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WELLINGTON. Jun o 19. The following casualty list (No. oOiJ) wag issued to-day:— KILLED IN ACTION.

Reported killed in action: — MACHINE-GUN CORPS. (June 9th.) "Williams. K. U., 2nd Lieut. (Rev. R. J. Williams, Wanganui. f.) AUCKLAND BATTALION. (No date given.) Board. C., Lco.-Cpl. (Mrs J. Board, Hangatiki, m.) Brodic, J. (Mi's E. Brodie, Victoria avenuo, Auckland, w.) Hill. W. (R. Hill, Whatatutu, b.) Hutson, G. H. (Mrs W. Hutson, Raurimu, m.) Obuglier E. R. (Mrs M. Obugiier, Bond street, Auckland, m.) Salmon, A. L.. Sgt. (H. T. Salmon, Wbatoro. Northern Wniroa, f.) ■ Winstono. W. 11. (W. H. Winstone, Opaheke, f.) CANTERBURY BATTALION. (Juno S'th.) McMenarnin. J. J., Chap.-Capt. (Mrs E. MeMonamin. Lower Hiitt) N.Z. RIFLE BRIGADE. (June 9th.) Collins, W. E.. 2nd Lieut. (Mrs J. R. Sol by. Porangabau, m.) Previously reported missing bolicveu woundod, now reported killed in action :— AUCKLAND BATTALION. (June 7th.) M r Cormick. W. R.. 2nd Lieut, (W. JMeCormick, To Aroha) Previously reported wounded, now reported killed in action : — CANTERBURY BATTALION. (June 7th.) Thompson, W. P.. Lieut. (T. J. Thompson, Hastings, f.)

DIEB OF WOUNDS. Reported died of wounds: — (Juno 7th.) MACHINE-GUN SECTION. Fransham, S. (R. H. Fransham. "Whitford, Auckland, f.) , v (June Bth.) Mansfield. W. H., 2nd Lieut. (T. G. Mansfield. Peshawar. India) AUCKLAND BATTALION. (June Bth.) Akcrton, H. S, Qfi-e, M. Akerton, Pon- • sonby, w.) . Butt H. M. (A. BUtt. Whangarei. f.) Garwn. w. F. (Mrs J. Foley, Marmion street. Auckland) Ernest, T- (T. Ernest Onehunga, f-) (June 9th.) : • D-ole, W. J r (W. Doplo, Pukeokahu, f > BATTALION. (June 7th.) . Limpus, P. (C; Limpus, Waipajwa, undo) _ ■ , C.Tune Bth.) Cowan J. L. (J. L. B. Co>van, Hunua, f.)" (Juno 11th.) _ Stubbs. P. (Mrs E. E. Stubbs, Kftiti, Gisborne, m.) CANTERBURY BATTALION. (June Bth.) •Kirdt, J. A. (Mrs J. Kirdy, Tmwald, «•) „ '

(June 10th.) . Little J. H. (W. Little. Waipawa. f.) (June 12th.) Cirneroft-WileDP, A., Lieut. (Mis? A. Cracroft-Wilson, Gloucester street, Cbristohurch) OTAGO BATTALION. (June 7th.) Baird, Jas. (E. St&rkpy, Caversham, cousin) NISW ZEALAND RIFLE BRIG ABE. (June 7th.) Peterson. J. (Mr? A. Larecn, Makaretu, Thorn!' J Thorn, Moriani, Assam J India, b.j „ x (Juno Bth.) Camnhell, G. H. (Mrs M. Campbell, AshDurton, m.) Orav, T- (J- Gray, London b.) Beaton. J. (Mrs C. Beaton, Cumberland street. Dunedin, m.) . Benjamin. H. T. (Mrs H; E. Benjamin, care of Mrs Taylor, Oamaru, w.) Currie, E., Sergt. (Mrs Currxe, Mataura, m.) ' (June 7th.) CYCLISTS' CORPS. She-wry, IX jl- (R- E - Shewry, Huremoana. Stratford, f.) _ MAORI CONTINGENT. Wynvard, J., Tj.rCpl. (J. L- Wynyard, Chelsea. Auckland. P.) DIVISIONAL SIGNAL COMPANY. (June 9th.) t Sinclair. J. L. (Mrs M. Sinclair, 279 Leith etreet, Dunedin, m.) AUCKLAND BATTALION. (June 9th.) Burrows. I. H., T.-Ci>l. (Mrs A. Burrows, 5 Melton road. Auckland, m.) WELLINC4TON BATTALION. (June 9th.) Karalus. F. S. R. (Mrs M. A. Karalus, Tariki, Taranaki, m.) (June 13 th.) Nowlore, L. L. (Mrs Newlove, *ow Plymouth, m.) CANTERBURY BATTALION. (No date given.) Wells J. (Mrs N. L. Wells, Woodstock, Hokitika, a.) (June Bth.) Ingram, F. C. (W. H. Ingram, Beaumont, InvercargiU) (June 9th.) M"Cool P. (P. McCool, Welshtown, Wito,* f J- J- (Mrs R- Williams, Stockwell, London S.. ™.) (June 11th.) White, J. (W. White, Ballvbee, Killylea, Ireland, f.) a OTAGO BATTALION. * (June 9th.) Coombs, J. W. L. (G : Coombs, 6,9 Castle street. Dunedm, t.) (June 11th.) Smith, J. (J. Ironside, Pembroke, Otago, brother-in-law) NEW ZEALAND RIFLE BRIGADE.

