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BROMLEY SCHOOL. | The Brorniey School Committee entert-ained the children at afternoon tea on Friday, when a sports wa3 got through, and* the prizes were preeonted by Mrs Christian. Every child received a packet of sweets presented by th© committee and Mr Brings. and a case o£ oranges presented by Mr Gates was also distributed. Messrs Mooro and Huggins acted as haudicappera and starters, while Messrs Lilly and Pol© were the judges. During the past three months the children have- given £2 Os 6d to Dr. Barnardo's Homes and £2 3a to the Belgian Christmas Fund. The following is tlie prize list : — Standard Vl.—Henry Stephens. Standard V.—Agnes Carson. Lorn Purchas. Lily Whitley, Fred. Beckingeale, Muriel Stephene. Standard IV.—Maud Neiland, Oscar Ellens, Gordon Olliver. Richard Penrose. Standard lll.—Lulu Huggins. Doris Stephens, Myrtle Smith. Ilenry Fowler. Standard 11.. proficiency—Roy Ana ley 1, Ruby Gates 2 Key Olliver and Ivy Olliver (equal) 3. Standard 1., proficiency—Nancy Thomas (prof, and attendance) 1. Joe Victory 2, Gladys Kennedy and Dorothy Simmons (prof, and attendance) Attendance prizes, Standards VI.. V., IV., ar.d lll.—Agnes C'arson, Horace- Hustle*, Lily Whitley, Frank Logic, Lily Chambers, Ivy Carson. Sta.uda.rd ll.—Claude Boundy. Standard I.—Bobbie Breeze. Infant Department.—Firstr-class attendance prizes: P. Division, Douglas MeHarg (full), Arthur Cardcn (full). Sccond-class attendance prises: Robert Peters, Jack Irving, May Craig, Olivo Caraon, Elizabeth Sebley. All the infanta received a present. RICHMOND SCHOOL. ■ The annua] brcaking-up oereiuony of the Richmond School took place on Friday afternoon. Mr H. Langford, chairman of the school committee, assisted by lire Langford, distributed the prizes and certificates. The following is the prize list: — Dux gold medal (presented annually by an old resident of district). Charles Stewart. Dux girl gold medal (presented by Hon. G. W. M.P.), Edith Anderson. Special Prizes for Marks. —Standard VI., Violet Montgomery; Standard V.. Haxly Abbott, Hclleu Ballantine: Standard IV., Iden Palmer; arithmetic, John Bairagi; special progress. John Binns: drawing. Standard VI.. Keith Ritchie 1, Lulu Stewart 2. Good Attendance Certificates. Standard Vl.—Robert Roy. Basil Watson, Cyril Doherty, Keith Ritchie, Jack Hindeuach, Malcolm Robertson, Aubrey Kingston!, Douglass Jewiss, George Wright, Violet Montgomery, Edilh Anderson, Molly Matheson, A 1 ice Raven, Irene Large. Edna Sutton, Lily Sunderland, llita Ford, Lear Butler. Standard V.—Hajcly Abbot, Leslie Cooke, Leslie Pimm, Eddie Appleyard, Arnold Lewis, Ernest Mali an, Fred Bone, Hector Bone, Alex. Bermingham, Owen Sprosen, Clarence Miller, Edgar Pillinger, Laeta Holmes. Florence Grubb, Muriel Miller, Muriel Mallet, Lizzie Nei'son, Florence Bell. Muriel Gullick, Mona Broadhuist, Ruby Clarke. May Johnson.

Standard IV.—Raymond Bridgraan, Edgar Burgas, John Mallet. John Mann. Basil Smellie, Kenneth McFarlane, Hubert Watson. Charlie Watson, Horace Smith. John Binns, Edward Bone. Edward Buist, Harry CaJdwell, Fitx Clarke. Horace Loos<\ CU'dt- Pillincrer. Kcitii Lam!). Ashley Smith, Emily Aieken, Fin-once Gullick, Dorothy Ingham, Jessie Anderson, Ruby Wrisht, Margery Reynolds, Kathleen Redpath, Eileen Ingham, Poppy Buiot. Annie Xei!.so:i.

