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I.TN*COLN S HIR.E HANDICAP. (By Cable. —Press Association. —Copyright.) (.Received April Otli. 7.15 p.m.) LONDON. April 8. The substitute for the Linco'rkjhiie Handicap. n.n tiii'? vcav at Lir.rfeld, resulted : — Sir W. Cook's br li Clap Gate, by Long Tom—Amusement, syrs •• 1 Lord Durham's ch g Lux. by St. Victrix —Acetylene, tvrs .. 2 Mr Brough'a eh h Stapleton. by Po!ymelus —t'oxreso. syis .. ..3 "WELLINGTON R.C.S AUTUMN MEETING. (SPECIAL TO "TIIK PRESS.") WELLINGTON, April 5. The Wcl'ingtoji Kr.cing Club's Autumn Meerivs ~ ,v:: s concluded in dull and showery weather, and the a lter.dancc- was consequently iiffectod. white the .coin? was hoiriinj. The totalisat-or invest'ii-tr, :c were X40,7tl IPs, as against jL" 1-1,4-2 i) 10s tnr las*, year, making for tho .. of X.'l.liX'. .1? compared with i'Ttl.l.'itj ttue nrcvious Autumn Mect-i-c. .IJ'-ults: — SECOND JUMPKRS' FLAT HANDICAP, of •JJO so', s: second .;0 soys, and third it) sov6 from .stake. One iiiilo and turec furlongs. 1. Kmeny ar.d Lampitt's b g Y'adian, by Yi:«diniar —Remitted. svis. i<st t-i'i (•V. i'i'ico) 1 3. N. Brown's ch 3 Harbour Lij-ht, syi-s, 10st .">lb .. .. (,£. liet'cj) 2 4. i". J. Lvsnar'e ch g Hurukia, ;:g:d, !>.<t iolli .. .. 18. Paulgiainl •"> 2 Parowanui ??". 1-23iL. 'fj;; i:?. t> Ar.ington flat 711) it . Pi ice). a:ul o Queen s Posl "Jit (K. Hatch) also t'-nittd. (Winner urrd by JL 'n'. Pa:::., and trained lj .* W. liavnei".' n P.irewar.vii. H;iibou:- lijibt. ail'.' Queer* 3 Post made tli-j e.trlv running, with favourite las!. \'la<li.i:i inudo up sroin:d before entering the = ti—lia:id rnn:n; on we!! beat ILirltour l-igh; iiy two l-msrtits; lengths letwccn second a!id third. 'iin.e, '2nnt! 3lTce. HU'J'T HANDICAP, oi 2:).' f.vs: sreond 10 sovs, and third 'JO aovs from stake. One mile. 6. Hon. .1. D, Ormond's f Hvgiii, by Hvmettus—Simois, t'yrs. f?'. '.J. Buclvi::-.11) 1 1. Geo. Nash's b £ Taringsnuitu, 3yrs, Ost 1 lib .. ' Hatch) 2 3. G. lVnfold's l> e Waut. -Ivra, (B. I)ee'.?y) 3 ] Wishful Out 4] 1> (C. I'mcrsoni, 2 Cliillies 9st (A. Oliver). 7 Honmani.i t'st lib (A. Kcccl), •t Ogier yst JUi (■(.'. Price), and 5 Limpet £st (.J. o'Shea) r also started. (Winner bre<l bv owner and trained by S. " "Waddeil.) Limpet an-! Tarinjfamutu jumped away first. Tarinpamutu. Hygia. Roumania, and Want were piom:n(M;: in the r*' Hygia. came away and won I'v a 1 -:t 1 rrti 1 and a half, ju«t licatm? Want for second place; Roumania fourth. Time, lrain 43 2-oth sec. MURITAI HANDICAP, 01 200 rovs: sccond •10 sove, and third 20 sov3 l'rom stake. Seven furlongs. 3. .7. .T, Corry's b <; lice'.tap, by Achilles — Syre. 7st 12ib (B. Deoley) 1 1. Mr Loriug's br g Scaclown, 3yrs, Sat 9lb (A. Reed) 2 2. P. J Lvsnar's b g Cleft. 3vrs, Sst 9lb (P. Brady) 3 11 Ladify Pal Tib (C. Carmont), 4 Spain Sst Gib (L. Wilson). 