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The Ladv Editor will be P>a*> d to receive 7 for publication m he "Women's Corner'' items of W or.-personal news. Sucn »t e , ms ™°"£ be full* authenticated, and engagement notices must bear the b gnatures of both parties. Comspondence is inv ted on any matters atfectins or of interest to. woman.

Mr and Mrs A. W. Steele, who nave been visiting Timaru, have returned to Christchurch, and are staying at the Royal Hotel. Mrs P. Johnson, who has been visitins Miss Overton (Hereford street), returns to Mt. Torless© to-day. -

Miss Kathleen Cracroft-Wilson (Barry's Bav) is the guest of Mrs JN. M. Orbell, Heaton street. Mr'and Mrs Bnicc Douglas have returned to ScargiU, after spending a week in town.

Miss Rita Moss and Miss Helen "Whyte (Wellington) are paying a. bnet visit' to Waikari, where they are the guests of Mrs B. L. Bhinden. The Mieses Menzies Gibb are paying a visit to relatives in Melbourne, and intend being away from Christchurcn for a few months.

Miss Rosa Alba arrived from Dunedin last and is staying at,the Federal Hotel. On Wednesday evening, m the Choral Hall, Miss Alba gives her farewell concert in OhristAurch. where she, is sure to receive a warm welcome. Arrangements are well in hand foa the Canterbury University College Diploma ball, which is to be held at the Art Gallery on Friday evening. Mr G. A. G. Connal, the secretary, and ins energetic committee are working; hard to ensure the success of the evening. Messrs Bernard and Charles Rennell leave'this week on a v''fiit to tllieir sister, Mrs Sidney McLean, Alosman's, Sydney. Last evening, Mrs C. J. Ronaldson, Papanui road, gave a most delightful little fox-trot party as'a-farewell to the Misses Herdman, who are shortly leaving Christchurch, where they have made hosts, of friends. The drawing-room was gay with large bowls of plum blossom, and spirited music was supplied by Mr Willyams. Miss Ronaldson assisted her mother in the entertainment of the guests, amongst whom wore: Misses Violet and Hazel Herdman, Nancy Hartley, Dorothy Laurie, Alaberley Beadel, Daphne Beadel, Kathleen An derson, (Invercargill), Rosamond "Wood, Trixie jWarren, Connie Ledger, Mapjorie and Jean McDougall, Noelino Knight* Messrs Ronaldson (2), Herdman, L) Le Crcii, R. Beadel, Dnlph, J. Beadel, G. Beadel, B.' Knight, M. Warren, Ferrier (2), Macfarlane, Diamond, C. Wright, and Dr. Gunn. A thoroughly successful kitchen afternoon was given by Mrs W. S. Pratt at her residence, Lower Ricearton, oh Saturday, for Miss Alelva White, wjio is, to be married shortly. During the aftcrI noon, competitions wore held, and much merriment was caused by the openirig of j the various packages, all of which conJ> tained useful .articles. Amongst those "present were Mesdames' Pratt, sen., Woods,. Walls, Askew, Misses Melva White, Alatheson, Hahna,. Wilson,': White.(2), McCaffery, Walls, Blazey (2), Hawker, Newton, and Carrigg. A jolly surprise party was taken to the residence of Mr and Mrs C R. Craythorne, "Broomfield," Yaldhurst, to welcome them (homo from an extended visit to Australia. The party received a hearty welcome, after which; competitions, dancing, and singing were indulged in. The music was supplied by 'Air C. Woils. Included amongst the party were: Mesdames Hean, Marshall, Nowton, Andrews, Winterbourn, Ilea, McKinley,'Misses Agnes LStwlor, Teresa Lawlor, Stonb, Marion Stone, Walls, Mclntyre, Andrews, lies. Leonie Craythorne, NToeline Oraytnorne, Afessrs Hean, John Marshall, Winterbourn -'(3), Newton, Day, Bernard Kennell. McKinley, Andrews, Jones,. Leland, Cray* thorne, and Victor Hean. * On' Saturday evening ■ a party . of students from,the Christchurch 'irairiing College visited the Military Sanatorium and gave the soldiers a very enjoyable, entertainment. The programme was greatly appreciated by the patients, especially the recitations by little Miss Brewing. Mr Alalcolnij who also made the trip, gave 6everal entertaining items. Other members of the party whose items were appreciated were Miss M. Warrington. Mis 3 Smith, Mu s Vcice, Air Harper, Mr Beaumont, and Mr Ford. - •' t . On Thursday afternoon the members of the AmberJey Mothers' Union met in the Parish-room, for the' purpose of farewelling their president; Airs W. F. Knowles, who will sliortly bo leaving jhe district. During the afternoon Mrs. KnowJes gave an interesting account of the work done during her ten years of presidency, after w,hich the vice-presi-dent, Mrs C. B. Mason, expressed the regret of the memi>er3 at Airs Knonles's retirement, and made feeling reference 4,0 the good work, faithfully performed bv her. On behalf of the Union Mrs Mason presented the guest of the afternoon, with a beautiful silyer vase, suitably inscribed, and wished her many, years of happiness in her new home. ■ Several members also spoke feelingly of the good work of Mrs Knowles, and of i the help she and All- Knowles had always been ready to give to all, especially to those who were in trouble, or adversity. Mrs Knowles in the course of thanked the members deepely for the kind remarks made about her, and for the handsome present. Mr Knowles, who was present, spoke of the work done bv the Alothers' Union, and wished the Amberiey branch, much success. A delicious afternoon tea- was given by Airs E. Chamberlain, and Miss May Bristow. During the afternoon, musical items were given by ' Aliss Haden,. and a recitation and monologue byMiss Nina Chamberlain. Miss Rosemary Rees, the. well-known New Zealand actress-playwright, has , just completed a successful tour of the North island? with her* own comedy, "The Amateur Adventuress." Owing to the heavy list of bookings in the. South Island, she is at present touring , a smaller company with Hubert Henry Davies' comedy 'The Mollusc." MissRees has been unable to secure the Theatre Royal here for some time, but ha* arranged to play "The Mollusc" at Lyttelton on Friday on her way through from the West Coast. New Zealandera who were at Home during the war will remember Miss Rees starring with Julius Knight in this famous comedy throughout England and France. Miss Rees's leading man is Air Harold J. Moran who is well known in New Zea- ■ land for his excellent work with tho Muriel Starr and "Daddies" companies. A most enjoyable dance was held on Saturday evening in the "Cadena" by the staff of Bing, Harris, and Company, fctd., and their friends, the arrangements being very capably carried outny Miss Langnuge and JAr Sisson. The rooms were tastefully decorated, the colour scheme being black and gold. During tho evening vocal items were contriouted by Messrs E. J. Johnson, E. Bartlett. and W. .Toll, and- were

