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SHIPPING. ' SHIPPING. BUSINESS ANNOUNCELiENTS. AMuSEiuiN j?S. AMUSEiTENTS. AMUSEMENTS. . AMUSEMENTS. HTHE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING ~~ " Z ~ T\"HITCOMBE AND TOMBS, LIMITED. TO-MORROW . 2.35 TO-MORROW. 'P H E LIBERTY. _A T 1 COMPANY. LIMITED. TJN--T STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF \\ SPECIAL MATINEE. F nrM!l WARIUCK* 1 T 1 K E ROYAL. v NEW ZEALAND. LTD. O UR ANNUAL SALE. A Wondciful Shov: for th~ Kiddies. K EDWARD BARRACK-. jjjj? HOUSE OP BIG ATTRACTIONS. DIRECT LINE TO THE UNITED 8 *"r> SPECIAL PRICES. til Is Id Oircction • . J. C. Williamson, Ltd. KINGDOM, via PANAMA CANAL. Stealers win be despatched ae under Chrwtchurch's frreat onportunity to pur- POLLER'S OPERA_ HOUSE. CHRISTCHURCH SPORTS CLUB LAST DAY. LAST NIGHT OF THE — (Circumstances permitting):- chase Books and Stationery «: drastically cat Jonn (Registers). DOUBLE PROGRAMME. SEASON Commences with CRISTOBAL. KINGSTON (JAMAICA). AND WELLn.CrON- Ca = ? SUVSHM: G pL°\YERS BOXING - BONING'- BOXING NORMA TALMADGE ' MATINEE TO-MOFatO\V AFTERNOON, NEWPORT NEWS. p.m. at _ In Thcl L,fcn l4duc-'on BOXING - BONING - BOXING NORMA TALMADGE at 10 minutes to - LARGE MODERN TWIN-SCREW WaMneTne.- Th'ir« Sat. 7.18 10 a.m. IS YOUR OFFICE SYSTEM EFFICIENT? TII 17 PIC I t>\ ijtv BOXING - BOXING - BOXING *u Children to Matinees Half-price All Parte SE JS;t.: 0 „. && Tis W ™- SSTIKB INVOICE a <*- CANTERBURY (I T, : ™ i 8? ' . { ™* . Ut *-^° r Steamer. , Tons. , From , About NAPIER GTSBORXK. AUCKLAND- This J2 "te Office is properly „ A CANTERBUrY fr V '' m CHAMPIONSHIP. MADAME ANNETTE HAYWAKD, TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON^ PAPAROA i 7 627 Julv 23rd ' a uth Jg] y '- 13 9 a ' m -- equipped. Our efficient systems provide for GEORGE ROSS, C.ll \MPIONSHIP. „ m ™„ Operatic Contralto An.l NIGHTLY a! 10 to S. RU.\Hl>-iE 10>58 August SYDNEY and HOBART. via every need, and no GEORGE T.'OSS, CANTERBURY *" * W~\u >4 lf'd CliJ J " C WILLIAMSON'S RTMUTAKA 6,?93 W,.]lir-fon Sept. WELLINGTON- u r Pr fvL oractTv n«d The Tcvp-y-T Pianist. Light CHAMPIONSHIP. ice ' Gorgeous. SWiacular Pantomime RU A ?_EnU_ _S,£S 1 Wellington °ctobor_ Manuka—Early. cver£ record properly NORA BURKE." 'aRTOIS BROS. CANTERBURY VPTONSHIP. Box Plan at Rris'o' till 3 p.m., after- THE SLEEPING BEAUTY. 'cABINETS, g SggSSfr. CANTERBURY = ™ ™ BEAUTY. _ First Saloon Tickets can also bo made avail- J.da., 10 h .. CARD LEDGERS, The Athlete in Perfection. CANTERBURY (Amateur) nRVRTV >T • nriTTV Extraord'niri'v Caat • nob by C. and A. Lino via Yanucouver, or NA p IK R and GISiiORNE (Carsro Only)— RECORD CARD SYSTEMS, PRICES Oroh Stalls und Press Circle. He aw CHAMPIONSHIP. LIBERTY bT- LIBERTY ' Union Line via 'Frisco. to Anau—Fotlv TICKLERS-The Business Man's Auto- 2.= 1-1: Stall--, td. Re- <=, M ortra. " WINIPKFD T?OM\ p£yMOUTH— matic - TO-MORROW NIGHT. SbZ&Y LIBeS B, t ' PnncV«i Friday, 16th July. 1 TO-JIOBROW NI(jHT. dibecti()3C; SUPPLIES; J>rincipal Yor , ; . WELLINGTON (Cargo Only)- * FORCE, * "llf IN D THE PAINT" BICt PROGRAMME EACH NIGHT. LTD. MAGGIE DICKINSON TTUDDART-PARKER, LTD. Kamona—Friday, 9th July. By Major-General L. C. Dnnsterville. IV± NEXT WEEK. 6514 BIG PROGRAMME EACH NIGHT. ~ . . Brxlliont Yo-.msr Dancvr AT 7 Amrif tn WM , rlr , SUVA, SAMOA, YAVAU. HAAPAI. NUKU- Jo General Dunsterville's courage and fore- == ] RFCORD FNTRIFS A MARGARET SUTCLIFFE, (N.Z. Agents for Hcbburn Colbery). ALOFA- si ; ht is largely due our prceent position m FOE SALE. PFCORD * The Impressive Dramatic Actrese. Mokoia-From Auckland abont 24th July. P ei 7 :a - The whole story is a tribute of tho TOMORRnw l?