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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Canterbury Agricultural Colloge was held at the College yesterday. Present —Messrs H. A. Knight (chairman). It. W. Lochhead, 13. H. Tripp, Thos. Blacklev, Jolm Deans, and \\. F. M. Buckley. Tho Hon. X). Buddo, M.P., apologised for absence. The Chairman reported that he and the Director had met the Clerk of the J'apart in County Council and Mr Henley, in regard to the water supply, and had decided that it was useless to put a -water-race into Henley's block; a windmill would give a much inoro satisfactory supply. The Chairman also reported that lie had taken' up £1000 inscribed war stock on behalf of the College.

The Board discussed fully tho advisability of improving the buildings, especially the accommodation in the servants' quarter and tho chemical laboratory, the latter being very neccssary, owing to tho number of students in attendance. After inspecting tho ! building, it was decided, on the, motion I of Mr Lochhead, to employ an architect to go into the question, and submit plans and estimates of the cost. The Director reported 1 hat Captain Johnson bad returned from Egypt, and taken up lccturcs on veterinary scienco. JOTTINGS FOR FARMERS. ' The wheat yield in the Palmorston district is probably one of the lowest in its history (telegraphs our Duncdin correspondent). The average crop is said to be about 10 bushels to the | acre, and yields of as low as s,ix bushels are reported. "What is said io be. a most cffectiVe way of dealing with gorse on the roadside is being carried out by a farmer in the Greenstreot district, Ashburton. Instead of ploughing the gorse up, a traction engine is utilised to flatten it down. After a couple of rollings, it withers and dies. BENNETTS. The Railway Department notifies that tho stationmaster at Bennetts will be withdrawn after close of business on tho 18th inst., and after that date Bennetts will bo worked as a flag station. Any goods not removed before the 20th inSft. will be held at owner's risk. KAIAPOI. The Kaiapoi District High School Committee mot on Monday evening, the following members being present; — Messrs J. Yellowlees (chairman), R. Damn, J. L. Smith, J. Balch, A. Pavitt, R. Johnson, J. Hirst, H. Trustrum. Correspondence was received front the Education Board, stating that the supply of coal for the school would be protected as far as possible. It was decided that the Board's attention be drawn to the condition of the floor in Standard 5 room. A committee of four members was formed to report on ways and means of providing prizes, RANGIORA. At a special meeting of the Rangiora County Council, held last night, it wa* decided to adopt the electric light scheme as placcd before the Council by the consulting ongineer, Mr J. R. Templin. The schcme, as outlined, is f<> r a high tension supply of current--3000 volts. It is proposed to install street lamps—B6 of 100 c.p. and 9 250 c.p. The larger lamps aro to be placed in High street, between Kins street and Ashley street, at the railway crossing. The estimated cost of scheme is £5291, and the estimated annual charges £642 10s. to which has to bo added £596 cost of current. The I yearly revenue is estimated at. £1303, showing a profit of £ftl 10s. The matter of financing the schcme was left in the hands of the Finance Committee. A letter was received from the Patriotic Committee appealing for financial assistance. It was dccidcd to grant £-o. TAI TAPU. The annual meeting of residents of the Tai Tapu Hall district will be held id the hall on Saturday, May 25th, at 7.30 p.m. Business:'To receive report and balance-sheet: election of committee of management; and general. GOVERNOR'S BAY. .V largo gathering of residents was nejd on Saturday in the school to receive the report of the committee f-et up to obtain the necessary information regarding the electrical reticulation of the county. The report being extremelv favourable, it was resolved to send a deputation to the Mount Herbert County Council at its next meeting, and urge the Council to take immediate action. Dr. Pairman, Messrs R.. Allan, and P. Bamford will comprise the deputation. PREBBLETON. A social and dance will be held in the Public Hall to-morrow at 8 p.m., in aid of the Prebbleton School Funds.