thoroughly appreciated. Mesdames S. A. Orchard, C. N. Fraser, and E. J. Johnson acted as chaperotts. Excellent mbsic was supplied by Miss Macdo aid's orciiestra. Those present in.luded: f Mesdames S. A. Orchard, E. J. Johnson O. N. Eraser, W. Joll, E. Bartloit, N. Hall, JU. Clarkson ; Misses .Poore, Bryden, Pruden, Langridge (2), Busby, Powley, Taylor, Blunt, Cook, Carpenter, Smith Joyce, Handisides, Messrs t>. A. Orchard, B. J. Johnson, J. Read, W. Joil, E. Bartlett, N. Hall. H. Thomson, S. McCausland, P._G. Martin, S. Smith, A. Walker, R. s>isson, A. Besley, C. Goodman, H. Sinclair, O. Handisides, C. Chamberlain] H. Lester: S. Erwood (Dunedin), B. \jook, Gledhill, V. Lovk, (x. Clarkson, G. Binny, • and ./.ought. On Saturday evening, at the. residence of Mrs G. H. Woods, the members of the Eedcliffs School Committee and their wives, and the teaching staff, tendered a social evening to Mr and Airs E. Sandford and family, who are leaving the district. A good programme of niusic, songs and games, was given oy those present. At the supper adjournment Mr A. Holden, chairman of the committee, in a very happy speech,, spoke in eulogistic terms of Mr Sandford's enthusiastic work on the committee, demonstrating, by his activities, his interest in all matters affecting the school. In presenting him with a pipe as a token of the good-fellowship existing, he hoped -Mr Sandford would retain happy memories of his connexion with the school, committee, and wished him and his family all prosperity in the future. Mr W. D. Kirkpatri k, headteacher, on behalf of the staff, spoke of the indebtedness of the school to Mr Sandforu, and the loss it would sustain through his removal from the district. Mr Sandford* feelingly acknowledged the kindness and good wishes of the committee and teaching staff. A hanpy gathering terminated v hearty cheers lieing .given for Mr Sandford and family:

