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AUGUST MEETING. SECOND DAY. Weather conditions were ideal for the continuation of the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club's August Meeting at Addington yesterday, and in consequence the attendance was well nbove the average. When racing commenced the running track was still heavy as a result of the recent rain, but it improved a great deal during the afternoon, and towards the close it provided good going, though it was still against last time making The racing ail through was thoroughly interesting and the performances registered by Ouralangi in the King George Handicap, and Albert Cling in the Speedway Handicap were very good. Mr H. Brinkman, the club's handicapper, had set backers a stiff task to find the winners, and in several cases the dividends received gladdened the hearts of a few lucky investors. All details had been carefully attended to by Mr A. I. Rattray, the club's secretary, with a result that very little delay occurred in the running of rhe different events, and the meeting went with a swine from beginning to end. Mr Albert Bidgood's orchestra provided excellent music, and added to the enjoyment of all not actively engaged in finding the winners. Mangoutu was one of the outsiders in the Improver's Handicap, but for once the erratic Galindo mare behaved kmdly, and gave a really good exhibition of straight out trotting, easily accounting for a big field. Though backed down to a short price in the Dash Harraicap, Embracer never threatened danger, and another outsider, in the Auckland-owned Wonderland, after be- j ing hard ridden over the last hundred yards, won from still longer-priced ones in Captain Stanley and Glen Mavis. Wonderland, who was previously in A. Fleming's stable at Riccarton, when he did a lot of racing in the unhoppled djyision, has of late put up some very good performances t with the straps on, and has shown a distinct liking for soft going. Backers fared better in the King George Handicap, for the favourite, another Auckland-owned one, in Oruarangi, led all the way, though he did not have much in the finish. Willie Lincoln went the best of tho back-markers, and did well to get "Into third place. Double figure dividends were collected ft the backers of "both Dillon Direct and Albert Wallace, the first and second horses in the Belgium Handicap, which resulted in a great face, and then Lackiewood, well handled by E. C. McDermott, accounted for a field of twenty in the Lincoln Handicap after a great race with that good mare Cammie. Marvin Junior, who was making his fourth appearance at the meeting, broke several times in the Avon Handicap, but lost-little ground as a result, and at the finish had too much pace for Belmont Chimes and Marietta. The latter met with interference in the Be'cohd round. Wild Eriar, who was purchased by Mr J. C. Clarkson only two days ago, showedplenty of gameness and staying ppwei when'he woti the Canterbury Handicap, but that good little pacer Paul Dufault made a fine effort to collect the big end of the purse. Wild Briar is a good solid pacer and will win m better company before long. The Speedway Handicap produced, a very fine contest The speodv Gleaming soon causrbt the front markers, and looked a likely winner with half the journey gone. He failed to run on and a brilliant finishing run by Albert Cling landed the Young Mcj\innev gelding a good winner. The totnlisator investments amounted to £60:695, as against £59,649 10s invested on -ae second day last year. Details of the racing are :

IMPROVERS' HANDICAP (iii harness), of 800 bovs. For xmhoppled trottsra only. 4.3 class. ~'im'Bf." * 13. D. Archer's, b m Mangonlu by Galindo—Espanlta, agecb 9a _ A. Butterleld 1 2. N. L. Price's b & Kola Boy syrs 4s . Owner 2 8. L. .Sutherland's br h Marvin Junr. aged Is " .. •'. J- Armstrong 8 14 Pieter Timmerman • la; 12 Our Goldie 2n: 10 Wild Tree 2a; 9 Bundaberg. ss; 15 Platinum ss; 1 Kola Bell 6s; 3 Balhn 6s; 4 Randolph-6s; 5 Nighborn 7s; 7 Details Wood 8s: 17 Lady Lena 9s; W Bellena 8s; 11 Eail Derby 9s; 20 Agnes W. 9s; 18 Miss Lorna 9s; 16 Peter Bell 8b; and 6 Meritorious 9a also started. At the stand Bellena. was in charge from. Mangoutu. Ballin. and Earl DeTby. In the back straight Bellena broke and Mangoutu assumed the lead, closely followed by Kol,a Bell, Nighborn, and Kola Boy. Two furlonps from home Kola Boy raced to the front; but in a good finish Mangontu came again and won by four lengths from tola Boy, who was three lengths in front of Mairvin Junr., and Ballin fourth. Tune, 4m 7 Ws; 4m 8 1-5; 4m 1 2-5. DAiSH HANDICAP (in saddle), of 8(10 sovs; second 60, thud 40. 2.17 class. 3m. 12. G. Paul's gr g Wonderland by Wildwood Jum I .—Lady Mary aged'os -J. Paul 1 18. R. Logan's blk g Captain Stanley aged 2s .. .. L. Rowlands 3 14. J. Smith's ch m Glen Mavis aged 5s O. Willetw 8

