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SOUTHBRIDGE HOETICULTUEAL SOCIETY. Tie Southbririgo Horticultural Social? held it 3 eighteenth annual show at the Town Hal! on Thursday. Notwithstanding the unfavourable eeason, the entries were very good, and the quality of the exhibits was tho subject oi very favouiablo comment, on the pari, oi the Judges. Tho opening ceremony ivae performed by the Hou. C. .A. .C. Hardy, M.L.C., who v.-as introduced by the vice-president of the Society, Mr J. S.. Inwood. Mr Hardy 6iid he very pleased to be pretent as leproscDtativo of tho patron of the Society, Uo.oucl tho Hon. H. Mcaton Rhodes, who v.ouid have uccii present himself had he not . been engaged on more important business. Xhey. uefd all very, proud of tho work Colonel I!bodes was aoing in the intercats p: tha men at tho front, and in the liosp;tals. Mr jtlardy congratulated the Society upon tho exhibition, and afterwards rnaae an appeal to the ladies present to do all they could to aid recruiting. The ehow was very well atteuded, both in the afternoon anil evening. The Southbridge District iiand contributed a programme of music. The judge-3 v.cre: —Fruit, flowers, and vegetables: Mr A. E. Lowe (Otabuna). Industrial work: Miss Calder (Christchurch). Prodiire: Mrs Johnston (Lecston) and Miss War-hbourno (Sclwyn). Photographs, woodcarving. and oil painting: Uev. H. G. Hawkins (.Southbridce). Following is the prize lict. the number of entries in caeh class being given in parentheses: — TOT PLANTS. (Stewards: Dr. Withers, Messrs H, J, Cireenwood and J. C. Free.) Aspidistra (1): J. S. Inwood 1. Double fuchsia. (1): JJrs M. Moorhead 1. Single geranium (<): A. Greenwood I, Miss C. Cowan Two single geraniums (2): Miss C. Cowan 3. J. G. Patterson 2. Double geranium (1): Mis 3 C. Cowan 1. Two double geraniums (1): Miss C. Cowan 1. Tw geranium (5): Miss C. Cowan 1, Hiss Euddock 2Pelargonium <1): I). Tong 2. Specimen foliage plant (1): J, S.. Chapman 1. Bslsam (3): Mis 3 C. Cowan 1, G. Mumby Creeper (1): D.' Tong 1. Any plant not in catalogue, other than fern (I): D. Tong 1. CUT BLOOMS. (Stewards: Messrs •!. S. Inwood, O. J. McPherson and TV. Scott.) Three carnations, varieties (5): J. Moorhead 1 and 2. Collection of carnations (2): J. Moorhead 1. Miss Ruddock 2. Threo picotecs, varieties (-): J. Moorhead 1. . . Six pansies (2): J. Moorhead 1 and 2. Eighteen pansice, varieties (2): J. Moorhead 1 and 0. St-eru of lily or lilies (3): J. G. Patterson J, Mra.Goulden 2. Three gladioli, varieties (S): Mrs A. J. Inwood .1, Mrs Goulden 2. Collection gladioli (3): Mrs A. J. Inwood 1, J. G. Patterson 2. One rose ,(6): J. Moorhead 1, Dr. Withers Three rises (5): Miss Inwood '1, Dr. Withers 2. Sis ro3es (5): Dr. Witherß 1, J r Moorhoad Twelve rose?, varieties (3): Miss Inwood 1, .T. Moorhead 2. I Eighteen roses, varieties (1): Dr. Withers' 1. ■ . Premier toso bloom': Miss Tnwood 1. Throe pentstemons, varieties (3): J. Moorhe»d !■ and 0. Three single dahlias, varieties (1): J. G. Patterson 1. Three double dahlias (1): J. G. Patterson 1. Th-ee cactus dahlias, varieties (1): Miss Ruddock 1. Three verbenas (3): • D.- GiLmour 1, J. Moorhead 2. Three ten-week stocks (1): Mrs Goulden 1. . Three Indian pinks,' varieties W: -T. Moorhead 1, Miss Bishop 2. The judge recommended that the class should be altered to read dianthus instead of Indian pink. Collection nasturtiums, varieties (4): Miss Scott 1, Miss Starry „2. Collection ncmesia, (2): J, Moorhead' 1, Miss Inwood 2. > - < • Three French marigolds' (2): r J). Giknour 1. J. Moorhead 2l Three phloxes, perennial'(2): 'Miss Inwood 1 and 2. Collection phlox drummondi (4): Mrs A. J. .Tnwood 1, D. Tong 2. Three hollyhocks (1): Miss'.Simpson I. Threo single petunias, varieties (6): J. Moorhead 1, Miss Bishop 2, Mrs E. McConnell 3. Three double petunia*, varieties (5): J. Moorhead 1, Mrs B. McCounell 2. Threo zinnias, • varieties (1): •J. G. Patter6on. 1. ' ■'• Cut bloom of geranium (4): Mrs E. Schnelle 1, Mrs J. Anderson 2. Collection Iceland poppies (3):- Miss Inwood 1, D. Tong 2. Collection • geraniums, varieties (5): Miss Inwood ly Miss Simpson 2. Collection gailtardia 16): Miss Jtuddock 1, J. Moorhead 2. Collection ealpiglossis, varieties (2): J. Moorhead 1 and 2. . Collection ■ calceolaria, (1): J. . G. Patterson 1. Collection-cut annuals (1): J. G. Patterson 1. Collection sweet pea*. six varieties (3): Miss Hill 1, Mrs J. CoUier 2. Twelve varieties ewee.t peas (I): Mies Hill Twenty-four varieties sweet peas (1): Mies HiJI 1. Collection **iit blooms, perennial or annual (21: J. G. Patterson 1. Miss Bishop 0. Hydr-nee*. (3)- Mrs A. J. Inwood 1, Miss Olive Hampton 2. FKCJIT. (Stewards: Messrs B. Rowe, J. Moorhead, and W. McCausland.) Twenty-four heaviest, gooseberries (1): G. Moorhead 1. Pint dessert ' gooseberries (1): A. Greenwood 1. •. Pint raspberries (3): J. G. Patterson 1, Dr. Withers 2. Twenty-four cherries (3): W. J. Bishop 1, 0. J. Inwood 2. Sis peaches (2): W. J. Bishop I, Mrs J. Anderson 2. Six apricots (2): Mrs Howateon 1, G. Hampton 2. Six plums (7): Mrs A. McCarten 1, G. Moorhead 2, W. J. Bishop 3. Six dessert apples (2): W. J. Bishop 1, Mrs C. H. Piper 2. Collection apples, six varieties (4j: John Christey 1, Bern McEvedy 2. Collection pears, three varieties (3): Mis W. Beamsley 1, M. Dugan 2. Pickling walnuts (7): M. Dugan 1, Miss Olivo Hampton _2. G. Hampton 3. Six cooking apples (7): Mrs A. E. Whale 1. Miss Gordon 2, Mrs C. H. Pioer 3. Collection fruit (1): W. J. Bishop 1. DECORATIVE. (Stewards: Mrs O. J. In-wood, Miss Scott, and Mr E. G. Hubbard.) Ornamental basket (1): Miss Hill 1. Two buttonholes for gentlemen (6): Miss M. Moorhead 1, Miss Storfy 2. Most artistically arranged bowl of flowers (1): Miss Hill 1. Dress bouquet for lady (2): Miss M. Moorhead 1, Mrs J. Collier 2. Lady's spray, made by gentleman (3): ,T. Moorhead 1, T. J. Carter 2. Dinner table centre decoration (2): Miss A. , Withers 1, Miss Hill 2.