A pleasant social evening was held at tho residence of Airs G. H. Woods, Redcliffs on Saturday, when the ihemberß of the Redcliffs School Committee, together witth. their wives and the teaching staff, met to bid farewell to Mr and Mrs E. F. Sandford, who are leaving tho district to reside in North Canterbury. Air A. Holden, chairman of the School Committee, presented Air Sandford with a pipe, and in doing so expressed the wish that Air Sandford would retain happy memories of hie connexion with tlhe School Committee. .He also wished Mr arid Airs Sandford "all •the -future. The evening wasr-spent with a programme of music, songs, and games. ' . ' lAIPORTANT TO WOMEN. Excessive perspiration under the, armpits,_ as ■ every woman knows, is most objectionable and : ruinous to fine clothing. A judicious use of before retiring will end this distressing annoyance at once. Odo-rono can be obtained in 2s 6d and 4s 6d bottles from D. Ferguson GlanvUe, chemist, High street. G5356-4534 FURS AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICE. By buying your Furs from T. Best and Cb;. Ltd., 140 Lichfield street, you secure them at the manufacturer's price, - so save. yourself the wholesaler's and retailer's profits. This firm has won a big reputation for the quality of ite jj'urs, which are handled only by expert wonicrs, under the personal supervia-n of the principal. 83135-4016-3 BRING OUT ALL THE BEAUTY OF .'■ YOUR HAIR. At the dance you want your hair to appear at its best. - Madam Sands' Electric Massage Treatment will bring out all' the beauty of your hair, and will make and keep it attractive, de- ' velop the life, and give it a 1 clean, luxurious appearance. Every particle of dandruff • removed. Aladam Sands ako specialises in Buster. Haircutting. Consult Aladam at her Toilet Salon at Stewart Dawson's Buildings. Take lift. Call or 'phone 81fil. 58948-2510 An increasingly valuable department of Ballantyno's is the Toilet Salon, located on the first floor. The removal of. surplus hair by electrolysis, hairtinting, shampooing, face massage and manicuring, .are all successfully undertaken by. whose services are ever available. 9 ♦ "ATHOAIE." Yesterday afternoon, at the Y.W.C.A. £he Ohrifitohu'rch Ladies' Guild of the British and Foreign sailors' Society, gave an "At Home,'' which was honoured by the presence of Lady Jellicoe, who, accompanied by Mrs John Montgomery, arrived shortly after 3 o'clock and was received bv Mrs T. G. R. Blunt, President of the Guild, by whom she was presented with a fragrant bouquet of violets and freesias. Lady Jellicoe. was. gowned in a becoming frock of navy blue silk, the front panel and hash-ends being finished with silk fringe while tho bodice was tightened by a dainty collar and vestee of ivory georgette. The narrow brim of her highcrowned blue velvet hat was almost covered with flat white wings and her falling veil was richly embroidered. Mrs Blunt wore a navy braided coat and skirt, marabout stole, rose-pink hat lined with black and finished with smart wings. Airs Thacker's becoming dress was of brown panne velvet, with narrow bands of fur and her brown straw hat was trimmed with gaily hued flowers, and softened bv a falliner veil. Mrs John Montgomery wore a cream knitted silk frock, rose-pink wrap with white fur collar and rose-pink hat, with upturned brim. Thq reception room was most effectively decorated with a profusion of narcissi, plum blossom and wattle. Before the delicious afternoon tea was served, Airs Blunt gave an admirable address on the works of the Society, sketching its gradual growth from a modest beginning 103 years ago till the present day, when it has reached the proud position of haying branches in almost every port in the Empire. Coming nearer home, Mrs Blunt showed a wealth pf knowledge and a,depth of human sympathy, when she dealt with the activities of the Christchurch Ladies' Guild, which 1 been in existc.. .-. , a-lv-.t - ten years, though for 20 years prior to that date, much good work nau oeen done amongst tne sailors at Lyttelton by Mrs Clark and her friends. Mrs Blunt mentioned .hat last year eight thousand sailors visiteu tiie Institute at Lyttelton, and she reminded her hearers that, in addition, to arranging concerts and providing funds for comforts for the

