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Carbine's legion of admirers will bo plen.'-cd to noto another victory to the frcdit of tho stock sired by his son fanipfire, Mr J. Hatvkins s Flying Camp bavin- won tho Jervois Handicap at Kllcr>lie on Saturday, -with a respectable field behind him.

The three placed horses in the Otago Stceplcek'se each carried list 21b. Czaronus, who has been running well, nas mad" second favourite for tho Jlaiden Stccplechasc at Ellcrsiic. His rider who has had two falls with him, tept liim a long way in tho rear of the leaders, and when he inado hia run ho did not get up to them.

Pennies, winner of the Maiden Hnrflrs at Klierslie, is not badly named, bej n .., by i'cnnv from Folly. Ho is a hairbrother to "\\*aipuna, a well-performed pno and mav go on winning. Ho made harks of his* field on Saturday. Hackers v.-ero much astrav in the lirrat Northern liurdlo Race. The inte-post favourite, Fisher, was only fourth favourite on tho machine, and Thether he would havo won if lie had aot fallen at tho last fenco must Remain matter for conjecture. Ot »ir-j Polo To Onga, and Waimai, who were preferred to him, only lo Onga got a nlacc. Tlic winner and the second were respectively eighth and mnth in the betting. Gladful. who finished first, hou four races last season, and was a winner recently in Hawke s Bay. bt. F.lmn, wlio ran second, has shown great pare on tho flat, but is not a consistent performer. Tararu .lack, who was considered to have a fair hope in the Groat Northern Hurdle®, caiuo down when lusher toll at> tho last fenco, and his supporters remain without tho matter for a conrinccd opinion on his merits.

El Guild's performance in running third in the Cornwall Handicap at Auckland 011 Saturday should his backcrs for tho Great Northern Steeplechase on good terms with, themselves. A nice winding-up gallop. Tho going was altogether against topirni"hts at Duncdin on Saturday. Ronga],o'ro was started twice, and on each occasion ran a great race: more judiciouslv ridden ho would havo jv'pn the Ilurdics. In the Steeples ho lilt himFelf at the second to last fence when looking liko a winner. Tho cut required stitching. Master Hamilton ran a groat raco in the Pacific Hurdles, hut tho weight told and lie died away in the last quarter.' Dionytsiua would havo won much ( , a sjcr at twelve furlongs than at fourX He hit tho sixth and eighth hurdles vcrv hard, and was ev.dqnty tiring. 110 is sure to bo benefited by tho race.

Kamvhcro ™ 3 made favourite in the Brighton Handicap. Ho was always well placcd, but could not win—lie finished fourth.

In the absence of Mr R. H. Aidworth, air J. E. Henrys acted as judges at "V\ in££&t>ui on Sflturdfly* ■ San Sebastian got a very bad run in tho Brighton, and then finished well up, Antiope took chargo of her jockey in tho preliminary, and then ran a good raco. Glenshire, Magdala, and Silver Spire, who ran in various races on Saturday, are nil out of the same mare—Minaret. Master Stead dislocatcd a fetlock oint two fences from borne and had to > U shot. Ho did not fall, and could lot havo won.

G unrest and Golden King xnfldo &I 1 tlio running in tlio Birtliday. | ■ wore passed at the distance. Golden, (Cine pulled up very lame. Marc An- ■ thonv began well, and was in a good position. He niet with some interference, but it did not alter the result. Threo furlongs from the post in tl.e Birtiulav Marsa was last and had \o » o mo round her field, and then ran second It looked ns if sho must have Von if sho had been better placed m Sho early stages. Aliirco Bello was made a good second '* lavourito in tho Birthday. Jones vodo Sim a great race, and was first juto the straight, but tho colt couldn t sec •{t out. Ho pulled up sore. • McKay, the rider of Gunrest, was .•autioned for using bad gear. ascd a». Spanish martingale which •broko during tho running. '• If Orotonu had boon made moro use of ho might havo won the Steeplechase. The Brewor is not ready; he is just »s beautiful a jumper as ever lio was. ' Rongahere will be a good 'chaser: at present ho is inclined to bo cautious. He jumped short at the water jump wd overreached, and tho cut, which * required stitching, may lay liim by for a tow weeks. Hfechargo should have won the Ota'go Steeples, ami Kirlcby owed his win lo i hiring z more vigorous horseman. Palladio is either off colour or greatly outclassed: ho could never get near his opponent. Hcathcrlea is a beautiful fencer and

knows every inch of his business, but is too old and slow. Mohawk ran a. great race: be was in a good position threo furlongs lrom home, where lie got <i bad bump. King Star was mado a good second choice in tho Tradesmen's. He got shut in tho ruck and could never out. Kilboyno, Sir Malt, and Bon had all the best cf the start in this race, but t'uey were not good enough. Benzowen was chopped back ot the end of a furlong and font bark last. Running on tho outer he finished at a great pace in fifth placo alongside. Sir "Mult, and it looked as if he rould not havo lost with a good run. Tip T"p did not get a very good run j and then finished second. Multoo was showing up very prominently at the homo turn. Sir Hamilton was tho easiest winner of tlio day. Hardshot, Mount Victoria. Placid, Malvolia, and Micky l'reo got all tlio best of the running in tho Winter "Welter, but they were not good enough. Kaminoho lost his rider two furlongs from home, but had no chance when tlio accident happened. Micky Free ivas r. quiet tip in this race, but did not get a good run. M. David, the French Minister of Agriculture, has sanctioned tho holding of raco meetings this season on rather moro liberal linos than last year, although under similar restrictions.

