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The Peace Memorial Committee met on Saturday morning, there being present:—Councillors Andrew, Harlc, Workman, Messrs F. Smith, A. C/Renner. and A. B. Clark. Messrs It. T. Pope and F. J. Monk forwarded apolo- ! f'cs for unavoidable absonre. Cr. S : ndrew was appointed chairman, and Mr A. C. Renner secretary. Tho question of the best means of raising funds was discussed, and it was decided that tlio committee undertake tho work of collecting, and in tho. event of insufficient funds being forthcoming, a canvasser be appointed. It was decided to write various firms, soliciting designs and estimates for an obelisk. The first meeting of the committee of the South Marlborough Roads and Bridges League (amalgamated with tho Roads and Bridges League), was held at tho Public Library on Friday afternoon, Mr S. Andrew presiding. A letter was received from the Minister of Public "Works, acknowledging the League's communication covering a resolution passed by the meeting. He stated that the request for the bridging of tho .rivers between Kaikoura and .Waiau would receive consideration when the Estimates were being prepared. In reply to a communication from the League in reference to the holding up of mails at Ward, tho Postmaster-Gene-ral informed the League, that in order to avoid the delay caused by the alteration in the AVard-Blenhoim train service, tho question had been considered of arranging for the conveyance of the mails between "Ward and lilenheim by motor vehicle. As, however, 'the expenditure involved in providing such"' a service was not warranted, it was regrotted that the present arrangements could not be improved. The Kaikoura Motor Company offered to carry the mails free. It was decided to writ© to the Minister, pointing out the unsatisfactory nature of the reply. Tho question of metalling the South Bay-Kowhai road was discussed, and it : was decided to communicate with the resident engineer at Blenheim, urging that tho metalling .be done. It was resolved that the resident engineer in Christchurch be written to regarding jttic bad state of the Hawkeswood road, on which tho mail cars had been held up" at a point near Fernihurst letter-box, and urging that immediate action bo "iven to the matter. As the Departmental vote of £oCO had not yet been expended on the Ewelne-Kowhai protective wonss, it was resolved that the Minister bo written to, requesting that tlio amount bo expended, as there was a danger of both roads being blocked. Mr "r on ™ ove d that a general mooting +«i S <.° sjeaguo be held prior to the elections, at a date to bo ar-

tho two days boing 4. 3!) i Ra ; f H on twelve days to a tnf-,1 r &•■ II V.„„ r : ocf r „ -Ja o„. a . l , ot f" of 6.60 in. the Th«wi ? (--39 m) being on tho 29th--2JOi» 1 '° r AuEMt of W-ycr was

CHEVIOT. of the meeting sashay-, ttMB of Waikaii, Moderator* *r£f' hall was beautifully dWitod. After and pray er the retiring; seen! Mr Scott) read the report of the

