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Prizes. "Winning JTumbei 1. Odds and Evens War Certificate. £120 .. .. •• Green—76j 2. Hardware Merchants; Certificate, i'oO ... .. .. .. Pink —23905 i). Miiner and. Thompson, Gij>an .. .. .. .. .. Pink—ll6Bo3 4. Hen 17 .Berry, War Gertmcate, £25 .. .. .! .. Blue —193749 5. Mrs J. Knight, War Ortinoate, 1"25 .. .. .. .. Green —481 6. Mrs M. Bajnett, Britannia Encyclopedia .. .. Pink —92619 7. DJ.C., Sideboard .. .. .. .. .. Buff —158611 8. Bristol Piano Co., Gramophone .. .. .! .. Pink—llosl 0. It. 15. Hart and Co., Tajwstry .. .. .. . / .. Yellow —24822 10. A. J. White, China Ca-'oinea .. .. .. ~ .. Blue —ISM 11. Christchurch Tobacconists, War Certificate, £15 .. .. Pin': —29372 12. Chemists' Association, War Certificate, £15 ~ White —78211 33. J. Bailantyr.o and Co., Screen .. .. .. 81ue—56711 34. Jonea Bros., Bicyclc- .. ... .. .. .. Buff—4B69l 35. Adams Ltd., Bicycle .. .. .. .. .. Pink —60533 16. J. if. Mitchell, Chejterficld. .. .. .. .. •• White—ls276l 37. R. 31. Macreifiy, Costume , .. ... .. .. .. White —193711 38 Chemists' Association, War Certificate, £10 .. .. •• Pink. —55763 39. Archbold Bros., Roll-top" Dcek' .. .. . •• Green—s69o2 20 31. Hollander, Costume . .. .. .. ■.. ■ .. Buff —173494 21. International Harvester .Co., Plough .. .. .. •• Yellow —38562 22 W. Bassett, ScutHev "and Hiller ' .. .. .. ». Yellow —30859 23. Cook and Sons, Oak Hall Stand .. .. .. • .. • Buff—l624S 24. Mis-3 Stoddart, Oil' Painting - .. .. .. •• —Buff —103619 25. Menzies Gibb, Oil Painting .. .. .. .. •• Green —204/2 26. J. 31. 3laddei;, Oil Painting .. .. .. .. . ■ White —529 27. Christchurch Tobacconists, War Certificate, £5 .. • •• Blue—29B 28. G. 31. McClatchie, War Certificate, £5 .. .. •• White —163972 29. T. H. Strachan, War Certificate, £5 .. .. .. •• Pink—loslo3 30. Munday and Sons, War Certificate, £5 .. .. Butf—649l 31. Gill and Co., War Certificate, £5 ... ... .. •• Green—226B* 32. B. Ballin, War Certificate; £5 .. .. ... ' .. •• Blue —136511 33. International Harveator Co., Scuffler .. .. Green —96518 34. XZ. Clothing Co., Suit. .. .. .. .! •.. Pink—l63o 35. Sydenham Furniture. War Certificate, £i .. " •• 81ue—543- • 36. Thcs. Mitchell, Morris Chair .. .. .. •• Sufi—Cl3629l 37. Ballingers, Oak Stained Chest .. ' .. .. Buff A 195317 38. Donn and Baker, Table .. .. .. ■ . "•• Yellow —1Q5516 39. E. Longdin, Facing Mother Push-chair .. •• Yellow —16398 40. Maddren: Bros., Ltd., Smokers Cabinet .. !! •• Green —C 25449 41. Moto Chemical Company, Box of Soap .. .. ' •• Green—llls63 42. Sydenham Bowling- Club, War Certificate, £3 !I •• Blue — 70i3 „ 43. P. Storey, War Certificate, £3 .. .. •• Green —185213 44. D.1.C., Palm Stand .. .. .. .. •• Pink—7Sl9& 45. Anonymous, Oil Painting ..... „ Buff—sßl4 46. T. V. Whitmore, Morris Chair .. .. .. •• Yellow—-192303 47. Brisooe and Co., Fir© Kerb .. .. .. •• Green —30431 48. Petersen's, Ltd., Baby's Silver Bowl Spoon .. .. •• Blue—l^TA 49. Maddren Bros.. Smoker's Cabinet .. .. •• Green—Cl66s6l 60. Ashby, Bergh. and Co.,"Article .. .. " .. 8uff—21364, Bergh and Co., Article .. .. .. " .. White—C2s442 62. Ashby, Bergh and Co., Article .. ... ... 