16 Partner Is; 21 Xavier 1«; 17 Birdwood 2s; 20 Huon Patch 2s; 9 Letitia 8a and Robert Dillon 5s coupled; 19 Frank Tiacey 8s; 5 Bellfashion 8s; 18 Gold Queen ,4s; 2 Silver Shoe 4s; 11 Hayseed 4b; 10 Henry Tracey 4s and Soprano 4s coupled v 6 Duke Whips 4s arid Bush Boy 4a coupled; 7 Imperial Fan 4a;. 1 Embracer 6s; 8 Breadalbane 6b; 15 Watchman fe; 8 Nell Poiuter 6s; and 4 Lady Pointer 5s also started^ Lady Pointer was quickest to oegin, -ma I*3 past the stand, followed by Nell Pointer, Imperial Fan, Silver Shoe, and Wonderland; This was the order going down the back, but coming into the straight Wonderland took charge,, and Glen Mavis at once throw out a strong challenge. The grey gelding held- his. own in tb» run to the goat and won a good race by three lengths, iaptain Stanley got up in time to Glen Mavis for secotrf place by a head. Breadalbane was close up.fowth and 2utll Pointer fifth. Times-2m 19s; 2m 16 2-6s; 2m 19 4-ss. _ ~ , , KING OEOBGE HANDICAP of 1000 sovs; second 200, third: 12a, fourth 75. 4.34 class. 2m. 1. G. Paul's b g Oruarangi by Golconda —Wild PiTate aged 10a „ J. Paul 1 8. S. Humphreys's blk g Vice-Adraral aged 8s .. M. B. Edwards 2 8. lies and Young's b g Willie Linooln „ aged 4s .. .. J-N-. Clarke 8 2. Mrs F. C. Allington's b g Wh^pcnn? Willie aged 8a .. K. B. Mil's 4 5. Eaors. J. Knight's b h Author Dd.on aged sor .. •,. B. /ardon 0 6. Miss N. Gunn's b g General Link aged 6s .. ..A. Flenrng 0 9. G. Steele's b g Aaturio aged 7s F. Holmes, ;v-ai. 0 4. W. B. Masham's br h Emilius ag«l 7s R. Dunn 0 10. C. Channing*s br g Agathos aged 8s E. Coskenll 0 I 7. J. Richardson's b g Jack Arraih ag<-d 8s N. L. Price 0

I Author Dillon appeared to lose ground at the etnrt, and Jack Arrah went away none too steadily. Oruarangi commenced quickly and led from Agathos, Asturio, Enrihua, | and Vice-Admiral. This order was unchanged during th© next circuit, and the back-markers appeared to have made up little of their han-licap. Author Dillon got closer to the leaders running down the straight, and picked tip a lot of ground before entering the back stretch the last time. At the tanks Emilius was beaten, and Ornarangi went farther away from his field. In, tho run to the poet • Ontarangi held his own to win by six lengihs from Tice-Admiral, who defeated "Willie Lincoln by a length; Whi*pering Willie was close up fourth, and Asturio fifth. Times—lm 42 S-ss; 4m 42 2-s*; 4m 89 4-ss. BELGIUM HANDICAP (in harness), of 400 | eove; second 100, third 50. 3.50 class. ' lm Sf. 5. A. Botterfield's b g Dillon Direct by Harold Dillon—Woodgrove MaH aged 2s .. •• •• •• Owner 1 14. T. Fairbairn's b g Albert Wallace «ged\ss .. .. 0. Smith 2 13. J. J. Here's b g Lewis McKinney aged 4s .. .. F. K. Legg 3 2 Thixendal* Is: .1 Nelson Derby 2s; 9 Doraldina Sb; 12' Medallions 3s; 8 Imperial Junior 4s; 7 Bon Patch 4s; 11 Thea 4s; 3 Coldwater 4a and OrjaMia fia. cenpled; 10