outgoing,committor, which dealt prin-i cipally with references to the excellent work end faithful services rendered by" th • pastor (Mr Paton). and to the I scandalously low stipend paid to him ;fl return for his fatihfurl services. Regret was also expressed at the loss of Mr Birrell from the district. Tho balancesheet showed receipts £133. and expenditure £lsJ9 10s 6d, leaving a crcdit of £4 Ss 6d. Tho treasurer also reported that, an extra £11 5s had been subscribed for tho purchase of a horse and gig and harness for tho minister. A recommendation that the minister's stipend should bo substantially increased was carried. Reports of the Parnassus congregation and Sunday school. Spolswood congregation and Sunday school, Spotswcfod and Parnassus Biblo class, and township were received. The following frentlemen were elected a Township itanagenient Committee: — Messrs Scott, Telfer, Truman, Murgatrovd, Fraser, Anderson. Dalgety, Taylor, and N. Laugeson. The four out-stations will elect their own office-bearers. Tho purchase of tho old Methodist Church was approved, and it was decided to move it on to the church property for Surdav school and social ball purposed. The Moderator expressed himself «s highly satisfied with tho state of the i Cheviot -charge. Musical items wore contributed as follows: Duet, Miss Saunders and Mr Skinner: songs, Mrs Ford and Mr Skinner; pianoforte solo and two recitations bv two members ot the Rod Rovers Party; a violin and | piano duiit by Mr and Miss Murgatrovd. Supper, kindly provided by the ladies, was handed round, after which the proceedings closcd. HORORATA. A hockey match was played at Hororata on Saturday afternoon between the Greendale and Hororata teams, and resulted in a win for the home toam by three goals (scored by Mrs Ryan two, and Miss Orsbourno. one) to two (scored by Shipley and Mrs Dean). Mr R. Felton was referee. KIRWEE. Tho local Crickot Club has beon resuscitated, and tho season was ushered in by a very successful social on Friday evening, in the Agricultural Hall. A large number of people were present, and a very pleasant evening was speut. Songs were given by Mesdames A. P. Anderson and C. Dunne,tt, Misses Crequcr, Holmes. E. Colee, and G. Robertson; highland dancing, Miss -Kavanagh; Irish jig, Miss Eileen O'Grady; recitations, Misses Lorna Williams and JJileen O'Grady. The .accompaniments were played by Mesdames A. L. Stewart and J. Christophcrson, Missos P. Belgrave, Crequer, Gwen Thomas, and Messrs C. Dunnett and Howell. The . music for the dance was kindly supplied by Mesdames J. Ohristopherfion, A. L. Stewart, and F. Johnson, Miss Christopherson, and Messrs C. Dunnett and Howell. Mr D. C, Mcßcath was M.C. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to all those who had helped to mako the social such a success. A progressive euchro match was pla3'ed iu the Courtenay Library, on Thursday evening, by: the Courtenay Social Club. A fair, number of people were present. The prizes were won D.y Mrs McAnulty. and Mr 6. A. Bedford, and the "booby" prizes by Miss G. Robertson and Master Xi. McMeekan. Ths*same club recently held its second social, which was well attended, songs and dancing being the programme for the evening. Songs were contributed by Mesdames J. H. -Bedford, McNae,. and McAnulty, and Miss Colee, and a duet by Mr and Mrs J. H. Bed« ford, Mesdames A. E. Moffat and Mc Kay, and Misses F. Belgrave, P. McNae, and G. Robertson.. Mr M. Robertson was M.C. AKAROA.

The directors of the Peninsula Saleyards Company met. oti Friday. Protent: Messrs H. Latter (chairman), W. W. Williams, R. Stewart, E. Hay. ana iT W Williins. The secretary reported that yard fees"' for the August sale <v/ere ! £14 18s. '.liitt]e River residents wrote asking for information regarding the company and-its, doings, as it was proposed' to build .yards in the township. . The secretary stated that ho had forwarded < the - information. One hundred and fiftv new 6hares were allotted. .Mr -Wilkin's reported Laving made satisfactory arrangements regarding attendance at tho telephone office at tho yards. Tho same gentleman was authorised to procure heavy timber from the. Lyttelton .Harbour Board, required for prospective inrreased accommodation. ASHLEY. * A social was -held in tho Ashley schoolroom last woek to do honour to four departing residents—-Mr and Mrs I J. Burns, Mr and Mrs D. Morris, Mr and Mrs A. Benjes, and Mr and Mrs Price. An apology waa read from Mr and Mrs Prico and family, who wore unablo to attend. During the evening Mr Downing spoke of the sterling qualities of the guests, and the good work done, by them in the interest of the district. Songs were contributed by Meedam'es H. Chappell, E. Trollope, Misses Dalzell, Davidson, Barrell, and Young, Messrs Harloy and Reynolds. Mr J. Whittham supplied the music for the dancings and Messrs W. Booker and R. Miller actedas M.C.'s. . PREBBLETON. A meeting of the committee set up in connexion with the proposed peace memorial was held on Friday evening, when plans and specifications of a granite monument were submitted by tlie deputation in charge of that, matter. The estimates ranged in price from £196 to £400, these sums allowing for a column seventeen feet high, and with a fairly- large amount of lead lettering. As there was only a small attendance of the committee it was resolved to adjourn the meeting until Saturday evening next, when a public meeting will' be hold, at which the committee will present the plans and-estimates. Tho football season is. drawing to a close, and the final match will be played on the local ground against Riccarton on Saturday next. The club has been very throughout the season, winning three out of the five competition matches in which it played, and was rnnner-up in the seven-a-side tournament at Leeston. In all the friendly games played the club was successful. It is felt that something is wanted to take the place of football iu the coming summer, and many of the young men are anxious to form a cricket club. It seems likely that cricket will receive strong support, and a meeting in connexion with the formation of the club " ill bo held on Saturday evening. Great secrecy and excitement prevails with regard to the fancy dress ball which is to bo held this week. Dancers are most anxious that even their bost friends shall not recognise them, hence the secrecy in the matter of costumcs. Masks, too, are to be % worn, and tho whole affair promises to' be "a huge success. . First-class dance music has been arranged for, with Mr W. Bettol at the piano, assisted by a violinist.