81ue—173219 53. Ashby, Bergh and Co., Article.. .. .1! " -• Buff—Cl7SU 64. Ashby, Bergh and Co., Article ... . ." ••• Blue—Bo3l 55. Walter Suckling, Camera .. " " " •• Yellow—2Bl6 ■56. Hobbs, Article ... .. ... " " -.. Buff—l6o3ll 57. P. Storey, War Certificate, £2 .. " •• Green—lsl9o SS. S. It. Ingold, War Certificate, £2 .. " •• Ye110w—6973 59. T. Wiltshire, War Certificate, £2 ~ * •• Green—All63l6 60. J. G. Vernon, "War Certificate, £2 •. Wintc—l3l7G9 61. J. W. K. Lawrence, War Certificate, £2 •• bellow —115822 02. C. Mallard, War Certificate, £2 .. . " •• Yellow —163290 63. Bates and Son, Oak Coal Yaso • ' .. [ ! •• Green—l 3769 • 64. Johnston and Couzins; Lady's Oilskin Ccat !! !" Pittk—C2o3sl 65. Ba-tes and Son, Palm Stand .. .. .. _ .. 81ue—169504 C 6. Lutjohann and Co., Billiard Cue and Casa !. !! •• Green.— <!7. A. J. Manning, Pair Egyntian. Vases .. ... " •• Green—l34olG 68. It Arlow airi Co., Articfo .. '.. .. .. •• White—lß3ol-l 69. R. Arlow and Co., Articlo • ■ • •• Green—3B9l7 70. R. Arlow and Co., Articlo .. .. " "! •• Green—s4lß. 71. R. Arlow and Co:, Articlo • .. .. .■ • * Pink 190541 72. R. Arlow and Co., Article .. ... ' •• White—l 96-152 73. J. Hall, Picture .. .. "" •• Whit©—92sl6 74. N.Z. Supplies Exchange, Tin of Tea !! !! " •• Blue—Clls2l 75. N.Z. Supplies Exchange, Tin of Tea .. " •• 81ue—78416 76. Holmos and Co. ..... "" •• Blue—lo93B-1 77. Holmea and Co. .. ... !! " " .. Blue —12560 78. J. Nancarrow, War Certificate, £1 .. .! !" •• —6041_ 79. S. Dempsey, • War Certificate, £1 .. " •• White— 183j ( . 80.-G. Blackmore, War. Certificate £1 " •• White—s46l6 81. N. P. Marsh, War Certificate, £1 > " ■" •• Green—Bl9 82. W. liake, V'ar. Certificate. £1 . . " Buff—l26B9 83. E. Zj. 3lcKeown, AVar*Certificate, £1 * 8uff—50437 84. Robt. Shaw, War Certificate; 1 £1 " Blue—-128763 85. G. E. Hollies, War Certificate; £1 "" •• —180719 86. J. Brightling. War Certificate, £1 !. " " -• Bnfi—soß92 87. L. Jacobsen, AVar Certificate, £1 "" •• Ye110w—169155 88. A. E. Wright, War Certificate, £1 • " " " •• White—l3^2l9 89. W. S. Betts, War Certificate,. £1 • •!! !! !! •• Blue —6760 M. Implement Makers and Ironmongers, War Certificate, £1 •* Green—4oß92 01. Implement Makers and Ironmongers, War Certificate, £1 " ,3. re , €n Implement Makers 'and' Irorimongera,- War Certificate, £1 •• no. Impcment Makers Jind Ironmongers, War Certificate, £1 " rfL.,, 94. Implement Makers and Ironmongers, War Certificate, £1 " r a :ers an< s Ironmongers, War Certificate, £1 " Wh^ZlToß7^r J6. Implement Makers and Ironmongers. War Certificate, £1 •' h J t^T 0 ," 8 C Makerß and Ironmongere, War Certificate, £1 " .8. Implement Makera and Ironmongers, War Certificate, £1 " 5? , irln" J mp , men ' and Ironmongers, War Certificate ,£1 " 300. Implement Makers and Ironmongsrs, War Certificate £1 *" — 301. Implement Makers, War Certificate £1 ' •• Buff—s4B9B 102. Implement Makers, War Certificate' £l" " " Green—Co7o72 303. Implement 3rakeis, War Certificate £l" " " •• "White—ll6B42 104. Implement Makers, War Certificate* £1 ' " " •• Pink—l276lA 305. -Implement