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WANTED TO SELL. X\T ANTED to Sell, Lady 1 3 acw Cvcle. cheap. Apply. G.A., "Press." ' 10a "WANTED Cell, iarre cattle •' ' Carrots, and Potatoes. A. Birch Jcffrcys road, Fer.dalton. ' TjlOK Sale, C2-gal. Milk Kouiid! Horse JL Cart, Cans, Supply. "Cash." this OSce. £3 \"\WANTED, to Sell. Naticnal Cash HegTT- • - ter * osrgain. ItO street TTOOVEH Potato Digger in good order: LL au-o Ruboor-tyred Gig. G.Q., "P'-eso" Office. Sa.k-, Bulldog: also Pcdicree Buil- ••• bitch, good watch dogs. IN'o reasonable offer Ktu.sed. Sunday evening, after o p.m. S3 Olliver 3 road. Linwood. 125 TpOR Sale, 5-ceater Car. cheap. J- This Car i= complete, ?nar e wheel! hood, full set of tools and i? SnLshed in a putty shade, with dark sash round top. PTice < f'-r quick sale, £150. Adams, Ltd.. -19 'I'll;: 111 ttrct*.. A2I6S-375S "| Q1 A ROVER, bemititul coudition. Canoe--Lt/Xa: alao 1013 Rover, ireo c:ie Oversea. J-=p«td, and several Side-car.-, all bargain?. Call and inspect. Jack Suckling. Ktf Maachesicr street. * BINGER, 11 Uvt, CO, cher.p; droT-head. in <■**. ll't Ills; Ti'c.adle, i'l lis; Term* ai- ] rar.gtd. Cloiw. -iOl Hieii s'.reet. Triangle. /?--DROP-HEAD Machine j (nc-.v:; i/.hcij irom 7.? Ikt. Thold«al ! Sale, r.var Library. Syderiia;n. 113 r PAKE No. j Car to llhsUii?? str?et. Ideal X Cleanup Sale. Od-.l Cups from 4<l \ each. 113 JUT Es'.gineering".Jia:- Steel. Span- ' J iitrs, and SuiKliic?. The Ideal. Sydenham. i-jo i-"<JK SALE. " , THIRST-CLASS BUILDING SECTION", •* Acres. Croyke road, Fcndalton. Firsiclasa Whare and fencing un f.;ruo. Low prico for quick fa!e. _SIIKEPFAHMEitS' AGENCY. NC234-73 L.lO Hereford street. j IL)iJICLEY-iTeAS\* Car Foi _ sileT"ThS I Car is beautifully linishei in white, j with red upholstery. It., U fully equipped with wij' e detachable wheel?, full set o- head I lamps, good hood. This Car has been we'll looked after, and is very cheap for £'2ov. Adam?. Ltd.. 01:) Tuam street. .V.2165-374S FOE Sale. Shop and Dwelling, all possible conveniences: -d section: a gift: owner 'caving: 110 reasonable offer rotussd. Full ; particulars, price, etc.. 011 application. 3.Vi Cashe! street. 1403 pT.^Tv^COLOIIBO STREET (just off')— Natty Jlotif.e o!' 1 rooms, gas, bath, copper and tub?. Must bo sold. Forest and Perkins, 133 Colombo street, Sydenham. —SYDENHAM —Houso oi -1 rooms. c&'—jV'J washbouso and copper, splendid earner section, J.-a-crc. Forect and Perkins, 43,! Colombo street, Sydenham. 120 C QIN(3ER Prop-heads, efceap; ternm arrangcd. No canvassers employed. Globe, 261 High street. Triangle. SMART 5-snater Briscoe Car For Sale. This Car has just I'er.u repainted, and locks equal to iyj\r. It is fully equipped with full i:ct ;if lotL j , wire wheels, hood and windscreen, electric sell-starter, etc. I'ricQ i'2jo. Adam-, Ltd., 210 Tuam street. A2ICS-37<8 FOR'SALE. rrnn ACRES FREEHOLD, divided into 1 ( pnddocks. Gocd 9-rootned House and numerous other buildings. Handy to largo town. Owner called tip, and will poll at -£H per acre, or exchange his equity J53500 i for Houso Property or Houso and few Acre® j near Christchurch. j SIIEEPFAUMERS' AGENCY, 150 Hereford street. X/fTANTED Sell. Singer Dropnead, G years" ' ' written