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The annui! practical examinations in music hold in Chriaichurch by the Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and Royal Colifrge of Muaic, London, have heen cond-.Kt-ed during tho BMt tea days bv the examiner, I)r. Frederick U. Shinn, Mus. Doc, Dunela, A.R.C.M. and 1'.E.C.0. There xeet® 201 candidate entered, of whom 8 wre unable to present themselves for examination. The number examined *m 193, of whom 154 paired. 1 obtained a partial pass. 4 results will not bo. available until the candidate have completer! their exaroinatiin in theory and 34 failed. Tl»e «amM of successful candidates are as follow?, passes beinc. f or p i anoforUt> fcXW t where otlierwise stated: LICENTIATE EXAMINATION'S 1 L AB. Diploma.! , Teacher*' Certificate. Theodora Mabel Dudney (lira E. Firth> sinking, paftsed in Part I, ' Pcsrformens' Certifies to i'TiXO ) MaUde Ha!!iday lMr K - Firth, Albert Archie Scott (Mm E. Firth) Sinking. ' LOCAL CENTRE EXAMINATIONS. (I'ull marks 150, Honoars 130, Paea 103.) Advanced Grade, Pa®. Brown < Mr E - Firth, rl "' i' •it.C.U.) .. (t lift Id * J - . J ° h nston (Mr E. iimpeon',* ..115 Rhoda Oliver (Mi«» Araoe, L.A.E.) " 115 Claude Charles Watkine (Miea A \r "\Vatfcin3, L.A.8.) ' ' 110 Intermediate Grade, Honours. Mary i-aglesom© (Miss Amos, L_A.B.).. 130 Intermediate Grade Pase Marjory Little (Miss G. K. ftopenO p 0 Ivy Amelia Muriel Bailey (Miss II C Tucker) ' ,, 3 IvOU^ a _ "Waugh (Mr E." Firth, r «i<iv,U,) 118 Christina. Emma Brooks (Mias G A Durey) .. .. ' tl--01iv« Winifred (M:ea Alxc G Gibb) .. .. ]]" SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. 1 (Full Marks 130, Distinction 130, Pa«« 100.) Higher Division, Pass. Mark* Dorothy Diamond (Mias Arooe, L.A.8.) 122] Eagleaonio (Mian Aracw. L.A.8.) 118 Eoi*> Forrwnan (Sisters of U» M».«ion) .. 118 Elaio Catharine Smith (Mias A. M. ' Watkine. LA.8.l ng i Norma Mi'ddleton (SI. Marv'« Convent) 117 I Howard Bogil Bennett (Mica A. M. : Watkina. L.A.8.) UG Calma Loui/in Cleiiiera Starkcv (Mite H. C. Tucker) U0 Thelma Swanston (Misn A. M. Watkine L.A.8.) .. .' i (J g Ellen Cocker (Mies N. M&cloodsmith, L.A.8.) ..107 Evelyn Heyder (Mia* A. M. Watkins L-A.8.) 107 ! Alice Burke (Mi<w H. A. Sea.r»ll. L.A.8.) 105 : M»rg*ret O'Reilly (Sister* of the Mia- | •ion) .. ~ ~ .. 103 t Staalay Wfcitworth (Mias Emily Thomp- ' «*ra) .. ..105 Ursula. Steel* (Mitt* Id» Pole. L.A.8.) .. 101 Dorotlry Margaret. Burford (Miava F. and E. Shillito) .. .. ..ICO Eric Goodsir (St. Marv'fl Convent) 100 Inez McPhorson (Mias M. I). Abbott) .. 100 Lower Division, Distinction. Mabel Louiea Hobbs (Mias A. M. Watkins, L.A.8.) .. .. ] no Eteio May Ives (Sisters of the Mission) 3.10 1 Lower Division, Pas«. Margaret Naismith (Mias B. Hannam, L.A.8.) 1'23 Cora Bice (Miss IT. C. Tucker) .. 122 Lionel H. Cordery (Mr E. Empson, L.R.A.M.) .. ICO Gladjw Crem (Mwn L.A.8.) .. 120 Marjory Lake (Miss N. Macieodsmith, L.A.8.) .. ..120 Lillian Cooksoii (Mm W. G. Cookson).. 