discovery guarded against that it is only when the curtain is on the point of being rung down that the mystery is solved. Miss Dunne, as Lizzie, is the humourist of the cast, and excellently docs she do it Miss Temple gives the impression of^T eat as she guides the plot. Miss Wilford ooes much to foster the sense of mystery. The Hoyal, haa. had an interesting career, fhe story of which is not altogether a recitat of the various managers lie has piayed under. (FROM OFR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) match. Super Qualify . . 19'6 yard til Phases of Moon for November. & 00 ' He started m life as an electrical engineer, but never having had much interest ia ohms and watt3 and phases, he struggled out of a tangle of armature .wires on ti tile stage. Like most good Ejngiish actors, he was schooled by Sir IT. K. After two and a half years as a he went to another of the school, Uscar Asch-, and wa3 put to i the agi>ny of having to LONDON, September 26. Despite his great age—Sir Chalres Santley was SS —he retained all his faculties to the last, and the day before he passed away, he was able to receive in Iris room one of his oldest i friends. Although for the last few j These beautiful Carpets are guaranteed super-quality, the test that England manufactures, the designs and colourings are new and varied, and the price it the same as usually for a lower grade. May ae show them to J3u ? Axminster Body, to be made up to fit any room; Fawns, Cream, T3 < $ N :i d O Full Moon. var V"\ Sd 6h 7m o.m. B Last Quarter. at § 12d 7h 23m p.m. w sQ| New Moon. H \ 4 19d llh 36m o.m. M « Fiwt Quarter. L 2fid 7h 4om p.m. /J wrestle Henry Aiuley in "As You Like It" weeks he had been confined to his j male actors, one and all, invest the mystery nightly in Lcndcn. After that he went to Scotland, to stage manage "Rob Rov,'' which, with Hcdmont and Alice Esty in the cast, room, he suffered no pain, and enjoyed , his pipe praefically to the last. Re- j Red and Black Grounds— 1 with an enthralling interest. Now 19/8 yard £ evvnue ran for twelve It was during fhat cently he received the blessing of the , 27in. Runnsr Carpets, to matcholnUro 9.30 o.m. 1.30 p.m. 9 p.m Barometer—29.20 29.17 29.10 Thermometer—64 €6 61 FULLER'S OPERA HOUSE. tour, when p'.ayin-j Captain Thornton, that ho was accidentally stabbed by an actir named Herbert Benton. Once again over the Pope, and, in the words he himself : Now 19/8 yard )* used, he "passed away fortified by , Axminster Body, in special Light I H _ -f A typical holiday programme may be seen this week at the Opera House, ihe loading border, Mr Lynton played in "The Manxman," Shakr-speare's pant jrals, Burnand's comedies, and at th« London Lyceum figured in the cast of a nlay by Justin Huntly the rites of the Holy Catholic j Church." His pipe was one of the joys of his ; Grounds .. .. Now - IT/6 Axminster Runners, in all shades, cheaper qualities .. Now 14/6 | Maximum temperature (or 24 houi Minimum temperature for 24 horn Rainfall for 24 hours ending 1 a.m Rainfall for November, 1921 —.16in. turn is undoubtedly that provided by Everest's monkey hippoJrome, the P e^ r ™ an " , the clever little animals wonder and also amusement. Artists Alio contribute to the eKCcllentprogrammeare Louis Bloy, Carlton and Le Km Litt'.e Lorna, Hyman Lenzer Great ual beanie, Mr and Mrs Kennedy Allen, Joe Brsanan, and Ida Newton. Macarthy, in which Mr Mathcson- plavthe lead. associated with last years, ethers being his books and Wilton Runners, in Saxe and Black i 1 » n I Rainfall for November, 1922—2.1& pictures; but music remained the pasNow 16/6 18/6 36in. Super Axminster Runnere, all shade 23/6 Axminster and Wilton Squares, all shades and sizes, from 9ft. x 10£t. ■ Rainfall for 1921 to date —22.66in. the late James Welch. William Grant, W. E. Hol'.cv.av (son of W. J. Holloway), a.n<a wns for a t:me in vai:d-ville. Twelve years ago, he contracted to go to America, to appear in The Lie," with Mare.iret Illington. but as they could not. sion of his life to the cnd.