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The Board of Governors of Canterbury College met at Lincoln yesterday. Present: Mr 11. A. ivnigtit (chairman), the Hon. D. Buddo, and Messrs B. Tripp, R. W. Lochiioad, T. BJackley, and lv. E. Alexanacv (Director). Ihe Director reuorted 011 iiis recent visit to Wellington in connexion with the Conference on educational matters caiiod by the Director of Education, Dr. Anderson. The Conference dealt with primary and secondary education, tho training of school teachers, and higher education. Personally, he hardly realised why ho and Dr. Hilgendorf and agricultural instructors had been asked to attend, unless it was to approve ol certain proposals wmch weie to bo put forward, whicii, by the way, they did not approve of by any means. With regard to "the proposals affecting agricultural education, it was moved that a Chair of Agriculture should be established at Auckland. Dr. Anderson wanted one in eaeh of the four centres.. He (the speaker) had pointed out that it would be as well for the educational authorities to make perfectly certain of the noed for highly-trained agricultural instructors before they set out to provide expensive facilities. At the Now South Wales University the agricultural course had only been attenc.ed by an average of li students per year, and in Victoria the average number Lad been 3*, the bulk of whom, he believed, had been females. Dr. Anderson had practically admitted that tho Government had given little or no encouragement to the agricultural institutions already in existence, and he (the speaker) had ventured the opinion that the Boards of Governors of Canterbury and of Canterbury Agricultural Colleges cculd well evolve a practical nnd workable schozne for tho tea-ching of tho higher branches of agriculture. It could not be dono at Canterbury College alone, because there were not tho facilities for practical work there: but it could be done conjointly. Mr Alexander. did not hide his opinion that the present "rural courses" at' country schools had very seriously interfered with the ordinary course of education, [ in fact, he said he considered the rural course .had killed the country schools. Under the present curriculum the children began, so to speak, in the middle of their subject, and he thought it would be far better so far as primary and secondary education was concerned to only teach subjects in elementary science. It was futile ■ teaching milk testing and the recognition of plants before the pupils had been grounded in the fundamentals. They oould not pick up a book 011 agricultural matters and read it intelligently under these conditions. course in elementary science would lead the way to higher and more advanced studies. . , , , , , Speaking of an interview he had had with Dr. Reakes, Director of Agriculture, Mr Alexander said that he believed before long some satisfactory news would bo forthcoming in regard to assistance from the Government for the seed selection work at the College. KAIAFOI. A meeting of the Kaiapoi branch of the Progress League was held in tho Borough Couucil Chambers last evening. The Mayor (Mr J. H. BlackweH) ! presided. It was agreed to accept the invitation of the liaiapoi branch of the New Zealand Labour Party to attend a lecture by Mr E. J. Howard on Town-Planning. Mr H. C. lievell, cnairman of the Harbour Improvement Committee, reported that two members of tho League, with tuo chairman or the Waimakariri Harbour Board, had been deputed to draw up a statement of the adva -ages offered by the Watmakariri river as a port to .Cfortn Canterbury. This will be brought before the secretary of the League. Dr. J. \\ . Crawsiiaw, for the Beautifying Committee recommended that tho League make suggestions to the Borough Council as to the way the amount allotted in tho borough estimates should be spent in improving the town. After .1 lengthy discussion on the housing question," it was decided to urge upon ihe Government tho necessity of dealing with the housing problem, and to endorse the resolutions carried at the recent Town-Planning Conference. Mr 11. A- Cooper, 011 behalf of tho Town "Boosting" Committee, recommended U) that the light at the Post Office entrance bo switched on with other lights in the building. (2) That an effort be made to form a Tradesmen's Association to co-oporate with > the Progress League. (3) That the Borough Council be asked to consider a system of collectino- garbage, in keeping with the size of the town. (4) That action be taken to improve tho train service between Christchurch and Kaiapoi, earlier trains being considered necessap' to provide for workers. It was decided in reference to tho last clauso, that a deputation of two members of the League and two members of the Borough Council should interview the Uailway Department.