(June 9th.") Hirst. L.-Corpl. (S- L. Hirst. 5 Hamilton road. Ponsonby. Aucklrmd. f.J Whoe'er. T. E., Rfm. (Mrs C. Wheeler; 88 Barbour street, Christchurch, m., CYCLISTS' CORPS. (June 11th.) . Barwick, C. H. (J, W. Barwicfc Duvauchelle, f.)


MACHINE-GUN SECTION. (June 9th.) Davios. R. 8.. 2nd Lieut. (D. I>avies, Wanganui East, f.) CANTERBURY BATTALION. (Juno 9th.) Woolf, H. A., Lieut. (P. W. Dairs, London, brother-in-law) N.Z. RIFLE BRIGADE. (Juno 9th.) Dove, W. W., Capt. (J. C. iDove, Auckland, f.i

McDowell, A. L., Lieut, (Mrs E. McDowell. Gore, we.) Baker, C. G., 2nd Lieut. C. G. Baker, Stevens stroet, Christchurch,

w.) Gow, G. V., 2nd Lieut. (Miss C. M. Gov, Wellington, s.) Turner, R. \V., 2nd Lieut, (J. CornfoTd. Greatford, uncle) Reported wounded, admitted to hospital :— MACHINE-GUN SECTION. (June 6th.) Baker. E. H., L.-Corpl. (J. H. Baker, Kaihu, Northern Wairoa. f.) Birrell, A (A. Birrell, Perthshire, Scotland, f.) . . Simpson. J. N. (W. Simpson, Matahiwi, Masterton, f.) (Juno 7th.) Cameron, L., Corpl. (T. Cameron, Wbangarei, f.) Chalmers, J., L -Corpl. (W. Chalmers, Whakatane, f-) Church. F. L.-Corpl. (G. Church, Riverton, f.) Fraw J., Scrgt (J. Frascr, Stirling, f.) N.Z. FIELD ARTILLERY. (.June 4th.) Home, W. S. (W. S. Home, DevonP ort > f-) . r.Ne'.vsham, J. G. (H. Ncwsham, Gisbome) Walpole M. (Miss E. Walpole, College street, Toronto, s.) (June Gth.) Rodgor, A. W. (Mr s A - R« d S cr > Devonport, m.) (Juno 7th.) Piftou, X. G. (11. A. C. Pigou, Spring Creek, f.) N.Z. ENGINEERS. (June Ist.) Williams, G. (G. Williams, Lyttelton, f.) AUCKLAND BATTALION. (June 4th.) Bishop. A. G. (W. Bishop, Richmond, Cbristchurch, f.) _ Hamilton, R. (Miss A. Hamilton, St. Albans, s.) (June oth.) Devine, A. (Mr s Canning. Pukekohe, m.) Miles. G. E. (Miss I. Miles, St. Kilda, Melbourne, s .) Simonsen. E. J. (A. J. Simonsen, Feilding, f.) Ynlo, J. (Mrs Yule. Toiwoomba, m.) (•Tunr 6th.) Summnrfinld. It (H J. Summerfiokl, Blackburn, Encrland) (No date given.) Millar, G. J. (Mrs Millar, Kingsland avenue. Au"kland. w.)

CANTERBURY BATTALION. (Juno sth.) O'Brien I>. (M. oJßrien.0 J Brien. Duckir.aroi, N.S.W., b.) (Jurie 7th.) Barter, J. "W (J. Barter. Abberley road, St. Albans, f.) Clark. T. AV. (Mrs E. A. Clark, Greenwich, England) Henry, TV. L. (Mr? J>. Henry, Tejnuka, • m.) McNicholl. D. (A- McNicholl, Oxford terrace,, Christihuroh) Mould. T. G (Mrs F. Mould, Jvaihu, Northern Wairoa, pi.) Scott, H. G. (L. Hill. Lyttelbon. f.) Warnook, R. 8., Corpl. (R. Warnock, Catlins River, f.) (June Bth.) Clarke. A. S. (J. Clarke. Timaru, f.) Drummond, A. M. (H. O. Drummond, i Riwaka, Nelson, f.)

