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(By Cable.—Pre63 Association.—Copyright.) (Australian and N.Z. Cable Association.)

PAIIIS, May 8. The President of the Union of Georgians of the Caucasus announces that the Georgians refuse to recognise the Brest Litovsk treaty, and are determined to resist to desperation the Ger-mano-Turkish invasion. They will make any sacrifices in order to block the road to Bqgdad and India. Tho Georgians will never suffer the German yoke. They favour a great Slav Federation.



(By Cable.—Pres* Association. —Copyright.) tud N.Z, Cable AssocmuouJ

LONDON, May 9. The Unionist War Committee discussed the Maurico affair, and decided to support tho Government in any division. It is understood that the Liberal War Committee proposes to adopt the same course. The Labour Party will tho trend of event- - * revcaied m the debate. It is understood that Mr Lloyd George will make a comprehensive star.eiiK-nt, replying seriatim to all General Maurice's points. Mr Bonar Law and Six- Edward Carson will speak later. The Government iias definitely abandoned tho proposal to refer 'the matter to a tribunal of two Judges. Tho "Daily Chronicle's'' Parliamentary correspondent hears that Mr Lloyd George will have no difficulty in proving that all the Ministerial statements 111 ado were thoroughly accurate, not merely technically so. The baffling thing is that the two disputed statements are based upon data supplied by the General Staff, of which General Maurico is a member. Brigadier-General Page Croft, 31.P. for Christchurch. on behalf of tho National Partv, will propose an amendment to 2ilr Asquitli's motion, two naval and military experts will bo added to the War Cabinet, to ensure tho more effective prosecution of the war. DEBATE IN THE COMMONS. (Australian and N.Z. Cable Association.) (Received May 10th, 11.45 p.m.) LONDON, May 0. In tho Houso of Commons, Mr Asquitli, on rising to speak, disclaimed any intention to embarrass tho Government. Thero had been much misconcention regarding his motion for a. Select Committee. Ho was strongly of the opinion that it was not Parliament s business in war time to constiuitly bo enquiring into the conduct of successive pliases of the war, and still less to bo occupying time in investigating the truth'or falsehood of ill-informed persons' statements. His motion had been absurdly described as a vote of censure. He had no such intention. Mr Asquitli was warmly applauded on remarking that since he left office ho had dono his utmost to assist the Government without withholding legitimate, helpful criticism. Uncharitable people, ho said, suspected him of wanting to return to power. If he wanted tho House to censure the Government lie would ask it to do so directly and unequivocally. If the Government had a good case they would emerge with enhanced authority. \Vhe;i he gave his notice of motion lie honestly thought that the Government would accept it.

Mr Asquith prqeeeded tp deal with Major-General Maurice's letter. He said that it was a uniquo incident in the history of the war. j\lajpr-General Maurice was a distinguished soldier who had explicitly impugned tlic accuracy of Ministers' statements, though ho Aviis aware that it was a serious breach of the regulations, aud jeopardising his future. Mr Asquith denied the allegations that he or his colleagues were privy to tho publicatioh of' the letter. The Government on Tuesday admitted that an enquiry ought to be made, but must be secret, no asked if the Government still believed that secret documents could not be disclosed to a Select Committee of the Commons. Ho assumed that the Government desired an enquiry, and that tho only question was as to what kind it should be. Hp still considered that two judges would be an impotent tribunal unless they were specially empowered by Statute. A small Gominitteo of live from tho Commons would be proper and morpi' authoritative, aijd -would command the country's respect. Mr Asquith asked >vhat was the alternative. . (An interjection: "Get on with the war." Cheers.) Mr Asquith replied thaf>nisconception§ must u& cleared up first. Any Ministerial statement would bo merely ex parte.

Mr JJqnar Law remarked that ho could not ftnd an unprejutjiced Select Qonjipittee.

Mr Asquitji, amid Joud cheers, deprecated this aspersion qn thp House's traditions, and concluded by saying: "I leave it there."


Mr Llpyd George followed. Jfo dethat the deqiapd for a Select Committee was without parallel. Never before had tho House been ajked to enquire into the truth or falsity of Ministers' statements. Major-General Maurice had access to all official information while i|i office, and was tho authority on figures. Major-Gpneral Maurice also had access to Ministers, and attended Cabinet tho day after Mr Lloyd George delivered }iis speech. He did not call attention to the inaccuracy of any statement, though h© -was daily in contact -with Mr Lloyd George.

Mr Llovd George continued that if the importance of the figures justified Major-General Mtiurice breaking the King's regulations his duty >vas to inform Cabinet at the time.

Mr Lloyd George said ho would give tho sources of his information and ask the House to give judgment that day. The Government was anxious to submit tho matter to an impartial tribunal. Secrecy was essential because the interests of a ccrtain Ally were involved. A judicial tribunal was preferable becausc passions had been aroused, and it was evident from the anti-Government Press that no decision of any tribunal would be accepted. The Government had decided to give the facts and let the public judge.

Mr Lloyd George said that official records confirmed his statement that the fighting strength of the British Army in January, 1918, exceeded that in January, 1917. His figures to this effect liad been given to him by Major-General Maurice's department, and initialled by Major-General Maurice's deputy.

The figures regarding the Allied superiority on the West front over the enemy came from Major-General Maurice.

The statements regarding the British strength were submitted to Major-Gene-ral Maurico before he made them, and Major-General Maurice informed a Cabinet secretary that he had no remarks to make thereon.