9 I'oki Bst 2lb (J. Buchanan), -I B'ack Ad:i 7st Ulb. ear. 7st 11.'.1b (.7. O'Shc-a), 12 Tamo Duck 7st 81 b (H. Watson). "> Martial Air 7st Blb (C. Emerson). li I'eva'.cnta 7st 11'j (li. \ouug), S Captain Glossop tist l"lb (C. Sinclair), " Fran Bonnet Cat Ulb (G. Clarke), and 10 Ormesbv Bst 7!l> (B, 11. Morris), started (Winner l>rcd by L. Cole, and trained by A. Uorc.) Heeltap and Uran Bcnnet were first to show out. Seadown and Cleft challenged in tiie strais;!;t, but Heeltap won bv a. kn;tli; Cleft a neck away, To!;i fourth. Time, lmin 30 3-stli n_c. AUTUMN HANDICAP, of 500 eovs; second 75 sovs, and third 25 sovs frcra stake. One mile and three turlon»<!. 6. Sir Geo. Clilfoid's b c Adjutant, by Martian— Discipline, 3vrs, Gs'. 12lb (G. Clark-.-) 1 1. A McDonald's br g Montana, oyrs. 7st 131b .. • (C. Price) 2 4. F Dorset's cli f Kcd Ribljon, 3yrs, GsC iolb .. • (B. H. Morris) 3 2 Multiply Bst lib (Rov Keedi. 7 Puriwfiller 7st 111b i'C. Sinclair), 5 BUickail .fit 10lb, car. 'at (L. Wilson), 4 Sir Solo 7st 71b ("A. Rc?d). 3 Mouiu 7st 21b (11. Young), and 8 Marsinah Gst "lb (Con Reed) also started. (Winner bred by own?r. and trained by H. •and A. Cults.) From a sood start Adjutant. Montana and "Ma.Tsi.nah were first awav, and led out of the straight with Moulu last. At the six furlon" mark Moulu had taken charsre. followed V Pursefiller. Montana and Adjutant. Montana and Adjutant turned first into the straight, with the fWlc! close up. Adjutant finishing strongly, wen by a length; a head between second :»nd third; Sir Solo Multiply being next to finish. Time, •iiuin

PACIFIC HANDICAP, of 300 sow. second )' '!0 sovs an<l third 20 sov« from stake. ror two-veiir-olda. Six furlongs. • ° Mr Highdeu's cli f Oo6e Fire, bv Field . " * BatleVv—Truce, Tst Tib (car. 7st 8lb) (B. Dtelev) 1 3. T. 11. Lowry's b g Bjornsborg. Bst 9lb (J. O'Shea) 2 ' 1. Hon. J. D. Ormond's ch c liyllus, Bst llib .. • (J. Buchanan) 3 f G Koesian Bst 12lb (C. Emerson). 5 Mcne- ' !a\ia Tst Tib (A. Reed), 4 Pctruchio Tst 41b t (H. Young), f) Itaiput Tst 4lb (G. Jenkins), 8 Maorilander Tst 3lb, oar. Tst 41b (W. Averv), I 12 Rose Pink Gst Tib. car. Gut Blb (C. Sini clojr), 7 Tinkler Gst Tib (G. Clarke). 10 Devo- ' tion 6st Tib (J. Bryce), and 11 Miss Dcval r Cet Tib, car. Tst 3lb (17. Reed) r.lso started. (Winner bred bv owner and trained by G. E \ Price.) Cease Fire, Hy'ln*. and Mcnelnus were first ,' into the straight, where the first-named drew ; away, and. although strongly challenged bv Biorneborg. won by a lengtht half a length > between second a.?id third. Menelau3 finished > fourth clo_v up. Ti'Ji". lmin lGvc. . . TREN'J'HAM GOLD CCP, of 1000 sovs; sec- , oud 125 eovs. and third 75 sovs from ■ slake. For three-vcar-clds and upwards. Wcight-for-nge. Two miles. > 1, W. G. Stead's br g Eligible, by Boni- ! form —Cla.M, 3yrs, Tst 13lb (A. Reed) 1 2. T. H. Lowrv's ch c Balboa, lvrs. Pst (J. O'Shcfl) 2 3. G. Hunter's