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CHEVIOT. Mr Tnos. Gee, of the p iot County Council, has resigned, lie represented tho Seaward riding. Tho New Zealand Farmers Co-op-erative Association intend to ercchulk stores in the township. It has hmg been felt that some organ'sation was required in tho townsmi , to watch matters appertaining to an j improvements required,_ r.nd with th'» j object- in view, a meeting of property ; owners in the township was held on Monday evening. Mr 3. Rentoul P r^ ; sidc-d over a very representative gather- j ing. It was revived to form a Chov'ot i Proirrei-. -relation. and a committee | was formed to report- at a future meet- j The returned soldiers of Spot wood j rave a dance on a recent o voir Tig in their local hall, and a good tune was spent until the small hours. COOPER'S CREEK. On Friday last there was hold at j Cooper's Creek a enjoyable am i highly successful social in tho school-j room, to welcome Rifleman F. liekoi , and Trooper H. Marsh. The room was mcst ta-itelully decorated with flags and l>ush greenery. Two l>eautUul j hearing tho v-ords "'W eleome Htmic.. I were conspicuously placed, while Chinese lanterns, attached by streamers oi I led. white and blue paper flowers, j adorned the centre of the room; the j wh'Te effect was most picturesque. Tho room was full to overflowing. Dancing I was indulged in to the music efficiently ; supplied bv Misses R-. Rvde, I. Rydc. 1). Meyers', O. Lilly, . Mr» linker, and Mr Pope. During the evening songs wero contributed by Misses Starkey, tTonos, Marsh, Herman, blaster Stanley Herman, and Mr Pope, and the r^cita-; tions given bv ?\liss Jones wero much appreciated. 'After the company had; partaken of a. delicious supper, Mr G. 11 yds presented Rifleman Lckor and Trooner Marsh each with a gold medal suitably inscribed. _ After tin*. dancing was continued tilt tho earlv hours of the morning. The pleasant" gathering terminated in the singing of "Auld Lang -Syne" by all present. Altogether the entertainment was a huge success, and reflects great credit on the committoe responsible. CUST. A welcomo homo s-oeial was held in tho Institute Hall. Cust, in honour of Sergeant T. A. Searell, Corporal V. Frizzell. Trooper S. Kingsbury, and Privates W. Rowe, C. Loffogon, and A. I Hurley, who have just returned from active service. 'I'ho Rev. Mr Ilowes and j Mr 11. Tidlatt spoke m appreciation of j the services rendered to the Empire by ■ the guests, and presented each ono with I a certificate, as an acknowledgment c* j their, fine work. Everyone present seemed to be in a very ha.opy frame of m'nd. and all enjoyed themselves im- : mensely. I

FERXSIDE. | A very largely-attended social was held in the schoolroom on Friday evening, for tho purposo of welcoming home Troopers J. R. Trotter, F. D-oak, T. H. Guy, and Privato G. Tibbett. On behalf of tho residents, Mr W. Smith "extended a hearty welcome to tho returned mei., and proson ted them with a gold medal each. As they are. leaving tho district, the opportunity^was taken of making a presentation of a case of nipos t<. Mr S. Fleming, and a silver-mounted mirror to Miss Fleming, in recognition of services rendered during the war. Progressive euchro was played during the evening, tho prize-winners being Miss Eileen Hawley and Mr M. J. Le'Conlte.-' Proceedings terminated with a dance to music supplied by Mrs H. "Winter and Mr Knight. SWANNANOA. There was a large attendance in tho Swannanoa Hall on Monday evening to welcome home Gunner V. W. "Wright, Rifloman J. F. Verrall, and Rifleman A. G. Stewart, all of whom have recently returned from active service. Mr T. Bu'rgiti presided, and extended a heartv welcome to tho boys, speaking in felicitous terms of their good work. He then asked two of tho residents of Swannanoa, Mrs "Winter, senr., and Mrs Atkinson, senr., to nin the gold medals on the guests, who were enthusiatsically cheered. Tho audience arose and sang "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows." Each soldier suitably responded. During the evening a programme of vocal and instrumental items was contributed by Mrs H. Winter, Mr C. Henderson, Mr Foot, Mr Wintcrburn. and Mr R. Grant. A very enjoyable supper was supplied, and dancing concluded the programme. Mrs H. Winter and Messrs Campbell and others supplied the music, and Mr R. Grant officiated as M.C.