118 Vera Tbelma May Calvert (Mifio Waugli) ,116 Myrtle Fraßer (Misses F. aod E. Shillito) 116 Thelma Shaw (Sisters of tire Mission .. 11G Percy Truacott (Mias N. Macleodamith, L.A.8.) 113 Catherine Hart (Miss Amos. L.A.8.) 114 Dorothy Harvey (Miss N. Macleodemith, L.A.8.) 114 Reno Alio© Bilton (Mm MorgaJi) .. 112 Alica Myrtle Woodcock (Mms W*.uph).. 110 . Emily Leahy (Mr Arthur .. 110 Eileen Olive Mills (Mias A. M. Watkins, L.A.8.) .. .. 110 Bella Rattray (Miss N. Macloodsmitli, L.A.8.) 110 !May Kimo (Miss G. Pilte, L.A.8.) .. 108 Lulu Maud Ledsham (Sisters of the Mission) .. .. .. .. 108 Olive Catherine Richards (Mies E. M. Halliday) ' .. .. 10S Sadio Ruddock (Miss M. D. Abbott) 103 Elsie Winifred Hobbe (Miss A. M. Watkins, LAB.) ..104 Lance Smith (Misses F. and E. Shillito) 104 Carol Baldwin (Mr J. Holmes Runniclce) 103 Wavonev Bowbyee (Misses F. and E. Shillito) .. .. .. ..103 EveVn M. A. Poole (Mr Arthur F. Hookway) .. .. .. 103 Hazell Alford (Mr' Arthur Soaiell) 102 Alma Marie Shaw (Miss A. M. Watkins, L.A.8.) .. .. 10-2 Cocil Joecph Sutherland (Mr P. C. J. Amrarde) .. .. .. 102 Sybil Gwendoline Francis (Mrs L. Morgan) .. 1 01 Elementary Division, Distinction. Lena Keane (Sisters of the Mission) .. 130 Margaret Phyllis Nixon (Miss Eunice P. Smith) • ■ ■ - .. 130 May Florence Talbot (Misa G. Pitts, L.A.8.) 130 Elementary Division. Pass. Myrtle Louise Gray (Miss Waugh) 127 -Stella Munday (Miss N. Macleodsmitb, LAB.) .. ..12C Doris Popper (Misses L. and V. Barker, L.A.B.'e) .. .. ..126 Marie O'Brien (St. Mary's Convent) .. 125 Lina R. Williamson (Mi«ses F. and E. Shillito) .. .. 125 Helen Owoog Patdie (Mise Mary G. O'Connor) .. .. lit Miriam Pearco (Misses F. anii E. Shillito) 120 ' Eanioe Margaret Tail (Miss Alice G. Gibb) 120 Margaret Hayman (Mies I. M. Brierley) 118 Teresa Keane (Sisters of the Mission) 116 Rita May Seaton (Misses *I''. and E. Shillito) 11C ' Vera Eveline Bloor (Mias Waugh) 115 1 Phyllis Dudderidge (Sisters of the Mission) .•• .. 115 ; May Allison (Mis.* I. M. Brierley) .. 113 Thelma Lena Gcddes (Miss A. M. Watkins. L.A.8.) 112 Doris Ruddock (Miss M. D. Abbott) .. 11l ; Adelo Hodgson (Mr Arthur F. Hookway) 110 1 Marjorio Neave (Mise N. Afres) .. 110 Barbara E. J one* (Mr Arthur F. Hook- ] way) .. .. .. 100 Aileen Virian Whitta (Mr Sidney Williamson) .. ' 100 Adeline Colinan (Mies I. M. Brierley) .. 103 Harold Pamvroll Smith (Mi£s Eunioe I'. ' Smith) .. .. .. ..107 Ellen M. Hartley (Mr Arthur F. Hook- 1 way) .. .. .. .. 100 • Freda Ellis (Mke Emily Thompson), singing 103 Winifred O'Conuel! (Misses F. and E. ] Shillito) .. .. .. ■ .. i(K 1 Ivy Allison (Mis« I. M. Brierley) .. 103 ( May Barber (Miss Saintie Stevens) 103 \ Clarice Clarke (Sisters of th» Mission) 103 ] Doreen Parnham (Mias I. M." Brierley) 102 Edna uricl Spencer (Miss Ethel M. Jackson) .. .. 102 ' Rita Palmer (Misses L. and V. Barker, 1 L.A.B.'s) Nora Gwer.dolin« Sims (Mias Mand i Hazlehurst'i 101 j Estelle A. Woods (Misses F. and E. 1 Shillito) .. .. .. 101 Mabel Crawshaw (Mi.»s L. Harper) .. 100 I Stanton (Miss I. M. Brierley) .. 