Malice ss; 4 Gladioli* Ea »nd 6 Gkdsyt to MedaHious and Bon Patch refused to leave the mark, and Gladeye at once went off.m front from Thea, Albert Wa lace, and Oaknut Oratorio aesumed the lead at the end of k circuit, and with Wis MoKinncy carried on the running to the straight, where Albert Wallace joined issue. Albert laoe appeared to be winning fifty yards from the post, but Dillon Direct came with a, neat run and won by two with tewis McKinney a tumilar distance away third Imperial Junr. and Onknut were tho next 'to finish. In the straight the second timo Thiieiriale came into contict with DSraldina% sulky and ML Times-^m « 1-5°- 3ra SB i" s6 '- ?m 56 s-5s - LINCOLNHANDICAP (in saddle), of 800 sovsT second 60, third 40. B.BS okas. 3 J Farrell's blk g Lackiewood by Wildwood Junr.-Innisfail syrs 7« E. McDormott 1 2. Burgess and Stewart's b m Commie 6vrs 6s •• •'■ "• " ltnera " 13. j; C. Wallace's br 'g Prince Burlington 3s • •• H - Froet 3 19 Shanghai Is; 12 Matty's Boy 3s; 10 Jewelwood 4s; 18 Hiram George the Fourth fs; 17 Sea Nymph ss; 6 Thl Rook ss; 11 Elite 6s; 14 EJlawood 6s; 8 Princess Zoe 6s; 1 Ramaroa 6s; 15 Billy Dillon 7s; 17 Vera K. 7s; 4 Grand Denver 8s- 6 Cardinal and Blue 8s; 9 Brownwood 8s; and 16 Walter Raleisih 8s also started. Grand Denver and Cardinal and Blue refused to btrike a gait, and Brownwood at once led with Lackiewooa, Billy Dillon, Vera K., and Cammie following in that,order. Passing the etandi the second time Lackiewood assumed the lead and led into the back stretch from Cammie and Brownwood. Lackiewood etayed in front for the rest of the journey, but had to be ridden out to beat Cammie by a length. Prince Burlington was two lengths away third, followed by Shanghai aud Bamairoa. Times—3m E2s; 3m 5f l-5»; 8m 475.

AVONHEAD HANDICAP (in harness), of 600 sovs"; second IM, 'liird 75. For unhopplod trottsrs only. 4.47 class. 2ra. 3. D. Sutherland's br g Marvin Junr. by Marvin Wilkes—Connie aged 16s Owner 1 1. F. Johnston's br h Belmont Chimes aged 7s .. • J. Bryce 3 2. M McLean's b m Marietta aged 10s H. Gaskill 3

7 Whispering Willie 2s; 10 Homeleigh Tick sa; 1 Navaire 18a and Overrate 16e ocupled with Belmont Chimes; 6 King Capitalist 8a; 4 Theseus 10s; 8 Billy Parole lis and Gay Wilkea 16s coupled; 9 Bffie Bingen ISs: 12 Harold Child 13s; 18 Olive L. 14s; 6 Miss Patty 15a; 11 Koraki 16s; and 14 Truganini 10s -tleo started. Overrate, Truganini, Marvin Junr., Miss Patty, and Bffie Bingen were the leaders in the early part of the race, but at the end of a mile Overrate and Truganini lost their positions and Effie Bingen broke when commencing the last round Marvin Junr. broke several times, but lost little ground and he leil into the straight from Marietta. Tbe latter threw out a strong challenge, but Marvin Junr. held his own, and won by six lengths. Belmont Chimes finished fast, and beat Marietta on the post for second place. Gay Wilkes aad Homeleigh Dick were the next to finish. Times—4m 68 4-ss; 4m 55 4-ss: 4m 495. CANTEBBUKY HANDICAP an harness), of 600 sovs; second 125, third 75. 4.40

clasß. 2m. 2. J. C. ClarkWs oh g Wild BriaT by Wildwood Jufljr.—Aileen, Syrs 4s J. Bryce 1 4. Yates and McTaggart'a b g Paul Duf ault aged la .. 3. Messervey, junr. 2 5. W. D. McLeod's b g Boyal Step aged 2s F. E. Jones 8

