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)'■>'■ When ,is Cupid is Old and Grey after a pride in her TUCKER JtL '- JL f • EngaggmrTrf-.Rzny; aye, and WeddinE £2 ** V"V*S9k ' King, too t O tk&ttM Why not come and see the latest W r?=N_ London deagj»TTC are featming ? «3V »/- in the £ ofif for cash. Ring card V VU/ : jf-«l aaid catalogue free. " _ wff*^ We have made qtrite a number of ; bridegrooms and brides happy this \i R week. Otir values will make yeo* jfi,*-J\. parse happy, too! fsi"jsL \j^ F. W. TDCSER I [JUNE PRICE REDUCTIONS Off. I SMART & STYLISH GQSTUiES Those ladies wbo desire to economise in their personal expenditure this winter are reminded that, in accordance with our ennoal custom, we are allowing a substantial reduction in price en s9 orders placed with as during the month of Jnne. In some instances these redactions will amount to as much as j£2 2s. We desire to emphasise th« fact that while these reductions <tre bona fide, the work and material put into each costume will fetain the same standard of excellence as heretofore. The price of Engfish and French materials has advanced very much -within the past sbc months, bat our heavy stocks of choice materials enable «s to mark oar appreciation of loyal support received throughout ' • fiie year by making the substantial annual reduction m prices : during the month of June, as we have done for the past ten years. EUGENE SPITZ & CO. LADIES' TAILORS 77 CASEEL STREET - CHRISTCmiRCS SB©X 4

■ hull I. I IMJH . •- .~-~ TENDERS. C___tSTCHtjRCH DRAINAGE BOARD. mENDERS will I» received up to Noon lA of WEDNESDAY, tho 80th instant, " for Emptying and Cleansing tho North Scp- " • tic Tank at the Sewage Farm,. Bromley. . Specification ana Conditions can be Been • at the Office of the Board, Hereford street. The lowest tender not necessarily ocooptoa. EDWIN; CUTHBERT. Engineer. Juno 23rd. 1915. ____■ j • TENDERS FOR LEASING. ':'■ £55 ACRES OP*KICH LAND 3SEAB CHANEY'S. TENDERS an invited by *u° _? a *s? Trustee for a FIVE YEARS' LEASE oi 355 ACRES, moro ox less, situated on Na*dei*B road, within 2 miles of Chanoy'a Railway Station, belonging to tho estate of the late Edmund Spenoex, and lately occupied by M r P. Dowdle. ~,.,. This property comprises some of tho best dairying and cropping land in the district, and » divided into suitable sized paddocks. The buildings comprise, a Dwellinghouse'of 9 rooms and th© usual" outbuildings. Within easy roach of tho property are. the railway station, creamery, echool, and Belfast Freezing Works. '»"_,_ ' Tenders cloeo at the Public Trust Oi- ,■<■" fie*. Christdhuioh, at noon, on MONDAY, i . 12th July, 1315. i-K- i For further particulars, conditions, ana \M form of tender apply to f' THE PUBLIC TBUST OFFICE, ■'■'-. 52i3 — . Christchurch. IT, T. BEOWN AND SON, t) • Timber and Coal Merchants, 570 COLOMBO STREET, Christclinxch. ■■, .■ ■ ' ' Building Materials of every description, including Jarrah, Oregon, Baltic, and Red Wood in stock, and Seasoned Timber roady for immedi*to use. Cement, Galvanised Iron, and Fencing Materials.Pelawmain, Abermam, Aberaare, Newcastle, Weatpart, Weatport-Stockton, and all Native Coals stocked- dry and under cover. Black Pine and Manuka Firewood. ' Price Lists and Estimates on application. P.O. Box SO6. Telephone No. 362. 89545 H3. O T I* E V, TTMBSB MERCHANT. . 