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v v J THE SHAKE ifAIUv"T. : s£y Cab'a—Pr«s Association—Coprrijht.) j (Australian ar.d X.2. Ciib'a Association.! j '"'.-•jrived Novo 7:'::. ".j p.m.', i k/'NlvriN. -■, o. | V~di':<.'. Jt-.r-cti-r. .sh-ii-.-f. *5; I ! . Mt:t O. : X'»fs, r- ±: C - r.. PKICT, OF GOLD. 1 LONDON', Neui'-cr .i. j The price ■: -oM :••■ I'.'f-- per ounce. The , Cri-ei jj'.at.: .is taking the qtisa'.it;* i rii.-v- ? .M.'stf.ALlA:: LOZUOX. 'S-y 3. j 2fc? Af-sr-.s'i'r. '..aairaittie is mifkin:: .~;t;-- ; l.v:c>.v -,i" ~ ■'' in ch?.rt«:i-in£ f :cr . : "r.d i- w'.' -- ; filing a ruar.tity ci wheat. i ;:ngi.ish jaRUKTy. i London. y-.vci-r :. { rv.ot.:'.i<,'i. Amrrirsn Mi -id' L": • isti-cl. LV.ce:i-.ber u:i ivory, li.Svd f Jutt. —.-> insr;;-:-i cuiet. NrrY-:-r.:t.:-'>LV- ; cento::: ihi-.nier.ts >•*•? r,u;t-<l at i.'4 D._ j IT-im?.—'fhs ra-tikei is th'il. October-Da-c-ember sbiini'r.i'A i}m>t«ii nt £■'i. lUtbL-vr.—-Vina hard Para, in SJ<l per lb: PV-!c* ? «i, ilr't »c-: 2s 2j<l: r "o;;r:(.- -.S-A.ih Swa __ AorctuoerJ:;t:ufc,ry —I''. '1 < ". i . ■:']' ■ to 5s " . l-3d vior aullon. Tar 3 r.' ii; —13 -" per c-.-t., <-r.ra. t\) Ss IJd p-ev guiion. DAI- GHTV AND (VVS FINAXCH. LONDON, yo'-.-'ii*-:' ". X n.-.lg-ity f-n.l Co.. Ltd.V, divisible profit •:••. tbo yearV dividend Using l(i p?r nstd. v.;th j'TV.s "'».p'--r shaio, roili iax :i't\ ist).CiO"> iia« bev-u B<iccd lo in* funri. XSO.OOiJ in '.ko account. £iO.OC»» :o ti.e b-Tovo'i-anJ fund, *r.d <;;-i5,503 Jias beer. c?.rri' .l £t>r*viss.l. THE CEMENT SHORTAGE. QUESTIONS IN THE HOUSE. (SPECIAL TO "THE PRESS.") WKI/IjIXG'tOX. XoTombor C. '.I'liO c.ti>";nl y-s:crt«gs it:h i:i the Hcu3o tliM mornini; by jlr K;i2li. vrkn bscught i-a the notice of tke Prisr.o a roir.nrini'.a.l:on be had recti vod from IViv' Kairaupa County Cou:ic:.. Th? in vww t Oi I*lo fa"t lint the (icv-.-r:;ni<jr.t j;ad not Jor ronie cor.sidorabie tiino r«»ir«l otij- revenue irczn the duly or. imported c«-!r;<?nt ? an*U m y jf^ r abo o ; ths acuto wwrtnrc of the coDiniociilv in thu Dominion, tho (Jgvcrr.mcr.t should »!},«• -unlimited quantities of c?ai2ut to to imr.ortod tre* of duty. If the suggestion nia'da !>v tiv? Council v.cro i-iTcn c-fccct t/j, . lh- Ni'sli subisiU-iid, it v.-o-idd be a. great ncij? to tlio ic-iil bodies IhroiiQiiout tbo country. Mr Ma.<i«oy roplied tliat cwryono k:i«w t-Uew vras an exu?ioiainary for cemont, an- . on account of that, fact the Government bad for th-o tint* L-eir/X remitted the duty ou imported cwm«nt. Of f.ours®,.th«> quvstion on? that v.-ouVl !iave to e?3 byicro Cubinet, by u go *';ir as he knew, tbero r.-as r.o intention to rcplr.ce th-j dutv jta-t at jwseent. The .arg«Sw W«8»t works iu New Aoiand lliow cvt Whanfc-arci, had hecu considerably hand:capued lat-eiy by (be iact tliat t3» coal inilio cm 'which tliey depended for rnoet o. th|ir coal Btipplien bed bern flooded Tyy j-iavy tjhi. In -the meantime there was r coment from every part of ?«cw Jvidsin-{f bT the demand tl*> amount of in S it: i.iogresj at .the prcseut time must oe enormovw. He believed it was. . . Mr A. Hamilton aoked the Minister of Minos vdien tb© report from tlio Otago School of Mines regarding the pc6sibilty of acthe cement industry in the.M?lrttaps district would bo arwlaftle. Tlioy hud patiently the pubucatK»n o, • [if, report, to aeo if it would bo to start the indiratry. , . ■ Mt Mnsasy Faid there had been debx. m the work of the Government pnntmg oibce, but ho would «eo that tws report t/se aiaila,bls £3 80071 U'3 pOSOiblc. IMPERIAL BUYING. MILcLIOXS FOB, PKODtrCE. 