guarantee; terms arranged. Globo. High street, Triangle. A N Offer Wanted for c.' Sraaj-t 3-seater A Bayard Car. This Car is fully equipped with full set- of lamps, hood, windscreen, e tc. Car iri tini3hed. in a royal blue shade. Evory trial given. Adams, Ltd., 219 Tuam Rtreet. -V2I&S-374S WANTED, Sell. Butcher's Tuba ami Troughs for scalding and curing pigs; Water Troughs for Cattlo; Wash Tubs with braes plugs and chains, guaranteed not to leak, 30s; Casks for summer drinks; Bakers' Ferment and Yeaat Tubs. Washing Mnchincß, and Churns niado and repaired. Sutherland, 70 Tuam Etrcct W. 'Phone 1731. - SS23S-2171 FOR SALE. Af) ACRES, Government Lease, within 10 miles of Christchurch. Good buildings. TRICE X 750. SHEEPFARMERS' AGENCY. ■ 150 Hereford street. J? 9a B CYS a L'Etoile Car. This Car o*""' would bo very suitable for light grocerj- delivery. T!i 0 engine is in good running order. Adams, Ltd., 219 ♦ Tuam at rent. A2IOS-37tS NEARLY 6 ACRES. C ROOMS—JEISCO. MAKE SPLENDID POULTRY FARM. FOR Sa!", on account of ill-health, over 5J Acres Rich Heavy Land, situated Papanui. Ve/y valuable, fronlag© to Main road. Over GOO fruit trees, mostly young applee, Sttirmers and Wolaeleys, Good Fowlpens and Brooder House. Houso contains 6 largo rooms, h. and c.. bath, etc., washhouse, copper, and tube. Plenty of outbuildings. Only three minutes from town. This would make an ideal Poultry Farm, •while you can koop a cow or two nnd the fruit will help. Pricc. .£ISOO. £1200 of which can remain at 5i per ccnt. SPEIRS, SAUNDERS acd CO., 9St IG9 Coshel street. * Tor sale. - ' OA AA ACRES, Small Grazing Run. Rent fci'iuu xlso per year. Healthy 2-aheep uountry, situated about 30 miles from Napier. Price for goodwill onlv £2 per acre. SHEEPFAEMERS' AGENCY. 130 Hereford etrcet. BUYS », Smart Snnbcii.m Car, wwtJV fully equipped with lamps, hood, ; windscreen, full set of tools, wheel, etc. This Car is very cheap at this prico. We are prepared to give any trial. Adatna, j: Ltd., 219 Tuam street. A2ICS-3748 1 DONT MISS THE CHANCE OF SAVING MONEY. : A T N.Z. CLOTHING- FACTORY Sample ] l\- Sale. 3630 ;

WANTED TO PURCHASE. WAITED TO PURCHASE. WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, PIANOS, and SEWING MACHINES. If you wkii to Sell, bo euro and give us a ring or call. McKENZIE and WILLIS. Auctioneers, Cathedral square (next Post Office) Me6O2S-SHS "TX7"ANTKD. :'or bona f.cle purchaser. Mc-- •' ' dem -i-roomed House. central: also 5 Rooms, near or within 2d section. J. Mcacher and Co., 135 Cashei etreet. 1432 "I"V"AXTED to Purchase, a quantity o; '* Prime Oaten Chaff; also a iew tons Onions. J. Meagher and Co., 15j Caoh-. street. _li" Tiff ANTED Purchase. immediately, for c.'i«h » * client, Modern 5-roomed House, Dear penny section. pr:c? £G(K) to .£650. Forest and Perkins, •IS-'? Coloaibo strse:. Sydeitharc. _ -0 ~ BOARD AND RESIDENCE. BOARD and Lodgings ior Gentleman in business, Id section. Panai/iii line. G.T.. "Pre..-*." 110 BOARD a r.d lu'vicivr.cp desired by Gentleman, near Garden*. Terms must be moderate. Replv to G.l'.. ''Preifts"' Office. [ S9 BOARD and Residence required, centra:. Ilo;;l" "Home Scrvicc;." "Press" Office. ! ' - ,9 XTOUNG Lady wants Board in private I -I- family, City cy Pupanui road; moderate. Apply G.M.. " Prt'f-:" Office. 