\Trm\Tl MIO\FSTFW\RT _ highest order to the amazing versatility of Arrenr -t™ T , rpf>T? . PTVr . -RTTaTV-pcc: TTr „. T „ Commencing TO-MORROW (SAIbKDAY). .miu.m. Ssll.rtAlil, RAROTONGA, RAIATEA,. and PAPEETE— the race. Who is not familiar with Rudyard IMPORTING BUSINESS. FINALS FINALS Clover C-omedienne. Faronrito Steamers will bo de- Talunc—From Auckland about 6th Julv. Kipling-'s figure of Stalky, the Schoolboy I n . esuos " ls P^ se of above. Ex- FINALS tACH t "The OLIVE THOMAS MAKRIOTT EDGAR, epatched as under (circumstanccs permit- "Wilv Ody££eus"? StaJkv has grown ud, and connexion and situation. Stocks FINALS EVENING. FINALS prettiest OLIVE THOMAS Prince of Domes, from leading Ensrliph tin-):- CANADA. AMERICA. LONDON, via SUv a, is E o W t h e Author of this work. over .£2OOO. Apply personally. „ ir l in OLIYE THOMAS Theatres. : HONOLULU and VANCOUVER— Price 22a 6d ARTHUR L. GRAY PRICES: Raised, Rinjjside Seats, 6s; America," OLIVE THOMAS , „ MELBOURNE, via DUNEDTN, BLUFF— Tahiti—From Auckland about 20th July. " F.P.A.N.Z., Midd'.o Seats, 4s; Back Scats, 2s. 62M according OLIVE THOMAS M>~t P i r S.S. Wcstralia—About July 12th. <?AV~VPAV PT QPn t? ipnTfiWßi WORKS OF GENERAL-INTEREST. Shwjibrokw and Acco-antawt, _ _ to Harrison \rrnKP»V''T STOXEYHrom AUC KLAKIiZ ' PAPEETE- ' .V«» B«* «. M. G » A ** " « A * "«• S.S. Riverina—About July 14th »Tofua—l- rom Wellington, about 16th July, i Academy llluetratcd, IJ-0, Cd. T ( "TTT like Plioto-Plav, einvvv m*r -ri^r. — Richardson (C. A.)i Spiritual Fluralisjn aJicf Tr\ ctq LAST MATINEE (At *.Io). 4gT^T>T - TT -.- ) -«ii-» r ,Tjr>r\ \ T»Tr r \'v •» SIDNEi CLLVER, Railways Tickets, Christcnurch to Lyttel- Recent Philosophy, 17s 6d. TO SHOWING at 715 of The Clever Young Dancer. KJNSEY ~d CO. Lm. hra , t XiC S™ S«S" h): D "°" A 1M d G ' •^•S 81 - d £,<sS! ™ 8? THE n „OT.™ 5 EGBERT. CO*XARB Li:;F. the Company's Chtistehurcb OJSoe. Owen and Dallas: Tho Niiraeries of HeaTOi. ti ATcar to go any- -the tIIRACLE MAN> ON MROAmrAv!" World-tAinous Comedians ' .... , ~, , , . A Series of E«says by various writers con- whorc . PRICE £250, at 4IIE MIR\CLE MAN." "PRUPENCE ON BROADWAY." irom Diury Lane. .• Steamers will be despatched at regular m- the future life of Children, with —MIRACLE MAN." HOW SHOCTKIVOI Broadwnv scared PraAUSTRALASIAN SERVICE. f^l^T^T^^ 003: ~ expeßfenoea of their manifestations after DAVID CROZIER, LTD., "THE MIRACLE MAN." HOW SHOCKING! don-, the little Puri- TWO ACTS TWENTY-TWO SCENES /"COMMONWEALTH AND DOMINION FIJI, TONGA, ""and SAMOA. Crotch (W. W.): 'The Touchstone of Dickens,' DOS3I 2 57 " 59 Woroester (International Attractions). /" o nld / M Beauty lo ° LINE, LIMITED. CANADA. AMERICA. LONDON, via Suva, Bs. D2S3l ' 2 : Liinstcnurcn. _ 'L' till .hi Wtn^le Honolulu, and Vancouver. Maugham (R. C. F.): Tho Republic of PAPA NU I. Full ORCHESTRA of 15 Penormera at HOW SHOmriVG' pive t''»ra