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'The annual meeting of the Ellesmero A. and 1". Associaliou was Held in tue Association's room, sit L.(3t\itou, on luu&uuy, the presiucnt, IMr Arch. -AlcLaculua, presiuing over a good attendance

Tho report stated that the past year had been in every way quite as succcssiul tor the Association as anyone m these abnormal tunes could liopo for.. From an agricultural point of view, the season had been very unfavourable, and there was reason to doubt whetner the harvest returns' were much better than those of the two previous seasons, which were the woist on record, farmers Were, however, loolunjj lorward to brighter times. Tt;e show iiacr bcjii "very siiccessiul/ and although the total r was a record, there, had been a falimg-off of entries in the pnncipal. sections, clue to tho shdrtago of labour, while at the same time the gate receipts were Well up to the average. It was with great' pleasure that the Association had been able to place at the disposal of exhibitors a lonutngbank that was up-to-date in every particular, and which would prove a splendid asset. The committee wished to record its thanks to the Hailwav Department for assistance in this connexion. General satisfaction would be felt that the Association had secured a permanent office and meeting room, which members. were invited to make use of at any time. 'I he Furnishing Committee had already spent over £50, and although this amouut had been nearly subscribed privately, further were solicited with a view to providing a Lbrarv. The report expressed regret at the 'loss of three valuable members bv death, viz., Messrs J. Barnett and A" E. Hight, and Gunner Ralph Coe. 'Tho balance-sheet- gave the receipts for the year as £801,125, the principal items !<eing: Subscriptions £211 10s, special prize-. £145 3s (3d, entry fees £''0:5 Gs. Tho expenditure totalled £772 2s fid. show prizes accounting for £o()G 16s lOd. The credit balance was £29 9s 7d. Tho president referred to tho loss Mr and Mrs J . Boag, junr., had sustained bv tho- recent death of their son, Trooper .1. "'V. Boag, and on his motion a resolution of sympathv was carried with "all members who had lost relatives at the front during the year. Miss Glanville and Messrs D. Muir, E. E Rowley, C". L. Sannaford, and It. McClure wore elected members of the Association. The following officers were elected: Patrons, Colonel the Hon. It. Heaton Rhodes, Messrs J. Boag, senr., G. E. Rhodes, and J. Osborne; president, Mr I. Andrew; vice-president, Mr W. Scott; treasurer, Mr "VV. G. Lunn; auditors, Messrs A. T. Robertson and 10. j. Hollev: committee, Messrs W. Abbott. G.'H. Barnett, John Boag, junr.; John Brooks, E. J. Cowan, W. M. Gabbie, E. Hall, V. J. Lemon, W. J. Lemon, W. Lochhead, I. McGill, A. McLaughlin, It, T. McMillan, A. McPherson, R. J. Mawson, D. Millar, G. Vi' R. Osborne, Jamos Quigley, "VV. O. Ronnie, H.'Schhello, J. A. Scott, T. A. Stephens, A. E. Withell, W. Young. • The new president, in returning thanks for his election, promised to do his best to promote tho interests of the Association.

A suggestion that Mr Macpherson, Government Fields Supervisor, should be asked to address the members on lucerne growing, was left over for the committee to deal with. It was decided to grant the use of the Association's new room to the Ellesmero Advisory Committee for its meetings. A proposal to limit the number of persons to be admitted to tho show on a member's ticket to two. was rejected, and it was decided that in future each member should be at liberty to take his wife and two of family on to the grounds free.

JOTTISG.S FOB FARMERS. A peculiar attitude by farmers has prevented some promising lads in Wellington from beginning a. career in tho country (says the Wellington "Post ). The Labour Department's Kmpioyment Bureau has been in touch with some bright, wilting youths, eager to learn a rural occupation, but apparently the average farmer does not wish to _tis bothered with apprentices, even with an assurance of aptitnde for work. The demand is always for the "experienced lad." The question is asked : How is_a town lad to become "experienced" in countTy work if he is not granted an opportunity to learn?

A yearling Shorthorn pedigree bull, bred in Aberdeenshire and exhibited bv Mr Joseph Robinson, farmer, of Skelton, was at Penrith, ou March Bth, sold for ±'3585 to Mr Marshall, of

Stranraer. The price is believed to bo a record.