'Iho total amount paid out by the Imporial Supplies Dcpartnicnt on Xmpsriit;. Crovetsment account is £146,441,620. Tha amounts paid for the various products. commandeered were as foUotra : — Frozen meat Cbeew 2 c'^ofin ► * * •» SjA'Syyv**- 4 Butter equalisation funck .. Scheelitc I'Mvi Wool " '• •• «I»JaS,*l4 "Wool, profitn distribution .. » ! r mpa^1 ' TO31 :: £*$$> Hidv-s . : Sundries • • • • • • i*co,yo^ Otlier "business (non-Imperial) .. 1,13»,C73 Total .. -• •• HT,350,253 RABLITSKIK 11AEKET. (I'RESS ASSOCIATION TBLEOP.AM.) DUNEWX, Kovetnber 7. A cable .raesMge recci.-cd yesterday morninrr "by a leadiu'' Xt-v/ Zealand firm, Itondon, November 4th, etates: —"Itabbitskm prospscis are doci-iedly nnfavourstblo. For next ouotian tbc» are [irailoWc ?.uCO balea. Anticipate decline ol 20 or 30 pe-r cent. in consequence of bad trade ond I'-oor aemand. SHIPPING- TO SOUTH- AMERICA. The Bos>-d '«f Agriculture v.-as' informed last week by Jlr Y*. Perrj', cf llaeierton, that arrangements liru.l boon nnio-_ fur a staanier to go to Monto Video at, tlie er.d cf this month. Ho had Iwn informed that «-ll tho deck epac© had already he-sn tiiken ttp by a South American buyer. l>r. I'oakes, Director of Agriculture, was, however, v/li>ether aity oi it woua-J bo available fox New Zealand ehippers desirous of eending flheep to the Arge-uninc. He liad been told that probably another stc-amer would be despatohod lutsr to Valpamuro, from T.'hich port stud aheep twii'l be sent ov-erlxnd to the Argcnlint-; but that a gaarantca of at least 100 litad vms required from the- shippers by oifae-vs oi tho' eteainm-. It was aerwd to mako further «nq-uiries. ar,d to advivo (bo c.'.vnetis of stivl Ktock 23 to the position. THE SUGAR SLUMP. ,AMBJIICA>- HOLDfIKS ' CAUGHT. Steadily declining sugar prices iu this country have B eriously upset the calcnJn.tioiw of sneeulators, r;iio belic-ved that Prohibition would incueft&e tlio demand for -vvo TK il non-alooholio beverages and confoctions, ond wlio eel out to luty up nil tie avaikblo tmpplies here and abroad regrivdlsss of cost, wxoto a. York con«9ponder.i; to n. London paper in Ausrust. - As a, sceult, rre-vorni American -sug&i- dealers ara facing ruin, and if prices droD much lo'V<-r there v.-ill be a, to utilesd which will prccipitato a crisis. Prois&itioi has ltot brong-ht nbcut thr- «spcct(xt increased demand for soft drinks ivnd swceU, probably iiquor is cliU f.c-.vir.Fr freely for thow v;ho haw tlio price, and Kusttr contr:!-:fed for abroad at Is or move per lb i« n.tDcliiii™ a msrket. where it is Eellics at 3d or Od per lb, and with expectations tho price r.est, week ~;11 cocline to 7d. fc.r months- n;ro found ic impossible ia otitain fi-ugar at any price bscauso of aitilioif.l shortage, and they Ic-suned economy in , tho ns4 cf tiie Ths gre.v!, American beet-stfgar crop will r.-xm bo availabhf, whe-n prices are expected to approach t!ie prs-war fcvel, #nd wott'.d-be profi'.eeiu are :rt f.i-?ir wit«' end to c-'cc.y,:: at even 25 ccnt. 'ors. WOOL SHIPMENTS. (FROM Ctm OWN COHP.E3PONDXVT.3 LONDON, September 23. T!io S-ecictaty of Mutji'.ions has isstied tho fo'lov.-inc: official itaiemeut with regard to th-c-i"J?r_i-c-r.t cf colonial wool?: — "As- announced August 3th, the stocks ci Geventiht iit-owncd wool remaining on band in. Atti"_iS»i;t and New /c-,'.:i5;l on 31st -.