66 Tuam street; H9 St. Asaph street, and 493 Hereford street, Linwood. . -All Descriptiona of BUILDING AND FARM MATERIALS - At Lowest Current 'Rates. Canterbury Agent for Brnnnex Tiles, Fireclay, Coke, Etc These Goods are the best manufactured in tho Dominion. . Sand, Shingle, and Rubble supplied. . -■ 09820 T» W. ENGLAND AND SONS, LTD, TIMBER MERCHANTS, I CALL ATTENTION TO THEIR EARGE ' STOCKS OF SEASONED BUILDING AND CABINET "TIMBERS. Orders Promptly Forwarded. Store and Yaxds, Tuam and St. Asaph streets. ' ~ E9323 '-■TOHN WALLER AND SONS, LTD, tf. Timber and Coal Merchants, and Importers. Established .. - 1876. Office and Yards: 167, 169 Tuam street. " Yards: 210-214, St. Asaph street. Large and Complete Stocks of Builders* ' and Farmers' Requisites. , COLONIAL TIMBER of Ev«ry Description. . Imported Timber, Jarran, Oregon, Baltic, Redwood, V.D.L- Yellow Pino, etc, etc i Heavy Stocks of Seasoned Timber ia sheds . ready- for uso. ' We will bo plowed to rnrnish QUOTATIONS for Building Materials, delivered to ' . any Railway Station. W9324-6931 i YOUR WATER SUPPLY. DONT war* for the rain, ensure an ample and steady supply of water by installing A TITAN It is simple, •trong.'and effective, and requires no attention beyond very occasional oiling. Write ' for free booklet, grviug full particulars, to - T. DANES, D97SI Lichfield street, Cbxistchnrcfc. ' SAGAR'S Celebrated "English Wood-work- - ing MACHINERY. Catalogues, que- < taiions. Sole agents, HENRY F. MOSS, LTD., Princess street South. M 6031 Dunedin. CONVEYANCES. COBB AND COTELEGRAPH LINE COACHE& ' LEAVE Arthur's Pass Station on arrival . of West Coast Express, which leaves Christchurch. at 8.30 aun. Tuesdays. Thiers- '. cays, and Saturdays. Carrying Passengers and their Luggage only for Hokitika, Westport, Reef ton, and Greymouth, arriving Grey-mouth same even- ' leg, 6.40 p.m. » Through rail and coach tickets can be obtained at Tourist OfEco, Christchurch, also : coach tickets for coach journey obtainable at the following hotels: —Warner's, Coker's. ' Storey's, Clarendon, and United Scmce J " Hotels; from Mr Cassidy, Springfield; Mr , XV. Campbell, Christchurch. j The management is under Mr H. Cassidy, 'who haa had sole management since 2573, 'tut forty-two years. CASSIDY and CO, LTD.. X ' Proprietors. . ' * LAKE- COLERIDGE AND GLENTUNNEL ROYAL MAIL COACH, 'A MAIL COACH leaves Glenrnncel fcr -" 'Jl. Lake Coloridgo, via Windwhistle House -and Sr-owdon, EVERY TUESDAY and FRIDAY MORNING on arrival of Train i " from Christchurch, returning in timo for th. evening train WEDNESDAY ar.d f SATURDAY. Soecial attention given to Passengers, and Faroe's forwarded for d^ ,livery bj Ccadi, A

H CONVEYANCES. EXPRESS MOTOR SERVICE. L. E. LAHGESEN and CO., Cheviot, Parnaasus, and Kaikoura, ROYAL MATT, CONTRACTORS (Between Cheviot and Mina Daily), Wo also run a- Daily Motor Service between Parnassus and Kaikoura. . Having Cars stationed at each end of this route, Tourista and Travellers will study their own interests to get in communication with us. Faros—2oe Single, 85s Return. Christohuroh Booking Agent, Mr H. B. Gould, Whit© Hart Buildings. Telegrams: Laugeßon, Parnassus. We connect with Clement's Royal • Motor Mail Service- to Ward and Blenheim. A KArKOTJRA ' MOTOR CO., "LTD. (Royal Mail Service). DAILY TIME-TABLE. (Weather and othor circumstances permitting) PARNASSUS to KAIKOTJRA, at 2.15 p.m. And KATKOTJRA to PARNASSUS, at 9.15 a.m. Distance, 38 miles. FARES: 20a Single, 35s Return. THROUGH BOOKINGS, via EAST COAST (in conjunction with Thos. Butt's Care) PARNASSUS to WARD (Or vico versa). 105 MiloB," for 455. TICKET AGENTS— N Z GOVERNMENT TOURIST BUREAUX THOS. COOK and SON. Or N.Z. SHEEPFARMERS' AGENCY, 155 Hereford street, Chriatchurcn. Telegrams: "Sheep, Christchurch." "Curran, KaDooura.'' X OVEENOR'S BAY AKD TEDDINGTON BOYAL MAIL COACHES. WINTER SERVICE. ' MONDAY,- WEDNESDAY, and SATURDAY will rnn Twice a day via—Leave Teddington 7.20 a.m., leave Allandale 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., leave Governor's Bay 8.15 a.m. and 3.15 p.m., returning from Lyttelton Railway Station at 9.30 «~m. and 4.30 p.m. TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and FRI- | DAYS will run once a day only, via—Leava : Teddington 7.20 a.m., leave Allandale 8 ami., ; leave Gkwernor'a Bay 8.16 a.m., returning from Lyttelton Railway Station at 9.30 a.m. - A. SMALL, ' Proprietor. Telephone, Allandale. 