ch g Indigo, 4yrs, Bst lllb (L. Wikon) 3 (Winner bred bv Stead Bros, and trained by (T. F. Quinlivan.) Eligible made .ill his own pace, with ' Balboa in second position the former winning , easily bv two lengths, with Indigo five lengths nwav third. Time. 3min SSsec. SUBURBAN HANDICAP, of 300 sovs: second 40 savs, and third 20 eovs from Gtake. Six furlongs. " 5. Sir Geo. Clifford's b c Battle Eve. by Martini—To-mo>iow, 3yrs, Tst 21b (car. Ts.t 2.UM (H. Young) 1 3. Hon. J. D. Orniond's b g Hvg'uafi, 3yr«, Bst. 2lb .. .. (-J. Buchaimn) 2 1. A. W. Ogle'fl b g Astor, uyrs, g.= t (.1. O'Shea) 3 2 Swcrt Corn Gib (A. Oliver), G Recorder Tst 4Hi. car. Tst 411b (A. Bred). 4 Sea. Lord Tst 21 b (B. 11. M-on is), 7 Watchful fist 111b (C. Sinclair), and 8 lit. Victoria 6st Tib (G. Clarke) n'r-o st'irtcd. (Winner bred bv owner and trained bv H. and A. Cutts) Hyginas. Sea Lord, and Astor were first into th" straight, where Recorder and then Ba.t.Me Eve tackled the leaders. Battle Eve. fmiphin? strongly, scored by a length, with Astor half n length awav third. Sea Lord and Recorder bring fourth and fifth; Sweet Corn last. Time, lmin loser. BELMONT HANDICAP, r.f 200 sovs; second 10 sovs. and third 20 sovs from stake. Six furlongs. 1. W. H. Gi.isford's b f Oh-via, by Elyeian—Wairakau, 3yrs, Set Sib (E. Man.vm) 1 5. A. Cameron's blk m Lady Black, lyrs, Sst .Sib (car. B c t 01b) .. (T. Pritchard) 2 4. W. Hume's b f Comment, 3vn, Ts.t (G. Clarke) 3 3 Ring Lupin S=t 12!b (.7. Conquest). 2 Tango Sst 21b (B. Deeley). 7 Murtyrci T=t 11 lb (H. Your*?*. G Lady Multifid Tst Oil) (C. Sinclair), 11 J.lirarnlore Gst 121b (Con Reed), 0 Probation Gst inlb. rar. Tst s!b (C. Ca.rrnont). 12 Pali Mil! Gst Rib. car. Gst 12lb (G. Thorner), 10 Trickerv 6st Tib (B. H. Morris), and 8 N»nno Gst Tib, car. Tst 3lb (R. Reed) al=n started. (Winner bred by T. 11. Lnwry and trained bv J. Sullivan.' Ring Lupin showed up first, but Ohiwia, and Tang" >d into th» straight from Lady Blnrk and Martyres*. Lady BJack and ComJ mcnt came fast in tlie straight, but could not reach Ohiwia. who won by a. length; Comment half a length away third. Time, lmin 15 3-sth tec. WAIPUKURAU'S R.C.'S EASTER MEETING. (press association TELEGRAM.) WELLINGTON, April 8. The following handica,ps have been declared : — EASTER HANDICAP, of 130 sovs; once I round —Kooya 9st 9lb, Sir Alba 9st 71b, Zeus 9et lib, Despatch Carrier Bst lllb, Jem Sat 71b, Hylatus Sst 6lb, Paraoa. Bst, Finisterre 7et 12lb, Discussion 7«t lllb St. Omer T«t 101b, Sicily Tst 10lb. The Summit. Tst 101b, Fore 7st Olb, Morning 7st 7lb, Wliakahoki 7et 3lb. Montreal Gst 71b. Amical Get 71b, Marruwbiri Gat 71b, Tua-tahi Gst 71b. HACK HANDICAP, of 130 sovs: one mile and a quarter—Bunting Dat, Goldenlyie Bst lllb. Finisterre Bst 6!b, St. Omer fist 41b. ' Cleft Set 4lb, Fore Sst 3lb. Hineinanu 7st 13lb, Maroctotara 7st 10lb, Sensitive 7»t 71b, Amica.l 7«t Sailor' King G=t 101b, Waiaku i 6et 101b, King's Host 6st ]olb. WAIPUKURAU HANDICAP, of 300 aovs; j