-ill V-i slowly thereafter r,s and wl»n required for th-j of tiie uov- l:?Id in ivaro>> by tho G&vt-m----ni(?nt. to \iiis t'riangtnter/. tho liner companies v.-ko had to rive the Governir.ent, *>o as was tho first ck,U on tlieir wool epax*?. ate now at liberty to e.irry wool for priv.tto ;-hip?ers. v;it-!ivit Btiv rev;rictior.s what-ver. It ia_ not c;;i>totea thai there will i e sny cifficuityacout ciin:l:-,:: o-tcanier hut intending ehtppcr.s cf uroold wool ebont'A or.omro aooiiu fioiiitiL'-i beforehand. Me.ssi-5 tV. J. Yyur.-. V/. P. Devoreyj. mt " T E- Davison -vere appoii;i<d jocte tires agi to' rcDrosent tiio Australian woo! proycrs, t'wJ Messrs V,*. D. Htiut sr.d Ilaxiiii tsu montli TC-ioived u similar appointment _ from tin? NV-v Ze-a lard wcoi grow_-rB to ducuii rdth tho Mtni&trv c£ Mttr.itions a-j. qufietioM arisias out of the fucultar.coTis, of o!d and new dip wool. The- Dominion Govercmer.t ita.v-? approved * r^ppoits, and c.iifcussions bra now proceeding-. "The position tip to t'rs-e present is both parties possess abjohito Ifserty of action. Thi Wco! neither pasner «oks to cbt-iir. any power beyond that c£ the disposal o: tho old clip •A-oo!, which ia the property at tta Governrr.ent. If ar." rcftb-xl .of rc^itJitinff the | of tv -.t' clip wool ehouid be put into j ii>rcc> it will bt by tha action oi the -wool- ! growtra e-r cf the Go\trmnents in tiio intcicr't of til '.~cc-- 1 Srowers."

TIMAKU. /s I*EI"I.U. T<> "VIP', rRKS?.®. .! TIMAHU, .WeK-vr^C. There :• r.L':::rr-~ v.-halever doing '.he Icca' o.:ts aro maintain-:: ,• late- quotations, tit* Tch-icu- bc:r.g:— B pr-do -Js la, f.0.b.i,:., ana .\ r. :i.~:0 -ci to -.3 'J i':'i parse:.-; ii« made t-> I ; ::•* - Kii-Sv-.on-.. c:d I'ori Cv.oii:-.>_ and :l'.an:->ri cv.- to .c;;-i s. i'::iyr: tiin is kit;.- 1 -'--V• , *•, "' :> ;:i-- tko q-ar.-.-::;- v.-;.:;:: Us jlreiilv w:: 1 cokcd :"•• in ;::e v:auny of U'twec:: liuvJ at. 1 15.CCU cafs. . U.ttcr r.rrts :tko arc shirpinc. fo J' p«--':a! 3 r-"* : -d o'ea rancc o; :ro surplus o'z.U will :.c- made V eiorc tlv> rev: <oase:t"* errrp coir.f= t/.- ~"rk.:L. Tr.c it- "iv i- :ne.:r.c-.- to caitr.ris. C ..V. ; ->ec;-. r.l Oii*. week j ' ' : 0.:.:. Oat-.'lieaf c'jau :« , av " : : u,vl to bo Tj'.on'o* o: =u:rspacc- : r 'r ♦.Lis commodity. ill* North Jslasa mar.tet V.finc >»•?' -supplied. .rem i,yticr.on. "'.V-r.bc-'ir,, Dttr.cdin, «:ia Timarn. The prevalue i* iS per ton. on trucks, c*. c-.uu-tw , , rNotcio sorts-u h ::r.isii*ci. • :>?rr :•> M rrS'-r* v-n?.'evi?r con-ir.r ir. ard ail Ninth I-?:ar!'.l asor.t* ire ad.-":*:!!* tn-itr yr;::c : v : ' it the So-.;'.:: not io consign.'the :'a."i {hat there is a slut o: old potatoes in Auckland an i V'clhr-Ttir., and now potatoes are firciir.s their way on tho tr.arK«{ in;it:ft« day. No-.r ootatoi'3 aro T-.O'.V r -.'; :"_o ui -.. duxkoi::. (S-TKCUL TO "Ttlß FUKS-S.") DUNEIIiX. Xover.ibei- G. Salt-f o; oats hiuo been ::r.:dp in feod hr.os. but otherwise the market is dsvoid of !it>. Arra.nTCTßs-r.t-. nro hcinp iaa<ie- ior shipment-? to liMtdon. a J i-ti th-:«. rhouul r«--aH in r--n:-.»' iocovc!-, - in the loca. v,:iket. AlthoWh consignments of potatoes havo 6Bsc-d off (o son:y storo stock? quite FTifiicient lV,r iha cotnaTid. and vi'.li:c3 iiav& not improved. Prime Tcic-ri are wortii from £S, and beat Northern v.p to £-2 por ton (sacks extra. 1 . Consifrnments of chail from the- country have been light, but quite sniflicient to nreet tljo Iocs! r:c«;ai!<3, v.