Ono result of tho suggested curtailment. of racing, writes "Glencoc" fn the "Dominion," will bo that the fields will be enormously increased. This ?3 already tho experience in Victoria. To meet the. caso the V.R.C. rules require that when there are more than twenty-five runners the field is to bo divided. Something of the kind will have to bo done in New Zealand, and the confcrenco might well look into tho matter at its annual meeting nest month. At Otaki on King's Birthday there arc thirty-thrco acceptors in one event. Noboay who knows anything of the game can but admit that ful'v half tho field will liavo no chanco at all. The battle will be at tho start, and if the riders fail to jump out well tho majority of them will not persevere with their mounts for fear of an accidcnt, and who can blamo them? Ethel Donna and Linnot were omitted from the list of nominations for tho Acton Handicap in connexion with tho Ashburton Trotting Club's AVinter Meeting. Tho Christchurch correspondent of , •'.he llunedin "Star" telegraphed on Friday: The Racing Conference fiavo not yet complied with the request of the Minister for Internal Affairs that they should submit; alternative proposals for a reduction of racing by onethird and one-half. It is understood that somo communications have been exchanged bc-tweon the Minister and tho conference on the subject. The indications aro that the negotiations, whatever form they may tako, will cot move the Government from their <loclarcd intention. The decision to reduce racing by at least one-third for tho coming season was reached by tho Ministers after considerable discussion, and it appears to hav'o been in iine with a recommendation made by tho Efficiency Commissioners. To-day there will be trotting at Greytown and Canterbury Park. Ribbon Maid was unablo to take her placo in the field for tho Peninsula Handicap at Canterbury Park on Saturday, owing to a mishap when training at the latter end of last week. ilr T. Sheen, the Auckland sports- 1 man, who is interested in several horses in J. Bryce's stable, was a spectator at Canterbui-y Park on Saturday. It is tho intention of Sir Sheen to taiko up his residence in Christchurch. Noticeable absentees from the programme of the concluding day at, Canterbury Park aro Cor* Dillon, Dillon Eddy, Lady Haldanc, Our Thorpe. # Soda, Cathedral Chimes, Auckland Girl, Solo, I rank Tracey, and AriadneIt is quito evident that owners and trainers do not study tho conditions of all races, as on tho concluding day at Canterbury Park Sccond Amateur Handicap, Miss Sylvia, Storm Cloud, Vermillion, and Bell Elmore are all ineligible to start, having previously dono better timos than stated in tho conditions of the race-

Excellent nominations havo been received bv tho Ashburton Trotting Club for their winter meeting, which is set down for Thursday, Juno 14th. Canterburv stables, as usual, are strongly represented, whilo Southland horses.are freely included amongst tho nominations. The handicaps will bo declared to-morrow. Gunner J. B. Thomson, now in camp with tho 27tli New Zealand Field Artillery at Featherston, has re-purchased tlio New Zealand Trotting Cup winner of IDIG Cathedral Chimes, which ho disposed' of at his clearing sale last Easter, and the son of Four Chime® will raco in his interest in this year s Cup. Agathos, winner of tho Plumpton Handicap at Canterbury Park on Saturday, has now placed three big handicaps to his credit in succession. During tho present season lie has won- five races, including tho Forbury Cap, and annexed in stakes £1210.

T. Annott, who is considered, an accomplished horseman on a straight-out trotter, led in two winners in Tho Sprinter and Woodchild at Canterbury Park on Saturday- Both, were little fancied by tlio public, and paid good priccs. Favourites were not much in on Saturday at Canterbury Park, Emilius being tho only one to score during tho day. The winners of tho other eeven paid good dividends. Oakhampton Lodge was strongly represented in the Plumpton Handicap at Canterbury Park on Saturday with Admiral Wood (J. Bryco), Mintson (A. Princlc) and Cora Dillon (F. Holmes). Of the trio Cora Dillon was tho most prominont. and Idled second # pj. This was her first appearance m nrstclass company. I?. "W Frauks, who trains his team at Canterbury Park, handled two winners in Klatawah and Icicle, on Saturday. Tho win of tho latter horse was particularlv well received, as it was tho first race the son of Franz has won to date. Ho has been m second placo on several occasions.

AUSTRALIAN RACING. Q.T.C. AUTUMN MEETING. (By Cable—Press Association— Copyright.) (Received Juno 3rd, 5.3 p.m.) BRISBANE. Juno 3. The following is tho result of the STRADBEOKE HANDICAP, of 700 eove. Six furlongH. Sydr.o7 Damsel, fist 3lb •• " a Amberdown, Jtet 12lb .. *• " ~ Claret Kie S , Set 121b .. •• - 6 ADELAIDE B.C. MEETING. (By Cable—Press Association— Coprr«bt.) (Received Juno 3rd, 5.5 p.m.) ADELAIDE. June 3. The following is the result of tho BIRTHDAY CUP, of 1150 eovs. Oho mil© a half. Gold Cuffs, Ost 3lb .. •..< •• * Glad Eye, 6fit 9lb .. -• -• Aides, Ost Sib .. •• *• 3 DUNEDIN J.C. 'WINTER MEETING. (PBXSd ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.) DUNE DIN, June 2. Tbc Dunedin "Winter Meeting opened ia splendid weather, though tho track was heavy owing to the recent rain*. Considering th» lack of railway facilities the attendance was very good. Several good dividends were paid. The fcotalisalor liaTidled £13,133 {or seven races, as compared with £16,705 Jtte for eight-: races last year. Resultsl PACIFIC HURDLES, of 150 60vs; <wa mile and thxoe-quarteia—6 Dionjaiua, Bet (F. Ellis), 1; 7 Compulsion, list (O. Reed), 2; 1 Rongohere. list 12lb (P. Hill), 3. 2 "Vf Hamilton list 121b, 1 Pcerleea lOst 61b, 10 United Service list lib, 5 Golden Rupee 9at 131b. 3 Glenthorpo Dei slb, 13 Arthur George Oat 31b, 3 ilarrclito Ost 21b, 12 Master Stead j

Oat 8 Epwoith Ost, and 11 Robin 9st aleo started. Marvclito led from tho start, and was joined by Dionysius with half a mile gone. Master Stead hit the sccond to last hurdle and broke a k". A great racc resulted in;; by a head. Roiurahero being four lengths away. _Ac a result of enquiry into eorae bumping in tho straight O. Reed was cautioned ior careless ridincr. Time, 3min SO 4-sth ee.c. BRIGHTON HANDICAP, of 110 or.e mile—lo Gler.«hirt<. Set (Tilson'l, Hilary fet 3lb (W. Robinson). 2; ~ Lion S=t 2lb {h. G. Kin?/, 0. 3 Jock SVat Sib, 13 San -Sebastian Ost Sib, 10 Spectual Sst 3lb, 4 Charley 9et 3lb. 6 Volspial Bst 101b, 1 Kauwhero Bst 41b, 20 Melford Sst Bib. 2 Minesweeper B*l 3lb, IX Riga Sst 2:b, 17 Antiope Bat 2lb, 17 "Whipcord Sst 2!b, 5 Loc'nclla -S?» 2lb. 15 M'arliawk Set lib. IS Porter S?t lib, 0 Wicgform feat, It Sylvia Sat, 19 Colbert Pst, and 10 Quicksiiot S.H also start-cd. "Winsfield led the ftc-M two or three lengths along the back, and St. Hilary carried on the running after five furlongs, denshire his run from the distanoe, •winning by half a length; tho third horw two k^l Ls away. Tirao. lmin 43eco.