Bailors, the members of her Guild never failed to visit weeklv, sick Boldiers m hospital. After tea/, Mrs Wilding gave a delightful interpretation of "Valse Triste " and Mrs Morley Palmer sang "Lady Betty" and, in response to an emphatic encore,, "Comin r Thro'.the Rye" Miss Dons Webb playing the accompaniments. . Mrs Carey and* Mrs J. S. Thomson (Vice-Presidents of the Guild). Mrs R. S. W ebb (Honorary Secretary),' Mrs Tritewan (Treasurer), and Mesdames Hugh Acland, Andrew Anderson, H. K;^ Fountain, Bakewell, E H Hamilton, D. E. Wood and Mto Fryer were all present and assisted in maJcing theafternoo- the eucces.- it undoubtedly was. Others present included Lady Denniston, Lady Boys, Mesdames John" Deans, Percy Johnson (Mt. Torlesse), George Gould Eric Harper. George Helmore, _H«ithcotp Gray, William Holland E. V. Palmer, Egerton W Cyrus W.lliams G M. L. Lester. Stanley Pankin, Mulcock. A. M. Burns, Kiver, Warren, Clark Malcolm, Lelloe, Hogg, Shnnd, Elmslie P G. Gibson, T. P. Gibson, Partridge, Calvin Lord. Flower, S. Parr, Beauchamp Lane, Hm™'. Misses Reores, Overton. Thompson, Atkinson* (2), Peggy Palmer, MaWley Beadel. JwW Beck, ett and Hester Archer. The members of the Guild must have been much gratified by the number of new members who joined during the afternoon.

CINEMA ACTRESS ROBBETX •(B7 Cable-Praia' Ateoclatoon-Copyngnt.) \ ■ ("The Time*.') * LONDON, August 13. Florence Turner, a cinema "star" who is visiting London, waa found bound and gauged at Hampstead, and robbed of £IOOO m jewels and money. WEDDINGS. BERG—WELSH. ,

At the Darfield, Catholic tfourch recently a very pretty wedding was solemnised, when Mr Augustus Victor Berg, of Christohurch, second son of Mrs A. V. Be** and of tW W» » Berg, was married to Misfll Elizabeth Welsh, second daughter of Mrs A V. Welsh and of the late Mr Welsh Darfield. The church was decorated for the occasion with palms, silver leaver and yellow blooms, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Hanrahan." Miss B. Morrison played the "Wedding March" as the bride.entered the church with her brother, Mr Jack -Welsh, who -subsequently gave her away. She looked very dainty in a gown of ivory crepe de chine, the skirt being accordion-pleated, and the bodice trimmed with nihbri, shadow lace, and pearls.. She wore a- hand-embroidered veil and orange blossoms, arid carried a; beautiful ivory-bound Prayer Book, with long satin ribbons, harid-pamtedj and suitably inscribed; a gift,from the officiating .priest. Mies Corrie Welßh; sister of the bride, who attended as was attired in palest lemon crepe de chine, made with accordionpleated panniers in skirt, ..ajid. relieved with a bunch of cherries at the waist. With thin she wore a hat to match, trimmed with cherries and forget-me-nots and carried a choice bouquet. Mr Dave Welsh acted as best man. After the ceremony, Mrs WeJsh, who was dressed in black crepe de chine, with crold bead trimming, and black togue. trimmed with, tulle arid mauve flowers, entertained the guests at a sumptuous wedding breakfast, where the customary toasts were duly honour*!. Subsequently Mr an-l Mrs Berg left by motor for their wedding trip, the bride travelling in a Bmart tailored navy blue costume opossum furs, and a dainty henna oatin straw hat. BftADLEY—HUNTER. < A very pretty wedding / was solemnised at. St. Andrew's P. esbytcnan Church, Ohristcluirch, recently, the Rev. D. Webster performing ttie ceremony. Miss M. Hunter, of Greymouth, waa united in marriage to Mr L. BradIcy, of Gharteris*Brty.: The bride, who was given away by Mr G. Harcourt (Kaiapoi)', wore a .navy blue costume, neatly braided' in black, and-navy Blue hat, relieved with henna-coloured fro ts and a/ dainty veil.. A beautiful bbuqilet; of freesios. spring flowers, and maidenhair fern completed, her toilette. Miss Bessie Gardiner (Puraii), who attended as bridesmaid, wore a smart navy costume and pink hat, Veiled with saxo blue georgette. Mr iAlex. Anderson, nephew or the bridegroom, v acted as best man. "The bridegrbora'B present to the bride waa a gold bnrigle, and to the bridesmaid a, gold and pearl broach, while the/ briaVs pr&kpt to .the .bridegroom was ai, gold nugget., After the ceremony' • the : guests were ■ received by the bride's sister, Mrs G. Harcourt, at The whore a moat, delicious wedding breakfast' was partaken of. The toasteof "The King," the "Bride and Bridegroom,'.'>■ the "Bridesmaid,", and the "Host and Hostess, "were honoured. Later, Mr and Mrs Bradley lefti for a honeyriiboh trip to Akaroa.

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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17225, 16 August 1921, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17225, 16 August 1921, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17225, 16 August 1921, Page 2