back more Comedy ' Novelty jSttel" sas American poikts. fj" Hush, „ ft. H ,d,opto.. _ mati.n-ee™! sight. how snocraN-oi _£.» .h.y ... va.w,-. i™4r. TON, DUNE DIN. ' BRITISH JSLES. calling at Rarotonga Service, 11a. Al?o SIADASIE ANNETTE HAYWARD. ~. o „ni br,' a PRODUCED BY NEXT SAILINGS: , TOnvm™, . A CHEAP PROPERTY. U aod!. Id, igX? A. WENMAN. DOYAL MAIL SERVICE VvlsS-SOTF TOMBS, LIMITED. Evemrnr Is Id rVfYOURSEATS she had New York entrap out of her w I r '° m U^l, El amemcan ANB British ~d wi „. NOW M o„ a . ™, » L .,. ""^ PORT ALMA J New York 12' ISLES. 13 prices rise.' * and Lofty Rooms, with Wide Entrant COMPLETE CHANGE TO-MORROW. "AcSls Pnu'Lake" NEXi, NOV/ OPEN AT THE PORT CURTIS New York PROSPECTIVE SAILING DATE: w „„ Hall. " A THRILLING Programme. ' Also, " PORT CHALMERS I New York 30th July TOFUA—From Wellington, 16th July., WMIbHI. All Offlccs tind Conveniences. A GREAT Star in a Dual Role McKENZTE. PRICES-Dress Circle and Rcwryed , ■ T - ,2- MARAMA-From Wellington, 10th Aurnet. Thorn and Cameron's Revatted OH Highland ' LONDON. Stalk, 7s 9d; Back Stalls, 3s 8d: Gallery, r ,^.l?. r „}l al Z rv Loadinß, TOFUA—From Wellington, 10th September. 58s per gallon. —~ H- B- "I" An Old-Fi>"hion"d T-—m." Is 7d. Early Door Stalls and Gallery, la v v a + irriNTiTM--A AU Retum and Round-tour Tickcts inter- Thom and Cameron's 12-year-old liqr. -, , , , 11. B. WARNEK "Until." .and "Keep on Hoping." extra.- All prices include Amusement Tu. nmrTVTnM ? r nSn m ? changeable with O.A. Lino "All Red" Route. V.R.0.H., 60s. J-acro of lantl in garden, orchard, etc. In <, THE GREY WOLF'S GHOST," THE LIBERA ORCHESTRA. Day Sales at Toy Cave Lollio Store. &105 Wn,, ' LIMIT - :D - el ~ Verv Special INVALID PORT 65s and 65s V, . , , In "THE GREY WOLF'S GHOST," Box Plan PrHnl. C 504 —— ~Z. LOCAL AGENTS: r^ etnrn Fl > l Second Class Tickets to dozen. . ' ° 11<S From Br:t Harte's Famous Story. When you Ki~, UEE N' S THE ATR E. MESSRS KINSEY and CO., LTD., "IL p n Very Special INVALID Constantia, 51s dozen . ' Tho Man who played, a Lone Hand in the »-]i/riND THE PAINT GIRL." Id Last Screening To-day of mi PRICE 4?1-nn Grc,, South-Wcst, where Men died withtheir M _ — JOHNNY HINES a,l LOUISE HUFF. Panama. All the Very Best Quality. 3i±3UU. 9 oats on - _ Your Wife will surely suspect you. i„ tho Story of Mannequins and Modistes. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. All passengers oversea requiro permits or . . . Varied Supporting Programme of Comedies, 0514 "A HEART OF GOLD/* passports. Call. Taste. Criticise. Compare. __ Topical, and Educational Films. _ WEEK'S BIG PICTURE Chapter Two of "LIBERTY." "Tho love of gardens is the only passion. For particulars regarding Passages and wtctthtj a m USUAL PRICES—3d to lOd (Day Ses- N ' Will bo JOHN BARRYMORE which au £ ments with Gp Lm lw ' '' tho mateur ' 828Q.1-6393 , GODFREY and TAYLEfR. ' TVTEXT WEEK'S BIG PICTURE TEETH Ol< TIGER. Commenciug TO-MORROW FLOWERING AND DECORATIVE . rpHE CANTERBURY STEAM SHIPPING 100 Hereford street. Will be• _ — 3 — : T }!° HPIITFI^OF'FYF^' SHRUBS. 1 COMPANY, LTD. gHIPMENTS HAVE ARRIVED. G3241-6491F THE TIGER.*' — Now Showing. . A Or EVE. ;> VU E hold a very large and comprehensive No Cargo to bo sent to Railway till advised. MARTIN'S PATENT DITCHING Don't Miss It— It'e Great! 