15 YOUNG Lady wouM. give company nnd assist mornings in exchange Board. Apply G.L., "Press'' Office. M MISCELLANEOUS. READ tbi: Extract* from the Flying Roll, obtainable from A. Hill, I- 0 OUivier's road. Linwood. 102 MADAM Farrell. Interviews Ladies at her Private Residence, 371 Montreal street, second Shop from Salisbury etreet Tram stop. 33 CHI MX JOY Sweeping—'Phone 12090, or S3 Andover etreet. T. Benjamin-Smith. 1151 SHILLING Trivots at ilinson'e. . Footwarmcrß and Hot Water Bags in all tizos. Sco windows. M6179-11M W HOOKER for Cheap Furniture. 11l • and 113 Armagh street. 3747 EKD Cross Sales Depot, nest G.P.0., has for Sale a really good' Motor-cycle and Side-chair, full}' equipped. On. view at Smith's Garage. 1130 |M_ RAMOPHON.ES, Records, largo 6tock cx j Ruapehu. Lrricplionee, Zonophonee, ! etc., Horn, Hornless. Moro and Co. Mako Winter Summer by buj-ing GTamophono; 4 guineas up. Moro and Co. 1"\ r AXTED Known—Curo for SlecpJceaiiees •' ' and Shattered Nerves. E. W. Jla 11, Herbalist. Armagh street. McINTYRE'S Extra Strong Penodlo Pill*. ! Recommended by ladieo. 4s 6d, chemists and stores. 82309-4246 MRS ltoas's Pille, obtainable from leading chomists. Look for ALre Rote'fi eigualuro ou every box. ■ 4460 ~Y\7'ANTED Known —Certain Curo for Itching Piles. E. W. Hall, Herbalist, Armagh etreet. T EATHEU Suite, C pieces, £3 IDs; ' J-' CoucTes, CJiairs, Tables, Cheap, at Hooker' 6, Armagli street. 3747 LEFT-OFF Clothing — Mrs luobson, 203 High affect (late of Dunedin), Cash Buyer of Ladies', Gents', and Children's Left-oft Clothing. Letters attended to. 'Phone 3G28. RSO3I RED Cross Sales .Depot, next G.P.0., has for Sal© VVliito Rabbits, Canaries, Dogs, Ironmongery, Grocery, Crockery, Furniture, Jewellery, Fancy Goods, Hooks, To vs. 1(30 BLOOMINE is a pains "taking" remedy. All tho difference between having painful corns and not having them is 6d, tho grico of "Bloom ino" Corn Cure. Sold _ Ivexywhere. H4052 SPRING BLOSSOM PILLS" Cure Liver Complaints and Indigestion, etc. Ato purely herbal, nugar-coated. . email pills email ao6o, small price—6d and la Everywhere. . ■. ■ H4G53 W HOOKER. Noted Cheap Furniture *« • WareTiousc. 11l and 113 Armagh streets 3747 WANTED Known—Certain Curo for In- : .''j digestion. Monoy xotumed if it fails <0 givo eatiefaxrtion. .E. W. Hall, Herbalist, , Armagh Btrcet. KITCHEN or Camp ICnlveß and Forks (black handle) 3s Kiir at Minson's. Silver "White Forks and Spoons really chea.p. . M6179-HM T EFT-OFF Clothing:—Mtb Meagher, Cash Buyer of Gents' Misfits, Boots, Trunks Portmanteaux, also ladies' and Children's Clothing. 133 "Lower High street. Zjotten promptly attended to. Telephone No. 3673. • M6ia , NEW Wooden Bedsteads, Box Mattreseoe, and Pillows, £3 os. Hooker, 111 and 113 Armagh street. 3747 Vt7\ANTjiD Known—Hall's Herbal Liver ' ' Tonic for ail I«ivor AfTections. E, W. Hall, Herbalist, Armagh street. . 58 the body polish, for your ' • ' ear. Try it, you will cay you have made a discovery. Mineon's. M 6179-1464 : LEFT-OFF Clothing.—Mrs Pritchard ia a Cash Buyer of Gents' Misfit and Leftall Clothing, Boots, Trunks, Portmanteaux, ind Ladies' and Children's Clothing. Spot wish. Ring up 'Phono 3394, or 'write 13 Victoria, street. P6079 \ LL Kinds Crockery, cheap at HookcrV, A ut and. 1.1.1 Armagh ctioet. 