on? mile ir.i:l :i quarter— Indigo Ost 911). R-ewi Polo 9st 2.b. Purflofilbi S:t Gib, Rupaltu Sst 51b, Konva fit 21b. Sir Alba Sst. Tuvifiock Tst 10lb, Join 7ft 3lb, Bunting Tst 3lb, Hiwil:ipu list llib. Discussion Crt Tib. Sicily Gst Tib. The Summit Cst 71b. Cleft l.'st 71b. TWO-YEAR-OLD HANDICAP, of 130 sov.i; five furlongs—Bc:tm<* Sst 9lb, C.irlatour Brt slb, Sarah Giond Sot lib, Idyllic Tsf 9lb, Lady IviUvoith 7s! 9ib. Circle Lady 7-t "lb. Powder King 7s| 2lb, Que?n Lizzie Tst. Hopeite Tst. Morganatic Tst. Genee Tst. Chemise 7st. LADIES HANDICAP, of 80 fir.vs; one mile and a half- Jem lost 9lb, Sbaki I3st 21b. The Summit lCst 13lb, Hurakia 1 i-'.t 9lb, Braoburn l?€t 4b, Sensitive I'-'e( lib, Miriam Hit j lillb, Montreal lb t 9lb, Kuropotangi list 9lb, Kiripuka list 91b, Mokai list 9lb, Black Po.vder list 9lb. Ana-totoro list 9ib. AVOOIO3mooloo lift 7lb. Kirkby list 7lb. Sailor Kill? Usl 7lb, Miss Re'a list 7lb. The Hound list 71b, Sinord J ).<* Tib. Tiiat.ahi list 7lb. Lady Hapuka list 7is, Turernna list 71b. King's Ho=t list Tib, \ruralah list 7lb. Quinton list 7ib. HATUMA HACK HANDICAP, of 150 nv>; five- furlongs—King cf Athol Hst 3ll>, Shaki Ust 3lb, Ilygia Bst 13!b, Finiaterrc Sst 101b, Conziska 8«t 10lb, Jack Jellicoe Bst olb, Bocleuham 3-t lib, Trial? Sat 3lb. COll Sat 3!b, Cherry Blossom 7st 13lb, Golden Glade 7?>t 121b. Maryland 7;', 1 lib. Admiral Beat tie 7<>t 9lb, Spectual 7st 7lb, Tame Duck 7st 3lb, Roderick 7-st 21b, Atuatoro Tst lib, Kaiserin 7«t, Bcuiths 7st, Cardrona 7st. Subduer Gst 7lb. KLYING HANDICAP, of 150 sov«: pix furlongs—Plll "3-c-filler 9?.t Olb. Ruouhu Gst 711), Zous 9i!. Sea Lord Sst 11 lb. "Watchful Sst 3lb. Hvgii S-t :tlb. Conzi?k:i. Tst ,131b. Parana 7st K'lb. D ; «cre3ion 7st 10lb, Tolrj Tat. 10lb, Trial." 7st 7lb. Cbcrrv Blr,>-=om 7st 31b. Maraetotnra 7st. B::otl? 7st. Step 7st, Tamo Duck r.M 7'b. Manmvhiri Ist 7lb, Miss R?ta Gst 7!b, Zaunone Cst 71b. KUMAKA II.C.'S ANNUAL MEETING. (SI'KCIAJ. TO "THF. I'KKSS." ) REEITON, April 8. Tlie- following handicaps have been declared : — TRIAL STAKES, of 45 sots; six furlongs —Clanmena 9st 121b, Gasoline 9st 9lb. Mulga Bill 9et, V.'aipnnui Bst 121b, Sir Hamilton Sst 101!., Olencunnich Sst 91b, Glcnowl Sst 81b, Listen Sst 71b, Mollyliawk got slb, Invader Sst, Nut 7st 131b, Wild Bird 7st 12lb. Alform 7st 7lb, Bayforu: 7st 71b. Eliino 7st 71b. Aeturias 7k( 7lb. 1- LYING HANDICAP, of 50 sovs; fiv« furlones—Clanmena 9st 121b, Cervulus 9st 101b, Melford 9st Blb, G rattan 9st 81b, Hymettius 9st 21b, Golden Morn 9st'llb, Epworth 9st, Sea King 9st, Tip Up 9st, Royal Dragon est 12ib. Bonation 8«t 101b. Listen Sst 7lb. "Whisperer'Bst 51b, Ccsv Corner Bst 31b, Jzduljar 7st 12lb, Don Charl 7st 9lb, Forance 7st 71b, Epaule 7st 7lb. Astunaa 7st 71b, TVar Strain 7st 71b. KUMARA HANDICAP, of