Ma-icrs, Win- Certificate' £1 * " " •• Yellow—62lß 108. Implement Makers, War Certificate' £l" " " •• White—629s 307. Implement 3takers, War Certificate'. £1" • '* " •• Buff—27Bl9 303. Implement linkers. War Certificate £1" " •• Ye110w—91473 JC9. Implement Makers, War Certificate' »l" "■ " •• Pink—Xso3U , 110. Implement Makers, War Certificate', XI" " " •• Pini:-25014 11L.Implement Makers, War Certificate £1. " " •• Green—-9163A ■ 112.'Implement- Makers, War - Certificate'' £1." " " •• 81ue—14937 Jl3.:lmplement-Makers, War Certificate' £] "' " " Green—l99sl4o 114» Implement Makers, War. Certificate! £l"; " " •• 81ue—30752 110. Implement Makers, War Certificate £l * ' .i AVhite^-22158 t p ! ement takers, War Certificate,' £l'' " " •• White—6lß92 117. Implement Makers, War' Certificate. ■£1 " " " •• Pink—32ll' 318. Implement Makers, War Certificate, £1* " " , •• Buff—lßl349 119. Implement Makers, War Certificate. £l". " " •• Buff—6s9l7C 320. Implement Makers', War Certificate £l" " *" Ye110w—96549 321. Implement' Makers, War Certificate' £l"' " " White—lo437BC 122. Implement Makers, War Certificate! £l"! " " - Buff—Cßll2l 123. Implement Makora, War Certificate. £l' " " •• 8uff—120672 124. Implement Makers, War Certificate £1 "* " •• 8uff—93874 ■ ?25 v Implement Jlakers, War Certificate! £l", " " *• Buff—lo4l9 • Makers, War Certificate £1" " " •* Green—297s4 Implement Hakers, War Certificate' £t!! " " . - Pink—l479s 128. Implement Makers, War Certificate £1 •• Ycllow-947G 129. Implement Makers, War Certificate' £l" " " .. White—lsß76 330. Implement Makers, War Certificate! £l'.' " •• Green-32867 i m Pj eni€n t MaJwrs, Wor Certificate £1 " *' Makers, War Certificate, £l" "• Pink-9634C , 133. Implement Makers, War Certificate £1 •• 81ue—36342 ' 134. Implement Maker®, War Certificate £l" " " .. White—3B722 135. Implement Makers, War Certificate' £l" " " •• Yellow—So236 136. Implement Makers, War Certificate £1 •• White—l2B43 137. Implement Makers, War Certifioaie' £l" " " ' Blue-2976 338. Implement Jlakers, War Certificate' £1 •• V/liite—Clsso42 Implement Makers, War Certificate! £l" " " •• Yellow—479 340. Motor Garages, War Certificate, £1 " . " •• White—4B67C Gara S« s » War Certificate £1 •• Green—26l3 «°!° r .parages, War Certificate, £1 " " " .. Green—Bo3o7 140. Motor .Garages, War Certificate, -£1 " " " .. YeUow—lls94 J44. Motor Parages, War Certificate, £1 " " " •• Pink—l9B3o4 Jlo. Motor, Garages, War Certificate, £1 •• 81ue—120509 146. M«tw Gdrages, "WiriCertificaie, -£1 . " ' ' •• 81ue—28319 ;;I-«° 1 tor S aragM ' Certificate, £1 •• Yellow—479l . r S o ™? 69 . War Certificate, £1 '* " " .. C en—198876 H° Itor1 tor Garages,- War Certificate, £1 Buff—l43ll 150. Motor Garages, War Certificate, £1 "■ " " •• Buff—l4l4l9 101. Motor Garages, War Certificate, £1 " " " •• Pink—l946l2 102. Motor Garages, War Certificate, £1 " •• Buff—234BC 353. Motor Garages, -War Certificate, £1 " •" " •• 81ue—73913 354. ; Motor. .Garages, War Certificate, £1 " " •• Blue—fiosll 305. Motor Garages,-War Certificate, £1 •• Pink—l6lß34 15C. Motor Garages, War Certificate, £1 •• YeUow—2o473 ifo Garages, War Certificate. £1 " " " -• Whito—l2os73C 168. Motor Garages, War- Certificate £l " "" " .. Yellaw-53611 ill' Vi°' or 2 arag€s > AVar Certificate. £1 " " " .. Buff-i-3516A J6O. Motor Garagea, War Certificate, £1 " " •• Blue-116376 ico r Garage, War Certificate, £1 •• White—ls94l4 ri 0 . tor Garagea, War Certificate, £1 ' " " •• -Buff-25463 Garages, War Certificate, £1 " " — Ye110w—173248 !?!' f.