SPRINGSTON. On Thursday afternoon last n tennis fete was opened in the Public Hall by , Mr I. Andrew (chairman of the Springs County Council). The attendance, although the afternoon was beautiful, was rather disappointing. It appears that not a very keen interest is taken by most of the. residents in anything in i the way of games. In spite of tho , poor attendance a fair business was ' done. The fete was open again in the evening, but the attendance again showed the lack of interest of the pub- . lie, but nevertheless nearly everything ' was sold, and it,-is hoped that a start i with the new court will soon be made-. . Tho stallholders>follows: —Sewing stall, Mesdarnes Wright, Bailey, . and Parish'; home-produce, Mrs Hams: "nick-nacks," Mrs. Kime; sweets, Miss . A. Marshall; bran tub, Misses A. Rime, G. Harris, and Husband; afternoon tea

iind supper, Mesdames Marsiiau •••• Mounce, and Misses Davison and r'nompson (2>. The centienieji mcm[icra of tho club assisted generally. Hie succors of the fetc was due to severat persons not intimately connected ■with ;lio club coming forward and helping. LADBROOKS. The fortnightly euchre tournament ind danoo was Held in the Town Hall. Jicro being a-good attendance. The •esulls of the euchre competitions wort:: —Ladies' first prize, Miss Alma "Wit-to; adies' ■second prise, Miss Marjory Gnb»»tis: gentlemen's first prize, Mr P. Hc-Drury; gentlemen 1 s second _ prize, Wr F. Watson. The music was supplied by. Mrs Scluiltz, and Mr A. Gab->at-is acted as M.C. A meetinc of the La'dbrooks returned nen was hold last week, when it vas decided to hold a ball in about ;hree weeks' time. A strong, commito was appointed to inako all arrangenents, which will bo on a very elsbo■ate scale. The school is closed for tlie winter lolidays. Tho clearing salo of live and dead itock held on the farm of Mr W. Payne. ;en., on Thursday was largely attended, ixcellcnt prices being realised. Every ine was cleared. Miss Mary Foster, wlio has . been spending a'holiday with friends in Sumler. returned home on Saturday. Thero is still a demand for table' and eed potatoes, good sorts of table sellng freely at £10, and seed at £6 to £6 os. Tho cliaff market .has made a move ince the recent snow, several lines havng changed hands during the week. SOUTH MALVERN DISTRICT. The bonedicts of the district have deeded to hold a ball early in October, .nd a strong committee has been set ip, with Mr Wm. Leeming as chairman .nd Mr A. Wcastell as secretary. It s about sis years since the last. benelicts' ball was held, and great preparaions are being made for the revival. Tiie electoral boundaries decided upon s a resultofthe elimination of the old selwyn electorate havo been the object if considerable criticism of late. For , long number of years tho district lias >een in one olectorato, but this year it s in two electorates, lliccarton and ' Tlie whole of Whitccliffß [own to. and including. Mr H. LoH;ard's house, is in Ellesmere, likewise he Wairiri Valley residents and all hose residents of Gleutunnel, Coalgate, nd Homebush who reside on the north ;ide of the railwav line. The. remainder ,f the district is in the Riccarton olect•rate. The vagaries of the boundaries s thev affect this district arc looked ipoii as having more regard to political 'colour" than "community of inter!Sti " ' " Mr T. O. Bishop, atcing-undcr-secre-,arv of the Mines Department visited .ho Homebush mine last week to lnpect the Government boring plant, rtiich has been at work there for some ' TliiF weather, since the snowfall of the st. has been very changeable and.coM, vith hard frosts at night. Indeed, the i-eathcr has been colder, and the frosts nore severo, than during tho month of Vugust. Lambs are making their apjearanco everywhere and feed -is now »ming on, and in consequence, milk md. butter are not now the pale com>ounds they have been for some time ' a in justice to the employees of the lomebush mine, it is nleasing to njCord ,hakno "go-slow" policy is in evKtenoo ,here. lie output is being steadily oainteincd, and is on the increase. AjSHBURTON, Air F. Ferriman,' Ashburton, has renerously arranged to motor a numicr of boys who assisted during tho in luonza epidemic to Lyttelton . j nspect H.M.S. New Zealand. _ He wiH ilso see to the entertaining of tho boys lurin'c tho stay in tho port* .. : , An Ashburton builder stated, y«f«?r lay that he had reason to believe-that ixtensivo building operations ™uld bo commenced in Ashburton at &n early Jate; .to" relieve the housa ~ Bnortagc, nrhich is very acute at preset. _ - The secretary of tho Ashburton War Relief Association states that there are enquiries concerning tne Coldstream soldiers' sectioip, arc to b4 balloted' for on September loth. Soldier visitors from all parts of Canterbury, and even further afield, are inspecting the land and making onquines from those who know the district as to ts capabilities. The Wairnna sections, closely adjoining, are also to ■be baUotr ;d for on September 15th. andaro tho subject of enquiries from r soldiers, \but not to tho extent of the Coldstream block Tlie monthly meeting ofthoAsihurton Hospital and Charitable Aid Board ivas held on Monday.Present—Messrs [). Roid (chairman), W. J■ D"* 1 ®' . J. Harrison. J. Cairns, and H. I<nodlander. The chairman reported that tho architect had been asked to prepare [)lans and specifications for additions to the hospital. The treasurer reported i credit balance of £2001 2s lOd The medical superintendent reported that serious inconvenienco was being caused through there being no sterilising apparatus in the-soldiers' surgical- ward. A discussion took place on the question >f tho proposed additions to the hospital to provide the. necessary. accommodation'for out-patients, and, on the motion of Mr Friedlander, a committee, of the whole Board Was set up to goi into ;ho question. Mr Friedlander and Mr IV. H. Robinson were appointed a Visiting Committoo. It was decided. :o increase Inspector Johnston's 6alary o £250 a year. , i At tho monthly meeting of tlio Asniurton, Red Cross Comforts' Committee, it was reported that five troop ,rains had been met sine© tho last meeting, and £56 had been spent on tea, •tc., at the railway' refreshment rooms, md £9 10s on fruit and social after100ns. Motor-car drives had been ar--anged for tho- soldiers in hospital. Thirty crates of hares, given, to tho Hed. Cross Society, had been sent from ho Fairfield Freezing "Works to H.M.S. (few Zealand. It was decided that the natron at 'tho Cashmere Hills Sanito■ium bo authorised to spend £5 a month m delicacies for Ashburton County nen. this sum to Be increased ias the aumber of patients increased. It wae ilso decided to send a consignment 'of vann garments. It was agreed to .re>- : oot 50 pairs of socks for tho Hanmei Sanitorium. Mrs Waterston and Miss VlcKee tendered thoir resignations aa secretaries, as they were about to leave ,he district. . Mrs Waterston war granted extond.ed leave of absence, and Miss McKee was elected an honorary nember. Mesdames J. Watson and iVaterston were asked to carry on the ocrotarial duties. I