KOWAI BUSH. | On Fridav a social aud dnncc were ueld in the * Kowai Uusii schoonoom in aid of funci's to proviae cocoa, sugar, vjtc. to enable tne school cniidren to :avo a cup of hot cocoa in tue lunch oar during tho wintor months. The "oom was crowded in spito of tuo boisterous wcatner. Tno first part of the even4,ia- was spent in games, which were thoroughly enjoyed bv both children • ud adults; afterwards dancing was i»-"iulo-ed in until the early hours of the .uorning- Supper wa s euppliod by the sdios. Mr F. A. Atkinson provided tno Last week a big box of comforts was to the Red Cross Soldiers' Comforts • T und- As usual, the bos was well filled ad bore ample evidence of the genejsiiv of the residents. Tliis week a very disagreeable nor'€S t wind has been blowing, and is enerallv believed to be the forerunner of bad weather. SOUTH MALVERN DISTRICT. The Glentunnel School Committee met on Thursday evening last. Present: 11. Ledgard (chairman), It. H. Luke, J. H. Pearson, and A. M. Wilson (secretary) The headmaster reported that tho average attendance tor the three weeks in May that tho school was open, was 85.7, and that the roll niimbor had declined from 91 at the end of April, to 86 at the end of May. Twelve months ago the roll nnmber was 100. It was ascertained that 26 children brought their lunch to school

regularly, and were looking forward to the promised hot drink during the lunch hour. The committee authorised the secretary to purchase the necessary materials for preparing and supplying the hot drinks, and it was decided to make a charge of a penny per week for each child requiring them. A representative of the Health Department visited the school recently, and expressed his satisfaction with the sanitary arrangements, but pointed out one instance where an improvement could bo made. No tenders had been received for fence cutting and grubbing round tho school, but the services of Mr T. A. Reynolds had b°en t ecu red to carry out the work, which has been neglected for two years. GREEXDALE. A meeting was held m the pavilion on Friday afternoon to revive the .Ladies' Hockey Ciub. which has been dormant for tuo past few seasons. Utiicers for tnc eusiuug year were elected as follows: Pa lion, Air J. W. iStrecter; president, Mr \Y. A. "Wilson: vice-presi-dents, Mrs C. G. Jaruiun, Miss li. EHudd, and Messrs C. 11. Adams and H. B. Sliiplev; captain, Miss \Y. l'\ \\ 016fold ; <üb-caplain, Miss A. Shipley; secretary and treasurer. Miss I. 11-Ugen. Tho following were elected to the committee: Ti-o Misses Worsford, S;iipley, Ridgen, Greig, and Turley, and Mrs F. Cuhen. Mr W. A. "Wilson was appointed coach and referee. It was decided to commence piay as soon as the ground oould be placed in .orcier. PREISI3LETOX. There was a very large gathering in the Prcbbletoii Hall on Thursday evening. when a welcome home was tendeied to Privates H MeXallv, A. McXallv, D. Mcßac, and 11. "Withers. There were also present Privates E. Early (Bioadficlds) and T. Coleman (Ladbrooks). A very pleasant evening was spent in dancing. Musical items were contributed by Miss Tubb, Driver J. Xicholls, and Master L. Craythorne. Tho guests of honour, who were,received witli acclamation and musical honours, were welcomed by the Rev. E. Webb, who, on behalf of those present, extended to them congratulations on their safe return and good wishes for their future success. Dance music was supplied by Mr "W. Eettol, and Mr A. Gallagher carritd out tho duties of M.C. LOBUIIN. The Ashley county branch of the Progress League met at Loburn on Saturday. There was a attendance, and Mr Kennedy presided. Mr P. R. Climie was also present, and brought up with him Mr Orchard, representing the Returned Soldiers' Association. The main subject for consideration was the extension of the Loburn apple orchards for repatriation purposes. Messrs [ Giimie, Ivory, and Orchard spoke on this phat,e of repatriation, and the | meeting heartily endorsed the proposals. The value of the Loburn disI trict l'or appie-growiug, now proved beyond the experimental stage, was due, in Mr Ivory's qpinion. to the suitability of tho 1 and to the absenco of injurious frosts. A committee wan appointed to ascertain possible extensions. At the conclusion of the meeting supper was handed round Tho president expressed his opinion that residents from further parts of tho county should attend in order to make the branch fully representative.