.... klixgtox-horxby. I lie Islington progressive euchre partv held a card party in the Islington Social Hall, when there was a very fair attendance. The prizes were won as follows:—Ladies: Miss Mo Fad den 1. -Miss Coulter 2, .Miss A. Sheltou booby; Cents : Mr J. Coulter 1. .Master A, burnett 2. Master K. Ibbetson booby. HeFreshments were provided by "be ladies, after partaking of which dant- ''}■? was indulged in to the music ot .£? .Coulter. Hie thanks ot the residents of Hornby and nil those usini; the Mam •Ninth road. JIIV due to tn<> Pnpar'.ia (.ojmty Council tor bavin" the electric '"Third at Price's T-orncr. Wiieu the current was first brought through.

the township the Public Works Department had a light installed at the corner, bnt after some time it was removed, and for the last 18 months or so there has been no light at this dangerous crossing. At the annual meeting of parishioners of St. Columba Church, Hornbv, there was a fair attendance. The treasurer's report showed a credit balance of £8 15s 6d. Hearty votes oi thanks were accorded to Miss Watson who lias acted as organist for a number of years, and who. owing to her duties in Christcharch, has had to relinquish that position, and also to Ivlr \\. Davison, churchwarden, who after many j ears of faithful and energetic work in all church affairs, has removed to another parish. The following officers were elected for the ensuing vear: Churchwardens. Messrs E. Jovce aud \ oss: vestrymen, Messrs j". Dawson. Diebert. Makeig, May, and Read. SHEFFIELD. " j 1 iiere was a good attendance ot members at the annual meeting of the Slief- 1 5. . "■«;?<* of the i>ady Liverpool 1* und. Ihe report showed a total income cf £1-SO. and mentioned 'hat 1-57 i pairs socks, 1474 handkerchiefs, 202 muslin shirts, 26 shirts, 14 pairs pyjamas, and 20 caps and scarves, had been and forwarded to the Central JJepot. The retiring committee was reelected. Ibe committee wish to thank all who contributed to the sale of goods on bhou- day, the proceeds from which amounted to £3S 18s. Jt was reported that a concert would be given by Mrs s Party at the end of the month. JJicre was a very good attendance at tho fortnightly meeting of the Sheffield Patriotic Committee. After welcoming the Rev. and Mrs Hughes, and Mr and Mrs Bradley, as new members of the commiitee, the chairman moved a motion of s}-rupathy with the relatives of the late Private A. Duncan, killed in action, which was carried in silence. Mr M. J. Millar, of Lyttelton, to then introduced to the meeting, which ha, as a member of tho executive of the Sailors'_ Day Appeal, briefly addressed, laying before those present the risks taken and the needs of our sailors across tho sea. As a result of the address the committee decided to give £20 to the fund. The treasurer reuorted that £29 19s 8d had been received at | the concert in aid of the Salvation Army War I'und. Mr W. Watson reported that the Red Cross Committee hud realised £6 17s 3d for honey, and that donations of Red Cross prize-money from the Malvern Show had been given to tho oauso by Mrs Redfcrn and Miss Clement.-. Votes of thanks ivere passed | to^ the ( Red Cross Committee, to Mr and j Miss Gray for supplying the music, and [ to Mrs Roberts lor so kindly lending the piano. Arrangements for a eon- j cert were left in the hands of Messrs | O. Miller, W, Jenkins, and H. Townshend.