VEGETABLES. (Stewards: Messrs D. Tong, A. Greenwood, T. Withers, and H. G. Hubbard.) Twelve butter beam (6): lira Piper 1, SI. Dngan 2. . Twelve broad beans, any variety (3): J. G. Patterson 1, M. Hants 2. French beans (2): Mrs Collier 1, Mrs Piper 2. Twelve runner beans (3): August Berg 1, J. "Williamson- 2. Collection dwarf and runner beans (1)- Jf Hants 1. Two cabbages for table (6): J. Carter 1, G. Moorhead 2. Heaviest cabbage (2): W. Le Comtc (OilM 1, J. Carter (Btfb) 2. • J Two Savoys (1) : M. Dugan 1. Vegetable marrow for. table (i). Sir* J. Anderson 1, J. Williamson 2. Heaviest .vegetable marrow (a): O. J. Inwood 1, J- Williamson 2. Twenty pode peae (2): H. Sclaella 1, J. S. Chapman 2. Half-pintshelled peas (1): J. g. Chapman 1. Six stalks rhubarb (4) : H. . Sehnelle 1, 3. Williamson. 2. Six tomatoes (1): Kobin Willie 1, J. G. Patterson 2. Three lettuce "(6): J. Chmtey 1, J. S. Chapman 2. Three long red beet (o): J. Williamson 1, J. S. Chapman 2. Thre« srlobe red beet (13): J. S. In wood 1, O. J. Inwood 2, Mrs J. Collier 3. ■ Six carrots for table (10): G. Mo or head 1. J. Christey 2, J. S. Inwood 3. Twelve potatoes, white ekin (6): J. Williamson 1, G. Hill 2. Twelve potatoes, red skin (2): ILiss M. Ritchie 1, H. Schnelie 2. Twelve potatore. 3 rui-joties (3): J. Williaroeon 1, Dr. Withers 2. j Six onions (5): J. Williamson 1, J. S. -Chapman 2.