N.Z. RIFLE BRIGADE. (June sth.) Holiday, F. N. H_(F. I>. Holiday, Oxfordshire, England, f.) Webb. A. 11. (Mrs A. Webb, Invercargill, m.) PIONEER BATTALION. (Juno 7th.) Brown, W. G. (Mrs Mitchem, Bristol, England, m.) Reported slightly -wounded, remaining with unit: — machine-gun corps. (June 7th.) Inglis, h. M., Capt. (J. H. Inghs, Timaru, f.) FIELD AMBULANCE BRIGADE. (May 28th.) Blackburn, H- C. (Mrs J. Blackburn, Sydenham, m-) _ _ T Pounsoll, W. K. (F.. H. Hounsell, Davonport, f.) Hughes, J. G. (Mrs A. J. Hughes. New Plymouth., TO.) McPhersan, J. (Mr a McPhorson, Kingsland, m.)

MAORI CONTINGENT. WOUNDED. Reported wounded, admitted to hos(Juno 4th.) Anderson, A. (Mrs Anderson, Pipinkj, Koha, K. (Koha, Herekwo, North Auckland, f.) (June Bth.) Tini, J. (Mrs M. Tim, Little River, m.) HOSPITAL REPORT.

Reported dangerously ill (ail private® unices otherwise elated) —Thonison, J., Captain; Brown, D. D.; Cavadiis, C. A.; Day, G. M.; Wean, W.} Dennison-Donald, G. b.; Evorett, H.; Farrow." W. J.; Halligan, W.; Hampton, F. M.; Hannah, J. S.; Herring, G.; Hotere, J.; King, C. A.;.Mcßrid*, J.; Conville, P. 8., Bifleman; C. 0.; Mayo, A. B.; Menzie, J. H., Corporal; Millar, G.-; Moody, H.: Morrison, W.; Muirhead, D., Rifleman; Oldham, W. A., Lanoeno^noral; Pnrfitt. L. C.: Potfc*, Ij. A.; Sbelton W W.; Sim, T. W.; Simpson, L. H.; Speer, W. T.; Storey, W.: Sullivan, J.; Tamihana, W-I Turnbull, J. C.; Walker, J. <T., Rifleman; Waren», K.; Whakatnka. H.; Wfcit". P.. Lance-Corporal: Wilsoil, G. F. Reported dangerously ill—Amondson, , W., ■Bifieman: Clark, W. P.; Dftvios, S., Sapper; Wntton, L. .t.: D.; M-nzics. J. H., Corporal; Rosanowski. H. Temporary-Cor-poral; Shanks, J. C. T, Rifleman; Woodrow, E., Rifleman. Rspsrted seriously ill—Fraser. J. W., 2nd Lieut.; Kins. S., 2nd Liput.: Twining, H. A., 2nd Lieut.; Bourke, W. McK.; Christie, J., Rifleman; Clark, D. McC.. Rifleman; Clark, R. J., Bombardier; Craddock, N. B.; Cunningham, D. J.; Dinneen, D. A. > Duff, S., Rifleman; Graham. W. A.-; Haydon, L. H.; Henderson, W.: Hfllca-Sriiith, F., Rifleman: Hinton. A., Trooper: Holline®, H.; Hopkins, L. S,; Jellings. T. F.. Bifleman; Lander, W.; MoCr>"r, A. C.; M®nerney. M.; McNeece, J.: McVev, F.: Manney. D. J., Rifleman: Martvn, F., Tcmporpry-Corporal; Millar, W. M., Corporal: Olney, H. P., Corporal; Park, E. J., Biflcjian; Gamro, M. E.; Bandell, C. J.; Bcid. A. T., Bifleman; Sh-eat, A. J.: Smith, S., Bifleman; Watson, W. S., Snppcr. B?port/?d still sorioraly ill—Aialabie, J. L.; Burnand, C. S., Q.M.S.; Dalzell, W. E., Corporal: Florence. E., Bifleman; Flower, J. A. G.: Gris?, J. H.; Hampton, T.; Mete, R.; O'Donnell, E. 8., Acting-Corpor-al; Steele, W., Bifl-man; Thain, A., Corporal; Tincent, G., Rifleman; Walker, J. Bifleman; Williams E. J.

Removed from dangerously ill list—Byrne, Cr. J.; Groce, H.; Mayo, R.; Tyson, J., Rifleman."

Removed from eeriou=lv ill Ji«i—Kidd, A., Captain; Pattrick, H. P., 2nd Lieut.; Corrigan, F. "W.: Crooks. D. H., Lance-Cor-poral; Foster, J. T„ Rifleman; Gask-11, W., Rifleman: Lander \V.: Mete R.; Richardson, R. C., Rounthwaite, B.; Sinclair, J,. Gunner; Webb, J. A.; Vest, "W. J-, Rifleman.

Rpoorted a a severe cases—Bridge, C. E., Captain: Mnmliall. J. A., Captain; Wilson, X. R.. Csptoin: Ewin?, K. R.. Lieut.; Fr«*ich. P. "W. Li»ut.: Jones 0. W. Lieut.: McKcneie, C. R., Lieut.; Sfawson, J. 8., Lieut.

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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15932, 20 June 1917, Page 7

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THE ROLL OF HONOUR. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15932, 20 June 1917, Page 7

THE ROLL OF HONOUR. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15932, 20 June 1917, Page 7