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Tho yarding of fat catt'e arri fat «hccp were inrgcr than last week, -and there wore lower store shee-p and fat iambs. The attendance waa aiso much reduced, as, the store sheep market does not row attract eo many buyer*. The fat cattle yarding 1 was a large one, including several prime station linee. but the market was easier and lost the recovery ;n price 3 that was ma<ie a fortnight a o°* Ths store eheep were mostly of poor quality, and met with a dull sale, many lcte being passed. Fat lambs allowed no change in values, and tut cheep sold steadily at export values. Thf? store cattle were such 11 niiicd lot that it was difficult form an ulea oi vhlucs. but the demand was better. Dairy tows 601<3 well, ar.d pig© Fold rather better than kst week. STORE SHEEP. I here uus n much smaller euirv o: store cheep, and the quality w;is even lower than that of the sale or two. The demand wan siuck fcr inferior sheen, and a number ci lots were passed. A line* of forward weiliers from St. Helens station made 23s 9d. ir.e yarding included several West Coast, . orth Island, ;;nd Chatham Islands lines, the following was '.ho Hugo of prices:— JV' X 11 "d eijjht-tooth c.vcs. to 32s 3d. oound-mouth m.?, Ms Id to 235. Two-tooth Wethers, !>:=. 3d to 2tw ?.d. two and :our-tootn v.-othors, 25s to -25s 3d. tour iind six-tooth wethere, :25s to Sis sd. six ana cirrht-tooth wctherc. -6s to "3s !)d. xJ-ixed eox iambs, 16 S (id to 235. \\ ether larabe, to ISs 9d. The ealcs included tho undermentioned lines : — Kwes: IGI sound ar.d faiiingf-inouthed nt I's. 10 failing-mouthed at 10s <Jd, 15 rail-ing-mouthed at 3s Id, 50 failing-mouthed ot :?. S ' *9 hig-mouthed at 12e 9d, 155 ;i. x : -"_'-l eight-tooth (in luuibi at -21s Cd to

-Oi, ."5 sound-mouthed at 37s 3d, 13 epundat 22a Cd, 100 eix and eight-tooth (id, G6 sound-mouthed at 14s Id 339 t-.rc.--.ooth at 21s Id to 2ls 3d, 137 «wundn.ou.hed at 17s 7d, 150 sound-mouthed at -;os. four sis, and eijht-too'.h ISs to ISs Gd.

Wethers: 72 two-tooth at 2Cs .Id. G four and six-tooth at 245, 22 four end six-tooth at, _is 3d, 131 two and four-tooth ivt 2oe, U four and six-tooth at 1.5s 3d, 81 four and six-tooth at 31s sd, -IS four and six-tooth at 283 fld, 53 -two-tooth lit 22s 3d, 1-10 four and 3i>:-iooth ;t t .'!!s, 19 four and six-tootli lit 28s 9d, 73 r.vo and four-tooth at 25s 3d, Igo sound-mouthed at 2G a to 26* 4d, 92 eix<in° i* ( ' " 9s 363 >ur six-toot-i at "3s 9d. Lambs: 10 wethers at 7s, 95 wethers at I<J 3 6d, m ewes at 14s, 170 wethers at lJs ;)d, Go at lOs 6d 4G at 17«, 4!) at 255, ir,7 at 19s 4<J. FAT LAMBS. There w.i 3 an entry of 275U fat lauibs, as compared with 3i:2'J last week. There was a luii proportion of good lambs, «nd on the other hand thsre wore a number that were in only forward store condition. Tho mjuket was about ou the sumo level as that of ■tho previous week. The ran™ of prices was: — Prime I;uii!:e, 27s Cd to 02s. Medium iambs, 24s to 275. Lighter lambs, 18s to 23s Cd. . The principal sales were: — For T James (Leithfield), 131 at 29s to 31s lid; J. G. Rennie (Motukarara), 9 ai 81s Ud; J. M. Johns-ion (Rolleston), 42 at 2Ss to'3le; clients, 55 at 28s 9d to 31s, 38 at Css 4d to 23s Sd, 43 at r.'