On Tuesuay tno Minister of Public Works (£>ir »v'iliiam jyraier;, accompanicd l.y Messrs Buddo and i'oroes, M.l'.'s, txie uistrict engineer, anu memuors ot uie county Council, made a tour of the Asliiey county, in wnicn during recent years several Government grants for main joau bridges ixave been expended. Tlie Minister's visit had long been promised, and was muck appreciated. The Aiakeriken, Grey, and Karetu bridges were inspected, and a nalt was vflen made at tuo long Oliuiiu bridge, where the Minister took a general view of tho county and discussed its produce and traiiic. The next, stop was made on tho high shingle bank of the Garry, opposite the proposed site for a bridge, the -Minister at once recognised tno need t and after discussing plans and estimates with the district engineer, promised a grant of £ ior £| receiving from the County chairman (Mr iiugu Krtsor) an assurance of the County's hearty appreciation. At Colonel Millton's invitation the party turned into Birch Hill, where they were received by Mrs Millton and made a most enjoyablo call. The Glentui bridge and approaches were next inspected, tho now eastern approach redounding to the credit of tho district engineer. In place of the old steep cutting a longer cutting with a uniform and easier grado to tho bridge has been made, the accuracy of the road engineer's survey and the thorough work of the contractor being elearly in evidence. At Glentui an impressive call was u:nde when the Minister and members of Parliament paid n visit of condolence to Mrs John O'Halloran, whose late husband was a close personal friend of the visitor.-?. The lato Mr O'Halloran hail taken a very keen interest in Sir William's promised tour of tho county. At the Gorge bridge the boundary was reached, and the Minister went 011 to Oxford, receiving the Council's cordial thanks and giving his promise to come again and open the Garry bridge. OXFORD. ' The fortnightly meeting of the Oxford Patriotic Committee was held on. Monday night Mr T>. Hr.wke presided over an attendance of twenty-three members. It was decided to send letters of, sympathy to the -relatives of Sergeant H. Gilchrist (wounded), Ser-geant-Major. A. E. Cooper (wounded), and Private A. D. Budge (sferiously ill). A motion of sympathy was also passed to the family of the late Mr John O'Halloran. Arrangements in connexion with the Y.M.C.A. concert were advanced, as well as thoso in regard to "Sailors' " Day. It was decided to send a letter of thanks_ to Miss Jones for her services at the piano on picture nights.

SEI'TON. At the annual meeting of the Sefton ana Mount Grey Downs Red Cross I'unds, the receipts for the year ending April 30th, I'JIS, wero shown at ids and expenditure at £286 6s '■id, leaving a balance of £13 12s lOd. Tne ioliowing officers were elected: — Lady president, All's D. Bailey; president, Atr H. i}\ Thomson; secretary, Mr J, J. Henry; treasurer, Mr H, i'. Mclvor.

A deputation from the Sefton Mutual Dairy Co., consisting of Mr J. D. Wyilio (chairman) and Mr J. J. Henry (manager and secretary) waited on the Kowai County Council on Saturday regarding the extension of the Lake Coleridgo electrical scheme to the Kowai county. The deputation asked the Council to take the matter up on the same lines as was being done in tho Rangiora county, and give tho ratepayers an opportunity to take advantage of this great power which was being brought to their back doors without being of any service to them. Tho deputation was well received, and their request solidly supported by all the councillors. The chairman, Mr G. A. •McLean, informed the deputation that the matter would be taken up immemiately and everything possible done to carry out the scheme. RANGIORA. It was the Rangiora Borough Council —not tho Rangiora County Council, as stated in yesterday's issue—that decided on 'luesday night to adopt the electric light scheme as placed before it by tho consulting engineer; MARSHLAND. The monthly meeting of the Marshland 6chool Oommitteo was held on Jlonday. Present—Messrs D. Uoode (cnau'iuan), G. Chisnall (tieasurer), !'• xJasuer, \v. Angas, Goodman, J) 1 . Koyal, and A. nuson. The headmaster s report stated, that the attendance for the past lour weelis had been considerably affected by outbreaks of lnumps and diphtheria. A number of tne senior boys iiad made good progress at the swimming class on foaturday mornings at tne iepid Baths, and one of thorn, Herbert Blank, had gained a certificate of proficiency, 'ihe question of encouraging the boys at the next season's class by offering- progress prizes was discussed, • but was held over for further consideration till later in the year. Jhe chairman was directed to convey the Committee's thanks to the Boaru of Education for its action in rc-openmg the Preston's road entrance to the school ground with practically a new bridge. It was decided to purchase requisites for outdoor winter games for both beys and girls. Several suggestions wore made in regard to augmenting the supply of books in the school library, and it was decided to leave the matter in tho hands of a sub-committee. The question of enlarging tho Honours Board and bring,n «i U P to date with tho names of cx-scholars was discussed, it being resolved to raise the nocessary funds by combining with the Ladies' Gaild in arranging for a patriotic concert to be held m June, lir R J. Erickson was appointed caretaker at a salary of £30 por annum. Messrs P. Basher and • Angas were appointed a visiting committee for the mouth. , a social gathering arranged i'.v the young men of the district, in aid of the funds of the Ladies' Patriotic Guilci, two prizes for the best "hard up representations were won by Miss Leaney (ladies) and Mr Guy Hawken (gentlemen).