BIRTHDAY HANDICAP, of 4CO bovs; one milo and n. quarter—G Highwatcr, <et 41b (F. Gray). 1; 3 ilarsa. Est 2lb (A. H. "Wilson), 2; 2 Marco Bello. 8;t 101b (F._ E. Jones), 3. 3 Ciunre3t 9st slb, 4 Golden King 9st 4lb, 7 Sedd-el-Bahr S3t. 1 Marc Anthony 83t 131b, 10 M&gdalu 7«t 6ib, 0 Sister Regis 7st 3ib, 11 Roumania 6st 101b, and 8 Redowa Cft 10!b al3o started. Gunrest and Golden Kinty led for jnost of tho joumej*. Marco Bello v.aa first into the straight, but liarea and nitjhwakcr were i:t front at the diatancc, the loiter winning by throc-quartcrs of a length; tho third norse tv o lengths twr.v. Time. 2niin ISsec. OTAGO STEEPLKCKASE, of SOO eovs; about three miles—3 Kirkby, list 2lb (L. llagcrty), 1; 4 Itechargo, list 2lb (F. ford), 2; 3 lirmgahero. Hat 2lb (G. McKay), 3. 1 Heatherlea list 9lb, and Carnmore ICBt 13lb (coupled), 3 Tho Brewer list 7lb (coupled v.ith Rongaherc) list 31b. 2 Mawson 10-st 51b, C Palladio lOst 41!>, 8 Oratonu Ost filb, and 7 Edistone Ost 71b al3o etarted. Mawson and Carnmoro fell at the first jump, from which Kirkby led, followed by Tho Brewer. Oratonu and Edistone fell at the double. After crossing the last fence Recharge was in front, but Kirkby challenged rr.d won by a neck, Eongahero being ten lengths away. Time, 6rain 52 3-oth sec. TRADESMEN'S HANDICAP, of 150 sovs; si* furlongs—l 3 Palamon, 7st 51b (H. Tilson), 1; 3 Tip Up, 7st 2lb (T. Black), 2; 7 Bon, 7st 12lb (L. 3. 4 Buller 9st 91b, 10 Redshire Bet 12Jb, I Mohawk Bat 121b, 6 Kilboyae Bst lib, 2 King Star 7et lllb, 12 Sir MaJt 7fit 10lb, H Twelfth Nig'it 7st 01 b. 13 Speedometer 7et 7lb, & Ordcrdown 7st slb, 9 Kilkee 7si 21b, 11 Partisan 6st 101b, 8 BenKowcn 6nt 91b, 17 Multoe 6st 7lb, and 16 Hornbeam Gsfc 71b also started. - Benzowen was left several lengths at tho 6iart, and Sir Malt, Kilboyme, and Mohawk were the first to show out. Pa lam on end Multco led into the straight, and Palamon was in front at the ' distance. Tip Up made a good run, but just failed lo reach tho leader, who won by : three-quarters of a lenpth; i?jn being three lengths away. Time, lmin 20sec.

HACK STEEPLECHASE, of 130 govs: two miles—l Maweon, list 3lb (A. McMillan), 1; 5 Golden Butterfly, Ssi 7lb (O. Heed), 2_: 7 Tommy, lCst Olb (R. Buddicom). C. 3 Kaupokonui 1035 111b, 1 Silverspire lOst Sib, 2 . Zarkoma lOst 4lb, 8 Miss Trixie ftat 7Lb, 9 Dr. Jim 9srt 7lb, 10 Glengirl 9st 7lb, mid 6 Luigi 3si 71b also started. At the brneh doublo Luigi, Miss Trixie, Zarkoma, and Glengirl were loading, Luigi ran off at the 6©ooikl of tho double. Kaupokonui and Silverspire fell at the sod wall, leaving Zarkoma in front, but he fell at tho next obstacle and badly interfered ■with Miss Trixie. Dr. Jim came down at tli-> 6amo fence. Gloiitrirl. Golden Butterfly, liaison, and Mi>« Trixie led along the back. Glengirl lost her rider at tho brusji fenco at the bottom of tho straight, and Mawson won by four lengths, Tommy being eight lengths away. Miss Trixie was tho only other to finish. Time, owin 4 2-oth see. WINTER WELTER, of 140 govs; one raflc —G Sir Hamilton. 9et 13lb (F. E. Jones), 1; 2 Glendower, Sst Olb (J. Campbell), 2; I Ilardehot, Bst 121b (J. Olsen), 3. 5 Spanish Princess 9©t, 10 Kazan Set 13lb. 7 Mai'tel S3t lllb, 3 Wild Pilgrim Bst' lllb, 13 Mt. Victoria Sst, 11 Ogier Sst 61b, 8 Kaminoho Ss-t slb. 12 Placid fiat slb, 14 Maltegardo Sst 4lb, 1 Malvolia Set 41b, 17 Gnome Sat 31b, 16 Icilma Bst, 9 Micky Free Sst, and 15 Euripce Sat also started. Mt, Victoria took up the running from Malvolia. and at tho seven-furlong post Icilma ran place, -with. Malvolia, Wild Pilgrim, and Gnome closo up, Sir Hamilton last. Sir Hamilton, however, v/ith a well-sustained run, won by three lengthsHard Shot a. length «iway. Kaminoho lo3t "his rider. Time, Imin 40sec. ACCEPTANCES FOP* SECOND DAY. FAIRFIELD HURDLES, of 173 eovs; ono milo ond a half—Compulsion list slb, P'onyeius IOBt 4lb, P<4rless lOst Blb, Spectual 9st 18lb, Golden Rupee 9st, 12lb, United Scrvico tot 101b, Glenthorpe 9st 31b, Mnrvelito Oat, I Arthur Georg® 9st, Mt. Victoria ftst, Epworth. Set, Cassowary 9st, Romin 9st. SILVER3TREAM HANDICAP, of 140 «ovs; seven furlongs—San Sebastian Bstl3lb, Glens-hire Sai 13lb, Malvolia Bst 2.t> oHilary Bat Blb, Volspiel Sst 6lb, Comp-ihwn Bst 31b, Lion Bst 21b, Minesweeper 7at 131b, Micky Free 7st lllb, Lochella 7at 7lb, Wjngform 7et 71b, Porto* 7st 7lb, Sylva 7st 71b, Antiopo 7st 7lb, Quickshofc 7st <lb. PROVINCIAL HANDICAP, of 300 sovs; one mile—Gunrest Ost 4lb Marsa 9st, Marco Bello Bst Blb, Maro Anthony Bst 81b, Sir Hamilton Sst 6lb, Highwatcr Sst,4lb, Sedd-el-Bahr 7st lllb, King Star Tat 2lb. Magdala 6at 121b, Kilkee 6st lllb, Glendower 6st 71b, Hot Air Gst 7lb. WINGATUI STEEPLECHASE, of 300 sovs; about two miles and Ct ruai'tcr-—Kirkby 13st 4lb, Rccharge list lllb, Heatlierlea list 91b, Maweon list 81b, Carnmore list lib, The Bmtev Us'. Glenthorpo lOat Gib, Oratonu 101b, Kaupokonui 9»t Olb, Tommy Ost 71b, fQpersp'iro 9et 7lb, Edistono 9st 71b, Golden Bntterfly Sst 7lb, Zarkoma Oat 71b. WAIRONGOA HANDICAP, of 175 eovs; six furlongs—Buller 9st 81b, Mohawk Sst lllb, Reds hire Sst lllb, Palamon 8s t Gib, Kilboyno 'Sat, Bon 7st 13lb, Tip Up 7st 10lb, Sir Malt 7st 101b, Twelfth Night 7st 4Ui, Ordordown 7st 3lb, 'Speedometer Gat 13lb, Jiciwiwn Gst 9lb, Charley 6st 9lb, Icilma Gst 7lb, Hornbeam Gst 7ib. JANEFIELD HANDICAP, of 140 eovs; tax furlongs—Placid Sst 13lb. St. Hilary fist 121b, Aecalaphus S3t 12lb, Benefit Bst 9lb, Mulioe Sst Slli. The White King Set 7lb, Maltegardo Sst 7lb, Kauwhero Sat Gib, "Minesweeper Sst 31b, Lady Superior Bst, Warhawk Bst. Triple Entente Bst, Loehella Bst, Octoplete Sst," Wingform Sst. Ecllrock Sst. Porter Sst Marianne Sst, Euripos Sst, Sylva Sst, Colbert Sst, All Pink Sst, Gabcrlunzio Bst, Country Queen Sst. INVERJIAY WELTER, of 175 eovs; ono milo—Sedd-el-Bahr 9st 9lb, King Star 9st, Magdala fist 9lb, Spanish Princess Sst slb, Kazan Sst 4lb, Redowa Sst 41b, Wild Pilgrim Bet 3lb, Kardshot Sst 21b. ilartel Bst 2lb, 'Rouinania 7st 13lb, Ogier 7st Olb, Kaminoho 7st Blb, Jock 7et 71b, Partisan 7st 71b, ita!volia 7at 7lb, Gromo 7st 7lb,.lcilma 7st Tib, Micky Free 7st 7lb.