6307 Twice Daily . 3-30 and 7.30 p.m. A R ; CKP EVE, rm> .mT otit^-Jc L °^^ ING D STEAMERS will be despatched as-under MACHINE, for draining, irrigating, _ d 32 . p er ches. A very complete YOUNG MAN, BEWARE! . 1 SE VIOLET HOPS ON and STEWART ROM®. CORATIVE SHRUBS which we offer for (circumstallocs permitting)cleaning water-races, grading, etc. Ono 7 Rooms ana d. y f "FIRES OF FAIIH." VIOLET HOPSON and- STEWART ROME. P 7;'' " ■. j DUNEPIN and-TIMA-iiZ - S" £ISSQ- 8 "M""" "« P^ 'S CATHERINE 2§lffi Sj SSS Urss.s.s. i!L <=«> *»<««•■ ■ etoeke ° d b b e y ie s- e KElffili . »«— >»«-* Rhododendrons-Choice Hybrid Vnii«ti«, in WELLINGTON— ASPINALL POTATO DIGGERS-A few ' IVrfnfS ii> 6 ?tenty»£ PUBLIC NOTICE "A VERY GOOD YOUNG MAN.'' r~ — PTnTTRH Whites, Reds, Pinks, and Heliotropo S.S. KARU—WEDNESDAY, 14th instant. available for immediate delivery. 4°od hot water to bath, PUBLIC NOTICE. «'A VERY GOOD YOUNG MAN, N Vill bo 10 8 a<^ch Str ° n5 bU£heS ' ' S * 6d " and 888 ENGLISH PLOUGH '"SHARES—A B hip- and sink, fine eunny verandah facing FIIRST AID. BRYANT WASHBURN. Artcraft's Special Masterpiece, lUs eacn. , mcnt ]ong overdue has juflt arrived north end . west ; every Reserves at The Bristol, or 'Phone 4925. "THE TEETH OF xriE TIGER. Rhododendrons—Pink, __ Pearl, the hand- "OASSAGES ENGLAND, PANAMA. SUEZ, tho Remuera. and everything in first-class tctttjctvp. axtt, uvnTO™ 6600 Don't Miss It—lt'e Great! fiSflflT Bomcst of all the Hybrids, hearing 1m- JT AND ALL OTHER ROUTES » section m good garden, biko Rhefl, work- HOME NUKbiNLr AND HYGIENE. _______ _____ rnimnTTQl" mense trusses of a lovely ipink sWe, IVORYS LTD. eho P. coal shed . storeroom, etc. The owner is QTR AN D THEATRE. G^OODNESS GRACIOUS! m etrong plants, 10s 6d, 15s, and 21s. ALL LINES. LOWEST RATES. 21 Mancheeter etroet and at Nel«on leav . in? lmmcdlatcl >' 13 pVENING CLASSES for a Short Popular M' "MIND THE PAINT!" Daphne Indica Rubia. th. Sweet-scented NO BOOKING FEES. , M ncliester etroet, and a Nelaon anions to eell-g8 3 0 L Course of Instruction m either of the GEORGE WALSH PEGGY THE_PAINI. Daphne, plant, Se 6d and 5s each. and Motueka. 15194-3799F Estat" above subjects are now being .ormed. GEORGE WALSH and PEGGY NEXT MONDAY. 6K14 Tho Rowan Tree (Pyrua Ancuparia), with For SaiUnge apply ~T H5252-IGIF 178 Mancheeter street. Particulars at Offico of St. John Ambu- Sh £?." L&St ~r—-1 "y, ||1T TT , f _. TTT ~ P„,„ PissariH. a. Pln s 13. cap.Oy. FORD Aim MTOD. LTD. ~ ORCHARD MANAGER WASTED. e TZ": „ Et;3IKES3 AImOOTrcBME '' IS - sSHiHSN' O™ 0 10 '"•SSs. «'-« u tm- ■m, A^fSJg!oas«!^S:ga; — — — - 194 nexi a . ,c, ™ ~ *r; VOPTTT ASPECT nanellpd hall, deeo pleMo CALL AT THE SHOP for their Meat. Artcraft s Special Masterpiece, Apply in writing to SALE. (GENUINE REDUCTIONS. TTVTVWBHAT . tell Section well planted and eid out ON w ' "THE TEETH OF THE TIGER." CANTERBURY ORCHARDISTS' CO-OP., SALE. In Every Department. jJNIVERSAL FISH SUPPLY. Anyone in SEARCH of a H " , . . Don't Miss It-It'a Great! 