Twenty-four pickling onions (2): J. 8. Chapman 1, Mrs C. H. , -r Threo parsnips (13): J• Williamson 1, JCarter 2 0. J. Inwood 3. Three tabic turnips (1): "William Kovro 1, J. Chri'stey 2. . • . . Three swedes (1) c A. Greenwood 1. Six radishes (1): J- f' ar j£ r J". „ . Collection-vegetables (1): H. Schnelle 1. Collection of vegetables, grown in school gardeu by . boys (3): August Berg 1, -LiRiordan 2. INDUSTRIAL WOKI*. (Stewards: liis3ea McCausla'nd and Moorhead, ,»d llr T. Ureenall.) Mount mcUk.; work (2): Mie3 Hastings 1. Miss ituby Millar 2. .Drawn thread work 1.1): Mie3 Hastings 1. iivelet. embroidery (3): Miss A. AN itliere 1 and ii, Mm M. Moorhead 3. . Bulgarian' embroidery ; ■ Mrs O. xsairn Irish embroidery on linen 1 (2): Mrs M. Moorhead 1 ami Bunch of artificial flowers (1). Mra O. N Molt daintily dressed'doll (2): Mrs Pil>« 1, Miss Hastings 3. . Ribbon wort (3): Miss M. McMahon 1 and 2, Miss Hastings 3. • • Specimen crochet iu cotton (.4). Collection fancy work (1): Mis 3 Crawford • 1 * Oil painting .(6): Mrs Piper 1, Mrs W. Lochhead 2, Miss McMahon h" c. Crochet doyley (4): Mice L- Moorhead Wood carving (1) '■ Mrs R. Bishop c. St.-.ncillinc (1): Miss Hastings t• r , Ironed oliirt and collar (I): Miss Gordon 1 Hand-made ruffed basket (1): Miss E. Bishop he.. .TRODUCE. . ■ ' '(Stewards: Meedamea H. 'Sutton- and \V. \v orner, jiessra J ■ Storry and ii. Money.) Home-made scones {.'</: Mrs J- Williamson 1 Jars' U. -Nairn 2, Mi?a A.. ithexs J. a.!*. scones (2j: Mrs J. Williamson 1, Mrs G> 2> . .. ir_, I Homo-made jam, two varieties (.3). Mrs H. Schnelle 1 and 2, Mrs K. biahop J. ilome-mado marmalade W = -f;F s , Schnelle 1, Mrs J. Collier 2, Mrs iuncham bread (2): Mrs J. Williamson I, Miss L. Moorhead, 2. , Home-made fruit cake, not iced (o): Mro J. Andereou 1, Miss Hastings 2, Miss Bryan "'Best iced cake (1): Mrs K. Bishop 1. Home-made sponge cake : Muis Lowery 1, Miss Greenwood 2, Mrs J. T\ llhamson 3. Ho mo-ma do sponge cabo (8): Miss t. Hay 1 Mrs Goulden 2, Mra J. McConaghcy 3 - Home-made seed cake (2): Miss Lowery 1, Mrs J. Williamson 2. F*ncy biscuits (1): Mrs K. Bishop 1. Fresh butter (1): Mr» J Williamson Dozeu hen's egg* (2): Mws Gordon (lib 15io<) 1, M. Hantz (lib llioz) 2 Honey, in section, 2lb (li: J. S Inwood 1. Extracted honey (2): Mrs 11. Schnelle 1, Dr. Withers 2. Home-made pastry (2): Mrs Goulden 1, wine (7): Mrs Fincham 1 and 3 Mrs H- Schnelle 2. 'Home-road© jelly (4): Mrs H. Schnelle 1, Mrs B Biahop 2. Mrs J. Williamson 3. Home-made picklcc (2): Mrs H. Schnelle 1 Home-mad© sauce (3): Mrs J. Collier 1, Mrs H- Schnelle 2. Hnroe preserved fruit (S): Mts H. Schnelle 1 Mrs J. Williamson 2, Mr 3 J. Collier 3.

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 15488, 15 January 1916, Page 6

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FLOWER SHOW. Press, Volume LII, Issue 15488, 15 January 1916, Page 6

FLOWER SHOW. Press, Volume LII, Issue 15488, 15 January 1916, Page 6