5 WAIMATE. t The Mnjor of "Waimato has received , advice, that Admiral Lord JelHeop will stop herts for a few minutes* on Thursj day afternoon. A public reception is . being arranged. , The Waimate District High School v will receive about £ tho result of tho recent picture benefit. Mr W. G. Paul (chairman of the ■ committee) thanked the picture syndicate ana Mesdarnes Adams and Geo. Manehes--5 ter, who collected for the sweets. * Miss Jean Adams, of Christchurch, 5 trave a public elocutionary recital, as- " sisted by Mrs A. S. Blake, Miss Violet 3 Brien, ilessrs W. L. Hay, J.' Bortht. w i c k 3 nd C. Eastwood. The large ball ' w - as 'crowded. Afterwards, at supper, 1 i Mr H. H. Meredith, on behalf of the 3 ' Arno Soldiers' Memorial Hall Oomiuit--5 tee, presented Miss Adams with a ina«1 sive gold bangle as a token of appre--1 ciation of tlie help given at the open- * ing of the hall a few evenings pre--5 vionsly. * , ' t j Hectoi- McDonald, aged two. years, a * i son of Wm. McDonald, saddler, drank - from tho spout of a kettle of boiling , water. The child is now . in liospital, : and is doing well. s The condition of George Hawkc, son , of Mr "Woodman Hawke, South road, i is vcrj serious. "While-playing in &

! football match on Thursday at Oamaru he fell on his bead, straining an injury to the spine between the shoulders. Paralysis set in. aud tlio patient has loyt the use of his body below the s-honlders. Tho ages of the latest 16 adults who hate died in "Waimate district averaged 75 years, ranging from 50 to 89 rears. | . ,

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Press, Volume LV, Issue 16624, 10 September 1919, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY Press, Volume LV, Issue 16624, 10 September 1919, Page 3

THE COUNTRY Press, Volume LV, Issue 16624, 10 September 1919, Page 3