SO sow. nn» mile and a quarter —Glenongly 96t, Mulga Bill Sst Gib, Treadfiio Sst lib. Royal Dragoon Sst, Don Francisco 7st lllb. Waikchua 7st lllb. Nut 7«t lllb. DILLMAN'S HANDICAP, of GO sovs; five furlongs'—Cl;inm?iia 9st 121b, Cervulin 9st 10lb, Gasoline 9st 911) Grattan Sot Blb, Hy•mettius 9st 21b, Golden More- 9st lib, Ep".vorth Sst. Sea Kinc 93t, Royal Dragoon Sst 12ib. -Bonation Sst jOlb. Glencannich Sst 910, i Whisperer Sst slb, Don Charl 7st 91b, Bay- I form 7st 71b. Asturias 7st 7lb. Alform 7st 711.1. Epaule 7st 7!b, Foraneo Tst 7lb. WESTBROOK WELTER, of 05 eovs: seven furlongs—Clanmena lOst 51b. Glenonsly lOst 3lb, Garolins lOst 21b. Melford lOst, Mulga Bill 91b, Treadfn'c 9st 71b, Waipunni 9et 31b. Sir Hamilton 9=t 3lb, Royal Dragoon 9st 3lb, Glencannich 9st 2lb. Glencwl 9st lib. Don Frarcisco Sst. Listen 9st, Wliispeier fist 121b, Moliymawk Sst 121b. Invader Sst 7lb, - The Nut Sst Gib. Wild Bird Bst slb, Izdubar ?st o'.b, Waikehua Sst 4lb, Bi'.vform Kf=t. MILE TROT of 60 sovs —lanto «cr, Kitty Dillon scr, Ned Corbctt 3sec, Rouble 3sec, Wccdlar.d Dell t«ec. Littl-" Rosa. 4scc, Telltale Hnec. Chief Spec ssoo. Troian s=ec, Mis 3 j Clark— Gser. Stormkss Tscr. Counsel 7sec. Miss Marion lOsee. Colintraivn 12s<!c. Colons! Havolock 12ser. Wrekin Hsec, Letitia 1 isec, ! . Osier Msec. Edina 14w, Maasa<ina ]">sec, I F'orenco ]s«er, Whisporing Eov 1 Primo ! Minister 16sec. V."co Pat !6scc. Wattlewood j igsc-.-. : SECOND TROT, of Hfl <sovs: one and 1 a half —lanto scr, Ncy.l Corfcett Isec. Wood- 1 1 land Dell Gs?c. St. Jo? 6?ec. Chief Spec 7ssc. ; . Telltale Tsec. Mifs Clarice Ssen. Lfiuderliill ' fisee. Kills William lUsee. Miss Rye JOsec. j ; Counsel Iflsec, C'apewell ITser. Colintraive j ; lF.=?c, Colonel Have'.ock Wrekin 21sec, ICdina 21ser. Lptitia. 21see, Florence- 22see. Prime Mini't'.' 2;Nok-. Wattlewood 23?0c. Wee Pat ifisec, Si'ver Rve 2Gsec, Whispering Boy • 2Gsec, Hydroplane 1

AUCKLAND lI.CVS AUTUMX MEETING. (I'RKSS ASSOCIATION' TKI.EGHAH.) WAXCiANUI, April n. The following handicaps havo been dec.arocl : XKLSOX HANDICAP, of 200,fovs: one mile— Pnteonsja !)st. Kionnul.i fist n!lb, Tlinolomi Hst 12lb. Marble Star P?t IC'lb. Salvia Bst Olb. Gallupin fist Olb, Cleft P."* 81b. Glittering Sands fist Gib. Permit. 8-~t fill). The Colt Bst Sib. Plenipolent Sat lib, Jlari««itone fist, Dancastor Tst I3'l>. Kereone Tst 12lb, Charlcro=o 7-=t. 101b. Fi.'-her 7st 10lb, Gold Xecklet Tst 1 Olb. Kineform Tat fill). Parawai Tst 81b, Penniless 7lb. Ach:'ic" r 7>t 71b. Toro Toro "fit C!b. llemispliero 7»?i (>':!/. Peiidcon Tst. 51 b. fc'e.i De'il T?t Hilj. Don't Tst .Tib. Nildah Tst nib, Mis= Avalanche Tst 3ib, Anxious Tel, Tamahi?re Tst. Idra T«t, Caber Fraph Tsl. KDEX HAXOICAP. of 'SSO sov's: n-ven furionjrs—Chort'e 9st Olb, Merry Hoe &«t 7lb. Tfte-a-teto 9M Sib. Crown Pearl Sst <lb. Kwr-rt Corn fist 31b. Multiplication ifet. Hydrus Tst IClb, I.