AUCKLAND B.C.'S "WINTER 3IEETIXG. (rnESS ASSOCIATION- XZLECEAir.) AUCKLAND, JUDO 2. Auckland Racing Club's "Winter Mating waa opernsd in glorious weather »r.d with a largo attendance. The track was very heavy. Tlio rider of Caaronus was cautioned for his handling of the horso in tho Maiden StoepkclwEe-. Carmont, tlio lidcr of Housewife, was cautioned fgr crossing: infield in tho Cornwall Handicap. Tho totalisalor investmento were £11,801, against £15,173 10s on the corresponding day las. year. Roaulta:—

MAIDEN STEEPLECHASE, of 200 eovs : two miles and a half—i Tho Channel. Dst 7lb (Wood), 1; ; 5 Cokely. Ost 9lb, 2; 1 Ulster, lOert 13lb, 3, 2 Czarontu ll6t 31b, 3 Captain Lock Ost 111b, C Koiwhakahaejro Ost 7iu, S Xiady Whitfcird Ost Tib, and 7 Dood Ost 71b also started. Tho Channel, Cokely, and Kuiwhak»haero mado the early running; Czaronu3 being well back. Tho order was maintained to. the straight, where Ulster and Cokcly challongcd. In a great Taco homo Tho Channe] defeated Cokely by half a length. Ulster being t>ix lengths away, with Captain Lock fmirth. Time. smin 26 2-sth soc. Docd was pulled up and Lady "Whitford fell. JERYOIS HANDICAP, of 200 eors; seven furlong?— 3 Plying Camp. Ost 6Jb (Stanley Reid). 1; 1 Parisian Diamond, lOat 4ib, 2: 8 Correfridor. 9st 13lb, 3. 15 Sir Ralph Oat 9lb, 16 Fidelio 9st 6lb, 2 l"iibriauotte_ 9st Gib, and Sylvasco Sst 2ib (coupled), 7 British Arch Ost 51b. and Pienipokmt Sst s!b (coupled), G Cynic Ost 21b, 4 Monodon Sst 13lb, 18 Finisterre Sst Ol'o, 20 Bowler Sst 9lb, 0 Pink Tio Set 7lb, 17 Independence &t 3lb, 10 Jocular Rst 3lb, H King of tho Valley Sst 3lb. 21 Pierrot Sst 21b, 20 Kiriwinning Bst, 13 Porphyry Sst. 12 Step Bst, 11 Dtuigannon Sst, 23 Bine Cross Sst, 5 Gin Sling Sst, and Stilts Sat (coupled), and 19 Bloomino Sst and KilInvai Sst (coupled) al6o started. Jocular

and made tho early from Stilts and Diamond. At the entrance fo th» straight _ Stilts Toont to the front, but '"'as immediately challenged by Flying Camp and Parisian Diamond, the former winning comfortably by a length, with Corregidor five lengths away. Time, lmin S4ecc. MAIDEN HURDLE HANDICAP, of 200 eov«; one mile and three-quarters —7 Perr-i----i leas, 9si 61b (C. A. Read), 1; 5 Glnetanua. Ost, ; 2- 0 Ditto. Sst 51b, 3. 1 Hylans list 101b, 3' loeberg 10st slb, 4 Paramahone lOat 31b, 11 Brown Lock 9st 121b. 10 Monathol 9st lilt, 6 Prinoe Soulfc 9st lllh, 12 Hima Ost 21b, 8 Caber Fcagh Sst, 9 Kinoora 9et, 15 Jose 9st, 14 Bairero 9st, and 16 "Wartime Ost also started. Penniless led most of tho way, winning easily by ten lengths, with Ditto a j length away. Time, 3min 30 3-sth ecc.