The annual meeting of the parishioners of St. Ambrose's Church, Sheffield, was held in the Road Board office, the Ttev. \V. J. Hughes, vicar, being in the chair. There was a good attendant e. 'I lie batoncc-shcct for tho past year was read. The accounts were considered very satisfactory, there being a substantial haianco in hand. Tho Sunday school report was adopted, and reference niatio to the services of Mr C. Wroth and Miss M. Judd. It is proposed- (<> ftfoi'm the Ladies' Guild, in order to raise funds for some neccssary alterations in the interior of the church. Tn his address, the vicar complimented Sheffield church ueople on the excellent way in which they had held together during the long vacancy of the Cure. He thanked Mr C. AY roth and Mr G. H. Judd for the able way in which they hacf carried out the duties of layrcadcrs-. He also thanked Mr G. 'Wight for Jiis services, freely given, as organist, end the two wardens, lor their help and support. In conclusion, the vicar thanked ali church people for the very kindl.v way in which they had received both ?.!rs Hughes and himself. It was docided, by the unanimous vote of the

meeting, to support a change in the system of the church franchise, which would include all persons who are confirmed and are not under 21 years of ago. It was decided that, for the comfort of the vicar, a lighting system he installed in the vicarage, and that a horse and conveyance .bo supplied, and for the comfort of churchgoers, light be also installed in the church. The election of officers resulted as follows: Vicar's warden. Mr G. H. Judd; people's warden, Mr H. C. Townshend; vestrymen, Messrs G. "Wright, W„ J. Jenkins. J. R-. Cullen, C. Wroth. E. Jenkins, A. Sandroy. Bradley, G. "Watson. W. Hewitt, and C. "Wiikins. ASHBURTON. The .Mayor (Mr R. Galbraith) loft for lnvercargill yesterday afternoon, owing to the critical state of his mother's lieal th. On Monday evening there was a large attendance at the Victoria Hall. s\snburton. to bid farewell to Mr Stanley Cross, who has been in charge ol the Ashburton Mission for the past twehv months. Mr B. Evans presided, ami a most enjoyable evening was spent. Mrs Beaumont, on behalf of the ladies of tbe congregation, presented Mrs Cross with a gold brooch, and the chairman asked Mr Cross to accept a wellfilled purse of sovereigns. Mr Hay--1 ward, the treasurer, presented the balI ance-sheet for the year. The chairman stated that the executors had :rcconimended that the organ be sold, and the money equally divided between the Ashburton and Harapstead branches of the Red Cross Society. It was unanimously decided that the money be dis' jKJsed of in that way. TEMUKA. His Lordship Bishop Brodie held confirmation services at St. Joseph's, Temuka. and at Pleasant Point, on Sunday. There were 6S candidates at Temuka, and 43 at Pleasant Point. In the evening his Lordship preached at 6't. Joseph's Church, Temuka. , On Monday an enthusiastic welcome was accorded to Lieutenant F. Comer, j who left with the 7th Reinforcements, and has been wounded three times. There was a large attendance at the station, and the soldier had a very hearty reception. A procession was formed, and, headed by the Brass Band, marched to the Post Office, whsre Mr T. Gunnion, on behalf of the Patriotic Committee, and also the Mayor (Mr A. Frew), extended a welcome to the soldier. WAIMATE. Dr. and Mrs Green, from England, arrived in Waimate yesterday. Dr. Green comes ius Dr. Barclay's locum tenons. 'I he. jesult of the Red Triangle appeal in Waimate was £625. South Canterbury raised £6000. Mr W. H. Skinner, Commissioner of Crown Lands, attended at the Waimato Courthouse yesterday in connexion with the public sale of a o-aere church site I 011 the Bourneclalc Settlement, Hunter. ; There was only one applicant. Mr Bates, whose (arm the section adjoins. In tho Magistrate's Court yesterday, Mr V. G. Day. S.M., gavo judgment for plaintiff in the following civil cases: Arthur Berry v. Frank Pemberton, claim £0 3s'9d, and John O'Brien v. Norman Tregoning, claim -Co Lis -3d. 111 JohiifE Cameron v. Reuben Alfrey, a judgment, .summons ease, defendant was ordered to pay forthwith, or go to prison for 48 hours. ~~ ' There are eisrht scarlet fever cases in the Waimate Hospital. Nearly all are pupils of one private school

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16212, 15 May 1918, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16212, 15 May 1918, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16212, 15 May 1918, Page 3