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heatecote. Tio Heathcote. County 'Council snot eveuinsr. Present —Z\l«srs G. -"i? (chairman), G. it. Hall, VT. Flavc-li, "W. Kerr, znd A. H. Adams. Tho various bank balances wer* reported to bo es follows: —Coiuitv fund, oebit £>IK> 2a 7d; Avoneide electric lighting: loan, cro<u» £43 23 iOd; CWumero -water and debit £452 12-3 Sd; Valley loan, ccs** £'3 8s 4d. The report irofl flooptoa. . Tho count? clork reported tk ß -" , wf re"istr."iior.9 durir:r tho past moiuil lot a lied fivo, hoary traffic iee&Za. fricnl couc-exioca fnr tho whole c<^ un Building perzr.ita to tho ti, n 8 ot " Bromley, £300 in Hillsborough, ami Cashmsro had been granted. Taa report was adopted. „ _ „ _ . . , Tho Hon. G. J. Smith. JLL.C.f wto _&3kinff permission to instal & hU daughter's residence in St. Margin a, end. also asking- permission to run rc;n -water t~ * v/a.«f« rrater into the. 6Wo channel on JU>or road. A report, from tho olospital _ Board reccjmnonded tho "ranting of pormiesion : foi tbe tan'-:, and permission -sra* nia-etl ™- ject to the work I*ing dono to the caabaction of tho Council's officer?. The Postmaster-General wro.o tnstt fh« petition, for tho establishment 01 a> pos*. office at Heathcoto Valley "™ nld l very careful consideration. The letter was rocoivod. . , ... Tho Re-turned Soldiers' Association -wro.a asking- advico of any suiis-blo hold:n?3 zr,2 returned' soldiers in tho Heathcoto district. It Tras decided to reply tno Coune.t, kno-w of so suitabio arsita iu. the du-ncfc present. EANGIORA. Tho first mooting of tho r.oTvly-clected Cottncil iar tho county of Jhuigiora wan held yesterday. Thcro T.ere present—Cra F. Horreli, A. Mcintosh. J. G. Doah. IT. C. Or.uandy, i H. Garrett, If. Ta-Uott, a'id G. Coy/eiie. jun. ! Jlr P. Horroil ttig re-elected chairman. Tho half-yearly balance-sheet was rdopjfia. It was rosolvod to placo on record W/} 1 ™ opprwiation. of tho eer,-;c&9 of ex-Ckjuncfllorsi "VV. Stalker and iL H. Stokea. It was decided to necept an offer from the District Health Officer to conurol_ and inrosligato fnfogtioua diseasbs and dxsinfoctions in, t.ho county, at aa annual cost of £23 17a 10(1. ... ~ Ik -was agre-sd to co-operaio with tho itetnrncd Soldiers' Association in connexion ■with tho eoUlcxccnt of soldiers on land. Word was received i<- ho little whilo tho Board oF Trndo<>)m--raittea could allocate an order for W fw of cement for tho now concrete bridge at ~ wn« appointed motor inspector for tho county. A eranti of £2S was maao to tho tmateos of tho old Ciiet. Cemetery for improvement PU Mr°JohTi Mncfatlano waited -upon tho Council with reforenco to the roadins? Oi 'M towstream E.tate, which is to for *alo. It was resolved that tho Council would under tako to form the r oa f%\k r o«?h the. ostato when it was no p nt able blocks for closer settlement. = !lJ r^ id - Tho receipta for the month, were £-.3 53 OH, and the bank debit was £3*l los Ha. EIXBSMEEIj. Tho monthly meotiiifr of tho BKesmers County Council otten.cled by J. Cunningham, .lohn Heslop, flennie. J. C. Freo, John IN axon, «vnd W. Cr. Cunningham was re-elected chsLrman. Tho following committees® were^ole&tcu. Works, Crs. He-lo;. and works, Cr?. Freo and finance, Cr. Eonnio and tho chairman. , _ _._ rir .,i A resolution was earned, placing °n record an appreciation ox tho v^Jua^ e _ _ rendered -to tho district by Mr 1' • * v-n ' who had left tho district. Mr L-emon •nan a member of tho ilrst council, and remained a member until tho recent election. . Tho IJofenca Department wroto that two captured machine guns wero being sent to the Council. , Tho Lees ton Progress Loaguo ivroto, that tho (promised report on the water supply and plant for firo prevention should ' bo treated as an urgent matter. It decided to ask Superintendent Mr Slater to prepare a report during thia m UMsr 3 Booth, Maqdonald Mid Co. wroto that they wero at work o-i the now .ston..b re a kin" plant ordered by the Council, biu could not uamo ft date when the plant would be available. • Cr. Heslop and tho chairman were appointed a committee to confer witli tho maker 3 in toward to the breaker. Ecijlyincr to a tolegrrun from tho Council, the- Hon. Sir Heaton llhodea stated that new police quarters would, bo built in- Le-e-ston. Plana wero beinpr prepared It was pointed out that tho present police station eito ■ was quits un-smtablo, -unleas tho drain-age was greatly improved. It was decided to writo that tho Council was pleased to learn that a new station, was to _ bo built, -and that tho Council would bo glad to assist the- Department to improve tio drainage fvs much poi3?ible. 'Ebe Hon. Sir Heat-on Kliodes wrote that the Eftilway Department wn-9 unablo to acced3 to tho Council's reqiiost to have a warning- bell placed at tho Lako road cross--1 inf.f, lyeeston.—lt was decided to interview tho Minister of Railways on the subject.' It was decided to g-ivo notico to xatepayere who failed to cut back fences end cloa.n races, that tho Councu would do the work at defaultora' expense, unless it was compfbtad within three days. In vie-.v of tho likelihood of lca.ther com- ■ img down in pxico, it was docided to hold back an order for dog collar?. I On Cr. Freo's motion, it was agreed to , call a conference of ratepayers of the Tau- : mntu special rating- drainago area to dis- , cuss matters in connexion with the Govcrn- , mont {frant of £260 for flood gates at Cooper's and Taumutu lagoons. AMURI. At the annnal mooting of the Amuri County Council Mr Marmaduko Bethell, Palwrn Paetures, was -unanimously ro-clected chairman. Tho occrotary of the Returned Soldiers' Association, Wellington, asked particulajs of suita/010 holdings for eoldiera iu tho-county, ' but it was decided that tbo matter _ did not como within the scope of the Council. It waa decided to prepare plana and estimates fo r a, etock bridge over tho Mason river at Hell's Gate. The chairman was -appointed a delogftte to attend, with *the South MarlboroughI'lOads and Bridges League, n, conference with tho Minister of Publio Works. An inspection by tho Hnnmor Riding- counciijora, tosrether v.-ith the chairman, and overeeer, will bo made of tho Rogeraon track, with a. viow to obtaining- assistance fromi the I.and Board. An interview will bo held with the Cemetery Trustees, Hanm-er Springs, to a.rrajiga for improvements to tlio prounds. Mr Bropliy ar.d Mr > _R- Hobau asked fon imnrovement-s on Hamilton's to clear refuse. Mr Bxophy asked that no trees bei felled. It was deeded to inspect tho rood, the chairman,,Cr. Davison, ar.d the overseer to havo power to aot. < Tho Minister of Public Works forwarded & circular of expenditure for grants for road* and bridges work, asking for a return of works that could not bo undertaken duunrj tiw current year. Tho clerk reported tnat ho had replied that tlio unoxpouded grants! woro all in hand. It wr-s decided tha.t plana ond Rpeoifications for work for now granid be prepared. Tonderf wore acoeotod for tho swampy Creek bridge and pilc-drivins at Lower Wniau hy-pass. TAWEEA. At the annnal meeting of the Tawera Ccnntv Council there were present Councillors Atkinson, McAlpine, Millar, E. Milliken,

