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vUy Cabk.—l'rcas Association. —Ccr" r 'ih'-) BANK OF ENGLAND KETUKNS. LONDON, September 23. The Hank of England returns issned Wednesday, Sfoteinber 22nd, afford the following comparison:— Sept. 13.. S«pt.2o. £ £ Com .. .. 6;i,300 000 02,539,000 Ileserve .. .. 60,€72*.0W 49.728,000 I'rop.jrtioii of reserve to , liabilities .. .. 23.03 25.00 Circulation .. 31,515,001> 31,623,000 Public deposits .. 121.505,000 103,738.000 Othor dopoaiUs .. 90,168 000 89,»M6,0C0 Government aecuriiie# 31,413,000 31,81E 000 Other securities .. 144,955,000 135,877,000 Short loans, 4} per cent.; • three months' bills 4 1-16 per cent. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. The following are the latest quotations for Government securities, with a comparison with those ruling last u'ocli: — Last Vaiuation. week. £ b. d. X s. d.

Mfrr,vLs. Copper.—Spot £6Q 12s Gd to £09 ITs Gil. three months £70 10s to £70 lfia. Tin.—Cash £1.50 to £150 10s, tlirco hionths £150 15s to £151 ss. Pig Iron.—(^i s Id. Load.—£24 to £24 17 s C<l. SilFor—23jd per oz. ; BTJGAII. Tho market is firm, American granuspot, 32s Od. j BRADFORD WOOL MARKET. The Bradford market is fairly chcor- , fui. Merinos and fine crossbrcda aro , firm. Quotations: 40'» 25|d, 40'9 23|d. I dairy produce. ; Butter.—Tho market is very firm. ' Danish is advancing continuously, owing to largo Gorman purchases. It is expected that tho shortage of choicest ' brands will continue till colonial ahip- ; ments commonce to arrive. ! Cheese. —The market is steady and unchanged. CEREALS. Wheat.—The market is firm. Floor.—The market is firm, but inactive. Oats.—Tho market ia firm. La Plata, shipping and shipped, 34s 4id. Beans and Peas. —The market ia firm and unchanged. LONDON WOOL SALES. LONDON, September 23. At the wool sales, merinos were irregular, attd in buyers' favour. There -wag all-round competition for a good selection of crossbreds. Tho following prices wore realised for the fleece portions of tho Netr Zealand clips named:—Gore top 18d, average I6jd; Erowhon top l&4d, average 19d; Oruamatua top 21 &d, average 21d.

MELBOURNE MARKETS. MELBOURNE, September 24. Wheat—Bs Id per bushel. Flour, £17 per ton. Oata—Algerians, 3s 6d to 4s"; Chilis. 3s Gd; Japanese, 2s s|d to 2s Bd. Maizo—4s Bran—£4. Pollard—£6. Potatoes—£7 10s to £8 5s per ton. Onions —£5 10s to £6 per ton. OATS FROM CHILI. SYDNEY. September 24. A shipment of sixty thousand bags of Chilian oats has arrived. Dalgety and Company. Ltd.. hare received tho following message from their London Office, dated September 22nd :— ''Tallow,—Prices at this week's sales were unchanged to sixpence per cwt. higher." GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKETS, far oub coxxebcUx, XDrroa.'V Friday Evening.

The wheat market is still depressed, and the opinion is gaining ground that the Government should allow tho export of a portion of the estimated surplus. There fear of a scarcity of ■wheat next year, ae even%if the crop fails through A continuance of the present dry weather in Canterbury and North Otago, there will be the largo surplus in Australia to draw upon, at what in these times may be considered a moderate price. Already growers are anticipating much lower prices next year, and it is stated that several offers of next season's wheat hAve been made at 4 S 6d and ss. at country stations.

There is no movement in other lines of grain or produce, and the continued dry weather is hampering tho seed trade. . ,

There are few potatoes offering and the price is Btill.£s, at country stations. The following are the prices paid to farmers at country stations, free of commission, Sacks extra, except where otherwise stated:—

Wheat —(Nominal). Oats—(Nominal). Barley—(Nominal). Flour—£l4 f.0.b., 1001b bags, £14 10a. 501b bags £14 15s. 251b bagjs £15. Bran—£s 5s per ton, for shipping. Pollard—£6 per ton.

