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A "Gazette" -will be issued to-morrow calling up the reiliainder —about SOCO — of Class B reservists —married men with ono child. The list of tho names of tile Canterbury and West Coast men will appear in to-morrow morning's "Press." Tiiero were ten applicants for employment at tho Government Labour Bureau, Christehurch, last week. Of these, seven were labourers, ono a cook, another a farm-worker, and the tenth a gardener. All were placed in work except- two of the labourers. The Health Department reports that last week there were reported in the North Canterbury district ('including Christchurch) 12 cases of scarlet fever, and 22 of diphtheria, in tho Ashburton district three cases of scarlet fever ami ono of diphtheria, and in tho South Canterbury district three cases of scarIct fever and one of diphtheria. The Dominion Conference of the Church of England Men's Society will be opened to-morrow at Christ's College, and will be continued tho following day. The order paper includes a number of addresses of interest to C.E.M.S. members, and to-morrow evening Bishop Julius will conduct a men's service in the Cathedral in connexion with the conference. A deputation from the Avonside Burgesses' Association submitted to tho City Council last evening a proposition for the acquisition of land for road widening purposes at the corner of Cowlishaw street and River road, Avonside. After the deputation had retired the Council referred the matter to its Works Committee to inspect the property and report, other mombers of the Council also expressing their intention of inspecting the place. Tho Linwood Burgesses' Association lias obtained an offer from Air T. G. Haigh to sell to tho City Council a portion of liis section situate at the south-east corner of the intersection of Stanmoro road and Cashel street, for the sum of £70, for tho purpose of rounding off the corner; the Council to form the footpath, channelling, etc., and pay all the costs of transfer. The Works and Sanitary Committee last night recommondcd the Council to accept the offer provided the Tramway Board agrees to pay half the total cost. Tho Board had been communicated with on the matter. The recommendation was adopted. Before the Military Service Board at Wellington yesterday appeals wero made on behalf of Captain C. Ross, Director of Organisation, Wellington; Major Andrews, Assistant-Adjutant-Gcneral; Major Ostler, Director of Supplies and Transport, Wellington; Major Coles, Auckland; and StafF-Ser-geant-Major Lacey, Signalling Instructor, Featherston. The Board announced that it was of opinion that as these reservists wero still engaged in military work and had not Ken discarded, it had no jurisdiction, and the question whether or not they should go to the front rested with the military authorities. The i ; tv Council last evening received a letter from the Hon. J. A. Hanan, .Minister of Education, acknowledging receipt of a copy of tho resolution passed by the Council supporting tho efforts of the New Zealand Educational Institute to secure improvements in the education system, and urging tho Government to provide tho necessary moneys to carry out such improvements. Tho Minister, in his reply, says he has noted tho terms of tho resolution, and the matter will receive his careful attention. Proposals for further improvements in tho education system have, he says, been under consideration, and will bo submitted to Cabinet when the question of legislation for next session is •being dealt with. No fewer than ton applications wero made at tho opening of tho civil sittings of the Supreme Court yesterday morning for exemption from jury service. Two wero excused, as they wero ovor-age. One, on finding that his services would bo required for only two days, decided to serve. In the other cases the ploa of shortage of labour was advanced, and exemptions were granted to an auctioneer, a grain buyer and salesman, a dairyman, a tailor, a law clerk, and a fishmonger. A threshingmill owner, also the owner of a chaffcutting plant, withdrew his application for yesterday, as he had l>een able to get a man for tho day. His Honour, in granting the exemptions, remarked that, unliko tho criminal sessions, it was not anticipated that the services of two juries would he required simultaneously. A return of attendances at Council meetings and committee meetings was tabled at last night's meeting of the City Council upon the motion of Cr. Loasby. In referring to tho return, ■ Cr. Loasby said the real work of tho Council was done in committee. Cr. • Ell had been present at one meeting of , the Abattoir Committee out of twenty held, and at two meetings of the , Works Committee out of twenty-two. - If Cr. Ell's business as a politician took i him so much away from the Council it j was up to him to say he could not at- ( tend those committee meetings, and it ; was then the business of the Council j to appoint someone else to the position, 1 but if Cr. Ell could not say that, the ( public should know that the business < af the Council was not being attended < to by Cr. Ell. Cr. Ell made no reply 1 to Cr. Loasby's remarks, and the Coun- ] jil proceeded to the next business. s Considerable discussion arose at last 1 light's meeting of the City Council, fol- ' [owing upon a recommendation by the - Waterworks Committee to put in'hand 1 :he construction of a sub-pumping sta- ' tion at St Albans, being a part of the Waterworks Engineer's scheme No. 2 I is adopted by the Council on September i lltli, 191(5, the? presen,t estimated cost joing £3250. Cr. Peek moved that the natter bo referred hack to the com- , nitteo, and that every member be sup- « >lied with particulars of the' scheme idopted in 1916. In the course of the liscifssion tho Mayor (Mr H. Holland) < stated that Australians were scouring 1 S'ew Zealand for iron pipes. The en- £ ;ineer had the first refusal of those re- ' juired till the following morning, and 1 f tho Council turned tho schemo down 1 t would be very doubtful if piping ( rould bo secured for a long time to, ■ome. Eventually a compromise was t •eached to the effect that the commit- c co be authorised to purchase the pipes, ( mt that the remainder of the report ( >o referred hack to the committee to How members of the Council to reeivc copies of tho 1910 scheme. c "We, tile undersigned residents of J Voolston. object to bo rated for the up- a :eep of the Fire Brigade, as there is no 1 lecessitv for it, and we beg to petition he Borough Council to take steps with lie view of having the Brigade disianded,''_ ran a missive signed by welve Woolstonites, which was read at t Ist night's meeting of the Woolston t lorough Council. Cr. S. Johns asked e •hat action could be taken in the mat- I I er. The Mayor (M r ' MoOrecror | i Vriglit) said lie was not clear on the I I object, but tho town clerk could look I p various Acts and regulations and reort to a future meeting o t - the Coun-! il. On the other hand, they could ! fi imply "receive' 1 the petition. " Cr. L. - lart: Yes. receive it and tell them that s he matter is being kept steadilv in I lew. (Laughter.) Cr. Itowse" said! bat there wero many adverse opinions i oncerning the utility of the Brigade, i r. Mc-Rue said that during the" war •'E lie Brigade would have to be maintain- p J in its present state. However, a •oni his point of view it was "a white • lephant"—it always had been—but the j rigado was doine its best. Eventu- I 2* lly it was decided to receive and hpld j f< rer the petition. I e

| The art union of Fabrikoff and ten other thoroughbred horses will be drawn on June Ist. We have received £1 from F W Woodward (two months) for our Red Cro<s Fund. The Lower Ashley bridge on the Alain North road will be closed against all traffic on Thursday next between S a.m. and 1 p.m. during repairs. A public meeting of ratepayers in the Dallington tramway rating district will be held in tho Linwood school tomorrow, at b p.m., when all ratepayers are asked to be present. A I'alnierston North telegram states that James Mitchell, licensee of. the Occidental Hotel, wag fined £10 and his license endorsed for exposing liquor for sale. The Magistrate said the evidence was conclusive that tiiero had l>een exposure of liquor for sale. An appeal is probable. Orders were taken for coal at the ofliee of the State Coal Department yesterday, but there was no crowdin" of customers. A constable was sta™ tioned at the door of tlie office -nu: regulated the number who entered* His job was, however, a light one as the customers came along iu small bunches and were easily controlled.' The total cost of the Library building, which was erected by the City Council by dav labour amounted to £564 17s lid, bein<' *17 17s lid more than the lowest feiid-r received lor the work. Cr. Beaniand, chairman of the Works C-ommittee 'n-forn-ed the Council last eveniii" tint a "real uood job" had been effected. The sub-committee appointed bv the Cit\ Count il to look into the question of the establishment of a superannua-1 tion fund lor the Council's employees submitted a report to the Council* la<t' night, when it was decided that "a scheme as proposed by Mr Scott Baker be established, based on a maximum pension of 30s per week, or £7S rer annum. y On Saturday evening a rather daring burglary took place when the cellar of Messrs Briscoe and Co., at tho corner ot and W oroostor streets was broken open, and seven tins of petiol stolen. An entrance was also effected into tho firm's warehouse petrol evidently being tho object also, for none being there nothing elso was disturbed. in tho sporting pages of tho "Weekly Press," published to-day: North Otago Prospects, by "Looker-On"; Great Northern Prospects, by "Spectator"; "Wayfarer" in MarlboroughSera tellings by "The Rook"; When Found (A Survivor: A Difficult Case • Ihe Competitions), by "Antisthenes" • Canterbury Park Handicars nv ' 'Searchlight"; Hints for Cues, by Cannon ; How Dick Burge Made Good Again ; Golfing Ailments; Eddie Durnan Retires. While a letter from tho North Canterbury Hospital and Charitable Aid Board was under consideration at last night's meeting of the Woolston Borough Council, Cr. Mcßac