.e Id. 22 at 21s Sd; Alexander's Estate (lia'iaiu,). 27 at Bfia led to 31s; Miss J. H. Graham (Horrelvilk), 32 at 28s lOd to 20s 2d; Alexander, 4 at 30s lOd; lirookEdale Estate (Hawarden), £7 at 27s to 3Cs; J. O'Connell (Waipara), '77 at 27s Gd to 2.15. 9d; J. Scott (Brook3idel, 74 at CS3 Id to 29s Gd; J. and P. Ciintoi'i (Darfield), 44 at 27s 3d to 29s Id; Graham Bros. (Bu 1riiorirtl), 7G at 22a lOd to 23a; (I. H. Furmer rrai Tapu), 4 at 27s Gd to 28a Sd; A. Brown (Motukarara). G1 at 25s lPd to 28s 4d; H. Burgin (Amberley), G5 at 2Gs 3d to 38s 4d; Miss White (Hoon Hay), 110 at SSa 7d; J. Robinson (West Eyreton), 143 ab 28s 6d; P. Callnghan (Mitcham), 44 at 28s lOd to 28s Id; Ryan Bros. (I'apanui), 10G a-t 2Gs 4d to 2Ss; J. Cossar (Tai Tapu), 54 at 27s 9d to 27s lOd; Vt. Broughton (Wairoka),- 473 at 23a 6d to 27s i)d; J. Mcintosh (The Peaks). 11 at 27s lid: W. P. Cross (Bnriihain), 53 at 24s 7d to 27s 9d; G. Tomlinson (Motnrtan). £8 at 2Ss 3d to 2/9 sd; J. Boag, jun. (Brookside), 24 at 27d 4d; .1. Ashwortli (Sefton), 84 at. 23s 3d to 27s TdT. Dawson, f*.?n. (Hornby), So. lit 2Gs JOd; 'XV. Davis (Amberley), 19 at 26s 4d; J. F. ".uchanan (Little River), 77 at 22s "Bd. to• 2Cs 2d'; J. Forsyth (Cheviot), ft 7at 24s to CGs; C. l?ud<l (Greondale), 30 at 25s 6d; 1/. Coleman (Ladbrooks;, 82 at 24s Kd to 24s 8d; D. Brirwick (Poramii), 62 at C-ifl 3d; M. M. Crumpton (Rotherhnjii), 181 at 13s to 233 Cd. FAT STOCK. The yarding of f.',' dlieep iw sufficient to fill nearly eleven races; the offerings being the largest thii ssucon. There was. a good proportion of prime v.-cthers and ev.'es, but the quality of many of .tho owes now coming forward -i; beginning to show some falling off. There was a good steady demand, the export buyers operating throughout the sale, so that there was practically no change in pikes. The rang? of prices was: — Extra prime wethers, to -Kis Id. I ri'iic wethers, 37s Gd to -Is£. Medium wethers, 32s to 375. Lighter, 28? to 31« Gd. Merino wethers, 21« 6d to 27s Del. Extra prime ewes, to 42a 9:1. Prime ew«<s, See to 39s 3d. Medium c.vtes, 30s to 24-s Cd. Lighter ewes, 23s to 20s Gu. Merino ewes, 14s 3i to 17s lOd. The principal aaies were: — Wetliere: For H. Campion (Halswell), 103 at 39s Gd to 45s Id; Graham Bros. Balmoral), 77 at 35s to J4s 9d: J. and P. Clinton (Darfield), 8G at S9s Gd to 44s 3d: G. Buss (Soargrill), G5 at r.7s 4d to 41s Gd: ~\Y. Earl, jun. (Wai-'cari), 9 at 41s 3d: G. Fulton (Rothorliam), G7 at 34s 4d to 39= Gd: T!. McClella-nd (Kii-wee*, 62 at ?.?s 9d io 3S=. Gd; J. H. Graham (Horre'.viile), 21 at ."Ss 7d: Q. 0. Maneon (Teddington). 