6507 LTD., NAIRN AND SONS, SALE! . Discounts from 15 per cent, to Always TWO Varieties. ona°i SE tt 6493 6 Lin wood. SEE tho STAGE GIRLS Colombo __ LINCOLN ROAD . . . . . Chiistchnrch'. SALE. < 50 per c«nt. -r- tott rV: wlv ? _ BEHIND Seen?, in (For continuation of "Situations Vacant" M SALE. ' FRESHEST and CHEAPEST. - —rmfY EDUCATIONAL. "TiyriND THE PAINT GIRL." page Bof thia is-ns.) Telephone 241. N6G76-5925 SALE. £a Novels for 2s 6d. ' wl,i ■ iU. i — laiJ: FORD and HADFIELD, LTD. JQIGBY'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, NEXT WEEK. 6514 WANTED TO EENT. TOP^ 01 Ladie 3 - E a g 3 on d Purees. 'Phone 3781. PP ° Colombo street NORTH RICHMOND NORTH RICHMOND. Hallenstoin'e Buildings (opp. D.1.C.), P RY STAL PALACE. ~ . ro __~l IN ROOT SYSTEM AND TOPS. SALE. Writing and Music Cases. 02693 RTTNGALOW FIVE ROOMS TILED ContiTiTious from Noon. 1/17 ANTED 10 RENT, by Govcrxun*i» all over N.Z. admit the euperi- SALE. Travelling Bags, etc. ■ — HOOF nlasteTred nart nKce-ed oan'elled hall t> •< j tv "A DAUGHTER OF THE WOLF," 'VV Official, 5-roomed HOUSE, convenlVX ority of HORTON'S Pedigree Apple SALE. SUN PORCH WESTERN ASPECT Doulton wsn^n^ST^ obi Featuring ences; any locality within twopenny eection. Treee. No other stock equals therji in perfect SALE. Children's Annuals, CREAM bath GaS COPPER ELECTRIC'LIGHT, l ■ Conccss : ons LILA LEE. Apply 17 Brougham street, Sydenham; arroot system well-shaped tope. Every SALE. . • Story and Picture Books. CREAM Avon SIrY CO pltlS .MOTOB SHED RCIA I? DEPARTMENT "SOCIAL BRIARS," No small children. M36F tree, moreover, is grown from a tested and SALE. CREAM "7 *ON DAIRY CO. . • „ .•L n , l+ o Onlv 1 or 4 minutes , „ - , /V, /iiti ai.c.iN x. Starring . —- approved fruiting parent-Horton's Trees en- SALE. OFFICE STATIONERY. CREAM AVOJ. DAIRI CO. about 3-lGths. Only or 4 minutes A] , Commercial Classes are under the direct MARY MILES MINTER, » WANTED TO LET. . as s|| Ei || c 8: -&S D E # T X4MIKiIIOH am very pleased with the treee. They ere the SALE. WRITING BLOCKS CREAM AVON DAIRY CO. PRICE £.1250. - Instructor in Charge: fail to keep your distance." vemence. For full remarkaWy V cleon!'' plan^ Well ElOwn and paXt'. CREAM send your Cream to FORD and HADFIELD, LTD. THE PAINT GIRL/' G27IF 108 Hereford street. sr^ s s iEi : bii lN n D O IA4I S p Y kices sua BIG ABT tmloN : Orchard Inspwtor. ? ' ' L -M KITT,- LTD., CREAM- tost aie fuUy guaranteed. MODERN VILLA of SIX.GOOD ROOMS, At „ Will BRIGHTON BOWLING CLUB ■p-RTCFq from £7 10(5 Tier hundred for com- 112 Cashel street. CKEAAI ITTriI . T t,.™ plastered, nicely papered throughout, return . , rn „ ITr ,„ Tr i„i nTl d Examination cubif-cts Artcraft's Special Masterpiece, (Incorporated). Sil grade. given for CREAM DA RY CO., verandah, NORTH ASPECT, pantry, wash- AT ANY TIME. "THE TEETH OF THE TIGER." "GOLD NUGGET" ART UNION. I LKhiAxU. A\ui\ iJAiitx 9 house, copper, tubs, 3?ORCELAIN BATH, movdav ttpttjav Don t Miss It—lt e Great! 6007 WritTte/SSTof- the Horton Cata- RANTED KNOWN. CREAM ffi" Dundaa Eve»Sg MONdIy to Th'ußS- WLNNING NUMBER: 4706. logue—full of information of assistancoto T has INDUCED tho C REAM ' streets, fn msKfmrim DAY (inclusive). SPORTING. F. KIBBLEWHITE, Mayor of New Brighton. . cr . t( , CREAM Christchurch. ■Oal™»in«t«^from^ DEB, ne»l y painted. SATURDAY MORNiNG in aH sub- — W. A. DKAKEPrcsident. Correspondence Solicited. Umo to live get the CREAM A 2594 HOUSE EMPTY. IMMEDIATE OCCUPA- jects. . BRACKSJiFIELD HUNT CLUB. R. C . BRIEN, Constable. THOS. HORTON, LTD., Fubbish is dear at any price; the best is