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ToIAY* D.I.C SALE ; I The following are exceptional value, and are recommended with confidence ' S ' I Corsets and Underclothing Manchester Section Dress Fabrics and Silks | • | & A." SPORTS TORSKT. ANOTHER "BRITISH GOVERN- 't' <"ik!s riIF.YIOT SKRGK \t.r. S E "EN'IIV' sizes -I to 'JS— Special MENT" BARGAIN. WOOL, in <axo, l.rown, vimx "row ' * k; valiii— f. pn;»!!y . . 1 1 /J> ivirr-ri- i rrewv S'"-*y, etc.. very tpcia! vnluo i; & D.I.C. Salo Price .. .. S/G TIM... WlliTh a.i>. Csuallv 1:' t; To Cle.iv ifi/« {! Infant;;' BL.A<"l\ PATKXT SUOKS— PCIILINEN", made to the British t pi<oe.->" (: AUAiIDINK M'ITtXG "in P 3 ITsualiy .. .. .. (iovernment's sjiecilication;; lor Aero- fiiv, :i. hrown, grey lntMures verv !!! D.I.C. Sttfo Pric* .. . . 1/11 1.".-e;r.l for nv.mberle.-v pur- and usctul. Min Infants I»LA<K 800 11-; with white , ... , . I suallv /— To Clear °1 ' tops—rsuallv .. .. 4/6 poses——for household use and wearing fOYKKT COATIXC I D.I.C. Sale Price _ .. 1/- apparel. l-rrnvh, fawn, -rem inixtttros™ La^^: Y VVO V KX . COTTON BLF.A('iIKT> AEROt'LANK T.INKN, M>leudi«l wear and stylish i ip p e a r '. ~ =/u 0,.« ;s .. Costumes and Blouses CfS 1 r^T"T: ;OT : OI £^l•, HI T*K AKKOPLANI'* LIXKN— t« IjUO H •>> . m «*•, *■ dIi.C.- siT'klco " : iS/0 fTr:;' 1 "'Ti cS-T, i MAIZK CRKPK DE CHINK BLOUSE, Only a limited quantity of In „ 'j™"* \V\"Y 1 embroidered white Floss Silk— view of the immediate sale there was " ima,-..,' -~ '' uua » H t."siuilly PT/Ci for the Aeroplane Cotton reeently ' "«w« ci^r'~s/ 8 D.I.C. Sale Price . . . . 52/3 offered by us. we would urge intend- ' wear _5,- ||| l'rctty WHTTJS A'OILI" I'KOCKS, purchasers of these Linens to HI trimmed Aal. and Embroidorv— make early inspection, as orders will fl 1 RH If D.I.C. £'alo Prices from 29/6 each receive attention in rotation. UOUMIIg SHfl ITICrCCrV m AMERICAN COATS, navy blue lined apnpiv , ,■, lila< k Satinet te,' smart collar, trim- ' , "r- 11- , < ' c P ijS D.La slio I V^e' ct_lJS ° a " > : .5? S: Five hems from the Fancy ? 1 1 only BETTY WALES FROCK, in r„ „ M ,'-n ~M AB " l nI , ;AIN " 1 tine navy serge, trimmed Soutache ufiuUQn T p ''aIV PH S Braids— Usuallv .. £8/18/0 ' MI ; ?;?,•?'. 87 /6 IS D.I.C. Sala Price ... £5/5/- COTTON INSERTIONS, "Jin. to nin. MI-.N S I). 11. TWEED OAT-,KCOAT.S M BOTTLE tiREKN COSTC-ME, Cheviot v.-idc—Usually 1/f. to t/T. yard , _, ' • ,0 100/- M ■serge, coi'.t lined Satinettc— D.I.C. Salo Prices. 71d to 1/6 yard S rlfnv 34/- E Usuallv .. .. £7/7/-. PtXiv SII-K SCARFING, -'7in. wide- 51h^,v„ , RI-;AI^.;T 0-\\ EAU BOS S D.I.C. "Sale Prico .. £4/19/G , Usually 7/« i. »' Wl tailored, N.Z. Tw«d« & Smart ROUGH TW'IJED' COSTUME, D.I.C. Sala Price .. .. 3/11 ~ _.•■ H in mixed mauve shades, coat lined WHITE BRETONNIi NET, HGin. wide irigrey satin—Usually .. £8/8/- Usually .. . . .. -J/11' MENS, bMAK NfcGLIGL SHIRTS, , j D.LC. Salo Price . . .. 