9 Sympathy Is; 6 Nancy Stair 2s; 1 Vilo 2s; 3 Nellie Scott 8b; 11 Pegasus So; 10 Peter Mac ss; 7 Mako Mako 6a; and 8 Greta 6s also started. <Mako Mako broke up at the start, ana Sympathy also lost ground. Peter Mac was the early leader and going past the stand he had as his nearest attendants Wild Bnar, Greta, NeUie Scott, and Vilo.. This was the order for a round when Paul Dufault moved up,- and passing the tanks he was on terms with Wild Briar. The pair, led into the straight, and in a punishing finish Wild Briar won by half a length, with Royal Step six lengths away third. Peter Mao was fourth. Times—4m 412-ss; 4m 88 8-ss; 4m 425. ■''■'". . " * SPEEDWAY HANDICAP (in harness), of 500 sovs; second 125, third 7S. 2.48

class, ljm. 6. M.J. Hannon's b g Albert Cling by Young McKinney—Embraoe aged ecr J. Henderson 1 2. J.'R. Corrigan's blk h Man o'_War aged scr '.. .. J. Bryce a 9. Sewell and McMillan's b g Trooper Dillon ,aged 4s -..--• .; O. E. Hooper 8 6 Cello Sydney Wilkeo ecr coupled with Albert Cling; 2 Moneymaker 2s coupled with Man o' War; 13 Marie Tempest scr; 5 Trix Pointer Is; 4 Gleaming Is; 14 Goldstream la; 8 Paul. Dufault 2s; 10 Partner 2s; 7 Asturio 2s: 1 Guynemw 8s; 11 Chid Sat 12 Tatsy,; Dillon 4s; and 3- Legacy •4s also started. Cello Sydney Wilkes and Partner broke up badlv, and Trooper Dillon led by a couple of lengths to the tanks, followed-by Moneymaker, Gleaming, and Paul Dufault. Trooper Dillon was still in front passing the tanks the second time, but Gleaming, Moneymaker, Asturio, Chid, and Man o' War were dose handy. A great battle in the straight resulted and with ,a brilliant run Albert Cling came through and won by two. lengths, Man o' War defeating Trooper Billon by a neok. Gleaming was fourth and Paul Dufault fifth. Times—2m 48s; 2m 48 2-sa; 2m 52 3-ss.

THIRD DAY'S HANDICAPS. MIDWINXKB HANDICAP (in sadule), of 800 sovs. for unnoppled trotters. 4.2 class. 1m af.

lm 6t. Imperial Crown sor Bonette .. 8s Marvin Junior .. scr Eley ■BaJUii 8s Gay Wilkes . Is 6s Pietor Bushranger . 8s Timmermsn 8s Randolph .. 8s Mushroom ' •• 4s Beal Lady 9s Truganini 4s Arcadian ... 9b Wild Tree 4b Nighborn 9s Colonel Havclock 6s Nimblefoot 9s Arran Lad •■ 6s Duboso 9s Ptttard • • Albertoria. 9s Merry Bingen ... 76 Electioneer Child 9s Bundaberg ■ .. 7b Bcllena 10s Craibwood ' .•• 7s Delvalle Wood .. 10s Platinum 7s Diailight 10s Our Lady 7s Chesterchild! 10a Peter the First 7s Meritorious 10s LIGHTNING HANDICAP On eaddle). of 850 SOTO ■ 2.16 class, lm. Lord Minto scr Bellfashion 8s Proudspring scr Looanda Dillon 8s Oapriccio Is Logan Queen .. Ss Javier .. Partner 18 Frank Tracey .. 8s 18 Breadalbane 4a Captain Stanley IB Silver Shoe 4a Huoh Patch 2s Matty'e Boy .. 4s Bird wood 2s Hayseed .. 4s Auguete Dillon .. 2s Admiral Hal . 4s Wonderland 2s Soprano •• 4s Letitia • • 8s Greta 43 Vriadne - •• 8s Ben Dillon 4s Lens •• 8s Gold Queen 4s Nanov Stair 8s Nell Pointer . 4s NATIONAL CUP HANDICAP (in harnesu), of 1600 B0V8. 1.33 etas. 2m. Author Dillon. .. sor Gleaming _ 7s Man o' Wwr .. 4s Reta Peter *. 7s Willie Linooln .. 4s Oruarangi . . 7» Albert Cling 4s Jack Arrah 8s Cello Sydney Vice-Admiral .. 8s Wilkes 5s Aeathos Silver Nut 6s General Link .. 6s 9s Trix Pointer .. 6s Partner 9s Asturio •• 7» Erin's Queen . . • 9s Sherwood • • 7s FEDERAL HANDICAP (in harne«), of 400 • sovs. 8.48 class, lm 6f.