TION. DIcSBY'S ,COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. "RAPP MFFTTNG T iirvs ATKrvR TT„„ 3987 "HORTON'S TREES GROW," .Ws rheaner in tho end. And do not be This property is worth PROMPT INSPEC- D 259- Triangle. Christchurch. RACE MEETING. JAMES AINGER, Hon. Secretary. W Head Office and Nursery: persuaded to buy inferior quality or rub- /pHE EMPIRE EXPRESS COMPANY, TION. v —~ """7 TTTTV _7._. mT3 . T T 15311-2717 Hastings, H.B. gish, when by patronising F. H._ STEEL .1 311 ST. ASAPH STRET, . PRICE 9/LA m rtr cat .\tjtt7q atjtt nin?Tr-p-pr» SATURDAY. 31st JULY, 192). FOOTBALL. ' you can always rely on getting tho Cream of Chribtchurch, N.Z. • HIGH SALARIES ARE OFFERED — C. E. GIBBONS AND CO. Canterburv. Customers in City or Suburbs FORD and HADFIELD LTD To competent Shorthand-Typiste "ENTRIES for ALL EVENTS closo on RUGBY FOOTBALL. waited on' Daily for Orders. • (DAY AND NIGHT)) 'PHONE 684. 133 Worcester street. FRIDAY, JULY 9th, at 8 p.m. RUGBY FOOTBALL. ARE now offering a Splendid Assortment Letters and Telegrams promptly attended Customs House. Shipping, and Forwarding BUSINESS HOUSES in Christchurch are „ . of to. Agents, LINWOOD. LINWOOD. ronqtantlv annlvin" to GILBY'S COLLEGE At the Canterbury Jockey Club Rooms. fANCASTER PARK. ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS- Small Goods a Speciality, -ho annual out- CARRIERS, PACKERS, and FURNITURE Only FIVE MINUTES from' CAR. constantly appjin x ix J i3xa^ji LANCASTER A R ICUfliAMi .lAh A.N J SJIftUJJb, p U t -roaches half a million pounds. REMOVERS. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION can bo given. for efficient Stenographers. So great is tho F. C. COTHER, Also, tRUII The Quantity sold speaks for itself. 5823 EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE AGENTS. ABSOLUTELY SOUND VILLA RES I- demand that we are frequently unable to Secretary. TO-MORROW of all kinds of the very best varieties, and a T AATr TOOK" E4952 DENCE, FIVE GOOD ROOMS, and all con- meet it. ' TOMORROW Splendid Collection ot L " xttttct nnrmi: ▼enfenc^, <TT includins i ELECTRIC LIGHT, GILBY'S Graduates are asked for becauso For full programme eee "Referee." 6394 * • ROSES, rr\HF CHEAPEST MEAT IN CITY. ' S ' Y i iiAiH, return verandah, they are choroughly trained. 1 —~ OLD BOYS v MARISTS. .« T , _ — ~ ... ,-PW W Book. , S® Student receive. EItECTIOII NOTICES. OLD BOYS 3' . nt ion Prime Foreqnarters, per lb s£d. Y? (general eizes), and Looee Leaf Pocket patlis, liandy sized section, weil fenced, cor- —— n pnvc r»47 COLOMBO STREET Prime Forequarters, per lb 5Jd. Books, Stationery Cases, Deed Boxes, etc., ner B ite. The owner has been transierred INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION rOUNTY COUNCIL BOxb v MA«i Shuro'i 1468 Primcst Quality Beef, Mutton, and Veal. Cloth-lined Envelope (large and email). from Christchurch, otherwise the property a±±^iniiujn. ASHLEY CUUNII L.L»Uj>oxxi. ( q, «Lj QEED POTATOES————ORDER No" SMITH and ANTHONY, LTD. ~ SKJSSL S iSpiS: aro available: —Robin Adair, Early Puritan, BETTER MEAT. ; 1423F ™ street. GREGG SHORTHAND . sharp. Early Regent, Beauty ot Hebron Pink, Arran OLDEN BREW VINEGAR is made from —— (Official College for this system). -nn+Ln nf "M John F Daw«on from the TO MORROW'S Chief, and Breezes