PREBBLETON. The latest report from the Christchurch Hospital shows that Mr George McNallv, of Prebbleton, who was injured in a football match at Leeston, is making satisfactory progress. DARFIELD. Tlie, commodious motor garage recently opened in Darficld is proving a great convenience to motorists in the immediate and surrounding districts. The inaugural moving picture entertainment was lieJd on Saturday evening to a full house, and the liigh-class selection of films shown met with much appreciation. Tho gentlemen who arc promoting tho scheme for the laudable purpose of clearing the Memorial Hall of debt, arc to be congratulated on the project. Quite a gloom was cast over Darfield when news was received that Marget, the only child of Mr and Mrs Robert Reid, i; Riversleicch," had passed away after a brief illness, and out of respect to the bereaved parents, the "Welcome Home" to a number of recently returned soldiers on Friday evening, has been postponed until a later date. KALAP-01. The fifth annual meeting of the Kaiapoi Defence Rifle Club was held last night, the president (Mr H. Mcintosh) presiding. Tho annual report referred to tho past season as being a very successful one. Members had distinguished themsolves at various riflo meetings in the Dominion, Rifleman F. Richards having won the South Island championship. The balance-sheet showed a credit balance of £$ 2s -Ad. Tbo following officers were elected: — Patron, tho Hon. D. Buddo, M.P.; president, Mr H. Mcintosh; vice-presi-dents, Messrs L. Oram and T. Erickson; committee, Messrs J. Yellowloos, W. -J. Heney, G. Stark. H. D. Cooksley, S. Richards, H. James, E. Capstick, and E. Richards; handicappers, Messrs W. J. Honey. H. James, and J. Bryden; auditor, Mr W. I£. Reeves; secretary and treasurer, Mr o. Bryden. It was decided to hold tho opening day on the first Saturday m October,' and 'that the prizes won during the past season be presented on the occasion of the unveiling of the club's Roll of Honour. Mr A. H. Cutler, clerk of the Court at Kaiapoi for some months past, is leaving to take up similar duties at Ashburton. Shortly after 8 o'clock last, night a three-eeater motor-car. driven by Lt. L. B. Burnett, of Rangiora, when roundi-g the corner of North mid and r uller street, ran over tho kerbing through the steering goar becoming jammed. I he Jort front wheel of the ?ar was completely wr-cked. but there >vas no other damage. Mr F - Public Works awarded his report on t harbour fchome to tiin hnrbor.r Board, and it will be discussed at ibe nest meeting of tbe Board A liandsomo Roll 0 f Honour was nn-

veiled at a social evening held in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, on Tuesday night. The Ixxird is the gift of an old member of the church, Mrs K. Mcintosh, eon., Now Brighton, and contains 52 names of church members, 12 of whom made tho supreme sacrifico. Above the honours board is hung a silk I'nion Jack, the gift of Mrs C. Young, Kaiapoi. Addresses were given by tho Rev. A. Laishley and the Mayor (Mr ,j. H. BlackwelD, who performed the unreiling ceremony. A musical programme was given by tho church choir, assisted by Mesdamc=: Gibson and Chapman, Misses J. Hopkins and E. Thome and Mr G. Miller. RANGIORA. The monthly card social of the Rangiora Bowling and Tennis Club was held in tho pavilion last evening. Military euchre was. played, and Mrs J. .Mackenzie. Mr and Mrs Chappel, Mrs Dickson, Mrs Borgsfeldt, and Mr Clements, representing Italy, were the winners. It- was decided to hold one more similar gathering at the end of September. .Mr and Mrs AY. EiTord, who are leaving Rangiora on an extended holiday, were tho recipients of two suitably-engraved travelling cases front tho members of tho club. SOUTH MALVERN DISTRICT. I lie of tho district's 6oJdiors, Douglas Dickie, is returning bv tho Hnrorata. On his arrival it is the intention of the combined Red Cross and Patriotic Societies to hold a' welcome home luncheon to all the soldiers cf the district. This will" be the final function in connexion with. tho. Patriotic Society.