Standard 111.-- George Cameron, Gordon Harris, Kay StockdaLe, Cyril Watson, Leslie Mahan. Ronald Falloon. Ken Ritchie, Cyril Montgorneiy, Milton Sutton. Cameron Torlance, Ejio Smith, David Donaldson, Oscar Burtt, Neville- Sproaen. Doris Bovce, Grace Pitcher. Alice Smith. Vera Bishop. Connie Shrubehall. Olivi- Davidson, Viola Ellis, Eileen Kearney. Maggie A.shcroft, Ngaio Turton, Mona. Moiling, Una Ingham, Edna Harper. Shiela Brown. Eileen StapWon. Standard ll.—William Low. Colin Robertson. Ravmond Hartignri. Harold Kearney. Cecil Kingsford. Clarence Mil'.cr. Wiilie Roberts, Arthur Watson. Trevor Ritchie. Rita Brown, Aleathea Collins. Eileen Donaldson, Belinda Kcos, Mavis Pillinger, Ruby Hardy, Winnie Reddell.

Standard I.—Jack A'Court. G eorgo A'Court, Keith Burtt. Dougbifl Bunl, Wilfred Foster, Yelma Halligan, Edward Inshnni. Stanley Roadnian. Stanley Kedaell, "William Sweenov, Ronald Woodfi. Elena T>urj;o3£t. Brit! Bovco, Dorothy Dakin, Olive Fletcher. Gladys Mcadowcroft, Jessie McLcod. ' Ivy Ponteocst. Margaret Neilson. Emilv Young. P. Classes.—Philip Binnn. Pairick Gotten, Kenneth Roadman. George Mann, Verma Jack. Isabella Neilson. Dakin. Francis Foster, Stanley Kill. Willie Smith, Tom A Court, Pom lfil!cr t Lily Donaldson. HORNBY SCHOOL. The annual conccrt of tho Hornby District School look place in the Druids' Hall on Thursday evening. The chairman of the school committee (Mr F. Ross) presided, and there was a- crowded attendance. An excellent programme, consisting of songs, recitations, and. physical exercises was provided by groups of children from the* different rooms, songs were contributed by Misses Foley and Bryce, and musical .'elections bv Misses Coulter and Hillary, and Maator O. MeGrath. The items by the children wero specially popular. An interesting part of the meeting was the distribution of close <»i 300 prizes (o the children. Special prizes for full attendance were presented to -13 children. The dux medal, presented by th.. headmaster. Mr A. C. Bow L> ves, was won by Herbert Nottingham. ' ° Proficiency certificate.? were liar.n.v! to :iic following boy«-J. Bennett. W. Biisch. J. Clarke, G. Wilkinson, and 11. Nottingham. Girls: H. Durham. 11. Freeman, K. J lot* A •Shelton, C. Taylor. ' At tile recent examination there were no failures jn tuc- proficiency The following eight .scholars ' were complimented by tj 3e chair,nan ..u li;,-rinß wrr. the Navy League easay i;,'o:i ccitificatc:—Standard VI. l:ovs: J. Ciarko J, H Nottingham 2; girls, K." Ross 1. C. Taylor " Standard V.: Boy;?, M. Kavauagh 1, H. Shirley 2; g.ris, M. Peo!ey 1. <7. I/?nno.>: 2. The school broke up for the Christmas holidays on Fnrlav.

