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At the Addinglon saloyards yesterday, Messrs H. Matson and Co. sold, on behalf of tho Sailors' Fund, cloven wethers, the subject of a recent Supremo Court ease, which realised 31s to 38s ~d per bead. It is understood that a chaise of perjury is pending against a militnry reservist in the Ashburton County for having, it '■* alleged, given false information in order to pain exemption when his case came before the Appeal Heard. Tn n report presented to tho Xorth Canterbury Hospital and Charitable Aid Board yesterday, it wr>s stated that adenoids were very prevalent amongst tho children of the jKaikoura district. It vns decided to call the attention of tlio TJistrict Health Officer and the Education Board to tliis matter. Gunner Campbell, of Port Chalmers, who has four brothers on active service (one of them was an engineer in tlio famed Vindictive), writing to his mnther on conditions at the front in France, states: "Wo are well off at the bark of the lines now, as wo a Y.M.C.A. but. It was priven to the artillery by the Dominion Freer,lasn*' and we have a lot to bs thankful for in this ge'vjrcsity of tho Freemasons of New Zealand*"

We have to acknow ledge receipt of £- ips for otir Serbian Fund from "Botty l>urr. 1 his is the tlrr 1 <k>:"niion fr-~' n the proceeds of the sale of the book of pecms. "The Betier Way.'' A special order has been i.vsued by Colonel X. P. Adams. Commandant at reathorston Camp. announcing that the CI camp at T.iuheivnil-:au is to be moved to Canvas Camp. Eeatherston. At a meeting he'd rec.~:ti!y in tho Pun* Hull. Now Brighton. it was unanilaou&lv <lo -ieled to, nominate Mr W. .1. v> aiu-.- to:- tin; seat tor the «4,von district on tht* ']':aiiHoard at the i'o rthf■o:n i: i g c! et ic 11 ?*. I'or ihe ~lrini;y logo practical examinations, to be held ip. OclobiV next, entries have beet: received from t' .1 ciMuii<iat« , s, as follcsws:—Toachr-r'-' diplomas .'33. higher local division, 14, sfnior SJ, intoi mediate division . jir• • il;r division 7.'', preparatory division O'J, ••:ir:-t steps" tl'j. Several Second DivUinn bullote.\s liavo I'.en applying i-o tho Military Sorvioo Hoards of latt» i'or an extension of timo np.m the ground that troy arc vspectin;; additions io their families shortly ;iil."i- the dale thev aro eluo in canri. The > c -v:-oonel 'Canterbury Military Service Board, however. yesterday derided that such men must- go into camp on the due date, and they poulel apply for leave from camp at the timo tho new arrt\al was expected. Tho Mayor of Rangiorn has been informed by Mr.jor-Gon-ral A. W. Robin, Commander of the N.Z. M l : iary Forces, that.the Minister of Defence has allotted to the town as war trophies threo ma-chine-guns and a number of appliances cmiV'Cted therewith, which had been captured by the loth (North Canterbury and West land) Regiment, whose l'-'-.»df|Uartnrs- are at Rangiora. The Minister requested that the trophies should lie placed in such jiosition as to ensure that they would remain a permanoot memorial to those who had captured tli em. "When we first came to Wellingtor my husband joined tho 'Red Feds.*, and ever since has been looking for the easiest job at the highest "rate oj wages. He wants to educate himse.'l so as to become a member of Parliament, and considers his wife anc child all in tho road. Ho is a confirmed Socialist in everything except whore I and my child are concerned. 1 blame the organisation more than :n> husband for the position I am in today," said a woman when giving evidence against her husband in a maintenance ease at the Magistrate's Court at "Wellington on Monday. Proof was afforded yesterday that the cultivation of citrus fruit in New Zealand does not necessarily dentarid a subtropical climate or a sheltered nook. Specimens were brought into "The Press" office of citrons, lemons, and marmalade orange*:; (of the. "Poor Man" variety)' which were grown by Mr Archibald McGregor at his farm at Selwyn. Mr McGregor procured cuttings nino years ago ana planted them on tho north side of _ a fence, where they have flourished extremely well. Tho fruit was large and well-grown, the lemons particularly being of very tine qtiality. There is n promise that the long controversy about the mufti allowance ol 20s for returned soldiers will bo cndec soon, in a manner satisfactory to the men. The executive sub-conirnittoe ol the New Zealand Returned Soldiers' Association is submitting alternative proposals to tho Dominion Conference at Auckland: (1) That both ttnifornn with great coat he returned, and thai the allowance he raised to £5 ss; (2] that one uniform and groat coat be returned, and the allowance be £4 Either proposal to be retrospective. Ii is understood that tho Government wil accept tho decision of the conference on either proposal. Several men classed as fit for active scrvico have appealed of late to the Military Service Boards upon the ground' that they have been wrongly medically classified, and ltavo produced doctors' certificates to that effect. Cole! water was thrown on theso appellant? Nt yesterday's sitting of the fteconc Canterbury Military Service Board bj the chairman (Mr H. W. Bishop). "Wc have nothing whatever to do with the medical ho informed one appellant. "We are bound to accept the Medical Board's certificates." An appellant applied for a medical re-exami-nation. "We have no power to grant that," replied Mr Bishop. At tho meeting of the District Execul.ivo of tho Methodist Social (Service Union, held in Christ-church 011 Monelay last, the Hew secretary ..for North Canterbury, the Rev. C. B. Jordan, oi Woodend, was cordially welcomed b} tho district-vice-president, the Rev. J Cccker. The matter of visitation ol churches in tho interests of the Union was handed over to the next general moeting. lfc -was decided to arrange, if possible, for the observance of Citizens' Sunday in the churches.of the city and suburbs. Representatives of the Union were appointed as follows:—Council of tho Workers' Educational Association, Rev. J.-,Cocker; sessions ol the Arbitration Court, tho secrotary; Hygienic Society, Rev. S. Lawry. In his address to tho annual conference of tho New Zealand secondary school teachers in Canterbury College Hall yesterday, tho president, Mr W, J. Morrcll, referred to tho largo number of secondary schools pupils who, by thoir noble sclf-sacrifico and devotion tc 1 just and righteous cause, had left itohind an imperishable memory. Such ri memory would bo a glorious example to generation after generation of boy? in the schools. "The war is the great testing time to the schools," said Mr Morrell, in conclusion. "On tho battleEielfl of Europe, t,ho mettle of the secondary schools training has linen tested, tnel it has never been founcl wanting, .'•'hilo ©very year the schools aro producing men and women capable of doing their duty with efficiency in ovcry sphere of life within tho dominion." An important- communication from Sir lamoi Allen, bearing on the re-enlist-nent of returned soldiers, was received it Tuesday night's meeting of the comnittee of the Otago Returned Soldiers' iVssociation. Tho Minister stated that he Government would he willing to accept tho services of discharged soldiers n aii} - number, provided they were ■lassified as medically fit for ' further ictive service. If sufficient numbers verts forthcoming in a body thev would ta formed into separate units in New Zealand, ap-1 these specinl units would ie kept together in New Zealand and relespatched on active service as separate mils. On their arrival at. tho overseas >ase the men would, k : > far as it was inssible to do so, be posted to their ori:iual units in the Ivvpoditionarv Force Ihould « large number of returned solIt ers be forthcoming for this nurpose t would be necessary to arrange for hem to be despatched to camp in'bodies t- regular intervals, «ind not in smnll lumbers. After scrutinising a doctor's certiicate. dut-in- tho hearing of n ease at he Magistrates Court at Wellington >11 -Momlav. Mr L. G. Reid, S M renarked that the writing was so'bad hat lie was unable to make out the -ignatute '-ft might be any thing." aid Mr upkl. '"It is notorious tba' av.-yers handwriting is generallv bad' :nd evidentlv that of doctors is not ntich better." "A doctor's hatidwritng is even worse than that of a ai\yer, and I havo never see j n a land written by a medical man " re)hcd 3rr P. W. Jackson. The 'referntu regnrding handwriting micrht have :ono further and included :ii(l Judges Oi the -SunroiPf l Court he "New Zealand Times"). The han'd'FTitino; of Forne of these gentlemen tay be described ns a mixture! of *hortland and a child's attemnt to >nor to being taught. It is impo*tble to make head or tail of the marks uti> on paper at- times bv partienlar fr.gistrates and Judges. ' A famous tidqe 011 one occasion, when asked to end some of his own writing replied. 'When I wrote that j'.xtsmont I .'hat I put cu the paper; time has asset!, and I c-annot say what is on he paper now.' :