70 at 3fs 7d to 38s lid; J. Doody (WHitecJiKs), 71 at 34s 7d to 33s 3d; H. M. Burgin (Amberley), 70 nt 34s 3d to 37s lOd; clients, G1 at 35s to 37s 9d, 77 at 34s Gd, 35 at 36s 7d; Gebbie Bros. (Teddington), 52 at HSn Id to 383; J. and P. Ryan (Wcedons), Cfi i;t Ess 4d to 37s 7d; P. Dillon (Rolteston), 127 at 3os lid to 37s Id- 11. Matthews (Waikuri), 19 a! 35s lOd to 3Gs ; J. Ashwortli (Sefton), 120 at 3oa Id to 3Gs 3d: F. Narboy (Cashmere), 109 at 29iv Id to 36s 2d; S. K. lii-.thcrford (Kowai Bush), Go at '!4fi Id to 35s Gd; T. B. Howson (Scdgmere), '120 at 34s 9.1 to 25a 3d; W".«j (Mcnzics BayK 3G at 31s 3d to 34s 10d; D. Buckley (HigiiMnk), 108 at 31s 4d to 7d; A. Leslie 12 at -StSu 3d: W. Davis (Amberley), 32 at 28a 2d: Fonester (Hurunui), 3!) merinos as 22s CJ to 2C« Gd; j. Mcintosh (The Peaks), 34 merinos at 24s- (id to 27s 9d; R. H. Brilcy (Rolleston'i, 45 mcrino.s at 21s Gd

Ewes: McClelland Bros (Kimberier), 5!) al 31s 3d to 4-23 9d: H. R. Hollund (\Yaikari), 61 at Cos lid to 423 (xi: client, .14 at 27a 3d to .'ilte 3d; 11. Morris (kauris!on). 02 n: 34.6d to SSs 4:1; W. Earl, jun. (Waiitaii), 51 at 35b Id tfo 37« Id: J. lioag, jim. (Brookaide), 33 ut 27s 6d to Sfis-Cd; J. G. Ronnie (MotUkiUiUßi, 54 at 32e 3d to 3Ga sd; J. ar.d P. Clinton (Uarfield), 48 at 34s 9d to 3Gs Id; W. Menzics (Menziea Bay), 34 at 33s 9d to S(>3; Q. C. Man son (Teddington'l, 152 at 38s Id to 365: Jarraan'a Estato (Dariield), 120 at 31a 3d to 35s lid: T. X. Gardner !~cur?i!)), 66 a.t, 33s 5d to 35s 7d; H. Matthews (Waikari). 15 at 355; G. Cleuiente, 61 tit 3ls (id to 355; H. Judt»oii (Glentui). lil ut 29a 7tl to 34s Id; J. H. Graham (Horrelville), 13 at 345; AV. Frizzeil (Kirwee), 57 at ."0« id to 345; ciioni, 35 at 33* 7d to 3-Je: J. Cossai (Tai Tapu>, 50 at 29s 3d to 34e: J. C. Lochhcaa (Itakaia), GO at 30s 9d to 32s 9d • Miss Forrester (Hurumii), IS at 32s Dd: K.'Shimmiii CWaikari 1 .. 48 at 2Si 7d to 32s 4d; T. James (Leithfield), 89 at 27s Si lo 30s SU ; Alexander's Estato ('Rakais), 23 at J. Ashworth (Sefttra), 104 at 23s 2d to 29s 6a; Manion's Estate (Weedocs). 32 at 2&b 4d: P. Dillon (RoHcstoi)), 163 at 26e 9a to 30a; G. Tomliraon (Motunau), 43 at 29s 2d to 31s 7d; C. Rudd (Greendale), 43 at 28s to 31s Id; B. Heal (Rolleeton), 49 at 2*3 lid to 29s Id; R. M. Taylor (Fernside't. 63 at 24s to 23s 9d: M. M. Cramp ton (Eotherham), 115 at ills 3d to 28s 3d; S. C. Kteteven (hoJkston), 59 at 26s lOd to 28s Id; G. Barclay (Littte 'River), 134 at 24a lid ia 2Ss; W. Broughton (Waireka), 143 at 27a 2d to 27« 4d; T. A. Shields (Woodgrove), C 7 at 25s 9d to 27s 2d; 'W. T. Rutherford (Wniau), 53 at 24e Id to 276; Barrett and Bayne3 (Woodgrove), 43 at 26a Gd; Graiam