GREAT XORTHERX HURDLE HANDICAP, cf 1250 EO-.". Two miles and a S. Hor. J. D. Orir.ond's b g Glsdful. by Birkenhead—Gladiii-i, Cvis, IM. 2;b (\Y. Bush) 1 9. Cimcrcn axd Richmond's b g St. E'nin, ij St. Ambrose—Maude. aged. 9?t •• 2. W. J. Brown's b £■ To Onja, by l'°3 c - aced. 9lb 3 Waimai list. r, Tarsru Jack H'st m.o, U Tenacious 10- ; t 5 Marconi lCc-t 4.0. *<' Guidin? Wav 10st. 1 Sir Solo ttet U»». « Fisher "Ost Sib, 13' Thrace Sst 2lb. 12 Spalpcrion Pst 21 bj ;i"d 7 Cast Iron 9st also started. Guiding Way and ?"i. Klinn Vd straight- followed bt* Gladful, Sir Solo, "lararu Jack. Fisher, and To, with Waimai a ions way back. St. Elmn lost his position alons tho buck, wbcro Guiding Way vas making the running from Sir Solo. To Ocga. Tararu Jack, and Fisher. Lcavintr tho straight for tho last round the order was Taruni Jack, Fisher, Gladful, and Si. Eluin, and it ns maintained "till live furlough from home. x\t -tho last hurdle Fisher, St. Elnin> | ! Tnraru Jack, end Gladhii wero within a length, but Fisher and Tararu Jack fell. After a great iriiah Gladful defeated St. Elmn by a bead, Te Onga boing ten away. Time, smin 2 2-sth eec. ilaicoui s saddle broko and ho was pulled up.

CORNWALL lIAXDIC.vr. of 650 govs: olio milo and a quarter—3 Red Ribbon. Sst 71b (Brady), 1; Undo Ned, Sat. 2; S El Gallo. Sst Sib, 3. 2 Toa Tero lCst 121b, 1 Hop field 3-t 121b. 4 Lady Penury Oat 21b, 7 Housewifo Sst llib. 0 Fionnuala Sst Gib, ;0 Alt Delaval Sst. nnd G' Dancastor Bat niso started, Housewife set out. to make the running from Hcpfteld, Fionnuala. and Rod Ribbon, with Uncle Xed te&t. Housewife was well clcar going along the back, v.ilb Ur.cle moving up fact. Undo Is<vl headed the leader threo furlongs from home and entered tho straight well clear. At the distance Red Ribbon challenged and won comfortably by a length and a- half, El Gallo being three lengths awav. Time, 2min 17 3-oth see. HUXT CLUB HURDLE HANDICAP, of 200 goy£ ; two miles—l Tiniroto. list slb (Roach), 1; 0 Dunrobin, list, 2; 8 Jacaranda, lOst. .1. 5 Advancer list. 61b, 2 Merry Dan list 4lb, -1 Spakpiro 10st 101b. 9 Swastika lOst 51b, 11 Salvana lOst 51b, 4 Kingiord 10?t Gib, 12 King lOst slb, 7 Tangihaero lOst, and 10 Grey Lynn lOst also started. Tiniroto. Tangihaere, and Merrv Dan mada the early running. Going along tho back Dunrobin ran un to Tiniroto, and 'he two cleared out from tho field. Tiniroto winning easily by two lengths, with Jacaranda fifteen lengths awnv. Time, 4min llecc. MEMBERS' xmNDICAP, of 350 eovs; &vc furlongs—l Bluestone, 9st lllb (O'Shea), 1; U Bedford, 9st 7ib, 2; S Lady Jack, fist 4lb, 3. 2 Croesus lOst 131b, 12 Hushman 9st 13lb, 7 Gletiroy Set 101b, 18 Avon Park t)st 4lb. C fling Lupin Sst 41b, 3 Hyginas 9st lib, 17 Car ly si an Bst 13lb, 4 Cardrona 83t 121b, 5 Tact Set lllb, 19 Meltchikoff Set 101b, 21 To Papapa Sst 91b, 10 Torotoro Bst Blb, 22 Kitty Bellairs Sst 7lb, 20 Goldfiro 83t 41b, lG ArTan Set 4lb, 13 Blairlindo Sst 41b, 15 RockCeld Sst 2lb, 9 Lady PouUi Sst 2lb, 11 Lady Glen fist, and 23 All Talk Sst also started. Blueetono was 41rst away, but was quickly passed by ilnshman, CrocGus, Arran, and Lady Jack. Hushman and Croesus led into the straight, whero Bluestono cam© through, and looked like winning easily. Bedford then put in a great run, but failed to got up, Blueetono winning by a ueck, with Lady Jack over two lengths away. Xime )f lmin sscc.

ACCEPTANCES FOE SECOND DAY. ] GREAT NOETHEEN STEEPLECHASE, , of 1400 sovs: three miles and a half—El Galle 123t 10lb,'Waiinai 12at lib, Braeburn list 81b, Morecambe list -lib, Troublesome lOst 121b, Bonnie Jean lOst 9lb, Gluepot. (including 51b poo.) lOst 7lb, Kccord lOst 2lb, Eanzamist lOst. Czaronus 9st 71b, Diavoio Ost 71b, St. Elmu Ost 7 lb. CARBINE PLATE, of 200 sovs; one mile —British Arch 31st. C°rregidor list, Cynio list, Flying Camp list, Gin Sling list. King of th-3 Valley list, Last Call list, Master Kegel list, Parisian Diamond list, Rylstone list, St. Francis list, War Timo list. All Talk lOst 101b. REMUEEA HURDLES, of 400 eovs; two miles—Bon Revo list 91b, Tararu Jack lOst 9lb, Tc Onga lOst 7lb. Crown Pearl lOst 6lb, Marconi 10st-slb, Hyltins lOst, Sir Solo 9st 9lb, Luperino 9st 71b, Black Heart 9st 41b. Cast Irou S.^t. JUMPERS' FLAT-.RACE, of 200 sots; (1710 mile and a. half—Bon Reve list 101b, Black Heart -lOst 111b, Fisher lOst 91b, Sir Solo lOst Gib, Marconi Ost 12lb, Tenncious 9st 3!b. Luperino Ost Sib, Gleudalough Ost ylb, Gluotamts Ost. Takanini 9at, Tlio Channel Ost, Kaiwhakaliaere 9st. RANFURLY WELTER, of 200 sove; one mile—Sir Ralph lOst 71b, Fidelio lOst 31b, Fabriquetto lOst 31b, Monodon 9st lllb, Finisterro 9st 51b, Lady Energy 9st '4lb. Plenipotent 9'st 3lb. Sleepy Jack Ost 2lb, Achilleus Ost 21b, Billy Wigga Ost 51b; Independence Sst 21b. Jocular- Ost 21b, Kiriwinniug 9st, Porphyry 9st, Step 9st, Caber Feaeh Oat. Slipstiteh Ost.'

PRINCE OF WALES HANDICAP, of GSO sova; seven furlones—Bluestor.o list Gib. Bedford lOst lllb, Husliman lOst 91b, Red Ribbon lOst 71b. Glcnroy lOst 51b, Jack Delavnl lOst, I.ady Penury 9st 121b, Kauri King 9st 121b, Housewife 93t 9lb, Te Papapa 9st Blb, Cardrona Ost Sib, Tact Ost 71b, Meltchikoft 9st Gib. Loyal Arch 93t 4lb, Goldfire 9st. Torotoro 9s£, Dancastor 9st, Penniless 9st. Alf Delaval *9st, Baircsdalo Ost, Lady Glen Ost.