«ady Penur* 7st 9lb. Centre Tst Sib, 7/e'ea 7st 71b, Goldfire T&t 7lb, Kauri Kin~ 7st Gib, C-oleraine T«t slb. Waiorewa 7st slb, Achilledes Tst nib. Loyal Arc.)) Tst 7lb, Munster Tst 2lb, Soultane Tat lib, Lolorna Tst lib. Tinorelca Tet, Si<*no Tst, Thoolomi Tst, Multifual G?t l.tlb, Watchful 6st 121b. Lady Glen Ost 10lb, Glissando Gst 10lb. Worcester 6st 10lb, Delenda. Gat 10lb, Taj Mahal 6st Tib, Gold Lac tet Tib. OXSLOW HAXDICAP. of 200 sovs: five furlongs—Wa.iuta Sst 121b. Beltane Sat olb, Hexton Sst 21b. Cnltriform Tst 13lb. Independence Tst 111b, Lady Kilworth Tat 11 lb, Grand Duchy Tst 1 Olb. Sir Ralph Tst Tib, Homeric Tst 31b. Tinkler Trt lib. Rita.*-a. Tst lib, MRegel filly T<>t, Debutante Tst, Sweet Angelus filly Tst. Marabout Tst, Erroneous Tst, Multimore Tst. Wiri T=t. Kirungu Tst, Honey Bee Tst. Kern Watch Tat. PRESIDENT'S HAXDICAP. of Zoo srrs; one mile and a quarter—Master Lnpin !Mt. Multin'y fist, 1 lib. Blackall Bst 61b. Pursefiller Sit Gib, Alullingar Szt lib, El GaJio Bst j

-lib. Soldier Sst lib, Multicipal Bst, Goldsize Monojack 7.=t 101b. Marco Bo Ho 7st 9lb, Self "si Olb, B'ue Garment Tst 2lb. Muitifual 7st, Hadj 12lb, Permit Cst lllb. AUCKLAND T.C.'S AUTUMN MEETING. (P?.I«S ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.) AUCKLAND. April S. f lis Auckland Trotting Club's Meeting was concluded ta-day in fine weather. Tho totalisator staff handled £1-1,564. making a tota l of £2(1,721 for the Meeting, as compared with £'31319 10a at the correepanding Meeting last year. Results: — BAHN HANDICAP, of 80 soya : one mile and a half—Araazona. 2scc. 1; Dignity. 12sec, 2; Misa George, 9sec, 3. Ten started. Amberits was favourite. Time, •ltuin 18 2-sth see. MAXUKAU HANDICAP, of 75 sovs; one mile and a half—Charlie's Aunt, lobcc, 1: Te Awa, 15-iec. 2; Silver Grid, 12sec, Twelve started. Bronze Patch was favourite. Time, 4m:n -12 2-sth sec. LIVERPOOL HANDICAP, of 250 aovs; two miles—Petri d'Or. 9sec, 1 ; Wallace M., Usee, 2; Walnut, Gscc, 3. Nine etarted. Mintson wa« favourite. Time, smin isec. AUTUMN HANDICAP, of 150 eovs; two miles—dive, ecr, 1; Tim Doolan, 15sec, 2; Flora Mcltinuey, 4scc, 3. Six started. Flora. McKinney was favourite-. Time, smin 10 3-5 tli sco. 4 ADAMS MEMORIAL, cf 150 sovs; one mile and a half—Mintson, scr, 1: Huon Patch, Gscc, 2; Floranz, S*K-C, 3. Eleven started. The winner was favourite. Time, 3min 35scc. HILL TROT HANDICAP, of 150 sovs; two milca-v-Syrio, Usee, 1: Auckland Girl, 7«ec, 2: Kirikiriroa, Gscc, 3. Thirteen etartsd. The winner was favourite-. Time, omin 0 2-s'.b sec. FAREWELL HANDICAP, of 125 bovs; ono mile—Sanddrift, Oaec, 1; Salamander, Gsec, 2. Floranz, 9sec, 3. Fourt-een started. Salumandcr was favourite. Time, 2min 24 2-sth «ec. MEMBERS' HANDICAP, of 300 aovs; one mi)* and a quarter—Steel Bel], 2sec, 1; Alf McKinney, Gsec, 2; Prince Jlufua, -isec, 3. Twelve started. Time, 2min 54 l-sth sec.