Oatmeal —£23 per ton. Oateheaf Chaff —(Nominal), £6 10b to £" per ton. Potatoes—£s per ton. Ryegrass—os to 5s 6d, extra, to 6s. White Clorer —Is to Is 3d. Cowgrase —7d to Bd. Peas—Partridge, 5a 9d to 6a. Cocksfoot —0d to 7d per lb. DAIIIT PRODUCE. There is no chango in dairy produce. A feature of the trade is the heavy buying of cheese in Southland bv Home firms at an averago of about per lb f.o.b. There are now good supplies of but-

ter coming to hand. Eggs aro rather firmer. JiOcal -wholesale prices aro reported a* .titider Butter—Factory, Is M. to Is od; farthers" separator. Is 2d: dairy, Is la. Cheese—Factory, lOd; dairy, 0d; loaf, 9d. Bacon —Sides, 9Jd; rolls., 10Jd; ham, 9Jd. Honey—Extracted. 3j"d per lb. Eggs—lid per dozen. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. A shipment of Fiji bananas arrived at tho beginning of the week, and met "with a ready sale.- Supplies of lenions, oranges, mandarins, and piues came to hand from Sydney. Local supplies of frtlit are very scarce. Shipments of San Francisco apples are duo early next month. The market has been well supplied with vegetables. Wholesale prices are:— Apples, dessert 3d, cooking 2£d petlb: pcare, .5s to 7s; oranges, 17s to 18s; mandarins. 18e to 20s; lemons, 14s to 13s; bananafl, 12« to 14s; pineapples, lGs to l's: passions, lL's to 13s per case. ■ ' ' Cucumbers, local hothouse, 10*1 to la i per lb: potatoes, 10s 6d to lis 6d per *aek; cabbages, Is Od to 3e; cauliflowers, 2s 6d to 3s 6d; carrots, 8d; turnips, 7d; parsnips, 9d to lOd; rhubarb. 03 to fis; asparagus, 93 to 10s per dozen ; onions, 'Frisco los per case, local os per cwt. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. -Mediterranean Fruits —Bulk dates quotations are um-tiangeU, but cartons havo ailvaiiccd 2s, and ireignt space is now almost booked up. Ola crop Sicily almonds hare been reduced 8s per cwt. Currants and Jordan almonds quotations remain the same. Califurnian Fruits, fcteedlcss Raisins, and Seedless Sultanas —The inaiketsaro particularly strong, and a iurther advance this week of Is 2d per cwt haa been made. Tho excited condition of the markets, and a largo proportion of the entire crop having been sold, the remainder being in tho hands of tho nac-kers, has been responsible for higher prices. The European markets, particularly London, havo absorbed large quantities of these goods, and as they are still buying, further advances are looked for. Apricots—Stocks remaining in California arc being gradually taken up by the packers, ro that very few are now in the hands of tho growers. What remains is being held for higher prices. Peaches —Tho sale of peacnes hats been comparatively slow, and the crop being a largo one. it is not anticipated that this market trill advance. Prunes continue to advance, and during tho week, quotations were increased by 7d per owt. Further advances arc fully expccted. Tapioca and sago have advanced Is per cwt on a ming market. Supplies of "Skipper" sardines aro now coming forward, but prices will be slightly higher. Linseed oil has advanced id per gallon during the week. a White and red lead quotations are unchanged. Linolenms—•Advances within the last fow months equal. 5d per square yard, makmjr lOd advance for the running yard. Furthermore, many designs have been withdrawn on account of suitable dyes being unobtainable. T/ICKSTOX STOCK SALE. 111 consequence, of tho horse pantile taking place at Leoston yesterday, there was a much larger attendance than usual at the fortnightly stock sale. The principal topic of conversation among farmers wa« the weather, which has been far too dry for this season, i The exceptional shortage of feed had it marked effect upon store stock of all classes, -while fats, on tho other hand, I continued to fetch tot satisfactory prices. # The entry comprised a few small lines of shesp. 2-50 store pigs Ho fat pigs, and 60 head of cattlo. A largo proportion of tho cattle yarded were springers in very poor coudition, from which little return could ho expected in tho milking season. Tho sale of auch springors and other store cattle was a dragging one, it being a difficult matter to dispose of tho animals, even at gift pricos. Fat pigs remained firm, but stores wero easier, the supply boing in excess of the demand. The rnnge of values was as follows : — Fat hoggets 16s Gd to 23s 6d, unfinished wethers 18a, backward Btoro hoggets 5s 9d. bacon pigs 56s to 80s, equal to Cid to 6Jd per lb, choppers to 80s Gd, wean era from 3s od, fat cows to £8. best springers £5 to £8 6s. medium and poor-conditioned sorts from £2 10s and aged cows at still lower rates, yearling store heifers to .£2 10s. OOALGATE SALE. At the Coalgato salo yesterday, the entry comprised 10 sheep, 10 pigs, and five head of cattlo. A few sales, wcro made at ruling rates.

AX AUCKLAND LOAN. ("press association tklkgram.) AUCKLAND. September 24. The Auckland city loan df £239,500 has been placed as follows: —Australia £150,000 at 4| per cent., Bank of New Zealand £59,000 at 5 per cont., and the Auckland Savings Bank £30,000 at 5 per cent. The yearly interest averages £4 18a 112 d per cent.