ProlUic. -vp quality-only the best cute are (jr PURE MALT,,, has passed all GOV- BUSLNiJSS ANNOUNCEMENTS. ' r will be received at To'mORROW'S „ ■ cTJT TT T n 1> sold at Kmghi-s Butchery. Prompt kRNMENT TESTS', and is sold by all : STENOTYPY (Machiea Shorthand). Conned TO-MORROW S R" ® A ??' *\ ftttention and. lowest possible prices for Grocers. Itak© eure of the brand when fmnrcnAV ontli ' * * T»TTPRY TFACITF FOOTBALL 76 'Phone m 2933r g Cash art> " buying H5173-4217 j. c. JACKSON and CO., PITMAN'S SHORTHAND. TUESDAY, 20th inst. __ LEAGUE FOOTBALL. — : r":, - KNIGHT'S BUTCHERY,,- RABBITS AND RABBITSKINS. ■> i 66 siIiEET TYPEWRITING (touch method). JAS. R. ~„ wnrniT T WONDER why people shiver and shudder i 72 High street. 'Phones 887 and 2352. \\JE are offering 10s PER DOZEN for 17XPU1UERS CASH is &t3l Returning OfSoer. _ &\DEMIA->I V lay FEDERAL. 1 when tlwy jump into bed. It a pleasant U1 9 53^ S • VV Trapped Rabbits, full-grown, and 9a L Sackint scnm OUR STAFF in th« Department consists FEDERAL play SYDENHAM. and healthv to have the bed nicely warmed — per dozen for HARES, in *ny .juantity, with j Canvas i'u ors' i °' practical Teacher-sp=cia!ist3. FINANCIAL. d»p/ •? r,VWk with a NORTH BRITISH RUBBER HOT nTTTrTrTV Fn . THFSF CHFAP S^ ia! Huboer, Copp WE GUARANTEE TO PLACE YOU : At SYDENHAM PARK, 3 oclock. WATP,T? R\(x. Ho.oU-oOjt ET IN OUICKLx FOR ThloL CnKAP \\a are ai£o Cash Buyers of Rsboitskinfl. v;_„ t /•„. . „. n c o^u : : — Gr MOTOR TUBES. E feen and dried. Hi»hMt nri^s.'' In a congenial, remunerative ogice position TRUSTEES EXECUTORS Fina i Game Shield Premiership. Our Price. Our Price. ' p. FERON and SON, LTD., Automatic wh:en you aro P roScic nt. ATTORNEYS AGENTS Fast and Continuous Rugbj*. MUSIC FOR DANCING. 815 x 105 22s 6d 32 x 4 22s Gd 403 Moorhouse avenue. P.O. Box S3. J4941 " 875 x 105 27s 6d 34 x 4 27 s6d F4977-4691 ■ TT AVE you a CHOICE PICTURE or DAT CLASSES. EVENING CLASSES. ,Aad No. 2, 9, and 12 Care. Sealing « 920 X 120 32s Od 35 x4i 32s Od * ~ I ; ~~ IJL VALUED PHOTOGRAPH which vou INVESTMENT EROKERS. Accommodation. ' _ Only a few of each lino left in stock. En wlsh to tave FRAMED in an attractive ° CORRESPONDENCE LESSONS. rpHE DOMINION TRUST is in' touch with ~ " „ ALL the Latest and Best Waltzes, Fox QuaUt y guaranteed. Every tube a bargain. JpI seli NORTH BRmSH RUBBER HOT manner? Xhis can be done promptly and . t . T many Sound Investment*, returning The ENGLISH TEAM: at Lancaster Park, A- Trots, Two Steps, Maxinas, etc., in hAA and ALLEWAY, V.ATER BAGS. No liner quality ,s made. a t A term may eommence at any time. /J" . ™ ij ato „f interest and will Saturdav August 7th Monday, August 9th. Stock. K5201-1648 165 Ca,hel street, Christchurch. The patent "Lnigue" stopper GIBB 'S. . Call or write for details. Sirmargin of iecunty. " Destiny Waltz, 0a 6d; Beautiful Ohio WpLSELEY SHEARING MACHINES. VERNON Art Dealer and Artists' Colourman,*. GILBY'S COLLEGE, LTD., ' ite t d > 0 , BOROUGH COUNCILS. Walt 3. 