GIiEENPAKK. The Greonpark Public School, broke up for the Christinas. vacation ]a3t Friday. As last year, the children preferred to Imago their 'annual picnic in favour of tho Belgian ,iUr lief I'uud. At tho prize-piving function on the achoolhouec 1av,71, Mr r'. Hubbard, clwirinan of the School. Committee, presided. Thero was a good attendance- of parents and friends, and the prizes were awarded by Mrs J. W. McMillan, as follows: — Preparatory classes—X'. J.: Cecil Bennett, Stanley Barnett, Kenneth Dulieu, Leslie Dulieu. Alan McMillan, Vernon Watson, Raymond Macartney, George Gardner, Trevor Everest, Eric Taylor, li'thel Brown, Gwendoline Everest, Xeta Everest. Edna Mocartnay, Annio Bailey. JL\ II.: Cecil Dennehy, Robert Mawer. P. 111.: Leo. Bamelt, Leonard Bennett, Norman Brown, George Lassen. May Hamilton, Nita Keust. Jean McMillan, Olivo .regIcy, Myrtle Taylor. Standard 1. —Ernest- Benrman. Edmund Hubbard, Clayton Mawer, Thelma Whitelaw. Standard II. —Stanley Ben::ett, John Clarke, George Everest. Bov Hamilton, Alan Mnngel3, Hectc-r Taylor. Maurice Taylor, Nellie Brown. Winnie Hubbard. Stundaid lll.—John Mangc.'e, Charles Newlyn. ChrisEie McK&e. Standard IV. —Daniel Hunter, Douglas Watson, Irene M. Carr, Jessie Mawer, Millie M. Morgan, Violet McVicker, Ina Stalker. Millie Hubbard. Standard V. —Charles Browr., Dennis Dennehy. George Pcglev, George Schroedcr, Doris BarneU. Myrtle Keast. Standard Vl.—Leonard Duttou. William McVicker. Kllcsmcrc Stalker, Margaret Carr, Vera K. Flcete. Sewing prizes—Upper Department: A'era K. Fleet*- 1. Myrtle Keast 2, Vioic; McVicker ;i (Mrs C. Andrcw'B pnzc-i. Lower Department: Nellie Brown 1, Jean McMillan 2 (Mrs G. Lassen'e prized, Edna Macartney 3. ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH DAY SCHOOL. The annual break-up of St. Matthew's Church Day School was attended on Friday afternoon by a large number of parents and friends, the vicar, the Rev. A. Hope, presiding. In one classroom theTe was a highly creditable display of handwork, including specimens of drawing in outline and mas 3. ■writing, modelling, knitting, cookery and woodwork. After a. ehort programme _ of singing and recitations had been given th« annual report was read by Miss Rowley, the head-teacher. It showed tjiat the school had passed, another successful yiear, which closed with a record roll number. The prizes, -•which were distributed by Mis Hore, were won &s follows: — Standard V.—Proficiency. Yerca whitehead ; woodwork and drawing, Charles Woodcrd; English, Leonard Scuffell; attendance, Osmund Basaer; home science, Cerna Whitehead. Standard IV.—Proficiency, Gordon Ireland 1. Millie Lawson -2; English, Keith Hendereon: arithmetic. Mona Carter: home6cierce, Bitr. Dawe; progress, Cyril Goode. Standard 111.—Proficiency, Pearl Nicholas,

Etissoll Mooro. G'adys Gross; aritlimetic, Donald Woodward; progress, Ivan Tucker, Irene Kingslar.d; drawing, OUo Murray; English, Ada Croeson; knitting, Nellie La»vson; attendance. George Scrimshaw.

Standard 1. —Proficiency, Irene Llovd 1. Duicie - Fowler 2: writing, Esther Blyth; English, Hoiden Mirams: drawing, Percy Campbell: arithmetic, Clifford Edmondi; reading, Rox "Wallace. Standard I.—Proficiency. Doris Tare 1, Ivy Sellars 2; composition, Marjorie Henderson; drawing, Gilbert Sharnian; writing, Dorothy Laby; neaxness, Phyllis Hobbe; progress, Jack Blake, Hine Fergusson.