DOYLESTON. Ono of tho bost attended and most successful socials to soldiers yet held in ]>oyleston took place at the Public Hall on Monday night. The gathering was thoroughly representative of the district and a most enjoyable time was spent. The guosts wore Warrant-officer C. F. Pratt, Corporal B. Maw. Sapper D. Ritchie, Privates H. Donaldson, P. Grce.nan, and S. Eddy, and Riflemen F. Quigley, T. O'Boylo. and James Pearce. Tho inon wore accorded a hearty welcome back to tho district on behalf of the residents by Mr W. D. Ronnie, chairman of the Patriotic Committee, who presented each with a gold medal, suitably inscribed. Mr Rennie mentioned that 48 men from the Doyleston district had joined tho colours. Of that number seven had mado the supreme sacrifice. All the others were now back with the exception of two or three. Considering its sizo and population, tho district had done very well. Warrant-officer C. P. Pratt replied on behalf of the guests. The opportunity was taken to express appreciation of the valuable sen-ices rendered by IVlrs .]. ,F. Donald, of Leeston. as musician at ntanv of tho socials held in honour of tho soldiers. Mr W. D. Rennio conveyed to Mrs Donald the hearty thanks of the residents and asked her acceptance of a music case, bearing her name, as a token of appreciation. Tho gift was suitably acknowledged on Mrs Donald's behalf.

SOUTHBRIDGI3. Tho annual congregational meeting of tho Southbridge Presbyterian chargeI was presided over by tho Rev. j . G. 1 Butler, and encouraging roports of tho various branches of church work wero I received. Reporting on behalf of tho i-session, Mr A. McPherson noted the i happy consummation of victory over the national foe, and expressed sympathy with those who had lost relatives at tho front. Referenco was made to the loss sustained by the Church through the deaths of Dr. Withers, Mrs Nicholson, Messrs C. V. Hoi and James Hunter, and Trooper T. Withors. Attendances at church services had increased. In tho unavoidable absence of Mr J. Storry, Mr McPherson also read i the managers' report, which revealed tho fact that tho business of the Church bad been well performed , by .the cwriniifctoc.. Mr N. Thompson presented the treasurer's statement, which showed a• total income of ordinary revenue of over £350, and a credit balance of £35. Nearly £50 had becii contributed to the missionary and other schemes of the Assembly. Gratification was expressed by members at the healthy stato of affairs, nnd tho stipend of the minister was raised by £25. It was aW;o reported that £60 had been collected, and about £60 promised, for tho painting and altering of the church interior, now being carried out. Reports of the P.W.M.U., Sunday school, Busy Bees. Harvest Field, 1 sion,* Birthday League, and Young Men's Club wero read by the various | secretaries, and wore all of an enoouraging nature. The Rev. T. G. Butler thanked all members and adherents fori their loyal support in tho work of thoj j Church, and reported . briefly on tho i work at Lakeside and Taumutu. Attention was drawn to the series of special re-dedication services to be held shortly. Tho usual votes of thanks wero passed. Mr E. J. Cowan presided over a meeting of the Southbridge Sports Club, and there was a good attendanco. Messrs A. Tong. B. McEvcdy, A. McCartin, and A. Greenwood were elected vice-presidents. Tho sub-oommitteo appointed to draft a programme for tho Labour Day sports submitted tho programme to the mooting, and with certain additions it was adopted. There wero 29 ovents, among the number being a Peace handicap, for which prizes valued at £10, £3, and £2 woro allotted. It was decided that the events should be opon. A discussion took place in regard to whether it was advisable to include bicycle races. Some of the members were of the opinion that bicycle racing had gone "flat." It was decided to include three races for cyclists. Tho prize-money allocated totalled £80. | Tho secretary reported having written the Canterbury Caledonian Society with a view to securing a rjipe band for sports' day, and competitors to compote in the dancing events. A sum of £o was voted for children's raccs.

LEESTON. At a meeting of the Leeston Bowling, Tennis, aiid Croquet Club, held on Monday night, Mr H. IN cave (president) in the chair, it was decided to have the bowling green top-dressed as soon as possible, members agreeing to form a working bee next Saturday. Somo discussion took placo in regard to the erection of a shelter fence. It was decided to make an inspection on Saturday, and decide then what kind of fcnce to.croet as a shelter for the grass. Arrangements were made for a social to b© tendered to the lady members of the club, on September 9th. The secretary reported having engaged a dance-music band from Cnristchurch for the occasion. S°°d many, people in the Ellesmero district have been suffering from influenza lately. The disease seems to be fairly mild in form so far, but it is recopused that every precaution must be taken to prevent a serious outbreak. are hcius used