CANTERBURY PARK TROTTING CLUB'S AVINTER MEETING. Tho Canterbury Park Trotting Club was favoured with beautiful weather oa Saturday for the opening of its Winter Meeting. After -tlie liard frost the day turned out bright and clear, and though the atmosphere was a trifle keen in the shade, tho afternoon waa thoroughly enjoyable. As the result of tho Tccent heavy rains, the track was somewhat od ■the 6low side, but it wa3 in capital order, and had evidently received careful attention. Tho fields throughout tho day wero good, and "(ho racing ■was full of interest. Agatlios, v.ho won the principal Taoe on each day of tho New. Brighton Trotting Club's Meeting last month, ecorcd a decisive victory in tho Pluinpton Handicap/ tho chief raco of tho day, and his form stamps him as a first-class pacer, and one likely to take still higher honours. The attendance was very good, and with improved totalisator accommodation tho investments 6howed an increase, tho figures being 1 £18,032, as against £13,869 oil 'the corieeponding day last vear. Results: — FIRST AMATEUR HANDICAP (in saddle), of 60 eovs, with bracelet valuo 15 eovs added; second 10 sova from stake. For unhoppled trotters only. Not better than 3.52 or its equivalent. Ono milo and a half. 11. If. Fleming's b m Miss Chancellor, by Lord Chancellor, syrs, Csec (Mr O. E. Hooper) 1 9. W. E. Thomas's br m Bcllina, aged, 623 c ... .. (Mr J. Thomas) 2 2. A. Cos's br m Mulvoto, ovre, 4sec (Mr I'\ G. Robinson) 3 1 Imperial Ann ecr, 7 Hardwood lsec, 4 Dunollio 3sec, 13 My Boy lsec, 23 Curraghmore 4sec, 9 Forward -lsec, -0 Royal Neville 4sec, 8 Itesie Wilkes feec, 5 Winiata Gsec? 12 Esiall Gsec, 18 Kowtio Csec, 17 Iluon Child, 3 Match Csec, and Quincelyn Gsec (bracketed), 1C Pert Gsec and Marilla 6aec (bracketed), 15 Jock Park fecc and Stage Whi6pcro Gjcc (bracketed), 10 Ben Bolt 6soo and Bon's Adventure Gseo (brackoted), 13 Lady Baggs fecc and Hcrepo Eecc (bracketed), and 1> Our Bluey 6sec and Valuation 6sce (bracketed) also started. J.lias Chancellor quickly ran into the lead, and at the end of half n. milo wsm showing tho way to Port. Wild Sun, and Valuation. With firo furlongs to go Bellina had "taken second place, but could not roach Miss Chancellor, who won easily by sis leugths. In a good finish for second place. Bollina beat Malvolo by half a length. Valuation and j Wild Sun were close together at tho head of a. bunched lot. Time, 4min Oscc. PENINSULA HANDICAP (in harness), ot 100 sova; second 20 sovs, and third 10 hovs from stake. 5.7 or better. Two miles. G. P. Watson's l> g Klatawali, by Haro.d Dillon —Visa Youugley, oyre, lOscc (I!. Frank?) 1 10. F. Ilickinbottom's b m Galindo Belle, •iyrs. 17sec .. (E. -T. Miuuo) - 3. I'. McNeill's blk g Lord Minto, iyir,, ISecc .. •• •• (J. Smith) 3 12 Energy Ssec, 0 Schnapps I2sec, 4 Delta ITeec, 13 Itosio Drift ltaec. 1 Fishertou ISsc-c, 3 Expedite lteec, 2 Scottish Queeu lOsec, 7 Bettina Msec, 6 General Joffro Usee, and 11 Vermilion IC-scc also started. Klataw&h beg-.:n smartly, and in tlio early stages liad Fiaherton, General Joffre, and Galindo Belle as his nearest attendants. At the end of a mile Fisherton had dropjK-d back, and Klatawah ~as jvst clear of General JoSrc and Galindo Belle, with Delta and Expedite' at the head of tho nert bunch. Going along the back Lord Miijto joined tho leading division, whilo General JcrSxo lost his placo half a milo from home. Klatawali held I}'S advantage-, and won by a Utl'.o over a length ircm Galindo Belle, who was three lengths in front cl Lord Minto. Schnapps was fourth ted Scottish Queen tittii, tho rest strung out. Time, 4miu s~ux. PLUMPTON HANDICAP (in harness), of 350 eovs; second 70 sovs, »nd third 35 sova from 6take. 4.W or better. Two ctilcs. 2. C. Channing's b g Agathos, by O.YJI. —Ha. Ha. mare, 4113, 9sec (B. Jardor:) 1 1. A. K. Firrell's b m Cora Dillon, 4yrs, il & c-c .. .. (F. Holmes) 2 7. Y/. H. Young's b m. St. Ursula, aged, 12sec .. .. (A. Fleming) 3 1 Admiral Wood ser and Mir.tson 9sec (bracketed with Cora Dillon), 5 Adelaide Direct 7seo, 3 Oinako lOscc, 2 FrandoeL-v Usee (bracketed with Agathos), 8 Persuader llsec, 10 Tamarisk Usee, 4 Little Kaon

Usee. 9 Whispering Willie llsce. ar.d G Pas IC-sec alio started. Oinako lost his by refusing to leavo tho mark properly, and Pax goinl- - v;ell, had Little Kauri, Tamarisk, and St. Ursula as his nearest attendants over tho first half-xnile, with Cora Dillon cjosc behind them. At tho end of a miks Little Kauri wae in front, followed by Tamarisk. Pax, Cora Dillon, St. Ursula, Frandoci.i. and Agathos in order. Half a mile trom home Tamarisk had headed Littlo Kaitri, vhil? Cora Dillon was in third placo, *rith Agatho? moving up fast on the outside. Tamarisk \va3 done with before the straight was reached, and Agathos, putting in a e'.roas i run, took charge after roundicg the turn, j and won easily by four legtbs from Cors • Dillon, who was two lengths in front of St. j Ursula. _ Frandocia was fourth, Adrlaido Direct fifth, and Admiral Wood sixth, Time, 4min "9 2-.ith sec. j