p. p.—Proficiency, Iv=sic Cater. Gordon Carter. Ruby Forbes; writing. Zoe Lindsay: reading, Bervl Henderson. Joyce Grant: arithmetic. Charlie Stanley: composition. Roy Martin; singing. Daphne Laby: improvement. Jean Sella re, Roland Wallace, Fred. Ford; progress, Gordon Mirams, Clement McPhsil, George Campbell. Tom Page. P lll—Proficiency, Vera Yager, Nancy Clibborn. Venn Bradley: progress, Stella Chapman, Mercia Johnson. Grace Pilgrim. Barbara Pilgrim, Rowland Kingsland, 'N ictor P. ll.—Proficiencv, Nellie Anderson, May Ciark, Daphne Stanley, Eric Corderv. Elsie Varc. In the Diocesan Scripture examinations, prizes were won by Jessie Seymour, twi Henderson, and Ada Crosson; aud_cef' I 'j' cates bv Verna Whitehead, Gordon Ireland. Charles Woodrrd. Millie Dawson. CyrU C.oode, Leonard Scuffel!. Donald Woodward, Osmund Basher. Ivan Tucker, Bex Wallace. Sylvia Walton, and Allan Burnage. GILBY'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. The Mayor (Mr 11. Holland) presided over a large attendance of pupils of Gilbys Commercial College, with their friends, at tho annual breaking-up and prize distribution, in the Alexandra. Hal!, on Saturday night. The chairman addressed the audience on the value of the training wliich they were receiving at thi College. The present crisis had resulted in a tremendous opportunity r.ntl responsibility being placed in tho hands of women, and ho was glad to bo f-o'o that the women had risen to tho call. They were asked to do their utmost for the Empire in this the most critical stag© of her history, and by taking the places of the young men eligible for military service who had gone to the front, they were most materially assisting the Empire in it» hour of need. He paid a personal testimony to tho work done by tho Christchurch girls in this respect. In t-he case of a hardware merchant who had employed a girl in place of a voung man gone to the front, the employer so pleased with her work that he engaged another girl, and the rt.-sult was that tlio monthly balances, which in tho pre-'.', ar davs had been a continual source ot waste of "tuns and annoyance, were brought out aleolut-ely correctly. He was glad to be able to offer this testimony to tho work of the Christchurch girls, and had also much pleasure in distributing the prizes. The Director (Mr A. H. Gilbv) then read the report, which stated that the present occasion warf the twenty-ninth anniversary ot the institution of he College. The number enrolled during the year constituted a record, viz.. 438 for day and evening classes, showing an iucrease of 132 over last years figures. In order to deal efficiently with the increase- iu scholars, the stall' had been augmented by throe instructors, and now comprised no fewer than fifteen teachers —ten on the commercial side and five on the secondary side. He urged the fprls of the College to join tho Old Girls' Association, and commented on the fact that during the year hundreds of old buys had left for service at the front.' In fact scarcely a week passed without tho College receiving a letter intimating that the writer would not be resuming' as he had enlisted. Mauy, he regretted to state, had already laid down their lives on tlie field of battle. _ Iri a resume of tho year's work, the Director stated that in the professional accountancy examinations Mr H. Valentine had passed in two subjects, and had come first in New Zealand in advanced bookkeeping and auditing, paining the N.Z. Society of Accountants' fir«t prize of £5 ss, and qualifying for a. pass with honours. This is the second year that a student prepared by thU College has gained this distinction. Other eucccsses for the students of tho College were H. A. Stark, passed in four subjects, W. P. Dunn, and R. H. Graveston, passed in three. The report regretted the absence of Mr C-. H. Gilby from attending the function that evening owing,to ill-health. It- was the first occasion for twenty-nine years that he had missed. The report stated that tho College had been appointed the official college for Canterbury for free instruction for returned soldiers, under the scliemn formulated by the Society of Accountants (N.Z.). and any soldier honourably discharged . was entitled to receive free instruction. It- occupied a similar position in Tcgard to th© Women s National Reserve. *