XEW ZEALAND METROPOLITAN T.C.'S EASTER MEETING. The following handicups have been declared for tho first day of the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club's Easter Meeting: — INTRODUCTORY HANDICAP (harness), of 150 aovs. 3.33 or better. One mile and . % half. Ngaraima .. scr George Vera K. .. ssec ALcivinney .. 7<*ec Irvar •. oeec Kokemoev .. 7eec Icicle .. tisec Texaa ». 7sec Sinoaa .. 6sec True Spec .. 7scc General Wilkes 6sec Queen Patch .. Bsec Specification Marizion .. Bsec Jim. .. Cioc Lord Audley .. Saec Watchman .. Gsec General 3-ink .. Ssec Nutwood Junior Gsec Agathos .. fisec Galindo Lou .. Usee Darkness .. Ssec La Franz .. "sec FENDALTON HANDICAP (in saddle), of 150 sovs. j.]o or better. Two inilce.

Mokau ..ecr Macwood .. 13sec Mushroom .. Ncr Pine Bell .. 13sec Mies Salsbury 2sec Jefsie's Dream Usee Adventuress .. Rudflton .. 14sec ! Albertoria .. ssee Idol .. :.?-.c. I Havana .. stec Blythc Lad .. l'scc James Madieon lOsec Huon Child .. 17sec Arcadian .. ]osec Happy Jack .. 17scc Dubosc .. .1 C3ec Lionheart .. 17sec Paddy Lynd .. Usee Eric Child. .. 17sec Bow Bells .. llsec Ivory Bells .. 17sec EASTKK HANDICAP (in harness), of 350 sovs. 4.40 or better. Two miles. Don Ctesar .. ecr Rena Pointer .. 7sec Admiral Wood 4»ec Adonis .. Srec ■Jinglo .. iccc Princess Tommy C. .. 53? c Sherwood .. Ssec Adelaide Dircct sscc Rod Mac .. llsoc Evelyn .. jpoc Hal ZoJock .. Osec Wallace Wood tisec Author Dillon.. Oscc Persuader .. 7sec Little Til) .. ICsec Frandocia. .. 7sec The King's Succeed .. 7sec Genera! .. lOsec AUTUMN HANDICAP (in harness), of 150 sovf. 4.52 or better. Two miles. Muricata .. ecr Mystic .. 2-? c Master Lord Roanchild lOsec Raymond .. Isec Norval King .. JOecc Elcrtrociit» .. 2soc Auckland Girl lOsec Michael Galindo 2sec Olivo L. .. ]osoc Cl:v2 .. 2;; c Paul Huon .. Usee Q'l-nccy .. .'!sec Red Heather .. 12sec Annie K. .. 4?ec King Canitalist J2eec 'I"nißanini .. (isoc Chub " .. I2;;c

Fiamin-ro .. I XT E R X ATI OXA L HAXDTCAP (in harness!, of 230 eovs. 2.50 or hotter. On© mile and a quaite". Kmm?li»o .. scr Crom6taj] .. .isec Tommy C. .. J sec Dillon Bell .. 4«cc Solo i .. 2s cc Dredemona .. 4se<: St. Kevin .. 23cc . iliutson .. 4scc T)on Ci»«ar .. 25rc Adonis .. Spec Adelaide Direct 2scc Bingana .. ssec Leer n trie .. flser, Sherwood .. rroc Frank Tracev.. 3sec Persuader .. 53cc IMI'IfOVETIS' HANDICAP (in harness), of 1.10 sov=. 4.30 or better. Two miles. Hunn Drift .. scr Flora McKiiincy Osec RaMnir:: .. (j=cc Vera K. .. 9»oc f'.npriceio .. Tsec Oinako .. flsoc Makn ilako .. Tsec Wineatui .. lOsoc OrnriT/; Hard .. Rvc Sceptr.* .. lOsec 0.1.C. .. Ssec The Chief .. lOsec Specification T!rss»ic Huon .. lOsec •Jnn. .. F.-?c !<•:>'.> .. ]o» ec Tamarisk .. F~ec General V'vlio llsoc Gold C>-est .. !)sec Gertie L. " .. llaec Law Chimes .. 3c/> r FLYIXO HANDICAP fin hamw«\ of 130 «ovs. 2.1S to 2.?''. One Th-». KinT's Harold Minto.. Gene--"! .. per Piecework .. .Isec Bo=c Dillon .. Tree Al Franz .. Hsec Ottawa .. Tier OheNton .. 