9498 I ~ ROYAL MAIL MOTOR COACHES, AKAROA AND LITTLE RIVER, p|ILKINGTON*S MOTOR COACHES leave •*-■ Littlo River for Akaroa 11.10 a.m., and Akaroa to Little River 9 a-m. daily. Passengers allowed 28lb Luggago Free. A charge of Id per lb for excess weight will bo made. Telegrame—Pilkirtgton, Alr3ro*. Telephone,' No. 5, Akaroa. X BOYAL MAIL COACHEST GERALDINE-ORARI SERVICE. LEAVE Geraldino Daily at 7.45 a.m., arrive Orari dally 8.30 a.m.; leave Orari daily 8.50 a.m., arrive GcTft'dino daily 9.30 a.m., leave Geraldino daily 9.30 a.m., arrive Orari daily 10.20 a.m., leavo -Orari daily 11.35 a.m., axrivo Geraldino daily 12.20 p-m., leavo Geraldine daily 1.30. p.m., arrive Orari daily 2.15 p.m., leave Orari daily 2.55 p.m., arrive Geraldine daily 3.40 p.m.. leave Geraldino daily 4.0 p.m arrive Orari daily 4.45 p.m., leave Orari daily 5.0 p.m., arrive Geraldine daily 5.45 p.m., loave Geraldino daily 5.0 p.m., arrive Orari daily 5.45 p m., leavo Orari daily 6.0 p.m., arrivo Geraldino 6.45 p.m. Fare*, Is 6d Single, 2s 6d Return. In connexion with the above I conduct a Livery Business. Gigs, Saddle Horses, Coaches, etc., on Hire at reaaomablo rates. General carrying and carting carried on. Samples carefully handled. Agent New Zealand Express Company. Horse Clipping dono on tho premises. Machino sharpened. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 44. X SHERRATT, Proprietor, Geraldine. X ERRETT'S NORTH and SOUTH LINE. ROYAL MAIL COACHES. PARNASSUS, BROOKDALE. HAWKSWOOD, CONWAY* FLAT. HUNDALEE, and KAIKOURA. \ ■ , Daily from October let to March 31st, leaving Parnassus 2.15*, returning from Kaikoura at 6.30 a.m. to catch Christchurch train at Paraji-saus. Thrice weekly from April Ist to September 30th, leaving Parnassus at 8 ajn. Mondays Wednesdays, and . Fridays, returningKaikoura Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6.30 a-m. _- ar€6 _Single, 16s Gd; Return, 32s 6d. CULVERDEN TO KAIKOURA. Culverden for Rotherham and Waiau daily 12.45 p.m. Waiau for Rotherham and Culvorden daily, at 1 p.m. Farce: Single, ss; Return, SsWaiau for Kaikoura, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 7.50 a.m Kaikoura fox Waiau Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 7.30 tun. FARES—Single, £1; Return, N.B.—All information given at Tourist Department Office, ox Thomas Cook and Son, Christchurch. X THOMAS DERRETT. Proprietor. METHVEN AND ASHBURTON COACH. A COACH Runs between Methven and Ashburton on TUESDAYS aad SATURDAYS. Leaves Methven 8 a-m., arrives Ashburton 10.45 ».m. Leaves Ashburton 4 p mv, arrives Methvem 6.45 p.m. Parcels sad Orders loft at Somerset Stables, Ashburton, and Methven Livery S tables. WARRE, HOCKLEY AND CO, LTD., ■IA7TNE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, .VV, CATHEDRAL SQUARE Australian Wines—All Best - Kinds. Brandy, Geneva, Gin, Rum, eta—All lauding Brands. Scotch Whiskies (guarant'sed Highland Malt), well matured in wood. Champagne, Burgundy, Claret, Port, asd Sherry—Specially selected Wine*. This Company guarantees that all Liqoosti cold by it are "ABSOLUTELY PUBS," and at prices to eait all customer*. ASSORTED DOZENS SUPPLIED. Cbaioust Brands of Ipdian and Havana Cigars. W8537

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15316, 28 June 1915, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LI, Issue 15316, 28 June 1915, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LI, Issue 15316, 28 June 1915, Page 11