Rutlodgo, and Watsbn. 'Councillor McAlpino was again clected to tho chair. The balance-sheet for the half-year ended September 3Uth, 1920, was read and approved. It was decided to continue holding tho meet- i ings on tho second Tuesday in oacli month. Tho engineer for the new Kowai bridge reported 'iha.t tho material had been ordered, ] and e'nould eoon bo available. MOUNT HEEBERT. At the monthly meeting of the Mt. Herbert County Council thcro wero proseii^—Lra. W. 11. Firmston, J. A. Gellety, A. b. Williams, It. A. Anderson, H. Jackson, Gcbbie, W. J. Guy, end Jenkins, Cr..W. H. Firmston was elected chainnnu for tho ensuing year. , Tho clerk was instructed to wTite to the retirin" chairman, Mr Orton Bradley, thank-, ing him for hi 3 many past servicea co the Tho Council resolved to hold ita monthly meetings tho first Monday in each month. The chr.irman gavo notice of motion to l.movo at the next mooting of tbo Council. "That x main road bo declared throughout Ve clerk was instructed to writo to the Public Works Department calling their attention to the bad stato o£ tho roada on tho new settlement at Port Lejj'- , ttaw A letter was received from league Oversea Relief Fund Committee, London tha-nking the Council for tho generous *TSStor 3cocksfoot growing on the roadsides throughance at the bank amounting to £287 Ja -i— Rates outstanding £1049 6s Bd.

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Press, Volume LVI, Issue 17015, 11 December 1920, Page 13

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COUNTY COUNCILS. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 17015, 11 December 1920, Page 13

COUNTY COUNCILS. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 17015, 11 December 1920, Page 13