Paul.Duf tult scr Nelson Derby .. » Irvar • • Is Embracer 8s Pirst Carbine Is Robert Dillon .. 8s Coil Is Peter Mao .. 4s WM Briar Is Bell Logan ■ 4e Dillon Direct .. 16 Bon Patch 4b Henry Tra«ey .. 2s Jewel Wood 4s Hayseed •• 2a Golden Pippin 4s Letitia • • 2« PeTaaus 4s Lady Pointer .. 2s Onknut 4s n u!te WMns 9s ' i ':„„ -# 4s Ben Lomond •• 3s Lone Bird 4s Onyx •• Brown's Nugrget 3e urlingtoa 4b 3s Medallions 48 Mako Mako .. 8s i-JlLU 4s HEATHCOTE HANDICAP (in harness), ci 500 sovs. For three and four-year oida. 10b limit, lit n. Kelson Defby •• scr Craig an Eran .. 10s Landlord , • • 2s Lin^'Uoy 10s Orocie Thorpe 6s *"Bing«iette 10s Silver Locanda 6s Florrie Audubon 10s Loganwood L?dv Jnan 6b €b Nellie Audubon Harewood ■ 10s i 10s ' Tobermory •> 6s Cardinal and Blue 9s »n Oscar Wilde . 103 10s After Hows JUs

ADDINGTOrT HANDICAP (to Unm) ifll 500 sots. For nnhopplod trotters enfe M h 1 4.47 claw. 2m. ;■ "& WhisDering Willie eor Navarre ii«l# Wonderland .. 7s Olive L. ii^ : l Marietta .. 7s Miss Patty King Capitalist 8s Koraki 14s %*$ 'g}"*™ , -8s Trnganini '.' Billy Parole .. 9s Sol Imperial Crown 10s Overrate gffitf Bingen .. lis Paul Hnon '.'. Harold Child ..Us ISLINGTON HANDICAP (in h%aitn) of ■■-«*? COO sots. 4.38 clast. 2m. "? Emilius .. scr Colemzt fie :*$ Whispering 'Willie Is Silver Shoe &• : '"':? Cnpriccio .. 2s Royal Step St * "-' Marie Tempest 3e Nancy Stair Trooper Dillon 3s Irvar St i t S» -jl Paul Dufault .. 3a Chid fit c-. | Sympathy .. 4s Greta U : %? Goldstream .. 4a Belmont Chime. fa -v| £cjS*«y .. 4s Shanghai <• £"° •• Bs Nellie Scott 64 ' FAREWELL HANDICAP (in haracM) « ;] 400 sovs. 2.48 class, jjm. Albert Cling .. «cr Birdwood 4s Olio Sydney Guynemer to Wilkes .. ie Captain Stanley Mane Tempest is Our Girl to St Gleaming .. 2s Kcta Peter St Moneymaker .. 3s Talsy Dillon ft Oinako .. 4a Logan Queen .. (• Erin's Queen .. 4s Broadalbane (• Acceptances clone at nonn Unlay.

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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17221, 11 August 1921, Page 8

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METROPOLITAN TROTTING CLUB. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17221, 11 August 1921, Page 8

METROPOLITAN TROTTING CLUB. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17221, 11 August 1921, Page 8