°' or Garages, War Certificate, £1 ' ' " " •• Pink—so4o9 iS' Vr 0 ! Garagee, War Certificate, £1 81ue—22769 S^ ngea ' War Certificate, £1 •• fellow—B6sl9 ;« or S^ rages ' War Certificate, £1 •• Blue—lßsl9 2«ages, War Certificate, £1 " " >• Buff—C36s4l vi 0 r° r S ara ? M . War Certificate, '£1 •• Green—6Bll 170. Motor Garages, War Certificate, £1 •• Buff-55207 S°r° r &aragw», War Certificate, £t " " •• Pink—3oo4l i7o r War Certificate, £1 . " . " •• Buff—4oßl6 J 73. Motor Garages, War-Certificate, £1 " " •• Buff—74s2 174. Motor Garages, War Certificate, £1 " " " •• Yellow—lo642lA ire' V?°I or War. Certificate, £1 ' " " •• Ye110w—26794 176. Motor Garages, War Certificate. £1 " " •• Y'ellow— 13817 lII' Estate Agents, War Certificate, £1 !' - Pink-127714 379* T'tnl -Agente, War Certificate! £1 .! " •• 8uff—23516 379. Land and Estate- Agents, War Certificate £1 " •• 81ue—38784 381* Lan!? fi e ® nts ' War Certificate, £1 !! " •• Green—llsßl too" - j f 6 !®!® Agents, War Certificate, £1 White—6B349 183* Land gcnts - W" Certificate, £1 .. - Ye110w—131435 383. Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate. £1 . •• Blue—soßll 3M. Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate, £1 * " " White—S&472A 388 - nt3 > War Certificate, £1 .! *• Green—ls376 lft7* j Estate Agente, War Certificate, £1.. ' Green—l 9&247 . Agents, War■ Certificate! £1 .. " " Pmk-38511 - t n< j ® etate Agents,. War Certificate, £1 . ' Green—l6o7llA 189. Land, and E«tate Agente, War Certificate. £1 .. " •• Pink—349l6 190. Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate, £1 •• Blue—S96 ;Xi' t , an j Agents, War Certificate, £1 . " •• 81ue—145309 193. Land and Estate Agents, War "Certificate, £t " •• Ye110w—156207 193. Land and|Estate Agents, War Certificate, £1 " " •• Yellow— 10151-2 334. Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate, £1 ' " •• 81ue—184076 190. Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate! il '* •• White—2643A 396. Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate. £t " " Green—6B4l9 iol* t j an l Agents, War Certificate, £1 " •• Grcerv—ll97o6 100 t j an 4 atate Agents, War Certificate, £1 " •• Pink—l2osllo 199. Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate £t * " *• Green—4sßl7 -00. Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate, £1 !' ** •• Pink—l249l6 -01. Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate £1 .. "" •• preen-154931 t nd and Estate Agents, War Certificate, £1 . " •• Ye110w—76419 -03. .Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate, £1 .. " •• Ye110w—48239 -04. Land and Estate Agents, V.'ar Certificate, £1 .. " •• Yellow— 56769 -OS. Land and Estate Agents, War .Certificate, £1 " •• White—B4B7 -06. Land and Estate Agents, War CcrWcate, £l . " -• 8uff—60439 oao' t j nn . Agcnt3, War Cer.incato, £1 ,! " •• Pink— 173118 -08. Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate, ..1 . " •• Yellow—Col92l -09. Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate, £1 " •• Buff—94s 210. Land and Fstato Agents, War Certificate; £1 !!" " •• Blue—Cl6B2l 010 t"j nn l J!®' a te Agents, War Certificate, £1 . " •• Pink—C4s7ll -12. Land and r tn(e A?ent?, War Certificate, £1 . " •• White— 142743 -13. Land and >.siate Agent-s, War Certificate, £1 . " •• Buff—l3oßl7 -14. Land and Fstato Agents, War Certificate, £1 .. " •• Blue— 40615 JIS. Land and Fs la to- Agents, War Certificate, £1 ** •• Pink—l3oll9 t j and , ® 6 ' a te Agents, War Certificate-, £1 .. " •• Yellow—C6327B -]'• arr J Agants, War Certificate. £1 .. !! •• 81ue—154671A oift t j a j Agcnte, War Certificate, 21 Ye110w—198634 Son r an j an j Agents, War Certificate, £1 .. •• Buff— 35693 -20. Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate, £1 .. .. •• Pink—ll4so9 ooi" T J an< J Agents, War Certificate, £1 .. .. •• Yellow— 195317 --1 Lajid and Estate Agents, War Certificate, £1 .. .. •• Pink—3l9 "of' T an< l ""j Agents, War Certificate, £1 .. .. .. "OTiite— 1-18498 -24. Land and Estate Agents, War Certificate, £1 .. . .. Bluo-C49311 a j Ag?nt«, War Certfiicate, £1 .. .. .. Buff—s9B ~>7 an A d War Certificate, £1 .. .. .. Pink— 86709 ZZL' 4 ran « : A. Cook, War Certificate, £1 . .. GTeen 193178 22?. .Frank A. Cook. .War Certificate, £1 .. " .. Yellow 186511 "3o' Frn D t ■»' R°°v' S! ar £1 ... .! .. Buff—4s397A ss?*' v uA. Cook, War Certificate, £1 . .. Buff—l94Bo | : gtgafeS!iS:J: .: •: - ::§£& :: :: ••


237. Mrs Daigety's prize, £1 .. •• •• ... •• " 238. Mrs Daigety's prize, £1 •• r 239.. lira Dainty's prize, XI £, 7,, a« 210. Mrs Daigety's prize, £1 .. ... •• 5 ne— "l®® 3 . 241. Mrs Daigety's prize. £1 .. .. .. .. . • •• 212. Ham, F. Gamble, £1 la .. •• 243. Cycle, Tyre, Casbolt, £1' .. •• BnS—4TOB 244. Cake, Taigel ... •• •• 245. Messrs Duncan, Cotterill and Co.'s prise, £1 .. .. •• u " c ™ 216. Messrs Duncan, Cotterill ■ and Co.'s prize, £1 .. .. •• 148317 247. Messrs Duncan, Cotterill and Co.'s prize, £1 .. •• •• wiute—l7Bsl9 248. Messrs Duncan, Cotterill and Co.'s prize, £1 .. .. •• Green—l2B4ll 249. Messrs Duncan, Cotferill and Co.'s prize, £1 .. .. White—43B9s 250. Messrs Duncan, Cotterill and . Co.'s prize, £1 .. .. •• Green—3s379 251. Messrs Duncan, CoteriH and Co.'s prize, £t .. .. v *. Yellow—l4o3l9 252. Messrs Duncan, Cotterill and Co.'s prize, £1 .. .. •• Green—l73oS Drawn in our presence— • J. J. HODGSOX, Serjeant o£ Police. GEORGE WITTT, M.P. L. B. HART, Deputy Chairman. All Prizes unclaimed within 14 dava Trill be sold for tho benefit of tho Fund. 63G4 C. W. HERYEY, Hon. Secretary.

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16403, 24 December 1918, Page 10

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LADY LIVERPOOL TRAMWAY COPPER TRAIL. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16403, 24 December 1918, Page 10

LADY LIVERPOOL TRAMWAY COPPER TRAIL. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16403, 24 December 1918, Page 10