motukarara. *hat promises to be tho dance of the season, the annual ball of the Waihora Pootball Club, is to be held on September 12 th. • h J* n Sat « r lav afternoon the weather being perfect, a very large gntherii ? o. people assembled in tho Waihora Domain to witness the return match between the local fifteen and Springston Soutli. The game was very fast u- i i e P excitement to tho 'finish, which tho local team tho winners by twelve points to six. Mr Napier tv as referee. After the match afternoon tea was supplied to all bv the l3dies of the district. .The many friends of Mr John Renwill be pleased to learn that he is making satisfactoiy progress towards recovery after an attack of pneumonia. LITTLE RIVER. Arrangements have been made by tho Canterbury Entertainment Committee to send 200 sailors from H.M.S. New Zealand to Little Eiver, on September oth. bj cars. They will arrive in 'the

morning, and will be entertained by tho Little. River residents. , The annual ball of the Loyal \\ airewa Lodge was held at Little River in tho Town Hall. There was a very large attendance, and tho junction proved a great success. .During tho evening a presentation was made by the members of tho lodgo to Mrs T\. Aitken for the assistance she had rendered tho lodge for many years in inanv directions. , , . , , Septic tanks will shortly be installed, as tlie residents of tho district have subscribed the amount required l>v the After the soven-a-side tournament, tho Little River Football Club entertained the visiting footballers to a smoke concert in the Town Hall, when there was a large attendance, over which Mr J. O. Coop, president of the Sub-union, ptesided. During tho evening songs were contributed by Messrs T. Skipper, C. Fletcher, J. McNicol, J. Skipper, Fred Hill, and J. Roxburgh. A short toast list " was gone through as follows: —'The King,' proposed by the president; "'Aiarcva Football Club," proposed by Mr J. Scoullar, responded to by Mr H. Pool; '■'The Boys that Won the War," proposed bv' the president, responded to by Mr f. Skipper; "Littlo River Football Club," proposed by Mr C. Glvnan, response bv Mr J. Scoitllar; "Tho Referees," proposed by tho president, responso by Mr J. Scoullar. Near the conclusion of tho smoke con<x>rt Mr J• O. Coop presented the Springvalo Cup to tho Native team, and in a brief speech congratulated them on their victory in securing tho cup for tho first time. He also referred to the sporting spirit of the Natives. Congratulations were extended from tho Akaroa nnd Little River team. Three cheers for the Littlo R'iver Football Club for their hospitality, .and three cheers for Mr J. O* Coop, who presented tho ,f Springva]e Cup," brought a most enjovablc evening to a close. . Mr J. E. Calcutt, of tho Railway stafi', is about to transfer to Christchurch, while Mr F. Hill has re-signed, and will shortly tako up farming at Springston.

AKAROA. A public meeting of ratepayers was hold on Tuesday evening, to consider wlmtlier or not Akaroa siiall sell its electric plant to tho proposed Power Board, and take tho Coleridge scheme when its extension to the Peninsula becomes an accomplished fact. Thd Mayor (Mr Geo. Armstrong) presided, but the attendanco was so poor—due in part to the amount of sickntes provaaling—that no resolutions were tabled. An informal discussion showed that those present were unanimously in favour of the proposal. All hoped that the poll of the ratepayers on the question would result in a similar expression of opinion. A movoment is on foot to revive the old Akaroa Regatta fixture that was, in pre-war days, dno of the most popular attractions in Canterbury on Anniversary Day. Already two or three meetings have been held, at which preliminary arrangements have been made. Tho last was held on IHiesday evening, but the attendance was not large enough to warrant, any .business being carried through, and an adjournment was decided upon until Monday evoning next. The local Boating Club was well represented, and it is evident that the enthusiasts intend doing all that is possible to make the affair a success. In Tuesday's report of a complimentary farewell tendered to Mrs Youngman and her daughtero, by tho Lady Liverpool branch, an inadvertent omission was made. The Red Cross branch,, with which the guests had also, been actively associated, was likewiso responsible for the gathering, and it was its president, Mrs Geo. Armstrong, who made tho presentation, and extended felicitations on behalf of the members of both Societies. , At tho woek-end tho staff of the local post office .took formal leave of their chief, Mr H. G. Youngman. who "has been. promoted to Temuka alter being in charge at Akaroa for nearly eight years. On behalf of "the staff, Mr A. C. Lattimor presented Mr Youngman with a case of pipes as a token of esteem and goodwill, and extended to him their cordial good wishes for his futuro prosperity. Mr Youngman'was greeted with warm applause, and musical honours as he made-his acknowledgments. Mr J. Porteous, from Levin, arrived in Akaroa last Friday, to succeed Mr Youngman. The Loyal Good Intent Lodgo met on Monday night, the N.G., Bro. A. J. Parris, presiding over a good attendance. Sick pay was passed on behalf of four of the brethren. Consideration of fresh arrangements with the medical officor of the lodge was, aftor a short discussion, held over until the quarterly meeting in September. Two candidates were initiated as members, P.G., Bro. Robt. Bruce officiating as lecture master. It was decidcd that at the next meeting a welcome homo should be extended to another soldier brother just returned after four years' active service. The Lodgo Roll of Honour will, in all probability, bo hung and unveiled at that meeting. Admiral Lord Jellicoo telegraphed to tho Mayor (Mr Geo. Armstrong) yesterday, cordially thanking him for the invitation to visit Akkaroa with H.M.S. New Zealand, but regretting very much that considerations .of time and the coaling problem would prevent him from accepting it. The battlecruiser spent a few days in the harbour in 1913. and Peninsula, people have been eagerly anticipating renewing associations with the vessel. Much disappointment is expressed that their anticipations are not to be realised.