SGUTHBROOK. A very successful social was held in the Methodist ' Suiiday schoolroom, Southbrook, the occasion being the opening of the Band of Hope Mission. The Itov. J. Guy presided, and gavo an address, after which games were played, interspersed with musical items. It was decided to leave the election of officers to the next monthly meeting. During the evening supper was handed round, by the lady friends. PENDARVES. A concert in aid of tho school funds was held in the Pcndarves hall, Mr W. Reid, chairman of the School Committo©, presiding. The children gave the bulk of the programme, and Mrs J. Lambie presented the special prizes. During the evening occasion was taken to bring to a close the local branch of the Laay Liverpool Society, tho president (Mrs J. Watson) announcing that since its formation upwards of £550 had been raised, besides the farewelling and welcoming home of all local soldiers. The president also referrea to the invaluable services rendered by Mr W. Rankin as honorary pianist, and presented him with a gold albert and medal. Mrs J. Lambie presented the late president with a silver teapot and spirit-kettle, and warmly eulogised Mrs Watson's fine work for the soldiers. On behalf of the Society, Mr C. H. Hampton presented the late secretary with a gift volume in recognition of his services during the past two years. At the close a dance was held. SEDGEMERE. At tho Sedgemere Had on Saturday, afternoon tiie district Roil of Honour was unveiled by Colonel Cbaffey. Tiie names on tiie roli, watch serves for the district of Taumutu-Sedgemcro, vara: H. H. Pohio, H. Teihoka, H. K. Tuiaroa, W., lv. Maopo, G. Mctxill (killed), L. T. Mcliraith, J. H. Cannon, G. Taiaroa (kiued), J. Manniug, P. Manning (killed), I''. M. btrez (kiiied), \V. Edwards, J>r. P. G. McEvcdy, R. C. Tbian, W. Ritchie, F. H. Mcliraith, A. SI Thian, J. K. Leahy, E. W. Hanuaford, A. G. McEvedy, F. Graham, It. Manson, D. J. Maiison, C. H. Cooper, W. A. Cooper, R. E. CJoper, J. Robinson,. and T. A. Senafonti. The names are tiiose of men wno left the district and of old boys of the Sedgomero school. Appropriate addresses were given by Colonel Cbaffey and Dr. i hacker (Mayor of Chr..: Lchurch), tho latter presenting medals to tuo following returned men or their next of kin: —G. Taiaroa (killed), H. Taiaroa, G. McGill (killed), J. Teihoka, W. Iv. Maopo, and W. Edwards. A medal would be given to the. late Private Strcz's relatives later. At the conclusion of an address given by Mr J. Cunningham, tho people sto-d in silence for a moment as a mark of respect to the fallen soldiers. Afternoon tea was served by the ladies of the district. ; RAKAIA. Mr Maurice Ryan has been appointed clerk and overseer to the South Rakaia lload Board. There were seventeen applicants. Mr Ryan has had an oxtensive experience with local bodies m •. North Canterbury. He was engaged, in road formation work in the Culverden district, but for the past six years has been overseor to the New Brighton Borough Council. He takes up his new duties in about a tortnight. About o p.m. on Saturday, there was some excitement near the Rakaia railway platform. A baker's boy was busy with his cart transferring loaves to bread crates for transmission by train when a solitary truck went rumbling bj; on an adjoining line. The horso took fright and bolted, sprinkling bread and pieces of cart about the roadway. Fortunately the horse was stopped before he had gone very far. At tho ordinary evening service at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church tn, Sunday night it was noticed that, cx-: , elusive of the choir and preacher, the men pre.scnt exceeded the women in numbers in a i'ull congregation. W ho-j ther accidental or symptomatic, the occurrenco was sufficiently unusual as to j call for comment. ' WOODEND. The 'second box opening ceremony in ; connexion with the Woodend Habitation of the Young Helpers' League was held in the Methodist Sunday School room. There was a good attendance of bo.~ holders. Afternoon tea was served, after which an interesting address was triven bv Mr Gillman, who urged the "children to continue their good work. The president (Mrs Jordan) then presented prizes to the five who had collected tie highest amounts, •