2s; 80-la-bo For Trot, -s; By and are leminaed ryrrvTlFTr PALMIST *ASTROLOGIST Opposite B&Jiuityne'a. Royal Exchange Euildings, Negotiations axe conducted by — Ma^na? 5 L; T pdnre SJS'eTWch (or S ' N ° Xt 'cHIUSTCHURCH SqUare ' THE DOMINION TRUST CO. OF N.Z., NEW BRIGHTON BOROUGH COUNCIL. TW p°ost S aJe P, Ud-per Copy Extra. ' Macwl'ti cfuantHyY ?PPly]rf ' ' Fee, 2s. JC2683 NOKCE. Telephone 1333. ' P.O. Box 56. HEREFORD CHRISTCHURCH METAL for Road, and Yards J " Manager: JAMES STEPHEN DAY PROPOSED LOAN OF £3^. Dance Albums always on Stock. BUBBER, HOT, WATER , DANCING. AXD DEPORTMENT— 3 °- 10 — w CENTRAL MUSIC STORES -„ H- McCLELLAND. street. gjgff pomn) . DAY-TUESDAY, JULY 13th. W8649-1234 162-164 High street. WOT TD THE HALSWELL AKHIES, LTu, i m three private kssons. Any hour Cla* es IMox : a T .osr.™. — E.A D HAIR" S forwarded on reccipt of 10s 6d. ; . F5231 Box, Prebbieton Hornby. Edward, Post o{ propoeod ,orks, D J-L, a theatr# ltej>ly ' ..CTTPTTRFT TTOUS " 80, 673 Wty all rriHE biggest Rubber Manufacfmng Con- Sl ' « of which are in circulation intio Have you ever observed omon o a theatr M6035-49i3 SUPERFLUOUS^— Box 673. We stock every photographic re- L C ern in -the Empire makes tho Ix-st i,,. ,P T nG,p >■»'«"">" Asbhurton and Dunsandel. Borcurh. FtsrSi k - bs-. i?s.T r ,«.^. R 6^SP E s watch. — were newr brushed. This Laie of Petersen a. Ltd, E. BEARDSLEY and SON. "Unique" patent stopper. H5253-5994 At Homi : Iresa c_. ratepayers are Urged to often caused from neglect, but moro -. 117 Manchester street — Tuesday Afternoons. ol Worcester Etre«t. _ QST Lancaster Park, middle grandstand, throusrh washing with common soaps, an am t inform his Friends that he is b.i-r» rOnn. Hevwood's). L 5226 | , T ,.'_ j j vivttv f\<zv Pnrw in- vn-rv. PrtT! THIS LOAN. poo powders, etc., which tend to dry and ft ESTABLISHED ls BUSINESS on B-.25-7039 ( l - PP VXTE ARE SPECIALISTS IN FRAMING DAN C I r~ A 39t impoverish the growth. Wom | n toa OWN ACCOUNT. TvOMINIOV CLEANING COMPANY PICTURES M ISS F. D WARDS —— , 3nd thus sanction the Council's Policy ot' their hair to remain glossy and alwo-lookmg CLt.A-VUNUr i i\l (Pupil 0 f Miss Eetelle Beer®, OtRAYED from my farm, 20 EWES and 3ntl inus Profrrc^. should certainly use HENNALIN£. 133 CASHEL STREET, yj ,e Mar< ; h t ,r 'l PLACE YOUR NEST ORDER WITH Certificated Teacher, of London), O HOGGETS, and One RAM, branded , EGYPTIAN SHAMPOO. It is K „ t Ba'lantyne's Haalenstein a Buildinge. McCORMICK AND PUGH Is now Forming Classes and Giving Private D.C., and red paini mark on head. Reward splendid, and makes hair absolutely glisten. V.8353 iNext ( T. C. W. Pujh, Proprietor), Le-ssonsin on SifoEmation to D. H. Le Comte, Sprin?Get it to-day from . -vtipttt tot Window Cleaning House Cleaning Art Dealers. Artists' Colourmec. etc.. FANCY AND THE LATEST MODERN Bto n. C:pS pnTTTVG PT,-VCRS—lnnos's Stow, South, H" Ch^t J cLch T - TISH.RUBBER TOT W, specialisf^^Pk^eslof Wedding and Particul^^to o^^' may be ob- QTRAYED on ground of St. Andrew's ColHigh etrwt Christchurch. l 0 people who '.rant the best and longest-last- liie urigmai other nreaents. 1 tained from The Bristol Piano Co., or by Ow Papa.nui road, one Dark Bay street Sur. Club Pavilion, r,«tn SJ^ 4 - Thorn """ • K,p S; 2 ailS;l -phone Asia «»» ««n ««HI» ' «iw.»>« m. -nm jub2 WS» hack. m

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Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16882, 9 July 1920, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16882, 9 July 1920, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16882, 9 July 1920, Page 1