LYTTELTOX HANDICAP (in wd.lM, of 120 sovs; eocoud 21 eovs. ard tliird 12 | eovs from stake. oznin or better. Two I mile?. j 11. Wileon and Thompson's b g The I i SprinUr, by Del Paso—Ladybird. | aged, ssec .. (T. 1 ] 5. W\ R. Thomas's b g Goldstream. 4yib. j 9ecc .. .. .. {Owncti 2 1. Barnes and. Ucwin's b g Bran=ton, 4Vr3, 9sec .. (F. Holmes, junr.) 3 S Rorke's Drift 2«; c and Galindo Belle Usee (bracketed), 13 Truganini issc. 4 Harold I). Ssec. and Dainty Dillou 12sec (bracketed), fi Albert "Wallace ss"e, 7 Wood- j drift 7scc, 11 Erleec lOsec, 10 Mystic Bolls lOsec, 12 Edina 12sec. 9 Mopey Usee, 2 Calton 14sec, 3 Misa Havoc ltacc, and 15 Agnes W. 1!foc al~o started. Galindo Bello led out of the straight, but Edina passed h"r b?fore tumiug into the back sirctch, and a little further on- Calton. al?o ran past her. At the lrjnewt Eileen was in third place, and with half the journey gone the order of the leading division was Calton, Erleei\ Edinn, and Goldstroanl. Calton and Edina dropped b?ck einx furlocgj from homo, nr.d Erle?n nnd Coldstream went oti in front, with Branston and The Sprinter rapidly improving their positions. Erlecn retired before turning into tho etraiglit, and Goldstream was left with a- good lead, but The Sprinter, finishing strongly, got up in time to beat him by half a length. Braiwtou was twelve lengths away third, with Calton fourth, tho rest casing up. Tiiue, 4miu 47 l-sth sec.

STEWARDS' HANDICAP (in hariHss\ of 2CO eovs; eccond 40 pove, and third 20 bovs from stake. 2.30 or better. One milo and a quarter. 1, R. McDonnell's b h Emilius, bv Rothschild—lmperialism, oyrs, osec (Owner 1 ) 1 4. A. I?. Farrcll's b m Cora Dillon, iyxs, Gsoc .. .. 'F. Holmes) 2 5. J. G. S. Holmes's b g Moneymaker, Gvrs. Gsee .. (A. Pringle) 3 3 Author Dillon l3ec. 2 Our Thorpe 2scc, 12. St. Kevin Csec, 7 Don Csesar Ceoc. i Childsdalo 4sec (bracketed with Cora Dillon), 11 Master Pork Ssec, 8 Eccentric Ssec, fl Sungod Gscc. 10 Cromstail 6a£c, ar.<i 9 Little Kauri Gscc also started. Litle Kauri, Kmilius, Dillon, and Moneymaker wero racing ill closo order at the end o£ two furlongs. Five furlongs from homo Emilius had taken charge, and stalling off a strong challenge from Cora Dillon, won by ?, bare length. Moneymaker was three lengths away, third, and then canie Chilclsdale fourth. with Author Dillon and Don Cassar close together. Time, 2inir> 51 sec. WINTER. OATS HANDICAP (in harness), of 100 sovs; second 20 sovp, a '-id third 10 sovs from etalca. For unhoppkd trotters only. 5.10 or better. Two miles. J. "\V. T. Lowe's blk h Woodchild, by Rothschild—Wocd Nymph, Gyra, £sei! (T. Anuctt) 1 3. E. J. lias's b li King Pirate. Gyrs, lGsoc (A. Fleming) 2 8, W. Wiit-e's b m To-Night. aged. 21s«e (Owner) 3 11 Hucri scr. 13 Eruption. 2scc, 20 Gay Wilkes'9 sec, 4 Bon Ami Usee (bracketed with Woodchild), C Mnyse!<l l£aoc, 15 Dubosa 12scc. 3 Albortoria 15soc. _1G Arcadian 17fiec, 2 Pactolus 17ecc, 17 Pino Bell 19sec, 12 Happy Jack 19sec, 7 Our Goldio j 21scc, 14 Paddy Lynd 2!sec. 1 Panama I 2+sec, IS Reflected 24soc, 10 JVaiwera 2tecc, 10 Peter Bell 24soc, and 0 Imperial Ann

2-Ueo also started. Waiwerii, broke- jiiet lifter the start and collided with Happy Jack, who lost his driver. To-Night quickly established a good lead, and with half the distance covered was followed by Peter Bc'l, Pine Bell. Woodchild, Pactolus, and Panama. Tlia lastnamed, who was showing a lot of pace, but going unsteadily, ran up into third placeturning towards tho hack, but broke. TVoodchild was in front half a. milo from home, and waa apparently" winning easily when King Pirate cam© \ciih. a strong was only beaten by half a length. To-Night was twolvo lengths a.wa.y third, followed by Pino Bell. Paul Huon, and Our Goldio. Time, 4min 53sec. RAILWAY HANDICAP (in harness), of 150 sovs; second 30 sovs, and third 1£ eovs from stake. 2.22 or better. Ono mile. ■1, W. J. Doyle's ch m Dayspring, by California—Daybreak, aged. saec (F. Holmes) 1 1. II R. Binnic's b m Joan of Are. Gvrs. 3seo .. •• (•!. H. Wilson) 2 10. J. D. Redding's b g Will o' the Wisp> Byrs, Ecec . • ■ ■ Allan) 3 7 General Link 6cr, 1 Sir Elmo_ isec (bracketed with Joan of Arf*), 1G Ngaiora. 3sec, 13 The Whip 3sec. 11 Huia Gray 4sec, S Annio Dillon 4sec. 13 Blackness 4sec, G Gold Crest ssec, 17 Seychelles £see, 12 Waterlog ssec, 2 Vicc-Admtral Gsec, 9 I«ea Prince 6eec, 11 Imperial Tracey Csec, 5 Rearguard Usee, and 3 Agnes Gsoo also started. Imperial Tracer, Agnes Chief, Rearguard, and Vice-Admiral cut out the early running, i but four furlongs from homo Agnes Chief broke and last her place. Imperial Traeey led to fho ciraight, where tho field closed up. Dayspring coino through on tfce rails, and won nicely by n length Joan of Arc, who beat Will o' tho _Wisp '?/ half o length for second place. Vice-Adiuiral and Sir Elmo were close together next. Time, 2min 23sec. AU REVOIU HANDICAP (in saddle), of 130 eovs; second 30 .;ov=, and third 15 6cv» from stake. 2.22 or better._ One nuie. 6. S. James's gr g Icicle, bv Franz —Wild Agnes, aged, 10? cc (E. V«". Franks) 1 7. W. R. Tliomas'a b h Gold Crest. syrs, lCßec (Owner) 2 3. J. Brankin's b g Princc Poole, aged. Osoc .. •• •• (Owner) 3 1G Lodestar Osec. 9 Jack Ashoro 6sec. 13 Lord Dillon 7sec. 12 The King's General 7sec, 1 Gnlindo I.ou ?ssec and Willie Lincoln Esec (bracketed), 11 Wcodvere 9sec. 2 Queer. Vracey lOsec. 3 Young Tohu Oeec, and Rotheida llsoc (bracketed). K Sccptro 93cc, 5 Dorothv Dimple 9sec, 13 Seychelles 3Osec, 10 Salcombe lJeoe, and 11 Treasure Seeker llseo also started.