4mc The T'hin .. 1 «>e Sir Elmo 4aec Tamarisk .. 2sec Cordon .. 4fu*c Crown Prince.. Gsec \Coodvere .. 4sec A .. EXPRESS HANDICAP (in «saddM of 150 sovs. 2.20 or better. One mile. Frandocia .. scr Ottawa .. Ssec Pnr.resß Beouest .. Ssec Sherwood .. Tvc Oalranita .. Ssec Mountain TJoee irrc Rawene .. Ssec Serchelles .. Abcrfeldv .. 4sec Franza'ena .. 2"=ec Vermont .. 4?oc F. E. Bella .. ' 2«ec Promotion .. 4<=ec Phin<»ari .. Iwr Law Chimes 4sec Submarine .. 2sec note' H. Gray's term of disqualification expired last week. Eligible won tlio Gold Cup at Trontham in very smooth style. Only Indigo and lin I boa opposed him. but the raeo was full of interest, and at oaa

time some of ilio spectators thought ■ there was going to bo nil exciting finish. The three-year-old, however, won comfortably at the finish. Petruchio took no part in the Pacific Handicap at Trentham on Saturday, as lie would not lfcave the mark. This colt will do well presently, when ho is more accustomed to racing. Ceaso Fire won the race very handsomely, after always being in the leading divi- • > sion. She is by Field Battery from tho Wanganui Cup winner Truce. ■ j Sir George Clifford had a good day ~ at, Trentham on Saturday, when Adjutant and Battle Eve won the two principal handicaps. The Martian colts ran well, and finished gamely, and acquitted themselves of the charge of not running their races out. Adjutant set tho ?- pace at the start of the Autumn Han- /... dicup, but was steadied and allowed [ to come out and win at the right time.,; v Battle Evo was, of course, helped by v his light weight. His style, was" good, and he will benefit by tho racing at Trentham. . Thcro wore one or two sensational incidents connected with tho Plunkei • \ Nursery Handicap at Trentham on 1 Thursday. The .horses do their preliminary tho reverse way to prevent unnecessary wasto of time getting to , the starting Dost. Cease Fire (one of the Higlidcn bracket) tried to get back v / in tho saddling paddock gate, and I i throw AV. Bell, who struck heavily -i' against the upright of the mile and »- ' i quarter starting nosti The rider named was knocked out, and was taken away in the military ambulance. It was asc-er- - tained later that three of his ribs wero / : i. broken. Under the circumstances, permission was given to withdraw Ccaso • ' v. Fire. After tho field had gono about... .'■>} two furlongs Lady Ivilworth (who car- '( : - rierl Mr T. PT. Lowry's colours) foil. Sho : S f quickly regained her foot, and finished with the rest of tho horses. About the". V srmo time The Monk was pulled iip,'- : --;-'v£ and his rider dismounted. It'was found'' that he had broken a fetlock, and its was destroyed.

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 15561, 10 April 1916, Page 10

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SPORTING. Press, Volume LII, Issue 15561, 10 April 1916, Page 10

SPORTING. Press, Volume LII, Issue 15561, 10 April 1916, Page 10