complained that a working man with a family,* and earning £3 a week, was not called upon by the Board to pay for treatment at tho Christchurch Hospital, yet an oldage pensioner who became an inmato of the institution had his pension deducted during his stay there. Indeed, lio knew of ono ease in which not only this had been done, but tho pensioner had been "billed" subsequently. This, he thought, was quito unfair. Cr. G. S. White supported Cr. Mcß,ae. and suggested that enquiries should bo mado of the Board as to the position. A motion on tho lines of the suggestion was carried. The Christehurch City Council met last evening. Present: Tho Mayor (Mr H. Holland), and Crs. A. S. Taylor, J. R. Hnyivard, 11. G. EH, M.P., A. M. Loasby, D. G. Sullivan, E. Peek. A. Wells, E. J. Howard W. Nicholls, J. W. Beaniand, P. It. Climie, A. McKellar, J. A. Flesher, and A. Williams. Cr. Loasby moved: "That tho attention of the Tramway Board be drawn to tho state of the portion of the streots under their control, and that if possible arrangements be made whereby the Council shall do the work necessary te put in repair the said portion of the. streets under the control of tho Christchurch Tramway Board at the expenso of tho said Board. Failing satisfactory arrangements being made that this Council decides that the Christchurch Tramway Board be called on to fulfil their functions in regard to the roads over which they are bound by law to keep in order." After some discussion the matter was referred to the Works Committee to report on. The Cnvershani Methodist Church was crowded on Sunday evening, when tho Rev. S. Griffith, assisted by Chaplain F. T. Road, conducted a meinorinl service in moniorv of tho late Chaplain A. Allen, who was killed in action on th 0 Western front on May Bth. The pulpit was draped with the Union Jack, and tho Communion tablo was decorated with j ivhite flowers. The hymns sung during , tho servico and tho Scripture lesson read were favourites of the deceased, riic licv. Mr Griffith took as his text John xv., 14, "Greater love hath no Tian than this: that a man lay down his lfo for his friends." After referring ;o the wonderful -way in which this law if love and sacrifice was finding new expression through tho war Mr Griffith ' jave a brief sketch of th e career and , vork of tho late Chaplain Allen. The preacher said that in all his circuits Jiaplain Allen's ministry was popular ind successful, his winsome personality 1 ind faithful work winning fcr l:**:i many J riends. Chaplain Read, who arrived >v hospital ship the previous day, bore slomient testimony to the fine qualities 1 if Chaplain Allen and gave an inter- ; isting account of tho work of the chap- 1 am, concluding with nn impressive an- , leal for Christian loyalty. Purine the ervice Mrs McFndyen sang "Sometime ' yell Understand," and the choir ren- f ered the anthem, the Bar." ] Vttcr tliG bcnodiction lind boon prolounced, the '"Dead March" concluded * in impressive service. £ All kinds, of trusses at Loasbv's. I stocks getting short, and no supplies irrivmg. Purchase now. Loasby. 2 ( Havo us enlarge that old portrait vou a xeasuro so highly. Wo retain the W 1 (ression of the original. Stoffano Webb, v !oi High street. Telephone 1989. 5 v Oculists' Prescriptions.— Having our I .wn machinery and a large stoT-k ..f Z enses find sp©ctac!o fittings, you can n afely trust your prescription "work to r is. Chaiges moderate. Repairs to + ranies and broken lenses matched t A alter J. Watson, D.8.0.A., London, n Iptical Specialist, 695 Colombo street. 1 " Specie! combination mop outfit, con- t anting 1 (I listless inop, l dustloss luster, 1 oil kiob, 1 bottle oil only hs a d the set. Iry Drayton'6 Emporium, 1' ;olombo street. y ] You can depend upon everything 71 emg done promptly and well if you 11 nlv hand your shipping documents to ° .M. Heywood and Co., Ltd, They 1 re recognised as experts at this work. ° elephones 200, 1241, and 2174. G T THREE SECOND-HAND CAR. BARGAINS. * a Now on view.—Three five-scater n curing cars, each newly painted in up- " o-date style, and complete with road quipmont: —Darracq (French) £105- o: [ogal, £145: .Siddely-Deasy (British),' •■260. AH in running order. Adams, b ltd., Garage, ruam street. 6 " RELIEF FOR SOIU:~THR()ATS (1; The throat becomes easier after the 11 rst dose of Baxter's Lung Preserver -and soon all soreness is gone. Heals s ' trained tissues —removes hoarseness urge bottle costs only 2s. onisenCi " , 2 m ABOUT VACUUm'flasks ji' You know you can spend a lot of 1 111 ,onev on a flask, _ they run up to big | rices. Mmson sos 6d and Cs (id flanks i rc perfect. M(J2oS j cl - — tl Beware! NAZOL is imitated, because AZOL is tne best household remedy jr coughs and colds. But no imitation ai juals IS"AZOL. Get the genuine. 3tl

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16217, 21 May 1918, Page 6

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GENERAL NEWS. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16217, 21 May 1918, Page 6

GENERAL NEWS. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16217, 21 May 1918, Page 6