100 1 Primary Division, Distinction. " Alison Prebble (Misses I-', and E. Shilli*) -.130,® Iris Sherwood (Miss E. Culliford) .. 130 Primary Division, Paas. | Arnold Morley (Miss L. L. Steward) .. 128 t Ivy Gilmour (Mi« Amoa, L.A.8.) ..125 Mary Catherine Vincent <Mise G. Pitts* C L.A.8.) .. ' 135 Marjorie Emma Purdon (Mies L. L. J Watkins) V Cedric T. Haberiield (Misses F. and E*. Shillito) .. .J ]23 Linda Alberta Niall (Miss L. L. Watkins) .. ..122 John Raymond Puddle iMjss L. L. Waikina) .. .. .. ..121 Viokt iMiss E. Culiitord) 120 William J. Chataeld \Mr Arthur F. Hookway\ violin ~ 120 Clarice Jackson (Miss B. Hannam LAB.) .. Marjraret Florenoe Lang (Miss O. G. Mills) .. .. ..120 Doro'.hy Alexandra Maud Moore (Miss Waugh) ..130 Dorothy Eileen Ogier (Miss L. L. Watkin?) .. .. .. 1-20 Nancy it it a Palmer (Miss L. L. Steward) 12& Stella '*--<Icline Wise (Misses F. and E. i Shillito) .. .. .. .. 220 Ruth Konini Palmer (Miss L. L. Ste- ' ward) .. .. .. 118; Doreen Ruuy Orchard (Miss L. L. Stc- ' ward) .. U7 ' Moll- Chapman (Miss J. Cook.) HG j--2i;» Humphries (Sisters of the Mission) 11G '

Mary Dorothy Matheson (Miaa H. C. j Turker) .. •• 110 Amy Youn:r (Mii S I. M. Brierleyi .. 11G - Margaret llavman (Miss I. M. Brierley) 110 Rima Pope (Sisters of the Mission) .. 113 Hilda Gonildi'je MamfoiU (Miss L. L. I . Wat kins) . •• 111 Evelyn McAloon (Sister!" of the. Mission) 114 C.ive Pulley tl. K. Uotrers) .. 1M ! Elsio Mand Bedwell (Miss H. C. Tucker) 113 I Noelino ICeetley (Misw 1. M. 113 I ; Ilo«a. Jooenhine Hcynoltls (St. Mary's Convenit .. _ .. 113 I Constance Catherine Bom ford (Miss L. L. Watlcinet .. .. •• 112 I Olive Haish iSt. Marj-'f. Convent) .. 112 Clarisee Martin (Misa O. Harris) .. 112 Gordon Green (Hiss I. M. Brierley) .. 11l Fmm is .lolm Alaboater (Misses P. and K. Shillitoi 110 Nor:l Paulina Xial! (Miss L. L. Watkins) .. ..110 Dorothy Overton (Sisters of tho Mis- ; sion) •• -• •• 11® , Stella N'aismith (Misjt B. Hannam, ! L.A.8.) - .. •• .. 109 j Ellon Power (Mlrs Amy Taylor) .. 103 I Alan McKeon, (Mr P. C'. J. Angarde) .. 107 ' Joan Jamic-son (Miss IT. A. Sea Tell, L.A.8.. St. Margaret's .. 106 IsA'oelie Bollirpon iMias T. M. Brierley) 100 Marian K. H&dVy (Mr Arthur F. Hookway) • • 10* Gwenda Murfield (St. Mary'fl Convwnt) 104 Mary Beniudolto Holley (St. Marj - 's Convent) •• •• 103 Gladys Blaaey (Miaa T. M. Brierley) .. 102 Kubv Daplinc liav (Misses F. and E. Shillito) .. .. •• •• 102 John Robert Middlcton (Miss Alexander, L.A.8.) .. ... •• 102 Harvey Albert Birdling (Miss B. M. Stanbury) .. .. • • • • 101 Valda. P'fit 'Mise L. Koall) .. •• 101 Maiarico Whnlo (St. Marv'« Convent) .. 101 Viola EUm (Miw H. A. L.A.8.) 100 Dorothy T. F. Gardiner (Mr Arthttr F. Ilookway) .. .. • • • • 100 Eileen (Mr P. C. J. Angarde) 100

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15437, 16 November 1915, Page 4

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ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15437, 16 November 1915, Page 4

ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15437, 16 November 1915, Page 4