3747. ; TrfffKA, beautiful cliina for nice tables.' : U Reasonable and handsome dishes, tor presents at. Mitreon'?. M 6173-1451 R~ED — Cross Sales Depot, next G.P.0., • bafi Jiiscellaneoua Stocks for Sale, alid -equirefl tho patronage of tho Goncral Public. Help tho Fund. ' I^3o pSEL ard Inspect • Hooker's for . Cheap O Furniture. 11l and 113 Armagh street. . . ■ 374? . ED Croea Sales Depot, next G.P.0., wants gifts of Garden, Farm, and Dairy Produce, and anything saleable, to provide ' F*unds for oar Wounded Soldiers. 1130 •

Down ! Down ! Down !| Down Come Footwear Prices I At Stewart Robinson's I We're forever springing surprises oil the Christchurch public, "wcl- B come surprises at that. For two or three weeks we ve been hard H at it selling Balkind's line stock of Men's Footwear at less than pre- B war prices, and now we have secured a large range of Women s and Children's Boots and Shoes from Messrs. Skelton. Frostick & Co., so that, whole families can bo " booted " or " shoe-ed" at & big saving. A Fresh Surprise Budget of Bargains 60 pairs GIRLS' TAN and BLACK BUTTON BOOTS, 7 & 8 4/11 40 pairs BOX CALF 1 BAR SHOE, 11 to 1 5/11 72 pairs TAN ANKLE STRAP KICK TOE, 11 to 1 ... 5/1 1 12 pairs LADIES' EVENING- SHOES, all ... 2/6 pair 20 pairs Gents' Glace Kid Derby Boots, 43 pairs Ladies Evening Shoes— welted soles- Now 22s 6d Now 2s lid. 82 pairs Gents' Glace Kid Derby Boots, G3 pairs Ladies' Glaeo Kid Derby M. sewn Now 18s 6d. Shoes Now 10s 6d pair. 40 pairs Gents' Box Calf Derby, welted 14 pa i rs Ladies' Coloured Satin Shoessoles- Now 22s 6d Sale Price 7s lid. 16 pairs Gents' Heavy Sole, Box Calf Ladies' Camel Hair Slippers, Uppers, Derby fronts Now 255. leather soles— 3s 3d, 3s 9d, 4s 6d. 2PO pairs English Samplo Boots, tan Gents > p 3 tenfc Dancing Shces— and black 20s, 22s Gd. 2os. 4 S ]id j gs 6d. 8s Gd pair. 19 pairs Gents' Brogue Shoes, in black iy en ? s Gam Boots for shooting season— and tan (samples). 22s 6d. 255. " 255, 27s 6d pair. 85 pairs Men's Xaitedl Shooters-- Men>s aogs felfc lined _ 9s M pair . J8 pairs Youths' Ch'ro°m. BtZjUk, 28 """ Mcn '" 31,1 it olit sizes Ito 5. lis 9d pair. . T .. , n rfJ 1 L «£ bo pairs Ladies Glace Kid Derbv Boots 24 pair* Lad>e» Box Calf Derby Shoe. Now 10s lid pair 17 pairs Ladies Glace Kid Boot*— 20 pairs Ladies' Chroma Derby Shoes— Now 9s lid. At 9s P^ l "- Men's .Medium Chrome Boots— 24 pairs Ladies' Chrome Leglets, all 13s lid, 14s 6d pair. leather — At 12s 9d pair. 35 pairs Mea's Goloshes for wet wea- VJ pairs Maids' Split Leglets— ther— 3s p a f r _ At 6s 9d pair. SO pairs Ladies' Lace Shoes, neat toe, 20 pairs Girls' Split Leglets, 10 x 13— small sizes— 2s lid pair. At 5s lid pair. I Country Clients accurately attended to. Postage Extra—6d. B IT SALE NOW ON "W 1 I STEWART ROBINSON i I Boot Importer Cashel Street 1

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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15917, 2 June 1917, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15917, 2 June 1917, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15917, 2 June 1917, Page 14