~ He had a. : Mark Taplev-like cheerfulness, and : when interviewed on his eighty-first | birthday, after being confined to his room with a bronchial attack, he 3 | Rainfall for 1922 to date—19.Kin. Sunshine recorded on "The Preas' 2 hours 10 minutes; after noon utea. Total for year to date, 1 spending period last year, 1' hit it, he went on tour with Ben Grant laughingly said, "Eighty-one! Oh, 6in. .. .. £13/13/SCOTTISH SOCIETY. playin? Shnkespeare all over the Ptates. He was with Geo. Arlws in "T)israe!5" in NewYork. with pothern and Marlow, played with Don?] as Fei'bar.ks in comedy, and with nonsense. That's a mistake. I'm only thirty-five—not a year more, I assure you. At least, I don't feel , so." 1 Liskurl Rugs and Mats, in all sizes. every plain shade— Lowest pricoj THE WEATHER. ♦ Annie Buss«L] in Shnkespenre. He was in Cohan and Hj>rri«'s "Ptop. Thief,"«Comi>any. then lv ith Bates in "Half-an-Sir Charles was knighted in 1907, t and was also a Knight Commander of ; Drayton-Jones Meteorological observations token «t th« Magnetic Observatory, Christchurcii, ftt 9.00 Li In of Zanzibar," which will T* *t tie Queen's Theatre this r^ktbrilliant drama from the story WftZi Htrfing Davis The second at-WrZ-ng ia "Tell it to the Marines," SfiJIgL J»n« and Katherine Leo. GATHERING OP THE CLANS. Hour" in New York. St. Gregory, and had the distinction of ; (Drayton.Jones' Corner) a.m. and 1 6 p.m. on November 9tn: — "Just to show my luck," said Mr Lynton. "I have not bron out of more thsn being the only titled male singer. In j addition to publishing several books ; Corner LICHFIELD and COLOMBO 9.30 a.m. 5 p.m. Barometer •• •• 29.343 29.263 The Scottish Society of New Zealand celebrated its coming of age last evening, w en the 21st annual gathering of the c " n ® held. The Society'» hall was crowded for the occasion. A splendid programme had been drawn up as follows .—Selection, Chris - church Highland Pipe Ba,nd; apng. Scots ei?ht days during my twelve yeaTs i" America. I don't nwan that I have not on the art of singing, he also wrote "Eemini8cences of My Life," which STREETS * 9 D3369-9571 1 Thermometer Dry bulb ... .. 64 67.8 Wet bulb .. .. 62-8 61.7 Max. prev. M hours ..64 — Max in sun .. . • 132 130 Min. pTev. 24 hour# .. <8-8 — boen out of the bill for longer, but somehow or other I have alwavs managed to fix up an ensage-mnnt without any lost time —the y,T,"'k- r ir nf fW After the reason with Blanche Bates he was issued in 1909. He twice married, fjfag SEW YORK SLEEPS." ' £.'»._ fidelity to detail are two BT. Ad, the Fox Film Corporation, |P" j "Wills iN'ew York Sleepa,' RS bid for th« success of this picture. i* divided into three acts, m enthralling incident in the homo of a suburIb» second episode ehows number from Ziegfeld's Frolic, together with soenes from HE. nZfj t t femous New York cafe. ISjMiiodt depicts a tragedy of New Em Side, in which the tense action, ESit«t » tigerish shop girl, a dumb is gentle, tender-hearted son, and ESitcr leader of • hand of thieves. E£mTooenw a river fight between, the Lr«iooli» boat and a gasoline launch Krr.CZLr. 0 f the robber gang. The RTLtrfred by an all star cast, includEUi IUylor, (Kuc McDetrmoU, Earl MTgjny Sothern, and William Locke. ETjiw parti and Is claimed to bo gif beginning to end. !?/»' ••fr JfatfEB CRYSTAL PALACE. first in'1859 to Gertrude, granddaughter of Charles Kemble, while his second marriage took place in 1884, to ' CORRESPONDENCE. went into pictures at Longbeach, under the late William Tay'.or, who was murdered six Elizabeth Mary, daughter of George Rose-Innes. His only daughter is the 1 "Mii-n.- cm grass .. .. 41-2 Wha Hae," Mr Leslie Fleming; eong, ..n ii ih. Air" Mrs T. Meredith; iSSSd«. Ballad," Mr Clothier; Mi« P. Maymrdi; »eann tnubhais, Mij Oraigiel«. lt ' k Mrs ™Miss Ward,; Dorothy Moore and Gracie , and Maatera Keith Guthrie and Gavin holxn; selection, Christohurch P;p« B»iid. Bong, "Hoar the Pipers Calling, Mastei • Towraentf; song, "Auld Robin Grey, W. D. Stallard; Gillie Galium [Miss CTissie Braokenridge; eong, Pipew, Mi G Struthera; duet, "Wert Thou in the; Cauld Blast," Mesdames Scott ajid Beeves; quartet party, Avonside Quartet Party I «H?g, "Sound the Pibroch." Mr McQuame; aailor'fl hornpipe, Miss Gracie Brackenridge; song "Annie Laurie," Mrs Heeves; reel o tulloch, Misses Tholma, Poppy, Frances, months ago in Los Angele3 under mysterious circumstances. Mr Lynton haa also appeared wife of the Hon. Kobert Henry Lyttelton, brother .of Viscount Cobham. "THEIR CHILDREN SHALL SEE Max. during day .. — Humidity per cent. .. 