Bros. (Balmoral), 51 at 24s 6d to 2£s 4d; H. Fitajinmoss (Cheviot), 75 at 23a to 263; J. W. Harrison (Scargilli, 71 at 23s 10d to 2Ss 3d; D. B. Carruihers (Doris), 70 merinos at 14a 3d to 17e lOd. FAT CATTLE. The yarding of fat cattle wm a large one, and although there wac considerable variety iu the quality, the entries included several prime station lines. The sale lacked the epirit of the two previous ones, and there was an easing off in price*, equal to the lute rise. A number of lota were therefore passed out unsold. There v.-as a. limited amount of busiat£3 done for export. Quotations are: — Extra prims sietia, to £21. Prime steeio, £!G 100 to £i'J U ; .«. Ordinary stceu. £10 to k IC. Extra prim? ia.'.eij. :o £iS K'e. Prime Hoifcrr, -.5 to £17 10s. Ordinary £S 10a to £14 105. Extra prime to £16 7s fid. Priui® cosvs, £i.'. to £15. Ordinary cows, £'J 17b 6d to £12 10s.

Hie sales included the following lines: — For Alns Archer, 4 cowe at £12 os to £15 lfls; clients, 4 cows at £13 7s Gd to £15 I7s Gd, i cows at £11 2s Cd, I cotv at £3 lte; J. O. Coop (Springva'c), S steers at £7 12s Gd to £20 7s Od: M. Barclay, jur.r. (Little River), 6 heifers ut jES lis 6d to £11 7a Gd, 3 cows at £8 17s Cd to £15 15s; D. Jones (Duusandcl*. 1 cow at £17; K. acd J. Reid (DarSeld). J hrifcrs at £17 5s and £18 10s; G. T. Barker, 4 steors at £3; B. Wore (Port Levy). 4 cows at £11: H. l'enny (Lincoln). 1 cow at £11 10s, 2 heifers ot £12 ICa, 5 steers at £11 15«; T. B. Howson (Sedgemere), 12 steers at £12 15s to £13 17s 6d, G heifers at £11 10s to £14; client, 7 steers at £15 to £1G; V. H. Firmston (Tcddinston), l cow at £12 2s 6d; B. Ware (Port Levy!- 1 cow at £12, 3 oow» a; £9 lis 6d; G. L. Rutherford (Connemara), 5 heifers at £12 2s Gd to £13 ss; Brooksdole Estate (Hawarden), 5 heifers at £12 to £14 15a ; clients, 16 heifers at £9 2s 6d to £12 7s Gd, 2 steers at £13 7s Cd, 6 heiiers at £3 5s to £9 10s, S cows at £10 2s 6d to £11 12s Gd, 7 heifers at £9 10s to £10, 4 heifers at £10 17s Cd. 2 cows nt £11 2s Gd to £11 12s Gd; (J. Rutherford (S;>rin;rbank), 1 cow ot £1S 7s (id, 2 heifers a; £'J 7s tid and £11 15s; J. F. Buchanan (Kicloi.h!. i; steers at £17 to £19 10s; T. Ware (.Okain's Bay), 18 steers at £12 to £1G , r fo; J. ,T. ilcCarthy iLad'orooks\ 5 cows at £1U 2s Gd to £12; W. Wilkinson iClicrt«ey), 1 heifer at £10; J. J. Ashworth (Bomett), 1 cow at £10 106: L. Wilson (Teddiugrton), 4 cows at £12; W. Dobbio tMarshlar.ds), 2 heifers at £13 »r.d £13 ss. 1 £10 12s Gd; K. Ncv.'ton (Ca?limerei, 2 cows at £10 17s Gd; T. Pepper, 1 cow at £10 ss; G. Buckley (Lakeside), 4 cows at £11 7s Ed; J. Chapman (Mount Grassington), 23 steers at £14 12s 6d to £17; C. E. Banvon (Kaiapoi), 3 cows at £10 ss; Ciawrley Estate (Parnassus), 5 steers at £17 15s to £19 17s 6d, 1 heifer (a thoroughly typical Shorthorn of cxccilcnt at £18 'Is 6d, 1 cow at £11 10s; G. Murray i'Kaikoura), 2G heifers at £10 to £11 £s Pd. 4 cows at £J 17s Cd to i'll lo«; S. Splits (Cashtnere), 0 cows ut £0 12s 6d to £11 15s; V". Maii'O'.i. 3 hoifcrs at £S to £12 10s; 11. F. Ryan (Springstoi;), 1 lieifcr at £12 12s Cd; client,' G cows at £10 12s Gd to £12 17s Gd; A. J. Birdlin? (Halswell). 