An Ashburton resident was surprised on Tuesday to reec ivc a cablegram from Lngland purporting to bo signed bv his son. Tho me.-sajre contained ti:,." | o f_ lowing words : "Well; cable six pound* The alleged author of the was invalided iume six months ago. T:ie Empire demonstration or the C'i-ci-j-oas Club will bo iiold 111 the Chord Jriail to-morpv night. }atnot; c -d<n esses mil DO Udivcrcd by Colonel C'iiafrov. tho Rev. Pc.-cy >!- i M. ]:-ut, M.l\. tho l!ov. .ir Pato"son 1 ami ?,ir 0. T. lJooth. Patriotic kmcn s.iucs will bo shown, and an orchestra v.iil prormo nius'c. Admi\>u ;n will bo free. All oou«Vs. recent or chronic. or old, yteul to Lo»sLv' s Sion T t Gro.-ers and chemists. ' Tho weekend sale of homc-rnado food at tho Led Cross Sak* I>, pot , ( athedral .yuaro y,il be ia clu ' { *J< »i;o wßj'Cf - ™ o.rer a ;nryc supply of the usual do'iiciicirs, cte. L j Have us enlarge that old portrait von treasure so higiiJy. We retain tho *ox pression of the ordinal. StelFano Webb -o- -jdigu street-/ Telephone 1089 5 For progressive people! "\ 0 "v>tih." -laundry help "GokW Rule" scap, ' (lOldcn Ilulo' candlcs. Kincv.ids, 3jtd. Xo 'no likes moving, but the wor-c can b? ma-Je much lighter if comneumt 1111 V 7 C ' U P J. M. Hevwcu.l ano Co., Ltd. have them, and "three Oculists' Prescriptions'.—Havino- our o«ii machinery and a large 6t0 ?4- of lenses and spectacle iitthigs, you can sal'ely trust 3'our prescription work to us. Charges moderate. Repairs to frames and broken Jenses matched V.'altor J. AVatdon D.8.0.A., London, Optical Specialist, (JOS Colombo street. 1 EXCEPTIONAL. STTOEBAKER OPPORTUNITY. Now on Vie,-w—Latest model Sweater •(■-cylinder touring Studcbakev standard Canadian hnish. Only run 4CO mi'es Owner lias purchased Studobaker' s; x ' j'nee, for quick sale, £420. Full o- uar l antee given. Adams, Ltd., Garage Tuani street. 6

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16219, 23 May 1918, Page 6

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GENERAL NEWS. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16219, 23 May 1918, Page 6

GENERAL NEWS. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16219, 23 May 1918, Page 6