tho prizes being provided by the officers of tho League. The total amount collocted was £5 17s Bid. and tho highest collector was David Wilson, whose box contained 17s l}d. ASHBURTON. The Ashburton High School Board met Yesterday, Mr Joshua Tuckcr presiding. Tho chairman reported a debit balance on the loan account of I £6000, and on tho general account £111 83 sd. Capitation payments amounting to £250 were received. The Department of Agriculture wrote stating that tho result of the operations carried out at tho Ashburton experimental area was receiving consideration. A vote of sympathy was passed with the family of the late Mr T. W. Adams, and Air O. Ileid on the accident which had befallen his family. A vote of j sympathy was also passed with tho; family of the late Private S. McCalluin. The headmaster reported that the roll stood at 205, with an average attend- j mice since the term began of 184. A s former pupil of the school, Sergeant W. A. Clothier, had been awarded the Military Medal. It was decided to congratulate him on the distinction he had won. Mr A. J. Grigg was nominated valuer on the Board's behalf in regard to Mi- McCausland's lease' at " Usmore. I The residents of Willowby ruot on | Friday to bid good-bye to Mr and Mrs ! Joseph Rountreo and. family, who are leaving tho district to reside in- Tin- : wald. The function took the form of a euchrc party, the ladies' prizo being won by Mrs Cass, and the gentleman's by Mr L. R. Stoddart. Mr W. T. Lill. on behalf of the district, presented tbe guests with a pair of Morriß chairs. Eulogistic speeches were made by Messrs Greenall and M. F. Lloyd. Mr Rountree thanked his friends for .their valuable gifts, afte,r which supper was handed round by tho ladies. One of tho old-time nor'-westers raged t at Ashburton throughout Monday night and all day yesterday, bringing with it clouds of dust whicli necessitated the Council's water-cart being brought into action. The leaves from the oak trees growing along the railway line in the Main street wero a source of annoyance to shopkeepers, as well as causing a stoppage in the water- , channels. WALMATE. | In tho Magistrate's Court yesterday before the taking of business, Mr A. C. Middieton, for tiie Bar, extended congratulations to Mr V. G. Day, S.M., on being made an officer of the Britisn Empire. Mr Day said it was for his work as chairman of the Military Appeal Board, not as a magistrate. Jlo regarded it as an honour conforred on the district, and not a personal honour. J. Pago, farmer and mill hand, St. Andrews (Mr Fitch) sued A. H. Boulton. millowner (Mr Campbell) for £41 4s.' Judgment was given for plaintiff for £40. The question was whether the plaintiff was to get the award rate of is 9d per hour or a special rate of 2s per hour. Tho first dozen boxes of butter made at the "Wairaato Dairy Company's factory were despatched yesterday. The company's brand has not yet been sanctioned, but it is applying for a view of the "VVaimato Gorgo as tbe pictorial feature thereof. Mr Cook, president of the A.P.U., gave an address in Queen street in the interests of the One Big Union, but little interest was displayed. At the annual meeting of the "Waitaki Licensing Committee, held yesterday, the. chairman, Mr V. G. Day, S.M., congratulated the licensees on the uniform excellence of the reports. The officebearers of Knox Church presented Mr Dewar, late session clerk, with a fountain pen and Mrs Dewar ! with a silver vase.* They are removing 1 to Timnru. j Mr Mason, conductor of the Nukuroa Methodist choir, ivas tendered a social ! and presented with a Ivaiapoi rug on I the eve of his deoarturo for Temuka. 1

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Press, Volume LV, Issue 16546, 11 June 1919, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LV, Issue 16546, 11 June 1919, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LV, Issue 16546, 11 June 1919, Page 3