0 • D.I.C. Sale Price ..2/0 yard Hack and whit<j stripes— . WHITE MERV RIBBON— L r C'i U '' , ••. • • • 12/6 ( f\ fv n ■ • 1 I T sualJv °' 1.1 JD.I.C» Sulo Pncc ~ 10/0 i 1 UUon Dress fabrics and •b'.i.c.-saie wool.: \ || r, , .. FANCY NECICWEAR— Ai>ll) MNOLLTb— S S3 riarniPlPtlM nsuatly .. r,/6 each VsnaUy .. .. .. 10/0 s i KJHKC.CUtfa D.I.C. Sale Price .. 1/- each D.I.C. i,ale Prico .. 8/ u CHECK TWEEDS—Usually. .1/11 , HEN' S IRISH LINK.N HANDKIiR- 1 D.I.C. Sale Price .. .. 2/11 CHIEFS, hemstitched— J otiin. WHITE TWILL FLANNEL- ' Usually !/ 6 .j ETTE—Usually .. 4.1/- doz. rv* . [ r 1 1 D.I.C. Sale Pries fi/11 i.(l n i / '! D.I.C. Salo Prico , . 35/- doz. iJlSCOlint lOr Cash as usual MEN\S-CASHMKKK SOCKS, fccnW' j 40in. WHITE VOILE —Usually _/6 able wear—Usually 5/0 und .l/ll' ' D.I.C. Sale Price . . 1/6 yard 1 / * _„_L „n D.I.C. Salo Prices . . 4/6 -1/11 J Special UNION SHIRTINGS, guaran- I/" 111 c3Cn COmpleie X Clearance Prices in the balance of toed unshrinkable— purnituro. « - D.I.C. Sale Prico 3/G yard ■ MOTHER SAYS ' — ■"! I I 1 I (HEIAN'S ESSENCE) El | » makes a splendid Cough and g| - 1 W S Cold Remedy, and saves money. ■ || sgMH^aß The finest | |jj E | tlse world produces | ! P It.pays to have a "North British" l ! vi" •B/IvSE*vß.G.vii n Rubber Hot Water Bag—the ■ should be performed with ease and I kind that does not crack or burst i completeness if the body is to he S at the seams. Made from the . | maintained in perfect health. But i (j\ S fl\ 1 vei *y finest plantation rubber, in j even in the case o! those -who poss- ! I/ \ /1 \ I the foremost rubber manufacj ess naturally strong digestions this j L>® j turing plant in the British Empire | is far from always being the case, —no wonder their unassailable I for the conditions of modern life I reputation circlcs the globe. ! impose a strain which frequently Everv " North j gives rise to nnavoidable irregular- j British" Rubber 44 m T ■ w TTlfe •» • •» If g *ties. Hence almost everybody j Hot Water Bag |^jIl5 MntSGVI I Buffers at times from dyspeptic g proudly d is- i 1 , 3_pA SdlrSl 111888 | troubles, more or less pronounced, I playsthis.. It is then that medicine becomes a I brand on the lUiffctf' Sht&W Qoffc necessity. An ideal remedy for 1 neck. fiflv*. "s Cal.l^£ most of the derangements to which jj I the stomach, * liver, kidneys end H I Know no equal anywhere; and bowels are liable is thai J the "Unique" Patent Stopper preparatipn Beecham > Pills. | has. never been known to leak. ercising as they do a tonic, corrective I That counts, too. and cleansing influence upon the | disturbed organs, Beecham's Pills | I speedily bring about marked i«n-1 All Chemises, KardWarCHieil ' ~, I provcmcnt. of digestion is I alvrays greatly facilitated by a course B I and Fnbber Dealers 4 of that highly successful medicine B - - t; s I E recommend fbem |l BffdWM'S' T —r l I PIUS I— ~ K Prepared only by I II I 'T3OHAS BBECHAM, St Helms, Bajy fH f|l_ 1 f> • • 1. HAT I A