11 steers at £16 12s 6d to £19 10s; Eric Rutherford (Inverness), S heifers at £11 2s Gd to £13, 12 steers at £12 7s 6d; W. HcClurg (Dnllington), 1 cow at £9 ss. VEALERS. Theie was a '"airly largo yarding of vcalers, the bulk of them being medium weights to prime eight to twelve months old calves. The demand for all classcs was free, there being active competition for r.carly all li!:c?. Prises were; — Kunncri £G 5s to £S ss. Good vealers £4 10s to £o iss. Krvir calves £2 7s Gd to £3. Sinai] and inferior sorts 3s Gd to 15s. STORE CATTLE. The store cattle pens contained a very mixed lot, there being no good lines of any class. Th» offerings ranged from badly grown calves to small mixed lots of steers and heifers, some of which were from Chatham Islands and dry cows and bulls made up tho balance; The demand manifested an improvement, poor quality sorts selling much better than of late. Values showed n slight advance for dry cows and calves. Fourteen mixed aged Chatham Island steers sold at £7 lis Gd to £13 10s, good dry cows ranged from £6 to £9 106, and IS months old to two-year old cattle £5 to £8. DAIRY COWS. There- was a fairly large yarding of dairy cows of various ages and quality. For all good animals there was a keen demand and u clearance was made at prices on a par with those ruling lost- week, cows and heifers close to calving being much Bought after. Tho best cows realised £15 to £18 15s. others £7 to £14 10b, best heifers £12 to £22, others £7 to £11. PIGS. Fat pigs were represented by an average entry, the quality being 1 more satisfactory than at some recent sales, unfinished pigs being fewer in number. Tho demand showed no material change, but that for porkers was rather better. Quotations ale; — Choppers £4 to £9. Extra, heavy baconers £6 5s to £7. Heavy baconers £4 17s Cd to £5 10s, lighter baconers £4 to £4 10s, equal to 8d per lb. Heavy porkers 56s to 72s 6d. Lighter porkers 50s to 555, equal to 9d to 9fcd per lb. Only a small number of stores were penned, and the yarding included no large nnimnls. The demand was rather bettor than last week, probably on account of the emß-llnets of the entry. Quotations are: — Medium stores 32s to 445. Small stores '2Ss to 31s. Weancrs 153 to 2Cs.

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16207, 9 May 1918, Page 3

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ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16207, 9 May 1918, Page 3

ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16207, 9 May 1918, Page 3