BIRDLING'S FLAT. The friends of Mr Albert Birdling will be pleased to hear he is making very satisfactory progress jn tho Rawhiti Hospital, Gloucester street, Christchurch, since tho severe and painful accident to his foot three weeks ago. ASHBURTON. The Mayor (Mr R. Galbraith) has receivod a telegram from Mr W. J. Dickie, •M.P., stating that he will do his best to persuade the Minister of Railways to grant the running of a special train, so that Ash-burton children might visit H.M.S. New Zealand. MOUNT SOMERS. A movement is on - foot in the Mount Somers district to form a branch of the Boy Scouts.. The: Rev. Mr Petrie and Mr McGuigan have tho matter in hand, and, judging by the interest being takeu, a very useful troop may be expected. TEMUKA. A meeting of the Temuka branch . of the Navy League was held on Saturday evening, the president, tho Rev. A. H. Norris, presiding. It was_ decided that members in arrears for "two years or over should be struck off the roll of membership. After''the moetr ing of the committee the annual Meeting of the branch was held: : -The president in his report mentioned the death of Mr T. Tilbrook. one of the vice-presidents, who had taken a very great interest in the Navy League. An assay competition had been held oil Trafalgar Day, and a Children's Dav was held a few days later. An appeal through the public press had not proved a success, on account of tho armistice and the Influenza epidemic. The bal-ance-sheet showed tliat £275 10s had been given to tho Naval Dependants Fund £25 3s 8d to the Sailors' Comfort Fund £10 for tho sailors' Christmas parcels, and a credit balance of £b 3s lOd remained. Rev. A. H. Norris was unanimously re-clectcd president, and Miss M. Mills was elected hon. secretary. A vote of was passed to the retiring secretaries, Misses Thomson and Phillip, both of whom aro leaving the district. In connexion with tho visit of the H.M.S. New Zealand, it. was dccided that the- crew should be entertained at Temuka .by tho League, in conjunction with the

Borough Council and the Football Club. Tho President. Messrs I/orimor and Rawson, and Miss Mills, were appointed to represent the League at tho conference. The weekly shoot of tho Temuka Miniature liitie Club was hold on Monday evening, for Mr C. Fisher's trophy. The highest scores off tho riflo were:—J. Maze 69, A. Hope 69, J. Henry 68, D. McAulifTo 68, F. Smith 67. In the ahoot-eff Mr J. Maze proved the winner with 68 off the riflo. WAIMATE. The County Council yesterday decided, aftex- hearing Mr Water son. representative of Andersons, Ltd., Christchurch. to order a stone-crushing plant at a cost of ;L'oi Delivery will take place in about eight months. A eommitteo was also sot up to repjrt in the October nvfot'ing of tho Council upon "tlic purchase -of • .an engine to drive tho crushing plant, and also to report on a general scheme of proportioning the use of the crusher in various parts of the County. Tim am Main School defeated "VVaimate primary at basket ball, iu "VVaimate, yesterday, by 18 to 4. Tho Arno Soldiers' Memorial Hall was opened last night with a concert and ball. Mr W. Coath mad© thd opening speech, and the performers included Miss Joan Adams, of Christchurch. A five-roomed houso off the Timartt road was burned to the ground on Tuesday night. Joseph Dwycr, his wife, "and four children, escaped in their night attire. Tho ' insurances are; —£100 on the house, and £125 on the furniture.

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Press, Volume LV, Issue 16613, 28 August 1919, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY Press, Volume LV, Issue 16613, 28 August 1919, Page 3

THE COUNTRY Press, Volume LV, Issue 16613, 28 August 1919, Page 3