BAKER BROS. THE HOifE-FINDERS. Baker Brew, report having lot the following properties during the present week:—Steven street dwelling, for Mrs Barker, to Mr Wright; Fitzgerald Avenue dwelling, for Mra Mitchinson; Courtenay street, new bungalow, for Mr Kerr to Mrs Stafford; Colombo street, shop and residence, for Sir Hulston, to Mrs Cusack; Queen street residence, for Mr Chamborlain, to Mr Tarpey. Nursery road dwelling, for Mr Chinnery, to Mr Rich; Barbadoes street cottage, for Mrs Clark, to Mrs Duggan; Fendalton bungalow, for Mr Cook, to Mr Olliffc. 1 6 'LEEFIELD." The subdivisional sale of "Icefield" is expected to be attended by many buyers, from Canterbury and other parte of. New Zealand. "Leefield" wool always commands a top prico in the Home market, and this can easily be understood by thoso who know the estate. The terms will not only prove attractive in themselves, but they also serve to show that the owner, Mr I>illon, is out to sell, not merely to try to 601 l his country. Full details are given in an advertisement in this issue. Plans of the property may be obtained from Griffiths Bros., Ltd., Blenheim, or Messrs Pjrno and Co., Christchurch. who will jointly act as auctioneers. 62 CHRIBTCHUBCH STOCK. EXCHANGE. YESTERDAY'S TRANSACTIONS. Salt reported :--W»ihi Grand Junction, XI

YESTERDAY'S BUSINESS ON OTHER EXCHANGES. (press association telsqbams.) AUCKLAND. Salos: —Talisman, 18» 6d; Woihi, 36s 3d. ■STELLINGTON. Sales reported;— Bank of Now Zealand (old) £10 ss; Wellington Trust and Loan, 47 7s; Union Steam Ship (pre!.), 20#; West* *p<>it Coal, 295. Closing mining quotations: —Dominion Developing Company, buyers 27e; Murray's Freehold, eollere 23e; Talisman, bnyois 15a, scllere 18 3 6d; Vfaihi, buyers 3Cs 6d. MINING. MOUNT MORGAN RETURNS.

(By Cable.—P«*» Association.—Copyright.) BRISBANE, September 24. For tho month ending September 19th the Mount Morgan concentrators treated 12,910 tons of ore, containing 241 tons of copper, and twenty-three ounces of gold, of ft total value of £63,966.

•2k rirr cent. Imo. Cons. 65 1 -3 63 1 3 N.S.W. 4«. 1933, Ju.. Jly- •• .. 95 0 0 85 1 3 X.8.W. 3J'e, 1930-50 .. 95 5 0 95 15 0 N.S.W. 3V«, 1990-30 .. 83 7 6 83 5 0 tf.S.W. d'«, 1925. Apl.Oct. .. .. .. 78 5 0 78 2 6 Vic. 4'e, 1920, Jnn.-Jlv. 95 7 G 95 G 3 Vic. 8J's, 19'Jl-M, JanJJy. .. .. 91 5 0 91 5 0 Vic. 3J'a, 1929-10 .. S3 5 0 83 5 0 Vic. 3'a .. 76 0 0 76 0 0 Qlittid. 4 s. 1315-25. Jin,Jly.' •• •. ... 93 o o 95 o o QUnd. 3J'«. Jly. .. ., .. 91 5 0 91 S 0 Qiand 3'«, 1922-47, Jan.Jly- ■■ .. ... 71 10 0 74 10 0 N.Z. 4'a. 1929, MayNov. .. .. .. 05 0 0 9.1 1 3 N A. 3j\ 1930, Jan./ly. •• .. .. E3 5 0 83 S 0 N.Z. 0'e, 1910, Jan.-Jly. 7C 0 0 76 0 0 S.A., 3i's .. 85 S 0 85 5 0 1939, Jan..jly 70 0 0 70 0 8 Tus. SJ's .. 85 5 0 85 5 0 Ta« »'e, 192&-40, Jia.Jly. •• .. .. 70 1 S 76 1 s W.A. 8J'», lBlt-SS, MayNov. .. 87 10 0 87 10 0 W.A. fr», 1915-35, MayNov. .. 62 0 0 S3 0 0

CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Buyer*. Sal lea. £ «. d. £ m. d. oi X.Z. .. 4 17 0 5 0 0 UniwTof Ai*tr*li* .. - 62 0 0 FINANOLA-L — _ Dalgety •• ~ 6 * ® permanent Investment — 3 2 » INSURANCE— •• ..2 3 0 2 40 ££ zUlind .. .. 5 13 6 5 15 0 Standard •• •• 1 13 0 MEATS- » Canterbury .. .. — *19 SHIPPING— . _ Union Stoun Ship 1 • — Union 8team Ship (5J per cent, preference) 0 13 9 — miscellaneousD.I.C. (6 p»r c«nt. pr«f.) — 10 3 Msaon. StniUKsrs (£1 paid) - • •• 103 110 N.Z. Farnwre' Co-op. (cnm. div.) • • 2 10 0 Whitcombe i»nd Tombs j (cum. dir.) .. 5 12 6 — |

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15393, 25 September 1915, Page 7

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COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15393, 25 September 1915, Page 7

COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15393, 25 September 1915, Page 7