-hich is confined to good raccunm r.v.d interior lots being v,nealeabic. Prime oaten-fhe-af 13 worth to £$ ss, good to best fvc.d £7 los to £3, and inferior and discoloured from i's per ton, frjcfe t'xtra. A private cableKfaw was received to-day !o the- effect that Sonth America ij now •jilaciriLT woo::, on the Boston and othar mar-k-Ms of th« United States at a k>\i- fig-tire. This is not ne-."< Ix-fore the etart of tbfl Xew sales, the first_of which for the season is- to bo at Christchv.ich on tlio ICtU inst. f At this season of the veer N'.-w Zealand jno'.vii apples arj commonly rnmiinp short. soaso'n _thc supply is hisiing- longer than tisi.'-tv], and though tho ic-sorvcs are now beiu? drav.-n tli/.-ro are sti'.l some apples To como to market frc-m ("oatrii! Otnjjo. 'J"ho price of flour in Dtr.vjdin may rise before 1-oux- Ait advance hits been talked r.b<7tit for a- little M-l:i3o. TI:?- millers "a litrht, without further .".uthorifation, lo charge Mother 10s per ton, they have not claimed that ri;rht, and bitterly there were that there would not lie any incretif-'- "this year. Xov, there every lil:-?li:hood of the mill 'operatives- sccurinjr "higher pay by means <-f the cost pi living- k-otivis, ar.d if this comes about aucl the Government do r.ot aiv-e the miners soma in ;ii! the prico c.f fioi-.r tvifl have to be increased by the extra charge of 10s per ton. IXVERC^RGILL. (SPECm, TO "THE PRESS.") INVSKCARGILL, No T «mber 6. Oata—Tthe market vemair.-s quiet. Tho Shropshire ir, now due at Bluff and will load L'S.GOO r-ack? for Avonniouth. Although the to lta.3 not hoen much E-hippinj coastwise from BlutT thi.+ v«ir, there have been heavy sales of »«ed. t-o" that, frt-ocks aro not iieavy, and it i* esmecterl thf.t- prices will remain firm at their* prcr-cr.t level, if Ihey <io not improve. Chaff—The m?rket is firm atw etc"'-- in rtoTO ;-:ro lifrht. Prima qttality is worth £7 10.1 on tmokc. llyegraaj—The market is quiet, althovnh there is. soffla wholesiilo inquiry. Merchants are asking' from Ss to 10s Cd, f.0.b., according to 'tneight for dr-?-?'sed seed. Hemp—There is not much doing. In fact, th«ie ic net- a great deal being niKUuiacluiod irt this district. A considerable' quantity cf tho hemp in storo 'will bo chipped to London nest v.xek. Potatoes—Tlm market 38 very dull, ana only TJn-to-Diitea ficoly saleable. Tlieso are Ids per ton, less merchant's commission and railage. SATURDAY'S POULTRY ITAUKET: Messrs ,T. B. Merret; and Co. iisul a entry of poultry on Saturday. There- was a good listinsr cf this season's stock. Prices v.-ere firm. Table chickens tealised 8s 6d to 17s, liens 6a Gd to J3i, tehle duckling lis tn l&r, ducks 7s to 13s, pullets lis to 18s 6d, -!!s to lis, turkeys to 5Gs, all per p-.-iir. EGG MARKET. Isea.vy lis-tings of e-gsr, contimto. to come forward. Country store eggs or© hoinjr offered at Is 6d to Is Od. E-;js Civ ok- first grades' are £s, seconds and duclcs' Is lOd i>?r <lozen. , 6 STOC-v EXCHANGES. "WEtiIiINCTON, November G. ■Smiles—Bank of New Zenl-and, £2->; Union Bjnk, £I' 2 15s; Vnipa, Coa-l, 14s Od.

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Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16986, 8 November 1920, Page 10

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COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16986, 8 November 1920, Page 10

COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16986, 8 November 1920, Page 10