Tho Mayor then distributed the prizes and certificates, as under: — . . Certificates for 191 G. National Shorthand Association—Junior tjpists' cxamiiiution, National Shorthand Association (Typists' Section), England: Iris Atack, Hilda Bird, Rita Bradford, Ethel Brooke, Edna Cavtn, Phyllis Coleman, Winifred Collins, Ivy Curragh, May Dalley, Katie Kllen, Violet Emerson, Gladys Ferguson, Miro Gopperth, Ethel Hann, EJJa Hargreaves, Eileen Horun, Ena Kennedy, Rita Maxweil, Flora McDonald. Rosio McDowell, Jessie McKenzie, Gladys Rugg, Olive Sharp, Florence Speirs, Ella Stark, Phyllis Waiker, Mary Were. Pitman's First-class or Speed Certificates — ]20 words per minute: Herbert Martin, Flora Pick, Mary J. Richardson; 110 words per minute: Greta Pitcaithly. Gladys Sewell; 100 words per ininute: Jessie Dalton, Miro Gopperth. Dorothy Nelson; 90 words por minute: Edna Caven, Winifred Collins. Ivy CuiTagh, Katie Ellen, Violet Emerson. Mcrcia, Juckman. Flora- McDonald, Jessie McKenzie, Gladys Rugg, Ella Stark, Catherine Mary Were; 70 words per minute: Iris Atack, Hilda Bird. Anita Bridge; 60 words per mimite: Muriel Cameron, Charlie Berg. Pitman's Shorthand Theory Examination (received February, 1916); first three in order of meiit —Greta Pitcaithly. Dorothy Nelson. Muriel Cameron, Ethel Brooke, Winifred Collins, Elizabeth Cooper. Jessie Dalton, Violet Emerson. Rita Haddrell. Janet Lawrence, Gladys Rugg, Gladys Sewell, Olive Siiarp, Gertrude Thomas, Lytic Vickery, Mary Were, Charlie Berg, Herbert Martin. College Certificate?. 140 words per minute: Miss 11. E. Buncehall; 120 words: Mrs A. Iredale: 110 words: Miss Ethel Hann, Miss Ena Kennedy; 100 words: Miss Hilda. Bird. Miss May Dalley, Miss Nina Penberthv. Mr William Gillespie; 5)0 words: Miis Stella, M'.Cdiiy, Miss Marjorie Philpott; <S0 words: Mies Elizabeth Cooper; 70 words. Miss May Wa ss; 00 words: ,Miss Manuela Banfield, Mis« Doris Payne, Mias Clive Q'jartermain, Mks Dorothy Vizer. Prize-winners on the commercial side— Typewriting: Gold medal, Miss Ethel M. Hann; prize, Mi«s Hilda Bird. Shorthand: Highest, speed ccrtificato gained during the year, Mr Herbert D. .Martin (120 words, per minute). Shorthand-typists' letter test : At 110 words ]>er minute. Mis» H. Bird; words per minute, Miss E. M. Hann; at 00 words por minute. Miss O. Quartcrruain. Shorthand theory: Longhand into shorthand and shorthand into longhand. Miss E. M. Hann. Business methods and correspondence : Miss E. Hann, Miss O. Quartermajn. Bookkeeping: Senior Division. Miss H. Hyde (Messrs L. M. Isitt. Ltd.'s prize); Intermediate Division (G;s»lc A). Mies M. Wilson; Intermediate Division (Grado B), Miss E. Ilann; Junior Division, Mr C. Waite. Handwriting : Miss 31. Wi!.-,nn. Spelling, diclatian, punctuation, etc.: Mis 30. Quartermain (Messrs Whitcombe and Tombs's prize); Commercial arithmetic: Miss Elsie Stephens.

.Secondary fide (prizes presented by Mr Scarse) —For general excellence of work and conduct. ;ind be a .i progress made during A lie .veor: Senior Division, Mia> 11. Garrett: Matriculation Division. Mies K. Bellweod. A inoßt enjoyable concert w:i» then given by members of the College and their friends. The programme consisted of a pianoforte duet driven by Misses G. llLiand M. .Sly, pianoforte solas b" Misses Stella Munchsy and E. 0. Wild, and Mr E. Cordery, a clever character sketch by jjirl students, who also p.-vo a chorus, Miss McAlkee and MiAd ]~ Pmiin/ord contributed songs. Mr K. Oliver gave a recitation, and Mr I». Munro a cornet solo. SL'MXEK KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL. The anr.nal distribution of prizes to the eehoiuvs alt-ending: Mi?a Pender's private school at Snniner too'c placo on Friday. The pi.'ze list Wis .13 follows: —lnfants—Ellen White. Colin Ye-ttman, Jeanett-e March, Hair.- Yates. Phyllis Smith. Class I.—Ei'-i Dt-are, Xorma Davidson, Jim Harley, Joar, Marquet. Class ll.—Jean Clark, Xeroii Smithson, Leslio White. Brian Baesett. Class III.—Noi? Do Paes, Kathleen Teape, John March. Standard I.—Freda Meadows. Jovce Bennett.

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 15776, 18 December 1916, Page 4

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PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Press, Volume LII, Issue 15776, 18 December 1916, Page 4

PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Press, Volume LII, Issue 15776, 18 December 1916, Page 4