Tho extension of General (Sough's front was not discussed at the Versailles Council, but there was a demand for a further extension. The former extension, to which Major-General Maurice alluded, was carried out before the Council met. Sir Douglas Haig and General Pctain had agreed thereon. Not a yard of front was taken over as a result of the Versailles Conference. The point, he said, is: Was General Gough'fl front extended against Sir William Robertson's and Sir Douglas Haig's objections. There was . no word of truth, in the allegation. Neither S ll Douglas Haig nor the Cabinet desired

! it, but tho pressure from the French army was enormous. Ho did not suggest that tho French had acted unfairly, hut thero had been some ferment in Franco regarding tho relative lengths of tho French and British lines, and Sir William Robertson drew up a minute stating that tho extension ought to be accepted in principio, but' that tho Commander-in-Chief should select tho date. Cabinet had adopted the minute. M. Clemenceau later suggested that the Versailles Council should examino tho question. Cabinet only suggested that tho General Staff should prepare tho caso for Versailles military representatives, and suggested a compromise for discussion. Sir Douglas Haig and General Potain agreed on tho extension. At one time Sir Douglas Haig believed that the extension had been docidod beforo ho had agreed, but.tho matter was eoou explained. That was the solo basis for the many rumours which had been afloat. Cabinet fully approved Sir Douglas Haig's decision to estond tho line.

If tho motion were carried Mr Asquitli would again be responsible for conducting tho war.


Mr Lloyd George proceeded to censure Major-Genernl Maurice's breach of discipline. Ho said that he had that day received protests from Australian soldiers against Major-General Maurico's evil example. Ho concluded by declaring: Theso controversies are distracting and paralysing. The Germans aro now silently preparing for the biggest blow of tho war. Their action is shrouded in. mystery. Our fate during tho next few wooks will l>e in tho balance. He appealed to tho House to set an example to the country in presenting a united front to the enemy. MR ASQUITH'S MOTION


Ar ri LONDON, May 9. Mr Lloyd George, in tho House of Commons, denied General Maurice's allegations, and asserted that the figures given to Parliament were those furnished by the War Office.. Investigation showed that tho figures were accurate.

Mr Asquith denied any intention of moving ,a censure motion.

.Air Lloyd George said that if tho motion was carried Mr Asquith must again bo responsible for the management of tho war. Owing to French pressure the Jjritish line had boon extended, south of Cambrai, before the fircr.t offensive. Goneral dough's armies took over a greater length of front than they had previously held. Mr Asquith's motion was defeated the voting being:— For 106 Against ... ... 293 COMMENT IN BRITAIN ANT) FRANCE. LONDON, May 0. lito "Daily Chronicle," referring the statements mado by Major-General Maurice, says: The explanation may bo that General Maurice is thinking °nly of bayonet strength, while Mr Llovd Georgo's statement of April 9th was absolutely correct, lie British Army this year is more powerful than at tho beginning of 1917. ' The "Daily Express" says that the atmosphere at Westminster has changed since Tuesday. Premature judgments have been modified.

Many Liberals have been impressed by Lord Haldane's appeal in tha House of Lords, that, the 'war situation was critienl. and that dangerous results \youjd follow if unnecessary discussions were raised and the Government embarrassed.

Many Commoners Lave been impressed by a resolution telegraphed to Mr Lloyd George from ft public meeting of Woolwich Arsenal workers, saying j— "The Germans want you to .go ; tho pacifists want yoti to go; but we, the workers, don't want you to go. Yorur enemies are our enemies. Damn them God save England P 1 v

The "Echo do Paris" soys:—Tlio supporters of Sir William Robertson refuse to forgjve Mr Lloyd George for treating for Unity of command, and are seeking every moans to overthrow him. Public opinion in Britain will judge such intrigue severely. The ''Liberte" says : If a general had' done such a .thing in Franco thero would have been a veritable 6candal. It is not for an officer to place his duty as a citizen before his duty as a soldier.


(Australian and N.Z. Cable Association.)

NEW YORK, Mav 10'.

The "New Yprk Tiineji," conugentinfi on tl)p defeat of Mr igfltipn, says:— . "There is a strong feeling of relief that a change of Government in England has been p-vertod. TJxO of Mr Lloyd George ft thiß time poulU Jiave caused display here, All England's energies are needed in the Flanders battle." The "New York World" says:— "Although the Lloyd George Government has received a vote of confidence, the atmosphere has nbt cleared. The grave issue is the hostility exiqtjing between the Government and the High Command of tho Army."

NE\V FORK May. 9The newspapers comment lengthily oU the British political crisis. The "World" says:—

"No Government can successfully carry on the war if it is always under firo. Mr Lloyd George should either receivo unmistakable evidence of public support and confidence or leave pffice.'' The "Now York Times" says:— "Mr Lloyd George's administrative achievements and ln*3 fruitful energy cannot ho denied. If anybody can form a more vigorous Government let us have him, but is there such a man?" Tile "Tribune'' says:— "There appears to be an inextricable tangle, which may result in the leadership going to Mr Asquith or Lord Milner. No doubt Mr Llpyd George has not achieved the success expected, and it geems as if his position itf almost untenable."

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16209, 11 May 1918, Page 9

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THE CAUCASUS Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16209, 11 May 1918, Page 9

THE CAUCASUS Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16209, 11 May 1918, Page 9