47 65 Wind W.N.W., N.E. light, v. light. Cloud (0-10) .. ... 6 9 Bain O.Oliin. NILDOMINION BEPOBTS. with Marguerite Clark in "The Seven Sisters," Mary Pickford in "Poor Little Peppina," and Olga Petrova in "The Tigress." "I loathe the business," said Mr Lynton, when asked how he liked acting before the camera. "In pictures you seem to go back. To my mind it is demoralising—intellectually One has to sacrifice too much of one's manliness and individuality. For the time There was little promise of musical greatness in his early life, writes a friend. A Liverpool man, he beganas an apprentice to a provision _ firm, and .then became, a bookkeeper in a leather and hide factor's office. But music had already captured his imagination—he had sung at the Liverpool IT, AND BE GLAD." TO THE EDITOR OF "THE PRESS." Sir,—The removal of an old building from the eastern frontage of Christ's College reveals the hitherto unappreciated value, from an aesthetic being you are a puppet in the hands of a Philharmonic when only fourteen, and standpoint, of this historic school site.. ___ produoer—simply someone to carry out his had earned the warm praise of the conIs it permissible to suggest that the school authorities consider the practicaideas, which are not always of the brightest. I did not stick it long at the pictures, but went baclt to New York, joined Maris Temductor, Benedict —and although offered double salary to remain on the office (From observations token at 9 a.m. yesterday.) Station. "Wind. Bar. Tier. Wth. stool, he left business life, accompanied bility of preserving to the school, and Napier N.N.W., Lb. 23.59 68 O pest for a while, and was in "Lilac Time" by the good wishes of his employer. He was twenty-one years of age when he set out for Italy with £40 in his pocket to seek fl, musical career. Good fortune brought him as pupil to the famous Gaetano Nava, and he appeared the public, this pleasing prospect of Cape Egmont N. I.b., 28.57 69 BC with Jane Cowl. "I should tell you that when war broke out I got- in the line. I got into the Sportsmen's Battalion in London, but wa3 thrown out because of my foot. That is how I came to be on the stage in America. However, after 'Lilac Time,' rather than go out on the road, I elected to play in 'The Man Whc Came Back,' and after eight weeks I was buildings which unquestionably possess unusual artistic distinction? Assuming that the authorities are acting directly, or indirectly, as trustees for the public, it behoves the latWa.ngar.ui N.W.. br. 29.68 60 BC Wellington W.N.W., f.b. 29.51 61 BC Cope Campbell W., f.b. 29.88 65 BZ Farewell bpit N.W., br. 29.63 60 C * Grey-mouth N.W., br. 29.53 65 C Arthur's Paaa N.W., 1. 29.64 44 R ■mW oi th» programme that is being MMflnatsr Crystal Palace this weelc ESu || uj one could wish for. 'A'he |55L jjjgf m the Universal master* «< • J Clulins*" /\f OV1Q PfOa and Florence Buist. Another fine concert haa been arranged at the Pavia Opera House in "Travipta" and "Ernani." Several times, ter to interest itself sufficiently to secure the utmost aesthetic value from Ckristchurch N.W., 1. 29.37 61 B Akaroo for this evening. before success came to him, he was the site, and, above all, to assure itself that the site will not be dealt with in a TYiAnnflr nnwrvrt.hv nf t.liA /* tin Tin nf Lighthouse Calm 29.89 60 B 1 ordered to report for service by the British Mi'IUam* Micoii/Mt nn/1 rroTit nn o. nlTAIlft t«OUT reduced almost to despair. When he 1 ___ . J X A Tjl«w1 A J AH. 1 tf 1 Yl IJunedin Bluff JNJi., L &>■<>* 00 " S.W., 1. 29.27 60 OFP

Dry bulb .. < 64 67.8 Wet bulb . 62.8 61.7 Max. prev. M hours .. 64 — Max in sun .. 132 180 Min. prev. 24 hour# .. 48.8 — Ma. cm grass .. 41.2 67.8 Max. during day . — Humidity per cent. . .. 47 65 Wind .. .. • . W.N.W., N.E. light, v. . light. Cloud (0-10) 6 9 Rain .. •• . O.Oliin. Nil'

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17608, 10 November 1922, Page 15

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"THE PRESS" WEATHER REPORT. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17608, 10 November 1922, Page 15

"THE PRESS" WEATHER REPORT. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17608, 10 November 1922, Page 15