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AUCTIONS. JONES. McCROSTIE CO.. LTD. PROPERTY AUCTION SALE. SATURDAY NEXT, OCTOBER 26th, At 12 Noon. IN OUR LAND SALEROOMS. On Account of MRS BOwMAN. No. 248 BARBADOE9 CITY, Next to Cornor of Cashel street. SPLENDIDLY-BUILT SEMI-BUNGALOI of 5 ROOMS, plastered and part papered, and tinted, electric light and fil tings, bathroom, h. and c. service, pantrj scullery, washhouse, copper and tubs, a modern offices and conveniences, sewer oor nexion, h.p. water supply; nice eection, fax ing we3t. _ ___ JONES, McCROSTIE CO., LTD. 236G C. E. JONES, Auctioneer. PROPERTY AUCTION SATURDAY NEXT, OCTOBER 26th, At 12 Noon. In Our Land Salerooms. On account of M T. A. White (who has removed to Aucfc land). Being No. 79 Warrington sitreet, bl Albans, close to 2d Section. WELL-BUILT HOUSE of 5 Rooms, fron and return verandah, also back verai cah, plastered throughout, all modern ol fices and conveniences, including gas and HI tinse, h. and c. service, pantry, scullcry bathroom, waahhouse, copper and tubs, ward robes built in, also largo cupboards. In section has a frontage of 62J feet by a deptJ of lSli feet, with double frontage, nicely lan out and planted, lawns back and front, frui trees, asphalt paths, arte&ian water supply ram and tank. As Mr White has left Christ church, his instructions to us are to cell i POSBIb JONES, McCROSTIE CO., LTD. 23GJI C. E. JONES, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. NORTH BEACH SECTIONS. NORTH BEACH SECTIONS. NEW BRIGHTON; WEDNESDAY NIGHT NEXT, OCTOBER 30th, At 8 p.m. IN OUR LAND SALEROOMS, CORNER CASHEL AND MANCHESTER STREETS. gQ ESPLANADE SECTIONS "THE BLANWOOD ESTATE." Right on the Sea Front. J-ACRE SECTIONS, with 50 feet frontage EXCEPTIONAL TERMS: £5 deposit, £1 monthly Interest 5J per ceni. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY to ac quire a cheap section in the most popula: seaside resort in Canterbury. GREAT PROSPECTIVE VALUE. PLANS NOW AVAILABLE. JONES, McCROSTIE CO., LTD. . 2370 C. E. JONES. Auctioneer. 0 LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARM. nrr ACRES of heavy grass land, handj O I to Christchurch; lease has sever years to run; rental £3 per aero. Carrying 24 cows at present; 6 acres in wheat, S acres in oats. Good 5-roomed house, scullery, waahhouse. 4-stallcd stable, looscbox, end trapshed, 1! cowbails, milking plant, petrol engine. Will sell as a going concern. Prico and furthor particulars from JONES, McCROSTIE CO., LTD. DAIRYING AND SHEEP LAND. ACRES, suitable for dairying and OUU sheep; 180 acres heavy swamp land, balance tussock hills, well watered and subdivided. Located close to Saleyarda, Township, Rail, and School. QBSS PRICE, £13 per acre. JONES, McCROSTIE CO., LTD. HANDY LITTLE HOLDING. Q ACRES of good land, within 6 miles ol , Town; 3 acres in lucerne, 1 acre for mangolds; clo&o to rail and school; 6-roomed Bungalow, h. and c. bath, looeebox, cowbail. sheds. Owner consider exchange for larger place. AIOO2 PRICE, £1850. JONES, McCROSTIE CO., LTD. NORTH CANTERBURY. 11nn ACRES of Good Sheep Land; fair I.IUU portion grows good crops of oats, rape, and' turnips; 60 acres in oats, 80 acres in gr«n feed, balance from 1 to fyear grasses; well watered by running streams. Good Homestead 5 rooms, h. and c. bath, waahhouse, stable, implement Bhed, motor shed, sheep yards, and orchard. Handy to school, rail, and saleyards. Q875 PRICE £9 PER ACRE. JONES, McCROSTIE CO., LTD. SPLENDID DAIRYING AND CROPPING LAND, LEESTON DISTRICT. •J OA ACRES of Heavy Cropping and lOu Dairying Lend, situated 3 miles School, Rail, Saleyordß, and Creamery, well watered by windmill. and artesiana, well subdivided into' 9 paddocks, 45 acres wheat, 30 acres for barley, 30 acres for clover soed, balance in young grasses, good 6-roomed House, h. * and c., dairy, washhouse, 8etalled stable, chaShouse, implement shed, slaughter shed, motor shea, ehecpyardß, new S-plant milking machine, shed and yard. Good terms arranged. Y2t)2o Price and further particulars from JONES, McCROSTIE CO., LTD. DAIRYING OR CROPPING LAND. HANDY TO RANGIORA. OA ACRES, suitable for dairying or crop--01/ ping, well watered by stream and artesiana, 80 acres for wheat, oats, and peas, balance in good grasses, located half-mile to School end four miles Rail. Good 6-roomed House, h. and c., washhou6e, dairy, stable, trapshed, imp. shed, cowbails, and pigstyes. Y2040 PRICE, £40 PER ACRE. JONES, McCROSTIE CO., LTD. HANDY TO RANGIORA. 1 rn ACRES of Heavy Cropping and GrazlJu ing Land, 60 acres in wheat, 20 acroa in oate, 28 acreß for peas. Balance in young jrasses. Carrying at present 250 ewes and 23 bead cattle, well watered and fenced. Good Six-roomed House , dairy, 6-stilled (table, granary, looseboxes. X 2037 PRICE, £37. 2103 JONES, McCROSTIE CO., LTD. piLKINGTON'S ROYAL MAIL MOTORS. Little River, Akaroa. DAILY SERVICE. . Broadway's Dep. Akaroa Dep. Monday .. 3.30 p.m. 8.30 A.m. Tuesday .. 2.30 p.m. 8.30 a.m Wednesday .. 3.0 p.m. 6.45 a.m. Thuisday .. 2.30 p.m. 8.30 a.m. Friday .. 2.30 p.m. 8.30 Saturday -- 2JJO p.m. 8.30 am. BOOKINGS—CHRISTCHURCH: Woodward's, Tobacconist. 'Phone 2504. Rink Taxis, Ltd. 'Phones 878, 1838, 1837. Thos. Cook and Son. 'Phone 4075. Government Tourist Office. 'Phone 1176b C. W. Hervey. 'Phono 3175. AKAROA—Pilkington. 'Phone 5. Telegrams: Pilkinston, Akaroa.

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16350, 23 October 1918, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16350, 23 October 1918, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16350, 23 October 1918, Page 12