TAI TAPU. At the last meeting oi the EUesmere Lauds l)rawuge itoaid there woru present —Messrs Morten (chairman), Peryman, Sharp, 03borne, Macurtney, and Hubbard. A vote of sympathy was passed with Mr and Airs Peryman, who nave recently lost a son in France. The clerk reported that most of the watercourses had received attention, and wero in good order for the winter, also that repairs had been effected to the outlet culvert at Lake Ellesmore. A contract for cleaning Murray's drain was let at Is od per chain. It was resolved to add 10 per cent, to outstanding rates ou May L*2nd, and the clerk was instructed to take measures to collect them.

SOUTHBRIDGE. The iweutieLii umiuu. i-ccuug of the xiurucuiLuiai ov»ciw.j', aoiU uii cenuig, was piesiutai over i»y tne picSidem, xyr. W n.nors. ltio secrccai-y was uiructoJ to wruo to :ur A. J. iuwoou, wuo.ib about to go into camp, conveying to liim we iiiuuas ot tue society ior tne guud \.orK im nad done as accictaiy n,r a nuuiun- 01 years. 'l«b baiance-sheou snowed a credit of £;to lis 00. A sum oi £2o had been given to tne Lady Liverpool l' uud. A silver cup, presulted by the Hon. C. A. C. Haiuy, M.L.0., was handed to the winnoi' ol' moso points iu liowers, lruit, and vegetables, Mr J. Moorhtad. The following officers were elected: —Patron, Colonoi the lion. it. Heaton Ithodes; president-, Mr J. Stony; vice-presidents, Mrs A. J. Inwood, Miss Scott, Messrs W. Scott, and D. Tony; lion, secretary and treasuror, Mr J. S. Chapman; committee, Mesdatnos Worner, Piper, It. G. Bishop, and D. Tong, Miss Glanville, I>r. Withers, and .Messrs J. Moorhead, It. Rowo, .J. Groenwood, A. Greenwood, A. J. McPherson, E. G. Hubbard, T. Greenall, J. W. A. Walker, M. Curran, J. S. lriwood, £. F. Chapman, J. H. McMillan, A. J. lnwood, W. J. Bishop, and M. Twiss; auditors, Messrs W. Scott and E. F. Chapman. Appreciation was expressed of the deop interest Colonel It. Heaton Rhodes had always taken in the welfare of tno society. ASHBURTON. Word "was received yesterday that the tjtavoiey Dairy had secured two nrst, one second, anu two third prizes for cheese exhibits, at tho Invercargill Winter Show. Sir W. Fraser, Minister of Public Works, who passed through Ashburton yesterday, was met by Mr J. Cairns (chairman of the Asnburton County Council), Mr F. Mainwaring (clerk), and Cr. J. Lochhoad, regarding a grant for bridges at Blowing Point, and near the Buccleuch homestead. "Tne Minister said he w r ould do all he could to assist the Council in the matter, and would take the first opportunity to visit the sites.

The annual -meeting of the subscribers of tho Ashburton County War Relief Fund was held on Tuesday afternoon, Mr A. McCluro presiding. The report stated the total receipts amounted to £34,96G 14s 10d, and the expenditure to £34,119 8s 2d, leaving a cash balance of £847 6s Bd. The report and balance-sheet were adopted, those present paying a very high tribute to tho valuable services which had been rendered during the past three yoars by the hon: secretary, Mr C. W. Kicoll. !Vlr Thomas Bullock remarked that Mr ?\icoll should receive some payment for his services, and moved that tho executive tako into consideration the question of making Mr Nicoll some suitaolo present. The motion was seconded by .Sir J. Watson, and carried unanimously. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as under: —Trustees, Messrs R. Galbraith, 0. »T. Harper, .T. Cow, C. W. Nicoll: Executive Committee, Messrs R. Galbraith (chairman). R. Bell, T. Bullock. J. Cow. T. J. Dohertv. F. Fevriman. .1. C. N. ■Grigg, C. J. Harper. T. Tlryes. A. J. Mncson, W.,' Morgan, A. MnCluro. C. W. Nicoll, J.""Watson,. D. Wood T?o,liof and Investication Committee, Messrs It. Galbraith.. C. .J. Harper, J. Cott, and C. W. Nicoll: hon. secretary and treasurer, Mr C. W. Nicoll.

WAIMATE. A telegraph messenger named Wright, son of Mr C. H. Wright, linesman, formerly of Christ church, was knocked down by another cyclist on Tuesdiy evening, and was unconscious for several hours. He is now in hospital suffering from concussion of the brain.

The .Borough Council on Tuesday appointed Mr John Crawshaw its representative on the valuation objectors' Court, to sit shortly in Waimate. The Council decided not to go to Court over Meredith and Co.'s lease of the borough reserve, owing to til© risk of heavy costs in the event of losing the case.

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16213, 16 May 1918, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16213, 16 May 1918, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16213, 16 May 1918, Page 3