Icicle, Rotheida, and Prince were in front for iive furlongs, where Willio Lincoln joined them. In a gcod raco home leiclo lasted long enough to stall eff Gold Crest and win bar' half a length. Prince Pool© was away third, with Trcasuro Seeker fourth, and Rotheida sixth. Time, 'irain 23 l-oth see. SECOND DAY'S ACCEPTANCES. Excellent acceptances have been ■ received for all events, tho principal race—tho King Geor"© Handicap, endowed with 150 30ve, for hors>.4 that have done 4.37 or better for two mile-s—has drawn ihc smallest field. Eigtu stand their ground, and the preeenc© oi Admiral Wood. Author Dillon. Moneymaker. Adelaide Dircct, and Resrgi* Huon fhouid produco otic* of the iim;?!. two-mi.e contests seen o:i tho club's course. In th<? epunt events are Mintson. Don Crrsur. AgntriM. Moncvmaker, I'randocia, Genera: \Vilkc:, and General Link, r. 11 capable of producing a tino turn o: epc-rd; and in th& untiopp.ed division will be scon out such gold.PP r " formers as Hardv iiko«v Rnrnchild, Red Heather. Galician, Paul iluon, Imperial Crown, Lady Wilmington, afjd Gay Wil.-:e«. Racing will agniu start 11.30 special trams wid run at'fiiort interva.u to ! anil from the course during the day. I Tho following is tho progrimme:— | SECOND AMATEUR HANDICAP (in | of CO eovaj 3.32 or better; otiO mile and hall'—Pleasant Mount scr. Ribbon Maid 3sec, AVillow Vero 3rer, Bre>adalb3no ■lsec. Jack Arrah asec, Eyre Heire.Es ssec. St. Qucntin sscc, Upct.i:'. .ifoc, My Bcv .-.oec. Imperial Junr. osee, Annie !:oc. Bob Dillon seec. Tinkle Balls 'see, Luntdalo ssee, Two Bells Gerlefaa ssec, Sandy Bell csec. Dandy Dick Sse-c, Gladfn[ Csec, Master Eothsrhild Csec, Ohavan esec, Harold Child 6sec, Beatina Cecc, Bed Lyon Ceee, ' Lear Dillon Ssec. Sw«-t Colo fisec. Lady Hollywood Cecc, Nectarine fecc, Little Charm teec, Rita. Wood 6scc, Proud E'sie £acc, Scbi=ka Csec. PROGRESSIVE HANDICAP fin iumsji, of 125 sovs; 5.5 or better (unhopn!«d trotters); two miles—Wood child 7yec, Wild Tre® Ssec, Madam Shaw llsoc, TTinn All 12acc, Gay Wilkes 14eec, Mokau Ksec, Bon Ami 16sec, Maytxe'.d J7aec, King Pirate 19sec, Albertoria 20s«c. Pactolu6 22«e0. Pine 801 l 34sec, Happy Jack To-Night 2!sec, Our Gold;e 2Jsec, Colonel Havelock 2fsec, Paddy Lynd iUoc. KING GEORGE HANDICAP (in hirrW,, c£ 450 60vs; 4.37 or better; two miles —Admiral Wood scr, Author Dillon Saec, Adelaido Direct 7eec, Emiliue Teoc, Monaymaker lOeec, Oinako lOscc, Bcsgio Huon l3acc, St. Ursula MIDDLETON HANDICAP (la Eaddle). oi 140 eovs; 4_S5 or better; two milee—The Sprinter 6cr, Imperial Crown ecr, Dorothy THmple ecr, Rorke'a Drift leec, Sol '2mc, Havana 4sec, Albort Wallace 4sec. Papeete osec, Goldstream osec, Dorothy Dillon Escc, Wood Drift 6aoc, Branaton 7sec, Neigh 7sec, Lord Minto 7soc, Energy Ss&c, Erleen Ssec. ADVANCE HANDICAP (in o: 150 sovs; 3.32 or better; ono milo and a half —Mintson et, Lady I'empoet 7sec, Pas fieec, Harold Junr. Bsec, Dayspring Seoc. Joan

of Arc Sscc. LindetiJ Go!d Crest lOsdfc. Prince Poolo lCsec, Tho Whip JOscr. Mako Mako Usee, Young Tchu lleee, Huia Gray llnc-n. , SOCKBUEX II AX D 1 CAP (in harness),' of 100 sovs: for ur.hoppicd trotters: 4.50 or better: two miles — \Yh-.s-perin- AViliic «cr. Hardy YFilkts 2sec. Lord Eoancl.ikl -Isor, Ked Heather isec. Gnlician fcoc, .Michael Ga'.indo G=cc. Olive L. iMc, Commander Bell Tejc, Paul Huon 7«ec, Impcrial Crown 8s?-c. Lady Wilmington ec - Eruption Oscc, Treasure- Seeker lOsee. lruganini If sec. Xorval lvi« 3 li«ec. TELEGKAPH HANDICAP (in harness), of 200 sovs; 2.18 or Letter; one mile—Admiral Wood ecr, Don Cesar Cscc, Agathos Ssec, Child=da!c "see, Cromeiall 'lsec, Sungod General Link -taec, __P>en Dillon Iscc, Moneymaker 'lsce. Little Kauri -isee, X'.niey Patch ssec, Iloee Dillon ."see, Mountain Uoao Cscc. Lady Trddir.qton Gsoc. FINAL HANDICAP (in «addle\ of M 0 sovs : 2.17 or better; one mile—Mint-son ecr, St. Kevin lsce, Eccentric .Tsec, Frandocia 3sec, Maeter Park Jisco, General Wilkes Ssec, Dalwhiifnio tsce. St. Ursula, ssec, Jack Aehoro Gscc, Mountain lloso Usee. NORTH CANTERBURY AXD OXFORD JOCKEY CLUB. At a meeting of the committee of tho North Canterbury and Oxford Jockey Club, Mr II D. van Aseh was iu the chair. Messrs J. G. McDonald, H. Dix, and the chairman were appointed a finanoo committee. i i The chairman was elected delegate to represent the club at the a.nnua] conference of the Country Clubs' Association.

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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15918, 4 June 1917, Page 9

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SPORTING. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15918, 4 June 1917, Page 9

SPORTING. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15918, 4 June 1917, Page 9