ATM7D'O 1 I FbcnomeoalrricingatnuLLAriDfcKd ; 85ZI '' iai I ENP-OF-SEASONi so U COSTUME CLEARANCE L /V well-timed selling' event," presenting values and ' | *** ' W styles far superior to anything you could possibly • j C' I' O g r ' 1 -it ,n expect at such drastic reductions. S it Every item presented here is a model of smartness jM i and high quality, so generously cut in prico as to S -ji/r * rriT>o 1 ensure a quick clearance. a lvi/iJiiib X\ja Usual Sale 9 nATAT TV ' lr\A\ BROWN CHECK COSTUMES, Price Price - , 9 u ll\ X Y "f\\ \\ belted stvles .. £5/5/- £3/5/- 1 THINPrq /Avn U TWEED COSTUMES, Gabardine *| - 1 +* * .Vj o //)f?RV shadps •• •• ..£3/10/6 £3/19/6 ( DANTIER // fin i v>t MID nn ' l dark grey cos- £.yio/- ;| i ■ / rt ,1 I TUMES, smart brltpd styles .. £5/15/- £4/5/- . a I 'XI TWEED COSTUMES, Harris Tweed.. ' < I ' ~ ' — j I y sports stvles .. .. .. £0/19/6 £4/10/- S ' A LJ GREY GABRICORD COSTUifES, »;• . / y ft smart, semi-fitting styles .. 7 gns. £5/19/6 gll r Q fl I l \ y i@M\ DARK GREY CHECK TWEED fifl3K6 VOSiT \ I IWSI COSTUMES 7 gns. £5/19/6 f| J , ?W \ \ S \Be\ 1 only Fine BROWN" CHECK 1 MnnPV flft \ l \ATff COSTmiE, G.S., Ail-Wool, long I iIiUUDJf UU \{* \ lpS[ \) coat. .. 9 gns. £7/19/6 |, I Hnnhlo ../» I\\ ifY digger gabardine costume, I UUuEilw ff W |\\ j\ ' new stvles .. .. 30 gns. .£B/10/- 1 i rilttl# ill fJsi A few i:;inc fAVY SEEGE COS- -I Ulllj XM TUiffiS, spmi-iitting, trimmed f , , . frfj tWa _ buttons . .. .. 7 irns. £5/19/6 by purchasing your \S] ' f« fil 0 , r . *; ° i| clothes front Mrs ff sniff . I Smart BLACK SERGE COS- # fi. | Ellwood. Bfj 1 " TUMES, trimmerl Silk Militarv L 1 in s ° u /ll I ! I Braid, newest stvles .. .. 9 gns. £7/7/- ■ I smart as thJ- next fl St ALL-WOOL CLERICAL and MID '! fellow at half the /)/ 3 | | .GREY SUITING COSTUMES, £8/15/- 7gnS. I cost - (J I fl □ very smart models .. .. 12 gns. £9/15/- 1 NOBODY BUT I] Redactions in all Departments at our Great Winter Sale* ' YOURSELF WILL | | 1 ™ E E J U M. HOLLANDER, LTD. f Sly large stock of misfil and lefl-oIT R} 224-226 High Street. j clotbins offers a wide range to selcct 11* .. ' w ■ ;LJ —pg from. Every article in stock Is ' 11 *' '' tl n . thoroughly fumigated, and In good .. : ji condition. Call and inspect to-day. 1 11 * „_ _ , 1 FIDE 3DPPLT OF HDJSEBT STGSI j ENGRAVING— Mrs. Ell W OOQ. .j. ( . „ AT ; "A baadwme piece of Jf Second-hand d«hl». ©11l ffiODetlt j I 123, 125, 127 ARMAGH STREET. •• Carter'* Tested Seal* " 1 ! P eciall ' e m Mono S raau « Crest *' > @ 'Phone 3057. I stß*s» »^| » J C. M. MERRIE St CO. I A. S. WILLIAMS, Gemeral M 1 638 COLOMBO STREET | Stewart D»w»ou'« Cr„ 3rd Floor, 'PwM *7 m ' »M'| '■ WSS9S-27&3

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Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16882, 9 July 1920, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16882, 9 July 1920, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16882, 9 July 1920, Page 4